IIIDklXBUlaG POST. PIECE ROOT GRAPTINO. ii 5' yv r. na.ali nod NkMM, n1 fM4 haMaa nanallv ow. thair haaitfe to ood ftwxt: fww Ikat r-qiHrw tba lW4 lHirnmtVH biafsiiiAiinl klaal frxwl frr Infant. Invalid or In faat, avaryofia, la tha nnr tabla (Mtaaajr, TJa ftraat Hprrnif ftr i.)y Btmi. 1 r ., m- . fr.-'r aM "''' Pr-wttup-. vi, ran.1y t,! t.. :i-w liy lha tlWtTMl AM IMI iU it ntrtl 'no .ln..i- anh ; han- tha fcyvl for iKi follca. '1 Muppllaa tnary, trant(tti, v'.ifur. zX Mil In .1 . .1 . - V.'i wr.. w aiwi yyi c ail Tnria. CORN MOOUCTS CO. Nav Torti ! Chicago 4 F U L L Q TJ A R T S isylvaiiia RYE or BOURBON ft V Or pO.UU .r.Tri,:i,.t in Kft-.l. ; Y.ttr-i Ol.i WHS Vfnr- 'ii tyat.aa f PraaB"a4ta ta fat il Traaa laka artwa A faw yar ago there much cots mad6 by sotv.o nurserymen regarding th ijirliy of buldij and whole root grafteu ;et over the a prr.pa seat ed by tho pic e-rv,t (traft. It la now genc.iily ccCfi't. ;-'.at ihs piart-rcot , graft give t'. a l:rar results, as a ruio. I Wesley Gretna, of tie low llorilcui tural society, pay: I "The -vhole-roo' ttra.'tad and budded tree may ims roiisiusri'd of about o,r.al haroinera in t:."g .-rate. The root . tfir, of :'.. I" 3 el t '& a...1 wl.r.ie-riy.: k-.i.':-ed tr in a;i-!y that of th ! oa ' .. ' . '. -.oty is worked. luere i- i intUkncea where root, are ' the point of union when transplanted deep while :. 1 .t sorb, won'.d be an exception oi the general experience of the 'i plantln? them. If the rtorlc waa as hardy as the variety -.' - .ed on It there would be no objer-fi-: to such tres when the other re tirements of the roots ware equal to I, e demands of the variety worked on !L Unfortunately, however, many of ;he seedling storks are not hardy and that la the reason why budded or whole root grafted trees are not so desirable to plant In this state as trees jrrown on Ihetr own roots or roots of equal hardi ness "The superiority claimed for tre frrown from the piece-root grafts la that thu aclon, when planted deep, forms roots and !n time the tr Is on Its own roots. The piece of root lim ply serves to ken the scion alive until It can form roofs of Its own. All sclone do not form roots reaillly and the nirth of scion and root used varies as wll aa the .!epta at which they are planted, so theri U considerable variability as to the "Xtent. to which plece-ront grafted tre an? on 'heir own roots. However, the consensus of opinion Is '.hat the piece-root syHtem of propagation la the best to use for apple tre to plant In the aorhwst " E)f'H (tlmrjpis j)rtpiil to yiur iK'.iriwt wt;iii, V!iv -n'tnl out iif Pi'iirwylvnnh iur vouc v ( i i -k ' v v:hm ' mm .-hi .t- iicr trtiin ih, :nl wc -tinr:inti' it. to iv- -. 1 1 i -! " i i " i . W '. ,U.u t L-e Villi it won't Oitwt yiHI 1 (tent. Tins llisltfy is :'ri-.l in tin- v.inil ;iiii i- !i":-.t-ir- !.I !f. Hit'!". ilUAM , ail'l H tlir-t.ir. :i'!;i;it.-. ! v t I, i.i...,.t bpt. 357. Cur. A vi-. liiiiI itniliitii-iil t., PitUimi-', . P.i F'R r E One Bottle for the M.,o.:k i D ;o -.T jf.r r. . v ,..) ! v 1 t ., . '"4-l nu:, : .. --t H.'.'fof JV j-ii; - 'i A. L. SCIivVAH2 CO. ? iVtsrvr... N. J. . e- v. -. for Infants and Children. pm. .'iHiKi us .i triiii inn-r :iiin ir vmii ir- '.t 1 1 - -i i vi; i tlltf IllO'K'V. We I'arrv in Hfox'k all raiii- nt' Wiiu-s, vViii-ki-v, tf(. Heml fur unr ite prii-K liit. .Special iiuliifpnuvitx tiir t 'lnli nnii-'s. WHY SPRAYING PAYS. I k of Inaacllf l.l and Pnnif lelrfea Made Ahanlntelx Yeaaaaary br Mtilarn Condltlona. aanila of tend.T g:'ais. i caukrtr worm, the ti-nt eaterplllar, ''era and other natlvi? '.naf .'atlni !nd instead ot an ocraamnal w'.M j . wild crabnpple ..r wild plum, .. f improved varletias of t arrea of raspberry. ai.d jiiiiv rlian Is t .my .viin.l.T i plants rr.i'-i. Itn naf.it'.ii hat ti.itiw 'i- sects. !)ef(re contlnfd to a nutr.lir of leas fruitful m-es, with an occasional year that permitted aimoxt no fruit at all to grow, thus almost exterminating, them, should under such favorable con ditions as are offered by our present sysN-m of fruit, veeetahle and urain cul ture, thrive ,ind increase in numlrs, far beyunit what they woul.! timS-r :. art;t'.i :.ti .:..: .--s v-.ra!.. -ttrrt ::r..;-T.-z-. ' 'V- -':"-r ,tii:.- ip. .nvrnnrr.c-.t tr.natiiral .in.! ' -.;.ire Mr- r-' ' "So yon "pact that haw, .,... .i prise at the .-ounty fair, hey? l -.e a. n lots fatter ha,'! than that one." "Mlitie ye h but ye never j-'n a dirtier one." Thicago American. fiar Xarrlaa. W r r: i' r-.w owc.-nclse fr tr lav 'o av! Or - r.- '.!. -.! i;.r"Aml Syea" Now Ii.' 'i p. r '.-tn '" -S.in Kr inci..-. i(ui' n. Pul.lic ipaakliK. "Oh. I couldn't pnfuhly talk half an hour cn that, mii ect;" N'.n.ene! Way. you can .HI JO min utes "xplalnins; ' ;i iliT.culty of treat ing so important i .subject !n so short a time " I' ll !'. ell Inf.trmaif. Mm. K;lfci,pr--N Mr Amos a well-Inform ed woman1 Mn. Boeder -V-s. indeed; her" cook haa llvfd '.vith iM -be otiicr families In the neighborhood - Tit-rtl's. A alubhorIy Hint. Mn. .'iti'irV Why .n the -vorM .lon't you grease 'hat awn mower rf ; ours? Neighbor's Hirer! Man The mttte told me not 'o !11 you had your planer tuned. N'. Y. Weekly. Wonld 11 Ulad in Pay. Miss France?; Don't you think there should be a tax on bachelor"!? Mr M'k'Mywrd I'd xladly pay fort' privilege of bait g one Ilbiatrnfad 3' llatinlilon. "Pa. What. IS alnqueni "Eloquence, my sun. ,s ab' x'tb good clothes m." --.Judge. "rniMm. Anrrv I'".''- n o -v'- ' 1 . it r!j ' . tnvp , I !.rt-t. ' 'T 1 . , T- : 1 ' . . ( v . call' ng in f'lari F:ithcr V" ha.v. inquired ,irmr tl dlffp-.-nt yonn- r.in. ,tn. .:' iii h good It did. .-tooner nr latt-r ihe ivea Uiem the mitten. "She'i In earnert about this one" I "Think m?" "I :r.ow it. Wh"n hev ;far' . ut 'nr ' monnlltfhf 'vail?. h" .'Ir'-ts v.!!r a'ens 'oward 'ho -;ar!; ::i-t"u. f !ct. tOWn "n'-ir 'a V . -i -!"1 I. "S " N. V. 'V. oM-- Thei Kind Yai Havei Alwity-t linntrM h4 lxm th slrna tnrei of C httx. If. Fltrlir, anl hut horn niiwlA un1er Mm personal xuprvision for ovr &l yar. Alliwr no ni to 1o'lve yrni in thi-4. flonnterfHtx, Imitatinno and 'Miit-arnnr' are- but ETjxTimont, and euv1anrr the) health of Children Experience a;aint Evjerinient. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bars the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. A i-JJi i6 jllj- ' Ui r V 1Ec'8ER- "f'"-r .- - rtAMCC ,-CC, 1 .1 i' I I i ( I III' '.'III i i i ; t -. i ; . i i , ii ( ! !!( ' ' ..! I1'.'.''. 1 ;ic rr.n.iuw' : oil! .ibUl'ali. . T:.-. No". V ! k ; .n:r;iiio.' .. .'our .-''ttr'jnawft is -i ' imiTri jlristiis is fan & 'Ii 1 ! 1 H-it i; 'vi.-.T 'v 'hi- ii :tfr-'i' . ilt 111' li.K'l' t, il'.' IhMM EBRIGHT'S. ALI. PA l liivi1 ?li Clir.iri.wl us. I ioo;N t" !' ',.tii,!t '..,!: K.iiu ;. i , .M ; ; ' ;r : .id ; ' .- ;.-."., ... v . . . i !.-r Lin - '' rnuh ir ;;i rtui..M, - :i l .in : In.la ,I i iti.- ''-ifii. i rouaio j ;''-r-. rpr xin ot' 3ac;i. 1 1 .i . . i i Dirzy, Dull, Nervous, . , Conjtipa;-ii. t v . rt Br. Miles' N-r-r - Com- i 1 - JJUiU i i pleteiy Crti Me. Gelnet's ENERAL STORE, Schnee, Pa. -:.i.' t .A vi:h ..t.t : . r;a::rr.t - ...c 1-lver I'l-.j, v '.irir t r.j erves ; ; . : .. .. u.- ' i?m i ict-j'.u; .i "cav...'. ;. .:n.i. . ause ;; 'r ; : iixiii t'.".-: ( .s 'vcrMr ';i ' - . r HeiJijuartei's for all kinds of Cioucial McichauJiso. Shoes. K'W is a uico :issurtmout of Shoos. Uooi aud Rubbors, All sios aud prices. Groceries. Wtluug that is tjood to oat, AlltUo icliablo roctfiios, ktfot iu stock. Prices always aw av dowu. Pry Goods and Oil Cloth. KbduiSa Calico Shirt Waists,, Floor aud Table O'l Oloth aud Liuoleuiu, iu oudlew variety. ti i:k :-t'Lvt;Kizi:u. imry VA harmw, yuiied from tha rir euU. il dutJa !.n).ter work to put ihr" hi.i'M.k :o it mm isUi aviiy. it any c i'l.r i'i "r ins 'hey wiil i.'i-aKt''-- .ijiy ui crista. .i it Is oiw vt the taowt lulled :iid luiivtiiicut ;mpiiuifuts usU !-u ; hv tariu, .iuvi ts work ia ihoruugh ai .nl tu . pf.iai:y u ituiU ua atuv cwsviUhu. . M. IUilinsiy. iu Epitom- Ileal I'ciulwtalura (or pla. sivi'iuit.'Uu Uaw proved thai a lower tvuiiieitUuiM :lmu -it. first used by I'uin tuuivnii huua is ih uiort liusintuivi iur jil'p.i'b. The tvuipuntiuro luusl ssiLisiac tory is o3 ui'(,rs aud iu our vxperiaivut w.wi '.hti teuipiTaiui'4 we trltnl to ktep. lvmuiiiin ill. ttunxiralure iiov not i stop ii.l ohauKs Ko.itg ou in the apple, but simply tlviaya ih.ui. fruit oauuot b kvpl iuUt ilii.tt ly at 22 Uttrtx: I rt-4-, lit. w:'h":. .ha-'L-". tk,.- ,rH . . .... : 1,1 ' . ;. . ;i, ! . ' O !'tl. I f .-,!!. '... :u.O :..! - f Haver. . "'J'l.i !' '.:,i vi is iu'.e ;K.udttUi, oi oaj' i..!i is bittuer.a by low l.iuprluro aud htulu.vl by biiL ( Iua EiU'UUHUt SuUou. iratu-e ::- ::i ' . ".U..'-t ':a :t '.acK. !';:: ri:i vtuca I luve -n't '. wusevn;- ... 1 i : a . J mcx . r-... '.V.e.t:-': i-utn 1 T. "ll c .:t t.'irm ..... . :u:.ii. in: ra:ne-l mv :c '.tiUOie Irani r .--5 rvr since. .! v:m .. :;zz; i . C .i. . :;:i:.i...iu :.. -u.i -j::;rv 1 -nuca vij ""uencca t'j trr Jul i.'ctuci j jjte :. ri h i . ;tie "t t-:? ie I.-.- i .i a u .t tiie Nerve t i. 1 i..-j i t.-.?in .'.j rer .'irec- - taucii rctict. i i 'r.iinuca i n-ii !ist i vv-m ' tt:rs hi... : 1 un t;i .j i tai -.nut :t .114 .'i :nc cuuiit."- 1 . -:':iuiicn'.v. 1 v '.1. ..i hi.::i. -ciisii m meais ion .v N.nn 't t.vnj wtftioat tear. 1 . 1 a cv. mmeii'UCK It. Mile' ACMr-i.c i iiic i 'j'iic. ' Xiv. .V. 3. Mo'.v-i-Ka, 1' jiirvi 1 .n. '.lx All .. . ..; fvii ami ujiaotee N bot tle Dr. Mues' Keuieuie. Srnu ijr trre oou ca Ncrvuus .iaa iieait Uikucs. Aaaxo Or. MUc Meuicat Co, Eik.mi. laii. LOU FRICE5. ICVKilYTHLNiT ivEPT 12s A Kllisl'-i C. - W Q ' . ' 1 -' T . 1 1 tLriit t I'riivs i':iui h"v 1 i ;i;;ti'v 'r'H i m-t-. a aanBtffigKj N. T. DundoF-e DUMDORE, PEiINA. aynes J FREE! 9 n AIM Moat uCul ot Family Hind - Oooits. bit! y of Publication. Fnnwd in NINE DirfERE.NT LAN. GVAGI!!. CoaUiat Comet CalaaUan for all latituiB. ijiaplat. "ATALOGUt Of U1SE-A.SCS. witn dlNctioa. hsw to trt lhaa, in ouriirctij' puin, at abi,ui a tIy i.laa langaaga. Your OrwA. or OMiar will iua ply it Xd you I K&. n jaa Iaa la it. a foul Ura laaaaa m IM. 0. JAtMi SON, PtJlL.WtU'n, aiU anac U ta FREE.