01 1. The Reformer rtiiDirt u twnfv X T Author of "In ni 8tep, "Rotwt X j T ' Hardy's bcvta bays," Eto. X T Copyright, JSOJ, by CharU 3i. ShtUo J "Will you live with me here, Luella here in Hope House" "YtsI V! 1 cr 1 do love you; I do love jou, John;" i-he cried, sobbing, and he '.ay still, sm exhausted with Ins effort, '.hat she rose ut once am!, go ing tu l!.e door, called tor Miss All- .'rows n:i I I'onl to come, thinking In1 hnl fallen .nto t!ie slot ) Unit knows no Wilkin. Hut when they tame they saw a mi.. n:i his Cue imI a look of pence there :ii:it was more hoped,. . Ford sa.d. tl.au :.i:.vt!ii:i.' yet reeorih d. Uvea as il.ey : II !!,rn' simul by hnt he I. pencil his ' yen mill whispi reil. "Will oii s.ie, iail,a'.' 1 i : : l-iil'I'.V- Sli 1, a:ie.l ox. : ! h.ssed l.:s lips. nnd t'... : " .. mi !. r lac which :. r!;- r M.s .Muhvws :ir Ford l. :i' ! i 1 'il al't r vent mail.' it clear She w i : ' .;: ': I.l-mrv hat t!.. : .r time, invading to Lave '..;;:.!.'. t!i::t l.e had sunk ;:: d. at'i. I'.at Fop I cnr.;e !u l.fler nwiii!" i.ial sac! he was as., i Mul. w!.:.- at the furthest decree of taeat'il itttit : ivi '. i .li..asiaiu, tin re was a -!... nee. So l.:a ila . i at anil t!: ne.M few Wir!.. she a -Mil ill a Ml.spcllSr of feeling that n l'l wiih her an experi ence la."is'l.le to ileserihe. Kvery day she cither went to Hope House or hoard from there. W hen Mic wi nt herself, she illd not n sh o si e him. The delirium of 1. ra la feer was on him, anil he Knew no one, not rvi n Foul, Luella shrank from going lain the room. Ouee she looked in through the open door. Then fhu passed uioiig hark into the library, and tears ran down her face us she went and sat down near the largo win dow overlooking the seem; of the lire. Miss Andrews came In and found her looking nut at the pluoi'. Most of the rubbish had been removed, and half a dozen saloons had gone up on lis many corners. Tommy Kandnll's double decker was unfinished, nnd Its incom plete condition added to the general dreary biliousness of the prospect. Luella shuddered nt it nil. "Is there tiny prospect of getting this property for your proposed park';'' she iiskcd as Miss Audrows came over by the window. "We do not know yet. You have Lean! the news of liandall's conviction in the court of special pleas? Mr. Chnnihers succeeded in furnishing proof of conspiracy, and it looks very much as if lhiudall's day was over. The election next week will decide his fate. It looks now os if the present ad- ' 4ilnWtViitioir6irtd bo defeated, nnd the jfeform party elect a full ticket. In that case the boss will have to go.' lie Las already dispo.cd of several lots uroiind the double decker, and it looks very much as if lie was j.'ettiiiLr ready to leave ii:.- city if the election sus iigiiin.-! hii.i. ll till turns on thai Is- l.ilella ! " keil Wearily out of the v.in (liiiv. Tina she turned to Miss An cirews. "When did the doctor say the-the crk-is for ilonlon wuiiid he reaeh"d;" "In ah.. ut a week," Miss Andrews an swered gently, lh r whole face and lnam'er betrayed the nervous strain under w hich she had been living. Lu .'ll:i, who had come to know her as ouee was not possible, admired and wondered whenever this remarkable woman w as near her. "Will the fever leave him any" "I think not. Of course he will be very weak fur a long time, but he will have hope to sustain him mid and jour promise." Miss Andrews added, with an effort: "Forgive me. Miss Marsh. I overheard your promise to 1dm. It probably saved his life." "lo you think it did?" Luella asked faintly. She shuddered again and turned her eyes out of the window and Wfls silent a long time. Miss Andrews possessed the quality of keeping still nnd did not return to say anything more. After awhile l.uellu Fiiid, "Let us pray liod that all may be well with him when the crisis comes." "Yes, phase !od.'' Miss Andrews TVhispi red. Then she went out of the library, and dually after l.uella went home. When came into the house, s!it f'Hilid Mrs. Penrose wailing to see her. "How is Mr. iJiirdon';" Mrs. Penrosj JlH';eil the niollli-lll l.llelhl Stepped iutO the drawing room. I.llclla told her. . "Then he is not out of danger?" "No. The crisis will come next iwrck." "Do you care very much, Luella?" Mrs. Penrose asked somewhat careless- I..v oilf.'rahle by i-t Urine k Thai's good ftfiu.niue logic. Foi .pat ting Into real dlh in inns connnei.J ... to a woman. The graceful thiug t ;r him to do would be to die. It wouid at least save you the awkward bust ness of explaining away your promise to Ului. I don't envy you your Inter view with bu if be lives. I'd sooner go and live In Hope House all uiy life." "Ioii't:'' cried Luella. Klie wulked up nnd down the room like a man, Mrs. Penrose watching her curiously. "Of coun.' you never really loved John fiordon. If you had, no question of Hope House would ever have risen. Seeing you have never yet loved uny one, maybe you will allow me to pn fecnt the name of a suitor." Luella stopped in her walk nnd faced Mrs. Penrose angrily. Mrs. Penrone continued in the sweetest manlier: "Archie claims your attention. He has wearied me witli his persistent appeals for my pleading in his behalf. And tills seems as good n time as any to bring his claims forward. You are not going tu marry Johu Gordon; there fore marry somebody. And it cannot be denied that Archie is somebody, at least in his own estimation. He has money, he is no worse than a good i-aiay oiler young men like him. and he will not ask you live in 11 ope House. What more could you ask. l.u e'laV And what more could I say? It i.-. i. ot eo-y ilay that one has all offer of marriage from such a young man as I'll! Are!, i... l. gam." Mrs. I could !" ;n: o:.e of half a i "Stop'.'' eric tion Archie I'c I If he were t! I'he occasion will never come I Luella did not answer. "If he gets well, what then? Will you marry him?" Still Luella did not answer. Mrs. Tenrose eyed her sharply. "You are unhappy. Luella. Is It ho rause you are afraid he will die or" Luella looked up. "If he liv. will you marry him?" Airs. Penrose persisted. "I promised liim that I would nnd that I would live with him In Hope House. Hut"- Mrs. Penrose was va'Bhiug' her closely. Luella was In need of a confessor, and she went on: 'But I cannot live there. I promised because I thought he was dying. I was carried away by my feelings. If I tried to live there with him, I should be jrretched and make his life miserable." "So you have decided to make his . spoke with ii smile that pivteil as meaning any I !o:: n things. I d Lui'll.i. "Never ni'-n- j anise's name to nie again, i nly man lu tiie uui- ! vciw, 1 would never marry him!'' "And yet." continued Mrs. Penrose I slowly, "you throw away, like an old fhoe, the true love of a good man situ- j ply hi cause you are not willing b give v: i a few of the lleshpots of civiliza tion. Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher. Yet wo prize these vanities beyond the best thing lu the world, w hich no doubt is love." "Oh. do not talk to me any more:" cried Luella. She resumed her wulk, and Mrs. Penrose placidly resumed her talk. "Now that I have done my duty by my nephew at his request I am going to plead the cause of John Cordon, though he has not asked me to, Lu ella, do you realize what you are going to lling out of your life if you go to John Cordon and tcH him in cold blood that you lied to him when you prom ised to be his wife? He is a young man of splendid ability and spotless character. He has chomtn a career that is unselfish, noble and full of possibili ties. As his wife you could share iu his struggles, but no less nlso in his triumphs. The whole social question Is nt the front In our republic. Men who, like John Cordon, stand up for the rights of humanity, especially the rights of childhood, are bound to com mand a hearing from the world. You aro missing the rarest opportunity a woman ever had to ally herself with n man who has something In his plan of life worthy of effort. What will you j have to give up? A few baubles that i make the physical life a little softer and a few that civilized power can j.ct , along without and iu the most east si i lie the better for not having. For the-e I ' baubles you are going to commit an m-i ! ef dcliln rate murder of the best fct lhig I u woman ever had, murder of love for ! a true man. He is perfectly right to i demand that you live wiih him i'.i j Hope House. You would have cw r reason to despise liila if he did not ask that of you. A man w ho has a great ! life work like that of John Cordon i could not ask any woman to share ii I Willi him who did not gladly accept all 1 that went with it. Pemcinber, Luella. my married life I" Mrs. Penrose was : speaking with deep earnestness; she had been leaning forward, all her usual careless, reckless manner gone com pletely. "I married for money. I was poor. 1 longed for the physical softness 1 of things. 1 need not tell you, Luella. 1 that my marriage was a failure so far as love is concerned. 1 got the money; I missed the love. What has It been j worth? The poorest mother in the city, i struggling with saddest poverty, but sure of the love of her husband and children, has been heavenly happy com pared witli inc. I? I never had a home. I had an establishment. 1 am a homeless woman. I shall grow old and die without ever having known the earilily joy of a home. Luella, do you choose to be one of the army of home less women in the cities? The poor envy our line houses, our swell turn outs, our luxuries, our leisure, our din ners, our dresses, our money. They envy hell, for that Is what it all means when love is absent. John Cordon of fers you heaven, Luella. You choose the other place if you refuse him. You are mad to refuse him, Luella. You will live to regret it lu time nnd eter nity." "Oh, do not talk to me any more. 1 Itn miserable over it!" Luella nearly lost nil control. She threw herself town on n couch and burled her head In the cushions. " Mrs. Tenrose got up nud looked at her sternly. "I nlniost wish John Gordon may not live, for your sake as well ns his," she Mid. Luella shuddered, nnd Mrs. Pen rose after a pause went out of the room. The crisis for John (Sordini came on the night of the election day. To Fori und the others who watched by him that night It seemed ns if the struggle being fought out in the city was typi fied by the struggle going on in John Cordon's room. Humors of the polltlcnl battle drifted into Hope House nil day. r.oth sides were confident Both sides claimed n victory. It wns righteousness against all forms of evil that bad grown secure and Insolent, bat was now alarmed and fighting for future existence. Tommy Rau4aU typified !wJ entire city administration. He Ltd; used enormous sums of money. The! tenement district almost solidly voiedj for him against the friends who, like Miss Andrews, lived to better their condition. The whole thins Illustrated magnificently the regular social degra dation of American civic life. As night decpened.und, returns began to come in slowly there seemed to Ite no decisive Indications for either side. Ford, who had been with Gordon from the beginning, refused to leave, al though be was thoroughly exhausted. Gordon sank lower and lower. Twice they thought he had passed ou. Each time he rallied. At 2 o'clock he wss nearer death than he had ever beeu. From that time on the struggle of life for the spirit grew stronger. When dawn came, the doctor lifted his hand and a grim smile expressed his satis faction. The crisis was passed, and John Gordon, by the grace of God, was to live and struggle on for a few years more before his spirit should go to God. who gave It. Out iu Powen street and around Hope House the boys were crying out special election editions. Miss An drews and Ford could hear the words "Victory for Kcf.irm ticket! i'riuniph for law and order!" "( "ha mbei s elect ed city attorney!" Ford stole down stairs and got a paper. The little fam ily of resii'.i nts gathered In the hlir.irv. The first questions asked were about i Johu Cordon. "The doctor says he'll live. Hurrah!" I Ford cried feebly. He waved the pa- j per as if that v as the special i.-r-v.s j that covered its first page with Innvyj type and m-!.i ; i :: t i hi points. Some one diseovnd .Miss Andrews over by the window w ith tears on her face, j Miss Hammond came up and put an I arm about her. I "Grand, isn't it';" Miss Hammond said. "Yes. It did not seem possible lu the night that lie could live." "Who? Tommy Kaiidall?" Miss Hammond asked demurely. Miss Andrews laughed. "I'm rather unstrung by all this," she said. "It Is a good deal, Isn't It? Tommy's death and Mr. Gordon's life at the same time. Hut Joy never kills,-does It?" "It has uever killed Miss Andrews yet," said Ford. "Hut I don't know how she will stand all this. I'm afraid it will go hard with her." "I will try to accustom myself to It," the head of the house answered, smil ing ou them all. At the breakfast ta ble no one ever remembered to have seen her mire interesting or fascinat ing. Johu Gordon rapidly grew stronger. When once life had claimed him, it seemed as if all the forces of good came to his assistance. One day when he had become strong enough he listened with t lit greatest delight to Ford's account of the elec tion. "Chambers Is going to make history for the double decker fellows. There are over n hundred cases flh ; already. The atmosphere around t' end of Howen street Is of a dark blue. Tom my Handall has skipped out for his Health and carried with him the boodle lie was careful imt to use for campaign purposes. The property out here, In cluding his uuiinished building, has all passed into other hands, and the city is likely to take measures toward con demnation and purchase, of cowrse that means lots of legislation and law's delays, and so forth, hut the gang is out of the city halls, and (.'handlers and his gold bowed spectacles will move things as rapidly as the law permits, which to my mind is not fast enough to set anything afire. At the next elec tion the city ought to make Chnnihers a king and give him absolute authority to do as he pleases for the good of the ! city. Put I tell you, Gordon, you ' missed a mighty good fight by being here the week before the election." "So did you, luy dear fellow, from j what I hear of you," said Gordon af fectionately. "Oh. I hud a good fight over you," said Ford. "There were also others. Miss Marsh came down or sent word every day. We were all determined not to let you die. Put 'twas a good tight. I'm about used up. I tura you over to Miss Marsh." "Fin sorry to inlsa you, Ford." Gor don laughed lightly. "I've no fault to find." "I understand. You simply want n better looking nurse around. Hon't blame you," said Ford, who wns un commonly homely and not at all sensi tive over It. "I did not say so," replied Gordon, laughing again. Ho was light hearted. The world seemed good to him. Tho victory of the righteous forces In the city, the defeat of Tommy Haiuhill, the prospect for the future and, above all. the thought of Luella lilled him with Joy. Life was worth living after all. There would always be battle, but vic tory was possible; always sorrow nnd trouble, but (Sod was not dead. Kvery minute brought healing to him. When. a few days after. Miss Andrews told hi in that Miss Marsh wns in the house, he felt almost equal to his old time en thusiasm. He was up and dressed, sitting by Ills window, which overlooked the same prospect ns that commanded by the ii , brary window downstairs, when. Luella stepped into the room. She had put off coming to sec him as long ns possible. When she had no more excuses to offer, Rhe went dowu Ii Hope House. Gordon of course asked to see her. He was growing strong so fast that there was no reason why he should not see her. She came elowryjnto the room, nnd tin Etnrtoil . rlun mirt wnltr fmvnnt hai - - ...... ....... but he was not eqpal to It and sank back, smiling at her and not noting In bis effort the vert grave look In her face. - Y "l IWTC been i i . -., ; purse, Luei.u, ltu I .... . ; :.- He noted her Pmk .- .i;i i ;-im. : it troubled by It. hc i . 1 eoee .p u 1.1s chair and put tu ler .d IK' bad bent over and plated h s hps on it and felt It to be t rem hi:' and cold. "What Is the matter? ..u are UL" "Xo; but. Johu" She sat down near him and cover) her face. John Gordon sat very still, lie did not break the silence. "Oh, let us not do not ask me to you are not strong enough. It is cruel in me to come to you in this way, but I nm not able to act a part" "What Is It?" he nsked quietly. She looked up. He was gazing at ht-r so gently, so lovingly, that she was deeply moved. She rose and knec'.e 1 dowu by him and let him put his hands over hers. "John." she exclaimed wlldjy, "Is It right that I should make you unhappy all your life?" "There Is only one way you can do that." "Yes; but It Is not the way you mean. It Is t hi" way I mean. If I should be your wife andteoiiie lure to live, I should be acting a part I am not niade to act. It would be unfair to yu. When you began to realize the impossi bility of it for me. then your uuhappl ness would begin." "Your promise" John Gordon be gan, while his eyes sought to dwell on hers and then wandered away to the window. "My promise! oh. It was given when I .thought you were dying. You can not know tiie agony I have suffered! John, tell me you despise me. What a contradiction I am to myself, to you, to everybody!" "There are no contradictions iu true love," said John Cordon gently. He removed his hands from hers a mi turned his face away. She sl-f.. !;- lose and stood looking out of the window. "It is that, that!" she exclaimed pas sionately, pointing at the view from the window. "It would kill me, all that dreary, hideous, unattractive, hor rible humanity, with its miserable, sor did, mean, sellish life. To dwell with it, to neighbor it I cnnnot-I cannot! It would he a sin for me to pretend thnt I could be happy in that kind of u life." "And yet," said John Gordon, look ing nt her with a new loo!;. In which pity for her predominated more than nuy feeling for himself "and yet it is the kind of humanity that the Son of God came to save. I am sorry for you, Luella. God help you." She turned toward him swiftly. Something lu his tone reminded her of something Mrs. Penrose had said. "It is too late. I was born as I am." Theu she came nearer. "Do you for give me for bringing you this unhap plness? Will you forget mo?" "I will forgive," he said simply. "You will nlso forget in time," she replied after a pause. He did not nn- thai 1 ut nee t-lvs:. ci y.igrat. I over l' : i j it i ovcm! I j .-. uie ro I i!:.i ou his . : of the i.. lie, . fi-v. : IKMUk ... Ami i. acig -allers ot tie. y .vas Mr. AlarUj. "G.d.. ;." I said fr. ih;..- after he had eXi:-.--v; uls interest i-i the pro rosed u.-j o; ;i - property he h.: J lurun: over to the M-tilciuviit, ; .mi deeply sorry tU.it yoa -ud Luella ha ve decided to go your waj apart. SJhe necus jusi your stivi-L-ih. She is going to hud u lifa of uiialess ffort." "It Is b.t ut it is, sir." Cordon had answered. "There ii u t possibility of uuy recou- curat ion, tm i; "Xo; we linve not quarreled; we have simply un lo-slood. Tin. re can be nu other way fi r her or me." "I am sorry." Mr. Marsh sighed. "She needed roil, and so do I." lie poke M istfully. Gordon read lu It a wh-.de liauory of human weauuc. s. struggling isp toward light and strength. He put his hand into the older man's. "If my frictuis'.ilp of any value to you, Mr. March, vou have it." Marsh went away, and Guidon mused over his futu'e. How far would the man use his v ei-lili. Ids education, li s responsibility, to help the weak and Mieii H' 111 wfit She turned und bmked btivk. swer and she walked slowly toward the door. There she turned and looked back at him. He was looking out of the window gravely. His face, thiu and pale, ennobled In every line by suffering and service, seemed to her for a moment to be more than earthly ill its beauty and power. She hesitated. What she was renouncing began to be dimly made real to her. And yet to lose the things Slowly she turned her head and opened the door, stepped out Into the hall, shut the door nnd went dow n into the library. With a sense of relief she found the room empty nnd quietly went out of tho archway nud Lack tj her father's house. Hut the nijin that she had left had cried her name just us she chivd the door. It was just one cry. Then lie struggled down upon his knees, att-l for a time his soul beat about In the dark for help, crying and sobbing in its poor human weakness over what was gone. Finally God drew near and com forted him. When he got up ngr. !u. he felt something like a sudden llhii.iin:.- tion of his spirit. This woman was i she not right? How could two walk to gether except they were agreed? C.;;!J love hesitate or doubt or be Uncer tain over the future nnd he love? Pld he care for a heart that must be driven to his by force or lured to It by pity? Was the hunger of life ever satisfied with the husks of renllty? Up from the lowly place of his spirit's depres sion he rose step by step until he rested his affections in his growing fate that the future would satisfy him with a human love that knew no such thing as doubt or 'fear. Curing the day that followed this overcome his hoi-ror of humanity's s!:i nnd trouble In--a use he learned to love instead of t;cu.hl ? Paul Palmou'l was a wileome visit or. lie was luiah eneouragid over the resti.'ts of tlu cltf campaign. "I warned my uharo from It," he sil ? ufter giving (o'nlou his experience willi the young people's civic I -ague 1.; his cl nreh. "Ti ? church is net all bad. Ther is great 1 ope in its young life. Thvi is w !u re 1 am going to put my own ivrength aul enthusiasm. I have stoppi J preach i g great sermons to old peyplf. 1 have legun to teach my chil dren. I have begun to learn that the ollieeuf the minliilry is not to draw the crowd, but tu Instruct a handful and make disciples. Cordon, 1 see some hopeful signs lu the church of the fu ture." . N "Glad to hpar It.'' Cordon answered gladly. "I always believed the church contained leavtn. There is always hope fur any liKtitufion that has leav en in It." "Th. leaven of the church of this century Is its i hildren," tho minister said and went Ms way, leaving Gordon to ninne over tile power of that force that represented through all the nges the low of .lest Is, nu organization ob scured and at tUmcs almost extinct, but glowing yet With an inward illumi nation Hint has tpot forgotten the com mands of a jniivt .who loved the church nnd gavi himself for It, that he might unnctifyjP. anil make of it an in stitution at last without spot or wrin kle or any such 'tbiiig. Mi's. Penrose was one of Gordon's most interesting visitors. She came in and chatted ' fallyilinrly nnd-nt -times flippantly of till things on earth aud under Leaven. At lust she said sud denly: "' . ' ' "So ' 1. Holla h is got her lleshpots. They contain bitter brew for her. Are you satlntled?" "There- was nettling else for her to do," Gordon answered after a mo ment's silence. "You're giyng lo grow better for it. She's going to givw worse. I did my best for you." "Thank you," Gxirdon answered sim ply. "Archie tried aglin the other day. lie will Hour make Another attempt. I have advised bin, to go abroad, lie sails next month.'' Gordon made no reply. Mrs. Penrose sighed. "Why don't you nud Miss Andrews" Gordon save lief n look that stopped her. "Pardon rue. G( on with your good work for i.he chiN'ren. Let me come down once lu awl die and help. I'm not altogether bad', Gordon. Simply' born so. li'ut life'W u dreary sort of Jumble to me. I made my choice. Goodhy. Pest wlshts to you." When she was ge, Gordon, hesltat ingly to himself, li1!! the curtain of her future ns it might be. It was n future of contradictions. Poor, wasted life of an Immortal spirit! How you have missed and shall miss forever the joys of triumphant womanhood! Poor, pitiable creature! Homeless! Child less! No two words In nil humau speech can more deeply describe your poverty, your loneliness! Julius Chambers was cue of the most welcome callers ns Gordon daily grew stronger nnd more buoyant. "The city Is looking up," ho mid In his cultured voice. "This housing prob lem is something tremendous. It will simply lah.e to come- to cheap trans portation, city uwu the' means, con demn ail t liia property, tear down, build up, make suburban residence pos sible for the juior; lu short, we've not n dozen questions lu one involved In the tenement problem. Put I'm hope ful. The business men are gettii-g waked up. P.est of all, the saloon Is getting u lot of free advertising. The cranks are right, us they have been till the time, and we've got to eotne to It -wipe out the saloon, put a houie i:i I's place, that's the only subsiit..,e v.'- rli anything. Public entertainment balls, resorts, gymnasiums, libraries, arks, bathhouses, all that, good as 'tis, can not equal a good home. The s: Tvatleii of the city lies iu Its nh'.hry to build up Christian homes. That's civic reform in u sentence." He stayed longer than Ford said was good for Gordon. Put Gordon said he was n tonic, and when he was gone he stretched himself, got up, walked across the room exulting in his return ing strength, and when Ford came in and begun to expostulate Gordon laughed. "You don't dare let me hit you," he said, facing Ford sturdily. From Headache Neuralgia In a Few MinJ Alter laKing Dr. Miles Anti-P&la p J "I cannot speak to hifhly of vonr and I will always tell my friend, 1?' they hive done for mv husband and J1 for sudden attacks of headaches. B and rheumatic pains. There i ' euual to Dr. Milr' Anti.P... ,.."' ate simply splendid and eive r lithnf1! or twnty minutes. 1 used to U . 1 i .. ..t h..i..i.. ...i.- i '.5?..i.i a ... MaiiMnic, which tud chronic, and 1 took a course of Xerv Nerve ana laver nils in connection. vi-rv l-'tle trniililf in tht .-,.- . '. h;i. a!so Liken these remedies ili t ' tiit-ia Vi-rv highly. We always luv. I.. . i ., i - ... ...n. .i... i. c f-r. 1,-1 .v.. r...a,l ,.mI .1... 1 I Mu-. KnTE K. Johnson, M-u. '.:ujS!: J l.ere ar manv reasons whv Vr.. , take lr. Miles' Ami-I'ain Pills i . , .1.. u n. (! .iin; , relict (mm headache or other i n. of chronic headache, nhent!iev-i an attack is vonting on, a I'i.n l-.ij Wb fl!K- r.r-Vfnt it r-nt.ri.lv Tm "f . ........... ni'rv.n v K'litut iri.i .. I,.,.. 1 1 .. i tire I and the body ton nerv,i:-s'VU'..1' Arti -Pain Pill will sooth the Bmofcj ...v , i.v.i r Ta: U:n no opiates and are noii-iaxa:nc, ' Ail dnijjeists sell and cuaranti-r I v Ami-i am I ins. i ney are in in l.u.t: tain tin nni:!!... nvr c.l.l In I...; . r ,-.nll. I ir MO.c M-.I.....I, )C j '-'-'"" '....iv4.tmvi.y.LUiii la Ford looked at him criiii-i'.i Lacked off to a safe ilit :i n-i-. "I'on't believe 1 will risk itn inuti who helped knock out tJ i;an:all. ".Not yet," Gordon answcn j , "Weve got our lifework cut c us, Ford. This is ouly the lu-uJ Miss Andrews came in. 'ft,.. in the library now, for i;rj. been downstairs for one of uiand A letter from Mrs. t'aptaiu q I'.innghain," she said with a !; handing the letter to Gordon. It was a hearty iuessii(,' of cheer from the old lady to all th tleinent workers, cspeciiiUy tu Ou: whom it congratulated uu liisr She commended the use (Jf her J in the campaign, and lmiiniM-JjH more toward the propositi i.ark u ward the education of public smfcJ for removing the saloon. "Let us get at some of the can J human dn and misery," she mJ am willing to give money to it misery, but I would iniu-li rathe move causes. I don't want tu thin J money goes all the time for rime! 1 would like to think some of It m preventives." Gordon sat by the wlndov tai When he finished, he loukeiTiO Miss Andrews was standing near I unu tne outers were at the table. "You are feeling quite well i: Mr. Gordon?" "Yes; I ma getting eager top. again. I long to be at xvurl;.' She glanced at him and l uri-J tiling (tiietly in a. very l.--p gu- yond all roMirrection. 'You ;uv going to sir Work," sic mi id. '"Yes." lie turned his fare fn to the window. "It will he tv work fur the people." Tli cLt"' stretched out h-t.tf', wh he left his father's i.w. huiWli weakness, power, i..: feat, sin, sellishncss. lu a v ry ; but not by any means f;:::.v i manner he began to feel h s v ; this age old problem of In;:..:- realized that he had l-y : served his apprenticeship. I'l -if he were granted twenty y vigor he would learn soim-iii.;.; ways of men and be tisc.i if ii : it to play his part iniiiiiuiiy iuv ceasing drama. He ilu.iikul i that his love for the people w sane and more passionate, to. ever. There was also an .I'wk in his soul as he iimrslmi d yiew all the possible tnmntf cousncss In the city, soim'.iw-' ing, apathetic, indifferent. W to be reckoned with. And :tvi his soul that the world liiiJ A grown deaf to the cry of cliii-"1 its heart become cold to the the poor. Hope was strong -H as he felt his life forces -; summoning him to contlii t d' rights, for a city of God eu And he stretched out his nrnw tho people he could see tliWfl .Window, saying. "Let us loveij other nnd nil things will bepojj Thus John Gordon as lie H faced his future enshrined in bis holv of holies ns the Cl their lives bore him on, tlnitl Irrevocably woven Into his TUB end. I'li.l rhnvrh I'lllH'1 On the front of a colored eta Plainfleld, N. J., there is s P tne- these centle reminders men will remove their haU J ino-" "rmn't Inaf imnn tM "No Christian genuemannw (? . ...l.V-.U. . O J J church. Others must not J smoke or bring lighted cis" chureh." Rtsht la ni ! Tramp Please, mum, luy anything In my line? don't mean to say you are tryWl an honest living at last! Yes'm" "Well, I declare! What i -- to "Dog chains, mum."-N