The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 29, 1903, Image 2

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Thar la a little grove beside the bill
Where aspens shake and thrill,
Will silver stems beneath their g'.lmmer-
ii'if .yr. en I 111
Against the pines' dark screen. i
And all day luns the ruin unceasing; '
weave. 1
IUiuA-s u lljjht among their tremulous ,
And all day lung the muss against their
. f,'lt
Tulted. and starred, and sweet.
Flash. a m (ii-w.-rinL. .i. mi.,r with the
Ct diaaiuiid drops swept down.
Through pillared arches t the forest
Facreil unrodden miles,
The V 'iidwi throngs In this God's temple
TIow f.i Ihp r.iln' -ir hvmn- 1
Vails on whose pile nor uxu nor hammer ,
wmiiKlit j
The y isi r-buIMer's thoupht. i
i:neliU lid font nml Rr.mlte altur stulr
Vnlt in the worldless prayer.
Arid ov -rhi-ad nu-ainst a lirondii.K "!'
'.'"lie 1 Ti. t!y j.lne tr. e h'.h
Villi K: id liamls ii,okv in vale nnd
IT. St
1 ntmli "f r. : t.
-Mai.'! i:.i:le. in the Atlantic.
C contentment.
g 77 . i TTTTTTTT jTZi ; ; 5 o
V liY ". h'HETT NOMAS. 0
0 0
COpO o ooooocoooo
N'i ::NTKI) with my lot. And
: tl.e assertion that very
;i . my acquaintance tan. with
s. make a similar state-
ll'W lie
truth: :
To be s::
Whether it
or ut:e in v.
essem e of
wlfli:r;i, an
i -!U d with what one lias
i existence
,irli tnil'les abound, is the
; h i ln-iojihy. the height of
i the only basis of content-
men i.
Veil. I Hatter myself 1 have readied
that s .Mime pinnacle of perfect satls
lactien. v. i,li conditions, as fate and my
own determined efforts have mado
them, n if I no outside element can
bene f irth disturb them or me.
Tbi' time was when the ardor and
impe; I'iCs of youth led tve into
snares ami pitfalls in plenty, when am
bitioTis beeroned anil I followed, and
when. Iil e Marc Antony, 1 believed the
world could well be lost for the slow
smile i f certain lips and the glance of
eyes as lieepiy blnfi. ns fathomless and
mysterious as some Uni'-loeked luoun
laiu lae.
Thw was aos ni;o. Like ot'.ier men,
1 had my l 'sson to learn, and I found it
repnl-.iv. ly hard.
I 'tit m,., 1 Know it, and know it
thoroughly. There are no surprises
ahead of we. where men and women
are concerned. I can afford to smile
over the trudities and absurdities of
the time when I had enthusiasms and
a be'ief in worth, goodness, dlsinter
es,te(iiies3 and other mythical virtues,
find I Jons since ceased envying Arthur
"Tli ' .,. "vU'-Uy. the woman wi
unj , . twee ueopaira, the s.imj
.who ii.e over for a better ;?.r:i.
she t!:oiiyht, w hich
was a mi1--! n.'iila-
tio'i i n her p;.rt
because to-d..;- 1 am
a vt ;
TV. nr.
:.::n :
' ;;ii(
ii.'.Il .
I'liH-r man- in.iii Ar-
copper mines in
m. - ' lie iiunii ? The
: . " nil a man
;:::i. .i;h
d e:;:U,'.
. " I
that K:o
1 y ! iv
, i th:!' a
!' v.
: wn the above
iv.uiin-' with a
i i i my l'reeilom
'. ::s. when a dis-
:i or-i.-r his own
:', within what
:.' his in. li-
".. It seem.- ,hero
;s c:iil it a Wise
: -. r.nJ on
I wa :r.isV;
; l".!' v ( 'lie ;
n I
:u-i wh;e
- '-. tnl
u 'a!:
' s pleasure in
n-' differently,
1 e to thrust up-
ani u.:l.
on you t 1
time !''
!.-i -
and nrv
itre pu.l'
i if cm
II. irs
1 p. "
copT, '
Wi :
V i' ; .-:.
f.-, a:.,.
I,, ar.
v 1.111
i.,e f
III. '. i
li'fii. :,
r.t.d r: .
It WJ-i
cut in
si n
.a'l 'tis of an old-
""M'SS Ijn fr I ht
:.:" 'irigs of a like
' a helpless puppet
e v;.-:i the strings
1 was rry o hear of Ar-
ad any !eiln.r but one of
r ' j-ract-r, he was al-
''--Iti. -.!. and a plausible
... I n t v. '-r boys togeth-
very la -t - ;' r..y always
' r:- i-r. ' -l.i' 1 iing him
' ; p. i : : - ' u.s for our
i : r.-".u. :,' - ;apa'Ji.M. made
' . - lit'.le feilow,
'. ' s :.; was selfish
. v :-. ly what tor
: i ' er.veen Aline when I was
"i int the for
; in tho copper
'A ol IM
wnr, loot
4 I ka4 Umb
':-.' 'r .
; .:-."f mat"::
.7 omI W
1r, bhJiy.
Was -.; a !r:i;.
Aline vaa n..-
tir.,' s t:.. '.-:,:
Weli. 1 : y..'.
e? Perhaps
have some-
1 I
1 ' r
and when the
:.e to uie. the
e but lightly
lowed by a let-
news o, i '.ea'.i:
atiies o: i. ..:..,:;
Now this teleLrar:
ter from old Penroy. Ar.hur's lawyer,
Is far more disquieting.
I find mystlf the appointed guardian
of a young fcirl of whora I know abso-
ely Lothing, whose sudden orphan-
, Alma saw very little of her father,
' ibe tells me. He wandered around the
. Dtlnetit and at watering places (and
! Monte Carlo), while she was at school
vwmtriiw 1U ariB.
Kr mother died ten years ago. I
bad t ot thought It so long. How time
lam clad Alma was not with him.
! What a fascinating, honest child she
'is. Ills would have made a pernicious
1 ,fl ,, .. .i . .
. Influence. Nor can Alma grieve for one
ho hardly knew.
re you happy, child?" I asked her
I few evenings ago, when we came
back from a brisk canter and I was
lifting her down from her saddle.
"Iiapj y? I never was so happy in
ill my life, Cousin Hugh," she said,
rest ins hc-r little gloved hands on my
I I was passing by the wing. i'.rt of
'the liotis" the other day and heard
Alma's joyous, mellow laugh. I stopped
and looi.t d iu Mrs. Hrown's room.
Alma sat on the floor, her sleevts
rolled up. stemming strawberries lor
Mrs. lir.'wn, who was concocting
KMi-.ctl.hi- at a table, and the tliemo
i(f eonv ration I Fathered was our
family Lh-.sts.
' Altitit'r- arias and hands are exquisite. I'afi .:i nnrble. A ray of sunlight
was f iilir.j over her splendid bron.o
hair, un I noticed her eyes were
not purple blue, like her mother's, but
a darl; -r.iy, honest, frank and true.
No. i-l;: Lad not inherited any of
: Arthur's l rails.
id eouri'i the neighbors have flocked
to Uinnieiuh Hall as soon as I issued I
a few inlormal invitations.
Alma is clearly the sensation of the
day and hour In our exclusive society.
Hut I wont have Catherine Weihtley
and her fast set spoil my little girl and
brush the bloom of ber exquisite fresh
ness away, by their reckless cynical so
ciety talk.
Sue Carrington laughed at me last
i night. "My dear Hugh," she said, "you
are too absurd with that child. You are
a hen with a duckling, positively. No
body's going to steal your Jewel, at
least not to-night. A little latsr. But
;ot arj worrying needlessly. Alma
is very clever, I assure you, and her
convent education does not prevent
her from forming her opinion about
; men and women and a very accurate
one it is. Nobody can spoil her."
I was glad such was Mrs. Carrlng
ton's opinion. Sue lives and breathes
for her world social and I'aquln Is the
idol she worships. Hut underneath her
laces and frivoltles, she has a warm
heart, nnd considerable brains in her
clever little worldly head.
Having assumed the responsibility
i ct Alma's" life. I must, of course, carry
' it tbi'..'tiih. The child must have her
Paris gowns, and flirtations with braln-
less youth.
I have ' legally adopted Alma a
my chili; 1: it I have remade my will.
Branleii-. Hall could never have a
moro cxduislte mistress than Alma,
end she will know how fo administer
these broad acres nnd properly care
i for th? splendid old place. Penroy will
see to the mines ami other properties
for b' i'. should my guardianship b
i'Mr.o Penroy is entirely tnist
wurtliw 1 r vr
; i-i U
-tif' Kil reason dlsli!:
,! hn l-Viton is con-id'Ted
!' !'".- :r: l a risini; !i:mi
roiVssbm. But his to.i
rt e to my opinion jars on
'en! iocs to Alma are ent::'f-n-pi
'uo'is to be eit hi r In
or i'Jii' r. ;. H:is he caught
fancy? Cod forbid!
i'. is qui
hours t
an 1 I have pace 1
; ('.-si'i'te,! room,
wl,. u Alma's pre.eiH-' lingers, striv
i li ' to ii hi:; into the troublous future.
My hi art is heavy with fori bn.lir.?,
re,j vi :!..; with sorrowful anxieties.
Altv.a cam.-, into my life, and has glori
fii'l i'. Am I to lose her and sett!"
bae'i. into the gloom and dry rot of a
useless and aimless existence? I will
take Alma abroad. New Orleans
Too I.onoiiie In l'mcue.
"Jb! you cu r realize what a rasp
ing miuiiiI a foreign language can
b.-iM' upon the human ear in a strange
citv. where one has no friends'.'"
! Mexicu
luilge A. A. l'lecinuii, of New
- ""x,v". ",: u'v ... - .n-i.n
41 L' 1..... 1...1.1 ....
o:1'!', J i v . iii.iu ii.i.-. in m jiiaiii
o:hceb of honor nml eiuolument, hav
' in jr served f.r eight years an ussist
' ant attorney general in churge of the
j legal work, of the post ollice depart
: uieiit, says the Washington Post.
I "President (Jrant appointed me
' consul to Prague, the ancient eapital
I of Bohemia," continued the judge,
i who sat on the bench in New Mcx
i ico. "It is a beuutiful old city, with
ma: y thing's to delight the visitor,
' but I was exceedingly lonesome
there. The jK'ople were all strangers
to me, aud I did not understand the
hiiig'tiage. There were hundreds of
jemarkuide places nnd buildings,
' places rich with historical interest,
lor Prague was founded in the year
; But even the ancient historical
place-, enhanced my gloom, and I be
' an to realize bow it is Vhat soldiers
i tail actually die of homesickness.
"(Hit dbr I vUitnd an anoivat tyn
p,(f'j ia mt li 1J rtiyi
; mt the rftr. ' Mt cia took'w ti
U na hA imm. wrm off by M
Bi'iuM. wa pflHbog a taax
woary of delviu? into the past, ainonjf
the graves of the long ugo and re
citing what those graves were.
" 'My dear man,' I exclaimed, In de
spair, 'can't you show me a grave
that was made yesterday Jt would
be positively companionable.'
"Jt wasn't long afterward," con
cluded the judge, "that I resigned
my consulship in the beautiful old
city of Prague. It was too lone
some there fur uie."
act thrust ber upon me and makes
her entirely dependent on my decls-
lom and judgment
i If this overwhelming and stupendous
v " few woo nuuui a nuu, nuum wbi"
i come him but with distrust, recollect-
! tag his father's many failings, but I
i would cheerfully do the best I could
if ,
tor him.
I would have brought bim here lor
his vacations and shipped him off to
college, and looked after him as well.
or as badly, as lathers usually look
after their offspring. I would have
stood by him? and pulled him out of
(he Inevitable difficulties he would !
have gotten Into, as is the v. ay with
jouth. I
But the ward Providence, in Its fan-
tastia decrees, has seen fit to afilict m
with a girl. !
Her name Is Alma, and she Is grow
ing up to womanhood, so Penroy says
in his epistle. ,
Of course, she must come to Bran
lelgh Hall. I have Instructed my
housekeeper, Mrs. Brown, to preparo
lor her, nnd it is evident the advent of
i this disturbing element in our odrIy
, household is no more to her liking than
i to mine.
i Well, it can't be helped. Kate has
' willed it. The child will be here this
: afternoon and until I have arranged t:
i send her to stun" college there aunin,
I difficulty No. 1 looms up. What do I
'.now which college is fitting for a
j girl's education? What influences
j l:o'i)d surround an unformed feminine ;
I mind on the verge of womanhood? i
My gray hair-s and that experience
which 1 pride myself is varied and ex- '
len.sivp, for having been accumulated
at a vast cos to myself, stops short
i at the education and bringing up of a '
girl. !
Perhaps she will bring herself up, j
with a complete scorn of my authority.
If she Is at all discerning and realizes
on what uncertain theories and ideas i
it rests, she will certainly disregard It. j
Ah, my boasted quietude! My life of
calm, and undisturbed contentment
what will become of you, with this un
welcome clement thrust upon us?
Alma came last evening.
Penroy was wrong. She has already
reached the threshold of a very mag
nificent womanhood. Alma has her
mother's beauty idealized, and, if I
mistake not, an energy neither of ber
parent 8 ever possessed.
Has she Arthur's clever, subtle
brain? His unscrupulous egotism.
I believe absolutely in inherited
traits. Our acquaintance is too short
for me to decide.
I have retreated to the library, with
orders not to be disturbed on any ac
count, In order to readjust conditions
and work out this terrible problem,
made ten times worse by Alma's
What am I to do with her? In Jus
tice to her youth, I cannot shut her up
and Koep her a prisoner In Branlelgh
Hall. But the college idea Is out of
the question. You can't send a re
markably handsome girl of 18 to col
lege to get rid of her. - '
"Come In! Who is that? You, Mrs.
Brown? Anything the matter with
Miss Alma? I'm afraid she will find it
pretty dull out here In the country.
I Have you any suggestion to make,
! Mrs. Brown?"
There are ahv:r.
in tl.e f. uiini'ie
"irpn.-es to n man.
.';iv of loo'iin:; at
! lliiti
Now. my gri-res: dr. ad had been
'that Mrs. Brown, the most faithful
soul in tho world rttiu most admiiuMo
house! ei (,-, would resent Alma's
.con lit,' to bre.i'; up Die methodical
, - ,,.,r uneventful lives. I was "he would not be as cordial as
I v, oiild have desired,
j .Mma hail not been 21 hours at
Branlelgh when she owned Mrs. Brown
body and snul, so to speak.
Mrs, Brown came to my study to
suggest horse riding and rowing on
the I ke for Alma, ami driving, cro
quet and a tennis court, and music les
sons from the organist of the town, a
German artist, so that Alma would
not brood and be unhappy and want
to go to live elsewhere.
"Bo you mean to say, Mrs. Brown,
you would grieve if Miss Alma left
us?" I asked in astonishment.
"I do. sir," she answered with em
phasis (her broad, pleasant face twitch
ing slightly). "I do, sir. She Is like
sunshine in the house, and her voice
Is like the twittering of birds. Bran
lelgh Hall will be the brighter for hav
ing a young thing like that running
up and down the stairs and filling the
rooms with talk and laughter. But
we must not let her mope. If you'll
excuse my saying so, sir. Perhaps a
little company would cheer her a bit"
So it had come to this. Branlelgh
Hall must be thrown open to callers,
to be Invaded at all hours of the day
by our neighbors, and Alma's youth
and legitimate pleasures are to banish
the quiet, drowsy life of perfect con
tentment I had hoped would be mine
for the rest of my days.
Mrs. Brown and Alma will expect
me to entertain next, as S0014 as the
child's mourning will permit. I sec
looming before me the horrors of a
house party for next Christmas.
I am in a dragnet, and can only be
released by one event.
foBftiaerlnf Alan's
Waatj u( e tepert
Arthur fdtl4. I doal
ljtre to vH orrUig Ibs SMt
pitious occurrence.
Alma has been here three months.
Mrs. Brown was right. She has
chased the somber shadows out of
these big, quiet rooms and the sound
of her light footsteps, of her sweet
voice calling me to go riding or boat
ing with her, the exhilaration of her
bright, lovely presence, has brought
another life Into Branlelgh Hall.
Take suaxauvc uromo quinine Tctkts. c
Seven MDBoa Ixnes soM in poet 13 Booths. , . Tfcb ni'T Q
Held Ho Gruilne.
Walking about one day !n the land
of shadows, Charles Dickens unexpect
edly encountered Mr. Pecksniff.
"My dear fellow." said Mr. Dickens.
,"I hope you entertain no ill will to
ward me on account of the unenviable
notoriety I seem to have given you."
"Sir," loftily teplied Mr. Pecksniff,
"you owe me no apology. The name
of Pecksniff will be remembered long
after the name of Dickens is forgot
ten!" Chicago Tribune.
How Iff Kum-. t
Slmpklns now is i mm ?u am
Ways dressed to suit tno weather and
carry an umbrella at the right time?
I rc-id the government indications care- ,
fully, but 1 get lft. (
Timpklns Oh, 1 don't bother with:
the forecasts. Got a better scheme
than that.
Simpkins What is it?
', ;, .;;. ins My wife. Always get her
op:mou ami do just the reverse. N. Y. j
Times. j
Mutter of Orlliuiirnphy. '
"And what is your lirst name, Mr.
Peck?" aslud the directory canvasser.
"It was 'Claude' before I Jumped .the ;
matrimonial hurdle," replied the scanty
haired Peck. '
"Am I to understand that marriage al- ;
tered your name?" qm.rlfcd the directory ,
' "N no. not exactly," replied the vie-
tlm of circumstances, "only 1 PP'U it
C-l-a-w-e-d' now." Cincinnati Enquir
er. Uhr Hp Wm AlnrniPd.
' Wedderly I say, doctor, I wish you
would drop in and see my wife some
time to-day. I'm afraid she Is going to
have brain trouble.
Dr. Mixeni Why do you think that,
Wedderly Becnuse upon her return
from church last Sunday she actually
repeated the text, and never said a
word about what the other women had
on. Cinoinnatl Enquirer.
" Hl IIp '
A Canadian child was being instructed
recently by his Sunday school teacher
on the necessity for the death of Christ
in order to open Heaven.
"If our Lord had not died for us, she
asked of the boy. "where would we have
BoneT ,, .
"To the United States," he replied.
Y. Times.
Th Loniirat Hiy.
Teacher Yoh must remember, chil
dren, that December 51 is the snrtet
day we have. Do you remember the
Freddie Yes'm. ifs July 3, when
you're waiting for firecracker day.
N. Y. Tlmos, . , . . ...... ... .
ThontlM Well of Illmaelf. '
"Isn't It strange," remarked Mrs.
Billlns to her husband, "that I can
1 never get a good bargain in shoes?
I "You did once," Raid her husband.
I "When was that?"
I "When you got me." Chicago Rec-crd-llerald.
T l'lilnt" of lew.
Wife How people fa' at my new
ilnss! I prev'.vt'.e they wonder If I've
been sh pp-!'c in Pr.rK
llusiiaiii!---More Ii'.. ! y th"y wonder If
I've been rob! ! :: a 1 ?.".K X. V.
'leu ".isty.
! . :i new nddition to
"Jone.s Ivs
bis fnmMy."
"In.'"'-:? I
"Hold on 1
l.inta (vu;-'i' "
"No! ! " -mil!
U'V' r - -
"Well. '-;i''
buy F(.!:i- '' '
- ! i-!":ite him."
1 ..,.i;t-ia-' v!" At-
1 oii : v. thing. I
" 1 f -it'll."
" P" a rlekel trr
! mo American.
,. 1.., 11 .., et!l5 .
"The e'.r: r ! r -nr nts
flit- t:tk- k l-r i-i:- t - rn l..r i:i:"
"And vtt:i.e.' n i - ii; ini. Hiion
SI;.- t:ik. f I tretr. h. r ma."
Yunktrs st:i:i n.i.n.
w unit:: 111: wins.
Milkman I know my milk is bettcr'n
Dther dealers' 'cause we use a filter on
our pump. Cincinnati Commercial
"I like a man," she remarked, "who
lays exactly what he thinks."
"About somebody else, of course," sug
gested her chum. Chicago PoHt.
The Idea.
Chauncey I think I am deucedly dull
-don't you?
Penelope No; deucedly clever when
you talk like that. Judge.
: v .sv
it vr.rj i 1
-t. T. Tlcaaa.
To Cure a Cold in Cns Day
A Ctianre for Sorliuple.
"Mr. Scrlmple," said the magnate ta
the young barrister, "I Want to make use
of your valuable services."
"Very well, sir," said Scrlmple, as he
gasped at the joyous prospect of a first
brlf. "What can I do for you?"
"A firm which competes with my
house," replied the magnate, firmly, "ts
about to bring an action for damages
agafrrst me, and I want you to get thera
to engage you as their counsel." Tit
Bits. A llnpio!ntiiitnt.
"Of course," said the philosopher,
"so rich a man as you must expect to
be flattered and fawnrd upon."
"He must, eh!" exclaimed Mr. Ctm
rox. with a touch of indignation in his
voice. "Well, 1 used to think so, but
I hadn't made my"1rst ten million be
fore they b-gan publishing caricatures
of nie ami InsinuatiPK that 1 aU with
my knife." Washington Star.
A rutin ANNUinptlon.
Tn-d.'iy i:o credit comes to you
Kor l Iiik lioliie, wine or Kreut;
Tl.e lulv. rlis. rs say It's due
Knt.reiy to the foods you ate.
WuslilitKtoii S'.ar.
om; oh Tin.: oTHKit.
"Oh, Mabel, I smell benzine! You've
either been cleaning your gloves or out
riding In Charley Jollle's new automo
bile." Chicago Tribune.
The Truth at It.
The promised land ain't far away
It's with us every minute;
The trouble is, we never know
The very time we're In It!
Atlanta Constitution.
They Iloth llnve It.
Mrs. Hoon The Scrapplnstons seem
to be quarreling most of the time. Mr.
' Scrapplngton' talks to his wife In a
way that is positively aVful.
I Mr. Hoon Yes-, and she talks to him
in a way that is awfully positive. And
there they both have lt-Town Topics.
A Gentle Iteiulnder.
"Yes," remarked young DeBorem, "It
is "undoubtedly true that every dog has
his day."
"Possibly," rejoined Miss Wearj-un, as
she glanced at the clock and strangled
a yawn, "but he doesn't sit up all night
waiting for It." Cincinnati Enquirer.
or III Tr Inic.
"If there is anything that will make
a fool appear wise," remarked young
Softem, "it is silenee."
"1'erlinps you are'rlgbt, Mr. Softun,"
remarked Miss Caustiquc. "You, at
least could lose nothing by trying the
experiment. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Not Ornamental.
Tess Yes, be called to see me last
Light, nnd of all the clumsy men
Jess Oh, I know him. Isn't he a
Tess No, he Isn't; but he seemed ft
think he was last night. He sat on my
hat. Philadelphia Tress.
At the IleNtaurnnt.
Mary haj a little lamb
' A century ago.
The chops on which we dined to-day
1 Were from thru lamh, I know. 1
Chicago Record-Herald. '
No Matter to lllm. .'
Mrs. von Blumer What rfreryou
going to do with those awful cigars?
Yon Blumer I'm saving them for a
i friend of mine who has Just become
t a Christian Scientist Life.
Ills Muilfilr Kiplalned.
"The major is the most modest and
; retiring of men."
j "What business is he In?"
; "Moonshine distillery!" Atlanta
i Constitution.
j Elder Squirrel Do you think there's.
j any chance of his reforming?
i Deacon Squirrel I'm afraid not. lis
turns over nothing but old leaves.
j in iMw r xicatrt.i
I uaMr, unsirr unui,
uropiy, emuo xrQUDiss,
I Don't become dlioonrsgea. Thsr Is a
cure for you. It necHary writs Dr. Kenuur
Ho has spent a Ufa time curing Just aucb
vases as yours. All consultations rrat.
I "Eight months In bed, heavy backaclte;
palu and soreness acromf kidneys, aluo rheu-
rnutlMii Utbur remedies failed. ' lr. Ken
t ncr's Kidney and Hark ar ho Cure cured tut
'completely. II. YVATEUS, Ilamlot, N. Y." 1
Prugglsts. 80c., tl. Ask for Cook nook-Fret.
CT WITI'.Q'n I UPC Sure Cure. Circular. Ir
! Two Dey,
on every
12. 35c,
j Spring Opening,
I At the NEW STOKE Sm.l.urvr!
Larger Mock and prici-s iJ
tlmucvtr. Our Store is 5!o,)tll;
! with new things for Spring m
tirixsls, Grenadines, Wool IV.
GikhIs, Silk Waists, Dres Skit)
Beautiful line of liulls, s,j
' . :ll'L-l.U U rnmuirw T,,l:.... I . i. '
Uiiighains am! lute Spread.
e will have u Fpecial sale
Ladies Musclin Under
wear, May 1st to the (
We will have lite most ln;ii;t'.
line of underwear ever sliouu
20 yds. muslin $1.0!).
33 yds. muslin $1.00.
Gingham 5c and 7c.
Calico 5c and 7c.
$1.00 White Spread 85c.
; $1.00 Table Linen 20c to 23t
Come in nnd see, 110 troulj, J
H. F. Clemnier,
410 Mirkit St., SUXIiUKY.pJ
Three diKirs east of the Market Hc
Do you need any furniture?!
i T If so, don't fail to come loom j
' store and get our prices.
i :!' We can suit you In;
j style and prices,!
IT . . . i
. I Trom tne cheap.jj
, I est to the better j
I crade.
Hard wood, golden oak fiiiii
Only $12.50 5i nn
Runcnrlnnii C 1 ''11'
Ennmol X3ods
f S5S.O0
ju 1iRirn, IiofkrrH, CoucliVn,
ti'Uhioti Talik'H, Jihliy i iirn.iii
zj, untl Vo-cnrt.H,
Schroyer &- Srnyse;
Hcirestnt only llrst-elass St'-k'
I'liliH'M Lightiiij: Clause niel
riircsliing jiermit unuiteil.
We nre eoniiiiissiniied y our (
niuiifs to issue olieies him I
liusiness at our ollice same as at I
All luisinesH entrusted to u'lH
will oe promptly attemled to by a
or otherwise.
office cHestNT
In Scliroyer's Huihling, tieurDr:
Snyder County. PEN'
Via Pennsylvania road ,yV.
Meeting National Bankers' As."
On account of the nieetlnir of tin
elo. I'al.. Ottnlicr 20 t. M. the IVni,1
Kuilroail (.'nniany olTern a eerwonally-K!
tin lour to uio racllic Uuani ut ri'iuattaa:
This tour tlhe will lenve'.NaW York, 1
dcliihlo. llnltiuure. nnliiniftoii. i 1
tmints on the r'enriHvlvimiii Kaiiread s'
I'lttnliurir, Wmlnesilay, Oe'eher II. hyi
trlu of the hiKheit k''I" I'ii I Iiiiau
A quli 1c run westward to bsn Krw
will he made, via Chieairo. Onia'.io, IU1
and 0(jlen. '
riveuay.1 will he UeVetriJ lo Shn rrm
lowinir ainnle eniorliinllvlnVi-it tin H
const resnrts. KetiirniiiK, tiip'
Kill I "1
Snlt Ijk i!ltv. t'nlnnnln Hnrimrfl. Ilt'll "
Ht Louis. The party will reueti NV
llieevcniiiKol Oetelmr :il.
Kound-trTp rate, covering nil rir1
eiKhteen !, exccjit five days
KrniiviKo, flWI.
Ifntca frnln IMI(l,nr u-lll l.n (VI If
For full Infnrmntioii apply to'l'i. tJJ
or ueo. w. iioyil, ueuuial I'awer.KH
liroad btrcct Station, riiilntlulphiii, l -
Jafe. Alwmn rrllnble. Ladle. sik PlH
old in.ulllo bozm, waled with blue J?
Take asMher. KeruaedanKernuX"
imlunaaad IrallalloHa. Huvof y.Hin
or send 4 c. In Hjuupa for Part leu I
aoalala and Keller fur USIn 1
ly retura Mail. 10,MM'1miuuoui l
SIM Bad teen Mauua, PHU