The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 19, 1903, Image 3

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'aa Paatarea Art GvttlaaT Ba I'
Pays tm Haaa a Llttla raaaar
tka n14.
A jg Um children dance around
In gleeful anticipation.
The Great Spread for Daily Bread.
The syrup of delight morning, noon or night.
A syrup that is not only delicious, but a valuable
health-maker and body builder. Contains all the
goodness of corn the most nutritive cereal
grown. Prepared particularly for table and home
uses. Put up in airtight, friction-top tins which pro
tect its purity, making it particularly preferable to
the dusty, uncleanly barrel syrups. ioc, 25c and joc.
At all grocers.
CORN PRODUCTS CO., He York and Chicago.
I Hlata Circa to ae Coaaeetleat Dairy.
aaaa Aaaoclatloa br Edwara
Vaa Alatjac.
The silo must be practically airtight.
! It must be strong and durable, and
I should be constructed as economically
I as possible. I believe a good silo Is
' the round silo, but whether the round
silo Is going to give the satisfaction
I that some think, I am not no sure. In
' the stave silo the lumber being uneven,
' It may be Inclined to rot out In some
. places, and give more or less trouble.
une iiinig in ctr:un. if you build a!
round bilo, you must build a s"l deal
1 better one than If you build a square !
1 one. !
I Fur hoops, fivi'-i !;hth?-Ini'h wire rope
I Is very Kaiisfru-'ory. It run be bought '
for the s:ti::e price Ho the rods, but the
I I i
ennsylvania RYE or BOURBON
1 cars
7 Years Old
For $3.00
Our Ivefcrence : Any Bank or
Merchant in l'ittslu rcr.
Express charges prepaid to your nearest station. All goods packed
p plain waled cases.
hy send out of Pennsylvania for your whiskey when you can buy
cheaper from us, and we guarantee it to give satisfaction. If it don't you it won't cost you a cent.
tins hiskey is aged in the wood and is therefore lilCII. RIPE
toil MELLOW, and is therefore adapted for Medicinal and Household
rposes. bend us a trial order and it you are not satisfied we will re-
lind the money.
e carry in stock all grades of Wines, Whiskey, etc. Send for otir
rivate price list, special inducements for Club orders,
-iMorris Forst & Cc.,-
OC7 Cor. 2d Ave. and Smithfield St.,
0Q Tittsburg, Pa.
Our Stock Consists of Clean New Goods,
Such as is Found in an Up-to-Date;
, Country Store.
Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs,
Groceries, Chinaware,
Best Shoes.
Cigars and Tobacco, Smokers' Suppies.
More Ooods for Same Honey I
Same Ooods for Less Money !
Come and see our wares, riarket prices paid (or
Country Produce.
A. S. Sechrist,
Verdila, Pa.
In the feeding of dairy cows two sc
sons are recognized by the avers
dairyman. These are the winter ft .
Ing season and the summer season,
the former case the animals are end
ry dependent upon what grain and )
der are alloted to them, there belr.;
opportunity for gracing afforded. '
Tery opposite of this la true durlrr
summer season, the tfnlmals beln. -pected
to hunt their own lWlng.
transition from one season to am
fretpiently causes a falling off lu
milk supply. This is particularly
In the fall when the animals are : ,
shift for themselves after the nlf '
come cold. The fact is lost si
that a dairy animal Is of rather
constitution, nnd on this acrois
not withstand the hardships w'.
beef animal can bear.
I It is an exceedingly pood pi".
I low cows to have shelter at n!i
the first of October. If they
' In the stable or in sliods and fe
grain ration nlsht and men:
pet her with a little fodder, tlir
cra'ly respond to Mich trea'
milK ins time, and will more
for the food fed In this way, .-
bor Involved In rarltis for tin
the days remain warm tb, .
ns well out iii tlie pasture,
no food better adapted for
, dtntion than pood i;rass. f-econin!-nl.
and fnr this 1
should endeavor to extend t
season just as lonp as possi'
tures nre pettlnc a little b
pem rally pay to haul a lit
the field. This may be
' sorchmn, KafTlr corn, mil' -crops
of this character. .
a pood plan to tuan cows
praas after havlnp kept -i
stable during the nlcht. It
better to keep them hoie- ' '
prass Is approaching dryiu . . ''.
for infants end Children.
1 M 1
You Havo Always Nought lias Imrne tlio signo
' ' C:ms. II. Fletcher, nnd has been maile under hi
is- -. o.:; l supervision for over HO years. Allow 110 0110
t.. 'vivne yoti in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
".'i.:.:.!;noil" arc hut Hxiieriinents, and endanger tho
health 1.!' Chiltlren llxperieneo against I!ieriiiient.
Tltc Eind You Have Always Bought
.Bears tlio Signatui
sears tlio Signature of
In Use For Over 30
- REMEBtr?
fist Ol.le
1H K.
I Mi
Pare Whiskey Direct to the Consumer
Let us prove to you that 5chwarz XXX
Old Family Rye is the finest Whiskey for
family use.
Send $3.00
by Money Order or Express, and we will
deliver at once, by express, free of charge,
right to your home,
Foir Full
Quart Bottles
in a plain box, with no marks on box to
show what contents are.
We can sell this fine Whiskey at this low price as
we control it and sell enormous quantities to first
class family trade.
It is well aged, absolutely pure, and possesses
remarkable medicinal and stimulating qualities.
The Best Whiskey Yon Ever Drank
You run no risk. If the Whiskey is not all we
guarantee it to be, your money refunded without
question. ,
II you want anything in Wines and Liquors, sena
" for our price list High grade goods, low prices.
' A. X- SCHWARZ CO., Patraon.N.J.
tonslle strength ot the fivo-oighths-inch
rope is very much greater than tho ten
sile strength of tho Iron rod, and it has
this advantage, that it gives and takes
the expansion and contraction of heat
and cold better, and only needs one
buckla or coupling, and It Is very much
more easy to put around. The round
silo Is best In one respect, and that is be
cause It has no corners.
The picture shows a silo that any
body can build, who has the lumber.
It Is economical, strong and tight I
have three of this kind, and speak
whereof I know. Ono has been filled,
this is the thirteenth winter, and an
other one has been filled for nine win
ters. Anyone can build one of this sort
who can handle a level and saw, or use
a hammer and nails, and a good thing
about them Is that they can be set any
where and made to conform to the slse
of the barn, If you want to put them
The picturo shows clearly how the
silo Is built. Tho foundation Is below
frost, mado of stones laid In cement
mortar. On this is placed sills of two
hy six or two hy eight. Matched pine
siding Is Rtood up and braced hy two
by eight or two by ton-Inrh srantllng.
placed as shown. Tho corners are put
In on a hovel to avoid tlio square cor
ner, nnd also to allow of braces to
strengthen the silo.
A second thickness of Billing should
be put on to break Joints. I)o not use
paper between the hoards, ns it will rot
out I have a silo built of single boards
of six-Inch matched pine. The lumber
was as dry as I could got It, and put to
gether as tight as poesible. but I found
after tho first year that those boards
would shrink apart a little, and that
many places would never Ret Ujrht
again. That Is the danger of tho single-
board silo, and also the danger of tho
poorly constructed round silo.
Aflrr Klftrrn Yrnrt n
Writer IliTlnrea It
Terr Heat V
(' ll!i;liir.v.
ui ar.d m i!!,. .
IS','! As.vt.4 1 1.0 I'tS'V
1 IS 10 " 2f-IO,S-iJ!
(ia rd Accident IusniniiLY Cc
i York Life Insurance Co.
I he Mcliti Mutual Life Association
Yr-ur Patronase is solicited.
iir. : !. .
Hit-Ann. Koiunlrtl
An.'t'rit'iui "
An Ideal Potato Patch.
If the ground Is Quite level place your
stirring plow In the center, at one end
of your patch. Hack furrow. Harrow It
nlsely. In a few days do the same thing
in the same way. Now you have a plot In
good tilth and well drained, as you have
left It shaped somewhat as the roof of
a house. Fertilize In the center. Now
you can plant this In drills or In hills,
that Is, checks. Harrow often, keep
ing the ground loose and clean, and yon
win certainly be rewarded for your la
bor. Potatoes do not do well when not
well drained. The shape of the subsoil
will drain It, and good cultivation will
Insure a sufficiency of moisture. Uaao
M. Green, in the Epltomlst
The Art of Calf Fedina.
J. H. Qrinsdale, In the Farmer's Sen
tinel, says that there Is an art In ealf
feeding. The only diet for the first
three weeks to be Its mother's milk,
and that fed so often that it would not
got ravenously hungry at any time.
It should bo fed four times a day at
first. The calf to bo kept In warm
Quarters In tho winter and have lta
quarters kept clean. Never feed the
calf so much as to bring on the scours,
as there Is nothing more injurious to
the growth of the calf, but feed all that
it can digest, and it can be gradually
brought on to a diet of warm separator
Stripping Fodder Doaan't Par.
One asks about stripping fodded. The
leaves of corn are more palatable and
digestible than tho stalks, but the labor
Involved In stripping and bundling
MUMlr P?- There Is much nutri
ment la the italic, and If afaredded or
oat Hook will eat nearbr alL We should
prtfsr sutUn- and BhooUng eorn while
(ha plant has km craw la It Tb
grata will ripen and the whole plant to
M made arauabl. Tm ehiaf potac
Is nrnanbw In harreettaj; oora u ta
ki at ttw proper stag, nof too tip M
Bp grata, winwom t
My experience In raip
tends over fifteen yeai
everyone knows how -but
many do not knov
best to feed. Ask me,
"shelled corn." "When
I begin when the calf Is
Feed It Just a few kerr
gradually Increase to a
tho calf Is six weeks
it all up. I never kne
a wholo grain. I no
more than two qimrl
feeding. If I am rr
milkers I do not feci!
make them fat I h;
with all manncl of ('
none of them equal t
calves' hair is sleek
are growing raphll
frisk about and are
eat corn. My nele:
In feeding his enlvr "
csn drink, besldrs .i
ground feed, has f
They nro little, pot
Ffanillng on end. ',
ne.-u-ly all tho th
asleep. I wouldn't - :
for a dozer; of h ' 'n
wnnt good naive ; 1
you want poor, v
thorn something ' -- f.
Practical Farmer
rllveg nx
'.'! n"r--i,
u vos,
' v-.a? Is
I -vw
. he;-in?"
e days "!d.
" fir-t inl
1-- the t:me
" liey ei-ew
i to p a
fci'd .1 l-llf
',- tt'i!!; n? a
. -Ives f-r
. r- l cnoitrh to
Kxls. out
i "i(! corn. My
r-lossy; they
'' e;- run and
lv;i.V3 ready to
Hlio p"r-i:'tS
'he milk I'l.-y
r ninrt of
'' !"'.r c-iIvcj.
C( utral
Give Me
W !! nv you eointj to my your Fail nnd Wiul-r goods'.'
Ebi Ight's at Aline, Pa.
W I v dy jou buy there ? Ii.-cmiso Kl.rilit .-nrriw fhec
!;titirt and bi-st nlot-k to select from, nnd lie is ulsn the
kv1. You should .see his MOW STOCK, it is junt
lo-iy, and I never kiw mi many Outings, (iinhanis,
l-'l.-ii.icls and Calicoes nnd he litis tho nicest Press (ioods
a if I ai.-tinjrs.
CiLmpiits for Trimmings.
irc-ind I !!'
"rie of in'"'1
t'.irt. If yoM
" -it ern-n : !f
M. WtM, In
Cowa Throw '
ItiK !'
This Is my st '
cattle throwlnj .
cows. It Is I
two and one-b.- :
fourths Ueh ti i-
the horns by
tened, by a sr
wood, three 1
t for I'ri-vrnt Inn
'rri or llouU-
li Oilier.
a ili-vioo to prevent
n.-ci- or hooking othar
r of a wooden atrip
i:.' lies wide, and three
being attached to
' . To this Is fas-
II Ixjlt, a strip of hard
i !icb wide, one-half Inch
i:-a.' mad,-SI HUT WAISTS, SKI UTS :md M
vai'l ,. Ladies and Mis-vs COATS, im, .
( )l d.A 1,'S, the ni ii,st you ever saw and so nianv,
1-HI! KillT'S STOUI-;, yen can liml anything cm
l.-,t l.iaiikels, I laps, Spreads, Lap Uohes, IIoisci;!:
,;uii the l.t-.-t l-'reed ,V l-'oruey SIIOIIS, I'.all Hand UI'I'.
I'.KUS. Flooi ami Table Oil Cloth and I.iindeiiins, von
can I liml a heller selection anywhere. Well I
i , . i . , ,
if i iiv ii inier supply mere leu an,
everybody say I hey arc oing to Aline.
wai i .
am ynin
Near must
thick, and - ' a length sufficient to reach
downward within one inch of the face,
and to wl::.,.i two or three Inches of the
nostrils. ; i the lower end of this strip
are prevl . driven several sharp
oalla, wh., ;i project about one-fourth
Inch. Tl arrangement, when proper
ly attach :. allows the animal to eat
and drlnl. v. :;h all ease, but when an at
tempt ii , ..i.rie to hook or to throw a
fence, th- sharpened nails soon cause
'-simtlon of that kind of nils
i. Fletcher, In Farm and
an abn:;:
ehlef. i
new ire
The bu.:
Crciiin Cloard Fartnrr,
: caused the closing of a
. K ry In Minnesota recently,
i.'lngs had been erected and
equip;.. ' ;-.t considerable expense and
varj'th.Uft was first-class. A large
supply ui cream was received, but the
cream !t.;lf was very poor. The
farmer;; said they had too much work
to do to bring their cream In more
than once a week, and the consequence
was thut the cream received was of ex
ceptionally poor quality. The butter
made was of course eorreapondingly
poor and the money received (or It was
Dot sufllcient to pay expense and yield
profit,... Hence the oreamery rtrat
down. It was found to be U&poMtbla
to build up a valuable rapofcatioa, om'
poor batt JTarxoert' UiUm. H
Fall Openingf at
New Store, Sunbury, Pa.
larger stock mid prices lower than ever this Full. JJargains in every
department. We buy direct from the mill, therefore we can give you
spt'eial low prices and nave you big money by buying from us. When
you come to Sunbury, come iu and let us show you around. No trouble
to show goods.
Few Special Prices:
1000 yds. Unbleached Muslin, 3Jc. yard.
1 I5ule Unbleached Muslin, 20 yards lbrSl.00, extra value.
1000 yards Bleached Sheeting Muslin, lo go at Tie. yard.
5000 yards Ouling Flannel to go at GJe. yard.
(Jood Apron (linghani, 5c. yard.
Best Calico, 5 and lie. yard.
1 Case Pdnnkcts to go at 50, 00, SOe., extra large sizes.
Beautiful Pure While Cotton Filled Comfortables, Sl.OO, i?1.25 special
1.00 for all Wool Blankets, put on sale to-day at special prices.
Dress Goods:
We carry one of the Largest Stocks in Sunbury.
Special Value 12J, 1G, 25, 39c. yard.
50c. 42 inch wide, all wool goods the best thing you ever haw.
75c. and $1.00 all the new weaves for 8uits and Skirts.
Beautiful Line Coata, all the new Styles, all sizes and all prices.
Furs, an endless variety, all prices you could wish for.
Ready-made Dress Skirts a specialty. Come and be convinced.
C2Lfi ' - WI-b-ITIIVIUIl,
3 doors East of Market 'House. ..J, SUNBURY. PA
! Ml yyTCrcrc-j. niKTaor iwifiiii 1