MIDDLEBURG POST. GERMAN EMPEROR OPERATED ON THE OLD RELIABLE Polypus Removed From His Larynx By Professor Schmidt. fPl my,PRlARKI-8XPRK331.Y FOR THE POS'lA JPT 1T3 CQRPS 09 COKRMPONDtNf a1 ,ftV ftl ttenl in i A f ll Jolt to .11 in i vitk I thtf can utioi dgia edi alls i yJ stiol act H ted i OT If w it tM J Apology. Offing to tlie fact that onr entire i' . it-.:i.it..il lit tllfti tll'M lll'llllv 1 atu-iiioon MoihIhv, it Iws Ufu possible ioi us to juil in type nil SWINEFORD. Friends of "The Post". Ij. It. Smiili left MimuIhv fur Turtle " - , Hi., i ii Roll of IIonoh. Tun following Creek, near PilinburK where he has , el.H llllVe mid their Hubncription secured omplt.) incut iimih operator for lu tjie 1ost to the dutea opposite the P. It. Ii. .their inline. Should any mistakes Heaver ami wile of Viniontlale uwur iu these credits or on your pa per incuse noun us : II I. 1 i:liioll US US this lillUSsilili tine to an erraini oi tnetv. (.'iiiitluia t'n , are here, preparatory to I in. .viiLi tn l In. t. lute.. i,I-.ii L. i-uiTcstionilence, and we trust! T , .,. . ... ,. ,. (.mi i ( u ii. I,:uil.. wile atiil son Kit pelt ol ,t , ,ur readers ami corre.sHni!cnt- j U-i icU, prnt tt few days in town 1 iceitliy . M r A. Katlifou ami Mis Lillian iAiiili;, attended I lie funeral id Mis. '.! liu liaiius i ee llilp-r. Interment me. ma'ie at LeaVil .-pi in's ( 'enu li-ry. j Y. li. Winey and family attended I lie i'lini-ral at lliciiliehl of Mr. Wiuey's I iiml In r mi .-atunl.ii . Miss Mylllo liuwoi'.-ox of near IVi.- i I'eviiit-, spent lliiliiy Willi ller lllu-le, E. Haiieof .Slntninkin lhitn wits a Ltity Seat visitor lust week. Iv. I . Spangler lut lieen loeateil al Ivi.cl U ise, llotlfoiil Co., l'a. V. I'. I! ii.U-r of Ja-ksoii township, , ill town Wcilliea'lay of last Week. A. (iiilt'inis who nan iiet-n em-1 j.imrs simmaii. kvi'il 11 ar l ill.souvi; came nniii.- nisi iiluis Institute w ill begin Mmi .Nny. :!dt!l. The complete prujraii I In- announced shortly. lYlii. II- .-diiiulel left last week to as- lic his new position with the Mei- Lts' National Italik of Slianinkiii, liss Jennie 1- reeil and lady friend ol liiiK toi i township, were enter ing liu-t week by A. M. tiaruiau and flicriirSainphell made a trii on pro- Uniiil liitsinesrt to iSelinsKrove and Lou township, on Thursday of last llr. lu'ii'henhacli, the judge of the Ltiiiii hoard of Union township Liped in last Wednesday to pay for tmi ltife's copy f the Post. Moesehlin of fcjtmtmry was in JJleUurjj la.-t Thursday in company 111 A. 11. Whitinerof Seliufrirrovt- former dropped into pay his re- Hs to the Post. latlmti Sliainhach of Port Trevorton liiiniiiKra horse shoe nail to a lit red heat. He snceeHsfully ex ited this feat to a number of his nds. I. F., J. A. and S. 1. KIiiier, ad- kistriitors of Enos. Klitigler ere at County Heat, Wednesday of last aud got an order to sell real es- There are six valuable tracts and I will find their advertisement in H'osr. i veteran teamster Geo. W. (Joy elitir passed our olllee with his Iioi'm' tea-it 'adi.-n with a irranite I'liiHMit vvt'ifili nif two tons, for the 1.1 lot (if 1 lopniii SampHi-U at Cei- li.le, l'a. The monument was inir- i fi'i Mil Win. Moyer it Son, by Ll. V. S.iiup-ell ami rtheriir ('has. I:illli-i II. hi) 11. Troin.of Mt. Pleasant Jlills. 1) mil of lUclilield, If. :. l'o.t- r M i-i-rviiU', Aaron J lowell ami i- . Kotisi of Mt. lMeasnnl V. . W. Pawling of Middlehur).' Al'i'aham K rouse of SellnsRrove V at il,N olliee Wednesday of last and paid their .subscriptions. Iw suliM-riptions were received ly last Wednesday from Maine (iell f Siuibiiry and Mary A. Itoard- nf l-.:it Shui'psburg. These were licted, but they are welcome never- Tlie readers of the Post will lr a favor upon their friends out- iniieiMuiity, if they will telltheui interesting the Post is every We will appreciate such favou ill reciprocate sm-h klttducHa by our endeavors to Improve the Planing Mill Fire. fday afternoon Stetler'B planing a ilwoovereil to be on flrei The wliistUs blew and about 300 peo- llared upon the scene. For a In p wind was fierce and the fie ned total destruction of the mill f and all the handsome rcsiden- Itlie Flats. 15y fierce fiarhtinir ami h'"rk the fire was stopped at the roper. flu' finished product of the plant r'imii'lihiery had been removed I'le mill. About 80.000 feet of Ft a lariw number of enfllim iiml h'her sheds were totally destroy- isn.thers' losa will amount '"h.rfvmo. No insurance. C. I'kWmrger lost the alley btiild lis lot and G. II. Ktelninirer M a small loss. WBter Imil not yet beeit turned 1 reservoir and If it had been, r lio hoso or connection that per can be used. puiiDury fire department was I 811(1 In 1A imnnliu !,. .,KW (, , IUICD. VIIC VUlillL, was at the Sunbury de "y tostart. At that time, the a '"vorable turn and the or- CoumermniiHnH f1 furniture liar! heon remm-n I number of the houseiMn the fl nU BOme Of It Loan H.in. rouKi, handling. Itn.i?)8Vext6nd fodr heartfelt '8the mill prt of the plant. . .1. F. Sliaiuinii hasi'li to All'arata . licit- he is etijjaged ns a plaslerel'. J. . (-wart, and family drove to I'loxeK ille Simdiiy, V. I!. Winey shipped seviral ear load of cross ties last week. Mis Minnie JJowersox, who has been al leavert"wn for some weeks, lias returned to her home near Miil dlebltrKi l'.oytl Kaiill'inan, who was on the iek list, has returned to his work ai;aiii in J. W. Swarl.'s store. Harry liinpimaii and II. W. Smith spent Sunday evening out of town. K. V. Preinninger of Lewlstown has secured employment in town. He can make the mortar t'y. The Mitldleburg Water Co., laid oil sixty men Saturday its their work was almost completed. H. V. Mitchell of Lewistown spent a few days in town last week with rela tives. II. Jl. Slutnibaeh and better half at tetided servicts at Buyer's Church on last Kabhath. The Post has just added a feature that had been dropped. When the elder Kev. Talniage died we feared the young man would not come up to Un usual standard of sermons, so we dropped the Talniage sermons. We now take them up again. The sermon are fully as interesting as those of his father. Do not fail to read Dr. Tal uiage's sermons every week. This fea ture alone is an added expense of lifiy dollars a year. Nothing is too good for lilt' le.'l'leis of the PisT. Look out for another new Ii alure shortly. It i ireing to I'otne soon. V. Iy a ll-IIHI' Wild ! at Pitt.-notliiT employed Imiioj, was iii'U week i ami ili.' iiltcmleil his irnind-i'atlier, S EELINSGROVE A. Mover Jritli! Co. wit li liis recently. Dr. Will I'ls tlio Inderal of Isaac I l-h at beaver r-Mirinirs Major Jloliiiacli ami wife have taken n tiip to York ami Lancaster counties. Harry Allcman spent several days with liis parents last week. Mrs. J'Vyling, who attended the funeral of her hrotlier, Z. T. Hct trick, returned to her home last week. Dr. Spangler and wife have tak en a trip to Fulton Co. to visit his brother, who resides there. C. P. Ulrich, Esq. was a visitor to the city of lirotlicrly Love. Ex-Sheriil Eisenliartof Sliainokin was iu town one day last week. Miss Vic. Doehlcr is on a visit to her brother near llazeltou. The llcfortn Choir gave a supper in the Opera House Saturday even ing. It is reported that they clear ed about Hcventy dollars. The surprise party given by Mrs. Eil. Taylor in honor ol Inr daugh ter was largely attended ami an en joyable time was had. 11. S. Mciscr made a flyinj trip tii l'liila. aud New York last week. A branch of the Scranton Corres pondence school has been opened in town. Miss Jessie JJrewer, a returned missionary from India, delivered a splendid address in Trinity Luthern Church Monday evening. Mrs. Harvey Strawser is on a visit to Washington, D. C. PORT TREVORTON. ' Revival services will commence in the Zion Church Monday tven ig Nov 16. Francis Snellen June I l'JOl Ct. SI Diei.iek S pt 1 IWl James lJowcrsoX Nov 1 l'.HKl Mrs J V lloitci.suin July I VM) E K Zimnu -ruiaii Nov 1 l'.MU (i.. i K Moa .Se,,i I UIO I I'l illp Mover N-.y 1 mo.; F K.va I'mkcr S-pi it U0l V A Stuck Apiil is mu All nil (ioldoll .lime I 11 io I L i'. I'.uv.injj Ja- I l'1 W in lloiil. .Iiii i- i, l.ni I Ni HI.- C llerrold epl i t r.!Ol S H Lis!. O. t I l'.tOl T ll Nii-lo.U o. t l inn I John Yettcr Jau 1 l'.Ml liC llonilifigcr Oct 1 1 'JO I ll.niv Moist r' Oct 1 mill I'elt fval KeielicllLaeh Oct 1 mo I John S Showc.s Oct 1 mo I F H Arnold Oct 1 l'JOl S 11 Arnol.l Oct I mol I Harry Kicit.cr Jan 1 IS (." Jonathan Lelllcr Oct I 11J01 i'riscilla l'.ruhaker Oct 1 1U01 Francis Newman Oct 1 ISIOl (ieo S Uine Oct 1 H0l Win Hcrgcv Oct 1 1!0 Clinton Kcichcuhach Oct 1 ll'Ol John II Sutlcl Oct 1 ISIO l Sallie lleiiitzclnian Oct 1-1 11)0-1 Amnion Bholley Oct 11 1S)1 J 1) Swineford Oct 11 IDOl J E nienard Oct 11 liK) 1 J 15 Fortzline Oct 1" LKIl L 8 Urown Oct l." lHUl II 11 Swattz Oct lo ISIOl Mary E l'otts Oct 15 ISIOl Fred Leach Oct If. 11)0-1 Will LSi'tllel Sept 1 11)01 Jacob 11 llamer Oct 15 l'JOl 8 J Stratib Jan 1 100 1 I F IJurkcy April 15 l'JOl John Krcbs Oct 15 11)0-1 John V Fisher Oct 1(5 190 1 Philip Drcese Oct 1 IDOl tJeore Tharp Nov 1 11)01 Jacob Kissinger Jau 1 IDOl Mrs I'M Winner Nov F2 LSUO Frank O.iugler Jan 20 l'J04 E-tcllc Troiitman May 1 l'JOl (Jet. N Wcntzcl Mar 'l mol D.Swi'tef.i.l Jan 15 IS'.HI 1 Win V J;1 I'd ! til I l.ait lr W W I. .:i- iciv Scot 1 I I'. Ant Jd-lan 1 l'.K l Jaiiimio !la.-c Oct 1 - lmH Frank 15,-avcr April 1 iJiM Lewis Ami;; June 1 Hull A (i Carman O.-t 15 ISKI I II E IVntiuiis Nov 1 mol W A llonilicig.rOcl 15 mol (Jcorgo Try Sept IS l'.IOl Aaron Howell Sept 15 l'JO 1 l!oyl Stetlcr Nov 1 11)0:5 MiimctJclliictt Nov 1 ISM)) John R Troup June 1 lSMI l Adam F KifeOct 15 11)04 CS Dunn Oct 15 11)01 HE I'ortzline Oct 15 11)01 Abr K rouse Mar 1 11)01 S F Sheary Nov 1 11)05 W W Pawling Nov 1 11103 Louis W Koush Nov 1 11)01 A A Arnold April 1 1901 Hiram Oangler Oct 22 1901 Mrs Anna Leuig Oct 21 1901 C VNeitzOct21 1901 J li Stroh Oct 21 1901 CS Hendricks Oct 22 1901 Harvey M Wood ling Oct 23 1901 Eli Campbell Oct 22 1901 Emanuel S Aiicker April 23 1904 CEUeaver April 1 1901 John Stitneling Oct 22 1904 J J Mitchell Oct 1 11)01 Mrs Catherine Mover ( ot 1 1 90 1 J it A Moesehlin Jan 1 1901 Samuel K Martiu Oct 15 1901 Stnvorra Girmau Nov 1 1901 C W DrceseNov 7 1901 Benton II Moyer Juno 10 1901 David Keiehley Nov 1 1904 F T Kanek Dec 1 1903 John FStetler April 1 1901 Win Troiitman Jan 1 1901 Jonas K Fetter Dec 2 1901 Isasc Stiineling Jan 1 1901 Geo C Wagensellcr Jan 1 1901 Mrs. J. H. Page Nov 13 1904 Mrs S J Kieger Nov 1 1904 KREAMER. Mrs. J. Miller and sister of Paxi- nos came to visit theii parents Tuesday. Grover bmith was home from Lewistown Tuesday. W. W. Koush, wife, and Mrs. Jairus Koush took a drive to' Mid- dleburg Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ch.w. Laodis , f York, Pa., is visiting friends ami reliive in town. W . W, Uou-ii went to Sunliiii-y Saturday. Win Ke-h-r, wile and win went to Livcrpi o', In attend the funeral of Daisy CtHinilie John Fitt'tl-, i.nr iu-.v Associitc Jllde;e, was up at i-lmvu all. I i- oiiw ,-ick in lied wiih a t liill. We lltlpc lie Will mmiii e;,-t lu lli r. A. C. Smith aim fnniiy look a drive to 1 5 -avert. iwii Soirlae ats-r- llonli. The Iiulian S uunicr is h,.,-,. .a last. MT. PLEASANT MILLS. Miss Jeniinie Ycrgcr, who liad been woiki ig in Lew it. .w n, cm e home this week. The touchers institute whieli va held iu tlio Iiilekwheat vallev schntj. house, last Fi ilav cvcniiiL'. well attended. The next nicctim will be at the A line scliiiol-hniie. Kev. Slappig a Uchj.-uicd ininis ter, jircachcil an interesting -:iniin, Suntlay alicriioiiii in Hie Si. Jnhn'.- Chuivh. J. Calvin 15 .yt r n t,i-; place, was engaged in plumbing and gas lining, last week, Ibr Mr. Kern', at Middlfburg. George Slcivcr, who hail been working at Xanticoke, is spending a few days at home. SCHNEE. Atlia ami Clcinma (ieliuti ol Mciserville passed through to.vn Fritl. iv. Mr.'-. A. F. S-hnce and tlaii'ditcr. lera, ot Kantz spent a lew davs iu i . town last week. I. A. Shade of I'Vccmiiiit is do ing some work for Albert Schnci tins week. Clayton Steflen who was ciniJnv-ci ill Sunbury this .summer rctinnci VERDILLA. lie v. W. A. Haas held commun ion yervices at Keisers Sunday. J icob JJorkey is very sick." Mrs. H. .". Kr,.,; ,.),;,, went In Cliicago last S.iturdav l. ; i i . . . join hit ini-iiaml, who is praciism.. lllcilicliie in (I.,. 'in,K- ( 'ii.. !'!m'i Aii-ker, a id ! Ion t-I ,-i,. a ioin ;:t i i in vi . ; ' ! I .n-,- An,-! , I" I ! i : 1 1 1 . '; ,i dlV. . i .. :nv it. ''I I I'l.- In,,;.:' Sa : i: . ! .. -. ' M I'"!' I'.e L'll.l 'Im'h::; k,Miir Ladies' lOc. Rubbbeiv.. Men's l-'t ll ll m!- :;.i ami '..". .-(.. i. - In-! nicy UuIiIlt IS ,.(-, "-'.'.is. Li'lu.s' 1 ! -- ami Work Shoes 'J. Men's Dr.--. and Wmk Si s, ;h Men's Felts, wiii, I.'uliber Overs, ci.i.i, Economical CliC5iiutt, bunbury, Pa. ()KI'II.NS' CiU nrsM.K.if KIC.M, Ks-M . IW VirlllC nf nil nrili-r l.w.i...l 1.. ... pliiim' Ciitirt nf snyili-r t'ounlv, 1M.. tin- umli-r. iikiipiI iKliiiinnlraliirs of t,i; i-nlate of Em.h Kliiiiilur. lute nf I'i-iiii Tou-iiNliin. Snvili-r ( u willotT.-rat I'uiilic Nnlf miTrn ! No. , mi r Hon 'liuri.li ut Ntliim on Snitinliiv. Idici-inliei Tlio followIK ilrarrihcil roiil eslntp. to wit : .ilk, i. .--n nm m i-i-nil lownililp snyili-r ( a , I'll., nnil IioiiikIi-iI on dm m..,.o. i... IhiiiI of tliv HiiIciii Cliuri-li nml lii'irH of lli-nrv U....a .lu.u.u.u.l .... 11'-... . .. I . .. 3 ..,.v.,..u.,i.nt.,, uiiiiid r.i nyiHIIII or U-I. jkiiiIii Motler ; Nort'i dy lu-irn of Siiiniiel Lin k own, ol Joel Luck ttntl of llciij. Slctlrr hjwt liy lleiijiiinl ii Stm lor. Jm-I I.ui lc nnil Ijiml f .-uii-m iiuri-n, on noioiu wuu re. i,l n r i-iirn, inorw or ii-hk, a h'ti-m ure iitutir Intnl. On the tritct ri (-rctli-d a fritine ilivellinK lioilan, bunk liarn kiiu nntior out bulldinir. Tnu-t No. . Situiiie iu I'l-nn twp , Hnyili-r t'n., I'u., Iiouiiilcl On the Moutli Uy lun'il MiMiry i.nuiii-tiniiik.'rrl iii-im of Snmiii-1 l-.iu,!,. ilce-uaoe I nml nl SnmiKil Itnw ; Wot liv .1. I.uuiliMiHlHKor nml lfiinii-1 lioyi-r ; North hy M. o. nmi.er nun .loiiu ri ll r ; lui-t liv .lulin l,,w nml .ImiirS Stultl. Poll at ilDif KS a-ri.n hi., I v. pprvlir. more or li-m, wnercon nro procti-,1 a f riime ilwvlliii ImiiHc, Imnk hum anil minor out iiujiuiiik. t n-rei nrtt in iiniiii-r. Trm t No. . Sit, ml. i in IVnn Two . Km. I.., Co.. I'a , nml iHiiinilt-it on thu Kant hy Imul of maul 111.11 miiiKirr, r-iiiniii iiiTlll.in, lletirV noOiJ. ley, mill O K. llcrnmn ; South br ('. Kmtr.iT; WpmI hy Al. K. Ilerinriii : Nnrih bv tMii.,..,: llrntiKn nml Nullum Klinirli-r. ('('iitiiiiiliu- c.i lu-rrH mm i in iercii, inoro or lesH, wli-'li.-un uru oriL-U-il a liniii'i it welling hoiim-, Imnk hniii nml mil, or out uiiililinpi. 'Jen iicrc-n are In tlmbi-r. Tru tNo. I Sitimtr In t'nion Tii.. I'nion Co.. I'd . nul hnimili-'l North hy Imula of (li-o. olilt. Clmmj lO.olilt Hinl .li riMiiolll.lt. fnrnu-rly tun .iitn ki ni ini' i , r.a-i uy inuiiH oi i -iiiiriim ; , OeoiKiMinil .lerullie tl'ilt, of Mtrlmi-I SitIioM, Mk-hm-l Olilt'a hi-irs ; South hy Mlcluu-I (ll,lt n lii-irn nml .lohn Olilt : Went liv Clun. ol.lt : tnininif i'2'i ni-ri-, ntoio or u h.-ri-,ni ure eroi ti-il i I'ik triimu hiiimehnuk burn n nl minor out hliilililu:. lll-i acrim urn in tiiiihi-r. Trnrt No. a Mtiui'ii In rotin Ton Hi ilp, Sny-li-r Co.. I'n.. ami bounileil on 1 1 it- t'lmi hv huiil of the hulrit of Solotuon Knotinn, ilt-et-ii.-t-.i ; South by l'hnrpK lli-rni:ni ; Wi-al hv le Iri of Henry Ott. fleciyeieil : North bv Je remirih Ann : cnutaininic 2J m-rc-ii ami 1j5 fieri'lu-a LuvIiik no DiiiiuinifH on me witiii. Trnet fo. A. Situate In J'enn Twp., Hnyder Co , Ha., ImiilKleil Kant by laml of I'hare Her man, Solomon Knoime helm. Henry llci-d and Mn.C. W. Ilenfer; Mouth by H. P. Maurer ; West and North by Holomon Knouae helm. eon. tainliifr. 31 acres, anil 57 peri-hot. more or len haviOK no bulldlnift except a lime kiln hed. Two acre are in timber. There ia a never failiim aunnly ot water on all (if the above tract a. Sale to commence at IS o clock of natu day when terma will be made known hv II. r. KLINOKKR, . - .I.A. KI.INOLKR, 8. K. KLINGLEH. Adminiatratora. A. B. Keck. Auctioneer : I'haa. P. Ulrica, Attorney. BULLETINS CAUSED SURPRISE Berlin. Nor. 9. Emperor William underwent eu operation for the re moval of a poly pus from his larynx. The opt ration was performej by Tro fesFor Mort'z Schmidt and was en tirely siuees.si'iil. The only Inconven ient e suffered by his majesty Is that lie has Lieen enjoined not to speak un til the wound caused hy the o.;. ration has bet n honied. The bulletins an r.ouiieitcj i;.,. i-Mi!t of the operation caused much astonishment, t-vi n aai. t; court oMieiais. who had no sas it I. I .hi :-;s majesty was siifferins i ! mi: aii) ;.:T( ( tioii of the tliroat. The : !i i'.p;i, srs net to have eiiil.cri.r 1, -.:.!: . UM'ii ;V ll I.. i s '.is. oi.c in hi , iin l li-o-.:-. ; lla ; larynx lo lave pali r Joliaiines s',. i: 1 i st . Vir .logical an oi l'-i-rlin. i :iiero.a-opi-.'al imws that the He 1': i pari: r-ii v i In- .ur: : ' le' li.aii li.d.i s lac i-, i i . ' i" I'roi (Kiil. the faa.t.vs ta. nio : i:ci ,-c le ! tin- !: chow ir t I:e i h:er o iltelliy ill t'le I'niv l'roies-or (?: ,. aun!, cxattiiiii ii n. . -iii-ii polypus ei.i.:i :.(! of n i ry sott con nective ii-s:;e eontaini: I very f -w cells. This tissiio wa covered nil ov.-r villi a scale epiiln ; tun, nil irply il '!'iii - I ! roiM the ;!. .-:!, . v porti 11. e eoi.tiei 'ive tissue t is eont: ;''ie l,r..va pi'-nu ntcd m anion, c . i'c lit I .- iM-i c I in- re.--:: it of f s!li;hl hciiiorriiic-'i s. Tin- polypu. colitaiacl ;i liue miiiiber of walled torpiiseles. "it is. llii-relore," says Pre- on Ii. "only a question of a b .. connective tissue polypus." The Court I'in nlar made the f, '.' ItlS MIUolllH einelit : "The! oti: t went for a walk. No iiuests were vlted to luncheon nr ilimn-r, but Count Von ltuelow, the lliipei'ial chancellor, was the emperor's nuest at lunelicoj i.i.lay." 'I'he emperor r'ceived Coilht vtin Hui'low and ulleiv.ards lunWiCd villi the empress uud the count In Ills bed room. Count von l'.uelow found thu emperor hh chatty and animated as usual. The emperor wore a drcslnR Bown Instead of a coaL lie took liqi;' I foods and did not Indulge In t ui courses sorvod. HU general hciili.li hns never been so kooiI. Ho lias not felt tlio oar affection which troubled him for years, and ban quite outgrown the nervous trouble that formerly Im pelled him to Incessant physical ac tivity. ' ' ta,t.-i that the eliipelor will continue to recolvo visitors cm oftlelnl bilsliifis. ' i or cd . li ,-r .1st; ai.i- s or 'ev er -r iu- AbsoFufel Pure? THERE IS ,0 SU3ST1TUTZ iNavy ojnntr miis rt'n:selt. rortsiiiCi"i, N. li.. Nov 7. in nnr Of the 1,-ilii'is ol ii,.- truinini: -' M ooiiaiica. wltieh i, at ti:-- i sailor.- found I 'ieoriio i'. i'.r.nl with a i , -. i ' v s had Fhot 1 ; t i - ! been a ureal t . llrady bad h. en years. n:nl i:-i ' The wid.cv I to which ),i :. l".l,r:i. !;.niy o !yin ca y i-'s I t'.e lii :. : 1 1- n l'..c liav : :,-.!!. :.i N.' '.zr.'-L r.:;,RKiT3 i n :i:i:i-: do. r rad? had a. i ovl Iv. i., I 1,1- ill. ia ; I. p Km- i r -- . ' ; ?' ' "" heal v , ..: . i . No. . I'. ;. red. now. 'i .c. i ia No. ' y- ;!. - . I ic5;. were i':i' I . iic L' white. , lower ' ad1- j. !;' Hay No. i tiiiioiay. $ 1 1 ; ru it;.,", I i;i 1 1 s. Hoef was steady ; $''' " 1 . Poll; was linn; fat I.ie poultry, hens, liv roosters, '.if. Pressed poult: fowls. 14c; old roosters, lie wns steady; t r, iiuiery. L'iic in - Kkks were stcaly; New ,ur I'eniisylvauia. I'M-, doz. Potatoc. steady; per Inisln I. n:i it ih-. Halilutore. Md., Nov. In.- V,' hot dell and lower: rpot contr: " ' "' Sil'ic; spot No red westt ; . ii 8ui"; steaai- r 2 red. 74',,. .'s-.: soiitliern, by sejipltt, 7(ii v " n uriide. T.I'n'S ; jc. Com w . -fitly; fepot, V.'-' i -I'.i c; Bteainci iiiixed 47 'i t: 4 'C ; boi : icrn white i iru. M'c' corn. bOfij .el e. Oata der; No. 2 white, 41 W ixed. iOil in nyi .. 5S'-ic; No. 2 west r fc!d ) iVP.Mi , . Ill III, v.-.. kt -ady a- larn I ll :i III :i . J.'o.aiJ '.: obi i -hoipr. i'.i-.lti'I in o) ml and v.- c rt : E4c; do., yelh were dull and 4i 4-.; No. 2 . was linn; No. ru, iiUViiC Live S'.ock Markets. L'nion Stock Yards, Pitts), nrK. Pa., Nov. l'. Cut lb' v.. re stenav; t liolce, J5.2'i5.3i): prii..-. $5'c b.1.1; fair. tji ;).tio. llous- were active; prima heavy, $;.2 jiii ZX ; niedi'iiiis. $.".15 4jf;.2o; heavv Verhers. $." . hl'ii r. . 1 ."i ; tlKht Yorkers. $r.."V.j-..ie; iiis. .:Mrlv f: r'u!i, . biictqi wore slow; bo.-t well:, as. ill.liinij j.feu; culls choice lamba. V- 7.7S. The i;r, S'l-U'.csle.l h-.f(- 1 ill'.' a sin, pie d.l. wth in the larynx at oiicn i hat l bo riniii ror ciir.ht be I ninl oaimoi'.. f 1 ... ifi "i.J.'. : vr al t alv !.:illion3 r : -. ii :h i soiaotbini; wor.-v is. liu: Profes.ior. : Si iimiiit and ' ',!!. in r -;i . n i . iV.-.'ll a li v Now inn I : ii I 'M-, ly lo i- "a evil off i I bulloiin v r spi tl'o I ' slept thli in', rrupt inn ' sm:!l in Tlv IV "The oaiii In bis r ii iii. I ci'Jil without pcaratice of ll: factory, and (In ro is nn ,;, disi i iiti i'i i t in ti e throat. tyY r nip, ia:i:ro was .';,.:!. Tile sill'i;c,.iis expect ti.; p"ror will lu- o-if ul door, lie has ariaiiu'ed a biuilit l-'ri lay, November 27. than j Cc: von 1 1 nil i ." I ' , ll. e-l: li ntor, 'rt ay ipi: !ly i.-iii;i;l licj The ::; I i.; :: l.'i- r-i I , if lii . ! 1 1 i el lie ,:,! ;'h" pi, i- or o'i r ii i ;e tlio a i triji .i NO NEW AMERICAN CAnuiNAL. Merry del Val ..nd Mgr. Calla-jari Re ceive the Red Hat. Home, Nov. ID. The first .'.ecrcl con rbtory of the new pnntiliea'r- ban been held. No American cardinal was ap pointed. .Several nppoiutiniints of arch bishops ninl hlvhops wore madn, ln eluillni; that ut tic It v. J. J. Uni ty as archbishop of Manila, Philippine Isl ands, who received the pallium at an extra conslHlory when ho camo to Itomo for consecration. Thu Kov. Pe dro (lonzalex y Estrada -was nt-pointed bishop of Havana, and the Kinht Hov. Maximilian Ueynoso y l)li-oral, for merly blKlinp of Tulancinso, Mexico, wns appointed titular bishop of Nocci areo. The appointment of th two car dinals. Myr. Merry del Val, the papal Bocrotary of stato, and Mr. CallnKarl, archbishop of Padua, vpi nnnounced by the pope, who kaid In Latin: "What have you to ray?" In response the cardinals raised tholr caps as a sinn of affirmation on their part. This was all, so every doubt was laid at rest for the present regarding the appointment of another American car dinal. I . li to al, iiimai': , i i i Marion ',u form, r wife, while the t AO the marrii.c. a. el s. Wl. :r. Th e.:e i-fl't en n y, is b. (lilt ,-it le I : i ii ;i i us;. Mr. a- i 11,'i-sl i lo .Mrs ,'l, Kay i .'.ho secure d a divorce, sous of the to.-.tatnr u Hubert and Vieior Mc Kay, are each lavcu 1 1000 per annuw until tin y become of ay.o. Tie- will alse provides, however, for the j .ivment of annuities of ?2."imi to each of his two sons after the death ol Mrs. Von Pru iiiti;. i'rovi:ii:i. rho ro dlr-'et.- by will. 1 he t -stator diieds that liu- salaries attached to the professorships be lib eral, in order that able lie n ; hall b at t rti to .1 to the positions, n-nl thi re quest is made that the name o' Ciordon McKay be permant ntly attached to th professorship, biiildhii-'s and scholar ; '-.ru-which may lie establislied, erect ed o; I'i-i'-'iri'l from the j: the en.io'v. -i de:" last nnniiiii'iii the - csi to Harvard. Hue o of th ! 'TO'.'f Three Middies Dlimissed For Hazing. Washington, Nov. 7. The secretary of the navy lias si -ned the orders dls r.iis.sltiK Mldshipnif i Joseph Drum mond l.lttlo, John i .enry Ixifland anil Rarl Worden Chaffee from the service of the t'nitcd States. All three n.id shlpmen wore members of the t rst class at the Naval Academy. T -.ey were convicted by courtmartial on the charge of hazing. Little was app. nt- ed from Ohio, Lofland from Iowa tnd Chaffee from Wisconsin, all la 11.). Cuts In All Rolling Mills. Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 9. Notices v ere posted at the Columbia rolling mM ot a reduction of wages of puddlers f.'om $4.50 to $4 per ton. The new (..ale goes into effect oq November 23. Simi lar notices will be posted la all the mills of Eastern Pennsylvania. MITCHELL STORY DENIED Washington Laughs at the Idea of H!i Succeeding Secretary Cortelyou. Wasliiimicn, Nov. 10. The story emanating from Pittsburg that John Mitchell was to succeed Secretary CRr telyou, of U;o department of coiumen.t cntl labor, if President Hooaevelt U ilect' d lo succeed himself, excited ffi. crnl laimi.t, r here. At thcWhito Hots and department of commerce ami labor the stronyt st denial of the story vt? Klveii on the lx'st authority. While the president declined In dfjt cuss the story for publication, ho toJ.J fl senalorial caller that the rep-irt wnf not only unfounded, but ridiculous. If would be a year yot before b" wonld know whether bo was to be his owa successor and hn would wait the doci aion of the voters at least before, con inenclng the scdection of his rabinrt He furthermore spoke In praise kJ Qcorgo Cortelyou as a member of tli cabinet Mitchell Also Denies tt. Boston, Nov. 10. "There is not a btt Of truth In it, so far as I am con cerned," was the comment made Jrjr John Mitchell, with reference to aw port that he would become a meafret ot th cabinet of Presldont RooMroa