The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 17, 1903, Image 6

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Col M ton Madtjronnllthf liury
ing linmtui in SntflT Otuittti
tor the "Mi.Uhbwy Wf."
"auim;tix Tvi. St. Prm:us
H-pMtil by M run A. llojrer.
lviiloy. Infant sm of FrauK and
IvVUvea h l-c. 1SS1.
R-tiley, IVrtha A., d.m of Frank
and R.Wm, .1 VVK. 14, ISSt,
ap-d S in 24 d.
Bii tan. an. i'l-ira. dan ut John IV
mi.) M.iii.t. I O t. Jl, I .:.
.i F.-h. 1 I . -v,! ,n 14
Hii'ic. 1 iii' J., dan ..: I k -i 1 1 vi i and
r . .! An:. im. ap-j y.
1 ... 7 .!.
Five.'.. Miu.Hl. . ,. , ! .1..! 1! aid
i. IV. 11. lS71,,i July
" . s7:'. :itv : I 7 ( m -J" .1.
! i:i"t:i: .,:..': ( . .v , f K u-c! I,
. :'. v ; '.... . ;
: sv . a i.'!'.: '. " 11 in.
'' '". .. . Cj.'! . . !..: . - i . i ; T .
(-..,.' i ; .
:;-- : i' t ;
!t-.-;:. ! -.
i. .r . l; ':,"
1 i T -.
c: .i
,Tri;" i'-. '- : . o : i .1 urit-
(Has Infant D.m. t J. and M. b
J ttn. 16, l5d, njjvd 1 tl. -
(riinin, Dora, (J. dau. of II. II. and
Rh May 23, 1871, d Apr. V,
l$73,agd 1 y 10 in 10 d.
(Jrinini, Hannah, wife of IJctiUn d
IVU 5, 8oo, itd 3o y t in.
Grimm, Susannah, dm. of J. and M,
d Nov. 1 , 1 8 IS, ul (5 in 3 d.
Ciiitidrnm, Catharine wife of Jolni
l May. 11. 1S:17, d S pt. 30
ISiitl, acod 20 y 1 in 10 d.
(iniidrnin, l.iiey Ann, xv of Win,
h. Ian. ;U, 1S22, d July 20,
1So4, nd 32 y , in 20 d.
(uin.liiini, S.irali, J. d.m. o( Jolin
Jr. and t 'aihariiie d S,.jit 2.",
lN.- avl S in 2S d.
(iimdi urn, Syhaltil, niii of Joltli
J. an.! (V.h. d S. p! l.", 1(52.
aa.-,i ." y 3 m !." d.
( um. i 1 '.i. 10, IN00,
i. 7 3 iii 2 1.
( I iin.ii'iiin, M.-t.i.iU'.u , w of John
: :. i . 1 i' .. d Jan. 1
lv;. . i u t 7! 3 iii.
HacM M :.ilia!l, of 1U'I'
! Jan. :. 1772. .1 Mar. 11,
.' i. ac .i ,S'J 'J in li !.
U ., k..n:.,.;-. I',:,:. M.d lv. 2
1 Ni'i. aL.o.i 23 10 in l', d.
Ua.-kriiluirc. l-!.-r. 1. Jni.r 22.
177:-. .1 W. 23. 117. apd
7 I X !' Ill 1 .1.
Hah.-. . 11. 1 i 2 d
l' 1 1. 14. itf;isi 1 y 2 in.
Haiin- I ull.a.'iiu x ot John b Ar.
IN 1. .! N. x. 12. 17.;
at:'''! 71 x 7 iii 7 3.
llall.v lailH-l. 1. Mux 1. 1M1. d!
JiiJi. 2, 1 73. acisi CI v m !
Hains. .hi. -o!.. i K.I.. 2.' 1 1 4. d
i ;. w", ;.,,,., 7i y 7 111
li.v.ii- Ihhrx .. W n,. 'n,.!
'....:..( i v7 ..3 y
Ha ;:!.. .irah. w . : ,1,hm'.. ,j April
2' .. 17. aj'. v (-; 0 iii 1-1 d. ;
H.i;n-. iii(t ih, dan of J. and M.,
ii . p. 2C, 1 ,"3, HjTi-u S v
2- d.
ii M..:- . xx ; ! Junt ,
- ' - ; 1 , i -: ''.3,
Ililliihii, tlw. h Fob. 16,-1820, d
Nov. I 1873, iiged 63 y 8 m
13 d.
llilbinh, Henry, b May 23, 1790,
d Sept 21, 1S58, aged CS y
3 m 28 d.
llilbi:di, Eliz. w of Henry b Dec.
21, 1703. d IVu 2(, lfcoti,
a wl (52 v 10 in 2 d.
llillii.-li, John, Feb. 0, 1780, b."'"1 wh,n h' f0"" K"'n.
' ' ' " communed with Mm of all that wu In bar
S'it 0, 1810, Mjre-- 51 y 7 m.,hr . ,
1 ' ' -Is- AnJ Solomon tolJ hr nil hrr qupi-
IIilliUli Sai-ih vv ,il' l.,lni K nTf M10": there wn nut nnylhlnK hid from the
iiiidimi, Mian, u ol John D tvj.t.i klng whJch he ,0lJ ltwTu),
4, 1703, d June 10, 1SG2,1 1 An, hen ",M,,n r Fheha imj
' ' ' . "n nil Bolomnn'e uliJum, and the house
lltfill (vS V 0 111 13 d' 1 ,hM h hJ ullt.
j t. And the mint of hie tiihle, nnd the ull
Hili.isll, IVter, l Feb. 2, 1703,! ,'n ,of h", "Tvanu. and the mtwt.lmice
' ' ' , cf hie mlnliti-re, mid their nwioel, and
d Mav 21, I S3 1, aed 71 v S ' "l" "I'henrerii. Riid hm n.M'i-iu hy ilu.-h
: he went up unto the house m ulie l.oid;
Loaaoa la ffca Iatvraatloaal tariaa
(V Daraaakar 10, Qbwb mt
haha'a Vlalt to oloataB.
(1 Kins 10:1-10.)
L And ahen the queen of Slveba heard
of tha feme of Solomon roncernlnc tha
name of the Lord, aha came to prove him
with hard iiuvatlona, -
I An.) ehe cnme to Jerusalem with a xrery
rent train, with camale that tiara splrei.
Ill 10 d.
(lu re no more unlrlt In her.
t Ami Kile enld to the kliiK, It n a
Hi l.Uh . Inn .1 Inlv "i? : ,lu rl""'t 1 hrnr.t In mine own liiiul
lll.lHMl, ..I.UI1, tl.jim Ix, I I, of ,(,, n.-l,,,,,,! of (h.v al,l..m.
aged JvS v.
Hill.ih, infant s of D. i and lv, d
May IS, lS,"n ap-d 1 d.
Hilhi-li, Su-iin, w of IVltr d Spt.
2S 1S,"7, Hfre.1 SO y 1 m IS d.
Hi.hisli, Ada (5 nice, dan ol lviij.
lloMlnlt I IhM, ii I li,.' win.!, tin.
11 1 rume, nnd mine ryee hnd oern It; nnd,
! hold, the l.n.f a not loM nn. iTTy w1?
doni and r. spoilt) x.t..l th the uimi'
ah'.-h 1 ti.iiil
v lli in o thy tn.ii. t. m i are ihise
h ..i';int, iil ii'h mun i .-, i tlmi:i:: l i -fore
ilieo, nnd thnt hour thy wN.loin
IX li.. K.d he the I., r.l thy li.' l. ttH.'li
Jollthl.d In thro, to k. i thee on the throne
ol lemel: li.omiMe the l.or.l lav..! l-oml
lor n.r. th.i, fore made He tin. km, to
and W., h I .',-. IS IS()2, .1 J'"'"!nx.-nt nnd ju.ll.-e
11 II l I la
l o. I 1. I.xni, ar;t'. I y in
2n d.
Kiiik mi 1 .1 nnd
line, d Fell. 10, 1 SAT.
llill.i-h. Mary A., dan ofieo, and
Harrii-l, d Nov. 2, 1 S33, agl
I y 1 1 m 27 d.
Hilhi-h. John, s ol liw. and Harriel,
died S'jx. 13, 1S33, ajtinl 2
in 10 .1.
(.!;! t:l'..lll. ol i iM nl'.d of fl'l.'i s V. I
sr. ni store, and pr. ulonn uton. e: there
.';uu.- no mar. mu-h nlnm.hin.'. of M'l.''. n-
the.e ihli h the queen ol Sh. ln unve to
HilUi-li, infant s of John and Autre- K s";""1""
I.Ol Hi: TI!XT-hf Hie vlulil-
rm nre lit nul litirtt , t lie teiile if.
jolee. Proi . Vliiil.
xi Tl.tNK ixK M-HTTl'liK SITTIHX
S.' S..OH.1 X islon ' KlI'K1!' 1 l.
S.' an. .'ii . i:rt . i ri'is. '. K re-:' o -jy
Tl e Vllei II s Kl I a 11. 1 I KlIIKK l.l-S
The v.iii. n .V. Knaw 'inlfciiu nt ..
1 Kaii... W.4 9.
The viiei n's !in '. KitiK l":!'1
The last lesson was on the luillilltip
nn.'. (ioili.-ntton of t'u temple. Th letn
p'.o w as luit a pnrt of a iiiacntfit-eiit serli 8
Hillii-h. Haniel P.. I) June IS. 1S1i of ''"I'-'l" wlitoh Polotnoti built nt IiIf
, . . ,0 . , eonn of Jerusalem. The vision with
l eh, 1, INC, aired ,xl y , in iuon ti,0 lesson to-dav opens seems In
13 d. have eomo to him at H.e eiose of his
hull.'.ir.p oporatlotin.
Hi. lush. K!ia!H't!i, w of 1 b 9:1-91 This vision onme tc
(X-t. 20. 1S13, d June 20, Solomon nl tl.o height of his plory, nt
. a time when he di p-ratoly tiee.leil the
1. , aciM " y S in. reminder ami caution it gave him. l"n-
Hofl. John F., b Feb. 2, 1S31 d 1Inii,'1 wo;ih 8Iu1 i10Wpr Rml Ilm0 for
' ' srlf-!rdlllcencos expose anyone to lerrl-
Jiiiv lit. lNo, airisl 34 y 5 m t ti-mpiailoiis. Insuad of lamor.tir.p
7 that we have not their opportunities wo
should be thanl.ful that we arc spared
Holh lilmsii. Jaooh, b Sop. 23, 1704, their temptations. Solomon, with all
d Mar. M13. iictslSS v3m h! ir.tellc.sual keenness, made a
- WTftched failure of life in the end. he-
' ' cause l.e did l.ot resist ll.ese ifiv.ptalloi s.
iii, , , , i , . ,, The historian is careful to impress us
i.o.lrnonv,. lKla!vU. A..-. 24. w:;h ,hf ffi,t !hnt hp r(,t fa-, without
13i l. d A ii. ii. lMll. ac 3' 1 rr pea tod warninss. such as this vision
1 1 ,,, i - l i , , c ' pave him. The choice of life or death
ll in lo il. Asst, S nrtriMii 7 . , . ,
, is set before kinp and poor man alike.
I . S. Army, 18(51. Each one may freely choose his way,
it , , ("but walking In that way he must re-
HoMerrnan, lo. M son of Oliver nlvt Jhat t0 whlcn the Vfty
and Julia A., d Sop. 20, 1874, ' F. N. Pcloubet.
ap-d 3 in-17 d.
AV. Met 'I. V.:t:
1 1
(Vs T'-CS 1 The material develop-
tnei.t of the kir.c.lom under Solomon
f Mt x is stirply tr.arvfloi-.s wl-t n w-e remember
... ..,. !( car:r"( n"r;,l i-f tV.c ti.ces
I't'"-!!!.. '''!.':''
t ...'!. -. ir., i,.,-r. i -nr.'.'y a hnrdr'-d years.
!: 13 ! r '-s .! -:;:. a:.l J. r if j ire of a '
: : :!. - : r. (f
-'-. r. '. r ? r: "' :".
: ': - ' r- - r r.--
Tople For lha Week RaailamlnnT !
SXV-Commenl br Hav. , tl. Ura. .
Topic A vision of worldwide peace.
Im. at, ; Is, ( (Chrlatmna).
Worlilxx-Ule pence What eonsttniina
tiou tuoru devoutly to be desired!
IViioe peace buioiik the nnliotiM of tlm
earth, tence U-txvei-ii man and uian
ami, moat Important of all, peace be
tween every ' man and (iotl. After
nineteen eenluriea of I'lirlallaulty we
Rciireely dam Uivuui of uiiIvci-auI peace,
yet ceiilui-ii Ih forv the (.lUrlat was
Imrn lsulali the prophet xxhh bold
enotiKli. tinder divine liisplrntlon, to
picture the day of worldwide peace
and to not forth aume of It eharaeter
IsJIea. Tlieiiuh a vision, Isaiah' vIhIoh In to
lie a reality. The day In coiiiIiik when
there will be universal peace. Thla la
the prophecy of the prophet of tied,
and Cod Himself la therefore reapou.
allile for Its rtiltlllineiit. This fact
iiiukcN Its fiiliillmcnt an nbsnlule cer
tainly, tied often acts slowly. It la
true, and yet lie nlxvay nccoinplMicii
II W purposes, lie "nunc In a mys
terious way III xvouitcrs In perforin;"
hut. though the xvay may be inyslcrl
oiis. the wonders are nlxvnys peifonn
ed. Ami xvlille lind ot'ten uiiI'oIiIh Ilia
plans nnd purposes slowly, at the same
lime lie alio acts nl 1 lines with mar
velous rapidity. Thrn'mh the coral In
sect tied sometimes taken nc-s (o inake
nn island In the sea. and then, again,
by volcanic action lie i-asls up a croup
of Islands In ii day. So xvltti Ills pur
poses inueerntiiK men. What II may
take centuries to accoiuili'li In one
xx ay tied can anil smuciliniH has ac
complished in a day by a different
inelhoil. There Is a divine plan lu hu
man life, ami whether It Is worked out
slowly or rapidly It will be worked out,
and liod xx II! bo supremo.
The basis of world xvlde peace Is
,lens Christ. Isaiah calls lihn "the
l'rince of Peace," and lie Is. lie was
ls-ace lUelf niuld the adversities and
distractions of His own life. In Ion v
Inj: the world He left peace as a legacy
to Ills disciples -"Peace I leave xvllh
you; My peace 1 kIvo unto you, not as
the world niveth give 1 iinln you. I,et
not your heart be troubled." And as
the Prince of Peace lie Is llnally to ex
tend His peinv throughout the entire
world. He came Into (Ills world to
briiiK peace. At Ills birth the annels
of heaven sang, "Clory to Cod In the
highest and on earth pence, good will
toward men;" tin Christ alone could
universal vav be brought about. He
n lone can satisfy the want and need of
every hiiinan heart. lie Is the only uni
versal Saviour, and through Him nloim
can universal peace be brought about.
Hut it can be and will be through Him.
His kingdom is to lie a universal king
dom, and when it Is Hiilversnlly ex
teuded there will be worldwide peace.
ltut we have n part In bringing about
worldwide peace. It Is to be brought
about by the. extension of Christ's
kingdom. Peace Is- to rvlgn ' "because
the earth shall be full of the knowl
edcre of the Lord as the wafers cover
the sea." It Is our iiiIssJiti to 1111 the
earth xvllh a knowledge of the Lord.
In so ilo'iig we xvill have a part In
bringing about worldwide peace.
lum.K nr..iu(;s.
Ps xxtx. 11: lxxii. l-M-17-2-1: Isa.
xxvi. 1 --): ii. A I. 4.": Matt. xiii. ol
."": I.-.".- ii. 7 -': K. :a. viii, lo-l; Kph.
i.. : : i;." wi. .::
Feed pale girls on Ss;
Wc do not need to give i
the reasons why Scott',
hmulsion restores the strcn
ami flesh and color of jr.
health to those who suft
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the
preparation of Cod Liver fjj
nen in nuiruion, lull ot Iiealth
stimulation is a puggestion J
to wliy it does what it do
Scott's Emulsion nvv
Loil Liver Uil at its Ixd
fullest in strength, least i;
Young women in the:
" teens " are permanently cu J
of the peculiar disease rf d
blood which shows itself jr
paleness, weakness and 1101
ness, by regular treat met;'
with Si oll's Emulsion.
It U .1 true blood food a
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness fr,r
which so many young vvomer.
V'c will ht ((lad to toil
a sample to any wllee.
I lllf III It tl.i, y,nm
..'III! .'I .1 I I ' 1 I. j,!
.V IJ'"i m rl r. , -
I-1.. Ill li.n .m !
tCDl r & l O'VNE,
(Vv- :!
, .) IV'. 1 ! .'
I Skn
! 'IMIpI
Vou nul find homo iK't'eptalile gift
tinioiio; the followinj;:
. Knivet? and Forks.
. Soin8(irn and Shears. -Wjisliinjr
t-lotlit'H Wringer-1.
IJaslu'ts, nil kinib.
i The I.u-irt'st Stock. Iiowi-i l'ri.
I Xii-kle Plated Wi.iT.
(iraiiile War.'.
'Pools, all hii:,!-.
Pockel Kni-.i -
.Xi.:- .
1: ..
j:-.. ii'
: I ,
"'. t- ) uiy , i 7b'N
iZUliMi, W ul Jii'.ajij,
ll OlllliJ'.. Ja'
" '' d UlX J7
11 UUJIJJ..',
ii.. 1. 1 701. I Mar. 0
' i'-i '7 y 2 11. tl.
'.. ay 1 f
1. '-'..
f a
1 , -Ma
x 1 in
;7 X- 7
. - :"a' "n .1
;.r '?; :'-' : " T-
i .......... . . 1 .
I..'. '
:! ' to-1 ' 'i
niore jii'i'-r. v4. i wr.o!i. wt.-
flT--'l. i ra'-i'.-i.! or'ier at.l n:ta-t
Wat kl.'jw'iece e? plat ati1 &rir ait-
'Vt 1-b 1 "W'hfr the ijim-t. hkf!
I. See:, ali:" Tie pitifc';- fcli '!! -pl . i.e.
I wafnifiefnirj -t.e whole emir 1 h ad
' " ' minlt' ra'iijr of "t.e it.r'k houM-l..!S.
. at.i: auu'i ail Kit. j; SoiOtuoK li!a.-
t- ,. .. , . . be:? "I li. siuii. of ti i twiawt: " The
1 1 27. Ih'-j.', d Su'. -3, i kii.e f 'Ab. "Afc'.-ent. : " Tl.i jri-at tuar-
7 1 , . . - . . ...
1 -vV. . ,, l . ) o,e e'iirwav irom iae pa uee up to iLe
i 'J. . aJHi r f ji r ..., , .. .
'.euipie I Iiirre Wit 1,0 loon bp'.rlt lu
iier: " Slit ht ;ou.pVeiy ox (-roou.e by
wrLa! she W! ix.-I. She i.ever
. Cn-liIIieC OT tin-!; WOI.Cert ii Hl.l- i.ow haw
ut-iC, v tj lu 27 (J. ai! aiyu' her I "mmiV her breath away,"
. "h.eku be Jei.oiaL:" Jueovi.ll lun i,t
.'ll, r of JollIJ aiid : Tkl.i.mii Krentl.l kj. but lot hi, li.riVa.
iUiUtii I JujV 24, 1 5y, d ' a!aii'Joi,el the wA of her
OfLvl y I IJJ Hi - t 11 izui i nn li-atnrch.
i" .i . --i i 1 1: ? ;:;i- inark i-f a Society
. ;.:.u is Co raver
- - . v :.Mi r.-.uis as fni-
; ' 1 1 : " I I " 'l:ii-e t.i be
i s. 1 be pi - nl at
t j-art. iisiue from
i!! eei'.-v !'!....'::i' IHll.'SS llill-
i i ; i-uue-I iimiIi X'.i.i.'h I can con
.a.. .-);. gixv to 11. y land ninl Mas-
." -i-s 1 !.! i. If ..i.l... 1 to be nb
!:::; lie la i:.-.!,!y eoi:-.-ci-.ition
i;.. I will, if possible, sand an ex-
i r al ,- . c t'j t he s s-ii.ty.
. ;!ar i . .- : g' feature is the
xx an:, especially the lo'-k-r
Hinting and K'x.-ial eoia-
. :'. J ray
A:.o-.jj.T lu the foiavi-ratlon meeting,
o a 1 ri.ii.g whieh the toiihUtutioii
Ome each month a consecration or uiiiiiig fchall be held, ut
wha h iiieli active liieljjljer ahull hpeuk
.o!.eeriiiiig hih progrefcs In the .'hll
t ji 11 life. If any one chooses, he ran
eipieuH bin feeling Ijy an aipropiiate
verae of ty rlpture or otla-r liuolatioii.
TVK'ilioiio, :!'.!,") MAiii: . sT
Geo, W. Ilcte't,
siTXiiiniv, iv.
Je v - fji Jj tl.
Huiuiuei, fcuoauaaij, w ol' Joim, fo
-j'JUHv, J iHr,d Jan. 1". JK1.0
l UUillit;!,
, 1'
A Ulraklutf to Ilia Cburc-fjee.
No loan ei,n ujeusure whut a blcBsing
the ''hi-iHliuii KuiU-uvor aoclety ha
been to the chui'ehes of tlilH land Jlll'l
to Individual helievera. One of the
mauy reuwaiu why I rejoice In It la
Us uujjc ll la not uu orguiilzullon out
aldu of the chureh. I !ok with grow
ing auhplrioii upon anylliliig In tha
way of uu organization that la not uu
liiU.-grul part of thu church of Chriat.
licv. li. A. 'Joney, l. It., of Moody
liihl IjihlllUle.
I were fcuaij4. Il tl.ot ;af. to he KOla 1
! iiyi.ailliu-. ulC .aUoi.fc.
W i
( ,
S. 1). iJ.
it. I'
ty X 7 I
a VUH,
.' Oh
Or i I-Jl-Jl;
t..ll. ,
o: ....ii, iol
'. v. it:. tU- j.-iif
. ";',!)'
vei. 1... 1 1
Vt V:.) At vtfivt lv, there via
lit ititercLti.e of iVj, ai.ri (iolojj.ou
pioUaty guxe the qiieeu an au.ouiit at
lfcufc' t-juai to what hhe LroiiKht hiw.
Tiiik Wte the 'maAiU aJ.J 2k btiil the ciia
VjW 11 ia.ia. part of the utat ty-day.
yy.Asn ai. W'sailoxv.
"A ;rt-tt'.r thai, holou.on tk hert."
Ja.e you cou.e to HIuj la or!tr Uj irofit
. 'i'hik jsr;atitr than f-louion t aii a.kvver
aJ! hard yuefctloi.e. Jlavt you tjitti
theui UjU'.u1
He 1lv2U.b ou to i,wu.ut.t with HIhi
of ail that t iii your l.uit Jluvi- jou
fully oi-ti.wl your I. tar' to Hira?
Ail ty.fct Jihi llJJ, W.l OU 'Olie. iuU.v.
The half 1-42
fc.ulbuelaeiu VVurlli .ukIuu.
One Huialay ll wua 41 degieen huloW
ajI'j In iiinl.'U. hut it could not keen
the J-lndeu vom.-i uwuy from church
and Kunday aehool.
'JJie wuti'hword In Jamaica for thu
laiU-iiBlvt- iun,iunu la, "A aochdy In
every church In the Itduiid Unit la in
kyniiutby with the laovt'ljiLiil."
A Vulea truiu luiliil.
MUIloiiK i.t oUliy llvi.i huvi; been
redeemed Villi iIi keiieii to hl(illi'H
larvl'V III the liainu of tl.11 King
throiiKh (he kIiiiiIi.' hut soldierly Hill'
lit CUIfllan Hail uxor liei. Vi'illhinl
.-rey. liw ! ai 1.
1 1 u ' 'A l,-"x.ti"' wi.t'; I 'n 1 w ;v;r wu UjiC.
I I lllllI'M I III, I.
'I lie I 1..
'J'he Jmh1' 1
t lie .. ,
J.IllV o
ohll Wlllln t
Choice & Comprehend
Line of
ClocliH, Hil vi i wuri', ( .'ut HLSf
lirtlliiH. litullit-r (hinds. Novtl
nnd li-ooriili'd I'nllciy.
We cordially 111 vile u'r
llie hue.
Heli.i:lioiiH iiiadu 1111W1 may
.. :.i .:i .1. !..i
Willi lln llllill .III milium.
Fyt-H miieiililieiilly rxiinia1
1 1
ol char(rc.
U)-l-dttte Jeweler mid Ojitit
249 Market Stuare
Sunli'iry, I'a.
A I 1 i.uupa 1 ini hiy mm '""" , .j
11,1,1. We I ruin 111)1,11 ma in " "
ent lliem lralait, tllK ileiiie'"
,,ia, llaml ImylllK ,illli.i.
all ifiwliiaiaa. or w.niey ri-fme1", t
lllinirUii ui.iiauni' mill"" '
ln lhH nl 1fiimli, H
1 1 Mill aVUcat, ItMaaaaW, I. Jr. -0UitJ Ui all tUt you LayT