The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 29, 1903, Image 1

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have a t lot ol note
on hand. They must go
The price will do It.
$ inu pn- "
we fumlsh " them printed
la than you can buy them
j printing.
A really Jaeraal, DtU U Sewt, Scltac. Art, Political feaaam aaa Carrot Lrteratare.
We IHcafcs
Tiii i.
Rate: Oat Dollar Per Annan, ia Advanct
Uly Little Liners.
... --a the Bustle of the
L,y Seat. Told In P.rlcf
L More or Less Prominent.
,iu population and EvtnM of In-
Li th.t Satlaly Ciirloalty and
Apt" tht Thirst lor
. ... i . i .1 : .
...r i llllilillli? 111 mm i-.i-.
,.. liiver is the hpy rtli-
-nl new K'ri.
,v we were visited by the first
lallsof the season.
Hattie P.nersox visited her
n Imnville last week.
of the Kairle Hotel
unlmry Saturday morning.
V 'uncle of Williamsport 1m
her parents, James Ayre and
H. Beaver is spending tne
Philadelphia purchasing new
labriel Heaver Is visiting her
Mrs. W. F. Dagle at Beaver-
m. Haldeman entertained his
and ulster of Thompaontown
Oil Johnny" entertained bis
I.-ace Leeser, wife and (ton of
k Sunday.
Is Bufflngton of Lewistown,
Limlay with his brother-in-law,
Liu and family.
U Jerome X. Thompson of
Barre spent Sunday in town
i brother, James.
Gaugler and wife of Selina-
lent Sunday with the latter'a
Laron Renninger.
lames Ayrea and her daughter,
Raueh Tteited Mi, tt J.
Setinsgrove Saturday.
tir. Peckard of Richfield and
A. Ripka of this place spent
cavs irjnoury last weeK.
;urt of notions will be re-
M -Williams of McVeytown
!.; pi Monday. He Wt
' y tire Saturday n'uht.
W. tirwii and wife nrt? spend-
i viun-.; friends in T'nion
M i.'i'pi'-i. IU;;!ain Roads and
Aii lrn.ortnt notice to the creditors
of (Jrayhill, lM,ion ( n., ap4ars in
the Post.
Next TneUv U election day. Turn
"it and vote. This is imth a privilege
it I a duty.
f' Brcal .md f'nVs from the
Vieiilm P. ikerv, clilisel'e, for S'll"
at Hie l!i-.ft. l-t
.I:iim Ayr.- and wife nod rliuigh er.
Mrs. Itanek, are vi-i(i iir H. IT. f-it-7,1-V
in Miflliiiliiirir.
Iteiinevil'ie Sniitli left Monday even
ins; for Mr ('iirtni-i here lie will clerk
for a month in Beit's store,
Wm. H. Hiinde' will leave for Slia
mokin iiext we.-k to accept a position
a-s clerk in flie Market ."treet National
Snyder County School Teacher 100.VI
Jut In, our iiew
Xkoh, infire vanetvr rn
cheaper than ever.
af!t of
Teacher : Address :
R. F. Smith, Troxelvt::.
John Smith.
C. A. Aurar.d.
J--h-i O. Fer.r.s Cr
L. A. Fuhrma-.. R t?r.
Katurah L:t.r. Troxeiile.
Sa'ary $25 CO.
I. J. Fre;d. Bf.i'.r'.yu 1.
!. !. Cearhart. Par.r.s Cre.
Mary 'Jeaver, Freeburj;.
J. 'V. Ent;'. 5rrt0'wn.
Jisn?hir.e Pachr.iche. Fwburs:. Secondary
'm. 'V. Beavertiwr., Grammar
Salary $23-$32.
Schsi! :
P",rt Ar.:.
Cr?w r.
Winter '
triKxt, and
rfAVfff VST, TOW."H:f.
A. McClur. Primary
Cl-ir ey A. Baker. Grammar
Aivin A. Kiir.e. " M.dd'.es-warth
Katie Seal. Cr-.aryi. Verdant Lawn
Char'.es E. Rid?e
lid See it.
Verdi I la, Pa.
The memhersof the I. H. Chun h
and friends tendered a donation to the! Claude Mitchell. Penr.sCree. Mo'jr.ta.r.daie
pastor, N. A. Kirai'fife. A presenta-1 Wabel E. G'Jteiius. Kreamer. Banrer'.lle
tion address wax made hy H. P.. Hnitler ' i- c- '' VcCiure. Fartew
Sa'ry $28.00.
I Arthur J. Lirdiv Pieaxar.t Gap.
! P. T. Hacke-.hrvc'-t. 0.-!e:.;ai. Gtraffer'i
;0. N. Kaltwri-er. t. P'.e.-ua; :
He-ster Va'.'.ey
; S iliry 3.?.$.0.
y- t :o-rs -.h r.
H. G. Hir .-.Ttr. ri.-Lf, J.
' l. A. Hor r,r7r G-'.rd'-n
Ber.j. Gray..:. Gray; '.'s
A. E. 'Vh'y G-a-l'i
Salary 2'
1 H. G. G!ad'l-er r
i M. F-,
: Lyd'.a
J Jattts
j Edith Pitter.
Je-me M.iier
1 Geila Bjrr.s.
: Meilie For?-
I Gaiary. $i$V$V
Clymer Romi?. Beaver bprir,
?.r;:-.. pr.:c;;al
ri;?;h f .,.
V:h a- d ?th
.1'h a: d -.(
and the response was (riven by the
pastor, who expressed bis appreciation
of the kindness.
Gecrfa A. Kerr. Penns Creek. Grammar
F. R. Boyer. Creek. Intermediate
Haturday eveninsr the ladiea of the
VV. H. and F. L Hiwiety, tendered &
farewell reception to their President,
Nrre. Julia A. Deininsrer, who left
Monday for her former home in Mil
heim, after residing wirh her neice,
Mrs. A. S. Beaver for the past six
years. Mrs. I)einmirer is a lovely
christian lady, and during her ri- tH?VAi township.
dence among US has won the love nod Rev. E. E. Har.ey. Pjrt Trevorton
H. B. Boweraox. Penns Creek.
A. 3. Sheary. Penns Creek,
i E. E. Shambach. Mlddlebur?.
J A. Bowersox. Penns Creek.
Sailie M. Stahl. Rltter.
Salary $26.00.
Lester . Derr. Paxtrinville. In'erm.ed-ate
Eatelie Romi?. Beaver Spring! Primary
Ira Kline. " vn's
J. Calvin Herhsfer Benfer BirVei'?
Robert R.e?e'. Verdiila V-,y-r'-,
Perma Hendr.cks. Freeh'irj. Rieel'j
V. H. Kllr.e. Midd'.ecreex. 'Jlsh'j
Pearl Sulouff MoA.lhsteril'.e. "Vicer'i
. G. Herr: d, P:rt Trevirt-.-.
S. Herrvd
r wiiiW i
'f thatw-uek
er Sinniut.n, Harry E. Bo
'A'iney K. Custer and John
1 ,!ir wiv" were t?hi ppi;ii;
r. at;iriiav.
te w:ls in town Satur-
iiiic 'ie Jury t'oniniissioners
j'lrv wheel and to draw a
iV'viui'vr Court.
. Kev. D. V.. Fettcrolf was in
Om piistunite of the Fn.-e-iientii
Parish, Revs. Prucken-
i Dry oiHcitttiinr.
I. NV.Hidruil" and Ira ('.
be lean and n-iristrar of Su.
ia I'tiiversitv dromied in to
Iudly call oue day hwt week,
v UnjvTrdially iuvited to at
r wnW wot?;.,... :.. -
rtklay. Friday and
iiih Kipka came home from
and is spenuing a few days
parents, preparatory to Wv.
'l)ilt.lelpbia, whtre she will
f future home.
hivlfull supply of wiutt-r
iV"V"is inittens. outiug and
h'ff'N iVl Uailkets at ori.w
t buyer. Q
- s. sVhkist,
Vertlilla, Pa.
LK. -A lion,,, and lot situiite.1
K Vllltj ia Iteisl i.riv-f
Ps ate iu gooj conditiou.
1 ' sipping With tlrst-vlass
r.iiv hi. .
" me or can on
rVitouviUe, l1.
1 v ,K- ,! la hia uir aliav-
' UtUUil IMUlor f.i v.hii
Mlth rvfrwljtiK idiatu.
a ii.u.. i .
IK.-lu Middlvburg.V,, a
' i iwuw, MIU lot Ot
swd Uwry sUbl on th
r Walter. ) ..r
1 - .....V . VK v
esteem of all with whom sbe haa come
in contact. Hhe will be greatly missed
In church work, in which 9he took an
active part.
Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue
Espetischade of Mifrlintown was in
town Thursday afternoon of last week,
while here he visited alt our le al deni
ed fat toUui'aiu igaiar"'(roriiguWr f '
their sk and empty Doxes carefully.
Fortunately for our dealers he found
no violations of the laws and r srulu
tionsi (roverninir empty packaces. We
would advise our reader who handle
ci'.'ars and'rn to In' eseeeiiimily
c ireful t scrardi the -tamps on all
em.-ty cttir and 'i.i'U.-i-o l oses in -iieh
amaiitu-r a t.. totally ie:roy tln'iit.
is r i - - Ilev.i.i;,- i nr.- e-p.-i-ially
ae-iv,- i:i ti.a ! r.a:ie'i .,f the -e;- ;,-e at
this time, ami the ra.ty for failiir- to
e 'mi ly -aitli the v i-. Ifiy .oi!ar-.
il. fun;.
Trc:i-ut Iie;'ii''::iiL"tt I'ih'J f Cuttin
trailer nf the LiirretK'v.
W.v.siCXi.ToV. 1 1. I .. ct. ':. I'l'-i.
W ! !'k;:s. Hy a I ..-factory evidence
pp-setttcd to the mi .eri:iod. it !:as
been made to ap.pcar that 'The First
National Bunk of .vit.el'oril," located
in tne lilak'f ot Swtuefor'i, in the
if Pen n-
ith all tae
provisions ot if.e statute- oftheLuttiHl
1 to he complied with
he authoriz-
He-s of Bauk-
McKees Half Falls
J. Albert Herrsld. Chapman, Arnold's
Fred H. Attir.ger. Independence
John Rohrer, McKeesHalf Falls
Locust Crove
John Lauver. Pallas. Meiserllle
Chas. Brown, 5mith's
Certrade 5troub, Houtz.
riNDAie mo. oistrict.
F. S. Cinrich.
I.labei Gir.ric
Lerr.- Hill
;llie Rle?si
'V. Aucker
K. Sclioll.
B. Brjhaker
WiU Sundore. He
jaiary, $25. CO.
'itmer' j
.'aTt vs
"rl . G.
JtHfN -yiHz'
E. M. Mora:-.. Freeb:;r,
T. E. Hoff
'Vm. G. Briwn.
Mary Hilbish.
Crace Hoffman.
Rae Moyer
Berha S:r.if'-.r.
C A. 5. l ass.
Fred H. Hoisarr.
3. Primary
A. Prmary
Neftz Valley
:I;r.t Valley
Red 3ar.'
... u
1 it.
1 A i-
-.e..-.s. .
;. "J. i
-iei- a ; ; . ;
1 c:i:i;u i
I ie.Inet: .! in 1 .'
Jo-iah He nier April
ill iue Uliik'f ol W!iieroi
County of .-"iiyder.Lid StaU
sylvan ia, has eylnplied vi
.tutetf, rtaji-e.
beforjfu al-t'cia JLu siiarf
f6 COIlllliMlcel 'jh
.now. tuT-ft-rffre I 1
t j ar
LVputy MH A
amuas f. ivane,
cLitii: Comptroller of the
Currency, do jeietty certify that "The
First Naliyflal Bank of wiuel'ord,"
located iirlhe vi
A. R. Gi'.berv Yiiclebur;, HihSchooi
L::::- C.-t-;e. Intermediate
" Primary
: ."t.-.V
Geo. F. wunkleburger. Clobe Mills. Sauer's
Th(ltT13( Arnnrait Pm.hinr
. . www. S,
1 i
.o . I :..
mum! oi .-wuieiom, iu .-,nr-, c-iv CtVni. Mttt.
me i. ouuty ol Miyuer, Mate ol f eun- j
... I : i. .. 1 . . ' ' ' 9
iijui, is auiuoneu io auuiueui e -eor , v Kreamer
the business of Baukiii as pn)videl in ,
Scvtiou Fifty Ono HunUml aud Sixty -aiary S5-3
M etser
Nine of the Revised Statutes of the
United States.
In testimony whereof witinssmy
UaiKl aiul seai ot tins oitlce, this si
tevnth dav of October, l!t.
r .... 1 r . . i
- L-i' ! Ammon Bailey. Freebur?.
Deputy aovl aouuk Compfoller of the. A 3ir.gaman. pern3 Creek
Cui relic.. J0-KSt. ; Joseph Kangitri Kxatzerville.
Clulibiu List. 1 Mll,on Herman, Seiinsgrove.
For the beuetU of those of our readers SllirY 525-$37.50.
T. A. Stetier. Shamokin Cam, Crammar
i Mabel Stetier. " Primary
Jacob 3ulick. Seiinsgrove. Wagenseiler's
Corauarrett. Shamoxin Cam. App's
who doire. other reading matter in ad
ditiou to the Post, we isu this club
bing list. By taking the ditt'ereut
Coiubiiiatious you can save money :
The PiM-, oue ytmr, I'.UU.
Tribune Farmer, paea, weekly
Sd.iAI. Couibined price, $1.1'5.
The IV st, ouo year $1.00.
N. Y. Thrkvsk-Wevk World, oue
Herbert Herman, rjratzerville. Saiem
j Lillian M. Herman. " Boyer's
i Gertrude S. Goci. Crissinger's
, H. C. Hendricks, Seilnsgrcve. Hill End
j W. D. Jarrett. Ott's
Kathersne Witmer. Salem. FairCak
j Minnie Trutt. Hummel's Wharf. Bollg's
l W. A. Erdley, Kanti. Schoch's
M. 3tiey, Kintz. Kanlz.
Salary SC5.00.
vvmj', ft.OU. Couibiued prke, fl.txi.
IWMkUXAVIilN no. m. j township.
The) Poi', Tribuuo Fariuvr aud X. ; H, E. Ke.ter. Oriental. Aline
. Thr lev-Mr Wewtt World, all out) year, France Winey. Mt. Pleasant Mills. Primary
ouly SUM). , C. H. Reiohe.bach. " Crammar
Addrcw Jl ordrm to I Margaiet A. Shadle. " Smith's
" THK PlsT," j Esther M. Kardir-s. " Buckwheat Valley
Mtddleburgu, luua. 1 Ed. H. Strf, Shadle. Morning Clory
I ,l;-s J.i-iali lie hut April I
i-aiaiiW'altor M:in-!i 1 !:'"t
j Dr A 11 I'otti'iiror Jan 1 1:mi
' Mi-lvin K Hinjain.iii ( ) r. i I
j l.'iiti H Apt) Mar I l'."'i
jClias A Ilackcnliiiru' April 1
-l Kliritriit April 1
' " Kieel -sept 'j r.tM.'l
U'illet .Jau 1 I'.Hii
W X Kntrle April I IHO-t
LM M.atz Jau I VMH
) C Yrejer April 1 I'.HH
Thomas Bailey April 1 1H04
M L Hxshiuirer Jan l'.nU
Levi Art ley Nov 1 1 !:
U'm i Ivuim April 1 I'.i'il
G C Matirvr .May 1 l'JO:)
B Krieghumn May 1 1 f :i
Minerva Heimbach Ativ? 1
Elmira lleed April 1 VMi
Mrs Mary IlerrolJ June 1 190
li G Diiiiu it Co Jan L IdOi
Philip Hoot Jan I VMH
11 V Iltxit May 25 l'JOl
Beuton II Moyer June 10 190,
John A Barncr July 1 lWt
Ellsworth Troup June 1 UH)4
Newtou Truwp June 1 1904
W H Bower Jan I 1904
Jacob G Walter Mar 1 1903
J J Steely June 1 1903
Charles Sprenkle June 1 1904
John II WW June 1 1904
Mrs Abe Eeichenbaeh Jau 1 1903
J B Enterline Oct 1 1903
C F Dineua April 7 1904
Samuel Yerger Mar 1 1903
John F Long Jue I 1904
Daniel Krel April 11 1904
llenrv Howell July 1 1903
BFRow April 1 1904
F MSclwcU April 1 1904
Wm Eomig April 14 1904
J WBoli)? Jan 1 1904
Ellen Weirick Jan 1 1904
J S Yearick Feb 23 1904
Geo K Geiiilx-rlino; Nov 1 lfi3
f'S Mirll-.wartl Dec 1 1 '.m ill
llily Kepler Jan I l'.'il
G W I'at'f Juii" I 1 '' 1 1
I'liilip Men'e June 1 ' '! I
J A Keichcnliacli Mar 1 1 '.n i
John l.'ov Sr April 17 l'.-'l
G W II.c.v J,n 1 1M
Ifoward l'ee,ver-n .lime 1 I'.'iii
Aar.n C Walter .inne 1 l.'Ml
A I vin I lermtiti June I 1 .u 1 1
J Z S.traw-.T April 1 1. ( 1 1
G W I lasnino-er .1 mie I
K n-.nsi An 1 I 'm:;
( 'aroliile iVt.-rs J in 1 1 i2
M I S lvx ii May 1 l.i'i:;
Toll II Howell May 1
' 'vrns ( ' A pril i 1
I' S I'.I.-kliart An,' 1 l.ti'J
Mrs li J iN'ei.len-aul Auril 2't 1 00 I
Mi-s p.iyler April J.. 1 '.' i-l
I'eter Na.v .r,iy'l l.m:;
N' If Uipka Au 1 I'm i J
Win 1 iVaver June 1 I 1 1
J'inatlian niiianum fiv 1 l'.iOl
If J Hei.-er Mar 1 l'.'iii
W K SlmtfW June- 1 I'.tn.
C A Fisher Mar 1 lf04
John C .Stuck Feb 1 l'." I
Jacob li Hertnan J'ine 1 l'.ml
Willis Knlley June 1 l .ti)
I L Hruhake'r Aprl 1 l'.Mi4
A S Hrulinker April I l'.i
li F -ipe April 1 1 !!:
W ( ha!!'er June 1 l'.inl
W D Brown June 1 l'.n4
H A Kliriirfn .I'ine Jm l'.Mi-t
Gi-o D Maneval June 1 l'.uii
Hnwtud A Walter Mav 1.", r.l
Aluiet Airier Mar 1 I'.t04
ieo D (iissllini June 1 l'.fl
J W !iow .i one I l'.n4
Ethvanl Ilane Jtine 1.1 1 1 e ) 4
Wm Smith June I I'.hU
J M Maur-r June 1 1;)4
Jamea l Smith June 1 193
l' Pawling Mar 1 1903
t M rrantr uiuk C)ct -u I'frj
( .)iintv Commis-ioiier-Jan 1 1901
Aiiel Winey M.,v 1 I'.mi:
F '. Bower Jan'l I'.'"!
' .1 s,.),,.,.;, , ; ;.,!
; , ir.., ., A. ... . ;
ii ,:":--u ll.t; ' v
I -1 : . -i .
i A ,..' . .
i - ' .
' o- M :t.r : - . :
a ;.. . ;.i .
! ' - :
, ; a .... . i . . . . .
Bi:.;;- "A" Y-!.: ' .
; ' M i i.-at : v . i . .
W.-n - M.,r ; ;
i..-.i A:ii-a:,.i : : ,
I'iiip W Am... i M.iv : :
.1 !' M.iriilrv .1 or ;
! I' Ar:o.t ! I
Levi A L'n-s-ier ',,t ; ; ..n.,
K!!et, AnraiH Ann 1 I'." M
M If Wari.-r Jutie 1 i'.'Hl
l.r J Y hiniel July 1 i'.'iii
.lutlll W Staill Fei) J'J I'.Hl
Foster Smith pril I r.n:'.
Peter liigcl May 11 l:
Win Snyder June 11 1
Frank Uichter Sept 1 l'.'":',
C II Swhri.-t Mav 1 1903
M J WoiHilinMay 11 1:m3
Ji.iin D June 1 'M:',
J P shatter Juiv l 1;.3
T F Bramicndaiich May 14 1904
Geo S Kline July I l!
C E L.iy.l July 1 1903
Charles Schrey April 1 1904
II F Blessing Sept 1903
To le continued in our next issue.
Oct- iith, by Wm. Mover. J. P..
Amnion A. Stroub aud Nettie V. N'au
g!e both of Washington twp.
Oct. IS, by Rev. H. II. Spahn. Ira
U. Wagner aud Mertie K. Mattern,
both of West Beavei twp.
Oct. 1, by Rev. A. D. Uramley, C.
A. Cshawver of Beavertown to Pearl
L (iosa of Painterville.
Oct IU by Rey. D. C. KaurTrnan,
Wm. F. Nerhood to Nettie E. Wagner,
both of Beavertown.
Tlltt FLTIKF. K'FA F. VI Kfi
Cim:nt Even's C ;-; T':-'r :iad..'H
The r..,.!.T- of
-! '.. -e-,,1 W :,,.,!(,
eVelltJ. ,., i.!,.,,-,,. (
! ':-: -. , ...
' a'l
! ..
s f
I"!1 'ie llt,. rVllie..
Ti'K-i, y, o- .;. '
T i -11.
iff-M', .V-.v. I'
'o"li.illMt,o '.Vi!! j,
llleil' ,
Km :. v. .; ,.r,..; ., .. , ,
WaP.-r in...' nH i(
, rl.v.
M'ivh v. Nov ,-r...! .. r. t ,.
1 Ii'.'-on ,v ' , , ,,. .
. c!niins ,n or l.-r 'o ..r,.
I tion.
Wi-:tiK,iuv, Nov. ;;,
, ' o . jw- 1 rii.:si..:, ...
er'.'iiiniienf . !. ., ,
' i'ti.-i-
, House.
TiffHs,,vv. xv x Vliiuk
j i-iug I lay. The ita,. k-'v,l -e ,.,.
Movt.w. Nov. ;f, TV ,., :inn,.al
Teachers' ft.-titllte of -rvier I o,lty
rill ermvene ,n -he . Jjrr hou- it
1 Nfiddlet.urL'h at "Ir'.vn x. .
Il.'lcates to :he J E. Cinvctu;.
Lutheran 'hur.!, ;,w. '
Diehl. A. P.. .iiiu-rt. -.T, Haftie
BowerT. Mahe! ad i ;,,.
r.ttie r.Voii. ind .r, . i x y&g.
Keforriie.1 Church : !v Xoj and
wife, Mises Mollis. p, and Mabel
F.-'-nngelical Church : p,v. Womel
dorf and F. C. J-iowrwiy.
Hasnineer's Chundi : Mrs. Isaiah
Walter, Mites Miami uu.l I.ui.-a
H V !..-
: i.i.f
- i.-
f .1 .' -
: rs. : r,i:i .'
I '-t ii .:n .;r.i.iy .: .
iion.i- i'.X'i "f -.vo.i-! r :.
Marriti ny t.irth aid a
valid for -everai .ar-.
day'. i:;'i-rr:i--!::
hurx c.-nietery. A;.i "i , . -irs. -h-s
the mother .f Mr-. ;!..y-i -'cil.-r
Mrs. .-ha wver and -ev-ra. tu-r :::M-ren.
1 i' a.- i
;i ti
ll rs.
WANTF.D.-' to w. r. .:i 'h;rt
Factory. Pleasant roointwors ;n m
.old weather. iood vaetsj l iii-i fnuii
the start. For full particuiafc. .-ail on
nr address.
W. F. D ao i.e. Beavertown. Pa.
The Post published one section of
the Roll of Honor last week. Another
section appears this week. It will be
continued next week and week after,
until all subscription payments are ac
knowledged. Those who desire to have
credit now, can get it by sending the
usual plunkeL
Rev. Kiracut'e's Trip.
Rev. Kiraeofe. pastor of the C B.
'hurch. and wife returned f.-oni a sjs.
weeks' trip with a horse and btursry
throuirh Pennsylvania. Maryland. Vir
ginia and W. 'a. They traveled V0
miles of road and 'he wort mile of
road lie says was front the Summit to
the watertug trough at s.
They vistted relatives in each of the
states, spent two .lays at the Hagers
town fair, J days at Conference at
Chambersburg, he preached " times.
They lheld a human face cut out of a
rock between Liverpool and Duncan
non. The face is about the size of a
half bushel.
They visited a summer resort at
Stribbliug Springs, Va. There are
sulphur aud iron springs and three dif
ferent kinds of alum springs. They
certainly must have had a delightful
triP- -tUx
I tec
an aiiaftaat-fr'ltir TC-V
LfVoV-- -'''WrlVWW',