The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 08, 1903, Image 5

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Mitved belawar Jurist Will Sucoetd
.... . jW(tie Harlan.
Wjaahnilton. Oct 5. President
gooaevclt la belleTed to have decided
to offer the next supreme court
fcj to a Democrat, and It la also be
lieved that Democrat will be Judge
QtOtp Jrajr, of Delaware, who has
been prominently mentioned In con
nection with the Democratic nomlna
Uon for president
' Judge Gray was a caller at the
White House and took lunch with the
president, and Justices Harlan and
McKenna, of the supreme court, were
iniooB the White House callers. Jus
tice Harlan is now eligible for retire
ment, having reached the age of 70
last June and having been on the su
preme bench over 25 years. It Is be
lieved he contemplates early retire
ment. Judge Gray Is not a resident of the
circuit from which Justice Harlan
comes, which includes Ohio, Kentucky
and West Virginia, but that circuit re
ceived the lust appointment to the cm
pretiie bench, when Judge Pay. of
Ohio, succeeded Justice Shlras, of
Pennsylvania. :
I!v taimu; Judge Gray from the cir
cuit vi.ieh includes Pennsylvania, New
jersev and Hi laware to succeed Judge
N:irlaii. ihe way would be left clear
to ni ',;i,-t ''I1!"0 Tuft, of Ohio, to the
next vacancy on the supreme court,
which is expected to be made by the
retirement of Chief Justice Fuller in
the next year or two. It has been un
derstood for some time that It is
Judue Toft's ambition to succeed the
chief Justice.
Fat Bair Trod On Conductor's Tea,
Poisoning His Blood.
Chester, Pa.. Oct 5. Robert Tor
ter. of Sharon Hill, died here as I'm
result of an operation he underwent
on Thursday, when his leg- was am
putated. While in bathi&x at Atlantic
City last summer a woman of targe
build ateppod on his big. toe, which
became sore.
Blood poisoning set in and It was
found necessary to amputate the toe
about three weeks ago. The member
became worse Instead of better and
was amputated above the knee on
Mr. Porter was a passenser con
ductor on the Pennsylvania railroad,
having been In the employ of the
company for 30 years. He was 50
years old.
Pleads Guilty to Embezzlement.
Trenton. N. J.. Oct. 6. Knoeh I.. Co
wart, cashier of the Navesink National
Hank of Red Bank, N. J., which is now
In the hands of a receiver, pleaded
guilty to two charges, one of them em
bezzling $20,000 and the other in aid
ing the making of false reports to tii
treasury. Cowart's bond of Jlo.eie;
was continued for his appearance lor
Ei!enep next Monday.
President Appoints John P. Neilds Dis
trict Attorney For Delaware.
Washington, Oct. 6. President
Roosevelt appointed Jol Percy Nields
I'nlted States district attorney for Del
aware to succeed William Michael
Byrne, whoso renomination for the
plaee has twice failed of confirmation
by thp United States senate and who
finally relieved the president of further
embarrassment by resigning the office.
Mr. liyrne was an Addleks man,
while Mr. Nields Is an out-and-out
Regular Republican, bo that this ap
pointment is hailed as a distinct blow
for Addiekslsm.
A statement issued at the White
House announcing the appointment
'The two United States senators dis
agreed as to whom they would recom
mend for the vacancy. The president
went over the endorsements of all the
candidates who have been recommend
ed for the place. In such a case he
feels that the opinion of the judiciary
and the bar should have peculiar
weight. He finds that the federal and
state judges and an overwhelming ma
jority of the members of the bar, with
out regard to party or faction, favor
the appointment of Mr. Nields, and
the president Is entirely satisfied as
to his personal and professional flt-
St. Louis Priest Entitled to Wear Garb
of Cf-ainberlain of Honor.
St. I.ouls, Oct. a. Dressed in the
f.'mple costume of a Catholic priest,
Kev. r.-.ther CncFar Spigardl has for
elelit yi,r labored among the Italians
of St. Louis, Keeping as his own se
cret the fact that Is a member of
;iie otli iul liousi l.ool of the pope, a
raonsijinor, rnd entitled to wear the
garb of a chamberlain of honor.
The fact became known through the
issuance of the official roster of the
Roman Catholic church, which had
this reference to the St. L011I3 priest:
"Caesar Spigardl. monsignor, earn
tried d'onore In abito pavanazzo, No
vember 2, 1902."
When seen, Father Spigardl was
somewhat embarrassed that his secret
had become known, but admitted that
Pope Leo had conferred the honor
upon him three years before he came
to America. Father Spigardl said he
had never mentioned the matter in
St. Louis, as he desired to labor as a
common priest.
Railroad Conductor Since 1857.
Charleston, S. C, Oct. 5 Captain
S. C. Gilbert, who has been a con
ductor on the South Carolina railway
ince 1857, with the exception of foJr
years of actual service during the war
between the states, died here. He is
said to Le the oldest railroad con
ductor In the south, and did not dis
continue his duties until his illness
two weeks ago. His war record was
notable, and thence he derived his
title as captain.
Seven Children Ate Poisoned Bread.
New Orleans. Oct. 5. Seven little
orphans In St. John Beechman's female
colored orphan asylum ate bread
smeared with poisonous paste which
was Intended to kill rata. Two of the
children are dead and the rest are in
the hospital very ill.
1903 OCTOBER 1903
SihMo.Tu. We.Tn.Fr. Sa.
2 7
i.jJW 8JjJ0
18 .13 20 Ji 22 23 24
lS2b'i27l28 29 30 3lj
Sawed Their Way to Liberty.
Chattanooga. Tenn., Oct. fi. Five
white prisoners sawed their way out
of the county workhouse. They were
long term men and rewards have been
offered for their capture.
J inn N-i'J! inl Mi .'en ;e
iuirlt nre pidiug t lie wk wi h
Vreoosin Miss Miy Stcffrn at
1. Pu-nvti mid nephew, En e t
Vi i'z fiM-jit h few duy with the
former's hrothcr-in-law, C. W.
Knights at Shamokin last week.
The Central Synod which enliven-1
-.1 - i ...
en hi jesvenown was attended bv
Dr. Dimm, Prof. Wodruff ami
llev. Prof. Hotitz.
Prof. T. P. P.irch preached at
Lykens Sunday.
Tailor Philips an I wif. have
pone to visit their daughter, Mrs.
Kev. Ulrich.
The ttestion of a ehanpe of the
meeting nipht of (apt. Davi.-.' Post
will he discussed.
The P:nrd of Directors of the
University met Monday evening for
the purpose of devising means tor
the further ndvatx onf t if 'the
University ami I 1., .-d.u the Alumni
( iymnasinm was dedicated.
Mrs. Dr. Dimm and Mrs. Dr.
Yntzy attended a meeting of tin
fcnqwe!iHnna University and the
Ii 'ivin played on the home
vt o mil, Xnithiutiherland Athletic
CI11I1, the score was 17 to Oin favor
of the reserves.
Holy Cuumm ion a observed
Sunday morninif by Ti ii.ity Luther
an and the Methodist congrega
tions. K. C. Weimer and friends of
Sunhiiry were Svlinseruve visitors
(ii. 1 !eid-r of Sunliurv was in
town Thursday evening.
.1. J. Pawling is making some
improvements around his proeity.
Will lioutz and Herb Mover
look in the fair at Lewishurir Thurs
day.' Malimla Krleiimcvcr, alter spend
ing alMint a month in I'liihulelphia
and Camden, X. . I., retnnied home
Thursday evening.
Old corn is a vt ry sivnvc article
anund this -ecUon.
Anna ieist of New IVilin is
spending some time in this locality.
Iiuv the Post and tret the most
Are Never Without Peruna in the Houco
tor Catarrhal Diseases.
; . II. iv F, M. Soeietv which met newsv paper in the count v
WKr 13 J
28 rz
Mrs. Mary (Jraybill and on of
I'town visited her,
George Wagner, a few dais last
F. J. Kerstctfer and wife enter
tained the following people Sunday:
William S. Smith and family,
David Hoover and family and Mrs.
Henry Harding of Fr niont.
Levi Gelnett and wife transacted
business at the County Seat Satur
day. Merchant Peter ( Jarnmii one of
the oldest merchant in the County
and wife started Monday for the
Eastern cities to buy poods.
J. W. Arbogastof Fremont en
joyed Sunday with your Scribe.
A. F. Sehnee, wife and daughter,
Lera, of Kantz visited his parents,
John Schnee's Sunday.
Kev. Fetterolf the Lutheran
mioisttr preached an interesting
sermon Sunday afternoon.
Thursday David Hoover took a
load of shingles toMiddleburg and
on his way over pot sick and fell
off the wagou bruising his hand and
ether places and after a short time
was able again, to go home while
now he is well again.
Frank Weaver and John Fisl e",
two well-known gentlemen of Free
burg, were callers in town Sun
day. Miss Lydia Deits -pent la.-t week
under the patential roof.
Saiuucl (Jelnctt and daughter,
A la of Meiserville pa-scd through
tov. n on their way to Middleburp
Frank Iloflmn'i, who lives on
John Schnee's liirtu eonteinplate
moving to Aline this Spring.
John (iatint of Milllinbury sold
about 50 new huggies in our com
munity this Summer.
Wm. M. Matter of Middlcburg
transacted business in town Thurs
day. The school board of Perry town
ship met at the school house Satur
day. Jacob Shaller and Henrv Gelnett
of Oriental mingled among our
people Saturday.
Miss Lena Metzgar, who is work
ing at Mt. Pleasant Mills Hotel,
was at home at Meiserville last
Albeit Gelnett of Middlcburg
was seen in town Sunday.
Monday forenoon we had an in
teresting game of foot race in town
which all the people appreciated.
Mrs. D. G. Staid and daughter,
liessic, spent Sunday at Chapman,
the guests of Mrs. Anna Williams.
Mrs. Jno. C. Hoover spent sev
eral days with her daughter, Mrs.
Ed. Mittcrling at Sunbmy.
Mrs. A. Houseworth is spending
the week at MiUon.
Mrs. S. P. St lieu and Mrs. Jerre
Simlcr visited 1 ! I'.rmor's sister,
Mi. O. J. Xeit. hi Sinbury last
week .
Mrs. David Thm v.v, Mrs. En-1
der.-soii and Mrs. Dciirkk of Suii
hury visited Mrs. levi IJohner and
Mrs. Sowarra Herrold Sunday.
Peter Daubert and wife, Banks
Daubert and wife and llay Daubert
and lady friend of Milton were the
welcome guests of the former's par
ents, George Daubert, over Suu-
iit ( 'atawiss:
Geo. Ileider, who is in the em-
ploy of the K. U. Co., is ncre for a
week's vacation. I
Dr. I?. F. Wagi 11-ellcr wa- a vis-'
itor to the City of Jhotlierly Love
lust week. I
M. Ii. Wagen-eller left for Phi!a-j
del phia Monday where he will re
main : or 4 weeks to wait on hisj
customers as they come iirto the1
house. !
We noticed Pev. Havice ( Mil
ton on our streets Friday.
Jerry Scharf, wife and chiid of
State Line were the guests of his
sister, Mrs. Lombard.
The Executors of the estate of
John Sell, dee'd., sold the mill and
farm advertised Saturday at public
Hide at the National Hotel, to Win.
lienmnger, (who lives on Dr. Nip
ple's farm). The price raid was
Norman Fisher died on Friday
night of an neuie attack of Pl ight's
disease and was buried Tuesday.
Saturday both foot ball teams of
the University played games. The
first team Dickinson Sem., at Wil
liitmsport. Score o to 0 in favor
Llmcr Uicgel, who is employed
near Ilerndon, spent Sunday at
Victor Krlenmevcr, after spend
ing some time in Philadelphia and
Atlantic City returned home Thurs
day evening.
Services will lie held in the L. Al
ii, chinch Sunday afternoon in
( icrman.
)ur schools under the direction
jofProt. Morgan are showing re
I I...I 1 . ! ........
iii.tihuoie impiovcmcuis. 1 rot.
Morgan is a first class Principal
and should be given all the support
possible by our citizens.
Mary Woodling left Tuesday for
Allcnlown where she will spend a
few weeks.
Lizzie Holtzapple is visiting
friends in Shamokin.
Jacob Wilt is suffering from an
attack -.if typhoid fever.
Mrs. John Hotitz spent Sunday
at Sclinsgrove.
H. P. Mover left Friday for
Kansas where he will spend a few
A few of our people contemplate
attending the State Suuday School
JIM. AMI HIJS. J. O. ATKINSON. INl!'.r"'I5 J!X('T r; .
I T TNDKIt date of ,J;iuu:irv 10, l;i7, Dr. In a 1. Hit .. inl .l:mu..i
V- N(r.
ILirtinan revived the fullowinn
"My wife luiil been i:fi'.Ting fvnm n
coiiijilieatiDll of dlst'itsi'-' f"r the J:ist
" Her eane bail luilllee '!:e 'cill i" .-ntne
of the, most noted Jib ; -ifi:m. :ie uf
her worst troubles waJ cbroni .'u.isti
natiou of several yenrn' stainl: .
"Sbo also was jiassing tbr" i tliat
most eritlcal erlxl In tliu 1 . f a
woliiuu ebungo of life. In .1 ' '",
I wrote to you about her ea-c u ml
vlseil a eourso of l'eruna ami " :.;:!in,
wbieh we utoneo cumniencetl, . "i.ive
to ny It completely cureil .' hi'
firmly l ellevoH tbatsbcwoul.l i ' '-eix
UeaU only for theso wonderful .
"AIout tbo tamo time I i . you
about my own cuse of eatar. . .:ieh
bad been of 23 years' atandiuir. :nes
I wan almost past going. I e ' 'n-etl
to use l'eruna aecording to yoi ; mo
tions and contlnncd its use. if. nut a
year, and It has completely cu: -ie.
Your remedies do all that ) t lalm
tor them, and even more. tarrh
cannot exist where Peruna h taken
according to directions. Succ.-s to
you ana your remedies.
John O. Atkinson.
i: tt gvotl
Js as a
. car o
AtUin.-.-i stV' , :.
riellee witll l'. i :
" HI evcrcr.. f, -iwr fo
word ( r Vr:;;i.i. ir:.v ;
trawlinif n;.ri . ' .'''
tlscmoitt f t I'cru: find .'
mam' pci!j dura; ;
use l'eruna w ith tin. nu.t .ui!iactury
results. I a i;t still c .'d vf catarrh."
John ( Atki nson,
Box 272, Ind., ) ,. e, Mo.
Win n obi ae come- . !' :i -bal (!!
casus eume a'fo. Syst. u. . rrb l- al
most universal lit old
This explains why Verun.. i a liHCom
so imlispt-usuMe to old pn , IVruna
Is their tiafe-j:uard. 1'iTuiiii i- 'be only
remedy yi't devised that n.fin tflest
eases exactly.
Such cases cannot be treated I'K-allyj
nothing but na effective hv.'teii n- rein-
edy could cum them. This is exact
what l'eruna i
If you do ii ' receive prompt and irat
: i from theusu of fern a a,
.) Dr. lUrtm.'.i:, u-iuct a
t your case and he will
ive you his Yaluabt ad-
iHfactory resu
write at once
full ptatcmc t '
bo pleased t
vico pratis.
Address Dr.
The llurtmu i
Ifartman, rrH).1ent ol
Hanitarlum, CoIumbu
Convention to be held at Seranton. i cousin, Su'c l'.rh nmevt
1'rank ( loy, who is emploved lit
Sunhury, spent Sunday at liotne.
Edna Erlenmcver of Mrinlironi-
Ilerh Livine.-t f elinsgrovc.
passed liu'ouh this place S itidiiy.
The mason work on tl.:- now
cry n spending a few da)1 ".V'tli her l,r;,ge is progressing very l.iu lv
imiUin, i-TTi ff frTI
We would suggest buying blankets now, carlv this year, you know of the advance not milv on all cotton- hu! mi w l al-o. '.
dure'.iased before the rise in price when these are nil prices will tie higher. Cotton lllankets, fancy borders, I mod cdej cenl .
regular 72 cent Qualities. 7f cents and 70 cents for usual $1.0 kind.-. Heavier weights arc Sl.od, SI.'J."., .?l.'i, 1.7."p.
WtKiI lJlatikets -2.7" lbr 1 1-1 (Jrey WiMil Worth a hiilfdallar mote. ?.".o for Fine All Wool 11-1 Ai: ln-avy , j
Muncy 100 per cent Wool, there arc no better made in white or scarlet, wide border stripes 10-1 size 'fa.oO, 1 1-1 size !?'..
Plaid Klankets in wool weight 1 lbs., 11-1 size for ?:).'.S Cotton plaid I'dankets for both robes ll-l size 81.10 pair.
The display of the new fabrics have hail enthusiastic admirers ever since I heir arrival and no wonder lor the gathering is re
markable in variety, beauty and price.
Zibilines, the rough faced, hairy fapric for tailored suits in plain col. and with white threads gleaming over the suilacc. Tlc v
start at 35, 50 and 00 cents running up to $1.10, $1.'J"), and 1.50. Ihoadtails the newest effect lor rich outer garments priced .".f'S
Tweeds are in in the height of fashiau for street wear, their beauty is only describeablo when you see them, boucle and Imunv
knotty threadsjof various colors upon a rough surface all wool fabric 50 cents and uyward to So.OO a yard. A special value at SI. -'.",
is 58 inches wide.
Broadcloths, so soft ami clinging fashion can't have the heart to east them aside, twill backs are ijuite noticeable 51.00, 51.'J,1 to
Cheviots have been a stanbard for years, and just as much so yet for out-of-door wear 'S5 cents and there isn't a thread of cftm
in it. Petter qualities 75 cents and up to 51.25.
Old Prices on Cottons.
Ju spite of an advant-c on all cottons we arc maintaining old prices, it won't be long through until we will start to eh.
Lancaster Ginghams, we keep no other make now at 7 cents yd.
Regular 7 cent Unbleached Muslin at 10 yards for 55 cents.
Lot of Red Calicoes for comforts, children's dresses at 11 cents.
Outing Flannels 51 cents, 10 cents, 12 cents and plain colors tor ehildreiis saeques ami dresses at 12 cents.
Cotton Flannels bleached and unbleached at S, 10 and 12 I cents o yard.
Domet Flannels lleeccd both sides, 7, S, 10, 12. cents a yard.
Flannel lettes white with colored stripe ar dot, plain colors with dot, dark en t r9, pciNian designs at 10, worth 12 els. yi
Fancy Flannellette Suitings look just like wool suitings only they are fleeced ami not as exyeiisivc all have a raised stri j
colors and dots in contrasting color, width is ."2 inches, price 15 cents yard.
Priestly's Black Dress Goods in Variety.
ie plain
chreyer Store Co.,
0 Fropb Street!. ZMZIXiTOIlSr, ZPeXLULa, Eln; Street