The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 05, 1903, Image 1

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ra a ak ti mm m. m s
ua have a lob lot of note
,.oH on hand. They must go
lulck. Th Price win do It.
:,mnlea and prices for the ask-
in We furnish them printed
br less than you can buy them
Vlthout printing.
V. Wafeaaeller, Mlur aa PraarltUr.
A FaallT Jaaraal, Derated u Newt, Selene. Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Rotei: One Dollar Per Ancaa, la AdTaaca
Vol. xxxx.
Lively Little Liners.
I Hustle and the Bustle of the
County Seat, Told In Brief
Vople More or Less Prominent.
Floating Population and Events ol In
terest that Satloly Curiosity and
Appa the Thirst for
;, G. C. Gutelius has been luted
V the Hick.
Its. D. T. Khoads is visiting rela-
at Mlffllnburg.
ins Marlon Schoeh has been ipiUe
luring the past Week.
!it Bessie Smith spent Sunday with
Lives st Beaver Springs.
We Crouse, who was employed ai
I Pittsburg, returned home Monday
lank Beaver of Beavertowu was at
Uleburg Friday aud paid the Post
Vs. Alice Mertt came near being
Eaied with coal gas baturday
i. Geo. W. Wagenseller and Mrs.
. Frederick spent Saturday In
unuel Wittenmyer returned from
Isuuna and is considerably improve
Vs. Gundrum of Beaver Sprlngb
t Sunday with her sister, Mrs. 11.
H. Bowersox of Beavertown was
Ie County seatou business Satur
uornlng. larles Rauch. who baa been barber-
p Sbamokln, was spending seveial
at home.
I. Garman and wife have been
kaiuiug his mother of Mt Pleae-
mhr thepsart-w eek.'.-rf
l "- it m n 11 . . a.
win j. miiey 01 ranas was in town
rday. He took a number of plo
whllehe was here.
I. W. Wittenmyer spent the latter
of last week at Lewlstown with
lighter, Mrs. E. M. Greene.
Inter apples were sold on the
It here Saturday for 40 cents a bus-
There was ready sale for theiu.
bf. A. R. Gilbert and Miss Lulu
h spent Sunday with the latter's
Mrs. Dr. Ernest, at Mitltiuburg.
urge Try, one of the successful far-
of Buckwheat Valley, was at the
ty Seat Saturday and subscribed
le Post.
wis Ainlg of Selinsgrove was in
lastl'iiday visiting his biother,
p, and while here dropped in to
. Hathaway Mertz is visiting re
ts at Suubury, where Mr. Mertz is
oyed. We understand they are
huplatiug a tlittant to Suubury.
U. Gannan of Mt. Pleasant Mills,
ped iu to see us last Friday aud
ribed for the Post. He is a car-
r and is doing some nice work.
lorney Jay O. Welser spent Suu-
Mth his brother Sheriff Welser at
ntowu, aud Cashier James U.
ipsou with his yareuts at Mexico.
A. Hornberger and wife of West
f township were at the County
km a shopping and business trip
popped in to subscribe for the
jward Bowersox of Mlddlecreek
khlp was at Mlddleburg Saturday
per vaie bills for his sale Dec. 8th.
Hi move to Lewlstown to work at
Itor Joseph G. Lesher and Win.
f'yer or Helinsgrovft were iu town
py. ine tot nicr came to deliver
ectlou ballots to theC uuty Com-
W. V. Lomracre and wife of Mt.
St Mills were at the Countv Heat
My. Mrs. came to do some
f'"g and the Doctor transacted
"usim-M at this office.
1'. UaHslnirer of Barnes. Warren
h, I spending a week In Snyder
p on iiuelneHH. He la conducting
lessrui lumber business In the
F part of the State.
rwlg la nrtrbared to do aunrlcal
rieohauliaK svork in dontlstrv.
H beeuyfh Aoiive nU'tlra for over
va irnrlAiuw
his ability. Ac
L VWWIIjr, J A1B VA Ivll
eutal exntrlenoe qualifies blm
"uy tns bast work. tf
Mr. Stetl'en, tenant on M. L. Has
singer's farm aiove the Red Bridge,
will iiiit farming and go to Lewistown
iu the Spring. Mr. Hassinger has
rented the farm to S J. Mussleman of
The third weekly hi ction of the Koll
of Honor ajipca-s as published in the
Post. It will In- continued next week.
Tlmse wlnw remittances are received
in time will he acknowledge d in next
week's Piist.
(t .. , a . i i . , i
'nil on A. 1-.. Soles bi his new shav-
iiigaud iiair uttmn parlor f.n yoiu
head rlraneit with a refresh in -liaiu-mni
and a clean towel to each pntron
on the north side of Market sm av -(sisite
Central Hotel. Satisfaction itimr-anti-en.
FOlt SALE. In Mi.ldlel.urg, Pa., a
irood frame liouse, 7 rooms, and lot of
laud. Also ii good livery stable on the
same lot. For terms and particulars
apply to F. F. Walter, 1 mile w est of
Middleburg on road leading to Beaver
town. tf.
Fok Sai.k. A house ami lot situated
in Paxtonville is ollered at private sale.
The buildings are in good condition.
The home is supplied with tirst-class
water, fruits, etc. Write or call on
Sakaii Bowersox,
Paxtonville, Pa.
The First National Bark of Middle
burg studies the needs uf Its customers
taking proier care yt them whet bet
their business tie large or small and the
dealings with all its patrons are abso
lutely confidential.
Mrs. F. S. Kiegel gave a birthday
Halloween party Saturday evening in
honor of her daughter, Harriet's birth
day. As she was eight years old, there
were present eight girls who were each
eight years old. The young ladles were
royally entertained and they all enjoy
ed the treat.
G. W. Portzline of Melserville was
at the County seat Saturday. He left
two large apples at this office, one of in vlH" -
fere nee. . He had a numlier of other
apples with him that were nearly as
Ite-opening services will be held iu
the Shriiier United Evangelical church
Nov. 7 and 8, 1!HM. Services on Satur
day evening at 7::i0, and on Sunday at
KhliO A. M. and 7:00 P. M. Bishop H
B. llartzler, D. D., will be present to
conduct the services and preach at
each of the services.
Thu four desperadoes who burglariz
ed sever il stors at Luurelton and the
postofllee at Leaurelton and the post.
ollice at Rutlierton, also a bank at
Centre Hall, were convicted in the
United States district court at Scran
ton last Friday, and sentenced to the
Western peniteiiiary. James Ryan,
John Sliowalter, alias Lewis, were each
given seven years, and William Palmer
ami William Sherman each six years
in the institution above mentioned.
The newspaper columns bear reports
of the death of several children indif
ferent localities, the result of burning
leave. The burning of leaves is a
practice which is prohibited by bor
ough ordinance. Besides throwing
out offensive odors there is danger Iu
more ways thau one. If they are
burned iu the streets horses are liable
to lie frightened by the lire. Then
there is danger from the Hying sparks,
not alone to the children engaged iu
the sport, but to buildings if the wind
be blowing. The best way to remove
the leaves is to have them gathered in
piles and hauled away.
Mr. Bowersox's Trip.
Linus ey, Ohio, Oct. 31, 1103.
Editor Post :
I wish to say to the peoyle of Sny
der county and more especially to
those of Middlebujg and Swiueford
that my nine months' stay was indeed
delightful. I was kindly treated by
my sister, brother, cousius, relatives
and every one else.
I left Mlddleburg, Sept. 3h for
home. Mrs. Eyster of Akron and Miss
Maud Moatz were on the train bound
for Akron. I stopped oil' In Pittsburg.
While there I saw the Couuty Com
missioners, Clerk Broslusaud Attorney
Gilbert. Next day I left for New Cas
tle, where I met four ot my cousius.
I stopped at Cleveland to see one of my
daughters, also at Bellevue and then
returned to Liudscy. The crops here
are good aud we have beautiful fall
I certainly did enjoy myself while
East and I desire to express my re
gards through the columns of the Post
to every person.
Yours sincerely,
Emanuel S. Bowersox.
William H. Shindel shot a large w ild
turkey Monday.
Miss Rose Sehoch is visiting relatives
in Union County.
W. A. Napp of Pennscreek was at
the County Seat Moiulav.
The (Nullity Commissioners deliver
ed the election ballots Monday.
(icllnctt Bros, are advertising an auc
tion. Kead their iidvertiseineiit in the
t lit; ij. nil 1 1 II tii i II I IVUI . IllK
.. .... ... .
'PI... IT It ... ...I 'I'l I
n.iy win nave a clilcKeu ami wattle
dinner and supper.
Charles Boyer, Merchant anil jsist
inaster of Paxtonville, had a strike
of paralysis Tuesday uftcrnooii.
Dr. A. J. Herman and S. ISarler
Simonton were tit S'liiwgrove Tuewlay
night attei ding asonic meeting.
For neat aim fashionable dress mak
ing call on Mrs. Foster L. Smith and
Mrs. John Shannon of Swiueford; their
prices are moderate.
Geo. M. Moat, ami father drove to
Union county Monday on business
behind their speedy bay driving mare.
George i up-to-date having a nice
turnout. ast week he had his mare
shod with rubber shoes.
Up to Wednesday of last week forty
one wild turkeys had been killed by
residents of Unionville, Centre county
aud taken into that town, since the
loth of last momth, one mail alone
having killed nine of the birds, but he
declares only two in one day.
Deeds Recorded.
Robert Rothoriuel to Knianuel 8
Aucker house and lot in Port Trevor-
ton, $&50.00.
Hannah Daubert and husband to
Emanuel S. Aucker, lot In Port Tre
vor ton, $200.00.
Ira A. Kline and wife to Kate D,
Kline, 9 acres in Spring township.
.... ,r "w i--
Wellington Smith to A. W. Bower
Sox ground rent deed for lot No. 20 in
Mlddleburg $31.33.
Malhias Kmes and w ife to Monroe
H. Kulp & Co., Inst, iu 3100 acies in
Beaver and W. Beaver f".'i0.00.
JohnCraukshaw and Wife to Monroe
H.Kulp iv. Co., Int. in 3L1H) acres iu
Beaver and W. Beaver $ IKK 1.00.
Harry W.Shumnn and wife to Mon
roe H. Kulp and Co., right iu oH50
acres iu Snyder Co. $1.00.
Jane S. Helmet, al. to John F.
Baily, release on 3 tracts in Monroe
twp., containing M acres, $1 li'i.OO.
Abide and William .echmaii to W
H. Ettinger, 14 acres lid perches in
Adams twp., $li").(Mi.
Harvey Pontius aud wife to Anna
Klace, o acres, p. in Mlddlecreek
twp., SlUOO.
George Meiser and wife to Henry
Deitrich, 15 acres iu Franklin town
ship, JlOij.OO.
Teeth Extracted Without Pain.
I extract teeth without pain, with
out sleep, withotiocalne and conse
quently withopr Janger.
Our "Nejpalst Wscoverf" proves it.
CoinekTau! ftlfe JOrold teeth ex
tractsdaud git artfr set. You will
enjoy life bett alufyou can projerIy
masticate you fHl. All work guar
anteed. Practiyfug Dentistry for over
10 years.
t-f. 1 Dr. J. W. Orwio
Marrlafe License.
f R. J. Leitzel, Kratzerville,
I Maggie Hummel, Shrelner.
Calvin I. Bailev, Pallas,
Lottie A. Shaner, Aline.
Oct. 25, by Rev. H. H. Spahn, Ezra
H. Knepp aud Libbie I. Herbster, both
of West Beaver township.
Oct. 27, by Itey. Ellas 8. Noll, 8. A.
Hackeuburg of Mlddleburg to Virgie
E. Blngaman of Peuus Creek.
On the 12th Oct., at the home of the
officiating minister, Rev. Dr. Robert
J. Kent, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. Mr. E.
K. Swineford, of Philadelphia, former
ly, of Mlfflinburg and Miss Jeanette
Emerk-k, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Wanted A Wife.
A good woman with $3,000 is wanted
for a wife. Money wanted to help to
pay for a good and pleasant farm near
to a nice town. Title to be In wife's
name. Age to be between 30 and 65
years. Common scolds need not write.
Address, ''Matrimony," care of tlie
Post, Mlddleburg, Pa. 10-293t.
Friends of "The Post".
Roll of Honoii. The following
persons have paid their subscription
to the Post to the dates opposite
their names. Should any mistakes
occur iu these credits or on your pa-
1T please not if v us :
Simon JV'iik-r Nov 1 liMl
Mrs Jonas Leister Sept 1 1 ', 1
Henry 11 Fisher S-pt 1 1!H1
Moses Hotts Mar 1UU:
James Krdley Nov 1 1S',U
Amnion Dehoinjk Jan 1 1'JO l
lieu F Miller Ot !." 1!H;J
Attics (larman Oct 1 1 !( 1
T C Landis Oct 1 IW
J F Hollmau June 2t VMM
U A Wocliley Auir 21 1!H1
Jacob Duck Oct 1 1U04
E S Rowerso.x June 20
Samuel F Maurcr Jan 8 K0-1
Mrs Kebecca Meiser June 1 1004
J 11 Hill estate June 1 l'JO,"
W II Kcrstctter (JuuiIki) Mar 1
Mrs Geo Seaman Oct 1 1H04
A (i Hornberger Ot 1 1904
31 K llassinger Jan 1 11)04
It S Smith Sept 15 1904
W UUarmun Feb 1 l'JOl
Lewis Heimltacli Oct 1 1904
Henry N Walter Feb 1 1901
DN App April 1 1904
Perry Anruud July 1 1904
B Frank Gutsliall Oct 1 1904
A A Ulsh Jan 1 1905
Isaac Smith Sept 1 1901
FS liiegel Dec 1 1903
Mrs Catherine Bower Jan 1 1904
Frank K Scclit Deo 1 J901
Mrs W II Smith Aug 1 1904
V A Meiser Oct 1 1904
Jacob Fisher Oct 1 1898
Uriah Bergur June 2 1904
David A You g July 1 1904
Kertler Julf 1 1902, X
Henry C Boyer June 1 1904
Clias J Hummel July 1 1901
A A Uomig Jan 1 1905
J It IJcigel July 1 1901
George StuU July I 1901
1) E Krcmer Jan 1 1901
Win II Patterson Jan 1 1 1901
A M Kratzcr Mur 15 190 1
(1 S Holing June I 190,
Irwin J Kiegel Feb ID 1904
J F Newman Aug 21 1904
Amnion L Spanglcr Sept 1 1903
Henry II Koii-li Oct 1 1904
(Jeo Meiser April 1 1904
Ernest Fcnsterbush Aiij 21. 1904
William Ajijiple Aug 21 1904
Win F Trawitz Aug 21 1901
Joseph Gcarhart Aug 20 I9i4
John Hummel Aug 2l 1904
Geo W Weaver Mar 1 1901
Emmet While Scjit 1 1904
(Jeo I Kline Feb 1 1904
T GSechrist Feb 22 1904
Solomon Swarm Sept 22 1904
A E Gcarhart Aug 2U 1901
J M FoltzSeptl 1904
Henrietta Walborn Sejil 1 1904
J F Mull Jan 1 1904
Samuel Bollinger Sept 1 1904
Philip ltoush Sept 1 1904
T B Itenninger Oct 1 1904
J If Laudenslager Sept 1 1904
David Laudenslager Sept 1 1904
David Dundauch June 1 1903
Alex House wer June 1 1904
Lewis Fisher April 1 1904
Daisy Mitterliug June 1 1904
HBGclnettJune 1 1904
J P Wetzel March 1 1904
V B Winey Aug 1 1904
Wilmer Ocker Mav 1 1904
Dr W M Baker Aug 1 1903
J L Vainer May 1 1904
Samuel F Kauttinan April 1 1903
A C Itenninger June 1 1904
J W Wester June 1 1904
Maggie Kerr June 18 1904
.1 S Boon May 15 1904
Prof G E Fisher Mav 1 1904
David Itoyer April 1 1904
Peter Klincer July 1 1904
W I Garman Ane 10 1904
John D Lenig June 2 1904
James Inch June 1 1904
HSStetler Jan 1 1905
M H Wagner June 1 1905
Mrs J U Specht July 1 1904
FABickel Sept 14 1904
Chaa E Yereer Sent 1G 1904
Geo W Garman Sept 16 1904
Henry JJoyer Sept 16 1904
Ansom Garman Sept 18 1904
F J.Kerstetettcr Sept 16 1904
Dr A A YoderScpt 1( 1904
Kev Banks S Winey Sept 17 1904
Win Breshler S.-pt 10 1904
F M Montelius Spt 10 1901
Silomon Gruybill Oct 17 194
Wm Slicllcnk-rgcr Sept 17 1904
M K .Miller Aug 2i 190:'.
Dr P W Houser July 1 1909
(.' N Krosius .J ill v 20 19o4
Henry Slepp Sept 1 1904
F II Shall'er July 1 1901
John ScIkkIi July 1 1901
J ere Charles Sept 1 1903
W A Hummel S'pt 1-1901
Mrs Surah Goodlinc Feb 20 190 1
W II Hackeuburg Jan 1 190 1
Miss Jennie Brown Sept 1 190 1
Austin Girt June 1 1901
P L Graybill Sept 17 1904
Bennett kautlman Sept 20 1904
James Finncu Sept 20 1904
M S HeiserSept 20 1901
A BSwartzSept 20 1901
W It Shruwder S-pt 20 1901
A S Shruwder Sent 20 190 1
Tillman St roup Sept 21 1904
K Sanders Mar 20 1904
A S Kow (Jet 1 1904
Dr B F Bcale (Kit 1 1904
John S IteicheuUch Sept 10 1904
Fish Laws.
Tlie followiug summary shows when
flth may be taken ; how and the num
ber :
All unlimited except brook trout, of
which only tlfty may I takeu iu oue
Rock bass, white bass, strawberry or
grass bass and crapple, not less than
live inches. Black bass not less than
seven in the State, or nine inches iu
Lake Erie.
(treeu or Oswego bass, blue pike,
pike, jierch or Walleyed pike, Susque
hanna jack salmon, pike, pickeral and
muacailooge, not less than sine Inches
except la Lake Erie,' muacallonge must
be fifteen inches long. The above flsh
may be caught from June 13 lo Feb.
Penobscot salmon or grilse, not less
than three pouuds each iu weight,
March 1 to August 13, inclusive.
Trout, and species, except lake trout,
0 inches lonir, April 13 ti Julv :;i. in
clusive. L:ike r saluum trout not le
than nine inches, January 1 to Sept. 1,
Perch or stimuli, catch all you can,
June 13 to Feb. 13, inclusive.
Striped bass or mek tUli nine inches.
Shad, heriug or nlewife, or sturgeon
January! in June 20, inclusive. No
tishing from Sutunlay al sunset to
Sunday at midiiight.
F.els may be taken iu tisii baskets
with wing walls.
By taking out a license from the.
County Treasurer, 3, outlines can be
used from sunrise to suuset for catching
cattish, eels, carp, suckers ; lie on the
bottom, cut or dead bait, and the own
er's name marked laiuly thereou.
Fyke nets without wing walls may
be used in water not inhabited by
brook trout during the month of March
Apiil, May, October, November and
December, for eels, carp, catfish aud
No game fish shall be taken except
with a "hook and line." This makes
tip-ups, floating lines, nets and explo
sives illegal.
Frogs aud terripin are protected.
Frogs may be takeu from July 1 to
to Sept. 1.
Terripin commonly called turtles,
may be takeu from November 1 to
March 15.
Single lines, oue hook on line with
cut or dead bait, may be used in trout
streams to catch eels, carp, catfish aud
suckers, provided the lines are weight
ed down on the bottom.
Wanton or wilful starting fire in an
other's wood, One $300 aud twelve
months' imprisonment; $30 reward to
the prosecutor. Act of June 11. 1879.
Reduced Kates.
, For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the unveiling of the Pennsyl
vania monuments at Chattanooga,
Tnn., and on the Battlefield of Shiloh
Tenu., Nov. 9 aud 12, respectively,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell round-trip tickets to Chatta
nooga," Tenn., and for Shiloh Battle
field to Corinth, Miss., or Johnson vllle,
Tenn., Nov. 4 to 12, good to return
until Nov., 21 Inclusive, from alt sta
tions on its lines iu the State of Penn
sylvania, at single fare for the rouad
Comini; Events Cast Their Shadows
The readers of the Post are request
ed to send us annoiin. emeiits of all
events. No elmrge will 1. made to
publish the same when the event is of
public importance.
Tiii iisn.w, Nov. .3, Full Moon.
Fuihav, Nov. , creditors of li. nolf.
Walter no t in H. II. Crimni's of
fice. MoNl.AY, N,,v, !i, of I irayhill,
Dobson v ( ',,., lllUst prc-MMit their
claims in order to receive adjudica
tion. Vkim:si..y, .v. is, Km.-st datable
Kccital Co., will Kjve a musical en
tertainment in theSelinsgrove Opera
Tiii-ksiiav, Nov. Lii, Annual Thanks
giving Day. The Banks will lieclos
ed. Momiav, Nov. :;n, The -loth anuual
Teachers' Institute of Snyder County
will convene in the Court house at
Mid.lleburgh at eleven a. in.
WANTED. (iirls to work iu Shirt.
Factory. Pleasant room to work in in
cold weather. ( lood wages paid from
the start. For full particulars, call on
or address,
W. F. Daolk,
10-20-L't Beavertown, Pa.
WANTED A trust worthv iwnti
man or lady in each county to manage
business for an old established Iioiish ..
solid financial standing. A straight
oona line weekly salary of SIh.OO nid
by cheek each Monday with all ex
penses direct from head.iuarters. Monev
advanced fur expenses. Endow, ad
dressed enveloj. Manager, 200 Caxtou
uiug., Chicago. 10-l-16t
I will pay market price for good
veal calves, hide and tallow.
1.1, nr-acA -I:-'-
10-lMt. Lewisburg, Pa.
Excursion to Florida.
For the benefit of norm-seekers, the
various railroads to Florida will sell n
Nov. 11, special excursion tickets from
Washing,,,, to the following points at
rates iiotcd :
Saras ta, I- la. $:!U.(."..
Braideiitowii, " l"...7ii.
Elleiiton, ':..7(.
Palmetto, j:i ;u.
Manatee, iii.Tn.
Puntu (iorda, " .io.'.m,
Arcadia, : in. l.i.
These tickets will be yood K"'ing Oil
November 11 only, aii t.i return with
in fifteen days, and will not be Kood t
stop otrin eitlier direction.
In connection with these . x. ur-i..ns
the Pennsylvania Hail mad Company
will sell one-way tickets to Washing
ton, at regular rat.-s, from all stations
on its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie,
together w ith exchange orders on the
railroads out of Washington for an ex
cursion ticket from Washington to the
above mentioned points at rates juot
Engine For Sale
A twelve horse jiower jsirtable Frick
Engine is ottered at private sale. It
can be seen at Stmptown. Inquire of
E. S. Sl Kot l',
"f . Strouptown, Pa.
Hides .' Hides .'
A reliable man is wanted to collect
and ship country hides. Highest cash
market prices paid. Address
10-15-41. M. O. Ki'ntz, Lehighton, Pa.
Clubbing List
For the benefit of those of our
who desire other readinir matter iu ad-
dition to the Post, we issue this club
bing list. By takinsr tlie different
Combinations you can save money :
The Post, one year, $1.00.
Tribune Fanner. 20 naees. eeklv
$1.00. Combined price, $1.23.
The TOST, cne year $1.00.
N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World, on
year, $1 .00. Coiulrined price, $1.05.
The POST. Tribune Farmer and V.
Y. Thrice-a-Week World, all one year,
oniy $i.wo.
Address all orders to
Middleburgh, Peuna
LOST. In Middlebursr or vicinirv
a Fraternity Badge set with opals let
ters J: a. tngraved with owner's
Initials G. S. S. 1901. Reward return,
to Geo. 8. Schoci Selinsgrove, ra