. -rwjr ulc uiuTici au rj-jt In m. - " Zlwbat do ron do wltt it! v i ilarlhiita It Anna mv UOa - ,nd enemies- DsJIy GM4 Baoack t HMf. .hwd-ThoM.pUqn you hart minted thm. lLToh. I did not purehiM them lor t . wwwyj . laeoaaUteat. Smltn Mr. nmuu, your. m U tou Inconsistent CT. smith-How so? yri. 6mlth-Why. because you ar ring on th prayer. rug.-N. T. m The Antr. ,IM vou me duj iuv luiww- tones at my cuicnru ; no. ma'am. I'm the boy that rows stones at the boys thafa after Li.i..m " PhipRen Amprlran. hUr How She TelU. . . J t A 1 1 1 Faith' Mrs. u nara, nuw uju uu m twins aimrt?" -.is aisy I sticks me finger In nnis' nioutu. an' ll ne unea i huow Mulke. uarvuru ijimiiwiii. Anil So Thr Are. ja,k told me I was not like other lrl- ... ... ., That'' what ne lens an ai us. ite a ,,i sunipwhrre that all women are Ifarpnt." ChlcttKQ American. mtaWMMiiNalk. ' I "Say. bC MM th UtUa tab. "1 Jut Heard that aua up oa th bank telUnt the other man that he ought to take Iron because tVa always food for the blood. Is ltT "Not always, my child." replied the wise mamma fish, "especially tt it's erred to you in the shape of fish hooks." Philadelphia Prena. Arfraft Part rait. Artist (angrily) Why did you sky my "Portrait of a Gentleman?" tWt see it without a stepladder. Hanging Committeeman Very sor ry; but, you see, he looks like the sort of a person who would feel more comfortable up there than down on a level with .ordinary people. N. Y. Weekly. Am Keonomlat. "Why don't you play with the little boy next door?" "Because." answered the youth with many freckles, "he's too easy. I'd win all his marbles. He's one of these chil dren that start right In bein' good as soon as one circus Is over for fear they can't go to the next." Washington Star, AIt) the Autorrnt. "She Is very haughty since her family attained wealth." said the sensitive woman. "I doubt If there is anybody she doesn't snub." ".Yes, thrre Is."- answered Miss Cay enne. "If she wants good dinners she's got to bn polite to the cook the same as the ret of us." Washington Star. TROTTING RECORD FOR GELDINts Major Delmar Goea a Mile In 2X0 t-4 at Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse, Sept 11 With turf con ditions which were estimated to make the course a good halt 800004- slower than on Wednesday, when he estab lished a ne world's trotting record fot geldings, 2.01, Major Delmar went a mile on the state fair ground track In 2.00. lowering his previous record IK seconds. This remarkable exhibition of speed au. 1 of car of Montclalr. defeased lynching, au Love declared that the crimes tain southern negroes were such call for the most severe scd cruel pan tshment Rev. R. A. Motley, of Jersey City, who has been .spending aomt time visiting la the sonth. said: , "The trouble Is that yon people here In the north are fretting' yourselves to death about the negro in the south, while V negro there Is contented and happy." - - at! Pennsylvania Red Men arred. A Hn.tU VT t C ft . was made in the presence of 15.000 .h?TT . . .T5 ..C persons, who cheered enthusiastically ' rt"t,J" Oicoi uiir.ii jl tuc iiuyivvru vrrucr of Red Men of the United State, a r m B B I ll UUIHUUIIL sua? U 111 B Iklkw 1 STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. NewGroods imi PRICES. EVERYTHING KEPT IN A KIUST-CLASS GENERAL STORE. tome and'See Our New Stock. when the result was announced and it was realized that Lou Dillon, th two-minute trotter, alone stood be tween Major Delmar and the world'! trotting record, and that by only a quarter of a second. With the regularity of clockwork Delmar settled down to his work. The Quarter was reached In 314 seconds the same time made by Delmar in Wednesday's trial. Soon after passing the quarter pole the gelding faltered slightly, but soon recovered lilmscll and reached the half In l.i'l. having gained of a second over his tluu on Wednesday. At the half Delmar and his run nl tip mat were Joined by a hoooiuI runH'T ad the real otiteM bo-rn Sid.- 1 side flew the thr : . .. . ;;;:ihs at v.'ftches showed thct the (luil'tel had been done in I'.i'J. mil n might cheer went up. Com in 1; Into tlu I stretch. McDonald nave Delmar a Ilitht touch with the whip, and the gelding In response made a magnificent spurt which brought him under the wire li 2.ooy4. NEGRO DEFENDS LYNCHING Baptist Minister Declares Some Crimei Deserve Cruel Punishment. Newark. N. J., Sept. 15. At the col orod conference held In the Bethanj Baptist Church here Rev. J. t Love, oyfor of the I'nlon Baptist Church. 1 . - - Ill I fight over the admission of the Penn sylvania representatives to the ses sions of the body stirred the delegates. Great Incohonee Thomas G. Harrison refused to refer the credentials of the Pennsylvania delegation to the com mitter on the ground that the Council of Pennsylvania had refused to pay j certain assessments levied. An ap-' peal was taken by the Past Great In-! colionee Thomas K. Doni'.ellly, of Pennsylvania, who clalaied that the council of his state hail complied with all lawful requirements of the great council. The matter was then refer red to a committee for adjustment. In the meantime the Pennsylvania delegates are barred from participat ing in the council until a decision rendered. for Infanf and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Cha. If. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 yearn. Allow no n to deceive you in this. Counterfeit!, Imitations and Just-an-good" are but Experiments and endanger the health of Children Experience agalnt Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Refused Child Medical Attendance. Anniston. Ala., Sept. H. Hev. Mr. EIlenborK. leader of the "Holiness" sect h'-re, was arrested because hu refused to allow his 7-year-old daugh ter medical attention. The daughter is critically III ef typhoid fever. Medical attention Is now being given the child by order of Mayor Henderson. The father said that the child was in the lord's hands, and if physicians gave her medicine, which he calls poison, he would hold the mayor responsible. WlenU.ra Is in JalL Highest Prices Paid For Country Produce. N. T. Dundore DUNDORE, PENNA. YOUR FIRST BIG SHOW! , Happy iddleburg UKflwiss Our First Time) Hers. X-& AND WE ARE IN THE MAST0D0NI0 CLASS, Steamins r NS 84 Cars Grandest and Best Circus on Earth, Walter L. Ham's Gigantic 3 Ring Shows Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Pavr:e GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Our Stock Consists of Clean New Goods, Such as is Fount! in an Up-to-Date Country Store. Dry Goods, Hardware, Drugs, Groceries, Chinaware, Best Shoes. Cigars and Tobacco, Smokers' Supples. OUR MOTTO : less I MASTODOXIO MEXAOERIK. GRAND HIPPODROMIO ARENA Xy V x- ' "v More Goods for Same Honey t Same Goods for Less Money I Come and see our wares. flarket prices paid for Country Produce. A;y S. Sechrist, Verdila, Pa. SBl ' t MMii, Satnrflay Sunt 2i, I M 1 -III.. - ! II I IMI- ie.i Incorporate Under Arizona Laws. Most liberal corjorntion law m tliu Unittnl States. No Francliise tax or exhorbitant tecs. Ptivate property ex empt from all corporate debts. Par of stock made any amount. No limit on capitalization. Stock is non-as- siililc for any purpose. No amount of stin k required subscribtil. N state control : no State examination of Inrnks. .erislature can't repeal your charter. Keenoflico nml do business anyw liere. We attend to all iiiisiness and pay all fees, and charge you but a few dollars in any cise. Agents wanted in every city in the I . S. Liberal com missions. Send tlirte stamps for booklet ot ctlitiel an notated corporation laws and other information. Arizona Corporation Charter Guarantee Company. Monihan Building, IMUl-NIX, ARIZONA. A Pay ami a Xitrlit of ir-t. Chastest, Dfllgllt. AT THESE ARTISTIC ACTS "HAVE A LOOK." ONLY A SMALL HUNCH (K THE WHOLE. ESSIE FAY lu her wouderful 70 Hore Act ! Hvpooticl tv l'.emitv's Spell, thev Encircle Her in Rythmic Motion. Met Little Cu'tcti. st. V HI TK I'.AKY CAMEL, She's u -h a Darlmic '. l)ulv one in the orhl ever tuus fiEMElY.BEFY H. HRRVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL iNStrANCE AGENGV Sr3IiIsSGROVK, PA. Only the Oldest, t tronp st Cash Coiupjinu's, Fin, Lift-. Accident and Tornado. NoFremium .ftcles, D.,1819 AKsefs ,13.88 " lS5:i " m .i;2S.4 Vail Insurance Co " Insurance Co. I Life Association No Assessmenis The Aetna Fonnded J. " Home " American " The Standard Au The New York Jit The fidelity Mm Your Patronac . MOST LIBERAL OFFER OF THE YEAR. If The I lew-York iTribune Farmer is a national lilli st rated agricultur: ' weekly for farmer and their families, and stand at the head of the agri cultural presM. It is a practical pai f..r practic al fanner. heli.in(?them to secure the larp-t t. il le prctit fmiii t!.c farm through practical methods. It Is entertaining, instructive and practically useful tr the farmer's wife, sons and daupbter. Jwho-e int. 'e-ti (t covers in an attractive manner. The regular price is $1.00 per yar, but for n limited time we will receive your ubacrption for THE NRW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER and aim for yourcvn favorite" IR-al newspaper, The Post, Middlehurg, Pa. Boll mm One Year foronly $1.50 Send your order and n.iiy :i Tl.e J'i.t. Ymir name and addr in n p-ral .-:iril NF.W-NOHK TRIBlNE;FAKrEP. N-w-Y. 'rk t iil p ufrte : mt le'n j.y. THf; . i ;!' CENTRAL State ropjai Patented j. SCHOOL, LOCK HAVEN. PA- K. Plickiner, Principal. 7Ic ?all Tern? Opcr?, Scpt. 7, 1303. I'liEK tuition to rv-jwtii'e tfachrM. Tlilx high Rrdr tr.ilnnitc JhI for tchrr wm rtfvrr in Uttr cmt:t!in than now. Th enr)llnifnt ear eXcwtfd tx huntlrl. HiolotfH-al Hnil ( heliiical latna'orio have 1 riH'futlv ten atltHl, Vxlr t;yui:i.iiuin iul uthletic flfld. anitry nnlition unti.ifllrt A IarK favnllv of trained f(Jciaiit. Tti M-hol a!o tninfain a c-lltice prrpjratorr d pHrtmenl. butnr df irtineit sad d jrt Uint' of liK'Ution and mutv. The t's vvv. are Iiwer t!in C t( i y other intitntion of eiuut rank. AJdrew tvt caUloKue the 1'rincira. riirUteutvl lv IV. Shrine Nol'los. tup 1 rmn I wukklkd r.Y liHi THP 1 OOP TH K H UM: PK.VIL DKMON. IWKAOK will Move ni sharp 10 by the Morning i'lvk. Watvli t'er the vilitleiii: Smear of Wonder". i i m Uu ii ri.i Jolum. Lmiilnniim. RnnnlnA and all Drufl llnhltft I j tm : f fmanently cored, without pain or detention from business, leaving no cravlns i f f aruKi or other itlmulanta. We restore the nervous and physical systems , (lcir natural condition because we remove the causes of disease, A home remeuy ttpared by an eminent physician. 1 : WE GUARANTEE A CURE FREE TRIAL TREATRCNT OQQdentlal correspondence, especially with physicians, solicited. Write today, . nanhattan Thsrapeutia AMOoiation a AesB sea J -u M-. SI DOORS OPEN, 1 AND 7 P. M. l'roniei'.:ule (,'oncert at 1: ".V and T:;!0. Tent- Sua ami Kain Proof. ADMISSION, 50 CENTS. i'HU.nUKN, i vearntuivl t luler '2 25 Cents. NOTK: Oihvr Shows X'haie ' yean of ae to i', 25 Cents. WANTED :-SEVKKAl. IMU'STKIOVS onn in tach Mafe to travel for h ue thlh vd eleven year and with a larjfe f:tal, to call upon nwn hant and fluent lor sU.Leful and protltahle line. Permanent eiK-:iw'!t ent Week ly .tih salary of (! and all Uu rlinx rxpennes and hotel bill advaiud in U ath week. Ksrertcnee not eiMitml. Vrrtion rt''er'nc and etiiUme elt a'drfoe i loeiope. TH!; WriONAL, $34 UcsirhornSt. Chkuo. VMiit Guaranteed L'nder $20,000 BOND THE k E STONE LAW AM) PATENT CO.. 107 Bet RuUd ing, Philadelphia, which ir. th only i'i!dnt Patent Agency in the wnrld, ett'.-r to make a Uuar anteed 5earth of the Patent Of. fice Records t merely their opini.in Free uf .'harwi.! :,-ad- J eix of thi i: m. w':. will wud a ktt. h. Mi.it-! ..r .'. 2 tion of '.heir invt utter.. J lLty ; la!i civf a i-fr'.;ii. ate of i a-.t-titat iliry whiih will ho of Z cTt-u: ' ;! to t:i i:iv. : r r in J rai!n I'aj-ital. Valid 1'a:, r.f with the hroa.l- 1 tst claim-i i"i!V(l on easy week- J ly i'ayn:c!::. Write to-liiv. 5.5. WILLIAMSON,' No. uu T !!'. President. mi r r r Laxative Bromo-Quiuiue Tablets cure a eold iuattday. No cuie,.no jiay. tree .S eents. ro (i ke a to.. i) i ot; day. Take Laxative lroiio-(.jiiiiiineTb!cU All druiiist refund the moncv i' it 1 ni's to cure. E. W. (iiovi.-' ij,n:t' uu in "eio'h I'ox. L'ae i TIIK llt'HI 'MiToN nut.,, n . !., Ulllik llUU. i piy n li :n fr m .,. Hf!iiarill:iC:..iu,l 'Hi-. !,;; ner.l ,.l rcliirn. Mm k l nt tn., . I'o mh ml), Ullll Hl.H li Will tlll ' V ) .,t:il ,'It.T. V. Iiave h:il .; M.ut c'l.onnl ,. .r'i ttiiu. .Miikt- riit iu-v !uilM'li .iiul .(iy l?v lno ni(t th - -to. k- V,. i otii, . .enit. wlitim vim an ri lv. W !n i .. i ,,t ..j tll.HII'l tnriltlnT-.ini Mill ,1,1.,, .., , ,.c run- f-: " 1 " i li-" 1' U KUti- , Ki- ,1 AKl!c, .!,.; . l. :'i-.i:-i is- i ..- , i j1'' ttit .i ! Saturday September Admission nnd NuuiWrwl Ue--ml Seat TiekeU will t' sale Hi n I1U IrMiwayi N Tr ttty MUHH.KUl'KU 11U'U U.'c S'lVKK, tlhtduw irieet h l'hisl Show 11 rounds. Ladies Solid Oold Kun y Si-' itijf, HixopaiM mcitvie vk oiio I'lner.std in I't-uiio. i.iiC- nitn'eiit Kititf KOtni enough fur tue thy and u ltlnu the leacb of the oor. 1 :u : i At, by n a:l fnwt Miid. KftneiiilK r thi Kilt nut Utilit Itlll or gol at lntWl, hut 1 .h.i uuaiiiy Mtiu uoiu. iiq uauuiu r.vviyi 4 111 , Jewelry, altto W at v litis I'taiitolid, Ci us and Hilver-waxe, fiano ana orttutm. r - nute Matitifai-litm iitu'utt oney tf ut d U Kooila ale rjturnMl protudly. K)ur fit - aie the lowest, therefore wo ittvitw cni( turn, Hrit ui for ijuolaiioisa on wlial you m . Vll iwiUirivii promptly aitawersd. Adlrvr, U. U. H iLTkli ik SO U AN : . :i I t itii'l ' thi mill y tl-t1 ul.l ftiJi i ,1 cot v -olid Dili 111 t.ii - Mining "al.t itlt exp 01 .-Mi'litU'trr.. a.i dirt'i't i t-i y 1 iliu'iin 1 r. HutM ai l krn.-f fUtlliheL Hrfe. rim - hiriM.1 .1 a' 1 o.oiiiai. v-i.' I'tari.ui tt t., Chivu 1 1 A i- II oc- OlvVV TruHlwollll. My :r iivlltlpni.u fn m ljliin 11 li.i uim. uljuoioiu trnh,i tli.i,cia. .;it4vliii. u -t.'i;lii i.uh .! iuhI ii 1 .-il) Xonvly bv ihwtH 4- ttvt from iilmiaiKi hai tuvi tv vany0 . il'iuUcu iKiu,iivlil, Vlilr