The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 01, 1903, Image 6

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    7 VV
. w - -., " 1 T ,
A lllnl That ( nnir a l.Hili- Late for
111 Ik Sriiann, Ual 1 tirtti
Ur inr mbrrlii.1. !
I send herewith description of a
brooder we liu.f used three yars and .
1 know it to be all right. It cues not ,
cost much to make it. For a hundred ,
chicks :t base measurement of two ,
(ect by fo:r will be suflicieut; for -nu ;
chicks, three f"t by six is recommended.
Two doiliirs and a half will buy the ma
terial. ' i
Kis. 1 shows the nt:t.-i( and I think
It is so ri...! 4i . mill en cs-
Vlanatii n. r':u. J is a iTosi nction.
Heat i.s M:;.p!n ! ! y a l:;ir.;, L, over
r i:i:
which i.s iit -p mil d on Inverted box with
a galvai i.ed shit: iron bottom. A, and
having in i s sides ventilating or pas
holes. An ineli above the sheet Iron is
a platform, C. on w'.ieh the chicks are
placed, the space b: tween forming a hot
air chamber, li. l'resh air is supplied
by a shaft, II, and lrom the shaft passes
into the chamber. !l, where it becomes
heated and then ris---s through a warm
a;r pipe, F, Into the brooder pen, P, P.
Here it is partially confined by a cover,
I), adjustable in height according to the
size of the chicks, along the edge of
which is fastened a woolen curtain, K,
notched so as to let the chicks run in
cr.oKf! section of rtr.o;:i:r..
r.d out. The warm air circulates
through the brooding pen thus formed,
and finds outlet through ventilators,
V, V, V, in the roof. M, M.
The platform, C, is hinged at the
point, T, so (hat the slope. It can be
raised or lowered at will by the cord, N.
It is supported, when raised, by the
spring, S. It Is Important to have the
slope -tii.side, rather than outside the
ifroodrr riiiof. "AWn intide, IheculW's
are invitfd by. the open door, and when
in, they usually find their way tip the
slope to (No pen: but if the slop i? out
side the tv:;- f:ii! n find the r;:: er .
end be clillbd b'f'-ve they i": v
The raisin;: of '!k ' .po makes n i . '
floor space :.m! civ - plenty of roor. for
tl.n iliicl s i'.sV- v.-'jf-n the wenthir is
ino I in! m i i . ., -.Mt: This form of
liroo ler -.. i . Ir -f'tition of
:!tn. i-' : ' : " ' :: d
reii.'i ' ' ;.'s n
tl if.g r :' c! c ' ' - ' -a ; . and is
in i mm ;iy : ('. K. Hi are, in
f'l.In I t:
nonf 10 CT.EAN EGGS.
en I ,'iiul (ir:!i iii'ii rn nee tilil
1 1 1-1 I :i 1 ' , rtii" I'uultr?
m :i H 's ! ai'iim'.
The prt.,v- !
;g el'iei. -ii : :i::' i
attrtict i v appear:'.!:
its si 1 ii .: ;'!:'
to tin re is u best
: atnl sorting ofthe
.' ill have a th at and
e will add much to
- Like everything
way for doing this.
A New .b r.-ey I'oul! ryman says:
Ku::s nil of one eolor and perfectly
clean mal.e tin attractive appearance
r,ri will readily brims several cents
more per dozen t!:an a dirty lot, par
ticularly when quality goes with ap
pean'tice; and the one is generally an
.fidie it ii hi of the other. An egg1 is im-proM'-rly
( b pip'd when It is wet too
Titer'. r:.d tot rubbed dry with a dry
(!oi! F.ini" when they see spots of
dirt rn regs put them in a pan of water
ard wash tlirtu like potatoes. There Is,
m t ie freshly luld egg, a mucllaglnotis
rovrltig which gives Ii a velvety np-jen-anee
peculiar to new eggs. Water
removes this, mnkittg the egg have on
older appearance, and destroys Its keep
ir.c qualities, as this covering makes the
shell Impervious to An egg, then. If
t Is not much soi'.ut, should merely be
ioistenoi! where m cessary and rubbed
dry. If the blemish is in the nature of
a stain, a little powdered scouring brick
will help, and if this is not effective vine
far may be used in addition. In this way
my stains may lie removed from an egg.
jTnmetlmes they have to be put in water,
but do not do it ur.irrs it is necessary and
then rub dry afterwards. If this is not
ione they wil! look soiled and dingy.
Eggs should lie collected three or more
Imes a day.
Pnaltiitn of 1'oultrjr Hon.
It is usually preferred to have the
tont of the poultry house face the south,
jt the sun docs not send the heat Into
tick houses in winter until quite late in
Ifte morning. A poultry house should
3ice the southeast, an ! then the heat and
ifiht will enter as soon as the sun rises,
arming the interior at a time when
J,e fowls desire warmth the most, which
it when they hrsi'iome off the roost In
tit morning says a writer in an ex
a.rige. Tn the v.:rrr the sun Is in the
wuth the greater poition of the day,
rj hence, if the house faces the south
mt. It not only receives warmth early,
cut the aim will send raya of heat into
At house until about 3 o'clock la the
afternoon. Pralrlle Farmer. I
Tew Mr. Sopbtleigh gave you ft
camera for jour birthday, didn't he?
Jess Yes, and we took U with us on
our itroll through the country yester
day. Oh, what (Jo you think? He pro
posed to me; actually flopped down on
his knees and
'IVss What did you say??
Jess Why, I baid, "Look pleasant,
flcase," and I d;) hone the picture will
turn out well. I'hiladelphia Press.
Mte Knfir Hovy.
"I am afraid," suggests the theatrical
manager, "that you cannot take the
role of the fairy prince. You see, it
calls for a lady who is rather plump
in figure, while you well er ah
well, you are lacking in some of the
"Oh," smiles the experienced comic
opera prima donna, "I can make up for
that." Judge.
I'mmI llrforr.
"I've yrvir jili 1 1 : : in n v liiirt,"
SI wri'' s. it ml t.-r n: I irt
I uiuut riot ihat II.. it.a.i? I.- mr.uij;
I'd n.. r !y like t .i.v
Tl.:l! tl f,- Is c i K..
',w: 1 f.-:ir the fi i!:.i' Jt '.f is cor.d
1 V i
-X. Y. T.ii:' s
" '' 5s?w . 1- m
Mr. Speedy Po you care for out
door sports?
Miss Seedy Why, I never thought
you are one, aren't you, Mr. Speedy?
rhls is so sudden! N. Y. Sun.
An Oprn l.rltrr.
These fashions, dcur girl, wu are vltwlng
with ilreaJ.
They tan't !e expected to please
Wlu-n ytu iimp In hljth heels und you carry
your heal
At an atikie of 4" degrees.
Wasl.iiiKion Star.
In lte rve.
"But," ":iplain8 the bridegroom,
"I cannoi e why the newspapers in
their ace .as of our wedding did not
tell how bcuitiful you are. It seems
to me the should have done it."
"Oh, : ;.;.or, Ignorant man!" tit
tered t : rldo. "Don't you know
they n r say such tilings any more
: !)"'it a votny until she gets a dl
.'otve or elopes?" Chicago Tribune.
MakliiK n Defennr.
Lawyer's Helpmeet What's worry
ing you to-night, dear?
Lawyer I've got a client who is de
fendant in a jewelry robbery ease, and
1 don't know whether to prove an alibi
or show that he tomes, of a wealthy
family. X. V. lii raid.
I'll i In re.
"Cio:-!i dim, Mary!" said the I rii'.i 's
fat hi r. "I guess vou'd bitfr .ui! mar
ried :i::'i:i."
"Law! what is the mattir. paw?"
"Why, the paper says the c n mony
wi nt through without a hitch." Indi
anapolis Sun.
rriMitiu II Ik nc.
Hill You say her lace would stop a
! Jill Sure; a pickpocket was after hrr
timepiece, one day, and she just looked
i at him, and the watch stopped where
it was. Yonkers Statesman.
Sniiielliliiu Wriini;.
Meeker There's crape on the door
over the way. Old man Jones must bo
Mrs. Meeker That's queer. I haven't
Feen the doctor there for over a week.
Chicago Daily News.
The Critic.
I "The grass widow is going on her
. honeymoon," remarked the girl In the
' madras waist.
"I bet it isn't a new moon," laughed
the girl in the white hat. Chicago
Daily News.
Ilelnic Solved.
"The problem of what to do with our
millionaires," said the theoretical one,
"is really becoming serious."
"Oh, no," said the practical observer,
"automobiles are solving it." Brooklyn
Wlicn He Showed t'p.
"My husband only attends one 'church
meeting' a year."
"Which one is that?"
"Where they vote to give the minister
a two-months' vacation." Judge.
Simple Mediocrity.
"Why did she marry him?"
"I give it up. He wasn't bad enough
to need reforming nor good enough to
make a desirable husband." Judge."
I'roperljr Named.
Bill How did they come to name
that cigar after the comedian, do you
Jill Because It's rank, I suppose.
Yonkers Statesman.
One Sided.
Mrs. Van Blumer I had a very inter
esting conversation this afternoon.
Von Blumer Who was the listener?
Town Topics.
The hmat Word.
"She always has the last word."
"Yei; even in church; she always
cornea In on the 'Amen.'" Philadel
phia Bulletin.
Court Proclamation.
'tlKKEAt the J'en. Hio. l.l .M M. IVerr
!: ilml J mine th 1 Iniiun,
Hil ..i-i'd of tl.c I'l.Hili,. 0 Si, ,tT, alii
TV Ion and Pr'rr K. V.irglv ami Z. T. t.eui
NMtn.c ti(. Vrs cMte J ,.!,j.rii In ami lursiuy- .
1t iMtu'.ty. i-fi-p j i eir i eceet. tiarluir J
luie Mir ltd lio in June A. !., WI. to urn
tl'ic'ni lit t- ltiiinu ot ui. riil.afii' t'
iNiurt ol t'etiiitiun I'lfM, inllrt ot (.'yer and Tel- I "aaaaaBaMBaaaaaaBaaaaBMBBi
mlnpi-Mii-l tliiiTiiM'i.iirf ui Oiurter (iusiiiiiiid -f . -thel'eaee,
at MMdlel-urvn. Inr the ruumy en !
SV,Mr-UM,i'L',- 5bllWT - i 4 Klmtatid Final .ccottiit of T. A- Wasn'r,
er, Jiiiitioi ttvi ttc Hii'l 4)iMiuhlfii In atnl ! wlmiiiiHtrtttt-r cf the eaUte of Mary E. Uh.k
lorthr rtni'tty ot Sryiler. to H(pt.trtn th if 1 muii, "ie ot Sprinit Townliip, Kceai'd.
ruir prin wtiJ. their ril. rvionii, lnitl(i-1
on. inmnftiti' :nm i.i.r rriiitiutru.iti ' Awoiiiit of Mr. Von-le Utntg iwimliilrtm-
o tf thi.M thttf wliioli f their f1i en ai .1 hi
iii.m - laiinii in r niiiio w iiifm '
ami I.H.H..IIH irn--iitiita 1 1 li'liull ti.o r.m i
P tlitliO AI.I W ' a
prti-r-t-uttiia tn tihull t tuti I mil )
imiia' aifHitift miii iHTMinur ieMitiA ari ri. j
.iilri. t.. if thru hihI iliere mlon.lin biuI de
ire tt.iiirto,i in tip tinciinil In II oir alien. laie i
it tli. ti'juiinlei tiie nifiep hi) in imlM'e (
iiv.- ii..i.riiu i i wiiiai t:.i MicrilTH
iillUei in M iit.l l.-l . llrt; Ii tlip : til of .-ept , .1 . I) ,
II A-. i:. SAMI'SH.I.. : lierilt
Jury List. c T . i . 1 1 I .ln'.r-(lr.pvt, f,,r tln Court of
(ytar aiil TiTiiiiiiii Jim) ;nil inmral Jail o.i
VtT.v nml Co 'tit of l''1 on of the Prae
of Sny ii" County h i a- Ot toSvr Tt-rin. tmu-
in 'ii.-in; Miimluy, i, -i. ;,, iik;j.
tiit.XM) .It lii !!;.
Nirni'', t Ki.'ii niiiiiii, Koiiit'ticc.
rnii'iii.iii. I. 'In oiii, faril cr, A anin.
Iti iit. i, Mii liael, MddU-r. .1 nk-aii.
Iliny iiiiiin. Ii.iiiirt, Jr., Li'. nr. r. S. llnrv.
Chin tin. !(. V . tlninilli. Si llti'Krovi'.
l'eei.'. Nit M . f irin.'r, llt':i..T
Felkoi, i Im !' IhImtit lir.iwr
i.''nrU aiu'iet f.iriiHT chaoinan .
(iiliiett Miuiun 'almri'r l:i'.'tvor.
(inrmiiii It w.vcll fuMiu r W .'i-hliik'l""
iilliTt Jaiuci I'rli'klttyiT Molirut.
HiTniiii) Cliiirlt" rer Mid lleereeK.
Illtl tiiian .lull t:l' iiiit A.l.iiii-.
Kllmi .I..I1I1 V fanner Adams.
KimiiiKi-ri'lm-i (i iiiit Vnliinjtoii
Kra'.r Miltini (ariniT Franklin.
Menclc 1'h Hp farmer IVirv.
Viinrer Jae.ili li former Middlucreek.
Sialil Hiram lalniitr .Mnnrue.
Sliuivvt r Jum'pli InlinriT Aduiu.
Ti'atH llruiii ti-aclicr .Monroe
Teuu I'. M Mi'veyer Monroe.
Fpilecrove I II until e irriur Chiipiimii. .las Kenllomaii .MidilleburK.
WulItT Srpuarea furinur Franklin.
Hiicliinnii I.i'!.ter ti'iti'hrr Franklin.
Hower ox A in. in latiuriT Franklin,
llriisiim Jolm A farmer I'erry.
llliiKiuiiaii H (i laliorer Centre.
Iliiwvrmix ( has liiiiil.ernmii Franklin.
lliiiKnmiin William l ilHiier Spring
IliiiKHimin .lames M farmer Centre,
liailay Harrison itetiHeuiaii Jackson.
Custer (imirit .' former 1'enn.
Clelaii Alfred dirpeiiter .MI.I.lleliiirK
liree-e Aaron farmer Heaver.
H"iker Chin W slater Hearer We.t.
Kr.lley .M K Bi'iilleman Ml.ldleereek.
Fetter Jolin K former .Taekson.
Iioss.1 O liiinl'i-rniau Adams.
Ilaeki'iitierir .less'' farmer Centre.
Heiinliacli Lewis farmer Wa-ihiiutou.
1 1 inn in.'l Lewla 'ar iner .Middlucreek.
Ijin vi r So'oiinin former U'aaliiiiKtotl.
Leit.el James bUekamilli Middleburi;.
l.eiiix Hkliard It laborer t'liapipan.
.Moyer Franeia II farmer "
Mnjer Aaron laborer Spring.
.Moyer C C labort r Selln-Krove.
Xewinnn ilar.ey laborer I'nion.
Mousli Daniel ireMlelnail WasliiiiKton.
Itoiisli l.ewla laborer "
Kcieliiier Ueoriro lab lrer li ipiuan.
ltay Fraiilc larmer Franklin.
l!:ty i llliam Inrnu-r
Str.ins. r .1 (' fanner perry West.
s:,"'k i.i Iieksinitli .Middlelii.i'u.
Smith Mieh.-ud slini'maker Penii.'z ileiij imin fanner Chapman.
SlialT r . I'. laborer t iiion.
M.ihl I i.i i id former
f holly - g, htl. iiian ."'eliti.-r.ive.
Mi.ei.ii.1. ., il.ii ey farmer Franklin.
r.i-e. V I. farmer I in, hi.
' liii.e ileniy .. i, tmaii Uahintoi,.
lele .1. .', farmer l liie'it.
''" a-.l..i:itli..i f inner Middiei" eek .
Waller .iion ' '.u iiiit i '..litre.
Water I .liner far ' lldiil- burir.
W:' " '. r I eter farm. t Centre.
' Wiiliam laborer I'niun.
W.i-.a r U in II earpenter Penn.
Vo i i' P, in Ijs V. lumberman Middlebu: K
Wiilnws' .ipraiscmciiiM.
Xutiee i lieri-by Kive:i tint the fill,,winK
W idows' Appraisenieiit'i under the, i.H tl law,
have been lile l with the Clerk of the Orphans'
cent ., Snyder Coili ty for eoiilli'iiiatu.ii on
.Monday, t le 5th day of Oj'ob.T, A. 1). l.m.1.
1. Appraisement of Catherine I.on,-, widow II. I.iiiik, late of SuliiisKrore, Snvder
oiinty. Pa . detoased. fleeted to be taken" un.
der Hie -.1 exemption lu.v.
Appraisemei,: f Sarah l.esher, widow f
Hubert l.esher, late of Monroe township, Sny.
derl'oiiiity, Pa., deceased, cleeted to Us takcll
under the flu) exemption law.
it. Ai pi aisenient of Amanda WaRtler. w i low
ol Edward VaKuer, late of West Heaver town
ship, Sny, ler County, Pa., deceased, elected to
lie taken under t he $ HID exemption law.
4. Appraisement of Mary P. Lati.leuslnKerf
widow of I). W. Iju.lenslii)er, late of Selina.
(trove, Snyder County, Pa., tlceeised, elc'led
to be taken under the fcl'fl.OO exemption
5. Appraiai'tliitiil to Annie S. Unities, widow
of Horace II lines, late of West Heaver town,
ship, Snyder County, pa ,, deceased, elected
in tic liiKen utitier the HiK). exemption law.
. Appraisement of MarirarPt J. Stimell.,...
witlow of Palmer K. Htimelim?. late of Ffaiik-
liu township. Snyder County, l'n., deceased,
elected to lie taken under the $100 exemption
'. Appraisement of Klixabeth Klinirler.
widow of Kn Klitiirler, Into of Penn town
ship, Snyder County, Pa., deceased, elected to
be taken under the SOTO exemption law.
O. M. SlIINIIKI.. C erk (). C
Miditlebiiru, Pa., Septembers, JWW.
Kcuistcr's Notices.
Notice is hereby (riven that tile following
named persona have fllcd.Uielr Administrator's,
tiuirdian and Rxecutors account In the Kcgis
ter'ti Oftlce of Suydor County, and the same
will be itresented for continuation and allow
ance at the Court House at HI Idlcburif , Pa., on
Monday, October 5th, 1U0J.
1. First and final account of David II. Sny
der, administrator of the estate of .Susannah
Snyder, late of Union Township, deceased. .
2. Account ot Lucy A. Aigler, administratrix
of the estate ot Jerome P, Airier, late of Beaver
Tw p., deceased.
8. first and Flnll account of Katie L. VI
rich, administratrix of the estate ot Uenjaruln
Ulrlch, late ot Selinagrove, deceased.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
. X?
Take iaxauvc uromo quinine Tc&fets.c
Seven MBBoii Ixnee soM b mmU 12 Booths. Ttk 9WnTa Q.
tnx of the i-tili of lcoritv V, Lonir. Inte ol
! ",K"'- diwa-ed.
S. Kirit im.l Fi tl wvni
.d,,,!,.!.!.-..,,. c t - ,.r f
Hint nt Amo I'ml- y
e etnte of ("at her i nn
I tit i ley. latiMif Monroe ToWutthiii,
?. Kirstaud Finnl account of II. K Fettcro'f
Kxecu'or tf I lie raU'e if N.ithan FtTulf, lat'
of AiIhhin Tw., ilei'tl.
H. NiiitpVmrnt.l Hotttimt of Iwuio Wt-iatii
uiiil Uili'ani Wfiiiml. 1 t etititrn of the tatt
' of Mit-hni-1 s U fiaint, !ut of 'vt 1'eavcr twp..
). 'ir-t uinl Kinal tulit of .'.ror-jt F r.-iMiw
l.x, rul-.i -of tin' -l;itf of .miiiih I Ail'OK" 1i'
o It i ry tuvvn-M, a-i-
J. II. W'ii..i. Ittx'ti'r.
Vi.l .l.l.i.i.'
I HI-.!.
-Toi'ij to run pacific coast.
V: i Pen ns) Iv.'iiiia Railroad, Account
.VU'cii.ix Nali.inal Hankers' Asso
ciatioii. ' t II llc'i.lllit i.f the lneel;,y of llie :;:t onal
HanUciV , i.ition lobe h.-iil a San Fran
i ieu, ( al., ii. f.iber i!" to 4;l, tne l etinsylvania
It.iilroad t oinpaiiy oilers a personally eoi.du,''
e I tour to the Pacllie Coast at remarkably low
I This tour t ih i will IcaveJN'eW ,York, l'liila
ilrlph'a, Italtinore, W'nshington, and othe.'
points ou ttie I ennsylvania Kairoad -ast of
I ittshtirtr, W'ednesilH.v, Oi-tober It, by special
tiath of the ;.ii;hcst Ktade Piilliuau eitiipinent.
A quick . run westward to San Francisco,
wil. be itiaate, via 1 hieiiKo, Otnal.o, (hejeiine,
and Ogdcn.
I'ive days will be "devoted to sau Franc. seo al- '
lowinif ample opportunity to visit the near-by !
iniiat resorts. IteturniiiK, stops will be made at
Salt lajkc City, Colorado Sprint's, Hen er. end I
St Louis. 'I be party will reach New York or ;
the evenlnit of October MI. j
Itoiiud-trip rate, c.iverinir all expenses for i
eighteen days, except live days spent in San- j
Friiuuiaco, lltHI.
Kates from Pittshuric will be J.'i.Ci less. I
For full information apply to Ticket Afc-elils I
or (ieo. W Ht.jd, (icnelal I'asso'.fter Aasintj
llioad Street Station, Philailelpbia, Pa. ::t. !
lVniisyhaniu Iiusincss and Sluu tli.iiiil
("ollei;c ami Coi'rtsintlcncc Schools,
Lancaster, I'a.
liiirinic the past season the above school has
had an enrollment ef more I ban I.Vm Irotn all
over the t inted States; and a lliiisblnir class of
: ni' almost leu more than any other school of j
the kind in Pennsylvania icradtiat -s. Students
enroll daily throiifhout the entire year and
have absolute assurance of emiilovinent when
thee tlnish as Hie school ij overwhelmed with
npplii-utions for help-
iMtard is secured in kooiI hnnies nt from SI to
t'.'a.wcc k less than in other places offering simi
lar advantages. Tution is proportionately low.
On the lath of May, last the school purchased
a huildiiiir which, when the remodeling is com
pleted, will lie one of the largest, test located
and finest used, exclusively, for buaiueaa col
lege purposes in the United (States. It la the
only business' collt'Ke Pennsylvania owning a
building of any ureat value.
Kor original L'titalogue and College Jonrniil
liiving detailed inltiruintioti regarding our n.e
thods of instruction at the College; and llow we
teach tea, 'hers, while they are theaehin. and
ave then the price of tuition, nbress.
J. M. NV A III:, I'll. 1)., Prlnclpul.
l-'m the bi tictit ol thus.' tlc-.ii i iik to at en 1 t e
ai.nllul s s-:.iii ol the f-ovd'eini; l.l'aud l.ieii;'
of l.ti it .'.u. It.iliiumit- Md.. s 'puenhi-r Jl tti
-r l'i nii-i 1 1 aiii.v l.'ailio id Company will
e ,1 rinui' :-ti 'p t.i l: t- t lliiltiititiiti fiutil i.i! ta
I i'ii on i - l.ii"-. exn'pt ii. i p i r.'y, llarrisbui u
.tii'l itil 1 1 in -ill. ale st; it ions, t ol un i bill, l'lcl i id;
iilid iiilcrnit' liit'r -t.itions on the Nor'hi'l'li t oil Kailuav; l-ilic;'r. ll irrisSutir, and inter
ni' di He i' ii m - on the l'liila lelp!i in, italtiiuo re
and 'ashiiu;loii Itailroel evItHtw -if stations
south of Townsi'll'l, D.'l.). on S 'il "tiber lit. V".
aiel 'JI, umiil for return passitr m.t I "Si'jit' n it o' r
s, im V.lsive. at rate of single faic e r the rouii'l
ttip, plus one dollar,
l'ur e'lnilition- ami s'np over at I'liiladclphia
on tickets ic. i lin through thlt p, eons'llt
ticket nm'iits. it.
nsli-il i:tIort.
"Have you ever made any ( tTurt to get
"Yes, Indeed," answered Meandering
Mil;e. "I once sot work fur free differ
ent members of my family,, but none of
'cm would take it." Washington Star.
In llie iliiinnn Itiico.
A Fttitlent of ethnology was telling his
friend that the Laplanders are of very
short stature.
"Can't you be definite?" replies the
other. "How many Laps to the mile?"
Boston Transcript.
Approved liy Skretera.
Ethelene I can't see why open
work stockings are made.
Claudius Less trouble for mosqui
toes in making nn opening. Yonkers
Mtlj- Kntivr Kuril Othrr.
Sillicus Do you think we shall know
each other in the hereafter?
Cynicus I hope so. Few of us really
know each other here. Philadelphia
All diseases of Kidneys,
Bladder, Drlnary Organs.
AIho Rheumatism, Back
ache, HeartDlsease. Gravel.
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. Titer Is a
core for you. If neee.isnry wrlt9 Dr. Keniier
lie bus spent a life time curing Juat aueu
viava a jruura. All vuusuttutiuuB ivi
"Your Kidney and Backache Cure has
cured two very bad cases aiuouxour custo
mers tuo past yeur whom the doctors bad
given up. J. L. STILL & CO., Woodland, Ia."
Drusj elsts. 80c, 81. Ask for Cook Book-Free.
CT lITIIC'nAIIPCPure Cure. Circular. D
01 VI I U0 UAnUtleuucr, Frcdonla.N.Y
Lewistown Furniture
Co.'s Store.
We have our Store Pull from Cellar to Attic witii New and I'p-to.
Lutc5t Patterns. Lowest Prices.
I ;it t Vul v ii, A l;ivt- assortment of Iktlroom Suiti uutl ShU- l;.arU,
it t'i-tl, hu rm-kt'r trv tli talk of the town, ill liconty, htr'nth aii l low prit t
I'a:-.' 'Suim ior T.iM , t'lc, arrivil Juily. Our al'pct iVjutrttuiMit u
f-eitiinl ti itoiu.
Wi liavt a '.htkk .'n tmoitt of hatnNmno nt'w iiatturns to Hclcet from.
Wc have the 1'tHt tarptl inui-hiiii, nntl the btt man for .Ntvliitf ami lu'.'i
can. t t iu town.
Lewisiown Furniture Co.,
No, I2-I4 Valley St. Felix Block
Very Rsile.
"Oh, wnnnia," exrlaimed a little ml si
ot three, as she came running into the
house with a look of indignation on hei
face, "I des want 'ou to whip zat eld
"Why do you want her whipped?"
asked her mother.
"Toz she won't let me see her
ehickles," was the reply. "She dest
lifted up her dwess an' zay wunned wite
under." Cincinnati Enquirer.
Old Proverb Hevlaed.
"Now, Johnny, say your proverb,"
sweetly asked the schoolmistress at the
annual exhibition.
"Please, ma'am, I forget," lisped
"I will refresh your memory. 'People
who live in glass houses ' Now finish
"People who live in glass houses must
pull down the blinds." TH-BIts.
The llrwarilt of Culture.
''I used to think it was nothin' but
time and money wasted to send a girl
to college."
"I'm glad to hear that : you have
changed your opinion."
"Yea. Since our daughter come back
she can tell what nearly everything
you see on one of these hotel menus j
stands for in plain English." Chicago
Uecord-IIerald. ' !
AliNt-nt-.MI ndrtl Mnn.
"Didn't you promise your dying sister
in her husband's presence, on her death- '
bed, to marry him as soon as he asked j
you ami be a mother to her poor or
pliiineti children?"
"Well, why didn't you do it?"
"lie r.evi r asked me." Town Topics.
1'iifir Jtinea.
'"Hie. jacet John Jones,'" sho tuiot
rd, as tin y strolled through the ceme
tery. "What do those first two wurda
"Well er 'jacet' is a new one on
me," lie replied, "but 'hie' Is a word
that's used to uhow a man ia -given
to drink." Philadelphia Press.
Itrnplnic Ilia llnrvrat.
Mephislo You're the man who In
vented the phrase, "Is this hot enough
for you?"
New Shade Yes, sir.
"Well, you'll have a chance to an
swer that question yourself. Mere,
men, put him In volcano No. 03."
Yonkers Statesman.
AYlint Itulnod llnalncaa.
"So he has fallen into financial
"I'm afraid so." i
"What was the trouble?"
"Paid too much attention to other
people's race horses and not enough to
his own delivery wagon." Washington
The Kxceptlona.
Mrs. Crimsonbeak Do you believe
every man considers the day he pro
poses marriage to a girl the happiest
in his life?
Mr. Crimsonbeak I don't believe all
of them do; only those who never
married. Yonkers Statesman.
Mean Man.
Maude Generally speaking, women
Nasty Man (interrupting) Yes, they
"Are what?"
"Generally speaking." Boston
Kar. Always reliable,
ask Dracttst Ibe
Jl1 metallic boxea. sealed with blue ribbon.
Taaiai am attivr. Htia alaageraaia aaiaali
tatUaawaaal laallatloaia. Buy of your Umirtal,
or sand Sc. In alamna for Parti ewlara. Teats.
aiMlakU and "atrllrr for LawaHes," in ieUar,
by mtaira Mail. 10,00 TaaUmonlala, HoW
aUDrua-Klata. ,
lot aalaaai Mautra, railX, ri.
Oree Crip
On every
Spring: Opening,
At the NEW STOIiKs....i
' . 'iiuioirv -i
Ijari'cr utm-L- nn.l i
o i" " unvM
tlian evpr ( )nr SJt.n.. :.. tt
.,i,c ia j !jiniiig
with new tliinps lor Sniinjr m Va,
TkIs, (jrenadinos. V.i rr..
t ' I. t'Tll a-s.
. - . . . 'll.V
vmmki.s, ouk aists, Uresis Skirls.
Ill'lllltltlll llllU I.'. .11'. L'
jiiukuim, wrapper,, Muslins, Calic
tiinnhams ami White Spreads-.
u will Im n n o......!..l . I
.. ..... u oiieeiitl sale Ui
Ladies Mmcrlin ITn,lo.
- (M wa J 1 1 II CI I
wear, May 1st to the 16
e win nave the most Ixautilul
line ot iinderwear ever shown
20 yds. muslin $1.00.
33 yds. muslin $1.00.
Gingham 5c and 7c.
' Calico 5c and 7c.
$1.00 White Spread 85c.
$1.00 Table Linen 20c to 25c
vonie in anu see, no trouble to
HL .P. Clpnuupp
4-10 Market St., SUSP.UKY, I'A
ii-!. i i .vo. . ii i ...
i HH.-C minis i-;isi ol llie .iai Kli 111111
iv. , l c, :
t J'W inn UI.OI Mill 1 l I I III I nil. .
If ho, don't l'uil to come lotmr
store and got our prices,
We can suit you In
style and prices,
from the cheap
est to the better
Hard wood, golden oak linUi
Only $12.50
Mattresses - $1.90
Bedsprlns - $1.25
Good V7-txito
3Hnamc n Bods
Clialrn, Rockers, I'miclies. Hidf
txiards, Fancy and cheap Ki
tension Tallies, Baby Carriage
and Uo-carta.
HiffllDbiirK, Fa.
Schroyer Smyser,
Represent only II Mt-class Stock Co
nanlua T.inrlittnir I ManaA aiul ct
ThrpMhlncr nprmil .rttititiHs.
nanlpa tn iaann imlielpa and
knulnooo at nil nrtl..u unu. aa ftt bO"
will be DromDtlv attended to by V
or otherwise.
. a rrf
aff nr it etuu
In Schroyer'B Building, near Dep
TT.Tmt Y.fTT
- " SJ VI AVV - 1 .rVI,
. wi. a i ra -a at. a a bj n..
itop !
Snyder County. Wi
L aMaaskasi