The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 17, 1903, Image 7

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Many eftiM
has been fooled
bv the star rJ
that of zoU which
I to he found t
iooi oi i rain-
bow, and has Mired
out to jj.tlher ncbe
full happy drninw.
Many a man and
woman have been de- ;
ceWed hy the tale th.Ti
there wu health to 1
found out hevond the
aunaet, and they ha-e
am-a4awf n.a.a J-'
Tl : ,,, rr.'"mnl?
of a heatrhfnt
narer to be realized.
aoo'e who have tried change of r'ti.
L.e in vain for the cure of weak- lunirs
a.r K-en un.KUT ami Tft-'inin.-'-' .
Li bv the use of 1. Pierce- cw;,,,.n
af''-a. wiscovcry. ii cures (lon-.ite
. i Li I ,
r,roncnm. niee.i ivr in:;.,;,, eia.i-
and other condi: i ma.
.-i i Atnaf -.,.- i . .. ...i.. .1. t
l. . kUMauiiiifiti,
I 'i'lj t h1 4 w.rr At
: i'l 1 v ..
' . "I !V.1 IV. ,-
n'W "
.1 r
;" ', A .1.0.1 n ' j
: rati liin'v
I 0cir.l':r .',
. ic Coti'.i '.
. i iv. Sen.! ;i
r.f m.u'.i;', ,-;, ; .,, .
r, or 51 :'..r t'.ic v..l
; ! m c.!; br. X.. V.
liiilluio. N. V.
TT' lt.v KV A'.' : A
-"iu.iii enfr ..-te.1 to hi .r
r.r. iTU'it t'tentinll.
Lewiatown DiviHion.
la effect Nov. l:
rwrrViltll I HTATTOIfH. I
1 A V
t I m funhnry
3 In!'. llniirror .luncttnn
HI I.1 ; rt Mlinurror
in i . i'awlinif
.3 !.) J7 Krenmer
ul ;.. nl M.Mr
y :.l lii .Mnl...iur
10 IJ Benfer
4 III '.I Heavei-town
3 W Beaver prinfl
2 11 -W Ita.llin Milla
3 1: 19 Mct'liire
jt 11 :r Wimn-r
11 Hlmirfle
4 11 M Patnb-rvtlla
y '.1 1'J Maitland
I) 11 in Lewlrtnwn
t 3)
5 11
4 It
5 17
7 W
7 t
7 a
4 27
4 a
3 is
8 'ij
11 12 Lew1iitnwn(Maln rm.
11 13 LewlHtowa Junction.
rain leaven Sunbury S 30 p m, ar- pmcity right here in the United States, for those who dexire unmet hint; inex
nves at Selinserrove 5 4aom i T fvi.i, i m, ,,, .Kirf .,.;.... , : . .
lib OUUUUI T U.LJ U. ill.
tw ivuuwut j f- !
(HUH lllk V J wik-.uvvu 4UII1IUIUH
m n, 10 14 n m. 1 lfl o m.l.Kip m I Ifip m, 7 'JSp
I. S 17 a m, 12 J2 a w for Aluxma, Plttubunr .m.i
,i2 imforASa?
fa w-t.
for Haltlmore ii( Waahlnitton SUB m 9T7,
IK. 1 V I IS 5 12 4 10 D ill F .r Phllailelelili in.l
lrYlrt 7m. SiM. 27 ra. 1 iH 110 1 6 4 !S ') 12
led tl is pi Kor tiarrtpburu 10 p m
Philadelphia & Ere R R Division
Trilii leaves Seiin rnve Junction .1e.Uv for
k,jb'!'" an-l West.
4 a i :n. !4 5p m, 1 02 p m. Siiiniav 9 a i in.
il p n.
in" l.uve siinhurr .tallv exceiif Sun. lav:
I .T i ii fnr B'llT Uo via Ijupoium. 1 il in for
re Jii'l t'anin.laiKiia
i in 'nr llrllelonte brie unit anan.laiifaa
i tn rnr iak Haven. Tvnine tin.i i lie ,V.-st.
lilt p mtcr Buffalo, 113 p in for lioltciom
liuf ryr.ine aiiU t'anan.Uutu:i
im ior aea.iv.i and h.lniirta
.J! j :n "r iVilllnmsport
1.1.1:17 vi .T i m for Buffalo via Ka.ponum.
i.i inter brie, 5 "I im r trie nu au.iu-
a.u . i4 l m for Wllllanjspurt 4i: a m lor
Ua Harm and IS Mt p in fur BuiIiko
W a in, ' 54 m .X) iiu.l 5 a p m tor WUKe-
arm ami Haieiton
1 iu. I' Hi a in, i . p m, 5 35 p in lor Sham.
111, 1 i- utii i'urtuui i & .1 in ler ,A'Uaehurre
I'Miti? It'iive Sollnfirnive .lun.'tion
l.kl . ... .1.11 v um.n.. ... ji,.i..i..,.,.i..
put Now Yark 3 3Sii m Haltim.m.i 11 -.. tn
lmit..ii 4 2 iu .
ip .i 11 laiiy iirnvtna ;it PhiliiUeltiaia
lmon.irl2iain. Haiumore 9 4pai,
uniiiisKiii 111 1 p m. i
m .u. u :i 1 1 v arnTiTiit .14 rmiaticmiiia
ill. BW Yurie 71H & Jl. Kaltltnora '2 JJ A :n
lleillliKK.II J Mm
rrtiiis aiHJ leave undury
ii w .1 iu laily arrlviiiK at PhilaOeiahia 7 7 a tn
lii iu. ru 7 JO m W&abinnluu ? '0 am New
M i .u ;i tii WhIiiIiii, 111 j(m Su naa ,
I w mu Ja.iy arnviuit a( PlulatlelpUia 7 ti
Hi, Ni. Yor9 .13 it ui, lOaSSUudtlis Biuil
1 J in. W,istiliik-iou S4A a in.
; a iu wuk ,i8 arrtTlnK at Ptilladelpma
a '", N York H Oi p m. Baltlmonj 11 14 p
l a-vi'l.tiluti 1 20 p Ul
' I. il im aaya lurirlou at Philadelphia
x tor JO p iu, HaUi more o w p :u
muu, f la p Ua
l'.'U p tu
f. Am.- i.xi leave Suuburv at SAOamand & 10
f 1 ' ! I- 'a, lur Harrieburg, Philadelptiia aud
I J. K. Wt lull. .TaiHc laea lr.
O. 1 . IIUYU. Ufll l PaaMUeier AkouI
a . u. ... .. , I
I Markt Si., Marrisburjj'Pa., '
Hb.iKvlia p, K, K. 1NihI Knlram-e)
valiaii lor All rrte'Nav j
Mile, .'Saiul 50. UihhI MettU, J54:
Mu.ittonin iav t !,outcmu tuatiao
f"va in till. I'ouiii) and ulhilii4S ktr.Kii y
f . i and ki.owi. ,.1 auiid
f'K-ial alaudtiia. IJCOalra'ahl oub aalai v
E 1H i4ja. ii, ea l, MuliJajr ty vbwk di
iiu lHa.(u.lrra. Kapvuao money aJ
r . itwuuu iKiiuaiioua. .viaiu.a
'iler. 610 flunun Uldg., CbUaav.lll.
h iaaa atavd Wafea aat lh
Vitlv Hruauo-Qululuo 'lableu curu
i . ufe.TsS-wWirA Ja5
r ARaiE WAS NO FOOL. MrjtUiV4tfcViJl
i'rearlte.: .1 .eiv Kind ef Tfeei-
rr.eiiy I., t'.e R'linrtrr lhn
Came In Interview Him.
A ' ioh ingl on correspondent of one
' the reat da;i es, feeling "ail rua
J" n as a res'iii of vain atremnta to
mann.:4ct-ire n.i about Prof. Lanr
i "Ini.ard " recently concluded
E tn.'., iniu ihe rn'al districts
V :r;, jo re rue. After a
! ; '' re--i . !.: ; j-.-.niiiis'ic ir..; i
r - r : .: :-. ...a,
.. f.u-
'A '. . .
1 1 1
TALKIN.; Tli;....S iA"it
8T 7ilo!san' 1". TTTt af'er a few remar'.s
about. '!n w.-.f I-r and the crops, ex-
plain.t his errairl.
"Want 'o interview me, h?" anld
thf farmer. "I ni""r had my .'xner!-
en. ijlvln' !n;.r.':ews. hut. If your
hearr Is set on it, zo ahead. What do
you waar me 'o "aik annuf?"
"Well." said 'he reporer, scratching
his nose, relief; ;vey. "suppose you
give me your vi.-ws on reciprocity."
"Couldn't have suited me better for
a subject, mister The fact Is I've been
thlnkln' a cood deal about nclproclfy
lately. I believe in it. I don't mean
kreclprocity wit h Cuba nor Canada, al-
thouph that may be all very well in
Ita nlace What T want to see Is reel.
at home. I want the fellows
. . . . , , .
wrin novo hauivt an irtH rt rr tTio hloaafiK'tt
nf nrnrecrlon for a oo.1 manv v in
a little with the famer. "
What do you propose?" asked the
wiebier of -be pencil, who benan to
see that he wxs 'ettinir mnn than he
"Well." said 'he "I "in'
eome nlan adonte.) hv 'vhich a nar of
the tariff er.ji.otod will net ba.'U '
h nral ii :ric's. I . understand
t h. ere s a
wn h'-r in -i-
vho lias :n'rn'iced a bill that w;i io
i;,- 'rtsiness f mean 'hat bi!'t hp
v:.iin ''or government m aid in
lnnrm-'n' bc 'cads in 'he rinl -M--
trc'S. That 'vrntH be reat b!"
no' only n 'hi
'n'dv. Talk
,iur"('s ' i li
do Tt'.or0 r i
hui'dln' snod :
ffirrr.ers. nut 'o v. r-"-ai'our
'pplnr)iK r"-
'd ";now what -v'-'t' l
"'on this cmtr.trr f- an
"ads. If 'bis nlan was
a.'nr'e't a few x'.'iiions .-.f 'he 'ae
fbc farmers ?ay wouli! crtrjc bar'-
ern and ,.''rn
hartr" of
c.,.i;ii rivtltre. "i'her, for "he rer
wn'iid lie snent 'or nubile imnrov'Tn-r-t
and would 'vnetit ail sections an! ail
classes. ow 1 '.tant to see T.e ,
rn - onie who have lieen nroteced
, , . . , , . ,
l"na Mirn in and help he farmers
that law passed. Tlat 3 trie Ktn.l
reciprocity I 'teiieve in."
How much more the farmer mish'
have said the reporter will jh-.t
know, for hrt in,un!ew was just 'hen
interrupted by a blast from the din
ner horn.
l ar C Canee for Sllitare.
The vaiue of ribbon-, ane and S4inf'i':m
for siiaue is au interesting .juesuon
iih which ton few exitertnienis have
rid. .rvhuru in the s,!o makes
a very sour suae oi lair lit-u :o; vitoe-.
Kibbou-cane. being sweeter hap
!;hum, would undoubieiily triai e a
si-utvr silage, as most of the sugars .ire
changed into acids of various kis.;s
Tho bagasse, or staiks of cane, after
Ing through the crusher sail otuuaiti
cousttieraMe juice, and could t'robaui.v
t.. ii, .1 for sioiite with .litVHio Site. .t
f - r Indian .t.rn '. the miiy rirst-ciass
Siiae piani ' iial has b-u ii'iovei t w.
Tins is tH'Kiise 'I contains more a
,:"' " ' !ik.t than tiu-st
t.,an:s, cspc. i.ii.v 't ':) oars are
iiiio tho silo aiong ilh the stalks.--I'rmrio
W Itcu llt.raea ire Kuuitere.
Whoa the toi1. cl boi'M btccmo .-o;-.'
frvm tiavcltng or. rough, dry ivads. '.io
c,.i.c',vC!.t a '.c iviive ami euro tlicia
Is to piaco a c' soft ioaihtT or foit
bctviofu tho sv'ie of tho fool and '.!'.;
khoo Soil, slruug caifsiiiu is lueiii
able. I'lacc U ilai upon tho floor, tiicu
VUI. tho shoo Uvu it u;:d down ;.::,!
cut with a sliarp kulfv a ploco iu laio
Si ihtf silcK.'. I'Ut this bt04lU tha) Slfv.'fc
and the hoof bvloto nailing ou sIun.. Ii
III protect ib ftoK Jid sido of fo it uu
tU sorouOM Is gone. -l.tM is O. Folio. Iu
OraniiA Judd Kaxiuer.
If tho co Kicks thor is usually a
cftiiso. lVu't bo rough, doo't pluch,
cut your Ami or uaila abort,
r - i
.1- 4
The Eminent Kidney (
and Bladder Specialist.
1 - . a "VI. - " "
a 1 1 i ii
L"""e-""- 7 ' I
ae Stscovtrer of Sivnaip-Root at Work la
Si laboratory.
:" " -'' pwviiifnj in thl
r.' rr.c i i.injjirous ricause. so defeo-
.n deaths ar caused by
:n',:.i, heart failure
".n ! rijV. ,if iiri
riney r
ij a'.!cv-; J ij ..d
".'1 b!i:iv.-..l atticit
k...'-- -, '--.r e
.1 i.- ;
:u.. ..... .
"i . n .:n-ii
Willi. "
It.--, -v.-:
(I I..T-,
:i'H'i..'i. .." r i'or';.
-. 11. !i'-!- - r ' : -i'l. ,.
ot'-.I.Tii. i.itvoih tr.mtile o' any kind.
fur 1 lin-e I'.-viviiiL' frmn a ier;i..l o''
i' i.i i'..rall '.vim ie'l lir. 'l. 'v.-ak,
worn nut. (
VINTF.-NA a.;-, with .juick and'
voiidert'iil r."u!tM It pin-, new l.i(...
into t he Veil,-, new life ,1.1.. tile iiniy-,
it 1111m every nene cell with vilii-niion 1
and eneriry. TRY YIN-T F.-XA and
you h ill 11.1i rail to recoiimieiiil it toi
your friend and neifliliors. !
Y1X-TK-XA is -.old under a pnitivei
utiarai tee. if it fails to benefit yetir;
nullify will be promptly refunded. All'
dniL'yiets. I
riie Post has the liandHoniest line of
'v,t mn.le: desiens are all
!inyriirllted. We have, a client or line
vrx-.TP.v , fZ .
v a. a-v . 1,11c ae i raimL i ait L4II1 It
Weakeiie.1 I.ervmiH system.
xhaiiHtl vitality, hra.ti-fair, nervous-
slwplewness, by purifyini?
and replenishing th-t Idisid siipnlv. I
Makes t aire red iilood. iuaranteeii. '
Ail dniifiri-ts.
What Shall We Have fur Hcscrt
riii- 1 1 4 f i . 1 1 an-es m .1,,. fin.iiv
everyday. Let us answer .t to-dav. ,
Try Je!!-(). a .lelicmus and lit a.lliful '
ie-ert. 1'fepare.i in two minute-.. N..
l . 1 1 i 1 1 vr ! Xi l.akiiur ' -imply add !,!'..
mi.' w .ier and -et to .-(Mil, Flavors :
.t iuoii. i )Riiii;e. Raspberry and -Taw-l.eiry.
i let a packaie at your grocers
to-day. '.o
YIX-TK-XA Tlieiireur X.-rve r. -ni.-Body
Umlder. 15! Puruier. A Sp.
.lilc for A.l Xervous ( '.uidition.-i r.
Iiiinin; a ToiiR-trt'inftlieniiiir M.nli--:uie.
It makes Pure lilood ; ,-iv.t.,
"treimtii and Yiu"'r to imth the N. r-voii-
aid Muscular Systems. If uotl
beueiittMl money refunded, all drtii;-:
ZION'3 AS3ET3 OVER $1800X00 j
"Prophet" Dowie Makes Proposal to
End Financial Tangle.
Chicago, Dec. S. in a utatement
which jlacvi his assets at more than
four timus as much as hi3 liabilities.
John Alexander Dowia, at a meetins
attended by a rnajority of his credi-
tnr. oi,iiit.j .,r,.i.,u.,; h wh.,.h ir
is believed that the financial tangle at
icu L'.ty will De straigntiinea out :n
a satisfactory manner.
in LViwie j communication his assets
are dvciared to be J1S.S44.210. and his
Iiaoil'.tics only $4.05S.3. Of t!io lia-
hUitjes $4.-0? ,s merchandise lndebt-
edn ss. Notes bearing 3 per cunt. In
terest wore offered by Dowie in set
tic.intic. and lie agreed to take up 10
per nut. f ii.s indebtedness in threoj
ruoiiii s. - : r cent, jsn months, 25 j
yor .rui. in tune mouths, and tho re-j
:udin.:ig 4 1' ; r cent, in one year. Tho
ci e.iit i s ao veie represented at the j
tueoiiiig tiii'iigut the propxisal reason
able. ;uid a comuntteo was appointed
to .4k furuiir .ietails.
Lyies siaieiuent of his resources!
iuciuded land, buildings, stock in the i
if. ton Oty lave industry, bills reoeiv-,
able and other iteuis not named. Of i
his total indebtedness that due for ;
bank deposits and shares of stock in i
tho various Zlon City industries wad
! placed at J.l0.o7. maturing la 191i
i and lulls payable on account of
! laud werrj placed at 1313,403. due In
I loo and ti0S. Th Judgmnt duo
I Samuel Steveusou Is $10i),0t)0. for
hica secured notes have boen given.
This leaves ouiy $4.2.27 due to out
side creditors on merchandise) ac
counts. It Is to the holders of these
outside claims that Dow W mavia the
offer of s)tUeuMl.
Some Foolish People.
Allow a rvMjtrh to run 'antiM ret
l- oi.d the reach of medicine. They
p-v' ,r w"r "7. ! Fischer, a
Irtiiin nwl fjn it i t. i-rthem; pieces by '.
way. CiiM di- y ii.'.-.i id try j cae ac '. i
tht i;creiir! miMfine i,: !r"np' ' pfcpl. c )i '
Ii.i!am. whi-h l "-olil or . , - :ive
P'rnt to ctirn, ih y ,..', , , u.-di-a;e!y
- thf rx.-i'i -iit (!' t ;i 'ak
' lnr the (1 r fi fru-e 2.V. him! "jV-.
Tltsl Uk ff-. At a. i uriiiOnt.
Take VTN-T7.-NA snd t!i- . :'-
f(ct wi he niiiue 1it ml vi -
stp.i.. you will f. i-l i rf-jr! i f - '
active, y.ti will fi-l n.-n . . ....I
i-i.iir-in th;. y r vts.- V I
TK-.VA wi
I ;i. t !if ii.u
y. i.. . : t-i .
A ii I -i ' .'
y. : f . -
tit : r- c ft
Thi Review of Revie'v : ifte-, i
necessity, ;n rec-'4nition of :ts uiefulncns .n ko.?
r;aiisrs "up with the time".."
Ir Presidential election y-ar rhe. REVIEW
OF REVIEWS i-, more than zvs ''the; necessary
magazine." Everybc.iy 'intsfobe rraly ind -luiclclv
infcrme.i about this or that public question that has
forged to the front ; to lenow about the new candi
dates and personal factors :n politics, to have a com
plete picture at hand of the current movement of
Ir Dr. SImw'i elltoTtal, n '. tuihentie ind 'Imely :in
tnbiiltrt articlrt :n anlliant chrrer ktch 'a ita 'nndn.
allnn n1 rviewn cf ill The import en t eriiclee of . ,i her iinee
an.l n tn nundr.rl e month -.f viluehle "nrtre.rt wtty -.rrnrne
and interntin view., the REVIEW OF K EViEWS lr ihe
much tesireit new of the w.rld't end air owl -ireereo T-.e
Wir'1 sa.1er PieM-et " .he wav uibecnher ieerr'hee.t
Men In public Ufa. ilka Prutdent Theodore Hnoeel the
member of Congreee, end the ifreet creia if nduetry. who
mif Weep " lp with the time. " intelligent men end women all
over America, have decided it it " lodiefeneable.
25c. a copy, S2.50 a year
13 A.tor P!ac. New York
Are You
1 )
ipple's Holiday Opening
A n.i -ins
ever iia.i.
A well chosen Picture is a Constant Companion that
Soon Grows to be a Dear Friend.
Yoti will have a -vide -eie.-'.i...i t.i !!. - :r..m :i ."t.-uv
line alsnit to be jiiacci ti .xrii.itioii.
There will l'.i.tei-. 'ii xmi '-V a. r '..r-.
T!ie ever tnipiiiar L' -t. r-.
L'latinu.u Prints. L'hot.-lvi.jr.ivKis, Iu.-tiins.
F.uSi miles . d 'reat Kiinti:!.
There is sometliiuir mnrp in
That) a mitre :s. and .1 ria . in:, r.
V YS " " T e, - -- T!
. JL.
Both iniit-t In; weil .ireseii
Dressing Pictures is Our Specialty.
We have all the LATEST ami AUTISTIC .ic-iun- iu iTiA-MHS.
vals. Squares and Circles;
13L.VCK. (iOLDS. am! "l LYKUS. N'oYEL
It' vou st wliat von waLt ask
we have cheap ikkIs and dear khIs,
No. 356 Markel Street,
Sunbury, Pa.
Childrtn of Perforrrar 3w Thele
Mother's Horribla Death.
Dessau. frrrr.a.-.y. r..-c. 8. Frati
n f.-. je;-. was tnru to
ir :;; :n :a a mnerl
'.' of a jtrat crow-t of
. - t ; -n.; :. t.i.ik a Hon
. ) '. . ' i '',; it
sprSr.,- ii.
with a v
Wped ii
her st
.1 T . " " '
: -
a. :r.r. -
..11 -
ti e aninvtl
- t- ' ' - 7 4
n i s
WY. .i:r i!.-i.ay
a w a. a. V
a. w
to ct the U-?t . if... t. .imi
tir it. We've 'ot it
r can 'et .t.
luit thev are aiU".il?.Kk
I r ail t -
rO liiTcr-Tit Z '
Lion Ooflaa
at your
'. Vlv
' '.'.. c i .
A 'il-on.
a i L, ..m ,S i .ip.
p.: --
IJ!iyst.;.'i n ,m.j Sur .on.
fJ-ir. T .-' irtnn. J.
jftf.-r- lis .--r, f,.;. ,,nal sr r-t
tarn.' i' lhlic. ll ...tlis t'rfimril, t
fndeil. Xt .ar
ta "
' - " '- ' ' Tt"1 .1,,
I ' lllllll ll.l .
We:l Man
PTTKlnre the i.tot. ro-il
Vera e3 ti . 1 r-ca:r. t r.ei r
cts "til : '-TTT-r -.r "'
IlEVtTO. :: .i-Lrci .
r.h-a. Ijat V:ti.i:r. ..-? '
L. -t 1 :T.r. i'ailm ::
ill i ota , : --ii u.:- -
-S:.-a -zt '.-it-T-r. :
cctca.7 r t et?r.; -.-
.-issrcal nrrre tonic . . . LtuUrr. -r.zt-i
rile cnee'K irl.1
:zt iica '.ia pma v-inr - tze tire of -orttt:.
: t ' iiiitr
lit.-.- KEVtViXM
- '.t jocatt. -r aA
,J3 jjo, wTtii a poat-
live TtTlRan roaraate
tile moaer. 4 . . .
r -1 , .1 'I,
ta rnxa or raaiua
'-avner ru.wiat,
Ladies' 40c. Rubbberi
25 Ccnti.
'! - :" .- . - .I::.: -
M. '- ' : v ;;;; u-r
Laiii..' I'- - ... : V r
Men'- i '!- V r.-, -v.
Econo:niv:a! Chcinutt.
Sunbury. Pa.
wr3laa.ra e i 44a)k..wii
aife. tv. -.,joi.. LaaiM, aaa l-!rta
K4U -.....i- vl s -a-i .ue r.ifiga.
TU,. a. 4larw KefaM Saata" eeiaaaa
latlniaa ena 4ia4lallaaa i.u. ( tw i-T-iaiea,
. r wiw 4r. .ir.! : r PmrtarvlaeT T.aat
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