The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 26, 1903, Image 3

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    MIDULEBUKG post.
wrtnr A atistfnfi' anilAf r vii
ini airmu d
(onaucicu --
Deed It were." answered Mr. Erastui
1.1- JlUl w v . uuc uiu w
k'tshlntgon Star.
ysklnsr It Sir.
L ion-t want to be too easily won," she
v.turally." he conceded.
Ii, If I say 'no' now," she went on
Vinuslv you won i get iua bduui u
P1 i -ll! ,," Pill.
jfver list
For $3.00
hpr that her mother's ancestors
wv itood enough for her! And
stors are not at all costly, either.
thing! I woncrr now snp noins
head up at all." Detroit Free
Vk. The G'tat SprtaJ .CSr
for Daily 'Srtad. jfir
a: "
Snt the Ont H Meant.
,v Who wastha? l:i'.y who sat be
.1 nt the tlu'ator thr other evening?
i; Why, that was my wife.
-Oh. I don't mran the one that
o:ir rieht. I moan tho one you
1. Host on Transcript.
, ;,,inaiiiiinr what color do you
v '(larlinjihorn's hair?"
. .
a menu 01 yours, ansa vaia-
y. s; a ricar menu.
ml." c hie-ago Tribune.
A Good Guess.
"I wonder If I had too much last night."
"You did."
"How Uo you know? You weren't with
"I know that v. hen a man is In Aoubt
on that subject there Is no room for
doubt." Chicago Post.
I Jurfl f !f
Sure Mn.
"So your friend tin- doitf.r is prof per- :
Inc. is hi??"
"He nna-t be. Hp r'ocprt have to make
a!l his u"ii'j ;.:':'i 1 1: 1 1;' 1 1 . r s .' rii.f same
hour rad. .'.:.; ,: .. i r : ar. im-
poping crowd Kir.:; tl'.rtv." Ciiu -ir.r.atl
Commercial Tribune.
Andjwt5rchard trees ansfcarc :i v
' . --. A X 1
ut out of the chimney the utTmvrkc Vccks,
x 1 1
the children romp and pl;iy,V 1
Jlrri (Trc-.ihcj"osvchecks (
l-aded and heaped are shelf and hin
With the harvested fruits of fall.
vlo tnc rows ot stanchionx-'lcowv
V iiereuie inter .suii'i e iroin iuor t k ik.u.i
Is tilhtvj-the lractAi' mows.
Vs. .t-
-nd the orchard trees-'Jire' bare 1
a hat matter n wind and weather trout
for Infants and Children.
Castorla Is a harmless Hiltstituto lor 'astor Oil, Iiri
j;ori'. Drop" al Sootliiu Syrups. It is I'loasaut. It
contains neither Opium. JWorphino nor oilier NareolU'
siilistaneo. It destroys AVopns and allays IVyerisliness.
It cures Oianinea and AVind 'olie. It relieves Teeth
ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates tlio
Stomach and I towels, fjivimr healthy and natural jdecp.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's I'rieml.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tlic Signature of
In Use For Over 30
ennsylvanla RYE or BOURBON
AinT?nQvl1akes whirl in the air? 1" Wti
e nave aineieu iiie nmuo;i iiiuiiiiih.i s ieue,
And the children romp arid plav'7CVT'
1 .-
nd men thank God for plenty and peace '-)
nd a glad Thanksgiving Day.
F.irm Journal.
r- v v r rrTTtr
. i ' - ilk 1 it - ' . M jf..m
j- -i j TiiV 1
I i
Years OKI
hunk or
cy5 "
KiiiTon'ii None T1U utory In bolon fact: It l
tru far ni tho two luttoni ar con-urnol, which
Kjluull) pauud batwuvu a Utile girl ul a nururuur.
Our IvclcreiKv : Any -Merchant
in Pittsburg.
Express charges prepaid to your nearest station. All gom
plain sealed cases.
Why send out gf Pennsylvania for your whiskey when you can buy
lunper from ua, and wc guarantee it to give satisfaction. If it don't
ease you it won t cost you a cent.
This hiskey is aged 111 the wood ami is thereioie K1L1I, nil I-.
1 MELLOW, and is therefore adapted for Medicinal and Household
prposcs. oeim us a trial oriier ami 11 you are not saiisueu we wu ic
puJ the money.
We carry in stock all grades oi nies, liiskcv, etc. Semi tor our 1 ed the days. Grandpa and all the rest
. . . . .. . ' hurl Kaon 1nWnl tnt rlnv An1 rnll
vate pnee list. Spue al imlii(!emeiits tor Cluh orders. I ' V""
1 1 ' . i fhn was sick. She had trlpd to think
lATnT'Pl S M PlTPT. XT (IP i was well when her head ached the
r j on Cor. 2d Ave. and Smithfield St., j
read Mary Tolllver's letter twice, and
then called a messenger.
"Ilillle," ho snld, "go down town and
buy the biggest turkey you can get, and
i express it, with a lot of rranberrlcs and
celery, and all sorts of Thanksgiving
goodies, to this address."
Then he called his clerk, and sent Mary
a letter.
The day before Thanksgiving, and Mary
Tolliver was sick. Poor Mary! How
she had looked forward to the tnnual
festival! Tor weeks she had count- , vniitnt
V.rlnrdf.y mornlnf? Mother Tolli
ver handed her the big envelope.
This Is what she spelled out:
"llavltiR been Informed thixt Mary Tol
liver whs 111 on the 28ih of Novembur, and
was thus r'',"'n'c,' fmm JnlnlriK In the
festivities tnolcUnt to ThankSKlvliiR Diiy,
I then-fore recommend that nt n con-
hour on Thursday, Lucimber 5,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Our Stock Consists of Clean New Goods,
Such as is round in an I';
Country Store.
Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs,
Groceries, Chinaware,
Best Shoes.
Cigars and Tobacco, Smokers' Suppics.
More (ioods for Same Honey 1
Same Goods for Less Money 1
Come and see our wares, flarket prices paid for
Country Produce.
A. S. Sechrist,
Verdi la, Pa.
night before. Llut in the morning the
little face wa Hushed with fever, and
there was a family consultation. Then
the doctor was called in.
"Just a little ague,"' the doctor said.
Mary knew what ague was; she had
had It before, but never at Thanksgiv
ing time.
"Can you get me well for to-morrow?"
she asked.
"I'm afraid not," the doctor ajiswerrd,
with a kindly smile. "You must ho
quiet for a few days, and maybe you can
have your Thanksgiving next week."
So word was s?nt to the relatives 1 rt
tn come next day, ns there would be no
Tliniilisp.ti lug dinner at the Tcdliv. r
Liberal Adjustments- Proiin! i
ma tn mtmu m i war, tv. vtw. nxanuc-jncr aa-w pi , ,i irarw.- y ): m
ul the Oldest, 81 rtinirt'st (."asli Coiiijiaiiit s.
JKhv, LilV, AccitUnt and Tni;ui.
No Assessments No Ininiur lutt;-.
A. !., 1 s 1 i Assds 11,0 ,i:?.ss
' 1S53 " 5,s:j ,(i2S.4
The Standard Accident Insurance Co
The Aetna
" Home
" American
The;Nen' York Life Insurance Co.
The' fidelity Mutual Life Association
Your Patronasre is siliclted,
One Bottle
for ihe Month of December only.
"i ii'
As a Holiday Gift, wc will send you, free
of all expense, a full quart bottle of Very
Fine Old XOine. if you will send us an
order for Eight Full Quart Bottles
of our famous XXX Old Family Rye,
which will only cost you $6.00.
We will deliver, at once, by .express, free of
charge, rij;lit to your home, in a plain box, with no
marks on box to show what contents are.
We make this offer to imluce you to buy our
Whiskey, as we are confident that once you buy it
you will always buy it. You run no risk whatever,
for if the Whiskey is not nil we guarantee it to be,
we will refund your money without question.
We have a very large trade, and have built up a
large business by selling Hiiih. Grade Good9 at
Very Low Prices.
Don't fail to send us this amount at once, and
you will have a lot of very line liquors in your
house for the holidays.
If you want anything in Wines and Liquors,
send for our price list.
Highest Grade Goods at Lotucst Trices.
A. L. SCHWARZ CO. 3 PaLtersoix, N. J.
Established 33 Years.
Iioubo. Two days alter Thanksgiving
j the fever wan all gone, and Mury was
very quiet.
"What is my little girl thinking of?"
Mother Tolliver auked.
"I was wondering if we could have a
Thanksgiving day next week, as Dr.
Brown said," Mary answered.
"Oh, no! Mary," the was told; "not till
next year. You know the governorniakca
what he calls a 'proclamation,' and tells
us when to have Thanksgiving."
Out Mary was not satisfied. She
thought all day, and made her plans.
Monday morning she asked If she
might write a letter. "Just my very
own," she said.
Mother Tolliver gave leave very will
ingly. "Out it must be short," she added.
It was a short letter which Mary
banded to her mother two hours later.
This is what she said:
"Dear Oorernor: Flcaa can wa have an
other ThankiKlvlng Day, and hava It next
Thursday? I wai sick, and 10 Grandpa and
the ethers ildn't coma, and I could not eat
any Turkey. I ain't vary big, but I like
Turkey. Fleas let us have It
"Your friend,
"Won't you send It, mammal" she
Mother Tolliver thought it would not
hurt to Bend It, so the letter went that
At the oapitol the governor was very
busy. It was near the end of his term,
and be bad a great 4eal to to. But he
Mr. nnd Mn Tolliver, tufrethi-r with their
family ntnl Mich ynunK frlnnds ns Mury
may choose to Invite, a.fst mlile In the illn-lnK-room,
nnd ihcre with hearts full of
thankful!!!' lor country, for home, nnd
for the blessed Inllutnca of children, pur
!nke of rtiih bounties ns are usually
Hi rved In Christ Inn America on the day ap
pointed for Nuilonul TliiinkSKivliiK, and
that especial attention be kivlii that Mary
shall be bountifully supplied with such
pn-ttons ot the national bird, and wllhsuch
other delicacies, as are most congenial to
''Just se9 bis nniEfl at the bottom,
mamma thenovemor's name!'1 shouted
Mary. "Ami the letter Is all ribbons and
lvd wax 011 tin; back. Just to thluk he did
t bis for 111c!"
" Ves, he diil it for you, Mary, and you
:-imll have your own Tliun'.Ki-i hie; liny,
llut what will juu Ii" for, a
. eck after the time?"
"Oil! I'll h" tl'.anl.ftil I'm s-o v.r'.I apajii.
Will that do'.' A1.1l eat.'t I jn-t as well be
thankful tlii.-i wi ck as hist V"
And shecuiiM.
- S. B Times.
No Oilier liny In All the Year Serves
$kr l'iirin of 11 Ls-
4il Inu l! .
Thanhiing day serves a purpose
supplied by no other day In tho year,
ays a writer in Christian Work. It
brings tho members of the old home
together once inure; it britms up the
old times anil recalls to mind tho dear
ones, some giving tbaiiKS In fur-away
homes of tlielr own, some of thorn,
alas! not to unite with tin at the
Thanksgiving board as in former
years. But none tho less hearty and all
the more tender will be the thanksgiv
ing offered, with gratitude for what she
was bo sweet, so loving, so exalted
her pure life; nnd there nro other
blessed ones of earlier years.
At this time, then, of family gather
ings and family rejoicing, let dovout
thankfulness lodge in the heart and i
find expression from the lips, as. we
recall the blessings of tho family rela
tionthe love, tho Joy, the hope, tho
blessed memories It nurtures; for these
it Is which make a paradise on earth
and open up a vision of that endless
Thanksgiving in the Paradise of God.
Hello Central
Give Me
WliriT iiiv yon goini; ! I my your Full ami Winter 1; I?
At Ebright's at Aline, Pa.
Why ilo you luiy tlimt '.' J fiiiic Kliriglit carries tin
largest and lust slock to srlect from, ii'ul lie is nli tin
clieiipefit. You should mc his .KV STO' '' ,il is just
lovely, and 1 never saw so many Outings, ( iiiilmnis,
Flannels nnd Calicoes ami lie lias tin- nicest Dress (Joods
ami Wai.-tinj;-.
Ornaments for Trimmings.
.K.'iidy-iiiadcSlllKT W.TS, Kli;'i"- at,.! i.iv;r
variety i t l.adie- and .M1-1- ( .'l'.--, and Ik-
( US, I lie iivtlicst vnii evi 1 -aw and -1. man
AT i:i'd;Kili r-s sit n:i:, y.,u : : . .;; ... ,
l'.. d I'llaiiKi N, Maps, Nj.i-iad-, I .: K..!.. 11. I
lie carries llie ln-t Kli i d A l'oriii v Si i 'I I'.ail 1 ; : i 1 . . i
l'.i:i;S. FI.m.i and Oil ( I. .Hi and l.'c:-...
i-aii'l lihd a I't'ltcr sell clii.n an w In it. Wi-ll 1 ai,
tu l.iiy my inti r ii.ily l!n ic I. and y. I .
cvifvliiidv siv tlii'V are jj,"ia I" Aline.
TucrhnMnnHcrQTnss : w
Mrs. Turkey Where have you been,
Mr. Turkey I've been teeing that old
hen around the comer, who tells for
tunes. She's a fraud. You ought to
have heard the character aha gave me.
Said I was flighty and likely to lose my
head; told me I waa going to be mixed
up In some bind of an affair wKh a dark
lady, and warned me to look out tot a
bald-headed man with an ax. Pld 70
ever hear of anything so tbturdl vfcsV
cgo Record-Herald. ,. ' . f
Come and See Our New Stock.
Highest Prices Paid For Country Produce.
N. T. Dundore,
An almost infallible remedy.
it :''
' ;