The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 19, 1903, Image 5

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Mrs. Jerome Hays of Meiservillc
.. i m. ir..,UQ v;,.i,.ia Tn.Hi.
George Ilile ot llotler was so
uufortunate as to break Ins arm
Monday while ruling a liorse which
thn-w him ofl.
Clias. Updegrove is on the sick
Mrs. Jiio. Gordon was seen on
Mrs. Holmes Nichols moved out
til lllHit I lO I" I IWK MH l""l.-il.n
.. ii .... (., 'PI i
ttliiri' she intends to stay tiiis win
('liirtnii and Hugh Iveiclicnhaeh
W I ' . I ...
WtTl' HI " 11 " CUUCSOay.
Ann li'i IWkcv visited her sister.
Mrs. Hi If, at I Iollcr Tuesday.
Win. lviuwcll is visiting hi-1
iirot hit- (Jto. Kuuwcll, for tin- jia-t 1
J.S Line and wilo took a lui-i-1
lies? ir.n ui ..t'iiii.-iui- iiiiiiiii.i, i
, . i:... -r i
j'liL' following visiters were notic
ed in tu ii the past week, Mary
Fislirr, Sallio Reichenhach, May
I'Hi, Sadie Ibirgey, ami May New
man. Misses Mablo Reiohenbaeh and
Mary better visited the loriiie r s
uncle and family Win. Herrold's.
Mrs. W. F. Ivine and Sedie were
iu town Monday evening.
A. r. lline has returned from
Altoona and reported a very good
Miss Laura Zeehman of Middle-
bun- visited relatives, Jno. Herrold
and family, over Sunday.
Harry Kreitzer went to Milton
for work Monday.
Mrs. Dr. B. F. lieale made a Hy
ing triy to Liverpool, Monday.
T. J. Nichols, who lias been away
working for the past weeks, has re
turned home agaiu.
J. S. lline and wife visited at
Liverpool Tuesday.
J. Harry Kreitzer has returned
home after spending a few days at
Mrs. Jno. Selioch of I rummers
Wharf and daughter, Mrs. Dirvin
Troiitman of Newport, visited at J.
E. JJoluvr's.
Juniho Kerstetter is on the sick
Miss dander of Port Trcverton
is visiting at T. J. Nichols.
Mrs. Dr. Meale and friend Miss
Henrietta Rohrcr, made a flying
trip to Jiiyerpool Saturday.
Miss Nellie Daubert, spent a few
lays with her aunt, Mrs. Stuart
Mrs. Maggie Leonard has split a
few days very pleasantly with her
TOusin, airs, j. s. Kine and family.
wo. C. Wagenseller of St'lins-
groye was seen on our streets Sun-
J. K. Herrold, who is cmnloved
at Suubury, visited her farnilv over
Miss Amelia Borkey is visiting
Jta father at Richfield.
A. B. Bine took a flvinir trin to
pmsgrove Hunday.
Ed. Ramn, who had been livinc
. n ' . . : P
im;v. uurgey's house, has moved
w luetiiielij.
II. Attinsrer came linme from
Mertown to visit his fnmilv.
George Moyer is employed at
ydertown.' He says "When I
ros a merry farmer, I used to lie
It'liuid the stove such cold davs as
ruuw nave".
John L.
w . - " "uu , ' lllLlllll y .
raiKier and A . I? fii-lintil in t
"ton, visited their families at this
- - .IVI-..11U 11,11 V'l
S. Herrold on-1
Yz- and J. Albert Herrold made a
"P to buubury Saturday.
Misses Mamie Yettcr and Mable
'eiclieiibach of Me.Keea 1 fnlta
'ting at Williflm fi Tr
Danlp r:. i :i c
"w were visitine in our vicinitv
U Snvd
V V UV XlCf Jk Will
wen sea on our streets Sun-
n Wternoon. . -
1. G. Slminhauh of Sunbury
sjK'iit several days with his parents.
Elmer Daubert and wife of Mil
ton spent several days with his pa
rents, George Daubert and wife.
Dr. Kutter's father, mother and
little brother of Nothuinlicrlaml
spent several days very pleasantly
with him at the Nathioiial.
Nathan Shambach and wife are
spending the week iu Philadelphia
with their ilanht.r. Miss Leiiora.
Mrs. Jno. Siel! and daiigli!. r,
Miss Lnla, Mrs. Mart, and .-i-icr
nt S'liiliiirv 'A cre I lie welcome guests
oi" 1 'n'lijaiuiii Ni it, and I'uuily Sat
urday. Misses Helta and Mav Maliek of
snaiiiokiii wire eiiiertaineii ai liie ;
,Ii--'en::if ' Har: -ver-
I,... i
11 ilavs lat weeK.
I no. S. lline and wife of M'' Kee-!
i Falls
s-ed through our bur!!
Auckerand (i. Clarence
Faust of Suubury were iu town
Sunday between trains to see their
M. K. Herrold and wife and
Mrs. Slaullcr of Selinsgrove spent
Sunday with friends.
Mrs. Henry Keller and daughter,
Mrs. Geo. Kine were to Suubury
Monday to do some shopping.
('has. Wolf of Selinsgrove passed
through town Sunday enroute to In
dependence. Mrs. Minnie Eyer and daughter,
MiM Sadie of Selinsgrove and Mrs.
Marie W. Dundore and Miss Lizzie
l'arnhart of Dundore enjoyed a
drive to town Suml'iy.
Mrs. Win. Poyer spent several
days of last week at Suubury.
D. G. Staid is having extensive
improvements made at his house.
J. C. Sehafler and J. Calvin Ar
nold are doing the work.
Chas. Aucker and family of Ver
dilla were callers in town Sunday.
Jcte Snyder transacted business
at the county seat Friday.
Miss Amy Enderson of Suubury
spent several days of last week with
her aunts, Mi. Levi Jlohner and
Mrs. Sowarra llerro'd.
Reuben Meiserand wife ofSelins-
irrove passed throiiiih town one dav
last week.
Mi-ses Doll ie and Suie Miehi
ol Miniiury spent last week verv
pleasantly with their brother, John
and family.
The Trevorton liand took in the
sights of town Saturday.
Win. Pey and son moved into
our town Monday.
Marshall Shellenberger, of Phi hi'
delphia is spending a short vacation
with friends in this place.
Mrs. Daniel Henncr died Monday.
She had puttered for a long time of
consumption which finally culminat
ed in her death.
Frank Rine of near Iewisburg
spent a few days in town.
Riley Weaver and daughter
Dora, of Meiserville were in town
on business Monday.
Thursday afternoon there passed
out of our midst an aged and res
pected citizen, namely Peter S.
Graybill. He had grown up with
our town having been engaged in
business at this place with his broth-
er-iu-Iaw John Rine for more than
thirty years and by intelligent busi
ness ability and honesty they built
up a trade, that has since become
second to none in the county. He
retired from active business a num
ber of years ago but always seemed
to take a lively interest in the ad
vancement of the town's welfare.
His wife and one daughter had pre
ceded him in death. The daughter
having died about six months previ
ous to his deecaser. He was a mem
ber of the Meiinonite church having
united with the said church about
forty-five years ago. He was sick
only about six weeks and was aged
78 yrs. 8 mo. and Zb days. A Jiost
of friends and relatives attended the
funeral services which were held in
Cross Roads Mennonitc church Sun
day a. m. Thus another veteran
has left the ranks of the church
militant and on younger shoulders
falls his mantle, that they also may
fit themselves to join him in the
church triumphant.
Thomas Ilettriek and wife spent
Sunday in Selinsgrove.
Miss Mary Scitz of Ilighspire is
spending a week among her many
friends here.
Mrs. Norton 15ower returned
home, niter a f"w weeks' visit in
Juniata Co. and Millersburg.
Mrs. Kebeeca Geirhait of Mill
roy spent a few davs with her sister,
Mrs. Amanda Noll.
Mr-. Dirvin Trout man of New
pi"!, i- paying a vi-i: t i her paivnt.,
Ji.!i;i Selioch iilld ite.
Mis-i Ma'.!" Sidler of Shaniokin
I V:i:i -.pen' la-t Sumlav wi'h Mi-s
Minnie Trull.
Mi" Kmma Howcr I Cleveland,
( lino spent a lew oav- in tin
,j.,;m Krumbim .lilt', wile,
Wi fe I'll t ( -IM a i Ui 1 1 a few
u,vk at I'el.r I lai lev's.
Mrs. P.ri.iu T. .;ls attended the
ehieki n and wallle .-upper, uivi ll by
I he members of the Ib'lbl'lilcd
church, at Sclin-grove, Saturday
Mrs. Chas. Miller and children
of Selinsgrove vi-ited her jiarentr
last week, and also made a dip
bhaniokin 1 )ani, to see her sister
Mrs. Harry lrexler, w ho is very
a l 1
Amos lemiieriing and son uen
aldo, the hustling throhers, have
been busily engaged during the pa
week, in our vicinity, with their
two machines.
Ernest Moyer of Shaniokin spent
last week here hunting.
David Roush and wife of Harris-
burg spent Sunday at John Sullel's,
Jjcvi Shatter returned from Ron
eana where he was employed.
Rully Leach was seen in onr
town Saturday eve.
Frank Rohrer of Mc Kces callw
on Mr. Burgey as u Mill wright.
.James Jjeaeli of llotier spent
Sunday with Ins daughter, Mr
I Ieiit.leman.
W. II. Shelly left for Sunbiii
f : . . i . c it i i t ' t .
4-u.-s iiessie .-luuei ami .miss t unci
loiusli intend lo leave lor Shauio,
I I .1 -II I
mu wnerc inev win spend a lew
days with relatives.
Levi Shatter, Ernc.-t Moyer
1 leutllc ollell v, .KICK Kcicllf llliadl
and Uastus Fisher were up on J. S
olt s farm hunting r inlay.
T. A. Herrold moved to Millers
burg Saturday.
Mrs. Amelia Moyer of Suubury
is visiting her parents at this plan
Mr Shelley is greatly improving
his house hy a new porch, etc.
Sim the great coal operator ot the
ausipuchannu river says the coal arc
Ed. Witmer and Tom Houser
have invented a coal digger but it
is on the minim.
Miss Mary Fisher and Mrs. Sal
lie Reichenbach were taking music
lessons at Halls ifriday afternoon.
Reuben Rubb and wife of Lewis
town, are visiting her sick mother,
Mrs. J. Kreighbumn.
Miss Cora Steiver left for Phila
delphia this week, where she is em
Ansa Margaret ohadle had to
close her school a few days last
week, on account of a few days' ill
Mr. Mertz of Northumberland
with his automobile, was visitine
at Allien Sclmec s Sundav.
The Communion Services Sun
day were well attended.
WANTED A trustworthy gen 11
man or lady in each eounty to manage
business for nu old established house o
Hohd llnaneliil HtnmUng. A straight
eona fide weekly salary of $18.00 paid
by check each Monday with all ex
penses direct from headquarters. Money
advanced for expenses. Enclose ad
dressed envelope. Manager, 200 Caxton
Bldg., Chicago. 10-l-16t
Engine For Sale
A twelve horse power portable Frlck
Engine is oflered at private sale. It
can be Been at Stroptown. Inquire or
t-t Strouptown, Pa.
Win. D. Xeitz of Mexico was
visiting his grandfather, Ja-ob
Hendricks over Sunday.
The night visitors might nncat
their visits to this valley to often.
The sick of this valley are all
Miss Bertie Kerstetter came to
work for Philip Hendricks.
Wilson Mover ol Flint Stone
alley paved through lu re Simdav.
( 'apt. Geo. Kuhn and John 1 .
Marks made a business trip to Mid
dleburg Saturday.
. w l;i aii'l entei taciuent i
e peet
..V. -Vi.
ed i'l our -elhii ii-h' I''
P. hi:',.
Mi- Li lira n Mu
went I i win k
in tin S;oni
daee.'ai l.rwi. M..vei'
ehil.i; Vat lev.
-t Newton i:.,!h
inliT i- nil,
Sore toe.
F. P. ib,!lappl,
vi-iuir' at
Palla-i undav.
Mr-. Ph.olie Hendri-k-ing
her mother, Mr-... Iain
- i- vi-i l
1 hat ii,
iin. i. iiue ui i.ewi.-iown wa in
a i .. i . . i .'i .
this locality la.-t week buying cat
tie Ibr Phila. market-.
. . i i. it". i . i
. u aner ami n tor l a leiunye
... i .ii .... i
speui several navsat iiamoKiu am
A.-ldand last week.
.Mary leihl spent Saturday at
I'esnie Neitz spend Saturday am
Sunday with her parents at Selin
Lizzie Holfzapjile made a llyin
trip to Selinsgrove one day la-
Nina Ranch spent Friday in Sun-
The sale of Willet Hoyer was wel
attended. He left Monday to as
sume charge of a hotel at Ashland.
Robert Worth and family of'Sel
insgrove spent some time Monday
until b. liinganmn and yyjfe.
Arthur Glass of Phila, is spend
iug a few days with his parents.
("has. Roiinh, wile and son Gcorgt
ol jMiddlcluirg spent .Momlav at
I his place.
on- iiium weni io i reamer on
Friday evening and MTeiiaded John
M l i . I
Fields, the newly elected A--01 i
I he remains of Samuel ( lilben
were laid to rest in Fveigreen ( '1 me
u ry Saturday. A lar-e number o
relatives and friends attended tin
funeral. Aged 7 years, In montl
and ',! days.
(i. Iierteh, who had been cm
ployed near Pittsburg the past Sum
iner, returned home Wednesday.
C. Walter returned to Camden,
X. J., Saturday to resume his du
ties as conductor on the street ears.
Mary Woodling lefl Monday for
Middlchurg where she will w em
lorn Arlxgast, clerk at the Nell
House, Sunbury, spent several day
at home last week.
John Fisher is spending a few
days with his sister at Danville.
Will Iloutz made a flying busi
ness trip to Port Royal Monday.
Rolert Shotzlierger of Yerdilla,
spent Sunday in town.
Tne Iloutz Cigar Factory turned
out about 100,000 cigars last month
Mrs. John Iloutz and son, Will,
spent J?nday at Selinsgrove.
John Gundrum spent Saturday
and Sunday ln&unbury.
tram eulenmeyer made a trip
through Ferry Co., last week in the
interests of the Iloutz cigar factory.
Fred. Herman, our Liveryman,
will sell all his horses, buggies, etc.,
some time in the near future.
Communion services will be held
in the Reformed Church in two
Will Sehnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills
pent Saturday evening at this
lace. ,
Adam Glass, our Jolly I'arber,
!iad a barber's vole placed in front
of his shop Saturday.
W. II. Grimm treated his resi
dence to a coat of paint.
WANTED: Men to husk corn
either by the day or by the bushel.
' H. M. Wolf,
Lewisbubo' .
The Trustees of Grubb's ehuix-h
have torn down the old barn on the
church property and will soon begin
putting up a new structure.
Rabbit hunters can be seen and
heard in every locality. Some are
careless and should Ik- taught a leS'
Mrs. Mary A. IJaily has just re
i . " i . .... i
iiirneii irom a pieaani visit to in r
old trends and relatives in Centre
Mi Carrie Kaler has arain left
for Su rjlmrv, where she I a- a irood
Misitioii in the Nell Hotel.
.Itnvbo Keistcttcr liii" about coin-
pleted remodel i in' his farm dwelling
on the o!. Sw;irl. farm Heart irubb'
Ilcpor1- -iv lie intei"!- to Ii! nil
i model summer resort for hunters.
Irvin I'ailey, our photographer
mu Ii i; i-
I I, ,i H'l ill ami
I . v t. .-ivi I a
iin-l evei'v v.
is n mo I
i i dill oarhi
I, II III 1'c-idellee,
:i 1 win.; i' ' in
Sw:o 1 Sm,,
F.I. M-ing!..
lal ie- a ad lien i,
!ii !;-
Wiiii ,l;,
i, I' lln
pulling :iu
l.i.'lh ',-i.le.
, i I ll
It In
Vi! T
vertoii the ia! u,'( I.
Po!;l!o, Hue!, W heat ail'
I I ...
iae 1 red this ,;,n ,,
tl.e count I V
living up alintit :,li tin
in the
aiiove line,
Suiiie 1'inilisli People.
Allnw u eniiL'li tn run until il u'et
beyond the reach of iin ilieine. They
often say, "(Hi, It will wear away,"
but in itnl ea-ies il will wear them
away. Could they be induced to try
the successful i licino called Kemp's
r.alsani. which is sold on a pn-itive
(uarantee t re, they would iiiiiueili-
ately see theexeellent ell'ect after tak-iiif-
the lirsi dose. Price -'c. nml 'iUc.
1 11:11 size lice. At nil (Initftfists.
Jas. (1. Crou.-e of .Middlchurg,
made a business trip to this place.
Co. Supt. Geo. W. Walhorn, vi
sitinl some of our schools last week.
Miss Piessie Smith of Middlchurg
is visiting relatives at this place.
John Miller of this place while
working at Jbrn.,U)j j)a,- (jic ,;,
fortune to have one of his eyes in
jured by a piece of steel entering it.
J. I. liingiiman's house is under
n 10 f.
1 1 t 1 r 1 . . . .
. II. llo-e ami wife v 1 - 1 1
Lewistow 11 recently.
Mi-- Ji --ie I'.reuer, relurued mi.
-ioiiary nl India, will deliver a lcc
tu.'e in 1 in- Lui.her.111 ehureli, Thur
day e eiiing. All 'ire eordiallv in
viied. II. I. Kumig made a lui-inc
trip I 1 Sunliiirv, Klincsgrove and
the I .( ). (. F. Orphanage.
The election at this place was
very ipiiet.
Masti r Geo. Haines is down with
typhoid fever at the home of his
grand parents, Geo. I. Ililger's.
Mrs. Amnion Musser spent Sun
day in lieavertown.
S.Shirey and wife tisited in Mid
dlchurg, recently.
C.G. Smith and wife of McCIurc
were entertained by their parents,
K. K. Shannon of Lcwistown,
spent a few days wiiii his family at
this place.
Prof. C. H. Allx-rt of Blooms-
burg spent a short time with his
father last week.
Dr. Raker, Prof. Yingst and Miss
Kby and Fegley of Lvkens were
visitors to town Monday evening.
Mrs. Frank Hahne, formerly of
Lock 1 laven spent several days with
her brother, W. . Holmes.
W. II. Row of near town, who
lied Thursday was buried Monday
forenoon at Salem, aged about (il
Mrs. II. J. Duck 111 011 a visit to
icr husband at Elizebethville where
ie is employed in the Echo printing
Miss Ilensel of Lykens spent
several days very pleasantly with
the Misses I'ergstrcsser.
Mrs. Wm. Scharf and children,
who were out of town a while
returned home Thursday.
Cyril Romig aud Miss Reekie
eller were married last week.
They came to this place Friday.
Mrs. Nora Shields of Philadelnhia
is visiting her parents. John Mark
and wife.
Frank Riegel of your town was
a visitor Saturday. 1 v-.
77. L
lloll-e u l!
Ai,- ,
da - w it
( iaughr
.: a -i'
-ni -
I'm la.
( ', ll-
ii;,". 1
I 1
1 1,1- '.-
1. in-;
lad 01
! T, I
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. i r.
I'Xpcei :.. !i j, ,
the I'ni nu : -Miinn
Win. Dree
were the gin
,r! i
V I I" '
ts of their -
trail 1'iolinger
San er . .f the Westi i n p
-late are l,i ing t i it it iin 1
Mary Snvder,
ieoi ge ."Mciver, of Nam
enjovingth" iio-pila!it v of h
in our vii inity last week
S. (bluett was at McL.-i
Don Himvjrr ami histcr Slelln, an,)
Miss Iliein of Fremont did somr
shopjiing in Suubury Friday.
F. J. ICeistetter wife sod son,
Walter spent Snndnv at MeK(.e
with hi brother, "J11 mini,''' wl.n i
very sick.
Teacher-.' In-titiite wa- !uv r'
ii 1 1
. line, I 1 1 evening, v
verv in;, 1
Mr-. ' I
!atii - l:
.bum -
near ( )i ii :
A. Wi.eio
, , 1
I' 1.1,1.
',lrl ..
.1 ( .
niiiover wa- 11 I urn
ham ti'i' i . . . ; 1 1 1 , ; 1 1 1
home Moil. lay.
Stewart Geliict and
Sehnee transai led biisines-
i'.i Siim-
hury and Northumberland.
Merchant Penj. L'ine and
passed through town Saturdav.
David Hoover spent a few
at Kantz, la-t week.
Rev. Arthur Sheatler of Lancas
ter will preach a trial sermon for
the Rcfbrire I congregation on next
Sunday evening a week.
Levi Gelnett transacted business
in Juniata Co., a few days ol las',
William Snyder, who is employ
ed at Sunbury, enjoyed the hospi
tality of his parental home.
Some of the people attended the
funeral of Mrs. Simon Lawyer, at
Richfield, Monday.
Deafness cannot he cured
Ry local applications as the can
not leach the diseased portion of the
ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitution
al remedies. Deafness is caused hv
an inflamed condition of the niucou
lining of the Eustachian TiiIk-.
When this tube is inllained von
have a rumbling sound or ii 1 per feet
hearing and when it is entirely close!
Deafness U the result, and unless,
the inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal
conditions, hearing will be destroyed
for ever nine cases out of ten are
caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflaned condition of the
mucous services,
We will give One Hnudrei
Dollars for any case of Deafness
caused by catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O.
Sold by druggist8,76c.
Hall family PiU8 are the best