oy l-iiui, iauwxi u ixaipn Connor. u o have a Job lot of note i "m. a on nana, iney piuh go U The price win do Jt. Cjes and prices for the ask- We turnisn mem pnnioa less than you can buy them lout printing. x A Tmlj Jsaraal, Dtru4 M Sews, Scleac. An, Political Ecaaaay Carnal Human. Balsa: Oat Dollar Per Aaaaai, ta Aaraau )U XXXX. MIDDLEBUKGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA. DECEMBER 10, 1903. NUMBER 48. IUwU W III vely Little Liners. lustlesnd the Bustle of the aunty Seat, Told In Brief Paragraphs. lie More or Less Prominent. Mtini Population and Events ol In- Lt that Satisfy Curiosity and Appcssc the Thirst lor News. Marcia Aip, of Mahontnngo, a week's visit with Mjss iniybill. Maiibeckof Friiiiklin township, Ut of the school bonrd of liis dis- W.hiI in Thursday to pay hi jji to V-U. Bowersox. teacher of Hartman's Centre township, dropped in ribe for the Post mid get a map l-r county. rt Iiiegel, of VertUlla, teacher of school ill Spring township, respects to tli is office, Thurs- juring institute. . Itipka, railway mail cleik rrisl.urg, and wife paid a visit nr parents, W. II. Idpka and d H. 11. Tobias. I'iist (.ne year; "Farm Life' brand a Map of Snyder County, for a little dollar. Bee particu- fourth page of the Post. UKiiouse, of Aline, accompani- fatlier, Chilst Knouse, to the seat, Frioay of Inst week, to new wagon The young mini in to order and pay for the Erdlev, of Kantz, son of Ex- ifcioner Isaac Erdlev and teaeh- 'hoeh's school in Penn township. d iii to make himself happy for Je year by subscribing and fay- ItheJLWr. recefvra anew lot of Sewing Lies from $18.00 up. The White, lerand Wilson makes a speciality. iplay advertisement. Fkank S.Rikgei,, Middleburg, la. Hover, of Salem, and Alvin . ol Kratzerville, two esteemed rs of the Post, dropped ill to I a cull, Thursday of last week, luer to pav Ins subscription ami ioi' Snyder county. n A. K. Soles ia his new shav- iwir iiitnijj prnr f ii youi aiicd with a refresh m - .-haiu-:i clean towel to each patron urtli side of Market sui are ( v- Mral Hotel. Satisfaction gimr-tf. h' Iv. Mover, one of the nrogres- iiiers ami peach growers, of ii-'ton township, made a business liie comity seat, Wednesday of s. Mr. Mover entertains citv priiiL' tlh summer and reads the i year. Uchers of Suvder countv came In. We always enjoy these an- or our public school in p ud trust they eniov these r muli as we do. Thev are M of lie )i de aud al wa vs awake i ... - . f wrest or their work. Bolendjr, of East Pittsbure. Kmeut Stetler, of Homestead, f -iudiug a vacation with U?re, erected na vamiln on. I fce happy throng of those who ply added their names to our f rowing mailing list M. Sweigart. of Buckwheat 'a a Middteburg visitor Fii- Doctor discovered in travel- theeountv. that nearly .ivn the Post, bo he concluded ii ami as a positive evident r "vwie, ordered an advertise "is Well known Minion f'umna. jsregaioreatthlsofflce. There "inat carry you away in r ""igai. You may find your lour calendars here. Our de- I ' copyrighted aud the Post Fuslvesale of them la Snyder I - oe so you will not rla getUujr them earlv. KPaln AWrk. tv.i... i. MwedythatwIU cure all alls ft!on aad absorpUon. By """'Haluittha body It uire system by the K tKs a.... ! .... it ''uwuiome, Uood also .OWiUQABT, . . Btrouptown, Pa. Misa Hattle Amig Is visiting friends in Bunbury. William Kuhn transacted buHiiiesa out of town Saturday. Jonathan Musser of near K reamer , was lu town h riday of last week. Frank Woodling, of Dundore, has our ' i i... ii. ... - . i ir ins miiuianee 01 ii.uu sent in last week. II F. Dietz of Mr. Pleasant Mills has our thanks for a year's subscription sent in by his son Siturduy. fieo. Hickhart of Beuvertown paid a visit to his father and mother, Henry Bickliart and wife lust week. Conrad Duttry, of. Siiubnry, was nt our county seat one day last wiek and drojMsl in to see us. v all again.' (eo. Hluiitdts and lirotlier Karl of Shainokin Dam spent tmveral days with their uunt, Mrs. Dun 1 1 bonds last week. John S. ShafCerof Port; Trevorton reliiembered tin' printer one (lav Inst week by sending a remiltaiice w ith K. H.Herrold. EliasS. Herrold and Able Metgar, of Union township, were at the county seat, Friday of last week, uml paidlhcir respects to ttie printer. f "(III V'..tl.l T. ,11 ; 1 II I ..( ..... ' week. Wliile there will be no jury trials, there is consideraide other litisi- 1 ness to occupy the time of court. Amnion Sbolly of Verdilla umt J. I). ' Mwineford of Port Trevort two1 popular gentlemen of their locality, 1 were at the County Seat Saturday. ' J. A. Smith, (ilohe Mills, is prepared j to shoe horses with Never-slip horse! shoes at f l.oO per horse and the com mon shoes at 111) cents, (iiveblm a fall. 12-K)-5t William Foltz and Thomas Hower sox left for Lewistown Mondayniorn ing where they are engaged in finish ing several new houses which were erected this summer. D H. Herrold, teacher of the primary school at Port Trevorton, while at In stitute last week flropped In to make himself happy during the next year by having the Post sent to his address. Jtobert V. Aucker, teacher of the Verdilla School, came in last week and subscribed for the Post and the X.V. Thrice-n-Week World. Mr. Aucker knows a good thing when he sees it. E. II. Miraderof Troxelville, 'one of the school directors of Suririir tow n. ., . '. ...7 I siiiji, was hi me coiimy sen ,lliurilay and Friday attending Institute and! dropped in tn tranvi. -t on,. .iNities' at tliis oil'ice. j Dr. Clias. II. Woodnili; veterinary! surgeon or .-alciii, now located at the Fairmount Hons.., Sunluiry, was at our county seat Thursday and Friday of last week on business and attending the Teachers' Institute. The Post has just pur -based a .in, etching of the Map of Snyder County snowing the location of the towns and roads of Snyder County. Subscri bers of the "Post" can get this limp' tree. See large announcement on 4th page. Perry Aurand of Kreuiuet, who lost his wife by death several weeks ago was in town Saturday to order bills for the sale of his household goods. The sale will take place Dec. 19 and he will then make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Hoke of Danville. Utica Dunkleburger of Ohio has our acknowledgement for One dollar as a new subscriber. If our friends would send copies of the Post to their friends out side of the County, or give us their addresses, many of them would feel under obligations to you for putting them in touch with our great holiday offer. The Post acknowledges with many thanks the kindness of lie no Snyder, teacher of Snyder's school iu Jacksou township, for furnishing the notes from which we have been able to write the report of the Teachers' Institute. Mr. Suyder is oue of the most aggressive and progressive teachers iu the county. He has also taught lu Union county, where he is well and favorably known. . ! 0 MARRIED. Wr xky Entkku s k. Lee Winev, wtu of W. H. Wlney aud wife, of Swineford, wh mairied near Kiversid.-, l)ecem'r l'.NO, to Miss MJora F.nterline, daught.T of James j Kutt-rlin- and wife, formeily of tiiis place, but now residing near liiverslde, NoitbiJinlterland county. THE Fl'TL'RE REVEALED. Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before. The readers of the Post are request ed to send us announcements of all events. Xo charge will b made to publish the same when the event is of public imiiortaiice. The ceremony was performed by Kev. 1 Thi ksDav. Dec. 1M. the I.utlierHii Sun- Walter W. Harris, of Klyshurg. The day sch.nd will render a cantata. Inide was aUcioled l.v Miss Cora iv,.,... ,. .,. ... .. ,.,, ,. , . i . .. fKIIA, Ih-e. iii, iiristmas Dav. Ifiillck ai ornle s maid and tlie gnsnu o i ,, , .,, . , , .. . . , , Legal holiday. Itank will be i lose.1. ley rraok I.vons, of Kliii-s (irove, as man. Scndav, Dec. 27, St. John's Day. The yoin.g couple ui.l hortl .Ki 1 Fill u.vv Jan. . 1WI New Veitr. housek.,ing iii a ii. w ami io k. i ir Tii t k.sn a v, Jan. 7, ri, The Snyder dwellini; in Swinetord loi n the1 'ounty Directors' A-soiai ion will griHilu'n latlcr. 1 lit- kiu.,ui has the liglit bower of bis l.ilh. r's buniness for many years and is a t v pc al litisioess man. Tlie Post' extends its iiesl wislos to the young couple. May they have many years of sunshine and pleasure iu companionship with eaeh other. Tilmday, Deceinlier 1. t Kev. W. A. Haas, I ra J. Smith ami Evu M. Adams, both of Sjiilniry. Nov. by Flius Noll.Jiweph ."trn k- ler, of Milllmliurg, and I 'urne M. I'.ow- Monday, Fel ersox, o' ( 'Hiitreville. Dee. :, t,y Kil ls Noll, Thomas I. Voueida, of Lewislmrg, and Alice E. J'eleump, of Vicksburg. meet iu the Court House nt l'l..",a. m. SrMi.w.Jan. 17, IJeiijamiu Franklin's Birthday. Fhihav. Fel.. 12, Eineoln's Birthday. St siivv, Feb. 1. m. Valentine's Day. TfK.-l.AV, Feb. Is, Shrove TllilaV. Mon.a, Feb. 2.', Washii.irt-in's Birth day. Legal holidav Banks will be closed. M'.m.ay, Feb. 22. February term of court opens. Etrn dav fur Leai. 'I'-ar. This is the t)r-t that will have oeeur for eight y.-ar-. Tiiru.-i.Av, Mar.-h 17. St. Patrick I 'ay. PROF. HEORG 1 W. WALBO iN, Superintendent of th; Publie Schools of Snyder County. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. ' Closing Days of the Session. Wednesday afternoon. Hon. F. C Bowersox appeared before the Institute, and explained his vote against the Teachers' Minimum Salary. . Dr. Lybarger: "Plirenoiogv in tlie School." If you study the capabilities ' Fitsand Mi-tits" Thep-akerha. an of the child, he is easier to control. injured loot and was unable to stand, Pr. f. Albert: "Some Kielliellts of " be was comjielled to sjt w hile.leliVer- Boyof Mine." There is a great simi larity hi 'hild Nature and love should predominate instead of fear. Two soloes were sung by Mary S. Hilbish and another recitation was given If Mls Anna Poltelgcr. TiiriistiAV EvKvtxd. Spillinttn Itiggs. of Ohio, was the lecturer on tlie oc -assion on "Musical in Teach in) . Stu.ly i Willi the ' 1. Care of the l'r.ife-sjon, iiiii... a Pen t'le Success Health. ::. Mingl. i. Illlstie. Dr. I.vliarcer: Science in School lv M .11 1 Cnlllluiin kiiiiwie ge is lilC l.a-is. Sell no should be a Work shop. Mote t'lei dotll shoIlM l.eallnw e.l the child. Wl:HlI)AY K V V. N IN1. The Lyceum I Iperutic ( 'ouipauy gave a liig'.i-cla-s etiteitainiiieiit w itlmrclies tral Hccompaii'iiieiit on the harp :iud violin. Mi-s Susan Tompkins, the vi olinist, of Uorhister, Won the loudest inu his ecture. The -..-(,n r ha- a vol uminous ' it 1 1 1 1 1 .i i : . i i.!' w. i-i- and ex hibited a marked abiiity express itii v hade of npiniuu n f.-eimg iu a lim-t ( '.. eanl and plea-ii. manner His -ellt ill.ellis wen-ot the liiu'lier ni-d.-r and nf sueli a eharaeter a-In I..- fully suit ablefnrtli a-i'in. 1'),,. imj.ersona- liul.s allll Wlli.-tiilig -u..,s Were IU"-'. ileli-htl'lll features of the eeiiilig. FlIIKAV MotS.,. Devotional Exi-ivi-vs uv e i iiuiiucted by I lev. llaiiey. Dr. Lybarger; "Number Work." We should pay inoreattei.i ion to oiiali- C I ii f t i n -j List. F'.r the ber.etit of thn-e .,f on r readers who desire other reading matter in ad dition to the Post, we issue this club bing li.-t. By taking the .Uln-rent Combinations you can save money : ' (.MHI.VATI'.N No. I. The I'nsi, one year, i'.nn. Tribune Fanner. 2n pags. w-ekly y are con- Co-nbin.-l ,riee. $1.2.-,. " iiMIIINATIoN No. it. The Post, one Vearil.UO. He was v - Tbri...,.'. u-l- vv.i.i ...... born in M.ddleburg, July 31, 15.!o, and , yMir, j,. (.'o.nbined price, jlviS. was a representative of one of the old , combination no. hi. 'lTIlof Hm -?rnWather. Tl, Post. Trrb FlhrvmA John Boyer, was a native or Moutgom-1 y. Thrice-a-Week World, all one year, ery county, and removed to what in ' imly ST.iK). now i.eiure wjwusnip, tnyuer county, 1 where he owned aud . ultivated a farm OUITL'ARV. ClIAKbltS BuVKIt. ' There are in every community men who are leaders in thought and action, who take a prominent part in public allairs, and are potent f.u tois in ad vancing tlie welfare and p nsperiry of, the lo-ulilies with which the; liected. Sueh a man was Mr. Boyer, who was a geuerid luerchaut, and the lHstuia.ster of Paxtouville. :.,! a per a.,d d.i:- !' l of Perry i .-ivi.- :' and mo-t fr.M(ieit encores. Tile second tal' v'" ratberthau iplautitativesubjects part of tue program consisted of operatic performance. The enteriainitieiit was entiilisiasticaily received at every step. Tlll'KSDAY MoKNINi. Devotional Exercises by Rev. W. K. Diebl. Prof. lieo. F. Dunkleburger: 'The Teacher of the Twentieth Century.'' He should be a living teacher and un derstand his work. Mr. Duukleburger is a man of the future aud has splendid prospects. Dr. Lybaiger: "Hypnotism iu the School Koom.'' The basis of hypnotic influence is suggestion. Dr. Paul F. Peck, ol Bloomsburgi State Normal School : "History in the I School." History is of great impor tance iu the school aud only the most important events should be emphasized. Supt. Walboru announced that 125 teachers out of V2H were preseut, one be ing excused on account of sickness. Prof.Cleo.E. Fisher: Sanitary llegu latious iu the School Room." Cleaull ness aud comfort of pupils is one of the first things to be considered lu conduct ing a school. Thursday Akternoon. The iustitute was divided into two sections tor the first period. The pri mary teachers met in the Lawyers' Library and were addressed by Prof. Noetllng on "Primary Reading." The main body was entertained with a reoitatlou by Miss Anna Potteiirer, of Seliusgrove. Dr. Paul F. Peck : "The Heroic Ele ment in American History," in which he pictured vividly the pluck, W itg A Photograph Contract. Some people tell me that they can not set a good llkeuess of themselves. My work is all guaranteed. If any per son comes and has a negative taken aud I do not produce a good picture that will please you, It will not cost you oue oent Christmas la coming and you should come In now and secure picture to send to ynur friends and relatives. There Is i and saerittce of the founders ofthe IU- uw s a monument to his business no more suitable present thau a picture. I ..ku. .... , . . . . A. CHoiKKNBKRY, Photographer. P,ullt-T , , , a-tuit. n.l.o.ccss, and his acviualnt- X Ray Photo Car opposite the Post J Dt- Lybarger : Recitation, "Old auceship includes everv reader of the Printing Office, Middleburg, Pa. Water Melon Time." Address, "That Telegraph and mauy others. We lack practicability and accuracy. Reports cf committees. Dr. Peck: '( Joveinmeiit's policy toward tlie Indians." T epoliey jjep. erally is conducive to the elevation and advancement of the race and may be justilled with few exceptions. Dr. Wo xlrutl' : " leaching as a Pro fession." Itsbou d be made a life work instead of a stepping stone. Teachers should be leaders and students. Dr. Lybarger : "The Power of Sug gestion." We are governed by our Ideas. Teachers should help to form right ideas iu their pupils. This was the method of the Great Teacher. Supt, Walboru made a few appropri ate remarks, thanking the teachers for their attendance, promptness and good fellowship. He expressed the hope that the fellowships formed here would continue to grow and expand and ideas advanced would be put to practical use. Three From Mifllinburg Telegraph. Miss Auua Bibighaus has accepted a position as nurse in a Sanitarium at Litchfield, Conn. Mr. Chas. Mench, wife and children, of near Mlddlebury, spent a few days last week with relatives and friends in and near this, their former home. After a long and severe illness heart and other diseases, Mr. J. D. Spyker Oast died at his home in this place near the noou hour on Wednesday last, aged 68 years and 9 days. Mr. Oast for over half a century en gaged in the mercantile business in this pine, aud he leave large department of 200 acres. Charles Buyer, of Hi- revie.v. aey.ir- ed his edueation iu the .ll'l.e eh'-.!- "!' Middleburg. and worked in '!,. t ii'-rv v, :th hi fatle-r ji.t;l e:.-. , I ears of age. afPT w i.i. :i -a ::. 1 ' carpenter's trad.- i r, M :d d;.-i ' .;. .owing tint pur- i.: tor a i -r: ! vear- in Midd.. l'liroilgli the -erved a- eoli-lal and then c.vhan -ervice. enli-ting in i i. tol .-r 1 - a- i a memberof l '..lupany I. 17:i I !'. ". I. He wa- inu.-tered in -eii.e a: Harr:--blllg, Was elected llr-t i l.-lltell ml f ; i ..- company, and assigned totl.e Army . f the Potomac. He did guard duty at Fort Yorktowii, and served for nii.e months, sulleiing greatly fn.ui the bardsbip and exposure incident to army life. After his rutin n home Mr. 1'oy.T em barked in merchandise in Fremont in connection witli bis father, whose in terest lie purchased after three years, continuing along iu business lor a simi lar period. In l72lie went to Paxtou ville, built a Hue nsidenceaud business block at a cost of over f 7X)0, and opened Address all orders to Tiii: nisi.- M'.ddiei.urgh. i'-naa :i!.l tVXK lit i i.:l. IT. -'.v-g .- pre. a:--: ai.d : 1 1 i t civ i! w r'j li:f. ing i eeii i'i a. 'i . . ; r thirty .ar-. Ii;- ex:.-:.-i is abundant proof of 'u', tilici.ll teeth a specialty, sivc detltal experiei.e,. H.s p;a.i. t: i to do onlv tlie best Work. Fi Sai.k A houseand loi at K rea mer. Pa., opposite R. R. depot, contain ing 2 acres of land. Nicely located. J. M. M.f KKK. 1- -li". 1-Creanier, Pa. i FOR SALE. In Middleburg, Pa., a the first store at that place. He carried j g'xsl frame house, 7 rooms, and lot of a large ami well-selected stock of gener al merchandise, aud his uniform court esy and straightforward dealing had secured to him a trade which was large and profitable. In 1S5H Mr. Boyer was married at Fremont, to Mollie Rathfou, a native of Perry township, aud a daughter of land. Also a gixxi livery stable on tlie same lot. For terms and particulars apply to F. F. Walter, 1 mile west of Middleburg on road leading to Beaver town, tf. A Bargain For Farmers. The New-York Tribune Farmer, a Jacob Rathfon, a farmer. They became natioual illustrated agricultural weekly the parents of nine children, of whom two are now deceased. Those still liv ing are : Nelson, a fruit grower and school teacher of Lima, Ohio; Stephen, who is employed as an engineer in Kansas; Elmer, a railroad foreman of Chicago; Morant, also a railroad man ol that city; Clark S., who is engaged in clerking for his father, and A Ida and Ida at home. He was assessor lor one term, and tax collector for two terms, and dis charged his duties with marked promptness and fidelity. His business Interests were well managed, and have brought to him excellent returns for his labor. His life has been well spent, and he did therefore gain the right regard of all with whom he had been brought in contact. Mr. Boyer died on the 7th day of December and was burried December 10th. Services were held at the house at a. nt Interment at ML Pleasant Mills cemetery. of 20 large pages, has no super'or as a thoroughly practical and helpful pub lication for the farmer and every mem ber of his family, and the publishers are determined to give it a circulation uneuualled by any paper of its class iu the United States. Knowing that every enterprising , up-to-date farmer always reads the Post. The New-York Tribune Far mer has made an exceedingly liberal arrangement which enables us to offer the two papers at so low a price that no farmer can afford to loose the op portunity. The price uf The New-York Tribune Farmer is $1.00 a year and "The Mid dleburg Post" is $1.00 a year, but both papers will be sent for a full year if you forward $1.25 to "The Post Middle burg Pa. Send your name and address to The New-York Tribune Farmer, Kew-York City, and a specimen copy of that pa. per will be mailed to you. -hk " '"AST" V-s .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers