The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 15, 1903, Image 7

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    Wfof ihe Con
drawn from the strength-rivine portion
of the kernel, and refined to absolute
purity, is a brief idea of the goodness of
The Great Spread
for Daily "Breed.
A food article and table delicacy that
pleases all tastes. Appctizinr, r.utri- V
tlous; makes you cat. A pre-diested food
rer.dy for use by the blood independent of
digestive function, therefore agreeable to
the weakest stomach. A trial tin will tell.
Sold in airtight, friction-top tini. 10c., 15,:. and 50c. at grocers.
CORN PRODUCTS CO.. New York and Chicago.
N. T. Dundore,
Our Stock Consists of Clean New Hoods,
Such as is Found in an Up-to-OateJ
Country Stare.
Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs, '
Groceries, Cliinaware,
Best Shoes.
Cigars and Tobacco, Smokers' Suppies.
More Goods for Same Honey !
Same Good for Less Money I
Come and see our wares, flarket prices paid tor
Country Produce.
A. S. Sechrist,
Verdila, Pa.
Laea im tke lateraatl
. tor October IN, iuu,t
(P. 61:1-17.)
1. n&v mercy upon me, Oi ', accord
tin to Thy loving kindness, .carding
unto the multitude of Thy ;tnu r imrcias
lot out rcy transgression.
1 Wash me thoroughly from mine Inl
BjU.ty, and cltanse me from n.. s.n.
5. Fcr 1 aiki.ow leJse my trai:s...!-luns;
and my sin Is ever before me.
. Against Thee. Tht e on.y. ha I finned,
and clone ivl', in Thy sirht . that Thou
Killhus! be justlllxl htiiTl.u. Hpiuktsl,
and be vltur when Tluu Juus si
ft, lunula. 1 was shaptn in iiiliiulty ; and
In s.i. u.d my mother eunrt ii- me.
C. Kthold. Thou deslith truth In the In
Ward pans; and In the h!.; !i n part Thou
6ha)t make me to know ii.m.
7. i-'urgo tin with I. sl-i. ion. I slia'.I be
clean: wash n.e, ui.u 1 ti.a., be wi.iur than
.V .Make m- to l .ar Joy and g!:nire.s;
that the lioms wt..eli Thou Lav. bitk n
rx .i; i" j.jU-, .
I Hue Tr fae-e fr in mj a'.r.. aiu! b'.ot
out all it:. IK 1 ti i ; ii I, u
i". t ratv In m.- a I'lMU l.i .u t, tiod; i.iuw a rivi.t sj lit witl.ui in .
' i. 4';is: r. n-.T :t.i :rmT;. i T . m lwa ;
ui ii tak t:u! Thy i
i liu:i iv uMo !:.
'' Pane la m rnn-aj.
Pt ' i k Citizen So ya t're roIcb fc
tV ai' to see th" sight;-, a'.r yen, Ike?
I t-. p.
Oitizei. Wall, wear thfra Sunday
clothrs tiat don't nt; leave y'r hall
strln? in -round same as now; turn up
y'r pan. s at th' bottom; take my ole
cane an' carry It npfiile down, an' nc
one will ever sur pect you come from th'
country. N. V. Weekly.
vV I
ii. 11
11 .
Tl.i a
: i
O. !.
lid u, l.;...i in. v. I
Tl.-n .
::, l t,
;i.r.i i -
Spiril . i "in in
a- J..V ol '1 1 V :
!. Tl.y : i .-;
l 1 ;l a. -i' : . J..IS
1 ,
:'. . va
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is Thy
u i.uiu
Li 1 ..I
' 1 r 'I
Uli I'll
III .111
I ki 11
H1 I 1
'I I
ome and;'See Our New Stock.
Highest Prices Paid Fur Country Product".
Incorporate Under Arizona Laws.
Most liberal corporation law in the United Slates. Xo
Franchise tax or exhorbitant fees. Private property ex
empt from all corporate debts. Par of stock made any
amount. No limit on capitalization. Stock is non-as- If
'sable for any purpose. No amount of stock required subscrik'tl. No
itecoulrol ; no State examination of books. Legislature can't repeal
fircnarter. Keen office and do business anvwhure. Vt nftoml tn nil
fincss and pay all fees, and charge you but a few dollars in any case.
Agents wanted in every city in the U. S. Liberal com
missions. Send three stamps for booklet of codified an
notated corporation laws and other information,
Arizona Corporation Charter Guarantee Company.
Monihan Bulldinjr, PHO-NIX, ARIZONA.
Kiv00 rVliitton in each state (one In
il,i... i , ', ,,u' ,u roprraem anil anvcr
''u,.,",'e'l wealthy buninefs houae of
"nanelal tanrlinK. Haiary t'2l.0 weekly !
I J? nw"1,l,l'litiiii,l, all payahlo In cash I
1 SVerv WmIh...!... . ' i a
.'tllttg? 'u"'hed when neoea ary.
:Z fl', ..'"'ore self aalilreaaed envelope.
"l.83Sl)esrborn St. Chicago.
Physician and Surgeon,
Port Trevorton, Pa.
Offers his Professional Services to
the Public. All Calls Promptly Attended.
fe'VftJf!1' "f """ mnge
n".1" County and adtnln n terrltnrv
EsTSl iT0,bl known lloos! o! solid
llSla'nF: -Wetralgb cash salary
P ch Monday by check dl-fcT'urte'-
Eapenee money ad-
r . rv..oa permanent, Addrers
oio noaea Bldg., Chicafo.lll.
sons in each stale to travel for house establish
ed eleven years and with a large capital, to call
upon merchants and agents for successful and
firofllable line. Pfrmanenteiigagenient. Week.
y casb salary ol IIS and all traveling expenses
and hotel bill advanced In rash each week.
Experience not essential. Mention reference
and enclose self addressee envelope. THE
NATIONAL, JJ4 iDaarbaraSt. Chrtagt. M-l
v , i ii. .i ;;- -
i;oi.ii: i i a-:it' m
cli-illl ha-iirt. l ;aa!. 1. M:!".
i oaiii. 'J.) Uiio if Ha- luai.y ituiiaa-
tiiius ol' DiivUl's KiiiTiisiiy uii'l iruo
; lit arU'tiua'KS in lotin.l in his liniii'v s (o
i Mipiiiljuhlii'ili, llio ciipiiii'il fun nl' his
i iriciul Juiiailian. An urdimtry ciiin
j tal nionan h of Uaviil's time would have
cxierininatoil Hie family of th.- fi.rmi-r
j King, root and branch. lUtvId did not
i do o, hut sent ai ross the Jordan t'i l.o-
debar, where Mephll)nheth wan llv
I ing in cuneeaiiuent, and brought him
to Jerusalem with ureal honor, reslor
I lug to him the rich lands of Saul which
had been confiscated, and added him
to the constantly incrcaslnt; number of
courtiers who enjoyed the kinp's favor
nnd lived more or less at his expense
at the court In Jerusalem.
(2 Sam. 11 12: 115.) David stood the
testa of adversity better than those oi
prosperity. Ease and luxury were W
ginninB to tell on his character. In
stead of leading his armies into battle
as formerly, he now left them to Joab,
nnd remained himself in his hnrem nt
Jerusalem. The fact that In those days
it was considered eminently proper for
a king to have a harem did not make
that harem less demoralizing. The sad
story of David's moral weakness when
tempted, and then of his deliberate mur
der to conceal his sin and add another
woman to his harem, is told in Chap.
It. "Thus far," says Aslen, "the story
belongs to the usual crimes of an ori
ental despot . . . What follows,
however, could have been found no
where in the ancient world but In the
"Jew;lsti monarchy." When after the
terrible year lived with a guilty con
science, the prophet Nathan aRaln ap
peared before David to do the hard
duty of n friend (12:1-12). David broke
down completely, confess ins his sin
and repentitiK with n repentance that
was really a ehnnp" of life, niaek as
the sin hail been, Jehovah forgave the
penitent man. but the results of tin
sin troubled David's life to the end.
(Ps. .MM-.".) In ci.nneeiiun with this
story of the sin and repentance iif Isra
el's greatest kin;:, wv study the marvel
ous prayer for pardon In the Fifty-first
Psalm. It is not known who wrote
this Psalm, but It fits David's circum
stances so fully that ninny suppose It
was written by him nfter the visit of
Nathan. In its words the penitence and
aspiration of those who have done
wrong- have found expression through
all the centuries to the present time.
Is there not a place for the confession
and prayer of the first few verses In
every Christian experience? The one
offering the prayer has hope, hut It Is
In God's loving kindness rather than
In his own deserts. "Against Thee,
Thee only, have I sinned:" The very
natural feeling of the heart, whatever
Its sin, as It bows before the loving
and righteous God to whom In Its sin
It has been untrue. The Psalms are
written In the languago of the feelings.
"That thou mayest be Justified:" "By
confessing my guilt I admit that Thy
condemnation Is Just."
(Vs. 6-12.) "Purify me with hyssop:"
"Pronounce me clean from my sin Just
as the priest pronounces the leper clean
as he sprinkles him with the hyssop
branch." "Gladness:" That comes
only with a sense of sin put away and
forgiven. "Bones . . . broken:"
"A very strong figure, denoting tho
most complete prostration." Perowne.
. (Vs. 13-17.) "Then will I teach:"
No one can bring others to Christ more
effectively thnn tho one who has come
close to God's fatherly heart in this
exparlenro of contrition and forgive
ness. "Thy praise:" An expression of
the Joy that fills tho heart of the prod
igal after his return to tho father's
house. "Thou dellghtest not In sacri
fice:" Nor In any other external thing
In itself, but in a real, vital change of
One's sins may bo very numerous, but
the multitude of God's tender mercies
outnumbers them.
Confession and forsaking of sin are
necessary in order to obtain God'a par
don. "Wash me thoroughly from nine inl
qulty." In cleansing from sin no one
should desire half measures.
The- Injuries Knnnirrnted. !
Casey Shure, they do be tellin me I
that Dig Moike Monohin wor knocked j
down be an autymobile ylsterday ;
v.or there any bones broke. I dunno?
Con ley Troth, an' there wor; th i
owner av th' divil wagon got his nose !
broke, th' i-hawfer got his jaw broke. '
tin' llig Moike bro!;e th' sicond :
l.ntieMe av his might fishi! Puck !
I.:it TIiIiik t aanxlilorral. '
Crawford In looking over a cata
logue ol automobile suni!rt"s 1 was s tr
priseal at the number of things invent
ed fur the protiatiici of the "i:ni :T -tir.
Ciahslittw- I winder how many in ire
;t :a1 .:is tiuTe w ill be before they in
Vi ill .-.iiaet hir.g to protect the pede t-
ti'l.l"!. I nv II ; ei'.cs.
V :itit IHllenlCy.
''How i, ji.i.r mI.ouI if Jn.n a'i: i'i
"Wi 11. ii I- a liltli' slow. We l;:-e i.r
: mill.: in n ttit.g pa npi whosuv w il'ii g
to be ' aeliefs. The trouble is !u l.iii
'inylaiu'y who Oicsu't tliii:!; be I. revs nil';a l , w a ,,, vvs;,;1,,( , . ( (,,),, n:i;."
W'n-l.ington S;nr.
A rae unit Ylairf t-if It.
Am-.tiMir Critic Splendid pie! tire,
renlly. Allow me to compliment yi:-i.
Hut why did you smii an ti.'.ly
"She's my sister."
"Oh, pardon! How foolish of me. I
ought, of course, to have not Iced the
resemblance. Tlt-l!its.
for Infants and Children
Castorla i a hurruless ftubstittite for Castor Oil, Pare
irorlc, Drops nntl Sootliiue Syrups. It in PloasaMt. It
contains nHtlior Opium, Morpliinti nor other Nnroofio
raiibstanco. It tlostroys Vornis ami allays lVveri.slim'xs.
It euros Diarrloia ami Vjinl C'olif. It relievos Tooth
iiiff Tnaiblos ami our:, i. tmstipat ion. It rejrulatos tliot
Stoiimolt and Howols, fvinur lioaltliv ami nnttiral Mot p.
Tho C'hildron's l'anucoa Tho -MotliorV Friend.
The Kind You Have Always' Bought
2 cars the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
ll-rlala-ill vaa,v.
Krnie He is the slowest young man
I ever met. I thought he came In tho
parlor to make love.
Kthel Well, didn't he say he was be
side, himself?
Ernie lleslde himself? Why. he
should have been beside me. Chicago
Daily News.
Liberal Adjustments- i : r,pt V-
(i.k tho 01(!c.,t,' M tiiii cm ';ils, Ctiiii..iiii. s.
j l'it.-, Liti. .ici(!t iit anl Toni..(!i
: NpAstejsmei.;s NoPremii m.Kotes.
i The Aetna ImmmkII . , 1S1 Assets 1 T:lSH
" Home " 1S5.S " v ,CJS.4
j " American " 1S10 " . ';...SUJ
i The Standanl ;V Insurance 0
I he rscn- 1 01k 1 . Insurance Co.
The fidcliti) Mi ! Ufc Association
Your PatroEn siliclted.
Soar Orittee.
I "I believe," said the girl with the npw
engagement ring, "that men and women
should marry their oppositcs."
"That being the case," rejoined the
maid with a streak of envy In her make-
I up, I suppose your Ilance is everything
I that's nice. Chicago News.
Cimlne Wisdom.
"I wonder why a dog always turns
I around three times before lying
1 down?" asked the inquisitive man.
"He evidently believes that one good
turn deserves another," answered the
wise guy. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Mlilnir the Colors.
It In quite plainly to be seen
That men who paint the town
A Blowing red must hnve the "green"
And freely p'nnk It down.
Cincinnati KmiulriT.
The Jew-York
f ribune Farmer
is a iiatioiinl , riuMiatetl iigi ia iilii i .1 weekly for farmers
and their families, unit standi at the henil of tin- nri
fiiltural luei-s. It is a practical put r for practical funnerH,
helping Hu m to mcuiv the hugot edible i.rolil In in (he
farm through .radical methods.
It is entertaining, instructive and prai'tienlly useful (it
the fanner's wife, sons nnd daiiglitcis, wImho iiitetevts it
rovers in an attractive iiiamit r.
The regular price is f 1.00 per year, but for a limited
time we will receive your t-uliseription for TMU NEW
YORK TRIBL'M; FARMER find nNo for yotirow;, favorite
local newspaper, "The Post, Mi'Mlehurg, I'n.
Qini: i:oion itntsov.
The beet thing Is to be respected, and
the next is to be loved; It ia bad to be
hated, but worse still to be despised,
PltUburg Dispatch. wl ,
Both Papers One Yearforonly SL50
aeinl your otalei'Minl iniiiu v tu I'l.e l'or.
Your ii.miik-iiimI iiililnss i n n ,..-t,il a juil i,
MiW.YORK TRtl I M Akrirk', N.w-Y.iki ;
bring iiI'ii e nil le'i c ,
w ill
"How did you come to give your sis
ter the big apple and keep the little ono
for yourself?"
" 'Cause there was a worm In It."
Ally Sloper.
Coming to Aline, Pa.
A .greater sight than Walter J,. Main's Show vns
to JMiddlehurg, will he the Xew (ioods that is null
ing to the Aline Steve, on Monday and Tmsdnv,
Sept. 28 and 2) and will he on exhihition all week
Come and sec
Admission Free.
I havo the lavges and best variety of Dry (Jood
amotions, Hats and Caps, Shoes and Kuhher goods
to ho found in a ceuntry stove. Also a choice line
F Fflfln Men s Cl0,ilin& Ladies Up-to-date Coals
L I UUUl Fur Collars, Keady Made Suits, Skin's, i Shirt
aisiM ana a ueautiiui line ot JJress Uoods at
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
Soft and crooked bones mean
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must cat the
right food for growth. Bones
must have bono food, blood
must have blood food and so
'in through the list.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
children. Littlcdoscs everyday
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs become straighter,
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Rightfood will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott's
Emulsion has proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
i Send for free sample,
SCOTT BOWNB, Chejmlata.
4O0-4IB Pearl Street, New York;
' yaadi.e ellalracsca. .-.
Remember I always pay the highest price for produce.
A cordial invitation is extended to all, thankim;
my many patrons for past favors and soliciting a
continuance of the same, I remain
Yours truly,
Pennsylvania lim iness and Shorthand
College and Con spondciicc Schools.
I.anca Ut, Pa.
Ihirinit till' ;i-t ;- -il tlie above sa-lua-I tm.
Imil un enrollment ef inure llinii l.Mm Irani till
over the t'niti'al State-: Htul a lliiiMnir a uhn of
:'oiinlinaat IK) more tlinn any older rv' .ml cf
the kinal in I'eniinylvanln KtualiiHti's. f i ilentH
enroll ilnily throiiKlinut the en tire ya nnal
have alisolute asiaumiife of eiiloyniii I when
they llnliih as the seliool is overwhelm n with
applientioiis for help-
lioiiral Is secured In (fooal heme, nt fr ! 1 1 to
I'.'ajweek lens than In other places offi Ksiml
lar atlvantHireB. Tution Is proportion i v low.
On the 15th of May, last, the school i tinned
a building which, wUen t"o remodelli iaeom
ploted, will be one of the largext, be mnteal
and finest used, eicluslvely, for bu.' a col
lege purposes In the United Htntes. n is the
only business college Pennsylvania a.vanlnga
building of any greal value.
For original Catalogue and College 'nurnal
giving detailed inlormatiou regardlnr aur me
thods of Instruction at the College anal l ow we
teaco teacners, wnue liiey are and
union, anr
save then the price of tuition, ahresa.
J. M. WADE, Ph. O
W. II. Ill ri.i:it, I'roiirielnr
418 Market Si., Harrisburg Pa
(Opposite P. K. K. Hepot Entrntiie)
-.('nlteil for All Trains-.
Rooms, 25 nnd 50c. Good Meals, 25c
Good acrouitroJations. T
to advertise in a live and up-to-date
newspaper. For results