The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 29, 1903, Image 8

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    .ilDllJ.BUHG POST.
H Jump
in the
Is no more danirerous tlim
buy client) trasby clothing.
Bay litre, wher every garment
is guaranteed and tlio guarantee
it backed by a reliable bouse.
It's I be nly satisfactory way
to secure perfect clothing.
We uftVr for tbis and next
A handsome
line of FINK
SUITS of all
kinds worth at
le.. si ten dollars, our price is S7.50
An Kleirant Oxford Cheviot
Ovcivo it, the verv newest, stylo
worth $12.00 our price is $7.50.
Sunbury, Pa.
Winter Attractions
Millinery Opening
20, 30 and 31st, '03
V- will show llii! largest ntnl tlie lut
Lire i.f I .:lies, Minst':" and t'liil. liens trini-
1 1 1 ll:il wi liavc ever sl;ovn.
Tin re hns liccn a great cliaiigi' in (lie .
shapes of" lints iur last year. If you wisli
In have proper styl ami a ln'roming liat,
plear-e do lii't fail to'in.puct my lints 1 if fori'
Everything we sell will be found to
represent the greatest values
For the Price.
My entire line of Notions will lie le
dum! on Opening days.
l'iblxjns No. 10, all silk, reduced to
lie. yard, on opening days.
Shirt Waist Silks Reduced.
Mack Guaranteed Tatlata Silk, 1 yd.
wide at 1.19 per yard.
Silks assorted eolors, 30o. yd. (.'I tiny
Laces, " inches wide, white and cream, at
13 Its. yd.
Ladits and Misses Union Suits, Oneita
11 jinnfa i.alp iivej'l I.MlT VJlllI
Golf (ilovt'H all colors for Ladies,
jUisses and Children, Black, Black with
white stitchings, white, navy, red, brown
and gray Solid colors.
Baby Sacques, Baby Caps, Ladies
and Gents Neckwear
and Hosiery.
Many other goxls which will be of
great interest to you if you will only favor
in with a eall, we will gladly show you
the goods.
Yours reejxi'tfully,
Do you like your thin, rough,
short hair? Of course you
don't. Do you like thick,
heavy, smooth hair? Of
course you do. Then why
Hair Vigor
not be pleased? Ayer's Hair
Vigor makes beautiful heads
of hair, that's the whole
story. Sold for 60 years.
I have med Aver'i tlalr Vlcnr for a Inn
time. It l, indeed, a wonderful hair tunic,
reiorini; health to tlie hlr mid rall. mid. nt
tlie .nine time. nrovliiK a pleinlld diwm."
H il. J. YV. Tatim, Madlll, Iud. T.
t I bottle.
.V' ilrtii'r.!..
J. C. A YKlt CO.,
l.nwell. Mn.
Weak Hair
" Wednesday, October 21. I
Fire fb the business portion 0((
Rockingham. N. C, destroyed over
$100,000 worth ot property. I
A terrific storm at Mazatlan, Mex.,
kl'led 10 persons and Injured many. '
The property damage was heavy.
A call has been issued tor a meeting
ef the National Afro-American Repub
lican League at Washington D. C. De
cember 14 and 15.
The 55 bishops ot the Protestant
Episcopal church in the United states,
Canada and the Werf Indies held a
conference in Washinon.
The Detroit (Mich.) board of com
merce adopted a resolution favoring
Canadian reciprocity and urging a
Joint high commission to negotiate a
treaty. f
Thursday, October 22.
The Superior, Wis., postoffloe was
broken Into and robbed of over $10,000
in stamps and cosh.
The Delaware and Hudson Railroad
company has announced that it will
lay off 2U0 men, or 10 per cent of the
working force.
A Tonic for the Tired, Sick and
Weak of all Classes.
VIN-TE-XA produces a won
derful exhilarating result and leaves
no i'l effect m. As a Pleasant Medi
cal Tonic to Strengthen and Tone
Up the Nerves, Purify the Wood,
Invigorate lirain, Body and Mns-
Sale Register.
NoHre nt I a wilt li l.m tier -n
.1.. I a. I. . I .1 .. J
...... i.v' ,ik wiirn tin. tiiiii e (Irlapi M.
ine '' a.. i i..t liiaVrd u 1
.lIHrrSO Ce .la will tir hursnl
pv ti Rto u anle-lu.ul. w'
bate Itn irt d in I'iUcuiiiih ,
AIDAV, Oct. 21. ill MlOdleli.iig. UbW
ui'K i i i ten luiualliuld giHMla.
(urnaiiAv. Ni.t. 6, in t Ferry iwu
Amanila Winner, admlnl.tnt'ris o(rl
nnner, win kii peranna! pronerti
real mate. "
In n- Kiirnp ..r Ml.-i.uil s VI iit..
Nnilc l h-phy Klvn tbai Uih untii.n,j
Auditor appointed bv Hie OThank' i-oonl
-.ii.ii.-r uuniy, o puhs umm rxec ptlotia u
'ijplemnial arccu-.t i.f Ism.o WrtunJi
n llllliui TTriHIHl. xHi'iiuira Itl Ml.t.1 a......
tlx Ihe amount or duwor and tlio total ntui
tliesbaieln wild estate to each IfgaiHil
lu-lr. III alt fi.rMie nipnis. sof liW anixt-TJ
Q rt'i. A U ' ' . 11
so'i lnclc, A. M. When an. I wlicre nil n;i'nrJ
liilereai are notltled n pretenl UiHr Viaial
Mlridlphllrir. P. . i .jt i,.v. rU' AUlll
s vn I , J ."VJ.
cles, Kerula1e the System. (Juar-
Howard Elliott of St Paul, Minn antm, , , .
is been eleeted president of the J h
Northern radfie railroad, vice O B.
Mellon, resigned.
R. 12. Morse, ownpr of the Indianap
olis (Ind.) Evening Sentinel, fell from a
third floor window to the pavement
and was Instantly killed.
The 11th annual conference of the
American Sunday School Union was
held in Chicago, with over 600 dele-
Saves Two From Death
Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attact of whopping cough and
lirondiitis," writes Mr?. V. K. 1 lavi-
land, of Artnonk, N. Y; "l)iit, when gatcs present, including 100 mission
all other remedies failed, we saved arics-
. .. ... ... , v- ' Friday, October 23.
her lite with Dr. kings .New IV-- The wlJow of nev. Charles II.
coverv. Our nieee, who had (Jon-1 Spurgeon, the noted Methodist minis-
sun.p'tion in an advanewl stage, also : tor died In lndon
. . 1 Hawaii Is to be represented at the
used this wonderful medicine and I gt Louis World's Fair by a building
to day she is perfectly well. Pes- ' yPcal Polynesian architecture.
, ' , aii r ..: l l The town of San Miguel, Cal., was
penile tnroa and lungd.scases yield ! vsted by a flre lhat neary deBtroyed
to ur. JVings ;ew xiscnvei y ub to. the town The l088 wlll exceed $225.
no other medicine on earth. Iufalli- ooo.
I)le tor Coughs and Colds. 50c and I The Pennsylvania German Society
11.00 bottles guaranteed hy Middle-1 held its 13th annual convention at
i i-w i i iMi .. ir Lebanon, and elected Dr. J. S. Stahs,
burg nrug Co. Orayb.ll I and Car- ,f ,ancaster presl(lent.
man ot luchtield ami Dr. J. . I rhnrleH S. White, one of the best
Trial known Journalists in northeastern
Pennsylvania, connested with the
Wilkesbarre Leader, died after
week's Illness.
Saturday, October 24.
Burglars broke Into the store room
Sampsell of Penns Creek.
buttle tree.
LOST. In MiildleuurK or vicinity
a Fraternity Hadjie set with opals let
ters )".. A. K. Knirruveil with owner's ' 0f the Deutsch Jewelry Company, at
Initials (i. S, S. l'tol. Heward If return
to (Jeo. K. Kehoek Seliusnrove, I'a.,
Confession of a priest.
Kev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark;
writes, "For 12 years I suffered
trom yellow Jaundice. I consulted n
number of doctors, but got no relief.
Then I degan the use of Electric
IViUirs and feel that I am now cured
of a disease that had 1110111 its grasp
for twelve years." If you want n
reliable medicine for Liver and Kid
nev trouble, stomach disorder or
general debility, get Electric Hitters.
It's guaranteed by Middleburg Dni r
Co, (iraybill and Carman Kichfield
and J)r. .1. W. Sainpxell I'ciins
1 1. ;
IS ; Wheat
'2 I Kve
."( ('orn (10!
12 !Oa(s
Potatoes 10
10 jHranperlOO.1.10
Side ll2 1 Middlings" 1 20
Redder I Chop........ 1.20
Ham 15 Klourperbhl 4.00
Huck wheat, 50.
I .a rd
How's This?
We oiler one Hundred dollars
reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot Ik; cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.,Tole
do. O. We the undersigned, have
known F. J.Cheney for the last J15
years and believe him perfectly hon
orable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, wholesale drug
gist, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan
it Marvin, wholesale Druggist, To
ledo U.
Hall's Catarrh cure ia taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system price 75c per bottle sold by
all Druggist. Testimonials free.
Hall's family pills are the best.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Excursion to Florida.
For the benefit of noim-seekers, the
various railroads to Florida will sell on
Nov. 11, special excursion tickets from
Washington to the following points at
rates ijuotcd :
Sarasota, Fla. JTO.ft").
Hraitlentown, " 20.70.
Ellenton, " 29.70. '
Palmetto, " 2!) 70.
Manatee, " 29.70.
Puntu Gordo, " 30.1)0.
Arcadia, " 30.13.
These' tickets will be nood going on
November 11 only, and to return with
in fifteen days, and will not be good to
stop oirin either direction.
In connection with these excursions
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell one-way tickets to Washing
ton, at regulur rates, from all staticiis
on its lines east of Pittsburg and Krie,
together with exchange orders on the
railroads out of Washington for an ex
cursion ticket from Washington to the
above mentioned j-olnts at rates quot
I will pay market prices for gmd
veal calves, hide and tallow.
10-15-4t. Lewisburg, Pa.
The First National Bank of Middle-
burg studies the needs of its customers
taking proper care of them whetner
their business be large or small and the
dealings with all Its patrons are abso
lutely confidential.
VIN-TE-NA, a specific for Blood
Diseases, for Sluggish Tired. Feeling,
Scrofula, Chronic Catarrh, Pimples, or
any form of Skin Disease. Take V1N
TE-NA it acts like magic in restoring
New Blood to the system. If not bene
fited your money refunded. All drug
t liatnpion Hat Iron Cleaner. A
linen polisher, gives all linen a steam
laundry polish. Lasts one year, a lion
anza for ngeuts, Sample postpaid 12c
Big Catalogue of agents goods free.
Falconer Supply Co., Dep. 40 A. Fa I
Conor, X. Y. 1-t
IN-l'IvN A Brain workers, such
as Bankers Merchants, Bookkeepers,
Lawyers, Ministers, Clerks, etc. whose
constant strain of work gives a depres
sed feeling, tired over-worked brain,
fagged nerves, nervousness, sleepless
ness, ran quickly restore health by use-
ing VIN-TK-NA. If not benefited
money refunded. All druggists.
Bears the
Signature of
Taught quickly Mid thoiougbl at amall
coal. W train Mudenta tb war officials
want them trained. Bit demand for
ton. Good paring poafiiona nuamntawl to
all craduatea, or money refunded. i
Iliuatratad catalogue mailed Pit EE.
Mra atkeal f Tekfraf M Uaaaaa.ta.
Cleveland, 0.. and stole $6000 worth
of diamonds.
Secretary of the Navy Moody ar
rived at Hampton Roads on the Dol
phin and visited the Norfolk, Va.,
navy yard for the first time.
A boat containing five Hungarian
laborers was swept over the Spring
dale dam, near Pittsburg, Pa., and four
of the occupants were drowned.
The navy department wlll rush work
on the cruiser Chattanooga, which was
towed to tho Brooklyn navy yard from
the shipyard at Elizabethport, N. J.
Monday, October 26.
Five Italian laborers repairing the
tracks of the Erie road at Ramapo,
X. V., were struck by an express train
and killed.
Cincinnati. O., is making elaborate
arrangements for the National V. C.
T. I". convention, which meets there
Noveniln r 13 to IS.
For embezzling $22.oon. Albert W.
Pribcl, funner paying t'-ll'T of the
City National Hank nt Canton, ().,
v.;is given five years in prison.
Terribly cut an.l riddled with bul
lets, the dead bodies of Mrs. Annie
Kolcomh and her 17-year-old daughter
were found dead at Jasper, Ga., with
no clew to U10 assassins.
Tuesday, October ?7.
The banking firm of S- : igging &
Wormian, at Sheridan. Or .. was rob
bed of $ Tlie sale ;'as blown
open with dynamite.
In a drunken fight at Cleveland, 0
one man was fatally stabbed and six
others badly injured by knives and
chilis. A number or arrests were
Lieutenant General Young, chief of
staff, has returned to Washington from
Fort Riley, Kan., where he inspected
the troops engaged in the war ma
noeuvres. The Twentieth Century Club, of Ros-
ton, has started a movement to raise
funds to relieve distress In Macedonia,
which resulted from the Insurrection.
They expect to raise $1,000,000.
Philadelphia, Pa.. Oct. 27. Flour
was steady: winter superfine. $3
3.20; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3.50
fa 3.70; city mills, fancy, $4.755.10.
Rye flour was quiet at $3.25 per barrel.
Wheat was firm; No. 2 Pennsylvania
red. new. 83 w 84c. Uorn was nrm;
No. 2 yellow, local, 5451MsC Oats
were quiet; No. 2 white, clipped,
43V2C.; lower grades, 42',c. Hay was
steady: No. 1 timothy. $1616.S0 for
large bales. Deef was steady; beef
hams, $20(521. Pork was firm; family,
120.50. Live nouitry. nens. 11 si 12c:
old roosters, 9c Dressed poultry,
choice fowls, 14c: old roosters, 9c.
Butter was steady; creamery, 22c.
Eees were steady: New York and
Pennsylvania. 2tic. do. Potatoes were
steady: ncr basket, bll'a tsc.
Baltimore. Mi., Oct. 27. Wheat was
dull and easy; spot contract. 84)
84Vic; spot No. 2 red western, 844
85c; steamer No. 2 red. 7576c;
southern, by sample, 7284c; south
ern, on grade, 7684c. Corn flrmr;
spot, GOi4&50c; steamer mixed,
48,448lic; southern white corn, 69
Wile; soutnern yeuow corn, otno-tuc.
Oats were steady: No. 2 white, 42
42MiC.; No. 2 mixed, 40V&C Rye was
firm; No. z. Vic; iso. 2 west
ern. 5959c.
Live Stock Markets.
Herr'a Island, Pa.. Oct. 27. Cattle
were steady: choice. S5.355.55:
prime, $5.105.2o; fair, $3.504.15. Ifrpntlv laxative
Hogs were higher; prime heavy. 16 Bcm1
6.10; mediums, $6.056.10; heavy 1 1' " "
Yorkers, bar 6.05; iignt Yorkers, $5.85 1
6; pigs, $5.505.60; roughs, $4 1
6.60. Sheep were steady; prima'
wethers, $3.703.85; culls and com
mon, $1.502; choice lambs, $5.30(8
6.60; veal calves. S74?7.75. .
' la ! Kstuli-..! MH.yE Hlnirumuii, d
..'no mil- 1 iiifii u p ui.t1..w.
lll.llfur inM11i.l.ri I,.- ,1... ...... . V"'
.., imm,. ,1 ii.t w-.i"ii' ;t
liyilT CDIIIllV. tillllu'rlllll' 111. Ki,l i..
eii.a tn ine uitnnnni t A vvhlm hi . ah...i.
ii.n I sniil 1.-c-i. nt. wilt sit lor IU i"irr J
iiWupnolnimiMii u1 tlm onic- o: V K VI
Esq., In Mi.lolrliui(,'. I'nuisvlvaiila on sji,i
i. si. lws. at ovi.x-k, a. m. when
liere nil jiarili-a In Intdrpst nri' nnritti., J
- ukii iiuiuin H iir mri'vi-p iii.r.n.r..
com I tin lb 011 aald fund.
Court Proclamation.
WIIEKKAS the lion, riarol.l M v-,
" I'reaulent .ImiIk o! the .lu.ll.-ni' ,J
tirntmpcid of h i'-iit.fl-a 'ni s, I
t'nllon nd l'etor F. nicKlo ana Z. T'd
lurll,.. V...- A I. i M
n..i.,.B, u..,, n"-".a .iiikoi' in aim ror
ler county, have Ihiiuo. I iholr prrt-apt bn
date the 1 day 01 Oct. A. II.. i.Yi ..
Iirwtcil li.r thr holiHnir olaii Orihan' Cod
oourtol Common Plena, court nl i)vr
miner and Oenern! Court ot Quarter StmJ
umrcui-Q, h lUHJIlieuurKn, lor tno count!
an.iior. 1,11 11mn111111.1v 1J.-I-. 1 1 IUL-!
Notice la heiel.y iflven to Hit rj
er, .liiillcea ol the Peace and Uonautilei I J
tnr Oim mtnntv nt Hn. . n
j v j.iDi, mj viiiinur IQ I
proper aeraon with their rolla. recuM In J
tlona, eiamlnntlon" and other reinembrl
todothosethiici which nt their nfti.-ei ,1
invir p-cuaii imnain to ne none tnd witu
and peraona nniMcutlnirln behalf of th.l
mon wealth aiialnntanv pernon or perronn art
ijulred to lie then anil there aitendliu inj
partluv without leave at their peril. Jui
are requeated to he punctual In tlieirattanl
vim j,,umieii nine aree;iniy in notice I
liven under rnv hand nrt sculat t'.i,J
-a. . . -'-
uiuixain iiiiuuieDUrKil.the Mil of -Nov.,
CHA8. E. 8AMP8KI.I, it
Engine For Sale
A twelve horse power jwrtable Frick
Engine is ottered at private sale. It
can be seen at Htroptown. Inquire ot
K. S. Htroup,
t-r btrouptown, Pa.
Hides ! Hides !
A reliable man is wanted to collect
and ship country hides. Ilighcet each
market prices paid. Address
10-15-lt. M. O, Kuxtx, Lehightou, Pa
Beautiful Sea Sea Shells Free.
Since coming South I have received
numerous iuo,uiriefl for sea shells, and
now please say to your reiders that I
have been living on the seashore and
have made a fine collection of lovely
shells from our own shore, the coral
reefs and the West India Islands, and
that I will send a dozen different kinds
no two alike, and a dozen scarlet sea
peas to any one who sends a stamp to
pay the postage. Any one is welcome
to send, as I have plenty for all.
Mas. F. A. Warner,
Jacksonville, Fla.
Jury List.
Liat ot Grand .Turora drnn tor the Co
Oyer and Terminer anil and Oonentl Jail
very and Court of Quarter Hcaaion of tlie
ot Snyder Connty held oa October Term,
incnoing Monday, Dec. 14, 1903.
Name, Occupation, Residence.
Auilg Milton, Teacher, Franklin
Auratid William, lumberman, Monroe
li.iwersoic J. o. farmer, Centre
Blngaumn J. I. agent, Spring
Dlnius Henry, furmir, Middlecreek
Dreene Reuben, Uenileman, Spring
Gemberltnit William F.iirmer I'euu
llarunan John I, tanner Centre
Hummel Irwin, Laborer, M ddlocrwk
ilaxaloger Perry, lariuei, West Heaver
HolHtiue Abraham, gent. West Beaver
Kliue John M., tarm- r, Aduina
Lenlg Jerrernon, laborer, Union
Mllier Charles Jr., termer, Pmin
Moyer George K., farmer, WualiiDgton
Hitter Jobn, farmer, J iekson
stroub 8. 11. gent Centre
Seebold Colt man, trucker, Union
Mmmbatli Andrew, farmer. Franklin
u tsti, a. A. nicrchttni , suriog - .
Waller Lsnlali, farmer, Oenrre
Wlttenmeyer, W. V. gout, MlddJeburg.
Amlg Jerome, nbornr. West Porrv
lirouse George A. innner, Jncknou
Houst Isrbc E. funner, Monroe
lla-limiin Frank, iiirmer. Frunkllti
Hnwersox tMiai les, I.iimberinaii, Fi inklli
Hllirer Knoa, litrmer, Franklin
llowersox Curiu'llua, Innner, Centre
C-otise Juaob K.laiion r, Mtddlecieek
Dlelil Oeorne- laimcr. Franklin
o.ii mer Henry F.;t-.i ocalvr, Ki-iiusgror
Kiuie.v j. lines, lancirer, i i.ntii-ijiir
yvssler, V, II. innner, Centre
Klshnr Artlnii t' , landlord, Middlcenek
Koney Calvin, fariiio-. Penn
(iilmin Joiiaihiiii A., tanner. V'4.siit!;Ud
i.iaM. aiiuiii, iianw-r, asningiou
oors J, O. lumiicrinun. A.lnms.
Ho veil Amos, .1. P., West Il-aver
lliiinmel Frank, farmer, Middlvrrrek
Herman Rnos, gent, Adams
Unas Daniel, turmer, Wet I'errv
Kralzer Simon, farmer, Mlddleernek
K reamer (iulen, carpenter, Mnldl creek
Klosc Amnion, farmer, Heav r
Mnnheek, I. I. gent, Sprinu
Mlddleswarth Ner.M.. fanner, Adams
M uri in, .loli u H., gent. Franklin
Maiirey Samuel, farmer, I'euu
Mengle, D. G. farmer, l'eun
Moyer 1. W. farmer Penn
Moyer, John M. butcher, Washington
Mnjer Benton II. farmer, Chapman
l'lillllpa II. L. tailor, Sclttisgrnve
Hearlt k Jotm, farmer. Heaver
Row I'erclvul: fanner, l'eun
Housh William, miller. Sellnsgrovo
Khouds Jacob merchant, Monroe
Hiiukle John W. mercliant., Miil.llel.uri
Hlne John 8. inercliant, Clinpmun
Koush Jalrna. Carpenter, Mlddlccreelt
Hbadli Albert, J. P. Perry
Nhambacb Nathan, Blacksmith, I'nlon
stroub Kllas, blacksmltli. Washington
ToblnsOtto, lalKirer, Mlddlehiir
I'lHb Calvin, Merchant. IVetl Heaver
Updegrove Irvtn, mall carrier, CliapmaB
Wortn R()berr. farmer, Penn
louog i-.awura, mriner, Monroe.
Alice Is it so very interesting?
Blanche Yes, indeed. Why, I didn't
ren take time to read the last chapter
to see how it ends! Brooklyn Life.
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some
thing to cure your biliousness,
and regulate your bowels. You
need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable;
J.O. AyarOa.,
wwiu, jaaee.
Want your moustache or beard
beautiful brown or rich black? Use
urn cm oitaoarm) at a, r. gm,tco.,nint. w. .
bill, Dobaou, It Co. ol 1'oitoQville,
cnuniy. fa.
Notice le llerebv niven that the unde
truateeaof lloyl C. GraYbill. Chnrlle I
and R E. Gift, trad In if at (iravbill. W
On. Will fit at the Ollice of .lav U. Weiw
rtrat national tsaok H. Hiding at annul
at 11 o'clock. A. M., far the nurnose ef
ins ciauna againm taiu urn, in oruer Hf
a distribution to and among thnae entul
Cllm not praaented on tlie above d
thereafter be debarred from ndjndicatiol
T. J. PUi.HY.
Samuel Wlttenmyer is sick in
lanna. It was first thought the
was typhoid fever, but it is no'
nouneed malaria.
The body of f rs. George Get
brought from Danville Mondtx
was buried in Troxelvllle. The
passed through here Monday e
A Love Letter.
Won Id not interest you if
looking for a guaranteed Sal
Sores, Burns or Piles Otto Dl
Ponder' Mo. writes: "I
with an ugly sore for a year,
box ot Bucklen's Arnica Salvi
me, It's the best ralve on eari
at Middleburg Drng Co.,
and Garman, Richfield and
W. Sampsell, Penns Creels
otore. : ...