The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 08, 1903, Image 8

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K3 PS"
I if
Beady !
-n (1 (! m s r :ivti rvc pmdll.t'd. It IS a ViUlert ill
li--w . t Keai'.y-tM- WVar Clothing. Our HeasonaWIe
piir. .s .. . sijuarc Wave always attracted tho Wright
p;ti .kiitir parcliaser to OUK store, lo appreciate
tli'i( -y-i should come ami examine for yourself our
jLiiiiit , --ntiooiii of Suits ami Overcoats for Fall ami
Aiuiii. .1 uc will pay your fare to SunWiiry if your
jinn Ii , !ii.u:;it to tea dollars or move.
Every Hat
n' sn SEE AND UK t
'. ' l :in l Inwards.
(hits M.ihi
We can suit
Every ca.reful
1'. i ..ti.e-1 H:il at '.'i cents and
Velvet fl .n. .; : IhN, Reaver Huts. Freiieh Felt Hals, Silk Hats,
Ph.-)i ll r I. '.I , "luny Laee Hats and others.
Trimmings Used!
J' Wilms, Kg'ettes, I'oiipons, Flowers, Foliage
:-. KiM.-ms, plushes, Mirror Velvets. I'aon
V-lv.t-, Silk Velvets, Velveteens
and Silks. i i. N i at 1") Cents i.ef Yard. Colors, Black, Navy
( ni l !.t. H: ue. Pink. Turquoise, White, Charuiaigue, and Tan.
Children- Cream Silk Caps.
Childrens Wool Caps.
iSfe Notions i
w gloves
vlt trloves, all color-. Ladies and OenU Neek Wear and Hosiery. Ladies
I.' Mlerwear, Union Si. it. Vests, Sateen and wool petticoat, Muslin JNight
;vti8, Rihl.ed Comet ( overs, Fleece Lined. Handkerchiefs, tcarfs, Laces,
Ka broideries, Cluny Laces, and many other goods which we will cheerfully
ttow you if you will ci.ll and iospect. You are always welcome. Thanking
yi for patronage. I remain very resjiectfully,
Young Mien
end Children,
We :uv iimv showing tin most
onmdrte ami West line of suits
V . ...
Sunbury, Pa.
Bro. s
We are 11 w showing the most complete and
Ilest Line of Millinery we have ever shown. Our
I;i:ASVXAHI.K I'IMCF.S ami Honest Dealing has
attracted Ladies from ewv .vhere, not only Ladies
from this county, outo'.li.r us well.
We are after your 'I - V and if you will give
us a trial we will try 1 : ..i please you. .
OF O I ' I' I N 1 1 AND
Ladies ami i
!' I.
I..DIE I'.'.uk Silk Hits a Si.e.-iiilit v. Can he
: an. i upwards- REST MATERIALS USED.
to wear. Ladies ud Childrens Wool
Miss A I vesta S'lintH was visiting
in Sehnsgrove, a lew days.
Chas. A. Drosius lias lrone to
I'lithtilelphia to take a course in
medicine at tiio Medico Clii College.
J. A. Sliadle and Irvin J.yer as
sistnl tlie J Jeaver Springs Hand, at
the r air at Lewisburg.
Merchant (iL-.irc F. Jro-iis left
Monday pinvliasi' his fall am
winter goods.
John Sliadle attended the Lewis-
Imrg r air. also U-tore ictnrning
home visited friends at Mitlliulinr
and other places.
Win. Nipple and wife of Sclins-
iirjvc were guests at A Ibert Sclince's
Miss Carrrie Verier returned
'.loiiie from a weeks visit, with her
sister at MiddSelairg.
Miss Annie Urosius has gone to
j Middiehurg where she expects to
i r ii the Milliner trade.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Mrs. Jaco!) Gilbert of Middlebura
and Mrs. IJilger of near New lierlin
visited at 1. . Spacht's Saturday
and Sunday.
Our Merchants have returned
from their buying tour in the Eastern
cities and now invites an inspection
of their new goods.
Aimer iiornlerger and wife of
Aline were in town on business
Thieves tried to enter the house of
Caleb Graybill Saturday evening.
They were discovered and tlnveti on.
Miss Ilhoda Gravbil! ol VerdiUa
is visiting friends in our midst.
Candidates tteale and Schmittle
)f Juniata County fa lie I upon our
citizen voters last week.
David ( iiaylull, an aged citizen
of et IVrry Township, depuited
this lite S am day. He had been
ailing for about a year, and about a
week previous to his death was
stricken with paralysis. lie was
thrice married, his last wife having
die.! :i over a year ago. He
was the father of fourteen children
thirteen with his first wife and one
daughter, Uhoda, with his last wife.
Two of bis sons and oiiedaiighlcr
i i i i i r
have lias-Lvl on lietore linn, lie
was a faithful member and a pillar
in the 1'itie United Evangelical
church, having been a christian for
many years. Truly we may say He
shall be misied for his seat is empty.
The funeral services were held
Tuesday. Interment in Pine church
cemetery. lie was nearly 83 years
of age.
Saves Two From Death
Our little daughter bad an almost
fatal attact of whopping cough and
bronchitis," writes Mrs. V.K. Havi
land, of Ariuonlc, N. Yj "but, when
all other remedies failed, we saved
her lite with Dr. Kings' New Dis
covery. Our niece, who had Con
sumption in an advanced stage, nlso
used this wonderful medicine and
to day she is perfectly well. Des
perate throat and lung diseases yield
to Dr. King's New Discovery as to
uo other medicine on earth. Infalli
ble for Coughs and Colds. 50c and
$1.00 bottles guaranteed by Middle-
burg Drug Co., Graybill and Gar
mar of llichfeld and Dr. J. W.
Sampsell of l'euns Creek. Trial
bottle free.
Butter 18
Egp 22
Onions 50
Lard 12
Talloff 4 J
Chickens.... 10
Side 12
Shoulder...... 12
Wheat 75 71
Rye 55
Corn 00
Oats 30
Potatoes 40
Bran perlOO. 1.10
Middlings "120
Chop 1.20
Ham 15 iFlourperbbl 4.00
Uuck wheat, 50.
Miss Hen tail Seaman, w ho is stay
ing at "Sunbury was hone tn a visit
last week
Our milliner Mrs. .I.E. Magee
tfill have her fall opening this week.
Her trimmer, Miss. Ilenninger, of
near Middiehurg arrived last Satur
lay. H. Kitter and wife and C. A.
I'l'sher and wtfu took a drive
the peach country la.-t Sunday.
Mrs. J. F. Walter of Selinsgrove
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. C.
Mis Lotti. Maurer, who is work
iuLr -it SeliiiSL'rove. was home visit.
ing her parents Mr. J. M. Maurer. !
Miss I'.ertiia Huminel, who spent j
the .summer at I.ewistown, returned
home last week and is sick. I
Miss 15. Seaman is home visit-,
ing her parent.
Ranks Yoder was seen i:i town
Friday. ,
John Fields Iwught a new horse
Monday in Union Couuiry. I
W. V. Koush and wife was visit.'
ing m. llunimel s at liewistown
over Sunday.
Mis. Win. Gordon and family
were visiting relatives at Lew isburg
last wecK.
Several familirs went to the
Union County fair last week.
Mr. Laird of Lewistown was seen
in town Saturday,
Geo. Gordon, who is working
near Tamaipia, was Jiome visiting
us family.
M E. Erdely in 1 Gideon Gordon
and wife 8pea Sun lay with Adam
Gordon near Mt. P least nr Mills.
Rev. Geo. Courtney of Illinois
anie to visit his parents in New
Special Millinery opening at
Magee's store Ocf. 7, 8, 9, and 18.
The farmers have begun to husk
corn. '
John Fields took a drive Sunday
afternoon with his new horse.
G rover Smith came home Sunday
evening to visit his best girl.
Rev. Womeldorf ami Rev.
G ram ley preached n very interest
ing sermon here for communion ex
ercises Sunday evening.
tho J. H. Hacklty Capsized en Lake
Michigan During Sipi;."!
MarinnttR, Wis., Oct. 5. During a
flqtiall on Lake Michigan the steamer
J. H. Ilm kley capsized anil 11 persons
were drowned. The Goodrich line
steamer Sheybogan rescued the other
seven persons on board the Harkley
after they hail drifted all night in
Green Hay, clinging to felts of wreck
age and brought them to Fish Creek.
The Harkley was struck by the
squall when off Green Island, seven
miles from this port. The upper work
of the vessel was blown away and the
boat then turned over and went down
la deep water.
The drowned we: George Leclatr,
Joseph V. Orus, the captain of the
Harkley; Edna Harrlnger, Lawrence
Barrtnger, Henry Uabltoy, Carl
Kelky, Miss Fram-ls Vincent, Miss
Vincent's sister. Freeman Thorp, Nels
Nelson and Frank Fitzglbhons.
The waves were rolling high and sev
eral of those who at first saved them
selves from Immediate danger lost
strength and sank. It was not until
early In the morning that the steamer
Shcbogan sighted the helpless sur
vivors and effected their rescue.
The officers of the Shebogan feel sure
that they took aboard every person
afloat, but some of the persons who
were rescued say that It Is possible
that ona or more of the 11 persons
missing may have escaped death. This
view la not given much credence by
the sailors of the Shebogan. .
The Shebogan ran into Fish Creek
when hope of rescuing other persons
seemed Improbable. The rescued per
sons were so exhausted from their
struggle against drowning that they
were unable for some time to tell any
thing about the wreck.
The persons saved say that with the
crashing away of the upper works all
persons aboard the Hackley ran on
deck. As they made preparations for a
plunge into the water the boat listed.
Search Is atill being made for any
turned over and went down like a rock.
person who may have escape death.
Letter to Steninger Bros.
Miildkburg, Pa.
Den Sirs: We susjwet you'd like
the tale, how u woman beat two
hardware dealers ill Girard, Pa.
We tried our best to get lh .se
men to sell Devoe lead-and zinc i;i
that bright town; and failed Re
luctantly took Mrs. E. R. I.iwuiau,
. They said they couldn't sell paint
lor more than $1.25 a gallon.
Mrs. Rownian cm. She has sold
about all the paint, that has been
sold there since.
She knew Djvoc; had sold our
artists materials. Had. gome sense
ami force, besides; she easily learned
that cheap is dear in paint, and told
the people. Mr. Burt Young bought
a gallon Devoe for rooms that had
always taken a gallon; had half left.
Mr. E. II. Hiler, jeweler, painted
Devoe, uutl says it goes further no
Mr. John llamia, grocer, thought
it expensive In-fore he bought it;
brought back nearly half of his paint
and said it was the cheapest job he
ever had. Mrs. Bowman reports
universal satisfaction. So much for
a cheap-paint town with a bright
woman in it.
Yours truly,
F. W. Devoe & Co.,
New York.
P. S. J. W. Ruukle sells our paint.
Harry Aueker this week came
home to stay. He was employed at
E. B. Artcker iwid lady friend
took iii the Lew isburg fair last
Sunday evening while returning
home from Pallas, H. C. Steflen's
horse ran away throwing him out
breaking one bone of his lower leg
beside giving him a couple shake
While fetching the cows Sunday
evening the colt on which Chas. A.
Kan'., was riding bolted, threw him
oil anil broke his left arm above the
Henry Scholl is listed with the
J.illersoii Iicnig lost a valuable
last week,
Sunday Oct. 1, H. II. Scchrist
picket! one basket of choice . straw
berries and expects some more. He
also has chestnuts 1 inches in cii.
from a sprout 2 years old.
The bean Soup held at McClure
Saturday by the old soldiers wnm
well attended which left them a
nice little profit for their trouble.
John II. Herbster of Hearing
Springs, Blair Co., spent Sunday
with friends at Lowell, Pa.
W. A. McLaughlin and friend,
Michael Galvin, of Yeagertown was
here Saturday attending the bean
Rev. Spahn, A. M. Smith, Prof.
Walborn, Joe Lumbard ami Win.
Heiter were orators at the bean
soup Saturday for which the old
soldiers return to them many thanks
for their kindness in being present.
Some of our farmers have begun
husking corn for early feeding.
George Dunn and family of
Lewistown spent Saturday at his
old homestead.
Ex-Sherifi Middleswarth of Mc
Clure is able to be around again
from his late spell of sickness.
F. C. S. Peter and Isaac Middles
warth htve joined together in the
painting business.
Robinson Middleswarth of Lewis
town was seen on our streets Satur
day. Mrs. Emanuel Peter of Cross
grove was reported on the sick list
last week.
J. B. Shellenberger and wife
spent a few days in Lewistown last
For coughs, colds, bronchitis
asthma, weak throats, weak
lungs, consumption, take
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral.
A I I I ..I - . .
siways accp a uuiwe or n in
the house. We have been
saying this for 60 years, and
so have the doctors.
" I ul Aret't Cherry Pwtnrai in n-.
family for 40 vriir. It the ba.t infiirtn.
In th world, I know, for U llnoai .ui luut
MKS. J. K. OBCB08g, WalOiam. Mui. I
All ririnrie.tii-
J- C. A YKR m I
I tiw.'i
The Lungsl
Daily action of the bowels is nece
aary. Aid nature with Ayer's Puis,
Misses Anue Heaver of Ai.i.lw,,;.
and Lula Smith of Neseopc-k, Uo
students of 8usiueliiinim University
were burnt J uesday morning by an j.
plosion caused by some eheniii nl
pnuiid dropping into water.
Mrs. George Gelnctt.
Mary Ktrawser was born tlieba.r
of September 1822 man led (Jtorgt
Oelnett and died at Marysville, Dm.
phiti Co.,Oet. 2d 1903, aged hi years i,d
13 days. Her husband died 14 ycrsa
Tbey were the parents of II eiiiu.
- a - - 'HII,
Jay S. (ielnett of Caledonia, Klk C'o.A
rt. . ueinett or Aline, (ieorge &
Gelnett of Pouts vally. M i les S. ( Ielnett
of Hofler. L. 8. (Jelnett of SilnW.
.Sarah, wife of Ilobert Wendt of xtm
ville. Catherine, wife of Isaac Good
ling of Freeburj,'. Lydia wife of .W
than Bressler of Hegnis. Alice, wifc
of Fred D. fctroup of Marysville. 2
sons died in infancy. There are 51
grand children and 28 great grand chil
dren. imucvniKu wna uorn, raised aM
lived in West Perry twp., and died. It
Marysville. Bhe was a of tbi
Evangelical church of Aline for 4-5 ja
She was united In matrimony wit,
George Gelnett, Sept. 2i, ls41, -having
lived together about 40 years.
Funeral took place Monday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Rev. Searle om.-iatiuL'.
W. T. Hiinunel was tn the
County Scat Monday.
licv. cearie ol 1 oi t i rev.irlijti
passed through here Sunday.
Solomon Iiachnian and t'ainih
Marcus Uuegard of Sunhurv wen
the guests of I). 15. Arnold's
We are pleased to see J. I'.
Kreitzer out again after a brief ill
Oscar Paige ofUeoriretov.ii trair
acted bu.siuess here Monday.
Miss Jiilip TVntu nn,1 lwf f'ritfv'
passed through here one l.iy
Mrs. T. Xewniau made a llviu
trip to Liverpool last week.
Frank Anderson, Harry Was
Joliu Lawyer aud Frank Cud'
were callers Thursday.
John Ueistwite, who is cmjiW
at Shamokin is payi.itr his parents!
Margaret Rine made a tlvil
trip to Aline Monday evening.
Geo. I. Dangler left for MilM
J. O. Paige, Wm. Bettlcyon
bred Jiorduer were noticed w
w P I -,i .. .,Jf
rain Monday.
J ah. I . . ..I I a I !(
passed through here Thursday
route to Freeburg.
S. S. Keitz. who transacted
ness here returned to his home
Treverton Thurso y.
ivev. xj. xj. iiiii.. y oi X on i"'
erton pasjot! throi.rh this placefi
hiiho Amanua i nrisi oi ai
i is visiting at Wm. Rice's.
wvuu vui uiaua. vv 11 u wan c"Y k
ed at "Winside, Neb,, for two jtj
is spending a few months unieK
parental roof.