The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 08, 1903, Image 7

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    Alii i .JSBUK
1 3T.
-fio-rw Tacr Gcaeratlaa
rarctt Wkat Their Father
ISht BiTt Bta.
pride i feature of the younger
-enfrttion of Pittburger of wealth,
ftiing of which tome of fiem think
jj,,y cannot be proud such aa the
wgy in which their hard-working
fathers pot their at art in life they
try to forget. That the fathers are
gontttimes proud of this sane low
ly start is responsible for this inci
dent: "Do yu know, young man, that I
once was very envious of your
father?" snid one of the steel kinirs
to the son of a man whose wealth,
while great, could be written with
one less figure, says a writer in the
v York Tribune.
" "And when was tlint?" nskoil the
voting man, pleased to think that
there had ever been a time when the
"king" enviol his father.
"It was this way," returned the
nlil man. "I wna working in a ditch
for SI -I" day"
" didn't know yon started Hint
war." in!' -minted the youth.
"That's the way. 1 was working
in tlii ditch for a day, and
vnnr father was working in the same
dit.'li. lie gut because lie was
stronger, and I envied him the evtra
STOP, 1.0OK,
Come and'JSee Our New Stock.
Highest Prices l'aid For Country Produce.
N. T.
a i
Our Stock Consists of Clean New (ioods,
Such as is Found in an l'p-to -Date
Country Store.
Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs,
Groceries, Chinaware,
Best Shoes.
Cigars and Tobacco, Smokers' Suppics.
More Goods for Same Honey !
Same Goods for Less Money i
Come and see our wares, flarket prices paid for
Country Produce.
A. S. Sechrist,
Verdila, Pa.
Incorporate Under Arizona Laws.
Most lilxral corporation law in the United States, Xo
Franchise tax or exliorbitant fees. Private property ex
empt from all corporate debts. Par of stock made any
amount. Xo limit on capitalization. Stock is non-as-scssible
for any purpose. Xo amount of stock required subscribed.
state control ; no State examination of books. Legislature can't repeal
your charter. Keep office and do business anywhere. We attend to all
business and pay all fees, and charge you but a few dollars in any cise.
Agents wanted in every city in the U. S. Liberal com
missions. Send three stamps for booklet of codified an
notated corporation laws and other information.
Arizona Corporation Charter Guarantee Company.
Monihan Building;, PrKENIX, ARIZONA.
Wrr mill itooil reputation ill enill xUitn (our in '
Viscounty niiulri'cJ) to represent unci mlvcr ;
topM eta!li!iril u-raHli? limine", honor of '
olul tlnnnriul stnndinif. fcali.ry Kl.i'O werklv ,
tVitneipvnreaHililitioiinl, nil pnymlilii In omkIi :
rect every Wednesday from head ofliies.
anil eiirriiiKe furninheil when iiera nry,
"eterrnees. kndoxe self addressed envelope. I
lolotiiul. yrjif Ueartorn St.. CIiIcoko. I
l-2M0t.) I
. Jf'lworthy lady tr gentleman to manage
'WneM in this County and adjoining territory
ot well and favorably known House of solid
.UJ01'1 !ndlnc. straight cub salary
JO Mpeniw., paid each Monday by check df.
c 'fjni headquarter. Kzpenas money ad
wnced ; position permanent, Address
610 nonoa Bldg., Chrcago.lll.
I tttnk m tor. la narar bUn
But ratker artnes an added Ucht,
Aa Inaat Tlslon quick to nad
Ta keauUes hid from common alfat
Ko toot can ever clearly see
Another's hit-heat noblest part;
Save through the sweet philosophy
And loring wisdom of the heart.
Tour uaanolnted eye shall fall '
On him who flllt my world with light;
Ton do not tee nrjr friend at all.
lou ace what hides him from your tight
( tee the feet that fatn would climb;
Tou but the steps that turn astray;
I see the soul, unharmed, sublime;
Tou hut the garment and the clay. -
Tou see a mortal, weak, misled.
Dwarfed ever by the earthly clod;
t see how manhood, perfected.
May reach the nature of a god.
Boston Watchman.
Plenty on Ilnnd.
The thriftlness of a London shop
keeper is illustrated in a story told
of a dry goods dealer. The merchant
was of mi excitable temperament,
tnd on hearing his assistant say to a, "No, we have not had any
for n long time," was unable to coun
tenance such tin admission.
lie tixed his eyes on the assistant,
nnd said to the customer:
"We have plenty in reserve, ma'am,
plenty i:ii-!-tair."
The, customer looked dacd for a
moment, and the shopkeeper did not
seem l.appy when his assistant in
formed liiitt that the customer was
speaking- about the wenlh-r, and had
vemai-kcd, "We h'icu't hud anv ruiu
mm ji, m,fl , jjjji
Physician and Surgeon,
Port Trevorton, Pa.
Offers his Professional Services to
the Public. All Calls Promptly At
tons in each state to travel for house stabllih
ed eleven yearn and with a large capital, to call
upon merchants and agent for UcceMIul and
firofitable line. Permanent engagement. Week
y caob aalary of 118 and all travel lux expenaea
and hotel bllla advanced In Canh each week.
Experience not essential. Mention reference
and enclose self addressee envelope. THE
NATIONAL, U4 iDearbornSt. Chicago. H-1M
Discharged Enr.'.oyjs Stv:
it tuaaiirn Son
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.. Sept. 2S.
The situation in the Canadian Soo,
which has been the scene of serious
rioting by the discharged employes of
the Consolidated Lake Superior Com
pany, who were put off with promises
after they demanded their wages, is
very grave. No reinforcements of nu'd
tia have arrived from outside, and ilie
only defense against the mob. .vidua
grows ho'irly, is a more or less d''nn.r
alized I'.oHl'? department and a .;:i!it!l
company of militiamen. An assault
upon the office of the Imt'ding by
mob before the at". ival on '!! i--round
of the trot hs was s.ueees: f"' nnd ,i
mass of frenzied rioters see'ered ; -session
of the j; round tloor of the 1 1 i : ' 1 -Ing.
d-i tjoyintj everytiii:i:; n.ov:t' i ::'ii" iii t!ieir path. A iii.v.d i f
t'i( :" e ;taT with druvti re o'.v,ts
previ ::!ed ilivir to tli-?
f vi ! li. ors of i. . Iniiul'.'.i .. i'v '-y
.in. -w a:: J l.ior in the ! :'iidui is
m:k::;'i d in. T'le arrival of l;e troi;i
o:i the i roatids anneil with brill .nt
tiil :es served to re. tore sum" : of ord"r. The rioters then eeti
tetited themsi Ives wit h thpiwinn stoti
tit. the buildinr; at'd hurling invect iv .;
at ill- soldiers, who established a "dead
line" and prevented any npnrorr'i
toward the building by any of the nit
ers. The greatest number of the nmii
are of Ignorant Italians, Finns, Norwe
gians and Frenchmen. th- latter per
haps the hardest of all to handle. 1!
had been drlnKing more or b"s, al
thottgh the bars finally obeyed the ol
der to close up. The mob is one that
cannot be reasoned with, and the tean
they seem most anxious to get at Is
Mr. Coyne, the assistant manager, who
In the absence of Mr. Shields is in
charge of the works. Mr. Coyne has
discreetly kept out of sight.
Tho leaders of the mob held a con
ference and demanded that the com- :
pany feed the men until the money for 1
their wages Is forthcoming. In orc'.-r ;
lo appease (he crowd, this demand was '
granted, and the men have taken pos- j
session of the White Hoiuse, a large
boarding house operated by the com- j
pany. Provisions are being sent there 1
to feed them. As their leaders are
making the most inflammatory sort of
speeches, grave fears are entertained
for the outcome.
It is estimated that there are I'lino
men In the Soo, and these are rein
forced by all the idle rabble in town.
A train carrying 4uo more woodsmen
is expected to arrive on the Algona
The local police force Is hidnaj
strengthened by the addition of all iho
deputies who can bo found, eaoli maa
being given badge and a revolver
and ordered to use the latter whenever
necessary. Considerable feeling hn
been aroused over the shooting of (wo
Frenchmen by the police during tin
trouble. The mob threatens an nttaek
upon polite headquarters with a view
of effecting the release of all th men
who have been arrested. I'.oth this
building and that, occupied by the ;ir.
department is guarded r.gainst atla. k.
These developments have created a
problem which appears to be beyond
the solution of tiny of the coniprmv
officials on the ground. Apparently
their only hope is that the anger or il.e
mob will spend itself and that the n' :i
will get out of town by degrees.
Judge Piatt in Connecticut Appoints J.
C. Carruth, of Philadelphia.
New Haven. Conn., Sept. 9. Jolm
0. Carruth, of Philadelphia, president
of the Industrial Title and Trust Com
pany, was appointed receiver for the
Consolidated Lake Superior Company
hy Judge Piatt in the United States
district court. His bond was placed at
The application for the rerelverchlp
was presented by Judge Walter C.
Noyes, of the firm of Noyes & Drande
Ree, of New London, in behalf of H. F.
Rothermel, Jr., Samuel M. Clemens.
Jr., and Joseph DeF. Jttnkin. of Phila
delphia, attorneys forrtaln stork
holders of the compatrjrlt was s-t
forth In the application that the direc
tors of the company had failed to taUe
up the loan of $.",050,0000 of Speyer .
Co., of New York; that the nctiial
value of the plant, as expressed in the
amount expended In buildings, machi
nery and othr properties, is far In ex
cess of the amount of the loan; that
the stockholders fear that if a forced
Bale were allowed they would lose the
entire amount of their investment. A
receiver was, therefore, asked for, and
also, it temporary injunction to prevent
the sale of the property under foreclj-f-ure
Fatally Shot His Playmate.
Brooklyn. N. Y.. Sept. 26. Ftussell
Smith, aged 13, of Keyport, N. J., wno
has been on a visit to his cousin, James
ItoKers, aged 13. at the home of the
Iatter's parents. Is dying in the Nor
wegian Hospital as the result of a
pistol shot wound inflicted by lloRers.
Neither boy will tell the cause of tho
shooting and the revolver cannot be
found. The boys have been thought
to be tho best of friends and when they
were heard sc uffling about In their
room it was thought that they were
romping. Suddenly there was a sound
of a pistol shot and when Rogers' par
ents ran to the room they found Smith
lying on the floor with a great wound
In his abdomen. Rogers was placed
under arrest
laleas Oa Haa the Rlsht Sort of
Toola la Task That Tries
"Working onions" is a little harder !
than talking about it. I found it dif- i
Dealt to And the tools needed, or rather 1
I needed in this section. All hoes had i
too wide handles, too short and not of !
proper thape. onions being two to six
Inches apart. I made what 1 needed 1
from an old hinge, cut and bent round, 1
as at (at. sharpened from inside and .
nailed on suitable handle. Anothi r was
made from a narrow plow fitted on un
ti.vio.N vi:i:i'iii h i:s.
old hairilie, curved nvM sharpetf d from
Inside also;- it is shown at (In. A third
was made from an old hoe (ei.mi two
Inches wide.
All these were kept sharpened Jy Cl
ing. They are not for deep or ton rh
hoeing. They are used more as scrapes,
to bo drawn gently across tows. They
cut trass and weecjs and break the
crust. Without thcSe simple tools 1
do not see how I could have cleaned
my crop out. as our little winter weeds
set close to the ground were the great
est trouble. Have plow, d and hoed
three times and feel with one more
thorough working my crop will be
made. J. J. Carmichael. in Farm and
Its Mruil.rra Arr ihr Frnlt i;rinrr'
Ilrat Frlrnila nnil Mi on lit n,.r
Ilr l).-a(ro) ril.
! With their little red wrappers deeo
i rated with black polka-dots, the various
I members of the lady-bug family are gay
and attractive members of the Insect
! world. They are always man s friend,
and get most of their living by preying
on the destructive soft-bodied plant
lice, the moHt common of which
is the green aphis, which can commonly
be found on house plants and rosu
bushes. The most striking example o
the usefulness of the lady-bug to the
horticulturists Is seen in the case of
Vedalia card I nails, the bug which was
, Imported from Australia ami wftlrh
saved tho citrus trees of Cajifornla by
destroying the cottony-cushioned scale
which was devastating the ortjnge and
lemon groves. In the study of tho
grain aphis It was found that a speci
of lady-bug preyed upon this pest. The
former wereobserved to go down among
the roots of the grain In the field in
search of the aphides, and to pass the
winter nlong with them In that situa
tion. The larvae of the lady-bug also
Hvo principally upon insects which am
destructive to garden and field croiu.
First Ot.Tall Soup.
Ox-tail soup, now regarded as a na
tional Knglish dish, was first made
by the very poor of Huguenot ref
j tigees from l'rance, after the revo
j eat ion of the edict of Nantes, liecasuf
Ok tuiU then hud no market value.
ro Tiii.tntlii.
! Mr?. Farmer Wouldn't you like to do
i a ll'tle work Just tosee how it let Is?
Weary Willy No, lady; de morbid
and horrible h.z no fascination ft r n.c,
wotpver. Puck.
Job !.. Iter Spo'tnlD.
He If I should r ask you for Just
one little kiss, would you refuse me?
She Well. I guess yes. I'm noK un
nlng a retail department. Chicago
DaJfcy News.
Ills View.
Mrs. Itlckers Why, the olive branch,
of course, is the emblem of peace.
Bickers Of course. I suppose or
ange blossoms are emblems of war.
Puclt. 4
Scott's Emulsion is the
means of life and of the en
joyment of life of thousands t i
men, women and children.
To the men Scott's Emul
sion ;ivcs the (le.-h and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
anv wasting disease.
For women Scott's Emul
sion does this and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Emul
sion gives food and strength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
109-415 Pearl Street, New York.
50o. and $I.OOj all druggists.
for infants and Children. A
The Kind You Have Always ltoii-;rit lias borne the signa
ture of ChaH. H. Fletcher, ami has been made under hi
lersoiial supervision lor over . years. Allow no otie
to deeeivo you in tlii. Counterfeits, Imitations and
"Just-ns-jrotMl" are lint i:periiiietits, and endanger tho
health of Children Experience a-aitist Experiment.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
1 Ecars the
In Use For
( ral Adjusticeats
GENERAL INSCANCE .CEN.'. tho OKltst, .r,.!t C;,sli ('..,111 ;si;irN
ri! , i.ii..
No l. Asscsemer ,s
Tlie Avtnsi J Vvmlo.l .'. .
il Aii.eiicau "
The Standard ;
The Nch- York i '-
The fidclltu Mi
Your Patron . ,.
.cinl vuiii' oilier
m:v-Y(RK irii
i'i ing . uj:n e m mi
Coining to
Until Tlnnnrri firm VnnnfmmnlTT t1
Duut rayoiii unrj iddi mi Ulliv
A irmiler sight than Walter I,. .Alain's Show v. as
to Middlelmrg, w ill he the New (ioods that is ((lin
ing to the Aline Stere, on Monday and Tuesday,
Kept. 2S and 2! and will he on exhibition all week
Conio and sec
Admission Free.
1 have the largos and
K&N'otioiis, Iats and Caps, Sluiesaiid Ihibber iroods
JJfo be found in a country store. Also a choice line
Men's Cloiiiing Ladies Up-lo-dafe Coats
Fur Collars, Keady Made Suits, Skin's, Shirt
Waists and a beautiful line of Dress (ioods at
Trices as Low as tho Lowest.
Kt inember I always pay the highest price for produce.
A cordial invitation is extended to all, thanking
my many patrons for past iavors and solioitini: a
continuance of the same, I remain
Yours trulv,
IVnnsvUania I'd in ess and Sliorih.'iiid
College and Correspondence Schools,
f Lanca. ter, Fa.
litirinKtliPut n tin iilinvi m u- I Im
I UK I an t-nrollmeiit vt lunri' Duui bVHi ir in all
over tin I'nitt'il Mate- and a liiii-biiiy t axs of
: iii1 nlitioptt li0 mort any otht-r ' ol nf
tin kind In l'vnny,VAiiia Kraduat' H. ' ' drntn
enroll daily thrtitiKlioiit llio rn tin y - ami
liuvt' uliKolute BBMtirurHT of cinptriyini- whrn
tlicv Ilnih un tlin mdiool ij ovcrwliidni- willi
u))pllt atioim for li-lr
secured in irmitl liomcn nt f- i tl to
(Ja.wifk li'iw lliiin in oilier plucrn nlTi im.
litr lulri.nti.Res. i iriiirtion low.
(In the 1-Mli of May, Inst thu ncl.ixil linneil
a liiiililini; wliiclt, when t o renifMlrlii Uenn.
plftefl.will bo one of the Inricost, bt'- 'iciiUmI
hiuI tinent use.l, oxcluslrrly, fur liu- -nciil-l.'Ko
iirHKs In Oie I'ultod Stntes. Is tho
only huslness college I'ennsylvaiiia . i.iii(a
buiidlnK of any irront vnlue.
FororlMrlnal C'atuloicno anil rolleur 'niirmil
giving clotailod inlorn.ntiou rOKanllni et.r Ilie
thmln of iiiHtructinn at the CoIU-ko nne ' we
teach teachers, while they are thenvl .iik uml
save then the prlre of titltlon, ahrois,
J. M. WADE, Ph. D.i Principal.
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
vcruiciit and ion... t.
yoPremii lu,a
1810 Assets 1 1,. '.T;S
" 1SK " tsi.;;
InHiraiiee Co
insuiaiice Co.
l Life Association
The New-York
Tribune Farmer
is a national i :tti!itcii ngricultu . I weekly for fanner
and their fiiiiiili. H, an. I stands at ilie head of the agri
cultural pre.. It is a raetieal pap r for practical fanners,
helping them to secure tin luig. st pm-sililc pi, tit (,,,, !.
farm through iirnciicul methods.
It is entertaining, instructive and piaclieiillv n. ful
the fanner's wife, sons tin 1 datighteis, whose iiitei, -t it
covers in an attractive manner.
The regular price is . i;n pery. in, I til for a liniiMd
lime we will receive your cubscWjiiion for TIIFM'W
VORK Tkll'.L.M: FARMER nm! also for your. .v u -V ..ri:.
locnl, Thc Ie-T, M iddli bui, l'a.
ami i, ..i y :,, i',e .
tlIr - in a j ..sial e:.;i T-
i m 'j .un u, x y. .i -v. v
h. i ,
Aline, P
best variety of )rv (iooils
W. II. tl Ti l It. Proprietor
418 Markui Si., Harrisburp; Pa.,
0i.'ite P. It. It. l'. pot Kiitninie)
nl.l lor AM lritnr.
Rooms, 25 and 5()c. Good Meala, 25c
(looil aiToinh o lntinna. m
to a.lvcrtisc in a live nnd tiry-to-date
newsnaiK-r. For results