The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 17, 1903, Image 1

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    AHLi a.ry PioC vritten by Ralph Caini)
- 1
yjbin a Job lot of note
on hand. They mutt go
,,v The price will do tt.
Lnples and prices for the aadc-
We rornlsh them printed
less than you can buy them
loUt printing.
A "UTjoaraal, Dtrt4 U aawa, SsWaca, Art, Political tunnr aaJ Carrsai Ltirir.
Raisa: Dallar Ptr Ima, la AaVaae
W 1.
Uvely Little Liners.
Hustle and the Bustle of the
County Seat, Told in Brief
More or Less Prominent.
FIMtl( Papalatlan Evt of l
Utttt that 3tlfy Curiosity na
Appa h Thirst for
urtin Bower Is afflicted with In
action of the liowels.
ifilliam H. Hmith left for f.ewistown
Ln,y to again resume his position
the employ oi me r. rw. n.. v o.
J. Baker, of Castalla, F.rie county,
it .1 T, . .,1 tr ortrl nrAervii t.hp
t;i), rtUIW "cn-i.-j
-t sent to his address for the com in
t L, YVVhr, of Mifflinhurg , was
iitlini? among friends h. re, Wednes-
of last week, and dropped in to
Lit us happy-
tin. I'r. I. P-arber and children,
Dnnviile, are paying a visit to the
Tier's alHter, Mi.- Amanda Witten-
in Franklin.
Hirvey A. Good, of Penn townHhip,
linn in Hweet Hope, was at the
i;iityent on business and pleasure,
ninewlay of laHt week.
P. Derr and John O. Pellman, two
tft Perry's enterprising and ener-
Vc farmers, dropped In to pay for
U subscriptions, Monday, of Ima
,ha W. Renninger, of Franklin
kuship, who has been a reader of the
r-T since before the war, dropped in
k week to renew hia subscription for
Uher year
harles E. Herman, the farmer on
a Hover's peach farm near Kream-
Lake his bow to the printer in the
Vie of a subscription.
IV. W. Romiu, of Rrtusmaid, North
.ota, was a Middleburg visitor. Fri-
He says he likes Xorth
that lie can raise more grain with
wirk than he can iu Penn.-vlvauia.
by do you not have tho.-e decayed
u extracted '. t all on Dr. iirwiir.
llfi'iirir. He will mako a t of
tirth with which vou c.-tu nm.ti-
your food anil improve tiir5-
list rwfivwt a new lot ot .""ewtni:
uiiic troni 51s.1 K) up. r'ae White.
rier ami Wilson makes aspeviaiity.
ii)iay advertisement.
Kkank .".Rikuel.
Middlel.uri;, Pa.
Iwt H. Smith, eiliter of the Eliza
ville Ki'ito, wife and daughter, ure
ti a visit to his mother, Mr.
I'. Smith. Kditor Smith h:is
:u iu the best of health lately.
m; glad to uote that he is ookiui:
N 'Hi .V. E. Soles iu his new hav-
iiair euttuiit uarior fm voui
Weaned with refrehiu ham
uJ a oieau towel to each natron
north side of Market siua re m-
Ceuttal Hotel. S&tisfaciiou tmr-
u Folk, the youuir sou of t'oufec-
Fr Howanl W. Folk nn.l
'iwh aud was iu a stupor dur
iw siie uf typhoid fever. The
Wlow U uow bei(iuiiii to talk
11 "1 suowiug the Usual shrns of
H. Drehsler. of Oriental. and.Iohn
M'w, of Meiserville, were happy
p luwnsiiip visitors Friday. Mr
Mt jui sold his farm at a proiit of
"t he paid for it a vear ao.
- - "
lUtw Uropped iu to Pay their
r1- Mr. Dressier Just became a
uiaKalow at this office. Thew
""gw that carry vou nwav iu
FyfdeUgUt. You may flud your
"wruUt diatauciuit vou if vou do
Mf yur caieudara hew. Uur de-
Eiclusive8Mitt of them iu Snyder
rUer at ouce so you will not
4 iu Ketlimr thm twrlv.
kuuwledue th lit it tituil
h from L. I. Baker, Ohio;
I,? l'hu"; U. K. Spader,
rn ut. it. S, Oau.der, Ohio;
ravtrtowii'W t..r I
ri Wiu. KeuuluKvr, Seliiu
I - A UtHM WMrd rali I f I a It
A. J. CroKrove, who had ben paint
inp; In different part of Mifflin Co., for
several months, cm me hom Thursday
of last wwk.
Hon. (i. AItrid Arhnch attended a
meeting of the lionrd of Directors of
Siniuebanna Univerxity, Helingrove,
Thursday of last week.
WANTED: Two good girls ; one
for dining room and one for kitchen.
Wages $2 V) a week. Address, Hotel
ffeddens, Rloomshiirg, Pa.
The Post one yenr ; "Farm Life'
one year and a Map of .Snyder Countyi
Pa., all for a little dollar. See particu
lars on fourth page of the Pot.
Fok M a r.E A house and lot at Krea
mer. Pa., opixwito K. K. depot, contain
ing 2 aTes of land. Nicely liw'Ated.
J f. Mai rkk,
1- 3- tf. Krennier, Pa.
Our special ,!ile of holiday good will
Iwgin Tupsday, lien. l.". . splendid as
sortment to ictfrt from, including Hue
candies, ami lota of tliem.
A.M. SRrifitiMT, Verdilla, Pa.
J. A. Smith. lone Mills, is prepared
to shoe horses with NeViT-slip horse
shos at 1. .'lit per horse and the com
mon shoes at :h) cents. Oiv.. him a
all. U-liMt.
Charles W. Kuhn and wife, of Sha
mokin Dam, were entertained hy his
father, V. M. Kuhn and family at the
Central Hotel on Sunday. Mrs. T.ydia
A. Roniig, of Kantz, was also a guest
at the Central.
Miss Clara Krall, teacher of music
and elocution in Susiuehanna f'niver
sty, Selinsgrove, and two student,
Misses R. X. Ramey, of Altoona, and
Ruth Lyter, of Harrishurg, enjoyed a
sleigh ride to the County seat Saturday.
FOR SALE. rn Middlehurg, Pa., a
good frame house, 7 rooms, and lot of
land. Also a good livery stable on the
same lot. For terms and particulars
apply to F. F. Walter, 1 mile west of
Jliddlebarqf on rnaitleedlr ; ta-lzzrf-
town. tf.
The Edit. ir of the Post spent the
early part of last week in Philadelphia
and purchased a new "handler Price
iordon Job Press, .-ha.-e This
wiil provide us more rimin.Uiitly to
handle the increax-d Ihimik-., cmisrant
ly !lowiu' in.
Mn. J. L. Marks visited friends at
Selinsgrove several days last week.
Rev. W. K. Diehl and Editor Rltter
each shot a wild turkey last week.
Mrs. E. M. Greene and son, of Lewis
town, are paying a visit to Grandpa
Harry E. Specht was a fttiuhnry vIm
itor Monday. He dropped la to renew
his subscription to the PtwT.
Mr. Mtees, ,f New Berlin, moved to
Mwineford last werb and will engage in
the milling business with Mr. Irish.
The map of Mnyiler County we give
away is printed on a sheet of heavy
Ledger paper, 11x17, large enough to
frame, riej offer on page lour.
Amon Womer, of Rithtleld, one of
West Berry's tall and portly men, drop
ped in to renew his subscription, Mon
day. Richard L. shatter, of Verdilla, will
hereafter be as happy as his neighlnirs,
who read the Post. He sent us a dol
lar and we have added his name to the
It is a current report that Hon. R. K.
Focht will lie a 'Hixlidaie before the
s-ople of Snyder county for the nomi
nation of State Senator.
Editor Lumbarrl, of Selint-grove;
Attorney William K. Miller, of Salem;
James X. Houser, of Port Trevorton,
and fiiHtinince Agent H. H. Sc:o h,
of Selinsgrove, were among those who
greeteil us in ourotMee, Monday.
L Clinton Shatter, of K.klmit, Ti -I.,
iu sending remittance for solici i,i ion
to the Post says t 44I have, ircn :i .i :iy
from old Snyder County twenty-one
years, but am always anxious to kuotv
what is going on "at home "
Keep your eye on our -sale register.
TC is growing. If you intend to have
sale next rpnng, send a notice of the
ilnieand we will insert it free until date
of sale, if you have the bills printed at
this office.
H. f. Fiederick, and wife, who had
Tieea TriuTiTnlg T!ieTr'hnre"ar tfieTvv'asli
iugton Honse since August, left for
their home in Millcrwhurg, Saturday
evening. Mr. Frederick constructed
the water v..r!is:iiiiit hen-and he ami
his estimable wife made ni:tny I'rietiii
herc during their star.
Vfc,,..";. janf.p jt mm
! f J ft . f si
I ' M S5eV si J -.'1 :net ,n tliel '..iirf if..i-..,f
T i ; ' udders if V iti. ,.,;,( , f
' 'tinw ;". 'J : in", i'".rtl.,.,v.
XV -'M'W. !"".. ,,.nti.,e', Kmc.
' ' 1. '.f Ti"i.-si.v. .., ;-.(.,v.
'v' '" M-suw K.-b jj. V. ,;,,-,,, I'.irth-
i uumm k a- m i n i i lav. i.eaal loltiluv. .';jikswi;i i .e
diiN!! w. !. JJ. '-' -MTv vrm .f
CHARLES BOYEP. 1-..irr ....eti.
Merchant and Postmaster, P.ixtonv ille. l'N-v, i-Vt. z tav r I.efiu
B.)rn July 31. IH.l. Died December 7, I)0.1 V"nr" VU "" ! -f- hat Till
wive ..cctir :'..r gli; vetirs.
I'-!' .i.-l' . d:ir... -t ..tri..f
I ( i. ( iii: M-f i :.. ;, . ,.; .-rs for 1)11 1 die ; ... ,.
Coming Events Cst Their Shadows
The renders of tbeP.Tnre reijuest
ed !o send ii WnnoMfM-ements of all
events. .NY hnrge will b made t.
publish the srn when the event m ,,f
public iniportan
Sati iuiw. D. Ir. A New Masonic
fidw. No. :ri will lie nnst itufe'.
iti Snnbury liiifb noon, by Kdgsr
Tennis. W r. M. This s ; li
l'.Mrh :tnniv-r4Hrv of 'he f.ndire
No. nt -iiHibory ' bat cms wirran'
si iiy ,(inir i .eore III. ,,f -'nir-!imd.
riii-itsti v iv. the l.ufherui ur..
day scb not vill reiii.r i .'Huiata
FniPU. ;ee J.", i "uri-tma- i
I.eiral MJidav. i!an ..-!!! or.
St vt.i v, line. J7. r. ,'oIhi's i nv
iMi v ' .isn. ! '.'0 'w
1 iifisi,y. i'tF). " .oi ;!. sil ver
''mi, ty ! nrei-:,,r-' .J(.i., tf:;i
i I " . m .
a cwiKr winioir a iiv.
A Short Session, jlninl.iv. Ailjiturncil
to Friil.ii .
Olllit uitli Veiled Moi.daV, Deceml er
PriTsldent J in. gt, aid Hons. 7.. T. t len
( ii : sr-f i : . mi !
I'oud in Fr.-iiiKim ; p.
Viewers' report private road to oe
opeiidt I'i t'ei-f wide ;n ""pring twp.
Court adjourned to Friday, Dec. Is,
'iii(n -ii.-ui
' .'ire a-.vav
' I'.'ivit: -uli-11
;iiches print-
beaut ;f;il .-U:d
map ot' -n vder .oi;nt -,-with
!tic P'p.-r 'o
-cribers. L- 7 :iiches i-
I 'Hi Urunswtcii Linen Ledger. 11 in.
by 17 :n. h is lar-M-.'uiiiigti mme
ami will be in ornament to anv illce
r a parlor.
John t Jellnett. the Junior tueinuer (
the ftiterprisiiig inn of i Jeiiiett llros..
xst T!liU's.i:iy -not x twenty pound
wiKl Turkey. uid that Jonathan
invited the entire not "!!ice-ind -cii-ihoiie
exchange ;'ori-e to get away with
the fruits of ins iui.-.e mid -piendid
W ANTED: -wetu-ral Agents to uau
dle exclusive territory for the IVuusvi-
vama I luarauty t 'oiupauy .it' Pittsburg
L'a. A guaranteed mviutmeut propi;
sitiou which at s(iu. si;trv or
commission cou tracts. Address A. ( ;.
Wonuscr, Manager, No. l North Mar
ket Srnare, Ilarnsburg, Pa. !t.
The Middlcburg Water Company
have cuu tracts tor Mime mxiv
-....w. o, couueviious tiave
already leeu made. This is certainly
doing well tor the new water Company.
A number of wells iu town have had
cou laminated water for years and the
sooner they re abaudoued for drtuk.
iug purpotsaa th boiler.
Howard Roweixux of Kreaiuer, who
had saie last I'tifsday wad iu Middle
burg WeduetJay visitiug his tareuts,
preparatory to moving to Lcwisiuwu
to accept a posittoa al the Ituruhaui
Steel Plaut. Mr. tSoweisox is a faith
ful young mau aud we do not like to
losio him. but we nish hiiu abuudant
sucvess iu his new tield.
WillituuJ. Hoyer and sou, Wiiliaiu
of Salem, wore iu towu Satuidav t
have a uvlico of his sstle put iu th Mile
register. He ha an iuiuicusv sUK'k of
hoitwaaud cattle. He will iiuit farm
lug iu the Spring aud wUi mow iuto
thu b lie it houasi opposite thi store,
which he hki purchactvU ftvui Mrs.
Matilda KWut for $lxsj.
James ll. Dtouicr of thu ubxeo. of
Sub-Divlaiou, No, lvf IheLewiawwu
Divlsiou, had bcu awarded tbt auuual
prviulum for general excellence of
Uai.'k and aiib-Ji lwm wiik tor tint
year llKKi. AImuI sit years ago Mr.
i-iiri-' iti.i t.indr.
'linat I. II. H.oVer-Ot'- .onfn-'lol;-
ry -tore. !! u.-i- -,e ai. , t -to,-i ,.i
' -indies iint i-v.-r .V'l.- in MiddleLiiig
and at the lowest prices.
-tinday -chHi, orders ;ll!e.i at a trille
noi-e than "ist. If. uot so. do not buv.
nid .1 Happy Now Vcnr to ill.
-wart. ,: i iravtua's st,.n wiiieford.
' -leadM.uaiters at which to buy ymir
lin.-tnia.- gift.-. Do you wish to make
your friends happy '.' Tlien come and
xainine our large assortment of holj.
lay gift-. We will mention a few :
Do you want dolls, jewelry, gloves.
ntieti-. lamps. Iiaulcerchief's, furs, 'im
brellas. luniks, gia.-swarp, Cliinawarp.
etc. I'he articles mentioned are but a
lew of tho-e we should like to -how
you. ou should -ee the mauy novel-
tie- we have. Do not wait till the last
day, but iimie early.
Our farmer iu the show window bids
vou .'Nine tn. sflwt voiiririfts 4111 I ?W Ln
' '. , ' vour friends happy.
lvcs(iect fully yours,
L'lwuier Wvu the similar nUe. l'U
Thae wvrti ruiltUuvw I'll' Npfeseuts thv spevial rwrU for
Iv.vobsvillk, P.v., Dec. IflKJ.
Editor Post.
I do uot ktiow how much I owe you
ou your paper to this time, but as I
see your liberal offer of the Post, Farm
Life aud map of Snyder county, ail tor
oue dollar. I will enclose a fiuu bill
to pay for sunt. 1 am still in the
mountains here getting out lumber at
Uw ntie of about Z ears a week for the
last $ years aud still have standing
timber ou hand to couiiuue it for 4 or
years. Our shipping facilities are
uuhaudy, as we have to haul about 13
mile to the railroad. Am peeling from
3 to 400 tou Rock Oak Bark yearly,
which I get hauled IS miles to the
Tauuery, so you cau Imagine it takes
lout ot good heavy teams to do all this
wagouiug. I see that the old Vauder
Ult survey or grading of railroad that
cut through our lauds here about Si
year ago is getting pushed ot ordered
to b built by Caruagi aud liockerfel-
Jk or Mr tsuHld Mill build it. If it
will gel built it wilt ,;ive us a good
out, let for shipping, aud ouo of the
grandest icada hi this country.
Iierhng ami P. V. Reigel p
I'ltsdpe for Vei ire to io
for ll'Ot aiid !:a . .i'i'-- t
term. 1 '"l.'oii t i ! II in t a.-
the ai'coin , t, - if ' he i
'.Vii.i.uu J !f.,oi.-.-. -i i...
j -teller, again-' lef,-ndai,t.
Frank :. P.ow.-r-ox -vis
j guardian ( 'A' irr.-si A . M.i,i..
child of D. Ii. Maiiu-rk in
j ", ,) IU . . ,, f 'e.l, - t
Jai'k-o.i i ; . iii-y l i- o . iiiin
m lie -n i irni'i'.
! let urn " - 'i d ':' .f . .
'.he following .i.i.ii
Haines, ii ased:
di ci.-.m ; Kllabel
C. W. Wagner. :
' tf. lecea.-.-d: i-!;!..-Aorahain
.M. r'reej
Auditor s re' ort- .
iiauicd c-tates were tiletl
Arnogtint. Nathan F-tterol
S. Wieand. and Kctn innn 1
A ppointtl.etlt of viewers
lll'V 'A
'.Vc i .!
1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 i-iiibbin i) tier.
k-uithin-; Liit.
For the seonvmy i.f tiim and mrsv
i to our su thrillers, we otrer the J.ilUw
i illCTIMllNHtft'raa 'iif l'hMmr K r.
lowing named :-rlod teals with he
1' -T. Hierlrsr enluitin is th regula?
I"'''' !' -'' -;-..!. -at,, o ..i'....-.!. In
:1 ..
T l
i-k.d. :
.. 1 I i 1 1 III-
I -lit.
' ' itlc-r:
t ".'i-hi :
I'i ll.ift.
. 1 a
. II
- W,
.1 n
g:.' r.
v V.
i : l.e ; ' - r '
lull' :.i;.."-
M-ciir :. in.-
i el" Uc.l.-ic l-'li
t 1 let
"r:l.-' i
'. Miciia-l
f '.ridge
across W.IJranchof MahaiiToiigoCreeK.
euiargeil, rcirt to be made next term.
I'lVoKl K.S.
Moses '"rieduiaa vs. '. io.deu Freeii
uuiu, divorce granted !hmi payment of
Tobias E. lieitz vs. -arau fU'itz. rule
gratiUsi ou libellaut to -how cause why
alimony, etc.
Mary A. Hickhart vs. Wilson Hick
hart, motion for alias subpoena in di-.
vorce awapieii as jirayed for.
V A .
mis .l Al lio '-l-l 1 u- ; ."- I
iron,,,- i i- li t - . ,;i
1 1 .i . . I -1 : . . .
ii i'-rttci.'-i" 1 u t
.1 I i' it',1' Nov . ..;
Levi ' irti' n An ; 1 "
Davi-i ii -iivb r ! in . -.1
'A'. -.. v i" r- i-'-ii . ." '."
W li il . ,i.-i i Auni 1 "I
Jessie liohlallil L'cc 1 ' ' !
Jo.'lll S IDlttl ..111 I " t
ll 41 A M "ftimh -Ian 1
.M vj Dover -Jan 1 '"
Win L Miiinuir Nov 17 "i
iaicn F "'r S'pt 1 I'.mi:
Wi Irion HcrroklJan 1 1,'""
L'ticu L'uuiilcLierer I 'ec I 1 I
Anion Iirubukcr S-pt 1 "4
r-ot..- ; I-. -...g . a." . .1 ... -aie
a ...e -priii.: -i.o ;..i -.- '::!! ..iii-s
is i-ariv is . .iiii. ie um :i:iv.' :n-iu ;:i--erti-i
n 'lie '.Iid'ili-iiurg ,''ST-s
. .cgi-t.-r -o liat ,'i n -M-e wiil -iM't
'lie -anie date. H: vii; .nsitr ""ur
late -' - hat !'.o tie !. :.-ar ":,,i -vtil
eiei-t -ame - late .V- ' .o :targ
:' r ::iser.:ug a t.otjce . i v .ur -aie ::i-mr
ilcgister wtieil you get :;ie i.'.i prmo-d
at this oiliee.
lieo L Daiitricr Nov !
Harry Ritner vs. Emma J. Hitner
ill vorce recommended ou payment of lictirv Iv Mover ""ept 1 'It
theo,mu- ' Cmrwl Dnttv.Iau 1 0t
Jeremiah Waiter vs. Amanda L J E IWj ).. .
oiier. apiHJiuimem. ot ii. ii. i irimm, (j j stt,ttT )w i)
D A Keru Jau 1 '. "i
W A Eid" lev Nov 15 "d-
estate of A osi in H sS..v.Iup ..,,.1 si v -L .uauix-cK .uar t.
Ks., master, coutiuued to next term.
Orders of sale were granted in the.
nvder and Simoii
Hummel. j iwhert lwile Jaa 1 ' '4
Charles Hower, auditor of Susau , Ixiwerix Jau 1 ' o
Suyder, deceased, enlarged to report at; U K Dover Feb 17 "5
Argument Court. Chas Aucker Oct 23 LU
The widows' appraisementa, Ex- Emanuel Sliader Sept 1 i )4
ecutors', administrators', and guar- Dr Petri val Herman Nov 18 04
diaus' wcouuta were contirmed ni. si. j Mrs 1 (j H0llseworth X0v 15 04
as advertised.
Morris Mark, eU al., aud the Eageu
Sindel Co. vs. li. Federmau hearing
coutiuued to Feb. 1, 3904.
Report of viewers ou road to be open
ed in Chapmau aud Jackson townships,
33 feet wide except where bridging aud
uurgtug is neitweary ana there 1B feet
VieweiV report refuses to open .New
Market, Centre Square and Walnut
SUvwt IU &riugiuau's audition to Free-
but k.
J II Brown Oct 1 04
Elias Cawley Oct 1 04
liobert lu:arick Dec 1 01
Daniel Maueval Spt -JO 04
Jonathan Troup June 16 04
Sarah M Wray July 20 04
llenry Swarm Nov 27 04
Wm II Attiuger April 1 04
P D Bonier Oct I 04
W D Bilger Oct! 04
Cie.. (' 3tu;li Jlay 1 04
Sale Register.
N'oiicM .if airs wut - wrtN ;- :n'ier
-!iis r.eHAUUK 'vueii trie .,re rrii.tea ,c tun
'' v hen llm "ii:n ire .in -nnliKi .il tins
eitlcsi l enta iriil !io t rsnni ri-
; H.'' inn to haw wit, siioma ..fieul .i :aia iauU
inwinl i:i tiimiimma.
s.r-or. l ee. : i. u -Cr-nintrr. i'-rrv vuranil
'Till ll IlUUIMIUdlli iMKH,
r'KsnAV. farca I. nt? Tine .iiitiwM,i n(
MenarTnle. Mr. mueritlB lor nil
sn .ive tiK.-K auu ::kfiuinic impieoieaM,
SacCHOav, .Mareu Ii ::i iVumrtoii townsuip,
inn It. Miller will -ii norsem ..-own aui
.'Arm luipieiuencs.
n isnAY. Haren :3. s. jr. Kersmner. 'nenaU,
will -s,ii nouaeuoiil jiiwii, 'arm itnpie
'uvutaAuU live ikxk. ir Mrca l'i. it Siim, Wm. J. !lorr
vill sail s liorwm. .v :tvmi a( caU maU
tartzuiif itupieiaeui.
, TncttiDAY, Mirii IT, .me mile -outa ot selin
ruv. Wm. ii. Uouiuitirar wtil eii honvw
cuwaaaa farmMix irupivaiaoM.
THvaUAV. Mareu :7. l iilob Millt, n. p. Wai.
tr will Mil lira noes sua arm iinute
.VIuauAT, Marvu il. ooa-luurtta aula muuui ol
-linsicr. .iu it. a. iMwm (arm, H. P.
Winn will nil Uurwa, 9 iwi, . heaU oT
youn cattla, cS) iimui uu foud ttumm
Ta iha Public
My wife, Emma F. Elliott has left
my bed and board without just cause.
I hereoy caution any oue uot to sell her
anything ou my credit as I will pay no
bills coutracted by her.
3. P. Elliott,
hamokia Dam, Pa
U fcsM out uf li nub-JlvWoni,
William Mover, D. 0. h ml aud E.