The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 10, 1903, Image 6

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    MiDDLEBUIlb P03T. -
i ';
t .
t A Perilous j
Encounter $
wr. SMS. fcjt tJ Story V.)
TM.'t lor.r') no: - I.' f. ."0 St..'. then
tbai bro'ovr of hers would be
ah' there non :1 - sounds arain!
The s.:r! sprr.c o her foei tbo.-cby
eonvi.ierah'.y o-wuii-.c the ee,.u;;brii'm
ami i :i: : ot t':e yellow out
"W hat a (.Must I ;n!" eh dee'.srod.
neo;.t ;.. T.nrn'iw to the arm eh.a:r
. ' ovi thi J'oei.' v t;h ;:s ao
con.. : tli V ibon rvbheiy. thi,i Vas
oi'ee. n. r. r d w 'rr. bursdare 1 won't
loos y :' , )..- "spo: awaitl
000" ' ti-'e'' l1 vvf
'O ' ' . 1 ' v I . -A
r- ' - - --.-ci-- :-
, - v V .J.,;,.
N ' - - v
f. - . ' , . ir .
v,. ..., f-,e. .v,.
n ft 'l"' 'f :., ot'Ter
1. r. - J. -V, I,-V. rV '-!
-.--, I- . r- V.
fr--m:.' r.' . .Itrrr- crtt ftir ,r:c!
jr. c-v-.v -'r:s"tini o.' .r 's
fi?n' '- V- to: pTf iio"s:-. XV;,r.
tr",- :--.-, irf S' isT.' hW 'r
he wwil,-
TV-- c"m w- 'asi?- T""prv '-ir
P : ftr irr--.- v.e ' . ,r; f, Vrr
f - v -nr-ir r e-vo-tr ,, n- r-,-vV
.-,.-. wnr Tp-VMi 1: '''firr-'f 'o-j-,,-.,..
.-Vi. n-, "-
"' .-. ihV fo' ; bur
I- t - r - n i. , , :., A .-
S :n - r - r'Vty, f.-rT-(li f-
fn ?.!' .- - '. . he- ! . . '-o -.v
Of ?( I-V-. . f- cs,
rfu. -- -i crrpri ; r'.T1' rrk-
tnr-J 1L " '.-";','','t
-' -., .rri--
")eir-- O' -..:-se
1 - . . .,
J u
i . I j
o . i of.
r c ,
think t can acplr to that dlattncttoa."
Sh could not rlt clapping har
handa. "I knew It! I knaw tt!" aha
1celarrt trttimphaatlr. "Ton aca. I
rcd all about tu la tt- IVat thla
very ercnlng. and now to aotuallr aea
you." Slif 1rw a leng trcath and
j )-d Mm crltloalty.
j A q iw rxpr.8lo crrnwd the hur-
fclar'a fa-c. Va It rn:ba: i aFsitfiit or
J KcUy." V wnrrird. "It'a anftil
I ly ci-sl of yo':. In"
' 8,io oi.niea.;l(iiFl ir.n with s-avity.
i "Von (of," hc -,, earr.oMiy, "I can't
: clr N-lrs sorrv for yoi nhen I tMnV
of tho 1snircr ns life you aro lcartmn.
th n ful r y,-n r'n. To think (she
i-;.Tsp1 h,-r hni,?!i ooileJx tint (t
1 aro wmont yon tny tT cartnml.
; wm i .:; fo-n.. O'll tj-at
vou aro a
:iimt ivi'iinvn to
si '1
i-,,, -
'O.t S!
br (V
1 oar.'t
f"v vor i rof-f title "
IVi. bo tresr. Vii- !o-
ot V.''
on. ropressinv; ar.
"yoit'ro a it.vo
Vno ."
"fT you
arr afra'
yoi; won" Vnri-; tin." I
.. Ves'tntini.- "I Vrow
rik :-i: p"nss'nw nx,; of trorev I
nr.. '
s '
. Vd'-i Vroiif.Vi rot. here to-rlrht. !
wht.: yoi. t( oi iff bp yo: out. i
sf r continue,'. emrVattonilN . wnrrr.- j
bor .Veme '".'Tt. coins to make :
Int tr
f. fa!- nvc o"ar propnn. I'l'
tv ;Vr 'V'ne tTfea,4 of von- -er -tak-ir.c
rVrn. ' TVo rlnc. frr la? toroj " 'he
wv trpp!r.F Ver VVfV(; fnpers'
"an thtf rm.-pt; oupb; to be worth
s-imethln Ir. aa.V money " Sbe belrt j
?Ven rv tr Vtrr will. .r. Ir.ritlnp
ar.ttl bn: tbr burclar Twnilwi. Ms foe j
wnr-v-tnit st'n',
"At v.-u; mai" be aald Ir. cn'rk. j
erercRt, tors r.r If thtf one r! you-
Amf-rtear. toVf' (
"O: ( iai.'t ' tb pir: pro- ,
ettA,-. Ir.lirrarT'.x "T'rr. Ir. flof. ear
ros; and tb.H lar.'t al. nearly al. that j
'. wan: t. civ voi. W'i v( nnmc n!i
fantib si'v-r bt.leonp lui; valuable, ,
an.! lot or M'rf - thinc tbs: I'r.. polng ,
t- r-; thi.- vtry Bilntit " t
Shi wrc mrn-'re raptdly towardi the.
(Ik a sh- ppohr. bu; tnt burglar
-iiadf no BTteinp: to follow br thla
tirn t- or.iy jtofx; rootec1 to tbe rar
pet. htf far? oTpreastnp utter bewilder-
Sr.r."r.!v b'- boe
crushed aome-
' Ft- stof.-,,:
.. tr::.
-r- :: rr vtis-
fc. -v Hi- h
i. i--r-rw;i! tL'
acr eruci
. ' a ir. y
(: -' ijj . slo"
li- t.-LUfUilL: 1UIC-i-
w tu-y a' tija'..
- of cijs stuiirc a
iiamluio riiii!-.
I.ii: iii.yuieivi;
- .... b -!-? Guu- aiiy
our m'
. M.irs.a-' "1 VI. iir-r
1 rr
n. iiVvri hUr-
' trit- UVU li'!
ILtiLt 7i.el Lur-: D- ,uUb
an. -:, iviiyc -o';
t...:ii.: r'. vr"'" Li,r
: ui'
. .r :, -' e'.'UJ t
iu-- '-ji. u-.W" c.r.ui ii ji: li,a !
--. i ! ..- ' -e tar a
..'..: et ' .. !'. bv our wile I
. . a.. iw. ! j' i 'u "
" J;,r a'.tr'" ti.a; 'w bd (
U-. ' .cu'' Ti uiilvr'.uialv Lirt
t iu( r,L''' iu:.
1 1.. 'uiu ... t uj' muni-
i; - ' u i ii . e J.i.t
iu'. rU'.nI: ' Ur
, I'srr'.Lf h l) il tot.'' VL' loS.tatil.
ir:U.Ur "A wife wouid l,e ttt
s! o' jw" rU.eki uLukOneti
ij' Uc .u or. trvetjr vrth lr t
Mttla apaach). "Now, takt mj adrtc,
and ba on tha lookout (or a nice,
thrifty young woman. oma ona who'll
take cara of you and look after your
"Thank you, Ria'am," aald the bur
alar. He mopped abruptly, hta n-ords cut
ahort hy the dtMant ahrlek of an en
gine that mdilonly died the room.
"The 11:30 express!" rj.v-ulftted tha
.1.1 T- W.. t . . I M
"Vo-.r hroihor'" r.n...l ih. hr.
. ' . ... "
'T"""v,,,;'y' .?m",:-
-ana nas revprlslily ionsiH-
iok nrr wiu-n- ne ii rm 'lore in lie
nilnnt-no. ten at the lattt
vot.-e fhooK a little
'Aren't yon go-
ins now 7"
"No."' ald the burglar. He h-d
or.- '.-o.l the tvom and row too.l faoira
V'V. his broad chouMor s t amnin tho
"No." "no INre.1 omnhiffo.ilh . "I've
i about dc-titcd to ai.- gnd gto my-
i st . t no."
I ti;t . M-11 : nrtin::''
j mi- ap".-nlinrly tn M
! to o-vare tV :v nr '
v I ' rs ,iir
I want i'
i I'o t" vi !iv k: n -1 r
Mi o,
I 'o"tt i' ' "o.r,"o i-vVt ,ni ,
j tt . v -,!ov 1 (nsn'i np, n it."
! lb- i . i t:p or t M'i V o : . n-a'nr-."
i ,:).! ro-ro!iol.:'ii!;. "ii ' n4 n-. ih
, V''! VoiiL'Vir't to "no tomptoo a :-
pon'svt l'ltn-'fir fro'r. foPowtnv- af:or
p.:1- oor,vor!oi ooni'ttn.Y
She bafenod in m".Vn nvvilio. lion
To pioV up V.i has from the fl.vr.
"l'r.'i wsit an.'iVer instant," she
w:r"o.. Vim "Horv'a your valise.
Nov . ri "
Hr swung V!n-o!f out of etj;b.t
TVo cir' wgtobed a moment by the wln
listening Irtertly. but not a nour.d
to be berd He mnat ba-e gotten
awa safelv Vive minutes passed, ten.
"1 nee,', rot have hurried him away to
fat " abc tboucVt Ir. audden d)aappint-
Put a audder. elam oftbdror cut ahort
bar meditation "Hello. S!a." cried a
bis voice, and running for-arrt. th girl
tbrew her arm around a etalwwrt lnd!
vti'na. Ir. ar. ultTer.
'Tea, bare 1 am at laet." be an
nounced cbeerfully. "Wm detained un-
enpectedly hy my lawver in Poaton. an
I sent or. Jack ahead By tbe wa, (big
rftiAo aiml a. aV V.l. u w I
ing rhum whom rvebeought back with
flwrutty nice fellow 0tp tilm tny
latchkey and told hiir. tc make himself j
at home I knew you'd look after him ,
a',: richt ' . Hr roVe Into a laugh. t
yet Ir. spite of al: my d!-eetlona.
T'rr. hWt If the old ehap (Wdr.'t reach, tbe !
hona. lust as 1 did Come In. Jack, and ;
explalr. how you loat your way!" j
"I'n afraid thert was a mlatakesome-
wher " confessed a well-known voice j
The girl gave a great etart. Tc tbe j
doorway, behind Tom. topping even his j
tail annuKler. appeared an unmistaka
ble flrure In ctst tweed.
He wa? coming towards her. As In a !
dnair. her hards were taken In a firm, ' craar. "So glad to meet Torr.'s '
ets'fr ' BEi.' : faTt.'.'ln- voice. "1 rnr,!!y
Ii-. it- ;. 1 fi i o; h'-oftd "
"f '.. . rc f VCf p-f-
-'f.ozvl Ginr-f trait::::
Work Tl.a. Iirmind
t h - ritiar.: atlenlloEi
t linn
TT' : ;,; ., C
: fr.ot:- r:T woui
: He::.. ' w:tLcoj- i
I'.'Lg.- : i. a.:T- c
E:or vu-.i
:.i!. e 5 ri
ies 0fc.:t4- tyK .
it. Maea;:ii-
. n-.
1 ' i
r rt l:
pf 8' o t-e J.::;'.-!! - i
'tof-iratet attentiyr
1 It'et.e- r
i ueiamiu- o
; cii..-!r,es- s r:
tt. swucbboarc cal. for
ti' Ha-- tti iieptjon ti
! vuit-.hy 'i.i
, en Iiitttiuxe'
i e-;lrtlL le'
tjer iJtitielsKf tn--Ket.-iOiC
if firf. pu; tnruiy;J. a
tv BruTa; fjuit. sigh',
"ufiaa.iieai:. Lepun-
i unfC. K aaUBluciorj kb is turner oer
i 1"T LraiLui: ic Ut uiwiatiii kkaiMH.-lur
or lb- tirst aiie Ciuee noUiiiiS' but
jatu" - iirr ijetwjpiioij u bL earirjced
lUjersiiTi. jweiuor. aiiie lteur 1-.
laa '-.ii.-- ti- art lo iattfeKUai. tuc
I uufi a.w oij- cunfusitiK aouuoi. Uj'
I .!OI'. I tit.- i--t IVUClVff TU' UUX'. IVkO
I fcii iiuii- Lr oukwrvaUui. jt. iruc-
i U'.-. iw !. :x.ribud viiaur
I tot. u' iju by tilt b: uf Ut;
tbiTC lr Ue lltkCKI: UkVt tML btmlti
I u' ii- bittii. ce.x by ikutuhiui' u..,
j u. cui.ute.-tjtkfcsvrtiiifetvi. au'vuuiUuiiiy
J lb- luii-UosH lt.bpt.wbt
j t-: - b. b Cbkbl kL UbWl.riktj,. Ubo
I tr,. l.-.U.abUt. UUtibbJ(,b: autb'.,'!
, trLttf ti.- UltoJl. 'I'L. Ibttt
I l .t-bbobi. oji:,l,L,M 41. lb tblrlulelroilt
0. '.b- U.M;II IbOlllbtbl I'vr ibVHitil
oii. ibt; cvkaiU'bk fir; girl il6L' .LUiiii.M.'jI lu'jvuiun bbd
nf.ib'jo: v. iuubft, ib ttu IW'.-l'yVll. bbd
icfc' o' b -.- wii! i'ljt ti. ire
1. u--:. v? u( vo.apts: a tttytpital roou.
i- V''-'v'-'' UbCr t ibbUO-b'k Uil
Ivreov'. U t Citilbif-r vixi, wLtf
h. VW1 bObsUkbtiAJ iubct. it lurtili.tod tl.
jj;ri lrb tLi)t. f'c a alfbt cLbrt f,jr
-lc.r' jt yltir kX'.roS A ia.r;t rs i pcovJt reilof for tf. rias
o' ciri( oi. lburuiibsloE or a'. 1 bel
'! :,- t.'bii'o.n' kiti! iwuUli'g ! t,tj4t of
'i.ajii (. -fc.'uiiLwd ib tl.o iflibnd jt
'Lat'.e 'jf 'Ue y btadiiiia Jt
.u i' : uJail-yi. 'i-wtr thr.n C . ib-
.." . . ..... . A . . . ... J . . .
,:.U1..I. Mi.' Jll w.l.fclii !.o biB -.AJtigfuM
ibt ouU.biu title svre bo lblUMl-
lw ' I'uii Crvw" yvitMlc librviana.
We. fsM $ 1
Fop Llquoxone Yet Wo Give You a
. Thla company, after teatinirLlquowne
iw two year in Ute nwat liiru-u t
i rM nw,o, for the tnltcl
Ftntee' riKhta. That in r fur the hiKhet
, nfwp(im Kr ainulnr nshta tin miv
av-lentific ljft-rrv
We publish this (not to nhow vou the
value of l.uptoroiir. The ttuwt vnirtltb
prolm-t may have Rn-nt rlaima mnlr
alvmt it; but men don't pnv a price liVe
that save for a ilmwrrj- of rommkable
worth to hutnnnily.
Kills Insldo Germs.
I.iqu.irone nlour Villa pi-nua in tbe
without Vtlini); thi- ti-;su.'s to.i. It is s
cci1iin tint v publish on ri. tv Imttl.
nn otl.-i of f i ..vxi f,) n ilis.Ms.-i.viut that it
omtiot kill l.ujiM'ouc .lostixva nt onoe
in. I foti-wi thr t'.iuso of nn y. nn disease .
An l tb-r is n,i other x iv to ,lo it
Any .Inn; tint kill- p t-ui is n v,,js,in to
yMi. nn.l u oiunot ) t.iken intern. ill .
i louoTone alone o.m ,i tv.,iil-l
that is oause.l Vv iti-i,lo niitio nu,l ,i I
euro ihst'asvs win, h meilieinc nexi't
Liquid Oxygen.
l.lqiioTono is simply lii-junl oxyo n -no
Imps, no alcohol in n. It isthe.lis.iAa iv
M i'anlt, the throat t'etman ehemtst, who
pent ?o vvars on it. His object was to
(jet such an crocs of oiyeyn in staple
Wo ftvo (M.siiitf Out a l.av o Stork of (Jonornl Mer
ohainliso, forO.tsli or ivolutM, at :tiul 1h1om tust at tlio
K, K. tift Sian.1, raxionvillo.
No Rtrcsin Days, but evon tlnni; sola at a bargain. All
Oaliooos go at 5 Lancaster (Jniglianis at ih Kvorv-
, ,
thllltr ClSC as elieap 111 mprt
vhioh we sell olioap. Our pnees for produce are Hatter
. ......
- "ts, hcc, 2b Cts., I hiokeil
v 1 1
For ollSliel
Conic Ami examine our stock.
onrs ftir lareains
n i: i m.
W ook:
MY i-n
1' ?1
i . j,,.; y,
Villi' ...0
, HIT" dl'.
tifiii in
It Will u
The POST. Middleburg. Pa.
re-.-w,i.!t . .ii- i. ;
b btoft-ritt a;... 'ut. .'-:: i.
lire ht-oreiur o) -d
aflai!t. bou'
buuab-V itn.i..
auifc inlumimr r.r.
tov-r'tiuin: naviL
-'.;' !;.,:: t,us
o' r';.:iiii a
); ;....--;r. .--uiu
- ' ! 'j !. J.iiti r-.-i.
: Ullti ' ilUI J'.i
i fl'-K' io jl.
:." l! oil. I uii
!'.' tti'- Ut-imai,
i'ivi.-d iiif nut;
u ti. :,-. it-
ub . jl ai.,..;. lljl
'e ,c !
it. !. ib. Usil'.-
tc 'Joi 'i :n bia mj
vi-iTiloiy ovr
UO.i I.'.-;!;. Um
lU'l r.iu'f',,
bcaUui. VI '.b. '.:....! .,
pilbli' bud :.i. ;..' . .
f'uljbUii. a... libl.-.. ....
UJ. OUji,b'.V4. vbU.i
lef Lv-ri. 'ji.-i ;. ..!,
lr b tLeJ' ebii-.
Wlb'.l. 1-ftUbtUi'- " UO
UtbUed ful! ii.'.o,;bi(.oi, to tb u-W lu-
JyUOlll. bbC d! M'.6b- lot jU: UWOfc-
borti.v bitd job,' lilo. Ar(ibkkaCor Arriwub
Vorr . isoi. it;. bw Hi;br
Koi'LibU Libbd, tbi bee brit.nb
MUMtbob-ovr to lb IJin'.-d JsUtt.-, w
rivud oj. lb b'.i.iib.i.i huui Jjwly
buibbd bbd Mibit Aiby buibud will
loliow Juib. ib b!ou' u for'vij.u'bt. O'.ui
UbbbbU!! V-Cl, ' Joi.l; Jtl'. bl( , bOli
Of tL- fol'lblif Kl.Jiljal; liliX-IIof of
tbe eiC.bog.ucr, bbd (;hbjrl-;i! JiiUbitr
bub of U.e luid ii.uyor of Iyyiidoii Aocidcr.Uil Sl.vt His Son.
Aito ji.a J'u . lio-. 1. -Wll!f Q-,jt-Hlicilicr
bbd bit bob, Hbil iiyL, bgw)
C. of J'-owiby gVIII.Kc ix out
LuutUiK t-kJ- tl.elr IvjtiK , tUc- father
tripiod over u tu.d bia kuu wan
dlBcLiugO'l. TUe ball catered Uic tfyn'a
alloiiicij. Ibjurlmr tlai.
W .... a tr
rake ivaxrove iromo jtuinuie jmcu,
Lvvn jdHHoa Ion uM id 12 montLa, TLs iimitf art).
form tnto the W.aid that no germ eoulJ
live in any membrane or tissue.
Liqmnone iloea that. OtTRen la
Natnre'a Rtmtrat hmir-the Very atmrce
m yuniuy. uaeitecia are exhilarating
Mi,,.iu,K, TiiniirinK. oonuing rlae In lite
world Is a. pood for yon. p,t Rertna are
veuelnNea; and lltls'et.-eaa of oxrgen
the very life of an animal is deadly to
vegetable mutter.
We ateni u iIbvb In tun Vina m.-1.
Kittle of l,i.ti!!Tonr: but the result is
li'inid rivci'ii - a tinvlne wl.i.-h will r-i
disrnsra nhielt al sVill enn cure
without it. It is now rntploveil in evrrv
Krrnt hospital, ninl linlorst-. bv every
ine.lienl authority, tbe world over.
Germ Diseases.
so mr the known L-etm ilisrniM
mi iii.i. iiie.ui me .- in no ior tllese tnuitiles
I is to help Natiitr om H ome the jm-hus,
j titnl sueli results niv in.lni'et nnd 1111
oeitain. l.iiinvone V i 1 1 - the (M'ftts,
1. 1. ,IV1 ill. .. rt... .....I tl... .
. ,,. , , , , m ii, i .u, 1. ---1.1 IS 111 V 111
r liable. Il ilestinviii!; 1 i- i ausr of the
trouble, it lilMitiabiv ctldi the .lisense,
an, I lotvirt.
,e.'s Snemla
UI.Mii t itson
Hi1i!lt s tese
H., Tnmtl
iVuh r.i,1
rolle I'nip
ralarrli t'aneer
IH.entKry - Diarrhea
It av l einr ttuliirnra
MiIiiht IM.rmei
la til Iprn
I. tinr I hmbles
lUalsria Npiiralgia
Many llrsit 1 rnubli
Mies lliKiintnnla
II. 'iitls 'Vnlnny
Skin )ler
BoMfula HjphllU
A lull lino of ( merries
. .
ets., Onions. !i0 cents
m .".:.n-ii -w
i- :i X:.;i-..,..i Iilns
l":inii(rs jiii.i il.tir
i..;.!i.r iii-rruotivc
r' ! Hie i.i.'i. 1 In .
: if yt.;i 1 i i. t it you
i i, ta ! ii- 'iiaier.
I.. Pi
ii. i i-jjier-
ili - 'v to
J hiive up hutid b I UUi'.o-r of ;f(l
wmd-liuiid 'irniiie aU'i a full Rue of
JNt-w Ornuii. ''iii- and m Jieui,
Frank r. Jti.-jr:le, Middli-ljurjf.
Xu. 7003.
Treahun bcpttftiut-ut Ollitc ol Iowjj-Uullt-r
uf Uic Cufftuc).
W'AMtJMJ'iVN, J. ., (..t. 'Ji, '.m.
Wjii-.hJ-.Afc, Jitv hatiufmrUiry frvideiice
jrw'iiUrd to Uic uii'it-rciij.xl, jt baa
bwtj iiinde Uj aptfttr tbut '"l'ke Firt
NbUonul Kutik of Hvciucford," 1maU1
uj tUc Yilluk-t- of cw Hit-foul, iu tbe
xunt.v of hnydtjr, und HUU) of JVuii
tiylvuuiu, Lab ijinulii1 vvilb uli tbe
jtiociitioiie of Ibt- huuluU of tbe (Juilcd
hLulcr, JcKjuiic'J Ui be cotulUuj wiUi
Urlore uu baoiriuliou abull U; uutbori,
od Uj coujiiuikx' UiC buaitutaa of Jiubk-
OW, Ull-lufoK- J, 'J'llOUJUl I'. KilJlC,
btcpuly itbd Aotijij .ojUollLr 0 Lbu
Jurtui; , do bcjcby cttify t)JUt '"i'JjB
j-iial JSbUoiiul J'uiik of riwiiicfofd," 1
!ibtjl iu the villue'yf Hwilieold, lit
tbf t.'ouiily of ciiiydti', huia ol I'enii-j
ayluiiiu, lc uulIi.jjijaI Lo couuiieiii;.
tbe buaijiLM if iibbkili ua lovidcd ill
bcctiou l-'ifly Out Iluiidjcd uud Billy
Jiit 0 tlic Jtcviwd HUI.uli i,f llio
CijiU"' .;lbtx.
I . leatliiioiiy wbcreof wilJ.fcaa lny
bbliii blid l-xul of tliia oilloe, llila (jjc
LvtlitJj duy o0';ubcr, IWi.
hl-Ab T.l'.KAMi,
J;. p jty und AcUjj f-'oiujitruller of tbu
Currency. 10-20 lit.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
. a, . . '
w 9
- -
.50c. Bottle Free.
Kerema-Kmlpelaa Tii!filsts
KTra-t)ll HlunM Tuiuor-l lrn
tto)re-m. Vartewel
Uo'!'rh,,a-llet Wcmnti'i )Ism
All dlamsfMi thai begin with trt.f -all -all e-nitstlous llsouv!5
Hie reaulu ot Imptira or pnlmil I'IikmI.
. In rtrMllif l.,iiir.m arts a a tiki
ter, Bfeemi'lltliltig what nn drugi ean to,
50c. Dottle Free.
If you ttee.l Miii..toiie, and havenevit
tried It, plense send lis this riiiitnm :
will thi n titiiil voit nil order on y'Mit t.irj
drunRist for n .nll-aire bottle, nnd ve.
ny your iitiittKist otitselves for it. ilm
s our ftee eift. tiitu (.. ronvim i.,..-
slimv vou hat l.iino7ine Is, niid', j( j,
HI llo. lit tllstue (i, y.iursrlf, p,..
nerrpt tt to .lav. fur t lili.rrs v.... ,.i.-
nn olitie .linn nliatever.
I.i, ousts ;..(-. iin.l fi.
fur till, nfli.r niT tint appi-sr attain. I i:i ...u
Hi.-,lanl nn.l mull II In dm 1 1. in ii,,'
I n., -.'. I l . blnrle SI , rhlcngn.
My itlseata la.
I bat., novnr tried I l.iiionme. ,i, u .,.
"Ml mi If im aNw.bntlitrim I mil ,
Him fill mlilrr-. writ" Ui.,i,
rhrslelan or lunpllal tint yt n.lng i
HI lie visit I jr iiii,i nt a tell.
sen a
he Youth's
i-uitenvors venr bv .ar to
IflH.'al tiu ieipn- its liiil.l upon (V,.
(.itnilies of tin- iiniin,,
provlilinu llii'tn with rending Hint j',
varied, cntei lninlii; ami liclplul. The
tuivt volunif will ciiiiIhIii:
PFRIAt, RTORIR8. enrli a hmk tt
Itsplt, irfliTtlng Ameilcaii lift a
Home, Csnip and Plrld.
PPRCIAI. ARTM'I.FS rnntutsitK h
Famnu Men and Women sum.
men, Tiavellers and Krirntitti.
THounnTrnt, aan tinfitiw-
TORIAL ARTICLK8 on imprut:
Public and Domestic Qucmioii
SHORT ST0RIH8 hv the !
l lvliif Wiitets Btoiien ot Chitu
tcr, Atlilevement and Humoi,
SHORT KOTFB nn Ciuifnt Ftfttt
and Dmcnveilei In t lie Fidi &
Science and Induvtiy.
DOTES, Hems nl Cunoun Kioal.
edge, Poems and Skctcbet.
Health Aiticles. Religious Article, Etc.
Childien's Pagl,
Sample Copies of The Youth's
Coiiiinuion will be sent to
attv address free.
The New Subscriber ho cuis
out nnd scuds this slip with
$1.75 for The Youth's com
panion for 1904 will receive in
addition nil the remninini; is-sue?
of 1 0(13 from the time of sub
scription TKUII, including the
Double Holiday Numbers also
The Companion Calendar for
19(H, lithographed in 12 ci.lur.'
and gold. ,
New Subscriptions Receive ': a:
this Office.
Schroyep &. Smyser.
JCfrttwnt only IIi'mI-i'Iiuw ftinek Coiv
1 mil l n l.llitliiK CIiiiiw itml hi"-
J lll.llillg JHTIIlIt KlltliU-il.
We ur eoniliilMniiilieil by our Co
luniea to liwiie iHillelea mnl IruunsCt
bllMllll-RB ttt Olir Ollleu BIUII1I Ufl tit ll'lll:
All UlaiiieiMi ciilniBlod lo our can
Will lj J,roUi,ly ulteu.ieil to by U'
or other wlae.
J11 Hdiroyer'a llull.llng, near Ijcja,
KiiyiierOouuly. I'KNXA-
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01' Uuiac
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1, ' " . : olli' r
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, Jillt. OililJ l.!i.i
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0.1, i,.,)i.
iJi 1 :..:jrli-j!ii)uf,f,inolii:,
ruj, 1 0.1 1. ,r b'ovi's..
li .t f.if eur (..ildJ.iHue,
tili iiiK nl. en. an, I . ill nil, ,, nig
I..I rf,i, liuiru, i.i.iu, s- 10
svi.ij iiikiuIdi. at du my
., Inn niiU Kllim-lltf.
Tl.'!i Ik'OMlY I M1.SI4N
II H tOiHl'AI".
lib hill ."ilrstt, Uoamr, M, V.
Cum Clip
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F7fe NBaf
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