The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 03, 1903, Image 1

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    wiy w.iiui w iu puolisn, entitled "Slgy Pilot," written by Ralph Connor.
have a Job lot of nota
Us on hand. They must go
ck. The price win do It.
bples and prices for the ask-
We furnish them printed
less than you can buy them
ijut printing.
V. Waaeller, Foliar n Prrltr.
A ttmWj Jaaraal, Dewed I Jle. Science. Art. Political Economy and Cirrtat Lrteratnre.
Htr- One Dollar Per Annum, m AriTanca
ively Little Liners.
luntle and the Hustle of the
ounty Seat, Told In Brief
lie More or Less Prominent.
Hon. (i. Alfred Schorh mi l wife ate
their Thsnk-uivitif Dinner with rein- I
tives in I'rii'.ri Cmu.ty. I
Mm. W. P. shelly, of r,ewistr.wn. in)
visiting her parents, W. If. Kipka and ;
wife, on tlf Kr-nfh I-i:t !
Mr. -rU'rl .Smruli:ii li, of I'.eiiver
town, is a visit to her husband, !
Ht Mrs Ki.Imti sIiiiiiiIch'IiV.
f;i.ii' ,.f i. .,.-...... rii.i
Lnatlng Population and V.vcnt of In- f MiMlinhtiri', is i iiyiiist ;i v'.sii. t . his
kret that Satlaly Carllty and
Appeae the Thlrnt lor
' i. Paliiti.c..... f t ....... .. . . I ... : t .
K i i -, .i ;i ' us t- i-i s n i ti wilt-.
j V. II. Iliik, wlin lii.t been at
j Mapleton Depot, w irking i'ir the Sand
Company, i- -(tending a few days at
ih Itoush Is visiting hi grand-. t, . ., , .
1 . ... . . r i : Kcti ixi rif hi ith Hi services
astFreeburgthis wk,
, in HIT- j--ii nit-, rvu Mit'n hi rr-
tier Thompson pui.l a vmit to inritliJ ,vlivkyt ,, ,.hwlly
Register and ; ;.--i r-K-r .1 U n H Willis
L, at Mexico, over Sunday
P!ierifrravif1 Relvhley. of
r IT H Ik I II 1 ill . J ) 1 1 1 1 f 11 a
was a county seat visitor, Kri-: went to s,Hlnr(lVe, Mollliiy mri,hllfi
will (if the. late James
beville Smith, who had been
g at Mt. Carmel, came home
Lulu Smith spent several days
liury vittiting friends and Hhop-
b Hhemorry, of Franklin town-
Iropped In to sutmcrlhe for the
a. . .
I County Commisionera held a
. j i . i
f, rnuay, aim irsiinvTieii wiuie
V Boweraox'and two daiiKhters
Uit to Mrs. Bowersox, at Dan
t week.
c H. Reigel and family and H.
g and wife visited relatives at
g, Sunday.
iDg definite has been done to-
sewer for the town. Turn is a
m R. Bowersox, of Franklin
p, was at the county seat, Sat
in business.
m H. Wray, of. Kissimmee,
in on Thanksgiving Day to pay
Wrtf if i'MI, nf
wt evidence of aa early winter
Lai reality. The snow and cold
It unusually early.
fr.-.m the Middleburt; Bakery
Imirlu at Burns' or SimontunN
iolilMiil, of Jackson towiiri nil.
in to enroll hi.i name :is a -ut-
the Post, Saturday.
mililin lots for salt; Sviu-
bire from 100. UVo 51-40.
. David Wktzki.
J'K.'ili Asher Lumbar'! ami
'linsirnive. ate tlit'ir Tliauks-
Hiuier at M. I. Potter'.
'ST has the handsomest line (
ever made; desiL'us ar" all
ited. We have a eheaner line
who desire something i::e.
Couie in and see them.
Walter, manager of the "Sus-
l, and a studeut of Su.-qiit-
Wiversity, Stflinserove, paid a
lis pa reuts, west of town, over
ou hand a. cumber of sriMtd
kud oriraus. ilso a full linn ni
i i . -
kaus. CVuAjraud see them,
Kiegle, MiJJiKiburg.
keived aftew lot of Svwing
froiiim' up. The White.
ky advertiseiKbt.
Mkldleburtr, Pa.
A. E. Sole iu his new shav-
pair ':uituin pariur foi yout
MeUwitha refrehiu r shaiu-
clwtu towel to eiii'h natron
Fth side of Market so ua re i n-
ktral Hotel. Satisfaeliou miar-
f galore at th is otltce. There
ps that carry you away iu
Might. You may And your
fout distauoiuttyou if you do
our calendars here. Our de
ill copyriijhtfcd and the l'osx
ilusiveaale of them iu Suyder
Kler at once so you w ill not
to getting them early.
mber liwue of "Farm Life"
Dedal Thauksgivlug Nuju
M H features will be a strik-
'jrliml .l.o.Ki..
jo uvuuig page urawiug,
.uuuea "Which Oue Shall
'I k! . .
oc specui ouer ou uiure
cau secure "Farm Life"
to probata tin
M. L. WaifetiHt-ller, of Selinsirrove,
wan at the county seat on hiiHlnesM, Fri
day of last week, interviewing our
Willinin Ayers and wife, of Paxton
ville, were Middlebur viaitors, Satur
day, and dined with his parents, James
A yers and wife.
Clement Stetler and John F.. Bolend,
er, of near Pittsburg, returne! to Mid.
dleburg to sjiend a short vacation with
friends at this pi are.
The Women's Home and Foreign
Missionary Society, of the Lutheran
chunm, held a spenial Thank Ottering
service Sunday evening. The collec
tion amounted to Jlri. .";'.
We are greatly pleHseii to have coni
pletea an arrangement, special an
nouncement of which is made in this
issue, whereby our readers may obtain
"Farm Life" for year absolutely
free. Iteadour offer in another column
Union Thanksgiving servlcea were
held In the Lutheran church, Thursday
preached la very interesting sermon.
The school children attended the ser
vices in a Irndy.
U.- " IMl
Cmin l-'cns CiM l'!i.-;r i' l'lnws
'. . i -
! t-
f all
'!! !l
5uS(jiiehanna University.
One of the Popular Instructors at the County Institute this Week.
An Intellectual Feast Prepared By Supt.
Geo. W. Walborn, is Heinij Pre
sented in the Court House
This Week.
The forty-sixth annual Teachers' In
stitute, of Sn viler
ed, Monday at HM) a. ,. i iheconrtl '"' '" T.'d,iiiir."
I... r . i...,....-.....u .... .i , . ..
, . ...i jLji-i nam up me siinjeci oi
'H.on-tiuetloii of the Universe."
I)HViilional exereisps by Rev. K. K.
Haney, iiiieiif tin. Chaptiian township
Prof. Aliiert continued his talk on
'' . . 1 -i I j ilig l'liliclples."
I'r. I .y barker rave a talk on "Kle-
m-l 1 1 .-. nf Success."
Prof. ilanfelter spoke on "Thorough-
Henry Swarm,, return
el last week, from frvimjton, Doughu.s
county, N.-br., when-lie had -pent the
-uninn-r. He -:n-s the tiieimmiieier
' try a case against K. l-'et-i
''bariie of "I taming joints
il.lcd .
resist en" I 1 1 1 i ; t -t - n li"'r''-s in-b w .-,-rn
about : wo -a m-ks icy.
.'ha.-;.-s ' . i .:i:.-r. .if :ir:n o,
ill tUl'oiu.i 1 ,,; J;,.,t v.-f,i.
lie w .-lit :.. i a moiiu
meiit for Mrs. I'.-ii- ii.i.riuaii. The
!i rm d-al i:i n-iiao:.- -oi..i-.
Levi Plait, of ;i.u.iii:i:i
'lue i lir-Vi'ifi iii:t v,-itor-;
granary ami .i,,;
bushels of .vheat.
' I..
Wli ,T-
.' ,i;
..i.m ,i..
li.f-l t.o
i-l Hi C LT
o I . t t". .
r. t n- t i i .
:llll.-!r :'..r
i ri , j -1 1 -
'er of "Farm Life" ve
each uiontK t.. h
v.. uv pvm'iin
eWl o,l. : i .
cu secure both "Farm
r oue year for only $1.00.
or rvuew today.
:-eirs tlial
n:c:"d li.s
f.vo iiags and
I'liev were'le
to see and -pilled a p-ek. Mr.
Piatt wislies -.o infoftu them thmu-ii
the I'osr, thai uext lime ihev .liail
come in and borrow his laateni.
Amos I!ower-s(X pem a day at Lew
istuwti. recently.
Saturday Jolin Libbyand son Reed
left for Weikert to v i. 1 1 the former's
father, who is seriously ill.
Mrs. H.P. Beaver leit for Vititoudale,
Cambria county , to join her husband,
who is working there for some time.
Mrs. 'Thomas Spucht aud son Beu
spent a day shopping at Suubury re
cently. Plasterers have commenced work on
the new bunk.
M. K. Schoch drove out of town
Dr. J. C. Amig, of Lewistowu, speut
a day ith his father, Phillip Amig.
Miss Kale Schauiliaeh, who had bteu
working at lh Kagio Hotel, loft for
her homo iitar Ziou church.
Cyrus liathfon transacted busiucss
at Seliusgrove, Saturday.
'The Misses McCouuel. of Shamokiu.
speut a few days with their aunt, Mrs.
Kate itathfon.
Jaiucs .eiktler, of Lewistowu. is act
ing ageut at Middleburg during L. K.
W etel a vacation,
Thursday I.!. W. Walter killed two
porkeis that dressed Nu pounds.
Miss Iteulah ltathfou is ou the sick-
James Shuman transacted business
at Smibury one day last w eek.
The Middleburg Leather Co. moved
their coohug vats to the rear end of the
leech house.
Miss Dora Weaver, of Meiawville,
speut Saturday iu towu.
The body was oriraui.ed bv ih elec-
tlon of the following officers : Prm. Ex' j - x.ckwuay atkhxoon.
officio, 3eo. W. "Waltmrn, Freehiirg' j The 'afternoon ' se-wlon "was delayed
Vice President, fieo. F. DiiiiUleburuer, till -A on account of a spei-ial Court
ivreamer; ,-eeretary, Jacob liulick. coi, ,-,,.!
Selinsgrove; Treasurer, II. il.iiiadt'clt r, t.-niMn ...
Dni .... I ....l... I,.. I i ...
i innjtii oi r:e I nolle rIn;o.-, : 1 1 - . :, r . . : -I ci Ise.
MiVlY VI T!:i('i... K il'i-'i." . I.- . : 1 Y
The work hi in,. A.rL a.,. ' :;" ''' ' '"' "' v
I ::;o.wheii I'r. .1'. ... I. , o,
I't-an of -sti.-. j :i. i i-4ii i i:i I 'to
liii-urovc, wa l 1 1 1 r . t !.
"I "K.-M.lilU' " and -iioa,-; ...
. "ii.-ilts of rc-i'lin : iinicii.
Prof, i .co. ;;. -'iii-r. Pi,. , .,,
-altic ill.-l it III loll, i ooii i , : i, , .
"Nature" The pio I i.-: i. i.
rii ll ill tlioiltit and del: v.-ivl :;i
; aiasierly way for i bi.-li ;h,. -, f...
Lr. Krai. .-is Ly barker. -po
" llllllk It 'lt. Ileliow.-.iil,
! and power of hard thinking.
I Prof. 'luus. 1 1. Albert, of nuns -n.
State Normal -iciiool. iuiroducti :u
siibject, "I'tiderlymg I'rniciples. '
Professor Albert is a native ..fSeiins-
' rove, aud is no straunerat our ( '.unity
Institute. He handled his -uoj.-ct u itli
the power oi a master.
The court was tilled, Monday
evenimt, to hear Lee Francis Lybaruer
of MilHinburg, now of Philadelphia, in
his lecture, "How to be- tlappv.
f,W-'l . 'V C'l'MHv I ...,.,(.,,-
.... . v,.
4.-.. .i . , . , . 1 -r' i . ; i .i ,
hn' - : ) v.
'.-'C .-IP.
1 I I ! . -liyd.T
-so.-ii,t ion vil
meet .it 'I,,. I ::r' I (...;. .,t ' 1 1 (.-, ,,1.
i'!iY. .'..t.. i '.' ,!i..t;,,,.'s leu-
. S SF.F.DS TrKsti w, l-'.-b. !:. shrov
. ', M", l''.b. 'J. A'-i-b i "L'toti'-. I'.ir'h-
Birminvrham, Pa.; ,.,.t,, i,,,,,.,,.. ,.
The Entertaining Orator, W'ho De ! 'osp,i
. Miivi. v, Kcl.. JJ K.-Lfmrv term ..f
1 court ot.ciw
M'iNiivY, K'-b "'.. Ilira'biv for I .enp
i V'-nr. This ,i he cr-f -hnt will
have occur for -iclii erir.
Ilvered His Lecture, "Mistakes
of Life Rxposrd," in the
Court House, Tuesday
A riinmpinn mi Cutting and riu.kint;
crri .
CluMiint; List.
Oavld r Xeit. of 1'ninn township, I !''"'r ;,,f' lMr"tii 'fMi.i.of our render,
'ut l"i acres of corn. 372 shocksi. for 1 u''"'1 ',Hsre other n-ndin matter In ad
which l;e received ?"i ; j-fH hu-keClif '"" '" !H P""T. -vr. ino this . -1 1 1 1 -i'2--
shoeks for which he received l'"u-' :i"f- i!y . tr f 1 1 'he different
bii-hcls of ,.orn. He Mulshed husklni; i 1 '""ibinntiotu . ,, ,.an ,.lv ,n()Mt.v .
the th of November. He hud morel ovurv vrhv . .
alls but thinks ne had his' share furl f,,'r "'"' "car fi ii.
this yenr. Tribune l-Viper. '( ;iiiiris. weekly
II. 1 '."nbined price. i:S.
The I'. II .-hurch dinner and -upper 11:1 s 1 i. . v n,
Thanksch -ing Day, nefteci f;p.,',o. The ! .-r. . ne v,...r f
'outity Tivnsiirer I ) N. App wiis at I V v Thrice a-VY..k 'Vorld.
the county seat 'Tnesdav. . year, id .ml. 1 ..mbine. .ri, e. rl..,.";.
I!ev. N. A. K.racofciH holding meet-i .... ' "M"IN v n,,v vo- '"
invr's at Mummers church. There havoi I,"I'"ST. Tribune Farmer and X.
boon four conversion, several seek I V' Tn''ce-n-We.'k World, all year,
bepn four conversions, several seekers
uui gsaft irospert far rs&ttr- . ' -
The Post has just purchased a zinc
ereliiiiir of tho Map of Mnvder County
stlilWItli; the location of 'he .,!;
and '"'id-..f -nv.l.T 1 ',.11111 v. 1 ! , - n -
onlyj.wj. r
AtidrPM all orders to
"TTTF I'Ost."
M iddleourirli. Pciiua
.Ke oil
inlit v
va- 'ret.,.,l will. 1
' 'ep.ttiii.ttii as a -lory : .-1 i.-i
and a cltlcrtailier. .v.'is esla.-.i-hcd!a.-t
winter at Kaniicrs I umi it i;t -.
iv.'Ty per-,, 11 am,. ,.. a ,,j
.a,.li. They ad .had .1. yea. pleiitv ,
! betll.
Institute opened With devotional ex
ercises i.y KeV. Noll ,,f X,.w llcrltu.
Lhseu.ssioii w:is opened by Dr. l.v
1'iirger. 011 "Neoulur Hyjiothesis.""
"Minimum Salary Bill." Prof. A. It.
"1 rimary ArithmetUf." Prot. C
Albert. Adjourned for Diuuer.
1 To be continued nest week.'.
t '
'-'rt.-i a
! Ilccs-icr
Ilil. -'!'
ind ;,:
- I
'It' ! e a 1 ; ; -..i,.,-'
I the -amc late. !'!n. ViM n-urc
j date 1 hat no ..lie es,. :..,r .,, v,;)
-eject -ame ,;alc .Ye :uaKc !,n , !.an'C
:'! ;ii-eit; a i.oi ice ..f ,iir -ale ::i .11 r
I licvTlstec -v lien y,,t ' ' ,,.. u. .
1 at this ,, tile...
Photographer Hoekenberrv took a
Hp I'llotOLTaidi Ti immp,.;.... .. .1.
. . l. - ,--1 uiMiuiuu ot LUe
Lybarger lias the ndvautao of being 'ady teachers of Snyiler couutv.
both an elocutionist and an orator. He, n,.,;!,,;,
, .1.., ,. "L- i""'esBiui; miteiy. iuti
sadstudentandhasadteuoi, suf- instructors and entertainers are all iu
tieiently vane.1 to be real entertaiuhur. terestiug.
- .
-',-5 r-'N.
..v.:' f;f -X
. .v " 1',".v.Tc:"'ij
. -r v - - --tp4
:; ia. .':. t ; ; . ...
u.-r. ''a.. .i.pi..u.. 1;, . ;. Vivf. ".taiu-i'i-'
- acres .,; la'i.i. (- 1: .1.
S 1
- S I
- v i -t 1 1 ; t r, : 'a.
:'"it sai.;:. ...i m: !! ir- a
,"ioil ::ii!u,. (...tit., 7 ins, tjj.j . ,1 ,,f
land. Al-o a 'o.i 1 1 . er'-,;aiiie . M --ame
i.,t. ..r .r.y mi art; mars
appiv to !'. F. Wait.-r. ' -1 .,(
. Middleburtr "11 l.-a-itn to il.-avi r
' town. : f.
aEDicun u.ri;s to m. kesb.x hue.
Yi;i Peniisvit a tu j ii.nii ,.i,. Wcuuih i'-:nnsi
v.mia state 'ir.uint. i 1 u : mis ,11 llusii.taiirv.
For the "client .f t:i"-e desiring to
aiteml liie uieetini;oi the i'.'tinsyivauia
State Jrane. I'-iiroiisoi I lusuaiuiry, to
tie heid al Wiikcsnarre, i' to
I l.the Peiiusyivama i la 1. road 1 'oinpany
will sell round-trip t:ck' s t, Wilkes
barre from ail -lations 011 its lines in
the State ot Pennsylvania, December
7 to in, food to return until December
1-, inciusive. ai rtsiuied rales 1 mini
mum rate, cents 1.
BloomAburj State Normal School.
On of th rntsrestlng Intrucior at the Teachers' 5ymposiuin.
Santa Claus ileailuaiteis.
Do you hear.' Do you know; w here
to And it'.' Are you waiting for au in
vitation It is ready now; Listen!
Ou Saturday, Dec. o, VKi, everjjdy
is invited to view dearOjalTta's dia
tilav of XrtinK.'Li-rftf...tisi-tir... ..1
1 1 . ' ""uiavlUJ 1 1.
The n.w CanaUmn wnier, Hal pit con- i Chiua ware, toys of every descriotion.
nir, w.i.i.u b.Mik.s, "Hlot Kuck'' anU i . . 1 i o
-Tu. sky ou.,,.- hav. m.i..jtiiiti in th. i sutUouery and dolls, and many other
uLrV.Tcn"r.!ir-'d.r" I ttrlk'1 Vu who want to lei
th youDK ajid ktiwiuj church ut St. member their frieuds in au Xnias irif
at Ulrica A Osmuuu's Ecouomical
Xmas store. We are bound to please
aud kindly invite all to come, whether
you buy or not Resp'y,
Misses Ulncu & Osiuunn
Ralph Connor
Aullior of our nest serial story
Hie Sky Pilot
btepuou., m W muiMg.-Th Cnuo.
iuui, uiq must latnous ot
the Uistiiiguiklied author's aturiea, will be
Our Next Serial