The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 26, 1903, Image 1

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    Hote Weabs
be have a job lot of note
fu n hand. They must go
!c The price will do It.
pies and prices (or the ask-
Ve furnish tnem printed
ess than you can buy them
;ut printing.
. U'asenstller, Editor and Proprietor.
A Family Journal, Devoted to News. Science, Art, Political Econonr and Cnrrent Literature.
Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, in Advance
NUM15EK 1(1.
ivcly Little Liners.
Lib,-and the Hustle of the
ounty Seat, Told In Brief
;c More or Less Prominent.
,athi INipulatiun nnJ I'.vent of In-rt.-t
tliat Satisfy Curiosity and
Arrse thc Tn,r''', '"r
(e.irnmn ami JlcMi Folk are re
improving. P.owersox retond from
,t to her sister at Liyufponl.
i tr. in the Midiliurir Hakofy
It I ' ' t
Imught at nurns T.r Simon
lots for sale ifi Swin-
Price from $100. up
.;).;;( U.ll. II h
I). IHlger ami O. A. Foil, or
in township, were at the County
m Muneval of West Perry town
vas at the County sent, Saturday,
mileil in on us.
v n nMlill (if
L township, was at the County
aturday, ou business.
miuel Sliafior, of Aline, sent in
bbsiTiptiou last week with our
lied sulwrriber, Christ Kuouse.
I V. 11. & F. Missionary Society,
Lutheran ehurch, will hold their
Ll Thank Ottering meeting, Suu-
oning, Nov. 2!.
Lutheran Y. P. 8. C. E. Society
i very enjoyable entertainnietit
wial Friday evening. Alter a
ry and musical program, refresh
i were served.
Post has the handsomest line of
liars ever made; designs are all
JjtltettiVe firrVurubeaper True
e who desire something inex-
, Come in nnd see them,
virah liowcrsox, of Paxtonville,
thi' County scat, Saturday, to
ii'iuNuml transact some business.
id hii' house to .Mr. (iraybili and
nVe In i-loWll.
11. Ilrown, of 1 loll'er, was at th'
, scat, Wednesday of last week,
.m n formerly wastlic mail carri
iie Mi-Kim s ionic ami is well and
'ly known along the entire route.
t W. Snyder, a popular insitr-
,v'al of Cleveland, Ohio, mum a
vi-itor last week, lie lias
il'tled thepositioli of I )isl lie Slip
.'li -ill of a huge territory in llli
diii-li lie will prnliulily accept.
me greatly pleased to have com
mi arrangement, special an
iiieiil of which is made in this
whereby our readers may obtain
Life'' for nt year absolutely
'nadoiiroll'erin another coluniii.
Julian Troup, of Mt. I'leasiint
found a shawl several weeks ago
road between Middleburg and
liiinmit louse. The owner can
the same by proving property
f'jing for this notice.
publishers of "Farm Life" gave
R-'-oO each mouth to the persons
"g the best advertisement in their
M- You can secure both "Farm
find Post one year for only $1.00.
subscribe or renew today.
H. Attinger, of Chapman, was
Itleburg visitor, Saturday and
i in to see the Post and was
1 to see all the machinery hi
M in motion. He was accotn-
by Wesley Jleintzelman. v
November issue of "Farm Life"
the special Thanksim-ine- Xnni-
Mnong Us features will be a strik-
1 original double page drawing,
entitled "Which One Shnll
! See special offer on pace
lwJ'u can secure "Farm Life"
cial service will beheld by the
"H 'v.. l,. J-J. of the Kvangel-
l"Ml Oil Sllllibiv Vow on Ituvi
M- Hon. F. C. Bowersox will
Dti .. .I I
auureis for the occas on. A
f o will be lifted for the Dallas,
uureb. Come and join in the
'tor galore at this office. There
"8n that carry you away in
-ueuguu You may find your
""out distancing you If you do
r your caleudars here. Our r1-
r ' copyrighted and the Post
Auusivesale of them in Snyder
Order at tmon an un,t m
m In getting them early.
and aife
T1! ', I. iv in
r l'olli;it
'llpied by
Po not forget to give Thanks to-day.
The New Hank I'uildiug is rapidly
Hearing completion.
A. C. 1 luekeiiKry tonka pi-tuieof
Clement Si:in-lei- in the eotlill.
A number of s.e.-;:il Tliauki:iviii,'
dinners v ill ... (.i ,) to-d-tv i Tiiui
.lay i.
lion. C,. Alf.ird ehoch
sp.nt la-i Tliii'-d:iy and
F. S. Heinle, wife and daucliter vi.--iled
friends ill S'lllUliy the l;i t t-r part
of last week.
Jeweler S. A. I laekeliben
Iavid Vetel' holl-e HOW
i Inward Folk.
Thinua . K 'ler, of I'.eaver SpriiiLTs,
hiis been added to our force of com
positors this week.
A 1.. Spaiiu'Icr wMies to thank all
wlio so kindly :ussi-te l during tin- ill
ness and burial of his son.
Miss Messner, :i stenographer of Sun
bury, came over to Middleburg, Mon
day, to help us .tit with a rush of cor
cespondeiiee. Ticket agent L. F.. Wetel sx nt a
few days in Phila. Last week on va
cation, while Mrs. Wet.el wjt-i visit
ing her parents in Fremont.
I huve on lniht'.umber giwid
second-hand irfg'HilAlso aWTl tine of
Xew Organs. Vl Upland '",H them,
Frank S. KeigleSdilleiairg.
Next week will be Teachers' Insti
tute. The school children will have a
vacation and the Teachers will gather
new ideas at the County seat.
We have had some good sized win
wiuter weather. When the thermome
ter soars only a few degrees above
zero U'fore Dec. 1st, the cold is un
usual. Thomas It. Hoslcrman, who is con
fined in the Homeopathic Hospital In
Pittsburg with typhoid fever, has
been very sick.
Resident? of MMfMebw ftTirt Kr-inV- !
liu should uormrget to take advantage
of the offer oMlie Middlebure'Vater
I! .ire arc the srubb!edticlvs and brmOn,
l . Lhs'-Ori. h.ird tices iirXhire I
Sl- i
'Hi.' t; :itr!TXl!rca''
Hut out uf the chimncv thcuciic
U t.
?J1(1 thccliilJrcn romp and plav.
! 1 -T- . I ,
? oiinpitvrjie rosy chciks
JIJ'lMIMl"! ''''--. s'.i;wei;j cim"- to tne wa
i.oaitcij and heaped arc shell and bin
"-inwhe harvested fruits of Tall.
The barn a' promise of plenty seems
ro w s of janc h to
ic winter sfStorc Irom iilfor tohearh
K''"il'l ''I I lie I'm, I'l i.
li ink ,. Mi. I i!.-i '.i .
i. ' ' ' r !'. III. -Ik..
. '.: ...
' III.' Kll'vl N,. '..iul
M l.l. !!.: Hi 1,. " 'In
nil: I'lllUi: KLU.UUi.
C 'llli!!!' !.M M'.s Cist I ;
read. :
.(I to
I'l- !:
.1 "s . . : i . . i , ii o
i ..
. r N i
I 1 '
.- ii. .1 i. -
r.l. lis!, ll,,
"I: ;.!n s
i f all
. ..i" I.,
:d is ,,f
p::! I.,
'I' m l;
I.VWil I. I,..SK Kk-i ,:. IN lllSK
I.' . iM.'h.l. I s. . . 'll.V.'I'.li I
1 I'M' t.-ii iv. I u it t . s. i,,,,i,r
I" I ' ill. i'l :,. l"l,
matter if bare are the flel
the orchard tree
and brown'
bare r.
lat matter it wind and weath
wflakes whirl in the air?
Wc have garneTcTTiTefrftit
And thc children romp Stul play7
-,nd men thank God for nlentv and ncac'tL&
, -v s. . I . J I
- . A IJ Tl 1 r-..
a giau i Jiaiiivsiivillg JJdy
Farm Journal.
Conijiaiy foryce Capping. Tls otli
will exivjre Nov. "ifih.
I just leiMrrsiH
Machines frnin
Wliieleruml Wi
See display advert i
it n in
new mi ii dewing
up. lie bit
lakKa specialiiv.
1 1 KM I .
. I;ii:i.i:i
Middleburg, I 'a
( 'all mi A. Sol,., in hi- !,..v shav.
ui.gaiiu ua'.r eiimng pi',: r I I Voiii
lead cleaned with a ivl'r.'s'ini -! i :t nt-
i i i ,
1'iMiaiiua eicau louel in each patron
on i ne norm sine 01 .Mai Kcl square i I -
posite Central I lop'l. Sat is fact i. ,ii guar
mi teed. tf.
A despatch from haiiil'ei!nir' -av-"The
i!ev. III. I-:. II. I.eisenril
preseiiieit ins resignation to the rust
Lutheran i ion lat night, and
as he lead it some of th,. women shei
ictus, .v vote was registered against
his leaving, and lie announced to-dav
he would decline his call to Dixon, III
Pennsylvania Railroad's Winter Fxcnr
sum Route Honk.
In pursuance of its annual custom, tin
Passenger Department of the Pcnnsyl'
van in Railroad Company has just is'
sued an attractive .and comprehensive
book descriptive of the leading Winter
resorts of the Fast and South, and giv
ing the rates and various routes and
combinations of routes of travel. Like
all the publications of the- Pennsylvania
Kail road Company, this "Winter Ex
cursion Hook" is a model of typogra
phical and pictorial work. It is bound
in a handsome and artistic cover in
colors, nnd contains much valuable in
formation for winter tourists and travel
ers in general. It can be had free of
charge nt the principal ticket offices of
the Pennsylvania Itailroad Company,
or will lie scut postpaid upon npplica
tion to (ieo. W. JSoyd. (ieneral Pas
senger Agent, J'.road Street Station,
Santa Clans Headquarters.
Do you hear? Do you know where
to nn, i p.? ra i-An waiting for an in
On Situn
Is invi(e
articles to p
toy, DerVfl,
IlloNioAr deu
tlf :ii1otds
Airi'nv9 itf evih-
au(V doM
ly now; Listen !
1W3, everybody
Old Santa's dis-
consisting of
y description,
s, and many other
who want to le-
member their friends in an Xmas gift
at Ulrlch & OsiiKinu's Economical
Xmas store. We are bound to please
and kindly invite all to come, whether
you buy or not. Resty'y,
A Cut 011" Will He Huilt From Sclins-srovc.
The Northern Central Connecting
HalViWd -CorupfcU, '-VuVtfaf hslhttlj
chartered at the State Department, has
purcnased from the Pennsylvania
Canal Company the right of way of
the Pennsylvania Canal extending
from Selinsgrovc on the west hauk'of
the Su-.iii-lianna Kiver in Snyd. r
county to Duncans I-lainl at .luuiaia
Illidge, Perry eoimly. Tl -ideia-
tioii wa- .:l.-on. Thirly-oiie and
eieht-t.'tith miles of abau'loii'-d e.iual ,
bed 1'i'jetlier with lock-, acplcdllcts, .
In idges. lock houses and t heir i tents
are included in the transfer. ;
Thi- i''ircliM--o will allow the building
of a ciu-otr from Selinsgrovc to.luniata
I'.ridei a di-tanceof lll.s miles w hich i
will be a sa iug of .V.i.-I miles in the pre.--;
cut movement of the trains between I
the pniiil-: it now being necessary to
carry trains from Selinsgrovc to Lew-
ist'iwu Junction; a distance of
miles and thence the .luniala Miidge, :i
distance of II. li miles over the Lewis,
t iwn and i iiltllc Division respectively
The rebel forces have been liter
ally Jestroyeil liy these operations,
and General Wood stiys the indications
are that there will he no extension of
the uprising, which was handled with
out (liflieulty.
MenfoSh or' 5odi'f;fcn"ii "Jn'iJVi' '."f Z
Cli.nred With Piracy.
Kc-.v York, ii.Vv. 21. Captain .loseph, of t!ic -caonner W. K. it A. L.
Tiicli. 1;. in;: loaded with coal at Kllza
b 1 ! ; :'it. X. .1 . I'o'itiil for (to ion. 1 1 nn -
o ' o.i.',; (', -i:ni ; ..;.. II.
.. 1 1 a I ,ih;i a lnea ''.':. 'HI !."
had .shipped thioiiuii iae -t imti. v
tl I :i!.'.; a'.vae I'l no 1., .. . !
i . I.-. i,;. ic I. ,r... of I h" A ; l.iai ,c
i ' 'I'liiin. I" i . . ap'ai n ,s .
.me a.s:;..;.' im- Ids .;is of l.i !-
i.n.l on i c, iin: ;n.i f,, - 1 1 1 a .',!. .ii
: h, i'i mi t :t ; ii i i , ; pj mi ll, alone, i,;.
Viis to'd il,at as I'" cta'ilnveil inni-
b ,
.S .... f . II. (1ml.' ii
JT. .'hi. mm. in
i-.n'iiy j
X 11 :vn ,,,, '
1,-JW.-.11 j
-I'r.iiii ;
'.'17 ni ."'.i j
. i'i'Jl'.WI. It
P.esult of Five Days' Fighting With
American Troops.
.Manila, Nov. 2?,. Three hundred
Morus are known to have been killed
ami many others were carried off dead
or wounded as a result of five days'
lighting In Jolo between the American
troops under General Leonard Wood
anil the insurgents. Major H. L.
Kcott. uf the Fourteenth Cavalry, and
Bve American privates were wounded.
General Wood landed near Slet Lake
In Jolo, November 12. The Moros
were soon located and lighting began
immediately and continued until No
vember 17.
Major Scott was taking Pangllma
Ilassen, the Moro leader, who had been of Hourbon, pretender to tho Spanish
taken a prisoner, to Jolo. While en ' throne.
route llassen asked to bo allowed to i
see his family. His appeal was grant-j Famous Book 8tore Raided,
ed, and ho thereupon led Major Scott ' Hoston, Nov. 24. Three well-known
into an ambuscade, where the Amerl- book Btoa- ne of them the Obi Cor
can detachment was Ilrcd upon. Major I ner Book storo' were raided by tho
n i Watnfc anrl ll'ni- llnfllnl .n.l r....-
I' Id
!:i : I :
union sailins had
off t lie lour men lie had shipped.
Captain Saiitli expoMiilateci, hm ti;
men in the 1, .inn Ii swarmed a!i".-ird th
schooner. The capt tin rushed for hi
cabin to get his rcwdver, but was held
by one of the hoarding party, and the
oihcrs of the crew were overawed by
the superior force of the boarders. In
spile of the captain's continued resist
ance and threats of reprisal, the four
sailors and their captors went back In-
o tho launch and ashore.
uipiam bin it n Hectares that the tut
of the assaulting party was piracy, ami
he will seeli warrants for the arrest
of the 12 men.
Princess Elopes With Coachman
Ilerlin, Nov. 24. Die Morgen Post
prints a rumor from Dresden that thc
Princess Alice, wife of I'rlnco Frederic
of Sehoenberg-Waldonburg, disappeared
two weeks ago and that her coachman
disappeared at the same time. The
people of Dresden believe that
the princess and tho coachman have
eloped. Inquiries at tho residence of
tho princess elicit the answer that she
is travelling and that her present
whereabouts Is unknown. The princess
is the youngest daughter of Don Carlos
Scott was shot lu both hands. lias-
sen succeeded in escaping during this
unexpected attack, but Is supposed to
have been killed the following day.
The fighting took place In a country
covered with swamps and rocks. Tho
Moros were driven across the country
from Sict Lake to tho town which
Hasaen had made his headquarters
and where It was reported the Moros
were 2000 strong.
The rebel position was attacked la
the flank by the American troops, who
occupied the town and inflicted a loss
of 60 killed on tho Moros. Hassen,
with a small party, surrendered. Tho
rest of the Moros went Into the
swamps, out of which thay were driven
i Watch and Ward Society and four
men, Including the proprietors of the
stores and clerk, were arrested, charg
ed with selling and having in their
possession for sale books unfit for the
public to read. ' The Old Corner Book
Store was for years one of Huston's
most famous literary landmarks, long
fellow, Holmes, Whittler and other
well-known povts and authors were ac
customed to meet there regularly.
The Difference.
"I am afraid," said the very wealthy
young woman to the titled wooer, "that
our Ideals differ."
"In what way?"
"I should like to be loved for mv
on November 16, leaving 76 dead be- own sake, while you expect to be
ninu tnem. un govern Der 17 the iored for the sake of your family."
American forces renewed the attack Washington Star.
Misses tllrich & Osmunn. T'Zl MorOB of whom 40
CiC.ii'.ilsiiii K lunlln..
S, l-J'llls l-'lllnl
t l..lllile. lUnllls. t, s.
1 .iM's cant
N.' ll.i hi, h'.l.'s .nil -yfliiliii.
I MIC IIIIIIIIlT .Vlll'.MI.ll Ij'.k-
I MIC III SI. 01' ll.lllKS .itni ll.lllkl'I'.S
I'mili-niN I ii,;ii
IlKlhlillliil llcMslM-llijcCt
, I" click l: 7, as. I I
Iciii:oiiI ccillili alcs nt it,- 1
r'slt li'.iifMil ;
Tinu-i I'ttilic.ili'sof ,, ,-it ,' i,s.Vtu 1
'll (I'M
s.N 1 lll'.U t ill M Y. SS: I
1. .IAS. (1. THOMPSON. ..-.iNlilcr of IU' lUmn.
Illlllliil Imuk, liis.icllllil. -.,ii;ir thai llrf' uIhiM'
slaii'inchl Is true to I lie lit f mv kuuli'tli:i'
ami belief.
IAS. ;. ninMPSON. Cuslilcr
HiiIisitIUiI mill sworn to iM-fiiri! luu dills -.'1st
day of Nov. l'.ifl.
.Iny ll.WKISKH, Niitiu-y 1nllU".
Cohukit -Attest :
tl. AU'llliH M' Hi it'll,
J. I. Vauhmii ltad.
.1. I!. Vanliorn, iiroprietorof tlicSum
init Hons,., Wasliinglon Township.ilieil
.-satuiilay nibt after a long illness of
six months, aired btl years, ts months
aed li days. Ho was born in Millcrs
liurg, Perry county, pti., was engaged
for 17 years in the hotel business nnd
was at the rjiimmit for live years. For
tt time ho wus engaged in farming and
cattle business. He has, raised ipiite a
iurge7afn7ly"oT Tii.ys," airof v iionTuie
well kn wn in this community.
Funeral took place Wednesday morn
ing at eight o'clock, leaving the hotel
for Fast Sal'-in, .luniata Coiuiiy, where
tin- interment ,,v pla. c. ( leoi'.e
Sletlcl, of this I'lacc, was the lllldcl-
laker. 1,'cvs. IJilbi rt, ,,; Fret-bur::, . 'iin!
I.andls, of Fa-l S.,l, li;, olliei llci. I
I'ool was i'ic i-.iin,-,!, : t : ' . : i . 1 i 1 . .;m
ciau. Tin- family i-h t,. r. tun. thanks
pub!icl f,,- the many Undue, -s ,,f
ll idids c'.icndcd dm in:; I i a ill i . 1 1 1 1
burial nl tin ir Ini-Land and father.
1 1 1 . 1 , 1 1 ) i I .
At the li. mil -nl' h.i pan n I -:,SIi:t n u K i i
1 am, o i. Sunday afternoon, I, aura t'.
F.I I it it 1 1 lied ft i in i pneumonia and croup,
agetl ;; mm, l hs ;Ul, s days. The funeral
took pla.-ctm Tuesday afternoon. 1,'ev
I'inilll i Ilicfcl the services. I liter-
meld in ShanioMn halo cemetery,
V .'I lie! Ill
tivcii: Sun,
The Kill
ner o,
mn is.
f . i . tli
n'.i:ry. iy.
till K.s V
Kl'eann v w id l,a
I'Kil'W, o-. u;
sinner- -. el.
S a n n: :, N., .
torsi ; lien ill.
St-XMM, Nov.:;:
.Movi'-.v, Nov, .ir.
l'e:u aeis' mi .i,,.,. , ( ounty
will convene in ,he Coun b,,i.(. :l't
MUitlleliurgb. at eleven a. n,.
M'lNl.AV, Nov. .Ml, l.irture,"i;,,w to l.
ll.ippy," I. tt- I rancis l.ybarg.-r in
flic Court House.
'1YK.M ay. Dec. I, I.ectlire,"!lkes or
Life Fxpiil," U. S. Slr,!.s. r, (K.
Fotirt llou.''.
Wi:i.m:si.av, Dec. l', Concerl by Ly.
ceitni (Kcatic Co. it, the Court
'i'lll KSHAV, lec. .;, IjvIiiiv. "Musical
Fits iiinl Misllts" by spilinijui Uiggs
in Hie Court House.
I-'kilay. Dec. I Full Moon.
1 'ui i. , Dec. S,, Christmas Day.
Legal holiday. Hank will be closed,
Sr. hay, Dec. 1.7. St. John's Day.
Flu.AY.Ian. 1, pint - New 'car.
- -
LTubliim; List.
h'or the beliclU of tliosvnfoUr renders
who desire other reading matter in tnl
dition to the 1', wc issue this club
bing list. V.y taking the (lillerent
Combinations you cau save money :
. .... . ; f.HMr'Tirt . 1 -. .
The Post, one year, .i.(K).
Tribune Fanner, L'O ptigcs,
$ Comhiinsl price, 5,I.i'i.
I I'M in s A I in Mi. II.
The I'i is I , t in- car : !.n .
1 1,. r
1 1,11.'
"i. (,.
" i i.i .
's I . II,
-a-W. .
- all .
I I' I
I'lV ill I.Ul U V, '.,!
I .-t rai l . . ; I w i' 1 . .
"PI -let-jt. u i;!,...;: ... ; , ; . i
'pienllv u ithi'1,1 d .' 1 1 , i 1 1 .
Uir " New i -i I i. , i . , i
t 'nine in and hav, o;n
tract .,1 and g, j I;I U
elijov life heller and Mm
'o:t will
i i-K
u,n' ! ma-licafi'voiir f I. Al! wo, I. ..,iai -
llairsoli Low, a Well known cilicu .'lllleed. Practicing Denll-tiv t'..- nve
ol'I'enii township, ilepartetl this life tit 1 ::u y ear.
his honieon 1'iiday last, tiftei-iin illness ' .f. (. j v, ( m: lu.
of several inoiiths I'rotii a complication j .
of diseases, aged about ycurs
Deeeasetl was burn ami reared in l'cnn
township, and belonged to the Low
family who were among the pioneer set
tlers in this couiitv. lie was a stone
mason nnd a good mechanic. He is sur
vived by a wife ami seven chiltlicn.
The funeral took place on Monday. In
terment in Salem cemetery. 'ourier.
The Rev. Ill R. Hicks 1004 Almanac.
The Hcv. Irl ll. 1 licks Alumnae for
l!i04 is now ready. It will be mailed to
any address for ;',0 cents. It is surpris
ing how such an elegant, costly book
can be sent prepaid so cheaply. No
family or person is prepared to study
the heavens, or the storms and weather ... , .
. .., .... . , , lr. , V 1.1 1'i'niisylv.ini.i liiiilni.iil, Acniimt 'ennsi
in liiOl, without this won derml Hicks! .
..nn, .in nt,- ititinri, 1 .nun, ,11 11 iiso.i nu ry ,
Dr. rwig is prepared to tin surgical
and mechanical wml' in dentistry.
Having been in active practice I'm- over
thirty years, bis extensive experience
is abundant proof of hi, ability. Ar
tilicial teeth a specially. His exten
sive dental experience tUalilics him
to do only the best Work. tf
FOR SALK.-ln Mi.ltliebiirg, I'a., a
gooil frame house, 7 looius, and lot of
land. Also u g I livery stable on the
same lot. For terms ami particulars
apply to F. F. Walter, 1 mile west of
Middleburg 011 mad lending to I'.caver
town. tf.
Almanac and 1'iof. Hicks splendid
paper, A.M. Wohks. Jioth are
sent for only iixk lii'l.l.All a ykak.
Wok i ami Wokks is among the tiest
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the ineetingof the l'eiinsyl yaniii
Stute (irange, I'atroitsof Husbandry, to
American Magazines. Lite the J licks j l,u hM llt Wilkesbarre, December S to
Almanac, it is too well known to need 'l.tlierennsylvtinianailroadCompany
. . .. leill ,,.1 :.. :.,!-. I. . 1. ii'in
further cfiiiiniendutlou. 1'Vwnieii have
Ialsuvd more faithfully for the public
good or found a warmer place in the
hearts of the people. Send orders to
Wokd and Wokks l'rnr.ismxu Co.,
1201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.
The U. 15. church will hold a chicken
will sell round-trip tickets to Wilkes
barre from till stations on its lines in
the State of Pennsylvania, December
7 to 10, good to return until December
1L', inclusive, at reduced rales (inini
muni rate, 2" cents).
Dr. l'ercival Herman of Kratzer
ville dropped in to see us last Wedues-
and walllo dinner and supper in the day while in town attending a meet
basement of the church on Thanks'
giving Day for the benefit of the repair
ing of the church. We kindly ask the
people to come and have a good meal
with us. Only 25 cents.
By order of Comm.
ing of tho Pension Hoard. Tho Doctor
informed us that he would bo a candi
date for State Senator and authorized
us to sny for him that ho would bo In
the field. The Doctor is a strong candidate.
- f.
r ra-. w ""'-".im, v .riii'trififl-ni.1