The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 03, 1903, Image 2

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A mortiptf on hla house was tx
H 4ldn t worry;
II lot a lot of money. too,
H didn't worry.
Twaa hl palliwophy, you m
To always and cheerful be.
Other might fret and fum not h
Ha dlitn'i worry.
Th man h owed the money tt
He did worry.
To pull that heavy burW-n Hirouirh
He did worry.
Ittn children must be clothe.1 and fed.
He for dally bread;
In plte of all the wise onea aald.
He did worry.
Fo It 1. my eheerfid friend.
Some must rrv;
Kor your lark to m.-tkc amends
Some mihl worry.
You d. rMe w::h r.-. rrv crln
Tha' 10 n.irry .-. sn.
1-et ;t .- , - 10 win;
M 1- r. r ; . " .i.-- r.wrd-HeraM
i nu if 1 j:iL
- '
1 I ...
V.s: e .
N't 1 ;
1 il!1 '
f C iili
inc f -
Ins; .r.. -.-1
rr.v lir,. r-i
mini, n hoi.n
ololl. tn.: 1
blur c o .,;
fol.V' , -
Li ; . v
ir. IN
rvhr- r.'.nir :.
f.r..' ;.--.; t:
irair wjv r
uranrv ;':.;;
tip sue". ! '
Tnnrte kn ov;
lienut v v . i
li crr.-t 1.
Yl a M I .
liis rVcts?:.-
. . ... .. . ';! v ! n :
; . . : ipe : ;,:,, :.n in-
.:vri . ; be
i ! . h'l.v.',. :,v t lu
; '. t !'' iii'-T n.iii !.ms
!' !ov-l ;;,. eier
-! 1- !'.: Vxl.Iit
v ; m . !ht. re; tirn
:..'.r ,.;i,!-st;,i!,n: linuk
ti.ysel: otici more ir.
.. r- n' i: . 1 -: i i i . I ss,w
. VtMer t.p;n- ir. Muck
r, will, r""Ti childlike
;.r, it Milidaiir' of On!".;
..:.. Mj'entihle nut.
t . re it- oti thinp
:! "'; makes ru
r . : i- ; :-e cmhiuiiri. .1.
hnir. lire".
.'. tst ns 1 lurni'ii.
i n:t h. fnre 1 he
-;..-; 1 r.iiiy serm
..i ,icOT.;',hlr heart set wiirr. the fact is
;!i..; r.:y r.ililcr. haired
' ;ii..n-. II or companion,
"In- opposite sex, was
Jcuiks 1 fETiejerl.
as tor. blonde and
it t " ' ?!ossv. and
V. .
ber false? Hsd h purposely deUytd
th checking of hrr trunk, or had tha
' train really started without JilinT III
appearance was certainly against
him; but, of course, as I knew noth
i Ing whatever of their clrcomatances
r relstionship, it was hard for me
! to come to an com-lusiona. However,
I am afraid I did not pi re "Charlie
! the benetit of the doubt.
1 The poor little blonde held the,
handkerchief tn her ejea xilh shnk
Inff finpera nntil the conductor came
in. II is cry of "Tickets!" caused her
to take it doun, and uho looked tip at
him with the tnt woo-bciyonc coun
tenance 1 hae ever beheld,
"Yonr ticket, Madnm!" lie said mi
fccliuply. an lie Mooned oxer her.
"Oh. I haxen't nnv! 1 liaxcn't any!"
lie bce-aii. looking at him beseech
inclv. "My cousin took it to my
trunk cheeked, and the Kain started
without Mm!"
The ci -ii!.:ei.r was a brute. He
hoard her i..nfnl story without a
KJtiti. of sn.p;itl , it nd then rc
11 i;i rke.l cool'.x : " I ! e rules of this
Y-oa.i ree,i;;re ;':vi I'ither to
bar.! i':' t'.i ir k ! r ;-et otT mi l
i r .; ;. K."
"'.li w i ;.t a;.i I to i.o'.'" she cried
Ve'iv.-vs i MCTi't iu..n, ;tt
h-.-i: ' e. '.;s ,ti ;, 1 ; 1 17 . ; l ! ; . !
1 s-. ,.; , v ; , t to iel.ita to.
... . ; . . ;y-!- '.v us luy
tit'. Lr w-Aiu's Ld (.l&jtd
B to tremble, as I put the question, 1
"perhaps, on my way back, you will
allow nie to come to see you in Wichi
ta?" "Indeed I will," slie answered with
evident jileasnre; then she wrote out
her uncle's address for me, which I
recopnized as the moat fashionable
quarter of the place, and told me I
Bust not fail to come.
I plnoed the address carefully In
my card case.
Our parting was to be when we
reached Newton, and before that
hated time we had a most charming
She told me all sorts of little things
about herself in the most refreshing,
original way. and before long she
i could hno twisted me up into how-
Inots and lied nie around her neck
with her fur boa. Hut. then I swear.
I luoo never met a woman more fas-
! ciiiatine- from that day to this!
I IV fore pailiiiL- wo nad It jolly little
' fx uner top ther. and as 1 ili.i the or-derii'e-,
you ir:n be suio nolliinn wa
w aiit ine. ,!lh.Mi.:h slie dctttiiri'i'd
ami be-it:r.e.l. 1 l out. and it
Iwo'tM ,:c .lone your heart pood to
sec the ;t -!ie vetardi'd a iil:irt
hot I le of ! Sim pro no. It was the (irst
1;ie si,, l.n.i ov,.- t .i s 1 o, J "tiy," and
her .iescrip; ion. tlat it w;is 1 U,
To Curo a CoM in Ono Day
We are Closing Out 11 Larue Stock of General Mcr-
cliatuliso, for Cash or urotluo.i, t and below cost at the
K. K. iit Stand, raxtonville.
Xo Harjr.ui, Duvs, lm everytlmij; sold at, a Hnraiu. AH
( aliooos p at 5 Ijatioa.ster (Jnijihains at (if. Kvny
thinir else asrhoap in propurlion. A lull line of (Iroeeries
whieh e H'll eheap. Our prifi's for product' are ; ll'ilter
-0 rents., 2( ets., 'liiflvr-n !) els., ()nioiisf !() rents
per busliel. iim ,unl ';iniine our stm h.
Yours I'. r l?;iro;iins.
lie Youth
ctidcnvora yenr hy TJ
.... .... ut
familira of the
provunni; llllll! ivilll "'"""K HiJ
if s 111 ii inc win in li I a 1 11 ;
ltell. leflwling AnifricuTa
iiuiiiv, uinp ana l i,j
oei i.ini, n I IV. I.I ror.lnsJ
.'flim,in Mm mid W,.m,.a Y
men, liavcllpri nn, s,i(tt)
' i 1 : 1 w. -"t .:. v r " ret ' 1 ;l.-,l lv '
:T.e : . nt ' , ' !,'.! pay yo-ir
;':,re or . ; "1
Ti v ivi,. r . , 1. .;niTiu mi ' i re
oe'lV i:;': '.. ' ;;i 1ji li'oo,i 1. 1
ir.r i ros, i ir ir.x w rath an.i sa'.l
"'!" s !a.. l.:.s v.- : (.re.-isc; 1 !:e
t ITt V ! 1 il.'A, if i vvr,; ;):p ;o,'
ll.if.Ct I ;. t! e ii-ni i-mrin take the
ti.-k. t :
'!"? r f; ,',- ': ; l. : ri,'.i lo nie :is
s-' e. cr '.),;, is .'iT.t'ei's The tears
...'. ir. '). ;,!:! ;"' '. yes. and a
' ifb. c,i ,,r '!' ;. in tbc p.. ; !itl!c
v, 1 , ,1 e- ks.
"iV,. 1! :,!.;, ' .,ii. Sir! Thank yov."
she e:-!e,:. "' . L- ,,i,i of you to conic
!.' r ' : s- '. ' "
'oi; must n-e to aetua'.'.x
conic to your assist nee ! " 1 answered,
driiw'm; a r. ,!' bi'N frim my
poekel anii subtract iiiK the fare
fron, Kiiiisas l'i;y to W'iehita.
"li',. yoi; are too pood!" she cv
claiineu. ilraw inp back; "but, realty. 1
couldn't "
"1 cannot take no for an answer."
1 returned frtnty: "t insist r.non do
inp this for yon. Madam. "
Shr blnslvci"; c-cr so sweetly, and as
soor. nsJht lrinp wrclch of n con
duetor pissed on. she bepan thntikinp
mr ir. the most charminp way
"Such n dreadful thir.p never hap
pened mc before." she bepan. with a
iitlle lisp that was too fascinntinp for
words. "1 have never been anywhere
alone in my life.. I nm CO. but beinp
an only child, papn treat me as if
I were but ten. He cannot realize
that I am a woman!" Here she drew
herself up and assumed an immense
amount of dignity for so small a
I wo? perfectly carried away.
The lonp journey, the ever-inltinp
cars, the dearth of beauty annmp
: :;; r-. sit.c: ti.rt this ur.rht
. ti..r.- : v "r- i i:!tt :.' d;i7.'..r.p to
; : - ; -. : - ....-(!
,nc a I'lit.iKiMw,
hearli'v .
" !',-i t ri ' ; i ' t 1 at a
ma. e me
tl I
t it "
and s!..
I -Mi's :.
hi a vl.
in 1 e r
. eaded hour arried,
-; ; ' er ip her !!.' !e
; for W ie'. 'a. 1 as-'
:, tujcinp pa in at y
I'll') I sin y;-; o.1 a lo k
i s. 1 lia.l Im i a sto,p-
ir.- 1o pi, k Hi' her i.r.i!T. and it be ep
' closer at l,;.n, than 1 thou;:ht. 1 eaaie
l;p rather sooner than either she or
1 I peel e.i. s;i, v, a. lookillpliown ,'lt
me wistfully, y earnineiy . and there
was a tear. I doo'aiv. on her eyelash.
Ail restraint departed from nie.
The Pappy hours we had spent, the
rapid intiuia.y of a railroad Journey,
r.n.l the prosjv, t of pnrtinp. all con
spired araitist me. and praspinp
little hand insi.i,, the muff. 1 held it
f.rtidy and whispered.:
She pave nic one lonp, linperinp
look and returned the pressure
soft ! .
"Tliank you apain." she whispered.
j"nnd don't forpet mc! Oh. promise
not to forp.t mc!"
1 promised, and 1hen slie was pone,
j TIenvens' llow lonely it was wiih
out her! llow dinpy the car.. how
arid the view !
1 could find nothinp to interest me,
i and even the recollection of licr
'brightness onty served to make me
i more dismal. TVfore lonp the con
i ductor came ihrouph apain. It
seemed to me that his sneerinp coun
I tennnce was more sneerinp than ever.
Hut I bore him no prudpe.
"Well." he said with a prin. stop
ping by my chair, "did you find out
who she was?" .... i
"Certainly." I answered stiffly, "II
was Miss ryer. of Wichita."
"Miss Pyer nothinp." he said wih
Iseorn. "Miss lver. Miss Fiver. Miss
'"How da you?" I .b'rrr.n.l" 1 hot
ly. ":'nd wn:.: do you ni"at.?"
"fi;., n:ir; i ,; '." ! , : n-- t. . '
ly . "oti'y sb- V i (;t- :'.',-; . : ; ; .
l. ; i :- -, .a,., i ' i ;:- I'ai : v :
t : v. r : . - r..':
tl III mlt hmi
mi him
,-lloif I . IIKII.N l y (),,
I i v K "inr'B
ler, ACiiii'vrit!"nt i h ,
SIKIWT NOTI S nn r 'm.,,
.'1,1 IU:'.1.,VI ril'5 , j,:t, ,
Scifnie mid Iiuhioiv.
iH'tniiT Arm avi;v
IO ..s, 111 Ills l i :.;
til Ke, 1'ii'mi iiml ;a., i,:.J,
H ulth Aiticlei. I(rlii;irai AMi,!-, i
Children 'h P-u-,'.
Snntple Copies of T!i, y, ;..i
Coin pan nm will In ... m )
auv address lire.
to I nv ; pusla! call! ami sctal lii Tlio Ni'W-Vurk Trilititio
l'arnu'r, Now-York ilv, fur a tree sii'ciinon onpv.
Tlic Now-NoiK TiiluiiU' Fanner is a National Illus
trate.! Auii.tilttiral Wnklv for lannoi-M ami tlioir
iamilios, ami l'A'l'.KY issue contains! matter instructive
and enti i tainiiie; (n VA'KIJY nieinlier f the family.
The pi i.-e is $ 1 .On per year, Inil if yon like it yon
can secure it with your own favorite local newspaper,
The Post Midd!clmr, Pa., at a harjjain. Hoth papers
one year only
Seiiil onr order and inoncv to
The POST, Middleburg, Pa.
The New Subsirihcr wlioi-jj
out and scuds this slip ;tj
$1.75 for Hie out h's Com
panlon for I VIM will reccie it
ndditlon nil the rcinninin issur
of from the time of
script Ion t'RItl!, Iiuhnlinj ft
Double Holiday Numbers-)
The Companion Calendar fo
l(M, lltlioKrnplted in 1 2 cold
nnd Roid.
Italians Rushed Into Burning Shanty
to Save Their Trunks.
Johnstown. Ta., Nov. 23. Thirty
bodies, many diarrod and blackened
beyond recognition, and 10 others in
a serious condition, is the result of
the fire In the Italian lodging shanty
on the Pennsylvania railroad, near this
city. " Jt Js Pftld the fvre started from
an overheated sTove while the "men
wore asleep, and the interior of the
place, which was lined with laflnm
tnahle tar prpr. cr.r.cht fire. The
shar.ty was f S i'oft loajs and 24 feet
w: . fir! : s o- .: by '5 i..ea.
Hi"-' t : . ' : .-
.'. . ' ;' : , v.-.-: r.-.o-: of til
; : " -, " ' t1 r
itenerai a;:ner pnimptiy ncknowl
odped the receipt of this letter, statiiiR
that the officers of the corporation
would he glad to confer with the) sign
ers of the communication about the
actual execution of the work.
Two Men Are Charged Wfth" Trying to
Kill' Sportsmen,.
Waterford. N. j., Nov.' 24. William
Butler, colored, r.nd Geprso -Thompson,
while, were held vnder ball by Justice
of the Peace Hooker, ' harped with as-
f.e '
at ; .
to !
; '.: rt'i i.i
'.. 111 ' Sf';.
1 V!
..... ,,r.
i. ' V.';-;, .
. . ."lit
r';. ; :'-n;.e ; .- :.u- -,. a i. , ;' i..
'a '.:.-. e.:s; a- s "U. ah .' '" Vi"!.ili.
rr.- v v:-:r: tie i;. 'ley you i:;iw
. :;le- in-
i.i-.i.' iirr i:;j ear a;: .-'-a'.
I.i'".!'.: :
"Xr S;;:rc-;. 1;;.!. W.-y. w::al L
uatw-'. i; i- i;i;n. r.'iiiun.te
i-:: ;'-y i- llj,.- tin uaius
y !-.c. II. ll'JM:,-, aut. Jiiiti li- lii
j o nr. -ry inii i." I (,ai'i. feeiitip;
if - ;:', (,ii?.v !.2!ii-ri-''.
"' s ; .' io I iupnt t' Ui! yo'; my
I;-.;., . i-;u''i . h y,,-. kli'.u
v i, ' !.'KiIi--y e..ii,..-:. fl,,;:;'.'" M,e
i. . ,' ' ;.e- 1.. ai .,!, ., siu-'.
"j i.. i.-.-ati ' '. aii.- ir.-'. wiiL-
I,' .JM li!!.-
. i v In.! ' v. a- .! i
-, ;; ;. . ' : , :,
u j,i-M ., sie
" .i in ., I Ui-
' C. , .. . ii .". a' 'X, ' . io.i .'" wa
t..i y.; . ".' ' s.i'ji:.-. as,
lit' c. i w a
V- W.ei.:;;
.. r ur'u;
i'jii i yju
v i; li
....... v mat..
.." i'e s-; . i , . v i;i. r. ' :
'Ci.i-1,; -o '.!!i:Ti" t, in i,;r.'
,..;: Mi-- y. '!"
A:.. lie! !,(,,.'! l.;ii' ane .-- so
' i.i'.i.--
Z I'rotiiis."'. .ti-v :i-'-r '--vf!
l-r : - th'M " t.a'v. ' N V. Tim-s.
tu;.:; 'i
'."':!.!. el"'
(in ill- I.nrtli'i. Aiit.
i A s"! ::uasi.-r ii i. ..iittni'y di'-
tri'.t 1' laa: ;. ani'i s;..r,es of
answers p..-t io 'iirai .'iii:ire!.. 'J in
; iiisjx-etn.- i: r. ., , i, s .-:,.,; u;, .
aivari" oil- ca. . aije. i. e;a
i it. 1fl !M'': ' it1 :..-o:-.-,-,p'f v ;.-(,!.,
, iii t iouLvii ;.. wuij(i t"t i; i:n.
I i'im'i i iy lew raij'i'iu iii.-stioi.' .
, ".Viiw. ei;;..iri-i .." I,, saei. " will
n!t on. tM silu;:,i i. i T ,Ii- to
'o.; ! w . laijer " ),,. ,,-(!. "if ativ
j u- car I--'! iii. wS:i1 ti.. St .lis if toe
1 earti; -''"
ili.!:i"oati'iy !. i:.'ia' m lit . aiid
it;o ciw r io uf ii,e ia,e answered
lii. v '.e,i siens.i: : fa
; in i i ... ri ' ' w,ti t;. l.-M-ij.ioi. :
"At nt.:.!.-;iiary '.in'- ..-.s-i.!' from
j .'t. ' "ti.i-r. oi. whjci; tin;
1 Ki f. i i .- -,, . i-- '
"lua;. i.:.'!'." i-i!..-i; ti.e ir.hpeeV
i,i. n it wi-iniii' I- ti st ihe i.i.iiw!
, ;: more io c.natcy ), .said: "tjotltd
o i ..a;' ' l.a' o: it V"
, ai-.i i;.i- i-r. ul
p: 1 ::j' 'iilatioi:.
' li.e in. ji i;tor,
, : . piayV"
iiu!. i tr." was the
"N I
j;.-ki Hf J.ui ji.
i.'-' t ' ...
. i t..-
... '', ai
! : l:.. ," V'J
a Ii'jT
.' pa.u' .
., .a ,;i.'i, x .' ..veVir i.a'j n.i.'iiu-
1..' .. . .' -! UV, i ii !.;! U.i .
j'.i. i.a'' wA i-.aid a word aymt Kan
tai .
iu',..(.d I taccji. iio never," ui I Le-
!.' v.a:. vin'ii.;' seJiJic
(r.. i.o- : .'.' .' V.ri ioi.i.i;l the
lil!.i ,i t;o Jau.iiv i.aiii.;;
J.' i-vi ' j' (.i.j'.al joa pai aliijli.
.i.' !'.!.' I' ti.'' A-w yrit 'J I nits,
ti.e .-..,.,..1 v. iai, i.s. Aiai rii.aii.s. are
Ha1 ' ..' ti.e.r ji.eas.uM.-, hatiiy.
"Jyon '. ,ou iii-.e that, lay dearV"
ia'j i i 'a i u. 1 j'.i i.d .
i rtie'Jy,"' replied liit little
" i y . you at it, iLxulf" jicrsibty-'
Wl tt.e il..Uil'.
1 i.i- i,U.e iia' pai..v.i v.aii Ltr
k.;,'i'.lj el, ti.e i.e,;e of tl.e l.v;vl.
"It": i'A ii" i all ii," -he un;.vver:d
jlMi!;,. "'J Le ffi 'ji;i
u.aiiiu st i; y t, for every t.vo pack
ltyt, ai.d it'u gvl io Le
tuUu tncry xuoiuliig."
v : -!. ; , ,;. ;. a - - :n
I.;. . O:.. ' ye WK!."-F :
. ; ;. ' "i tiia' a E.:i;:a' J
:?. - " :r.r our act;;;.
It. v;.i.i ! ;;'"j t:. !r'!.. do- r
ti? ": va'ii'v tui.'ii whs wh;' si;ii!i
aff'N-' v i. .h i.' z.t-l '"ii!; I Ti."
rotijtut.s t. v, eiK.ii t!,e a a: i
hoo; s o' i.;, .; ;: . i.i.. f'.as;n-': Ugli
ly to ;. a.;- o: '. e dead t:.uti was
SlIlO-...!!' S- ; l.h'i; if 'tie.,1' wer.-
(i! Ih'i'. i, u'i li'i",es. U".i. T
till!!!. .lie iill- tin 1- i . 1 . ! I - liti'i i.a'i. T
limit's of vha; w ! t'!.v I'roni'
in,,...- J'i.r'ncr !;' i iii ll.e y
(.:.' ij' e . i ' : v i ' i iy.l H !:. oil thi'T
ta i ; : ;y;t,(' ?.. i- d'jw ii-
wart!. K-il! o !!- ma ovi'ictp iy t'y
inr to i..";i 'inir haiis lroin the
Seon il iliK li.-.'lii s. 'J'iil- b'i(iiei) Were
lliii'-oar lu eiieaii. Tiiere were lio
Ioie;u ii.s: or iej;h reinaiiiiiig 'I'll'-BPii.-iji.--
of la" i'-n and tiie trni.k.-wi-m-
a Hii'-.'-i.ii.r biiiei,. Tiie td-u'lr'
of ul! ti.i rietiiiiK Haown up wliite
wlille itiniii (;.' hiaek as). i s-.
Executors of W. L. Elaine Inbtrutted
to Carry Out Project.
PiiilaOo'.j.hia, Nov. i4.--Ti.e li'iiiie
for ciaaie 'jriiiiii..s of j! adorn? pro
vjdi.d tot ii; si i.o'lie;! in t.l.e will of
lair-;, I., iii. .!..-: will l,e liuiit in
spile of ti.i fjict t.!,at tin. lii 'ir.c st wsia
Uia'ic i. , i.;i.- ot ti.e ti. utli of
ti.e ti htalo'. a;.! i; uiii.i r ti.t lav.a
of i't ;ii..syivaiiia, i- iiiopi rati'. c. This
i.s IS.... ri.ii I:V lie !d.oil. I I '..!' i'l -.!..
i.d nv 'ii la I .ti J.n.f V. . i r, pn
ideal ,': ti.e .'.Siihoiiii Uou.e o! i'ui.i.:)''
vania, ti.i j i 1 1 j ; ; . ' .- ot ti.i- L ' , u . t
fiuai thi! l.eiii; ai.der li.e w i.i ,-.
itikil.h :
"Gclii ral JiUiK Vai. r -Ji' ar Kir;
The provlijloiiH l'.r ti.(- lo. alion i-.i.'!
CrC';tloIl Of U j'.UKOIilc Cl",0 la. .'.
by tU' late William U KV.-Auk liav.i:.
faii'xl, owing to Mh dcer.ah'' wiH.iii '':
daj'8 of tiie date t,l ti.c t'.'ii' i! of Ida
wW, .by which it was n.aoe. we have
liiKtruct;d the txiii.oi .s uxid in
, of Lin will to ai ry out tin.- name pre
cisely aa tl.on'li I!.'-- vsas; U'Kal'v
vtJld, urnl have sii.n i.d with tin id i.o
make tu';li j.t.rHoiia! coiitrihutioiiu ua
will I,..- j.t .-;;-.ary for that identifica
tion." , The lcUu' ia feigned hy Ixiuibe li.
ElKitiS, Idu A. Klkins Tyler, Eleauoru
ElkliiH Wldener uad Cioorgo W. ElUna.
;lt. nrtd . vtorj- with iut vit to kill.
i'. iiiy. '.; --un and throe
v '!:,':''''; r.ild'its tie;;;'
;.-' ; '. ;!. two m mi sliot
;.-"!: .i'.-y i r.i'i-d o-;t to the;n
. ', ' .i t!.. ; paid n.) att-n-
t., r.. i- lia.'.-y an.i his inends started
to r.;a. I". a. i- r a'.al Thor.iivon pursued
then until, r.r.e.'.'.y b-'eo;air.p: cx'.iau.-tiHl,
Pnii'v f.::red a ru; and fired at
then. li'ith ny.D -ero injured in the
hand. The dc i'.- - of Ilutler and
Taoii:;,son is that Bailey fired first.
On fletter.
"I never saw you in such a becora
inp hat. my dear. Did you get It ready
"I was just thinking Itow unusually
pretty yours looks. Did you make it
yoursi-lf ?" Brooklyn Life.
"Is your daughter improving In her
Hill' le?"
"I thouldn't hf- turfirlsr-d," answerffd
Mr. Cutnrox. "The rioj? das quit howl
)'..t! every time s-he sits down to tho pl
itiO." WaihiLeton star.
iscw utiscripttoim KcccivcJ k
this Ollice.
Schroyer &- Smyse
Ileprenont only flrHt-cliissSmct''
ininioH LijrhthiK (Jlmise and ti
lhreHlilng permit Kninted.
We are cotniiiitwrnned by our fj
piinies tu Ismie policies and trvi
biminefss at our ollice enmoas it ii
on ice.
All IiiihI liens entrusted to our
will tie promptly attended to bj
or otherwise.
In .cliroyer's lhiildini:, larl
! si-:iiiNS(ii;t)Vi:.
I Snyder County. i'E!
'I iiulu inii' kly iiiiu ;
ri"t. We tritlu biui! w
wttiittliriiitritiiitil, 1. .
tup. ttnil luiyim: r-'-i"
ull cr&luutt, cir limn -v r
Illiintriiteil cutitluu'ti' tiii-
Eialrra Rrhool of Trlrgraplii. H if -
urn mi
I ' I 1 HMI i
:.Lin, l)o,r
ollici- Li;;il
iL iWk
I ,
! Jii . -. -U 1 1 p.utij sulidued silld I
Steer, Rull
!iide, Calf
f.kin, or any
f Li'li: ir ,s!;in, anil 1 i.
us bin it with Ihe li. , '.
on, soft, litflit, 'oiiotl ,
aii'l !n.)tli-,ionf,ftiri'ji ..
ru:', mat or jlove.;.
Hill fust rct nur Cntitl";'.
((iviiiK 1'iiei nil-1 uiirilii.e.
tnil liistri,ctioiiH.''ii ii.-, i i iii tsi.! ett. .W.Julvi li'jy
law llli unit IMIliU Ii.
Tin; cfovMV wisiaii i .
IK. Mill Slrctl, U- ev
u i.1
t. 7011).
j'l't'iisui y llcpiii linciil Olliu '
Holler tif the I'niKtic;
Wiii-:hi;a.s, Jly nitt i.-fn-'-r; '
prei-etileil to llm llll'li l.-U"i "''
lieeli loiiili: o uppeul' llnd ""''
Nlllioliul Itlilili of t-miln
ill llm N'illllKe of tSwiiie("''i
Coiiiily of Hnyilcr, mid "''.' '''
hyhiiniii, iiii.-i eoliipll'd "'
plovi.ilollH of Ihe rilliln'' "
rilulcs, iciilliled III In- ' .U'i'.'"
Ill lol i; mi ii.ihiiciul lull ri' ' " "
eil lo ciiiiiinelici! Ilic Im-ii.' -1
inir. .
Now, llieli.loie I, 'I'lii .II..V-- 1
lei, i wo n.'i.i.i, nil,, it bi,d I v,o jfi'uinJ- i J),.,niy nnd Act inn ' '"H 'I
faiio )' to k..-i jo.j.--l.:lroit ! ri i'l. j , ;H..,.1.y , 1 1- ... i &
I'ilM Niilioiiiil llitiil. .-'
hiCiili il in Hie village of f'6'
I lie County of KnyiliT, 'f-'- 1
hylvniiin, i.s uiillioiii d l"
lliu lillniltl na (if I Jankiiii-' l"v.
Sot At....rU,. H,r,i ''iflynhentnidi''
"Or.e v,lfo loo jjiuiiy!" exc)ulu.ed Ali-s. . Nine of the Itevirieii f-
Wiilerlv nu ulut L'ln nreil nt I lie In IJllili"' .MaleH.
of her hushiii.d'B paper. "I Buppnse that i lent liuoiiy w hereof
la aii uccuuiit of the lioluvn of eon.u hig-' liaml mill eu nf tliiti olllc'. A
amlat7" . teenth (lav of Oclulier. IW"
'J Oil!
you 1 .
I em joii'iJ U- i-iiljiiiji d, loo, If j
; a i,n,!ii. i iim! latl.i r, four i-.Ih-
Tie l.uo.n alulli,i'il.
i .1 Uu:- i )...-. Il.iu, ) ii.l tii e,
I rl ),t Heijei llli I ,.J, 111 tlllll her
l.'ji -i) .:k (an. I y tru..
- Ji irult ! 1 1 i'iu.1.
"Not necttaarlly, my ijiar," rjlled Im;al.1
tor hubband, with during to look "P-! J),.,,;,y UUtl Actlnu'n