The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 15, 1903, Image 1

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We have a Job lot ol note
heads on hand. They must go
aulck. The price wm ao u.
Samples ana prices .u. i
cr less than you can buy them
vithout printing.
V. WagenHTi Editor and Proprietor.
A Family Joarnal, Devoted to Newt, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature.
Rues: One D.IIar Her Annum, in Advance
GIG iiM ffi.
1 1 nil V
I. C
f ill-j
inert I
- tli-
on i
:1 be.
li. m
rt Tip
.lace Fii
Lively Little Liners.
L Hustle and the Bustle of the
County Seat, Told in unci
People More orLess Prominent.
I, Floatlne Population and Event ol In-
,ere,t that Satisly Curiosity and
Appeafe the Thirst tor
You wiil like Karo-fnr wile at the
Kan. Com Syrup, something new at
L ltacket.
p E Kinney, a railroad operator of
.Wigtown, was at our County Seal
Our Winter Millinery Opening will
.urOct.29, 30 and 31st.
L. Dunkelberger.
Mrs. Frank Bousum of Patterson,
mid a visit to her ulster, Mrs. M.
Potter last week.
tn members of the Lutheran
lurch celebrated the Lord's Supper
luduy. About 120 participated.
kvillium II. Shindel returned last
Lk from his western trip. He hud
tu herding cattle on the prairies,
fine line of outing aud ready to-
kr Hats, received to-day.
L. Dunkelberger.
will pay market prices for good
Itl calves, hide and tallow.
J. L. Wiseman,
10-15-41. Lewisburg, l'a.
Sir. Spigelmeyer, the shirt factory
id. is tuniiiur out a smaller size shirt
fit the young customer that arrived
lis house last week.
lev. J. I. L. Ressler, Presiding El
will hold Quarterly Conference,
urday, 2 p. m. at Liverpool, aud
ick Sabbath morning.
lie water works "grubbers" began
itiorifi ou South Sugar fctreet Mon
morning aud 8hut off travel from
pavement on the west side of the
Frank S. Riegel, the piano and or-
dtaler of this place, will leave in
lv days for Philadelphia to consult
specialists concerning hi.-
Ki'V, J. ('. Fusold of V llium.i.ort
m MiiMlebiirg visitor l'liday. lie
I formerly u resident of Sunbtiry
I is a graduate of Susquehanna I'ni
ity :it Selinsgrove.
Inioii L. Spangler of Elizahcthville
'."iri-kei'per and guager, has been
'Iiiil' some time in this place ov
U) th' failing health of his son
la, wlm is alllicted with consump-
In. HiMisn.x, The New Yhuk
irooii.M'Miiu over Runkle's store
klitldlehiirg is doing a big business.
lone Dollar Photographs are splen-
aow is your chance to get exeel-
I'hotographs. Do not miss it.
p. V. P. Kuehne, of Bellefonte,
"rum of the W. II. and F. M. So-
fit Sunday with the family of
W, K. Diehl. Sue. read her re-
to a special meeting of the louil
fty .Sunday alteruoon.
U First National Bank ofMiddle-
I studies the needs of its customers
"g proper care of them whetner
r business be large or small aud the
pug with all Its natrons are abso-
Py confidential.
11. Woodling will be in Middle-
near Oravbiil's hotel, on the
lingsof the following dates: Oct,
K-i, aud 31st. He will give
ouy a chance to ride on his llv-
fcorses Your patronage solicited.
(WbALE: A fine Gordon Setter
H'- She is a flue trained bird
black in cdlor aud vellow feet.
f xwileut huuter, six years old.
ana ee her.
J. A. Spotts,
It. roiUo,in,. u
i'.mvi villi;, A a,
H. H. nickhart aud Mrs. Dora
P't paid h visit to George Bickhart
r" r. i tie latter was hurt at the
1 urg depot last week. In at-
t""!? tojump mi the work train,
'ddihe was employed, his foot
-'sim ile fell. The wheel liiash-
ttT'XA The 0reat Nerve Tonl
"uiuer, Blood Purifier. A Spe
f r All Nervous Conditions re
's a lonlc-Btrengthening Medl
'l makes Pnr iuu,,i .riv.
IgtliaudVlgorto.uotU the Ner-
im muscular Systems. If not
ru money refuuded, all drug-
A. L. SpangU-r was a Selinsgrove vi
sltr Tuesduy morning.
Dr. Kyer Walter of Selinsgrove wasa
Middieburg vihitor Tuesday.
Messrs. Drum and t'olet.f Jamison
City are transacting business in town.
W. I. Ciurman has removed the fence
between his residence and !. C. tiute
lius. Win. C. Auralid," who conducts u
saw mill near j-clinee, was in town on
Kx-Sliuiill' Kiseuhurt of Slmmokiu is
p.iving a visit to hs tluughter, Mrs. Ci
M. rMnnUel.
lag stone pavements have arrived
toi . J. tiaiuiau, James Ay res and in
from ot the Court House.
Kev J. I. L. Itessler, Presiding Klder
t leacinU lust night ill the United Bre- iiurch ami ulso sung a solo.
ie-union of the Hassinger family
wn. 1 Iid.i ui ihe homestead of Daniel
llasM.ier, one mile west of (leorge
town, --t. 1 1, liHi.l.
A. . ilowtisox and son, Murray,
spent the past week in Alleutown pay
ing a vImi to the former's son, Harry.
They relui .ied imine Tuesday.
William li. WuUer and wife of Mar-
cellus, Midi., who had been spending
four weeks in Snyder county, left for
their western home Tuesday afternoon
LOST. In Aiidillehurg or viciuity
a Fraternity Baoge set with opals let
ters E. A. K. K.. graved with owner's
initials G. S. S. l'.HJ I. Hewurd if return-
to Geo. S. Schock Selinsgrove, l'a.,
The 'Delineator' for November is till
ed with the most Interesting reading
matter for women. It gives the latest
styles aud fashions, interesting lictlou,
adorutures in photography, November
Forests, etc.
The Republican Standing CnmmiMee
met in this place Saturday. They nt
sofAcd the candidates for i'rotliouotary,
Register and Recorder and Associate
Judge each $o0 and for District At
torney and Jury Comniissiryier each
I'oit Sale. A house and lot situated
in l'axtonville is ollered lit private sale.
The buildings are in good condition.
The home is supplied with lirst-elass
water, fruits, etc. Write or call on
Sakaii Ui.WEKSOX,
l'axtonville, Pa.
Foil SALK.-In Middieburg, Pa., a
good frame house, 7 morns, ami lot of
laud. Alno a good livery stable on the
same lot. For terms and particulars
apply to F. 1'. Walter, 1 mile west of
Middlfhtirg on road leading to l'euver
tovn. tf.
Call on A. F,. Soles in his new shav
ing ami hair 'utting pa'Ior foi youi
head cleaned with a refreshing sham
poo nnd a clean towel to each patron
on the north side of Market soiiare op
posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar
anteed, tf.
VIN-TIvNA the greatest of all tonics
restores a weakened nervous system,
exhausted vitulity, brain-fag, nervous
ness and sleeplessness, by purifying
and replenishing tlid blood supply.
Makes pure red blood. Guaranteed.
All druggists. .
Just in, our Winter Supply of rubber
boots, shoes and felts, we only have
best grade of two well known makes,
Boston aud Ball Brand, in low est price.
Do you know about our trading card
system ? (new) come and learn it.
A. 8. SEt iimsT,
Verdilla, Pa.
A new add in another column of the
First National Bank shows them to be
paying interest on time deposits at the
rate of three per cent, per annum. This
Bank has the largest Capital and Sur
plus of any Bank in Snyder county. It
is strong, careful, safe and a successful
James Haines of Flint Stone Vallley
was at the County Seat Saturday and
dropped In to order the Post sent to
bis address. He and his son are car
penters. His sou Charles is building a
house in Freeburg into which he will
move in the Spring. Mr. Haines does
not want to do without the Post.
Mrs. Maria W. Dundore of Dundore
and Frank A. Eyer of Camden, N. J.,
were callers at the Post printing office
Tuesday. Mrs. D. took out letters of
administration in the estate of her hus
band and the usual notice appears In
tlio Post. Mr. Eyer Is a Snyder Co.
boy, a nephew of Mrs. Dundore, aud
now is chief clerk to the Division
Operator of the Pennsylvania Railroad J
hi Camdeu.
Mrs. C. A. Rathfon 'is on the sick
Mrs. W. A. Smith is visiting friends
at Danville.
J. W. Swartz returned from his visit
to Fast Pittsburg. "
11. E. Walter transacted business at
Lewlstown Saturday.
The Atlantic Refining Co., received
a caf load of oil Saturday.
Celesta Shambach, a grand-daughter
of Phaies Shambiieh, died Saturday
morning of acute dysentery. Burial
Monday at Salem Cemetery. Rev.
Dultbs officiated. Aged ) vear 2
I. F. Hilcr.
"Saturday's LewiMuwu Sentinel sajs:
Several Lewlstown people are anxious
ly awaiting the return of I F. Bilger.
a man who has been doing considerable
business In this vicinity iih general
agent of C. C. Seebold, pian and
organ dealer of Sunbury. On Septem
Iter 14, Bilger appeared at the establish,
meut of Emerson Potter in Valley St.
and made arrangements for opening an
office. As agent he did a very nice
business in selling pianos and organs.
Chester E. Stewart, who boards at the
Central House, was employed as suit
agent, and is a loiter by several dollars.
.Sales to the amount offll7..r0 have been
made and $13 of this has been collected
by Bilger. His office furniture was
purchased of H. A. Barror Reedsville,
but, it Is claimed by Mr. Stewart, this
furniture is unpaid for.
The last seen of Bilger wits last Sat
urday, when he left his office, carrying
a dress-suitcase and uccompained by
his wife. He told Mr. Potter he would
be absent for a "couple of days." When
he failed to put in an appearance this
week, a search was instituted, reveal
ing the fact that Bilger had presented
two checks drawn op Win. Russell &
Son, Bankers, one ffor $10.60 another
for 2. "Mr. Potter found thai ho de
posit had been made by Bilger at ihe
bank, that he is minus his rent, and J.
J. Morrow Is shy 2. Bilger boarded
with his wife, who conducted a
ing house in Yeargcitown, and where
he worked us a carpenter a few weeks
before coming to Lewlstown."
vs. William 1 Ieiutclni:iii is on
the sick list.
Riiiulull Fisher visited liis p-and-liitlicr
Jolin S. WoII'l' at Dilution
Sunday. Krs. Sal he licicliculiiiili got u
new organ.
Mrs. Katie Fislur will leave for
Mrs. Katie Cornelius and daugh
ter Elsie were sctn on our street
one day last week.
The chicken corn koii was well
attended at Hugh liciclibacli's Wed
nesday night. The guestr were A.
H. liine, Henry Hummel, lYroival
Ueichenbach, Frank Itohrcr Clinton
lleielienbach, Mary Fisher, Maynu;
Ik'ilienhat-li, Sadie Hergey, Ella Hog-
enreif'. and Toisy Fisher.
Reduced Rates.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attentl the SuprenicCastle, Knights of
the Golden Eagle, to be held at Harris-
burg, Pa., Oct. 13 toll), the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickeU to Harrisburg, Oct. 12 to
1!), good to return until Oct. 20, iuclu
sive, from all stations upon its lines In
the State of Pennsylvania, at reduced
rates (minimum rate, 25 cents.)
Lewistown's Daily.
The first issue of the "Daily Sentine;"
of Lewlstown appeared Saturday. If
the standard set in the first issue is
carried out, the sheet will no doubt be
come very popular. It remains to be
seen whether the new venture will be
properly supported. Our best wishes
are extended to Bro. Fosnot & Son.
Sheep Ranch.
WANTED: Lady of refinement and
means, under 35 to join gentleman In
Sheep Ranch, Eaest Tenny.
double yearly. Address,
William Augustus Gibonlv
9-17-6L Chattanooga, Tenn.
Hides ! Hides ! -A
reliable man is wanted to collect
and ship country hides. Hlgheat cash
market prices paid. Address
10-15-lt. M. O. Kuntz, Leblghton, Pa.
Republican Standing Committee
Puisuant to a cull ol the Com ly
Chairman the members of Ihe Repub
lican Standing Committee met at Mid
dleburg on Saturday.
All thediMricts were represented and
the Committeemen gave favorable re
ports from their several districts.
After the regular business was trans
acted Dr. Jas. W. Samps-ll introduced
the following pi-eamtde ami resolutions,
which were adopted by a unanimous
rising vote.
Wjiekkas, we are upon the eve of
anetht-r general Flection and believing
that it is eminently lit and proper that
we, the member of the Republican
Comity Standing Committee, should
give expression of our loyalty ami de
votion to the guind old party of Lin
coln ami Grant, of Garfield ami Mc
Ivinley, and our tiedelity to the candi
dates both State an I County, who are
in every respect worthy of the support
and MiftYagfN of the citizens of Snyder
County at the Kleciion to be he'd
TUESDAY, Nov. 3rd, liUM, therefore
be It.
Resoi.vek, that it is with'a spirit of
pride that we present the nominee of
the Republican Party at this time to
the support of each and every member
of the Republican Party feeling fully
conslous of the fact that thev are one
and all fully Ualilled for the positions
Tor winch they have been nomin
ated. '
Resolved, that the State Ticket
which embraces the name of W. I.
Niathuews, for State Treasurer; Hon.
Hon. Win. P. Snyder, for Auditor
General; John J. Henderson and Win.
Morrison for Jmlgi-s of the Superior
Court, and in them we have men of
experience, integrity aud ability and
who will make faithful aud efficient
Public Servants.
Resolved, that on the Couuty Tick
et WViui"; iJL .. UO ihttli VH.vnliOi.iac-
ly and fairly nominated men whose
Republicanism has ever been niiestloti-
ed, and who aie entitled to the cordial
ami loyal supM,rt of their fellow Re
publicans of Snvdcr County, and in
presenting the names of J. FRANK
KKI.LKIt for Associate Judge; M. I.
l'til'l KU, Kso., for li-triet Attornev:
GFU. M. SIMN KL, for I'm ihc.m.laiy
t ml ( lerk of the s veral ( ourts, JOHN
I). A R BOG A ST, for R-giter ami Re
corder ami IRVIN S. GRAVI1ILL f.-r
.liny Commissioner, we are conlident
that tht-v are worthv of the support ol
t he Republicans of Snyder County.
Resolvi- D, that as members of the
-lauding Committee, vr pledge eaeh
ami every candidate name.! on up
state ami County Ticket our umpiali
lied support ami present them to the
Republicans of the ( oiintv willi the
-utmost confidence that they are enti
tled to and will receive the support of
the Party in the Count ami will he tri
umphantly elected.
Resolved, that the Republican pa
pers of the County be rciUestid to
publish the above it-solutions.
Banks Vouch, Ch'n.
H. C. IIenuuk ks, Sec.
Rev. Kaufliuan's Communion Services..
Oct. 2-", 10 a, in., Troxclville, Pre
paratory services, Oct.. 24, 2 p. in.
Oct. 2.5, 2 p. in., Hassinger, Prepara
tory services, Oct. 24, 7 p. in.
Nov. 1,10 a. in. St. John's Ridge,
Preparatory sendees, Oct. ."1, 2 p. in.
ov. 1, p. in. St. Mnrk's Decatur,
Preparato v services, Nov. 1, 2 p. in.
Nov. 8, J p. m., St. Paul s Beavrr
town, Pre aratory servii-is, Nov. 7, 2
p. m.
Nov. 15, 10a. in., St. Matthew's Mc.
Clure, Preparatory services, Nov. 14, 2
).. m.
Marriage Llcenaea.
Charles Gilbert, Spring twp., and Kate
Hummel, Beaver twp.
Win. F. Neihood, ami Nettie E.
Wagner, of Beavertown.
Milton 8. Benfer and Cora V. Moyer
of Freeburg.
Charles A. Shawver, of Beauertown
and Pearl M.'Goss, of Palnterviile.
Public Sale of Furniture.
My regular semi-annual public sale
of Furniture will take place, Saturday,
Oct. 31, 1903, at ten o'clock a. ra. Also
at the same time, I will oiler at public
sale the house and lot now occupied by
U. W. Burns, on Sugar street Terms
10.15.2t. H. E. Waltkb.
, Other Items of Court News Transacted
After Going to Press Last
Exceptions Were tiled to the report
of road viewers in West Beaver town
ship. Reports of viewers and re-viewers in
Middleercek ami W. Beaver twis.,
were fouli rmed, nisi.
Report of viewers of bridge site in
Adams twp., was continued nisi.
Report of viewers of public roads in
Penns ami Middlt-ereek twps., was
confirmed nisi.
H. K. Richter, T. P. D-rrand F.d. R.
Geinherling. Were appointed to inspect
bridge across Dry Run, in Center town
ship. l-'ranklin J. Sehoeh, Ner B. Middles
warth ami Joseph G. Lesher, were ap
pointed viewers to act in conjunction
with those appointed in Fnioii and
Northumberland counties, to view
bridge over the West Branch of the
Susipiehaniia at Northumberland, on
the ipiestimi as to whether or not it
should be made a free bridge.
P. M. Teats, Calvin Stetlerand Fran
cis (ilass were appointed to view
bridge site across the West Branch of
the Mahontoiigo Creek, in Perry town
ship. G. A. Botdorf, D. L. Middlesworth
ami John Adams, were appointed to
view public road in Chapman town
ship. J. M. Baker, F-np, William Coleman
and John F, Romig were appointed to
review public road in Jackson town
ship. A. K. Gift, E. P. Roback ami C. S.
Spriggle were appointed viewers to
open New Market St., Center Square
and Walnut St., as laid out in Spring
man's addition to Freeburg. . . ,
Chas. E. 8aiupseII, High Sheriff" ac
knowledgeti deeds to Mary A. Hassing
er, for a tract of lami situated in Frank
lin twp., sold as the property of D. K
Haas and Michael Aumiller, for a tract
of land situated in Spring tw p., sold as
the property of W. F. F, linger.
1. N ii iuan A pp, Treasurer, acknow
ledged deeds to Harry W. Shmnan, W.
ItllllT, Soli iV I o , ( Hit 1 1 i l:owelso,
M.iivy A; Co., W .1. Yetter, Charles
Steel, .1. G. Gill, M. K. Sehoeh, and to
the ( 'oiumissiniii is of Snyder I 'oiinty,
for tracts of unseated land -iinated in
said county.
oui-iian's i .il KT.
The w idows' aiiplaiseinenls and the
at unls of executors, a-.niinisti-.-itors
a nl guardians, wrc eonllnnid as ad
vertised, except those hereinafter Inell
l-'.xcept ions were tiled to the aecollllf
in the estates of Samuel Albogiisl, de
ceased, Benjamin l lrich, dte'd., M. S,
Wfiund, tlee'il.. and Su- mmh nytler
.lav G. Weiscr, Kstp, was appointed
auditor in the eslateof Marv K. liinga-
luau, tlt-f'tl , ami M ii-hael S. Weianil,
Jacob Gilbert, I-'so.. was appointed
auditor in the estate of Samuel Arbo-
gast, dee'd.
Chas. Hower. l-'x... was appointed
auditor in the tstate of Susan Snyder,
Thursday, Oct. Mb, luo:;, Court ad
journed to W?dnesday, Nov. 4th, l!HW.
Ihere will bean Luiiity Court held,
on Wednesday, Oct. 21st, liiil.i.
James (1. Ckoi se,
A Handsome Monument.
A five and one-half ton monument
of light Burre Granite was erected last
week on the Wittenmyer burial lot at
Middieburg, by Win. Moyer & Son.
First base 5x5 ft. x 1 .4, Name Witten
myer ou second base 5 in. x 1 in. letters
raised and rounded, Die 2, 0x2, iix5 ft.
elaborately carved with inscriptions:
Samuel Wittenmyer, 1808 DMJ1.
Catharine (ilass,
wife of
Samuel Wittenmyer, 1820 1003.
S. Jennie Walter, wife of W. W. Wit
tenmyer, 1847 1001.
The entire monument is flue axed, a
very attractive piece of work.
Engine For Sale
A twelve horse power portable Frlck
Engine is ottered at private Bale. It
can be seen at Stroptown. Inquire of
E. S. Stboup,
s trt Strouptown, Pa.
the it il ki: Ki.r.i.i:i.
Coming Events Cast Their Shadows
The leaders of the I 'i i- r ale ropiest-
ed to send us am tc i-m.-iits of all
events. ,, chare;, u i!i be made to
publish the same u Ii.mi : I . eent is of
public imiiorlauee.
Sati umw, u,-t. IT, at ot e o'clock on
I'.llle Hill, the Fi enloi of the late
Robert Lesher w ill sell one mare antl
coll, a month old, -i . ws, :i sleigh,
a biig-y and oilier aiti--l.s too num
erous to mention.
Tl ll AY, et. I ', to Pi. I ullimbia Co,
Fair at l'.loombin g, l'a.
Tin i:i.n , l.-t. J and -J :, Ihe Snyder
County C. l-l. I'nion w ill convene in
the Lutheran I'hmvh of M-lins-grove.
TVESDA.V, Nov.:i, Th- G.-n.-lal i:iee
tioii. Tiii'kshay, Nov. .'), Full Moon.
Till 'KsDAV, Nov. Hi;, Annual Thanks
giving Day. The Bunks w ill be clos
ed. Monday, Nov. :;u, Tin- 1 ; i U annual
Teachers' I ustitute of Snyder County
will ivene in the Court house at
M iddleblll gll at eleven a. in.
S. (J. Suvder of Jnlinsoiiliiirir is
spt-iitling a lew weeks with his par
ents, II. W. Snyder's.
Win. Woodting j,n, wife of Al
leutown visited in town this week.
Mrs. W. I'.. Wiiit-v of Swim-ford
is lii-Ijuiigto can- for iu-r s-ek lather,
lYtcr S. (Jrayl.ill.
Messrs. Shellenlierger, Spitlcr,
Rennt-r Wt-U-h and Ilinies of Me
Alisterville wire here Saturday to
participate in the base-ball game to
be played between the local team
aai Pfontr V&ley, team., To .. ;
tli!. j.pointnifnt of man y i7ielaifor
team failed to put in nn apjiearance.
James Leit.el lost a horse Fri
Miss Kipka of Swim-ford is the
guest of Dr. D.-ek.-inf.s.
I-mll l:..Yer,.lM:.l';,.l-1t Mills
was a visitor at . , . ( J.u nian's
Sun. l.i e.
A. ). Ilejiia-r -pent Sinulav at
li .nn .
Letter to .L-vji h I':. I u
.1 .-.
D-ar: Sir T- Ti n-; - , t l Yir
Cr.iim.l, ( ..!!. -kill, N. Y. wen
glad to pay i." e i,t- a .. m,,re
for I 1,-voe; ail-l Ho Wo:i !. r. Two
i d'lt ' a'--nis ii I it w -i!-l tak.'
1 . )i i g.i! 'nits ui' ; ji ilnt ,, ..,,ver
the l-uil.lings.
I nr agent put it ;,t I '.'. m- !e-s.
II look I 1.".
i- saved tliein ;', "i .j :i i j, ,)s ,, (
paint and punting iwoitl, s p,
a gallon, as the painticg in. is two
or lhrt-t! times as imirli as the paint
less 1." cents a gallon on 1 l.'
Say -SI in.
That's how tocmi it t!-.- cos t)f
paint. T! e cost td" putting it on is
So or ? I a gallon. Ymi sec what
that means, do buy Dcvoc,
Yoitrs truly,
F. W. Dcvt.i: .v Co.,
Xt-W Yolk.
I'. S. J. W. Kunkle sells our paint.
Kev I. 1. Zimmerman and wife
nre visiting their son, Kriu-st in Oak
Grove for a few days.
K. C. Walter an 1 family dined
with A. A. Ul.-h and family ot
Middieburg Sunday.
A. Edgar Smith and bride, after '
spending a week with friends and
relatives, left for their home in
Miss Lottie Smith is recovering
from an attack of sickness.
Hiram. Scigfrie 1 and wife of
Selinsgrove spent Sunday under the
latter s parental roof.
Mrs. Ilohert Wagner of Blooms-
burg was entertained here by relat
ives last
! t
tw r u- -o-, wr tJVir