The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 24, 1903, Image 8

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    '..Mllun.KBCltG POST.
i.N - ,
Mrs. Win. Walker and eliildten
uf Woi t'lii g'on is visiting her par
ents Aiisii.i lliu ;inaii. '
Mrs. Frank Weiser of Xc York
is spei.ding several weeks with her
parents lien, lline.
Harvest II ime services were held
in tin: general eoiineil I aitlieraii
chilli h iliri Siiud.tV a week.
Mi-sLuia Sjii'Lt ol Lew is;-iv n,
is the uue-t ol r.i i n I rtivnis
F.X-Slicnil .picli'. and wife.
A lai 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! m -i' of our p.-nple
spent Satnr.liy in attending the lie
fiirnied I'.e-l'niini at Adam-bur;;.
!Ie.' I ! imiiai h and wife of New
lict tin, .i. 'i K-( '..nniy Coniinis
Muiscr A. A Ko'iiigof Liwell, were
He.iM ri.iu i viti'r last week.
'..inn. n unit -rviees were he'd
in 'In- i. iHTal S.-iod Lllth. elinreh
on Saliliath foren
Two of Mr. a id Mrs. Atnlirose
tone's children died recently at
their Inline three miles North-East
nf town, one was hiiried on Sun
day. Clayton Heimlich of Burnham,
Las been indisposed for some time,
unit is spending the time iu town
vsith his funily.
John Ileimhaeh has been housed
up for the la il month with an at
tack of rhei'tnatisni.
Mrs. Herbert Shanibach (nee Sal
lie Dreese) came h mie from Pitts
burg on account of sickness.
T. J. Middlesworth, living be
tween this place and I leaver Springs
Lad the misfortune of losing his best
iorse by death, last week.
Allen I lucid our prop timber man
lias gone to Williumstown, in search
tf employment, and expeets toruove
liis family as soon as he is able to
rent a house.
Rev. D. C. Kaufman preached
the iuneral sermon of a small child
fJolu) Spaid's near Port Ann, on
Sunday forenoon. . I
T. Xv iVeyiiiu.iV of" Middleburg,
feoighuhe John S.- Smith property
Jn l!ie public square Jjr yl, ;(. '
Ner. A. Feese, Isaac Heaver, J.
F. Middle.uort!. and W. F. Dale,
inch Ird the mi-f iittuie of loosing
a p"iv.';' dentil recent ly.
Mi-. Lizzie'lw.H Instil y
-I'lllOn'Mi 'I to J.evi-i nvil nil Satur
day, ! I iii.'Ii;- to ai-tt her
in !it- ' her !.us!aiiil, Russell
Sliiin.i... M. . accidentally fell oil
nf a lr iv, on which he was
) cal il', and was very painfully
rut ! ' n'-i'd : 1 1 . i t the head and
fact . i - il'iwi ii lias since re
turned huiiie and rcji'irts her son-in-law
o)i a fair way i.j recovery.
W. V. Heimba "ii and wife are
Mitert.uine; Mr. il'.- sister, from
India! a.
A Hoy's Wild Ride For Life
While family around expecting
him to die and a son riding for life,
It ni'les to getl'r. Kinng's New
Itixvci'v f v Cnn-;imption, Coughs
and ;'-.! K V. H. Hrown, of Lees
vil! , 1 1, ,. endercd death aironies
IS'liUM 1)11'. 'J
wonderful I
-ivc in.-:.i:,; relief and soon
cured He writes; ''I now
.Jeep soundly eu ry night.'' Like
marvel. eiir-s : !' Coiisiunption,
rneuniniiii, iSrouriiitis, (.'onghs,
Cold.- :u d ! :)) p; . e its matchless
iiieiit ti ! ail 'l'hr :.t and lung trou-..!e-.
In I'ltee l 'hittlef ;'0i: and
1.(. Tilal I) .'.tie-, free at Mid-Jleburg-I
rng ( '(.. liarman & (iar--:uin
Ki-litield Dr. J. W. Sampsell
l'i:IJI.!.- 'reek.
Charle- Wagner, a voiing fanner,
jfWcst 1'i iry tow nship, died on t
..tiirda'. .ii i ii. II" had been suf
fering for nearly ;. year from catar
l iial a lid ii'np-ieal aileetions. The
funeral w is held T.iesday. Inter
meut in Arlmgast'- cemetery.
Wrs, Adam Ilejmer, returned
from I'hih'.delphia with a full line
o( fall millinery goods.
Merchant E. A. Garmau of the
rm i f Cravbill Gtrnian will
leave for the Eastern cities Monday
28. He will purchase a complete
line of fall goods to supplement
Mieir already full stock
Ray M'iney spent Suuday with
sis parenU.
Summer ha gone, ami (lie nielan
ehidv .-till 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l;iy ha.'e come. The
in.ill ImiV is already ujfliuj5 the
chestnut tiee.
Nn MTvie "s wire held in the
Lutheran church Sunday on nivonnt
of tin- sickness f the pastor, llev.
ll'i.r (iraybill and funily were
at Ml. Pleasant Mills Saturday af
ternoon. Our schools upend last Monday,
Tin- patter of little feet and tin
cheer oiccs of bright bvs and
girls ai:ain remind us of the sway
of the jiedagogue.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
1. W. Tieaster of Lewistown,
was here to spend a day on the
mountain ti.r golden rod tea. lie
suit, 1 seventeenth of a pound.
T iie picnic nnd reunion Saturday
at Beaver Springs was well . repre
sented from this end. The day was
nice and everything passed oft to
ih-satisfaction of every one pre
sent. Lew istowu folks turned out with
a good crowd Saturday attending
the picnic. Nearly all were form
erly Snyder county citizens.
Daniel Terrell of Miflliu county,
formerly of Bannerville, was buried
at the Samuel's Church, la-t week,
lie was an old soldier of the civil
The fiv remaining veterans ol
tliu -Huh Kegt. l V. here, expect
to attend il- rpiuiieii of their llegt.
to be he! I in Lewistown
The okl .soldiers of McQlure and
v'j Vilty will hold their annual bean
up iu Cold Spring drove, Satur-
day, Oct. 3d, 1003. .Able ppeakers
and good music have licen engaged
for the tlay.
Kx-Sherifl Middlesworth of Mc
Clurc has been conlined to his house
fir the past two weeks with typhoid
fever. Cndcr the care of Dr. Mit
chell he is improving.
The County Seat wifl be well re
presented on Show Day, provided
an extra tra'n will run for the ac
commodation of the public.
A little Jack was noticed at thij
end Saturday morning, but no dam
age lns b.'en reported.
What Is Life?
In the last analysis nobody knows
but we do that it is under strict law.
Abu-e that law even slightly, pain
results. Irregular living means de
rangements of the orgaus, resulting
in Constipation, Headache or Liver
Trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills
ijiiickly re-adjusts this. It's gentle,
yet thorough. Only 25c at Middle
burg Drug Co. (iraybill iv. Carman
Iliehfield, Dr. J. W. Sampsell l'enns
Mr. and Mrs. Ilettricli of Ilern
doii visited at Win. Sullle's Sun
day. Some of our young people at
tended the festival tit McKccs, Sat
urday evening.
John Snyder is listed with the
William Curling mingled among
friends Sunday.
Nathan lioush, an aged citizen of
this place died Friday. Interment
took place at St. John s church Mon-
Hurley Shatter aud J. O. Hir-
rold mingled among friends at Mc-
kees Sunday afternoon.
J lev. Seilhamcr preached his fare
well sermon in the Paradise U. B.
church Sunday. He went to con
ference the fore part vi the week.
His many friends hope lor his
return to tins charge again.
We are sorry to say that we have
some sleep walkers around here, but
it might be a good thing for them
to take warning not to repeat their
David Staid (the . champion K
thresher)' of erdiUa done some
threshing in onr vicinity last week.
His work can not be rivaled by any
John B. Ikrroht and Jnlm It.
Ijeucli have lieeii home with their
families Sunday.
John Eisenhart wears his hat t.u
the left side of his head all U cause
its a baby girl and Levi Carling
got his turn lieeajuse its a baby
On Sunday evening Miss Jennie
Snyder bad the misfortune of falling
down the .flight of steps leading
d.wu to the cellar kitchen. Dr.
llliams was spivdily su.iimoued
and w hile on his way to her assist
ance Ids horse frightened, upset the
buggy, throwing his companion out
broke the top of the buggy, and ran
away. The horse was caught at
'Squire Paige's, when it was found
that the Dr. was still in the buggy
with his head hanging down over
the seat, being unconscious. He
soon regained unconsciousness and
the trip was resumed, with Dr. and
the patient in pretty bad condition.
He says ''such bumps won't scare
fa the New and Better Breakfast
Food, so different from all others
that it ploases everybody. Got a
package to-day at your grocers.
Tm Gikhi Pcbi Food Co., Li Hot, N. X.
Aiirthur Helser of Sunbury was
seen on our streets Suuday.
-.Miss Ivy Hottenstein of Sunbury
spent Suuday with relatives. , "i .
Foster Slear, wife and children
of Sunbury spent Sunday with - his
parents, Martin Slear and family.
Our merchant J. H. lihoads and
wife, Amnion Frvmire ami Miss
Minnie Fi-s spent Sunday at Mid
dleburg. Old ( Iks service will be held
the M. E. church Sunday afternoon
3 p. m.
J. 11. Michael and wife of Sun
bury were seen in our vicinity Sun
day. The M. E. Sunday School will
hold a festival Saturday evening
Sept. 2H. -
Mrs. Cyrus Shipe spent Sun lay
with her sister, Mrs. Willow and
family at Winfield.
A valuable driving horse belong
ing to Jonas Trexler dropped over
dead while he was riding him. lie
was slightly bruised.
Mrs. Harry Trexler, who has
been very il! for some time, is slow
ly improving.
Win. Kerns of Mt. Carinel an
old citizens of this place died at his
home last Suuday night.
The Lords Suppei will be cele
brated in the Lutheran church Oct.
Mrs. Johnson liciin spent Sun
day with her parents, Mr. How and
Postmaster G. H. Lefller and
wife took -upper in Sclinsgrove Sun
da v.
T t. Tt-11
juwer jTius
That's what you need; some
thing to cure your biliousness,
and regulate your bowels. You
need Ayer s Fills. Vegetable;
gently laxative
J. C. AycrCo.,
liowoll, Mass.
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
nm ere, or nnrioinTH or . t . nti a rn., mntr, ,V ii.
Mrs. Gulick of Phila. spent
erallays with Mrs,
last' week.
J. W. Farnsworth, Esq., of Dan
ville was a Selinsgrove visitor on
F. W. Felkerand wife of Sha-
mokin were the guests ,f Mrs. F
parents J. J. Hous worth and wife.
Miss Tillie F'ieher of Sunbury
was the guest of her Bro. New ton
on the Isle of (Jue.
The corner stone of the Lutheran
Church at Hoover's Mill was !a;d
on Sunday with impressive cere
monies. Dr. Cummings of Sjubury, but
formerly of this place, was buried
on Weilncsdav la-t at Sunbury, he
was aged about S yens.
N. S. Feehrer assisted your band
at the Port Koyal Fair, lint came
lioi.ii. dck on Friday, he however is
able to be about again but looking
worse for the attack.
Mrs. Ethel Santh (nee Lumbard)
and children of Sunbury spent sev
eral days with her parents, Editor
Lumbard and wife.
. 15. Gardner of Grand liapids,
M: i , . , . . ,
ich, is visiting friends ill town, he
was a member of Co. F.. (Cant
Iivan's Co.) 131st llegt. Pa. Vols.
I He attended the re-union at Lewis-
burg for the first time siuce the war.
He was a former citizen of this
place, but has not been back since
he left 23 years ago. Time seems
to have dealt with him gently.
The lie-Union of the liegimeut
was fairly well attended we are
told all the inemliers living here
attended, they report having had an
excellent time, the citizens of Lew
isburg doing their utmost tp make
their stay pleasant, it is reported
that over 70 inemliers were pre
sent. II. E. Davis of Sunbury visited
her mother on Friday last.
. Work on the sewer extension was
begun last week and will be push
ed forward as rapidly as possible.
The Aluniui Gymnasium is rapid
ly Hearing completion. It is ex
pected to put iu the Heating and
bathing system shortly.
llev. C. M. Nicholas, of. Bloom
field was a visitor to town last
The Band was to Salem on Sat
urday evening to play for a festi
val w hich was held there.
Trinity Lutheran Church, held
its Harvest Home Exercises Sun-
day inorninir.
Geo. Schaller and wife of Chest
nut Kidge spent pait of Sunday
among friends in town.
Miss Minnie Schoch, returned
from her visit.
James Carey and wiPe and Chas.
Fisher and wife of Sunbury, were
visitors among friends on Sunday.
Mrs. Sallie Gross is in town
spending some tune among her
Harry and Jerome Haas of Phila
delphia were home to attend the
funeral of their Grand-mother.
W. A. Harding of Lancaster is
spending a few weeks' vacation at
Mrs. John Haas aged S2 years
was buried last Thursday, at the St.
John's church.
Miss Cora and Geo. Steiver are
at home on a visit.
11. 11. Ferry, an employee of the
Johnston Harvester Co., wa called
to the llarrisburg branch office to
transact some business.
Mr. Kauffman, the lumberman of
Mt. Carinel, was here looking after
th( interests of his timber tract.
The Chicken and Waffle supper
held for the benefit of the Band was
well attended and enjoyed by all.
John "Verger and Lee Shadlo arc
on the :ick list.
Miss Nettie Kline is stricken
with the dread disease, diphtheria,
llev. Fetterulf, the Luthern Min
ister preached an interesting sermon
Butter 1G
EgR9 20
Onions 50
Lard ........ 12
Tallow 4 J
Chickens.... 10
Side 12
Shoulder 12
Ham 15
Wheat 7075
Rye 5G
Corn 00
Oats 40
Potatoes 40
Bran perlOO. 1.10
Middlings' 120
Chop 1.20
Flourperbbl 4.00
I . , ivcigu- spent nis vacation
, nt I.iiih-' Ijst week.
) n.i i I A u.d I of S.rtitl Bdlilem
lwt,':t n. pi-t week with his brut I it r
' 1. ' .'.ilyi-i Aitiol l.
j Tim-, llo'l-er und wife of Alt mil
I v . vis'nieg relative- l8t wee;.
lenry Keller and family, Geo.
lline inni wife and Mrs. Sue Beisllc
.Lieiided a ariy Saturday at the
of the former's parents Jno. Keller
o.d wife at llarrisburg.
Prof Sieflin nf Halifax spent Sun-
lav with his b-Mer half.
" P. W. Stelliu of Sunbury was the'
welcome guest i-f his brother in law.
H. F. Charies' lamily Suuday.
J. E Meet, arrived iu town Sim
day tospiud his vacation with his
parent, John C. Neitz and wife.
Jim left fur Akron, Ohio, two
years and since them is makidg
ipiile a success iu life. He is lioW
coiidiu'tnr on one the trolley lines
out there and seem" to like his
work very well. He has a host of
friends who welcomed him home.
Mrs. llafley and niece, Mrs. E.
Mover of Sunbury were in town
during the week.
Mrs. Maria Blassar of Sunbury
was in town Suuday.
Mrs. Luciuda Mender Milton pass
. ... . . , . ,
eu iiiroiitu m i v3iiiuriuy ri ruuie
.,i . i .i r i
of her brother-in-law Nathan lioush.
llev. Sealheimer delivered his
farewell sermon in the U. B. church
Sunday eveuing.
Edwin Mitterling aud wife of
Sunbury spint Sunday with her pi
rents John Hoover and wife.
Jonathan Swineford and wife of
Produce were the guests of their
daughter, Mrs. J. Wituier Sunday.
Jas. Hoover and wife of Salem
are being entertained by a host of re
latives this week.
Dr. Shindle of Northumberland
was a business caller at the home of
W. B'jyer one day last week.
Nathan Swift, of Chicago, Dies of Acci
dent Thought to Be Trifling.
Chicago, Sept. 21. Nathan Swift.
Bon of Louis P. Swift, the packer, died
from the effects of a blow on the
temple with a polo ball at Onwetsla
field during a game. The accident was
at first thousht to be trifling. Mr.
Swift was playing in a contest Tn which
his companions Were Frederick Mc
Laughlin, W. W. Rathbone, Walter
Farwell, Sidney Love, yalter Keith,
R. R. McCormlck and Charles Garfield
The ball which struck Mr. Swift was
one that went high in the air and from
the mallet of Mr. Love. Mr. Swift did
not appreciate his danger until too
late, the glare of the sun preventing
him from following the ball In its
flight. When the ball hit him he did
not fall from the saddle and when his
companions galloped to his side he was
at first inclined to make light of the
Injury. He was induced to dismount,
but walked without aid from the field.
Arriving at home he complained of
dizziness and later on he went into a
delirium, which was followed by his
New Labor Union Opposes Strikes,
St. Louis, Sept, 21. A labor union,
the fundamental principles of which
are opposition to all strikes and In
favor of settling disputes with employ
ers by arbitration, was organized here,
The organization Is to be known as
the Independent Association of Brass
Workers. Delegates representing the
brass workers in New York, Chicago,
Philadelphia. Cleveland and other cities
met the local craftsmen in a conference
which resulted in the formation of the
union. In the declaration of principles
the members are pledged not to lnau
gurate a strike, and all will be required
to take the oath of allegiance to the
United States. The new union will be
independent of other labor organiza
tions. Vintena
Tha Worlds Greatest
Are you easily tired'.'
l)o you sleep badly
Are you nervous ?
)o you feel exhausted ?
Have you lost your appetite?
Is your stomach weak ?
Are you thin ?
Is you circulation poor ?
Are you weak, either constitution
ally or from recent sickness ?
You should take
regnlarly if you must answer
to any one of these questions.
All Druggists.
Impure blood always she1
Iff aU A l l
boils, pimples, rashes. If J
nerves, men neuralgia,
ousness, depression. If
stomach, then dvsDenJ
biliousness, loss of appetj
Your doctor knows i
remedy, used for 60 year!
- nmurnini trnm ina cawin ir, I J
nealtta waa ffona.
Mr blond u bail. ..J
SaxuDUIIU oumnletFlT cured i
11. C. Uokulku, Sk'nnbJ
1 1 00 a bottla.
All rtnietriHtn.
Impure filoo
Aid the Sarsaparilla by keepini
bewcls regular with iw.. f
A. omitii ami in- wit J
visiting at Erie, Buffalo a: d
Mrs. Thos. Sauers is
Batiks Yoder and Miss
Bolender of Middleburg were
on the streets Sunday
Smith .Rhiei of Lewisbinv J
siting relatives in town
. w i
Mr. Amig and John Diemcr
home over Sunday.
Mr. Anion Aumiller broiiiM
era! loads ot boards down
Beaver Springs.
.4. - . 1
J. Iloush is giving his lioil
coat of paint.
Hickory nuts are ripe aod
It would be well for school
and others to read up the gam
N. P. Hummel and Theo.
are on the sick list.
Win. Gordon and family
visiting his brother Adam at
Pleasant Mills. Many of thud
aud married iolks of tins place
to the festival and picnic at Sal
John'Boyer is loading u cal
of peaclies again at this place.
Mr. oilman and his wife
were formerly of this place v
Samuel Bollingers and fmm
went to Lewistown, Saturday.
A good many people talk o
ing to see AValter L. Mam a.
in Mindleburg.
J. E. Magee returned home
Phila. Thursday last. Lie
fine stock of goods this full.
Miss Lottie Manrer who is
ing at Sclinsgrove, is home v
her parents.
Letter to W. G. Oarmad
Middleburg, l'tt.
Lear oir : it s an oUI sayiM
ixsi advertisement is a plcaseil
tomer. It happens to us cotitid
iu this way : A man buys Dev
his house he has painted it oi
three years for a dog's-age.
tluulaS lie kuo'vs what lie wa
buvs 30 ealluus. and has 10
lie sees righUill A) IX
as much as pOSf aiurTLitf: els
likes that; lfcponies quick";
surprise; and he tells of it. Ti
advertisement is a pleased ens'
Three years roll round.
isu t a sign that his house
paint, he don't paint it. Xex
he don't naint it. 'I ds comes
it is a surprise; but Ii - has g
to it. Still the be-' adverti
is a pleased custom r.
Yours truly,
F. W. Devoe &
P. S. J. W. Uunkle sells our
Fearful Odds Against Hi
Bedridden, alone and M
Such, in buef wa the coudit
an old soldier bv the name
Havens, Versaill (). Fury
was troubled wiii i' kidney
and neither doci-ii nor n
gave him relief. t length 1
Electric Bitters, h put him
feet in short ordei and now
tides. "I'm on : i ' is road t(
plete recovery."' Best on eai
Liver and Kidney troubles
forms of Stomach and Bowel
plaints. Only 50c Gunratx
Middleburg Drug Co. Gra;
Garman Richfield, Dr. J. W.
sell Penna Creek.