The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 01, 1903, Image 4

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Published Every Tbarsday Merninj
VI. OO pet ynt Ml
in ann
Id In advance. I.BO per i II not Mid
Tnce- KiiiKle copies. Hv CenM.
The Selinsgrove "Times" last week reprolu--
ed our editorial tjuih about "Nosing into other
people's business". He is not the only fellow
who pulled the cork under. Joe can cousole him
self that we do not take any business from him.
AftTrrlWinff Ruin. S ccnU per line, nonpareil measure
meat, (or nrl Inwrllot. and M null per Hue (or eacb eubeo
qp Iwwrtinn. fOKKIft NVarlne County Court House,
between the Fir" Nallunal ltauk aud tlie OnunlyJall.
Vol. x. xx. t, 1, l!K):t. Ni'mbf.r 38
Republican Standing Committee.
A.lm 1 Kin. .1. T. Shnwver.
Ib-avvr II. II. I nut. A. II. Munw-r.
;.;ivrr W.--t - W . I'. Oro-it, Duvitl KcnnliiRer.
I rf I . l: V.. till. .1. W. S;iinii'll.
rl. ii;. iii in H. I-'. II... k ir.l, 1. II. riMli-icrnvp.
I- rit . . -1 1 1 1 ll' iit v K.-lty, .IiiIiii Ii. f(rtiiiiiier.
.In. .'t -l.! Yi:imk. U in. St-li'ilil. '. ut-(.i ... W. IVnvi-r. i;nk V. YiMler.
Ml,i.-,'r. . k I'r.itilt W.iIi.t. H. K.Snvdcr.
M,ni II. . Ili'ii.rik. II. K. Kilier.
I .m.i, .1. II. Il... r. W. N. How.
J'.- IV C. A. Iln L lll.lirt:. .' W Arliit;aat.
Cm ' . -t iiii I .Ki;l.v V. A. InUlv,
. l i..;.... i . I.. K.-I-. r, (' W.O.virt.
?-,i:n;; . 1 ,-1 If . .1 . IV KwillK.
I n . i. I. ' . I -!l. H.-nry i'ln.-r.
a-i . t; . . 1 1 'I'.I.ih-I M..ycr. .1. I.
Walter L. Main's Great Show has come and
has gone. It was a great show. Nothing but
high class artists were employed. The terrific
cycle whirl alone was worth the price of admis
sion. The main show itself was a credit to any
man. Those who missed the show, missed
something worth swing.
If the tux payers of Snyber (bounty are to help i
to pay f r a bribge, the bridge t-hould be erected
where it will be most convenieut to the greatest
numlier. The freeing of the West Branch bridge
or the contraction of a new bridge, involves.
such a large expenditure of money that the sub
ject should be Ireely discussed. . The P)kT offers
its columns for the discussion of this subject.
Articles are solicited no matter what position is
taken in regard to the Itridge question. Articles
to receive attention must in-ar the signature of
the author.
The action of the State in buying and setting
Lcslicr's two-mile pariule in a onc-mile-town I asi.le land acres as forest reserves will result
went of! Saturday according to program. Leslier ; not ouy J the preservation of tore-try and the
gets into this town two to three times a week,
beauty of the land-cape, but alsj in the produc
ing he never sees the (mater Middleburg. llej tion of a full rain tall, the retention of multure,
is looking for the small things and he usually the (lowing of springs, the coiitancy and cool
sec them in large numbers in a glass. ' noss G smai stn..llnS) the growing of vegetation
J throughout the warm season in thise area-, the
restoration of game and of snug and inscMivoi'oi s
birds, the re-inhabitation of the trout, the nlio!!-
Let the "Kock of Ages" tumble mid fall
' rather than follow the axamplc of ollicers of Sun-
. dav schools and churches who l ived
Si i r. Tuka.-i 1:1:1:
William I.. Mailnics Delaware Co.
A i I'U'ii: (ir.M.UAi.
William 1'. Snyder, Chester count v.
.Jri".i: Si I'kiikm; CnruT.
John J. 1 leiideioii, Crawford County.
Thoma- A. Morri-mi, McKeen County.
l'rothoiiotarv (ieo. M. Sliiudel.
liegiter ami Kecorder J. Ji. Arboga.t.
AssiH-iate . lodge .1. Frank Keller.
District Attorney M. I. 1 "otter.
.Jury Coiniiii-ioiier Irwin (Jraybill.
Harry 'lark, the leading clown of Walter I..
Main's great slnw, is an artist of ability. lie
originated the clown features ot the show and
stands at the head of the 1 1 clowns in the circus.
1 ..(' uneli I. lull ne..l ill ;.ir lt t!iinl
.... 1 i . ... 1 .1 .... I 1 i .1 . i ii ' """ '" "i 1
ami uairc'i wucrc iovc ami v. iirisuaiiii v siiouiii
Several weeks ago, a story originated at Mt,
rieasant .Mill that Associate Judge IVler F,
liiegel had died very suddenly. The Judge was
in town Saturday and proved that the story was
fahc. His many friends congratulate the Judge
because the report is false. Kven the Judge
himself more than enjoys ti e utmost pleasure at
the falsity of the report. It seems strange how
some of these reports originate.
reign. Men and wi nieiMvho can content them
selves with such lives aie living lives not worth
There was too much gambling at the show
Saturday. ur people .should know enough not
to bet on another man's game. Those games are
intended to fleece people and any man who!
, "bites'" is bound to come to grief. Never bet'
on another man's game.
Free Undue (Question.
Application will be made at Court next week
for the appointment of viewers to free the West
liranch Bridge at Northumberland. There is
great need of a free bridge across the Susque
hanna to promote the commercial relations of
both tides of the river. The chief commercial
relations of Snyder county people are with Sun
bury anil not with Nortluunlicrland. The free
ing of the West Branch Bridge would do very
little good to our people as there are still tolls on
the North Branch Bridges, which woi-ld have to
be paid before getting into Sunbury.
There, are two miles of very dangerous road
with the river on one side and the Heading Kail
road on the other from Clement Station to the
East End of the West Branch bridge, beside the
bridge ii old and would soon have to be rebuilt.
and the preservation of the bass, pickerel, and
other desirable fi.shes. Are these not worthy of
the most serious elloit and best thought that the
State can produce '.'
The Racket
Our premium offer of Silver
ware slionlil interest yon. Why
not investigate it. We oiler jou :
Swift's eased ham, per lli. Oi 1lie.
l'ieliie Hums, per Hi. ! 1 le.
Skin iioloirnii, per ( lie.
Summer Sausage, per Hi. ( loe.
Mackerel, per fish, l-"c.
('renin Cheese, per lb. u pic.
Tomatoes, per can, Hie.
Corn, per can, Me.
Teas, per can, Hi.:.
String Jiemis, per can, Inc.
Our line of Oroeeries is com
plete anil fresh. We also have a
line line of fresh choice
Yours for Uiisiness,
Geo. VV. Burns.
Watch our advertisement'.
Paymaster's Team Dynamited and
$3600 Stolen Near Washington.Pa.
Washington, Pa., Sept 26. One of
the most fiendish and bloodthirsty
murders and robbery In the history of
Washington county occurred on tho
Middletown road, about 15 miles from
here. Samuel T. Ferguson, of the Fer
guson Construction Company, of Pitts
burg, was Instantly killed, and his sec
retary. Charles L. Martin, of Cincin
nati, was fatally Injured. The two
men were driving along tho road in a
buggy, carrying $3'.!0 In cash with
which to ray off some of their men
emptied on construction work along I
ho lino if Ihrt W'ulinch rraUriinil when .
, , , , , , , -.,! per cect. advance; paia in ptv.
cm. .Ii nlv nn evnlos DM of ilviintn to n . . . . 1 ' .'
Absolutely Pur&
the roadway literally tore (hp rig to j
pieres, killed Ferguson outright and i
throw Martin 2o' feet and ter.rititr his I
left arm almost from the socket. It
has be en learned that two nu n, sup-1
posed to he Poles, placed the dyifamito
In th" road for tho purpose of killing
Paymaster Ferguson, and had arrang
ed to orpl'ide- it by means of an elec
tric battery. Tho satchel containing
tho money is missing.
Two suspects arc under arrest ia
tho car,:p of the ennstruetien . :n
pany m nr the village.
I.ouis l.!:;:rptf. whose farm bounds
the road at t'.'.e scene of tho crime,
nul'i-Iy ran to the edgo of bluff,
until In-; as he did so a man running
pvt him to the north over the hill
carrying a satchel Liggett was afraid
to give chase, as the man had a drawn
revolver in his hand and showed that
he would not be taken easily. Liggett
then rnn down over the hill to the
road, where a grewsonie sight pre
sented itseir. In the middle of the
road was torn a hole 12 feet long,
seven feet wide and four feet deep,
showing where tho dynamite got In
Its deadly work.
So quickly was everything accom
plished that the men who are impli
cated got away with their booty be
fore they could he overtaken, although
the county authorities believe that If
the right men are not those under ar
rest they will have little difficulty in
taking thorn. Mrs. Ferguson, wifa of j
tho murdered contractor, is in a serious
condition as a result ot the awful tra- i
6 per cent, advance,
The present outlook shows that
will likely bo no decrease in th"
price of coal until next siiriau-, th..
-tKii.'.t.... nM a r t. ..
which may bring tho minei' r,
ago up to 10 per cent., as th in.ii;.
panics are guarding the ont; :t to ,
vent a break in rates at till w a t . r.
The lviaware, Lackawanna
Western company, by payini: a si5
c"t;t. advance this month lia a,i!..;
t.iat the selling price of n,.; is .
JI.SC at tidewater. It will h;i t0
at ?T, a ton at that point 1 1 --" r -miners
will receive 10 per . ,'ti: ;..;V1
on the sliding scale.
Dencurccd For Spitting In Church.
Norfolk. Va., Sept. 2H - K.,. j,,ha
Doherty. pastor of St. Mary's ih
the largest uatlione church in ,,
folk, created consternation n m-,
when he denounced male momler!
the parish for spitting on the fi,
me eniircn, rainer iiuneny ticdar
such men desecrated the house n ft
by their action and were not wan
In the church. "I have a ir..tty ft
idea of these men s Identity," he ii
"but to be doubly sure I will ertjlcJ
a detective to attend services anl
port expectorators to mo. Thwe
ports I will read to the con grogatioaJ
and I will cause the arn-st of tl
guilty parties as violators of the cf
ordinance prohibiting spitting In pjJ
lie buildings."
Cow Wrecks a Train.
Choltniinnira Tunn R,nl 'N. l .'.I
. . l .1-..!.. , . ... . tM
geny ana mere is nine uuuuw lu , dnnat, Soutnern pas8en!:(,r tra;n
recovery. .... , Into a cow at Glenmary, Tenn, ::
""u auC.-.Ui...:u . - raUes nonh of chattan,,,,,,,, and
and robbery are concerned there are . engine tWQ mal, car8i
none. Absolutely no clue to the porpe-
express car left the track anil rot.
vr Idea about Paint?
low : is
LOW t,i.:,LTY.
uuj as"
(there's none better) cannot be sold
for less than we ask. If less is
asked, ynu know the quality is low
er aiul it's not cheap. It's poorly
made, contains poor material, or
is sli'ct measure. You get what
j-ou pay fur every time.
soi.n i:v
Miss Dilla Stalil was visiting in
this Valley .Suiulav.
Cotfa Sliatler who had been very
sie, is able to be out again.
Mrs. Maud Martin attended the
lair at l'lUt I loyal.
.lames P.oMilner returned from
Ilo'vei's church where he was
.bleoli Jlenf'er ) ied through here
on his way to Selinsgrove.
A. II. Uowersox was indisposed
last week.
Late visitors in our town weie :
YV. I), (rift of l'axtonville, Mrs
Ellen Coleman of Milmont, Mr.
and Mrs, Kussel Siitmplf of Lewi.
town, II. I!. I i-U 1 1 :i rt and wife am!
A. 10. Soles and wile, aud Jaeol
( iilliert, Es,.. of Middleburg.
XV t. i
Aiddlebiux la.
sire as Snooting !
I!ut Sliootingis not always sure. Its mighty uncertain if
the gun isn't right or the ammunition's poor
I'.xii- Ammunition will keep the best gun from shunting sure.
IVniMiuns have the same eflect upon iood Ammunition.
You must have both of them riglii.
The l'amoii-S TI'A'ENSf )X single barrel trigger aetion
ii .up ; " Ii : ami g ii 1 aiiuniinitiou. The Standard new
e'.uii -!e I!- for cxamjile, ttrc what we want to sell you.
And I iood Ammuniliou ol all kinds.
Confession of a priest.
Kev. J S. Con, of Wake, Ark:
writes, "for I'J years sutlered
from yellow Jaundice. 1 consulted a
number ol doctors, but got no relict.
l'lien 1 degan tlfc use of Ekctric
Hitters and feel that I am now cured
i 1.11
ot a disease mat liad me in its rrasn
twelve vears.'' 1 f yon want a
reliable medicine for Liver and Kid
ney trouble, stomach disorder or
general debility, get Electric I 'lifters.
It's guaranteed by Middleburg 1 ru ;
Co., (iraybill and Carman Uichlield
ind Ir. J. V. Sampsell IVnns
Dr. E. M. Miller and I. lVnieh
were in Middleburg, Mondav.
The Main show was well attend
ed by our people.
Isaac Kinney of Newton, Kansas
after being awav tor 1 1 vears is in
town. I)uring his stay he had the
misfortune of loosing his wife.
Miss Libhie liinganian lias re
turned from a two weeks visit in
Lock Haven. j
Win. (i. Snyder fell from his
bicycle and broke his right ami.
It. I'tese ami A. Smith ami wives
Miss Mary ltcise of Dayton, Ohio
visited in Milllin Co. last week.
Lutheran Church Sunday School
classes of Middleburg picnicked tit
this place and took dinner at the
Central Hotel.
Misses Nettie Shirk, and Susie
Derr are the delegates electa! to re
present the Lcavertown society nt
the convention now in cession at
(ieo. J'lickhart, trainman, had his
feet crushed under the car wheels
one day last week.
f Ailtni ni-trillion in tlio rotate il
W. ;'4l.rr l of I't ri Y tw., .-iivrr
t 'oil nt y, i i , ilri-4'ilvi'.l, li.tviiit; lu't-il
t'i tin- uMiterMKiHl, nil M-rNiiii knuwinu tlu nc
ti'lvi'i init'fii(l o mint i Mtntt nri' n iiurtli'il t
niiike iiiitntthatt- pnyiiiriit, whili' tlio liH.'im:
flainiH :iir.nn-t the -an I -tJit " will pn'rnt tlit ii.
duly aiitlit'ittit-utffl ti Hit iiiidtT-iKti'Mi.
VM MA W.iiM.U, A'lliillil tnttnx,
tit. ;w. l'.n :i. NtriUiiiuwn, 1'n.
M.J. I'li'tcr, At'y.
h r s of Adiniiiistriit ion
i n t Ii e
cslalo ..I .Inlin i.rul'l', late nt (".'litre lownslilp
Snyn.r Co, I'.i.. iiw.l, LuMiiit ur.uiti'.l
to (Iui tiiilt'n.lunQil, all t'rr.K.iiN ktiowiim them
m.'Ivl'.'liH',1 ti. n:n.l c.-tati iirts rc.iiioli'.l t,
'iiaUD Miiin.'.liiui. imyini'iit. whili t int.-.? haviiu
cl.iliu. will present them tltily nut liunl icntcl t
Old llli.l(.'r!li;ui:il.
WM (ilU IIII A.liiiiiiNtr,;tor,
Sept. :i. 1'iinl. I'. ni.s cr. k. I'a.
in , ,in, Ally
trators of the dastardly deed has been ( flown a Rtppp embankmont. K?,r.'
unem uieu, ituu vue uii.. tu , prank pnrkeI.f of Chattannr;!:a
Btantly Killed, ana seven n.tD r
badly Injured, two fatally.
Phila.'.elpliia, Pa., Sept. t'.-F.
was steady; winter suprtine, II
3.2u; I'ennsylvania roller. ( iear. t!
(a 3.7" : city mills, fancy. ti'V:
Uye llo-ir was quiet, at irt;
dais are as vague as ever, junlesa
something Is brought to light at the
Inquest the likelihood of the apprehen
sion of the murderer of Contractor S.
T. F rgtiiion" is slight.
HooUlieeper Charles Martin, who was
so seriously injured by the explosion
of the rlvnamite. was taken to the ll.i-
nicop:itliii' lioi;iital at IMttsbiirjt. am! i'. j rel. M'hent was firm; Xu. : Vm:
l iie'i. .veil liis eliiiiiees for l-eeoverv :ir! 1 vania iui, new, Ts'e. vr;i il
i... , a ,.....,.ii.'.,' linn: No. - yellow, local, ."-v. im
,.,,.. ....... .......... ! ..,,., 1,,. X, '' VI", .If.. I T,'
41e.: lower grades. He 1 1 ay if
steady; No. 1 timothy. t'l.V.'i ir.;0::
large I ales. Meet va. '
li:m.. Si-'i: 21 Pork w.i.- !,i ; !.
ily, ?:;' .;,'. Live rouiiry. !. . U
old roij.-ters, 'i . I '!--. I p
try, elioice lowls. 14'ac; !";.
'Je. r.ulter was steady; it, ry. ..
Kkss were steady; New Yi i
Peimsvlvania,- 24e. per .!,,. ! i:
were .steady; 2j'(:lMe. p, r lr :
llaltiiunre, Md.,riept. 2.. .w, a;,
firm ; spot contract. Tl' "'
No. 2 l'-.d western. S2'n N2:i'
No. 2 red. 72I,1ti 72'a'.; HHilh-n
sample. fiSJi iU'.-'C.; sunt In in c:,-i
74 71"'C. Corn was tirm: s
Get Six Per Cent. Advance on Selling
Price cf Coal.
Wilkesbarre. Pa., Sept. 2!!. The Del
aware, Lackawanna and Western Com
pany began with the first half of this
month to pay its employes a i p r
cent, advance on tho sliding scale, us
computed on the advance in the s-ellhi:;
price of coal at tidewater.
The increase percentage on wages
paid by this company on the general
April advance of 10 per cent, under t li-?
sliding- scale is ns follows: Paid ia
Juno, 2 percent, advance; paid in .Inly,
3 Ecr ((int. advance; paid in fi
j52'-sc: steamer mixed. I '.'i
southern whit corn. i'i .
ern yellow corn, 54'if57c. 'i'!;.'
easier; No. 2 white. 42i.; N
mixeil. 41c. Rye was ea-:-r. No
CiSc; 'o. 2 western, ."!'(.
5 y.PJ'.
Tiulijicijliciij verti
lieadaclie, consti
pation, piles, insom
nia, lumbago and all I
female disorders are
only a few of the s) nip- L
tonis of fuiKlionul
derangements caused
by defective eyes and v
aggravated by improp.
er diet, habits, occti- JlLj
pation, etc, i
We are able to care i ;
lor your eyes and give j
you advice. f
(iraduate Optician J
Sunbury's New
Dry Goods Store.
Visitors vill always find the Lateli String out,
Wo want yon all to come and go as yfl
please, without the thought of buying unless yon
feel so inclined.
" Make onr store your headquarters when n
Sunbury. Use our ollicc and Iho mauy other con
venienccs hero for you.
Dry Good;?, Cloal, Suib
Sunhury, Fa.
IJM IIIIIII J ! ) II IH IHIl Mllli.1 I W.illil in. .