The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 22, 1903, Image 2

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    POPE'S BRIEF ' :
To Provide Financial Assistance For
Catholic University.
Baltimore, Oct. 13. Cardinal Gib
bons gave out the following transla
tion ( i the brief of Pope Plus X. rela
tive to the Catholic University la
.Washington, which was brought by
His Eminence when he returned from
his attendance cn the conclave:
"To our beloved son, James Cardi
nal Gibbons, cardinal priest of tho
Holy Uou::!i Church, with the title
of Santa M.tri.i In Trastevere, nrch
liiidiop of l.;iltimon and chancellor of
the C;it:.:l:r I'niv. r.dty at Washing-
1 in.
niliKn of the univ ri;y nt
t i listcil our d"cpest
inccrsi. Iu;inr:i!i as
:.:' pu'imitti'd by yuur
that its h flairs are
: .i ncimva ;uni as wo
5 t t wt- yhouM
:. of d'lr prvdi i :.sor
r'a n " (( iiidili- projects,
iv )i :i ; j !- ,if i;ri'at
I ' 1 o;it tin1 ponnisp of
In tills spirit wo are
t'liip . and. as far as may
in tlii- cxi-r.,isi of tin?
' t!i - inf.v.'t which wo
ri.-hd toward tills dis-
"Thi1 .
syt.i! 'at:.
till' I I :
II ' i : : :
:iit :!!'.
:m:' ! v. .
loll, w t!
Jtl t:" I
i I ;.
pi. a
t'l CI
l ave ,
Aric r i . : n f'i;ndutimi.
!' w-' b'aru with irciuiine
ratlsfin tit, n that the bishops charged
with tli n,.rovp.l of all other;- intcr-tsti-1
in i' : h!:':t. tl;at a oil.', t! m
be tn. n in hi all the cl urches
thrrtuhi i; the Vnired States ninually
for 11 y. ;,r - cn the Sunday of Ad
vent, or ti.o first conv nicnt Sunday
thcri after, with a view of enhaiiPltiK
tho iliir.ity and c nlaiKias the intlu
rncc of this noble pent of loarn'ni;.
"This i !ar., the result of their joint
delllicratif i:s, we consider most bene
ficial. It is therefore, our earnest
wish and prayer that all the bishops
of the country, ns well as the faithful
who have at heart the progress of
learning and religion, should labor
strenuously for the good of the uni
versity. "That C,od may be pleased gracious
ly to help this undertaking by His
grace, we lovingly Import to you and
to the faithful committed to your care
the npofstollic benediction.
"Given In Home, nt St. Peter's, on
the Hth day of September, 1903, the
first year of our pontificate.
'TIL'S TP.. X."
Thirteen- c
In Oi
; Koeklski. :
; Polish pat i ni .
d Itch wlthi . : . v , reso' i
j on Bradforr T"n. lu South v Y
; ton, and In- i-.atlon show.'j ':i it
j had been a ulted and then h,m
I Into the w' t.
From the fact that she had b .
iBtlng a sick neighbor her p, : :
supposed the was spending tne n.
there, and made no Inquiry whon she
failed to return home.
A Polish christening at which much
beer was drank, took place In tne
neighborhood, and the police think
there is a connection between this af
fair and the crime, although they are
as yet without a clue.
Dr. Rastlan conducted a thorough
examination of the girl's body, which
revealed that sne had been first as
saulted and then drowned. The police
are being assisted in their Investiga
tion by Officer J. Abokwiski, who is
a native Pole.
A sailor, giving his name as John
Smith was arrested at his home in
this city with the hope that ho can
throw some light on the murder. The
prisoner is a Pole, and it Is said that
he recently -a:ii from Philadelphia,
lie Is said to have served an appren
ticeship in the navy.
lb? was put thrnc'h the "sweating
process, aft r which Chief of Police
I'lack declined to give any informa
tion. sayitK lie had not completed his
investigation. The man is still held.
;sia and Japan
Obstruction Placed On Southern Rail
way Track at High Trestle.
jCanvUIii Ya.. Oct. 12. A bold at
temptwa nmd. to- wreck passenger
trait Xo. -1 on the Norfolk division of !
the Southorn railway about three
miles east of this city. The track had
been piled wjth cross tics and a fish
plate. Tho train was running at a very
Flow rat" of ppoed. and but for this
fact a iii-a'-;roiis wreck undoubtedly
wouM have oc ".rri d. Tho ohsTm-Mim
was I'Uu . 1 a: ti." end of a lii'-rh tr.
Co, nr.d !: ''.is-..-ter of three w-. ks
ego n. ; I v..- !,. , n duplicated. I'o--tuna
ii" tr.i.-k was straight at this
P1'-!'-'. : i' 1 :' tigineer got his train
(low:, to :-n- i. i-p.--o.l that when lie
str., k the tYs no damage resulted.
Tbi.- train fr. 'in Norfolk is usually a
i:.d l.a.l it been so this
have reached this point
It is supposed the wreck
this when they placed the
oliBtrui tion cn the track.
There is a strong opinion here that
there is a gatg vt train wreckers in
this lorality, and it has been on open
secret that tho railroad company be
lieves the wreck of No. 97 here three
weeks ag'i was caused by an obstruc
tion phut d on the track at the bridge.
This attempt gives color to the theory.
There was a largo number of passen
gers on the train.
little !:.-.
tin.e we:',
after dark,
( rs knew
Manufacturing Plant Destroyed and
State Printing Office Damaged.
Harrisburg. Pa., Oct 13. Poll Bro
thers" manufacturing establishment I
was completely destroyed by fire, In
vol vine a loss of $100,000, which Is
partially covered by Insurance. The
burying rejoins the state printing of
f!e, which. tfd; fire and was damaged
to the ex'rnt of t!0"0. The flames
also c '!:.::.'. ;.;af ted to the Mulberry
strct ! :: ':;', a portion of which was
'urr.-'.. This l-r: ise is owon 1 by the
ity of H:trr..-iji.rg, and the !uss will
'.X" about t -'.'"'.'.
T.oil Vr'r).-r- man'ifactured i'on and
l-rass b'-! at'' mattresses, and em
ployed : l.and. Their building Is
afi:::;l ,r. i;:. The fire K'.rtiteil in
the ci.gii, r'x.tu and burned fcr ev-
en.1 1'
Strange Actions of Retired Trenton
Hctelkeeper Mzy Cause His Death.
Trenton. N. J., Oct. 12. Henry, n retired hotelkeeper and a
man of considerable means, was mis
taken for a burglar and was shot by
Peter Kotz, into whose house lirown
had forced an entrance. Hrown was
shot twice in the head, and his physi
cians have no hope for his recovery.
Hrown's act in breaking into Kotz's
house is unexplainable, except on tho
ground of insanity. Hrown was act
ing Ftrangely in the early part of tho
evening, and is said to have been
drinking quite heavily. Kotz lives In
a suburb remote frqm Brown's house,
and the two men and their families
were entirely unacquainted.
About 3 o'clock in the morning Kotz
heard a noise down stalr$. and getting
his revolver, went down to the draw
ing room, followed by his wife, carry
ing a dim light." Kotz demanded to
know who Drown was and what he
wanted. Drown made no answer, but
Instead walked toward Kotz, who.
thinking Drown was a burglar, and
fearing for his )wn life, fired twice.
Crown fell with the second shot, and
has remained unconscious since. Kotz
Immediately gave himself up to the
police and is still under arrest Brown
was taken to St. Frances' hospital. His
unconscious condition permits of no
explanation of bis conduct, but the
supposition Is that In his bewildered
condition he thought he was getting
Into his own home. He made his entry
through a window.
London, Oct 13. All despachet from
the far east indicate that war between
Japan and Russia over the Korean and
Manchurlan situations la inevitable,
and that newB to the effect that hos
i tilltles have commenced may be looked
for at any hour. The latest messages
say that Japan has fully occupied Ma
sanpho with troops and that a declara
tion of war is expected simultaneously
from Tokio and St. Petersburg. The
foreign official says It has no confirma
tion of the movement of troops.
I The correspondent of the "Morning
j Post" at Che-Foo says:
"It is stated that the Japanese have
decided to declar hostilities on the
expiration of their ultimatum to Rus
; sia. The Russian fleet lias cleared from
i Port Arthur." Later, he reported that
tip to Sunday no chanre had
I occurred in th" filuatlon. although
l hostilities were believed to be inir.ii
: rent, and that the Rassian.; bad fix- d
I Friday next for eginning light inc..
In spite of the reassuring : t;itn;"ti : .-.
of the foreign office and Itavon II i; -a.-hi.
the frequent reiteration that hu..
tilitics between Russia and Japan are
imminent, the mysterious movements'
of th'! Rus.;hm and Japanese fleets aod
the cxi ited state of public opinion in
Japan are beginning to cause disquiet
in Croat Britain, which, by reason of
her alliance with Japan, is so inti
mately concerned In any action which
the latter may take In the far east. '
Only the most sang"ine persons be
lieve that in the evcRt of hostilities j
they could be kept within tho limits
which would free Great Britain from ;
her oldigation to support her Japanese!
ally. Even Daron Hayashi, who here
tofore has ridiculed all suggestion of
war, is not so optimistic. Indirectly j
he admits tho possibility of war by.
expressing the hope that In the event
An Ambassadors Trials
"Chapters from My Diplomatic
Life," written by Hon. Andrew D.
White for the Century Magazine,
tells many interesting stories. .
It has sometimes seemed to me, he
writes among other things, while doing
duty at the German capital In those days
as minister, and at a more recent period
as ambassador, that I could not enter
my office without meeting pome vex
atious case. One day It was an Ameri-
1 m .; v
(For Many Yiars American AmLa. -adorat
liiTlln, Uermuny.)
can who, having thought that patriotism
required him, In a crowded railway car
riage, loudly to denounce Germany, the
German people, and the imperial govern
ment, had passed the night in a guard
house; another day It was one who, feel
ing called upon, In a restaurant, to pro
of a crisis Japan will have the active1 ?alra ,vtery l1ol:,,ly a"dt F'lyWs
sympathy of her ally, Great Dritaln
While refusing to credit the reports
of an ultimatum having been delivered,
Baron Hayashi admitted that the di
plomatic situation had changed since
October 8, and that developments may
have arisen from the failure of the
Russians to fulfill their enggements to
evacuate Manchuria on that dato. Ho
however, had heard nothing from his
government on the subject.
favorable opinion of the f mperlor, was
arrested; on still another occasion it was
one of our fellow-citizens who, having
thought that he ought to be married In
Berlin as easily as In New York, had
found himself entangled In a network of
regulations, prescriptions, and prohibi
tions. Of this latter sort there were In my
time several cnrlous cases. One morn
ing a man came rushing Into the legation
In high excitement, exclaiming: "Mr.
MinUter, I am In the worst fix that any
decent man was- ever In. I want you
to help me out of If," and he then went
on with a bitter tirade against everybody
Ferdinand nf Dnlararla, Mont DUIIked
Holer In Europe, Stronger
Th nn Ever Ilefore,
Lutheran Council So Declares Dissolu
tion cf Marriage Bonds. '
Norristown. Pa., Oct. M. The Gen-1
( rat Council of th.o Kvangolieal I.uth-j
eran Church, in session hero, aft r
discussing the divorce question, pa.-s-cd
resolutions declaring the dissolution !
of marriage bonds "a crime against '
God that cannot be mitigated or apolo-i
gi.ed for by any defects or the civil !
laws or any lowering of tho rtandard
prescribed in God's word on the part I
of the community around them, or j
those who may be regarded leaders of
public opinion. Licenses issued by the
state cannot be a guide to the con
science of either pastor or applicants.
Every movement to promote a general
uniformity of legislation in our various
state governments is worthy of hearty
encouragement, in the interests of
sound morality, so that ultimately the
prescriptions tvnct-rniug marriage aji i
divorce may be the some in all the
Btatos and territories of the 1'nlfed
The General Council admitted to
membert-hfp the Now York and New
England Synod, representing 3J.p'io
communicants, and tbe Nova Scotia
Synod, which has a membership of
about SrtOO.
Has Reached a Crisis.
Berlin, Oct. 13. A dispatch from
Shanghai to the Frankfurter Zeltung
states that news has reached there
from Chefoo to the effect that the Jap-
anese have occupied Masampho, and nmvt
that an official declaration of war is. 13 HOLDING HIS 0W. (
expeciea. '
The relations between Japan and
Russia have reached a crlsls.aocordlng
to the official newa here. The exact
nature of the diplomatic exchanges be
tween the two governments that
brought out the present tensity appear
t i bo unknown at the legation of tho
two countries here or at the German
legations at .St. Petersurg and Tokio,
although it is understood that Great
Britain is privy to Japan's movements.
IHspatehes from Che-Foo report that
a Russian warship and a transport
with TiOO troops left Port Arthur Octo
ber 4 for Corca. The Russian forces
at New Chwang are reported to havo
been Increased.
and everything In the German empire.
When his wrath had effervesced some
what he stated his case as follows "Last
year, while traveling through Germany,
I fell In love with a young German lady,
and after my return to America became
engaged to her. I have now come fot
my bride. The wedding Is flxpd for next
Thursday; our steamer passages are
taken a day or two later. And I find that
the authorities will not allow me to mar
ry unless I present a multitude of pa
pers such as I never dreamed of! Some i
of them It will take months to get, and,
some I can never get. My intended bride ,
Is in distress: her family evidently dls- i
.trust r.ic; the wedding Is postponed In
definitely; and my burinrss partner bi
cabling me to come bad ;o America cs
soon as possible. I am ashed for a
baptismal certificate a Tai:f:chci::.
Now, so far as I I. now, I was never bap
tized. I am required to present a cer
tificate showing the consent of n.y par-,
ent to my marriage I, a man years
old and In a large business of my own!
I am asked to five bonds for the payment
of my debts In Germany. I owe no such
debts; but I know no one who will giie
such a bond. I am no'Sflc'" that the
banns must be pnblb-Vd a certain num
ber of t!:n s 1: ' the wedc'.lng. What
Mni n' a country is this, anyhow?" j
We did the best we could. In nn Inter- .
view with the minister of public worship '
1 was nb'.e to secure a dispensation from I
the publishing of the banns; then a bond .
was drawn up, which I signed and thus
settled the question regarding possible i
debts In Germany. As to the baptismal I
certificate, I ordered Inscribed, on the j
largest possible sheet of official paper, '
the gentleman's affidavit that. In the
state of Ohio, where ha was born, no
Taufscheln, or baptismal tertlflcate, was
required at the time of his birth, and to
this was affixed with plenty of wax the
largest seal of the legation. The form
of the affidavit may be Judged peculiar;
but It was thought best not to startle the
authorities with the admission that the
man had not been baptized at all. They
could easily believe that a state like
Ohio, which some of them doubtless re
garded as still In the backwoods and
mainly tenanted by the aborigines, might
have omitted. In days gone by, to require
a Taufscheln; but that an un baptized
Christian should offer himself to be
married In Germany would perhaps have
so paralyzed their powers of belief that
permission for the marriage might never
have been secured.
Nervous Trouble
and Dyspepsia.
No Sleep for WeefcJ
Because of rain.
Dr. Miles' Nervine GtJ
cac& rieaith.
Dyspepsia nearly al ayi nrises from i fc
is n. t will the emite M'strm m'iriN r?
itination. I aJ brum:., ti ur ,; ...
ribie coiii. qarnrex if tint triatnl m
Hvirttivi.l mill nil nrvii?v iliu n.,
j i , - - .-"..ii.
My lie.tha was min-raHr fur u-irt,,!.,
ere l.rrvuus trouble end c'l--,.,,',.
cn al.le l i p f r wttkiB,
n.t b ing awakened wiih , ,
I'.nd not I 'C
tuns w it Ik
my chest rt J itt mach. Vv liir
I un il le to i'o niv hi ue v ..
(eciit ci ii pi. tely mini t ';
l.ul d to hiM: I. e. ; lid n'lort; I. i
Ii . s ;. ai m. t f ti.i r nit dim i-s I 1
irg lJr. M:!is' li. s'.irjt:ve .'.
.Nirv and liver !'::'. I i,' .
Vrimi the fust bull!.-..I Noni; .
ili-t-O Ut'.iT th.-ii 1 !..: ! i.i
nJi bcea K;i tivi:-h ,u i '.
in pianv h.u t l
of Nirvine mid Nmc niel l. vi,- :
ra t thr e tears Lut li. c re t t
l ite ns I havi! n t Silt trit; n- i ,
about my vci'k un entirely Uir
and have rt l.hiii. lie:. I ih.r.i t
mae.v eiij le. 1 i.m ;i i ;r-.r. i . ' ,
MihV Ncv n.d .'.i-.-r P.i':,, I .
) ml all the i.iin-. I I. el v v ;
llif I'r. Miles Keiiu'iiii ."- .'.!:;.
w.iN. Mecliamc b. lb, M .
All ilruists nil .nr.d (--.nrr.-l
tie lr. Miles' Ken-.-' I Si-t (
in NervoiK anil lb-alt !:m ,
I'r. Miles Medical Co., bir-han,
i' 'ttcr,
n In.
i t:
' It
"Silver Plate that Wsare."
When You Buy Spoons
knlvM, fork!, etc., buy rellnblo brsnrti,
even If tliejr do coat a. little lucre. Tber
rj worth the dlflereucc. I f I S4T "
a part of the itamp It Inaurm gpnulH
JUiKera quality, (aiuoui tut wear. Full
fold by leading dealer. For CaUloia,
No. igi.addreaa tha makera,
I International Slim Co. Merlden.Conn
Stork Una Asnln Vlalted Rs-Prealden-ttnl
llnnafhnl.l anil Heft An
otlier Lllatjr Day.
A eon was born to ex-President and
Mrs. Grover Cleveland at their summer
home, Uuzzard's Bay, Mass., on July
Tho new arrival is the fifth of the
Ball Player Goes Insane.
Andover. Mas? , Oct. 12. After fell
ing his nurse with a terrific blow over
the head with a stove poker, Edward
Doheny, the Ilttsburir' National
League base ball pltoher, for more
than an hour, armed with the same
weapon, held a score of neighbors and
several policemen at bay. Finally ha
was overpowered and after an exam
ination by two physicians was ad
judged Insane and committed to tha
asylum at Danvers. The nurse, Oberlin
Howarth, Is seriously hurt, but it is
believed he will recover.
Jury in Philadelphia Poisoning Case
Returns Verdict of Not Guilty.
Philadelphia, Oct. 10. The jury lata
last night returned a verdict of not
guilty in the case of Mrs. Emma Wll
lianiF, whoce trbil for the murder of
her two iiii'.dien has been In proreM--here
for th- pact four weeks. T.
woman was an iised of adininintrriii;;
arsenic to her little daughters In ord.-r
to secure the Insurance on their lives.
John Williams, her husband, was also
Indicted for the crime, and his trial
will follow. Both vehemently denied
any knowlpdge whatever of the cause
of the children's death. The defenue
in Mrs. Williams' trial contended thct
no motive had been proved, as It wa3
shown that after the funeral expenses
hd been paid only a trifling sum re
mained. Upon conclusion of the trial, Wil
liams, the husband, was also discharg
ed from custody, the district attorm-y
stating to tbe court that he would lie
unable to present any testimony in Ids
rase different from that on which tho
Jury had acquitted Mrs. Williams.
Bulgaria Is nominally a tributary
atate of Turkey; yet In practice it
maintains a more independent posi
tion, perhaps, than any other of the
liallfan states. It has objected so
strongly to being regarded as con
nected with Turkey that the United
Staw s government no longer communi
cates with it through our minister nt
Constantinople, but has assigned It to
the territory of the minister to Greece,
who is aluo accredited to Kotimania
and Servia. Ferdinand, the reigning
prince of Bulgaria, is tho youngest Fon
of the late Prince Augustus of Saxe
Coburg and Gotha, and was 20 years
old when. In July, 18S7, he was elected
by the national assembly of Bulgaria
to succeed a prince who had abdicated
In the preceding year. Ferdinand has
had a hard and trying experience, Inas
much as the sultan v.- not willing to
confirm him. and thr prrat powers were
r.ot willing to give 1:1m thnir formal ap
protnl until 1816. when he had been
ronie nine yrars on the throne. Ferdi
nand Is not very popular In Bulgaria,
n H li v nnramnn pnnsnnl tha TJTiirnnpan
,a . ..... ....... .... . (gfce ,,.ls Just it.ronlf, a nappy Mother for
rauranuriMB singling nim out. as uif
tr t vr i
butt of International ridicule. Yet he
holds his own, and the chances, are that
he will so conduct himself as to
Strengthen his position and to remain
Li :uri- it could be -.xtin-
Th'' st:
by i'VirAi
prir.tin? off. re Is owned '
VV. Hlv, and the damag?
to t!i; LuiiCii.g U covered by Insurance.
F':od Cauced Suicide.
E'r;:r. :. .. Oct. 12. George Her
bert, a i'-'.i:i tiii-nhant and former
out.'. of Carbondale, committed
fculci r Ly Rhiyjtlr.g himself In the
i;ea0 with a revolver. Two of his
propi rties were inundated by the
flood. He was brwling over the pos
elbllity cf bit tenants leaving him ar;d
betatue deranged. He viciously as
eauited Liu wife, and then, going up
stairs, locked himself In bis room and
look hit life. He had been a trifle
eoctnUic tor a number oi 7 ears.
Midshipman Accidentally Killed.
New York, Oct 12. Midshipman Jo
seph Paul Ferriera was shot and killed
by Midshipman Mario Heckther on
board the Brizillan man-of-war Ben
jamin Constant, lying in the North
river. The middles were In their
quarters, when In examining hit pit
lol, Heeksher accidentally discharged
it The ball struck Fcrrelra In the left
temple, killing him Instantly. Thu
youthB were chums, and Heckther wat
frantic with grief at the tragedy.
He Helped Capture Jeff Davit.
Hutchinson, Kan., Oct IS. Captain
S. I. Stauter, who wat flnt lieuten
ant In chart of tha troop of Michigan
cavalry that captured Jefferton Datla,
It dead at bla horn her.
Pennypacker Feart a Lynching.
Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 13. Governor
Pennypacker has refused to honor a
requisition made upon him by Govern
or Hunn, of Delaware, for the return
to New Castle of ETd Riley, co!ord. 1
who Is wanted for the criminal as.iault 1
of a 10-yesr-old girl. The governor ;
said that he wanted full Information !
In regard to the crime with which I
luiey is cnarcea, ana win make, an
investigation beire he grants the ex
tradition of the negro to Delaware. Ri
ley la under arrest In Philadelphia. It
It thought the governor feart that If?
Riley It sent back to Delaware ha may
be lynched.
1 ne profession 01 uiackstone evidently
strikes the fancy of the ambltlout Chl
goan, at there are fully 4,071 lawytn
U present record.
Wishing people ill luck It a utelm
waste of time; it will come of itself If
let alone.
Humor la often mora of
than It U an acouliement
a dittate
(The Man I'pon Whoae JudKmnnt Ui penOs
the Peace of Europe.) j
for a long time to come upon a throne
Which he has now occupied for 16 years.
A new cabinet came into power in Bul
garia the latter part of May. The new
prime minister is Gen. Petroff, who Is.
recognized at a very strong and com
petent Bulgarian leader. The retiring
cabinet of M. DaneS had come to be re
garded in Bulgaria at altogether sub
servient to instruction from St. Pe
tersburg. -
Telephoa la Erery Salle.
In New York city there are 12 hotels,
each of wnlch has more than 300 tele
phones. , .... . ,
the Flllh Time.)
Cleveland children, and has three sis
ters and a brother.
Grover Cleveland and Miss Frances
Folsom were married In the blue room
of the white house June 2, 1SSG, during
Mr. Cleveland's first administration,
when he was 4'J years old. ,
Ruth, the first child, was born at No.
816 Madison avenue, New York, Octo
ber 13, 1891. She was named after
Mrs. Cleveland's grandmother, and as
"Baby Ruth" ruled Washington soci
ety during her father's second term of
Esther Cleveland is the only child of
a president to be born in tho while
house, being ushered into tho world
September 9. 18'J3.
Mnrion Cleveland was born at Buz
zard's Bay July 7, 1895. '
lib-b ird Folsom Cleveland, the stur
dy little chap who has been adopted by
tho Princeton students as their own
especial mascot, was born at Prince
ton, N. J.. October 28, 1897.
Shylock was the man
wanted a pound of huirx
flesh. There are man
Shylocks now, the convale-
cent, the consumptive, it
. sickly child, the pale yor.j
woman, all want human ilesi
and thev can cet it takd
Scott's Emulsion.
Scott's Emulsion is
and blood, bone and muscle.
It feeds the nerves, strengthen
the digestive orsrans and thejf
feed the whole body.
For nearly thirty yea
Scott's Emulsion has beentkf
great giver of human flesh.
We will send you a couple cf
ounces free.
SrnTT Mt bowne. Chemist
408-415 Pearl Street. NewY
30c tad fi.oo ; all dragguU.
Ilea 1 a Unman Oatrlrh.
Dr. Monnlcr has Just reported to tho
Paris Academy of Medicine a case of
a young man with an extraordinary
stomach. He entered St. Joseph's hos
pital May 19, suffering from severe
pains. A bard body was felt In the
stomach. He waa operated on on June
25, when the doctor extracted eight tea
spoons, a three-pronged fork, a sharp
pointed four-Inch knife blade, a key, a
long tooth comb, and other articles,
numbering altogether 25 and weighing
half a pound. The man now is recover
ing and states that he tried suicide In
this way.
Physician and Surgeotf
Port Trevorton, Pa
Offers his Professional Service,
the Public. All Calls Promptly H
jVTi-n !pvi.-ii 1 r ixni-KTi'ioI'SM
aona In eut'b utile to travel for Iioiim '"''j
ril eleven yrnrn unil Willi a Inrfc-e capitol.1'
upon iih r linnta anil awnta fur aiicw'"' "
prolltnliln line. Permanent eiitm;ftiicnt
ly man aulnrv of IH nml all trnvrliliK F
nlid hotel hilla atlvanivtl in ranli "''h,":
Kxpcrlenr not t-aM'htial. Mention rt!!J
n.,,1 t..,l..aA .lr ..,.l,ill. iR
NATIONAL. 3i4 .OearbornSt. Chlco
aSSkr anil nood repiitatinn In each atat' (7J
na LMiiiniy reiiireu; 10 repreaeni a
lie oh! ratiihllHheil wealthy liualm-M
mild financial atandlnir rialary "3,l.....l .11,ll tD T
direct every Wedneailay from head 2
Of ae and earriaire furn alied when n""i
llefeienceo. Kneloae a U adilreased
Colonial . IK1. Dearborn tit., Cblcairo . . ,
Triiatworthy lady tr gentleman to ""J
bUalneaa in thlat'outilyand adjolnlnf ""j
forwolland favorably known Howe
Snanclal atandlnir. liM.uO atralght i"TL
and eipenaaa, paid each Monday by -
reot from headquartera. Kxpenae moMJl
rancedi poaltion permanani, Addra I
Manager, 610 Jleaea BI4f. Ckklj