The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 10, 1903, Image 3

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Gsight. e shhw aad shadow
r gy dufcraat from each other
f fceslthfol iroo licklT watntir.
rsfni womaa oarrica light and
WlOl n www km gum
Til wiaii
who gaffers
from ill-health
caata a shadow
on her own hap
piness and the
n nsppineae or
I Thoaa who suf
fer cannot
mile and sine.
L:th in woman m generally trace-
iiue"e 01 me ueucaie womanly
m M.ny women have been re-
to hspriiness by the use of Dr.
Favorite rrescnpcion. ir mere
nvaliJ woman, suffering? from
itAne, prolapsna, or falling of
ir from leucorrhea who hue uard
ce' faonte JTescrlption with
:r,lcte ueees Dr. Pierce would
iat from .inch person and it
o br advantage to write as hr
i pertrrt jrvyl faith, a reward r,t
n'r.v cAe of the aliove malailiet
t cannot cure.
t t. I'.i'v to inmrm yon that I hrl
f-r..r i. .r mmy yr from trrw.i-
' : ytrlom nna mmr, ir.,i t. m "
; V t-i-'ier of iVii I,xini(..ri Av- .
N" Y. "I rnniinrly fc'rij Io
run I lntilre-l to Hr
, I thrn tok five tott of ft-
-it," I am n now cro ami
r.1 I !i.ive a g ol color In my fi.- :
fiinr.l .ioiit tn pound in wHuht
jr V eomri, for 1 am a arw
;tar who offer a auhatitute for
tf Preemption " doea so to gain
e more profit paid on the sale of
urinous medicines.
err Common Sense Medical
j frit fret on receipt of atimpi
nrpenae of mailing only. Send ji
iiUtiip tor me paper-coverea
ii umpi for the cloth bound.
Dr. R. v. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
hnalue-m entriated to hi ear"
ivs uroiuot attention:
la from wltarlaa T Ml a It
Be MoaiMral for Itfla TkU
C aaatrr.
The cut, reproduced from a Swiss
ortlcultaral paper, shows how cultiva
tion is accomplished in Alpine vine-
OVCT-Work WeakeflS Wnop Potter nyi: "We are ret- A New Tort Judge has a vexed quee-
Vift f 1MfiMf Un to ,B ,uch nnrry America Uon before him to decide, the problem"
i our iviuneys. ttat th- erdln-rT v.,-, ,hMh., AM
aaa mm "
fthealfey Kidneys Hake Impure ftlood. tk c.r..
civilities are dlaap-
pearlnff OUt Of OUf ertlaae MaalaK
or two coon songa"
la copied from tha
All tha blood In your body passes through education and our life. When you have other. To plunge into this fleld of dls
your kkineys tc& evwj three minutas. diacuased good manners out of society outation seems a hooeleaa matter for
I'.llL!?- dismissed that beneficent the multmileatlon of dark . wrf..
mw puriiiers, iney lit- . , , '
ter out the waste or nd klndlT lnlct toward your fel- t4m Dy whtl has been so rreat
Impurities In the blood. k-man of which good manners ought
it they are sick or out to always be the expression." Blahop. that tnetr reeemoiance can oe detectea
etr work1'7 ' Po,"r s observation, of course, ia only without difflculty In a hundred In-
Pains, acnes and rheu- lna ' nls environment. Sometimes stances. As the old negro plantation
mat ism come from ex- tn father eat you travel, the more melodies resembled each other, so their
cess of urlcactdin the It impresses you that politeness dwirt- otTnhoot, the "coon song." is all of the
blood, due to neglected and the farther west you go th same warp and woof. The syncopated
the civilities are observed, music which now pauses as the develop-
kidney trouble.
ir'... ,.,..m- ...i.i. ...j . mors tne civilities are
.. n . i . l . i . i . i . . . 1 iir iimuwi: kumj uiiicK or uneaav
r Tk l8!'c"ea uon heart beats, and makes one fe-l as though though often In the form of a rough nient of the negro melody Is, according
I nchoring machine is the they had heart trouble, because the heart Is and unpolished naivete; until Call- to the Ht. Iy.uls Glohe-Inioer;4t. far
main reatnre Illustrated. Thehorsegoes over-wsr'in in oumnin? thick Itirfnev. , . . , , , ,. . , ,
hacu an,t fr.rth , .h rt h I mJL ,u purVp,D? l' lcf- Klney- fornla in rea. hed, where, t a the uni- away from the so-called darky song of
DacK ana rortti aiong the riilge and the poisonea bioci through vcir."; and arteries
man at the cultivator has only to guide It used to be considered that only ur'nary veraal testimony, dwell the most cor- 30 or more years ago. "Shoo-Fly."
his Imolenient without the bother of troubles wen to be traced to the kidneys, dial people in the world. This differ- "Old Incle Ned" and SK id more
driving. Of course two men are needed but now modern science proves that nearly ence may be duo entirely to density Gnarls" are funeroal compared with "A
nl';S"aV,mr'rty!gin- The closer we ar,
If ;,-:u ar sick you can mae no mistake P,,-ke'1 together the less i cam fnr
tir-t dector'n.-; y -,-ir k.dr.ey?. The rr.-M one another's comfort, until in the
"' e :r:'''iI hn:-! '"''' 1 a C"r- iC'!rn,''J street cars we ara reduced to absolute, rr
rjiii"iit!ii!i;fij!"..P::!!':' jy
6o different ij.imcs -.ill new
one in each pirk.ic f
Lion Coffse
at your firocer's.
In this one-hor-se aTair, and the ctilti
vator gos liae!; empty every time, but
lai.or is relatively cheaper In the in-
e ' ,' .
' i ' J
.': -'Si-
' 1
v .Kerf .1 ;r-s i f ;;,e -r.c
by a.l ir'.i f:: . . : 'ry-
r.r.t and one- "i. - ii: . -- -
". bov. by rial n. n . r n-'i .v t
free. i'-o ramrht e'.lir.g y-.u h-'v to f-r.d
'. .t if ,.y: nv-; k.dny - r V .I '"r trvible.
Mention r ri r vhen vrimi ir. Kilmer
h Co.. Binhami.n. N. Y.
're v
"i '.. -T7iH
. fP.OUHE,
ci r.T! v. t:no stf.f.p nir.i.siriF.a
terlor of F.iirope than herp. A boy oniild
mnnaup t be motive power, and o her
( l..'ll.N-. i' i ' l .f : I. .
vi'Tiii' ..f . 1. 1 t .v f
r''l'1 f -"ivt-T O I. ' I til' i
-) If t,.-fi III i ,1 I- r.,r.ii-H ..t th- .'--iti- of
K.iM-l. r ' I" r .In., -M In
I't -il!,il,.i it ; 1,1,1- ',if.,n l'r:i-I Sm
' V 1 lllir.-ll i ":i II '! r I iV ' i. .
" ft t.
"in f.illo vin ,(,., r'tn''l ri:l i-.tiif" ri
nw . ,Vi. 1 l nt- in I'. Mr, l',,iv ' 'o . V :iti,t t, ,,.,l.-.t ,, tlu -i,.,im,
.,,.1 ,,f l hi- "Hli-m Iiu-i Ii ,i. ,,r Hi'
ilfi't'jwil. .mlltP "it tiv IiimiI .1 Iti-n
inaccessible slopes of land, highly SUlt- ."" -tetli r . North Ii 1 1 1 r- of -miniixl i ii. k
savagery, ib.-v do we know b'lt tliiit
the street oar is the principal un.iv'.i .' . t-i. y t,r century? If tin
be t tin. ;.i'ii;;s the race hat'!;, aifl
more th .in anything ! . destroy the
exereie of these ordinary eiv.iitiei
hose disri-ij.iTirince Iiishop Putter la-tifni.-t.
Mi :i :m''M lm much more ile
cent if it. wer- nut fur the street far.-t
Antl the' east you travl, the
thicker 'hey ;n- ami the morn crowd
ed. Si rent car m, aimers, says the St.
Iiuis (iitili.-, neicrat. smin sprenil
Into other p'lr ;..tis of life. A bad be
ginning in 'he e.irly morning ride sets
the example fur ill day. The power of
precedent, es; , vi illy bad precedent.
Is strantjely in . iious. One street car
bog will infuse a whole car with what
Hot Time." -!
May ir .;,.
ceased fo co!ti;i
taken it tint (if
;jr ,i ii w ".leuro"
1 i'.ni'.ey" nin! ome of !
The in '--.i h;ii ;
'A li e ;iii a ;i e
ontl. h lis
s m.
i -i.t
.11 -1.1
I s-
I IV r !i
-w. i , it e
r ' .:- . ' h '. r,q ;is . ffw; n us
.i.'..r;u. o ,:;t .i i 1 netro
b.-en "uni.i! .t,M ragtime
. .nlier . t.niirsirs may gu
priiig among the darky
mha r,,r Kn ..,.i i "I jool l.neic ,n. nl lien),
-" ' .""I- 1,1 l!r,i,;,,i,ii, t. .In,.: nH I
rt Sam Jones woubl call a doggone mean-
naturiil ,-ri
er Had
hymns n.i;
There ,s :
clior is. , .'
Ma sen-:, is
miiic lias
After iwh
bBc'r;, ami.
eanip-meeting line, astonish 'he coun
try with real Tensures from Mils mine
of Mark minstrelsy, whose mother lode
is on 'he hanks, nf iheConeo
r re
1 Tit.
;M!'s- v
ness. He la iike a drop of Ink in a
n bucket of water ho discolors the
Lewiatown DiviRion.
In effect Nov. 2!, 1903.
I HTATinsa.
Seltnnsrnvfl Junction
K reamer
Beaver SprlnMra
Uaiilm Mills
i2 Lew town i.Maln fHreet
A Lewiatown Junction.
ahtwi an
i St J0' 4 VI
' 909 4 10
I he horse is considerable of a "''m ' Imr- :i i .in"niiiiii " nere .1
MiifonnAM AH i i i i.. i -li.'. more or !i-s. ,i a ri- i,' titnlier
eo wirn vaiuaiue inilt crops, nowever '""" "rn umi mi' r nut im iitmv
necessary he may he for extended agrl- ,." XnnZV Z ZZh'fc Ltf" ' "rMt CAT- 11 " hIm he I
cultural operations, ami It Is posslhle to : n.-nry i aui..niifiT. iieim of smnel Knjie he may have started out In life with
imagine some such contrivance. utiUx- 1,:n:l??r"?j M I a nny temperament an,l a confiding
ing the power of a gasoline or other j ... -; ! diHP,it ion, but people have on
VLZ,C?.,,..-rT f',pt and wUhh-ld all but seven
Tenlence In the Intensive culture of fnime il .-iimn innie, ii.mic i.m umi uuin r
choice closely planted crops In IpvoI i '"" 1 r'' 1,1 " : inches of seat from him so many times
Dlaces'as well as hillsides. The home ' ' .T ,llT.r.X:nZm,yj ' that it has soured him The best na-
the worst ter-
Refore encouraging any parasite that
Whole. Cut he is a product of the Pulses to kill u.-squltoes 1, .vcuhl l,
wise ui tie , cerxain anotn tne
parasite's friendliness to human inter
ests .-Vime of 'hese exterminators have
turned out 'o :ie is had an tbe original
' OMI'tv , 1,-, .
to ll.- -iii.t, rs'.l,,- t , l .
-e'i-.' .,,,vl.t,.,1 i.. ..,.,( ,t
niitr iit.i... ,t.- ;.., ... t v'
. 'nitnv iimnt "w -fti.t . tuf.. -
I Ii' V tl I I l.-lll 1 . ,f t I I;.- , f,,l.
iiut ini.".. I: .
'MiNi.-Ti; r"i."- NtiTici-
e r s
;re - ;
v.i.t i ,.
it Ail minis! rut i
9i4 4 i,i takes a good dual of room, he Is not I ' . 'K "V 'J ,n,"n M"r'" iienrv v ..,i . tures sometimes mak
- . . 1 1. . ,, mt . n mixer t . . .
rors w:it n sunjerieu
9 i it . i.,,,i . , , ! lev.anrt t, K. Herman Month t. I' Krataer
lis 4 it ' rare'u' n valuable plants, and the pack- 'i i,y u. k. iiermnn N-r'h hv iii,an
st7 4 ' Ing of the soil by his feet Is not alwavi I T'! ,N:'"""' Kil"""',r. ,vn'nmit
a in a ia .... - " I .cre ikml .Mierehe. mure r irsin wlieiooi
' benefic a . Manv tnickera and rnin ,.i . ., I.' ... '
to selfish and
1'lrati-s might
The Aaron ilurr ieglim has len
formed. Its object lielng '"he rehabili
tation of the memory of Aaron ilurr"
As you might Know by the phraseology,
its iieadciuartei s ire :n llostou.
iIvhii n.ietit i.. u 'i
Mike ' til iiiii.l nit. . i !
i "ti. iv'' i , r..4nt ' ;
;n.!.'ritf ti.t
. .Ht
ft" '' i ..stllp,
ii .'in :r:ititeit
. . iv( - . m-
"e ,,1. -., M
' ir'nir
elt'v t t.i
'it MH N,tmi.,(lr-'..r
.nns I ,-.. i. I'.j.
Knemlea of Mad sbnnld Tnlt In
Cainpnlun for a Prtnrlple,
.Mot fnr Detmll.
not been for .iotae early incident that
implanted the false belief in
souls that all men are wolves anil thev
at once set out to "wolf" them. There
but a car"-
Another speculator has wrecked a
bank. The fact that a man snciilara
t!",r ia sufficient indication that beta a good
man to he allowed to hafldl Ids ,rwn
money excluslvoiv.
... i,,i.. . irii-ii.-. iiuiri' r irsin. wn.- iin!
oenenciai. Many tnekers and gTOWers un en-ctl . it nt,.. .u-,.i,u l,oii- ,,n,,k lim have been affectionate antl kinii-lieart-
allit mil, or n'tt ImliiliiiKl. Irn ;lflr re In , ,. , , ,
nmiier ed llghu In the community had it
IrietVi I -"llnali" n I'tiinii T'.v,, Fmon I
Co I'.l. Hii.l IioiiiiiIi-I N'nrtli liv 111! ,U of (iro
ill.ll riiaa K. i ilitt nin! Jerome i Hill formerly
the .Irnlcina tnv 1 . taat Ii) n,l of Clnirle l".i,
'i.'tilHi'.HII.I I.T, Hlie i 1'ilt, of Mli lmel s,.,.!,,,!,!,
Michael l llrtl'i ln-irs ; Monlh liv Mlrliiwl ulilt n.
lieir tin.l lolin lllclt : A .t I v ( 'line. I : .1,11.
taininv 'JSI mre.. more .,r !.. wheri-on are are no longer any pirat
'T" ' I' K iriime nnllae I.IIIIK !.nrn al ii minor' m i . , . .1 , .
nnt 1. nil, In, is. mm ucrc .in in tiinhrr ful study of the effect of street
Traet.Nn. .1. itiwiein I'enn Towimhlp, Mnv! on the race decade bv
Her i n.. Pa., and on the riut l,v l.l ' " mR ' 3111 "
oftlie he'r of soimnon Knnnxn, ile.en-e.1 : give us a better insight into the trou- refused to marry him. Surely tratl
Monlh by I'liiiree Herman; Vet hv le ir of ., . , . i .
Henry ott ,ie.a.,i : North t.y Jeremiah App'l ble BUhop Potter complains of. tuda goea no further than this.
containing ai M-rrn and perches l,lnu no
hilllilina on the name. mmmtmmmmmmmmimmimmmmmimm
Tract ii. fl. siiuni in tr.n Twr , Mnviter I
1 v.. hunt ,,i ha-t tiy Innd of I'liare" ller-
a 'ij a .m
(it svr of high-grade fruits would doubtless
Sis it WPlrom a prai'flcal device that would
sr s i, dispense with a horse In the row while
1 2 ""lining horse-power tools for cultiva-
7 1 s j?, ' tlon. Rural New Yorker.
t io min
DMIN1STK Tnir-s nTI V Let-
ersnf 1 1 1 i r ist r i r um ii 'he ..s..
i ,t,. f ".tii.i.ili v.,iiti, ,t,. r , ,. ir,. n
st, v. I.t . :, , : ... ,.... .-,.1, .-rtriK
' ' ,,.'.T' ,. ..r.,,,,
i.-li. i :..i i,.,l , - ,,, ....i,,,.. .,,,.,,,. so ..1
i k.. ' 1 1 : , t i , ... f w'.'i't',, i',i'j)
''! '! 'O .flit Ct l,..,tl,-il..,t t
' ,1" ll,.T.KM,e,
s M - II! I ll,
Coins i 'li'i'k. 1'.
Intra, l;i- I t. ! l Hl
leaves Sunbury 8 '0 o m, ar
t's at Selinsi?rove 5 45 p m
l'le.unsRTOvetiiioJp. m., arrives I
Sunbury 0:15 p. m. j UDe sreai reason ior tne prevaienceor
t-ave Lewistowrj Juuctioa : . fari roads tnroiigtiout the Lnited States
it4.nn. uon m, lsoptn 4 inn m, T'jsn Is lack of agreement and united action
0,12 5.1 i-ifor AltMina, fituhurif ttn.i amonir the aiivorates of litinmm.m
Erer;.-body prefer? L'oods mails to bad.
Everybody i;r.ow- h:sf .lie nils can be
improved ot'.iy ' ' ;. i";.-..
n'..'f.ey an;; " : '; .... - . .
rr v.- .r..!?. T r- i v ,: ir.. - v :
t:.' 'i? av. ! "eh- ' ' .',..
A New Yorker be,l;iathed his fortune
cade, muht of SI rm.tMMi to a ytning woman who hBd
u. "' ir..i Wuhinitten S'(l air. '.1 .7,
I- IJ s in -i in Porl'hiUdel'.hi i" i
ii rr i ti. t ' i iii l i :a i
n V-1 iliirrt'hnnj !0 i ia
aelpnta 4 Erie R P. Division
! :;;?. -entkal railvvav
vr'v. itn.
, s i j. mi... ion
: 'A' - .
"i ln. - nion l ic ne heira. Henry Hi ed and
.Mr, i' IV. It.-nfrr : s,vut, )V , MBiirer :
e t at ,1 .North ev ,,,n W noun. In-tri
tain i
1' ..
..I .
.t .i
it, lie -1
.1 Ii
mire ,
,e kolli
. '- ' .. i J ; n. ;: 1 .v a i . ..
. s.i ,.iirv ! : 1 1 ! v "Xi-eft -it;..! ;. :
riltrfiie vt.i l-'inporilin. I .1.1 .ut'-r
lfil..'t.,iite birta :in,l '.t'laiiiUii: ;..
' i-os M.ivi.'ii, rToae an i t;ie A. - .
r !tu:Tu,i, '. :n i in for "teii.,,.
ui. .'mil 'iMGit'.uuUtt
ii'n,.v,, . i ; : ii ttmiia
v .;: ,;.i-,im
' r ittiTTilo via En por' lm.
'. " t ti r Kno ami t'anan-
ui ht Wl iiuni,irt ui n m n,r
Ptn u,i lid ! p m for Uuilalo
' " -'! in.t 5 ii5 p m lor ,o.
iii -M, : to, sj.i p tn tor Shumu
uui I'ariuei
' 'or Wllkebrre
a Mlfnvo .Mi,asCi-va .lunetloa
...... .,,,,, r UllrtUCI'lll4
II tn
lU-'OliiU r
til; arriving etiiladeiphU
" N.T i u a ui. Haiti mure 9 is n in
fli lu SO p ui.
J 1 ' I arriving :it PhllftjUlnlii,,
l "fit 713 am. Baltluior i I.D a u,
tuiu .usu laava Suubury : I
iiiTittif iL -ni ailaliini 7 7 A tn
4) i U Wajlllnirlilll HM u ,.. Mam
W wikila v, io .'41 a in Sundays,
..j ainviujf at rniiauelpuia Tsi
',' ) 8 a iu. 1ii.ihsiiii.iuvu iiu,.
ai, Wjuiin!ia 46 a in.
k"V'Vs arn'lUa: t Fhlltulelpma
f ;w ark an p ut, BaiUniore u 14 p
r 1 JU p UI
"M tt arriving at Fhlliuielphia
iom wmi I. n. li. a ...... ...
K t 16 II 1M v
'ly.-vrniugat PhlladelpUla7 M pm
9 iu, Baltlmor. 7 U0 p lit, WasU-
Mva Sunbury at Ml a ui and ft 10
h ir Harmaiurg, PhiladalpUia aud
luYi.J:iK" WOWl'. 1''l! " Mgr.
M D. Uau I l'aK,n Axvm
IflStslE ?"
DMIXl-TUAKiK-s .N't iTKli let
ters of Administration u the
state of N. I' linnilore.. !,,!,. of ! dore,
.Snyder o , la., dee'd. having liven granted
to the if ndendifiiad ll jiron bnnwi,ik. thu
t aelves hull. etfst to eaid estate are reownted tn
in ike linniftiate pavnient. wlnlrttttie having
.inii i , presrnt ' Item duly nthentteated to
t';. 1,,,TS.-Tt,.rf
I'tfl. U' l,,,, ,:.T..
T 1 I ..I 111' n 1 r itr' V.
Nrt Proclamation.
. , juuiciat uiairicl,
f'J rv K. Kii-gi. and . T. Uoiu-
li... ."'"um d lorsuy.
iu.n Pi. f u, urphana- C'our
fiZr ""-rtolUyar and T.r.
k MtJ h V""1'1 ii"er S.nluu ut
i 111. u , ,wr lBO UUiJ "1
Patur, hr-hTV,-.": . ."Tk". ,
? " rvlla rucurda. Inuulhi-
biY. .y., ulhr rauiaiubranea,
L aa aaluh r i,ui. , ...
f pruvKutlugla bahli of h n.
I tKrlJ' , Praon or peraout r. r-
M torlT, ' "o" lrll. Juitloe.
KtiduJ!;B0ltt1 their atUudamS
laiHif .V"1 h1" t!l Sherlfl a
,ulUUrgh. th Nik . W- 11
'"Ai. S, SAUPbJiXL, (UmiIII
the ni:-e -i, -' .;. ;: :: .,r.
r .l10 -nn,j. ;' ' , . l,
rr:tiie c: x-f.. ' '..
nr- -T.r- , - '":!-'
ad vent ru :' -i, -".v; ; .
tip; or of i .-v :. fI 'lrtiji -if.ors.
am: -o 'o -vf- aor of a ...e, r,j
pinti. If a ttit '. roti';? m'-v. r.:. r:t
ever -;et .star.--: 't.eiitr.K .-an stop i. f?
will tivi everyh tig '" fore ;t. Hut 'he
difflett'.ty ; to :o it stared.
"ne HT' :i: id-att'ti!;.' y,.ss -y
national aid plan, wnich is now bwora
fng so popular, is 'bat It is general in
stead of sectional or local. It is as bread
as the whoie country. It can bring into
harmonious "tutted acton 'he frientis of
good roads in every state, and it is the
only plan yet proposed that can do this.
The frit-nds of tiutiotiai aid will make
a mistake if they undertake to work out
details In advance. They will disagree
among themselves ;luj uivo objections
every advantage. They shouid go to
work for 'he general principle and leave
details to be worked out later. TMs
waa the plan of action adopted by Glad
stone. Whtui his oppoueuts asked for
details or any t;reat rt-form which he
advocated, Gladstone would answer:
"There will be time enough to work out
the detalla when we get the power." The
advocates of tiatloimi aid will do well
to emulate the eiample of this great
English statesman. They should or
ganize everywhere aud tight for the prin
ciple, leaving details to be worked out In
due time.
10 3d
Ti a,t."' ii'i i're
, o Y
'- if- j VJ Am
' ,( i
v in -ic-na :ini llu- 'onit .ttfi ts
:Mi i; -iia;.. You '.vi I i t,.( .,troiiT
Iwi 'rigtil. lYesii aiiii artivi..
ipple's Holiday Opening
Aiiii -ff
i.'V. l" !i;ui.
(trntlncpfl t lio ahnv--
.nwerttillv i:i,l .a. .. .
.,iini.' mon '.v: It r -am
'sen ill ri'iiv. r :.- :
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tiotcnlvc'ir-'s t,v rarti:
isanrpat nervofiinie .
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.i.... i r. won.
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.ic . r t-e n-l
iliiiut liniiili r. i nr.?.
nii.-t maciiiiicfiii '.' iiiat - a-
you v.ul :.! tiew. rtcli M,
Mnt.iigi, vourv, ,,,-. yr ,.m., nun A well chosen Picture is a Constant Companion that
lilt -li-'tlll V Vlltl noil .'... 1 l 1 I
. . ... i i , t ,-i ' I il Lit IIUI1
-treii-ih ati. I energy coining back to
i ion will liavf a wide -cii-ctioii to
line aixiut to 'ir plactil mi i xhiititi. .n.
There will le Pu.-tcis. il aihi Wat, r I oi.if-.
Soon (Irow5 to be a Dear Friend.
itiiti-.. ir'uii in tin' orcat Imiiiiav
Soltl under positive truiir-
:uitee. If it fails to benelit
you your money will be refunded.
TIic over lonular I'ostcrs.
Platinum Prints, !,hotn-lviirraviiiir', I-Zicliiiitr'.
RiL'-vSimik's .d trroat laintiutr-.
t:. I vi t.'.n funic I'lnw T-.iie i-rireK . a:.,l r.
tor::: the lire of vnnrr.. it.'.i : t .. tLltv
aaaconnimcu.,0. :...-i-t . ,.v:::i KF.VIVtt.nn
ether. :t rin ho nmnl la ," ;,:-. t. . 7 mail.
l.OOrjorrat'Hase.i r sli :urMiS.oi. wlttia pual
tlvft wruten gnaranren to rare or refund
thfi mnnev. :,:r'-i
i' -r - lie - ii Mi.! :',.i. v '-.ii
Inn-- 1 ir'i,. c
Hiikia tue 4 itiigai wmi ilamviiil t n e 4 aid
Laxative Kroitto-kiiiniiHf lauleix tirs
a cold in 11 day. No cure. :,n i a . i'ftt-e
Tliero i.s .somethinir mure in
! Ladies' 4()c. Rubbbers
I'he World's (ireaiet Tonic.
All Druijjjists.
Some I'ooiisli Keoplc.
Allow a cimrli to run until it ui
Ivyuutl tlie reMch of inediciue. They
joiten say, "OU, it will wear away,"
j but iu luotit cases it will wear them
away. Couhl they be induced to trv
the succeettful medicine called Kemf)'
IW.tani. which is sold cm a positive
Kuarautee to cure, they would immedi
ately see the excellent effect after tak
ing the first dose. 1'rice l'5c. and 50c.
Trial size free. At all druggist.
The IWr had the haudsomest line of
calendars ever made; designs are all
conyrighted. We have a cheaper line
for those who deire something ines
jeusive. Come in and see them.
VIN-TK-N'A Curea Losa of appetite.
im inir u,. l U.... I.. .1. . t
pla on tha farms, whoa we will have r. .ttU!,v'u,J' xuaige-
159 boys and KliU going t. Mien uou' ouatipatiou, Dun-
The Hoy and Ike Kara.
Teachers and l'anuoi s, teach the boys
and girls to be holiest and upright In
every suuae, but by all weans t4cQ
them to work. It won't hurt them to
do a litUa farm work. Send them to
college if you can, but let's keep ail
the college boys and girls on the farm
that we can, and then, the farmers' in
terest will bo looked after better. We
will have better schools, better
churches and better sooiety. Inalst on
trying to keep the boys on the farm
after they have received their educa
tion. They can keep the farm books
and will lend an air of intelligence to
the town. We need more educated pen-
hum the fan.. J. 0. '.;..w. ; m 1
a-id Home.
Liuur visit tin . utato patch every da)
M the tout may get the start of. you.
ncKS Jaundirc, Torpid jiver, Heart.
Hum, coiil Breath, Trvvt Untie
iti d lie convinced. It' it inils to benWit.
you your tnouey will be refunded. All i
1 Tlian a tnitre box ami a lass cutter.
A pretty picture is like
a Pretty Woman.
Ith must lie well lres.-tHl to get the I test etleet. ami
Dressing Pictures is Our Specialty,
We have all the LATEST and AUTISTIC .lesig.m iu FRAMES,
Ovals, Squares and CircleSi
If you see what you want ask for it. We've ot it orj.cau get it.
We have cjieap goods and dear goods, but they are all goodgoods.
No. 356 Market Street,
, Pa.
25 Ccnt5.
Men's Immik :,n.i i . ,-t.
Mtu's lirst itiaiity Uuiilicr Hoots
Ladies' Dress ami Work h :'Sc.
Men's Dress ami Work Shoos. .'Sr.
Men's Felts, with Rublx-r ' )ver,
Economical Chesnutt,
Sunburv, Pa.
ar. linn rHaoi. I.adl,alt Pricriit (br
HKHUHCHD C.a.LlMal m mI aal
wt1 luwuiic huara, anuea wiUt blua ribbon.
Tata vtaior. 'Tiimii aiatiall
laUlHUUHl IMIIMI.U. lluy ( your Un.Kf.M,
or iwoii 4. id luaiuua lur tmnl lair. TfaU.
jaaaaitBla and - ttelirf for LaMllva." ra lowr,
br rmawi Aaii. ItMMM - Bva) r
rttiiwa ra.