The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 24, 1903, Image 5

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    LVER LYIXliS. .'
piwirt ChkTJastiM Seorw lob
Tbtf Boned WitU.
Wllmln(Ct(. DW.. Spt 21. Tib
jTBfhln of Oor Wblt, th grO
murder f Mist Hle Bishop, on
jnoe 23 'o'm ,Mt
fil churjc to-th rnd jury of th
"J.'.wrMtl winty rral Ion"
court by Chief Julre Lrr. Aftr
drfallin th furtu of the lynching, lb
No ptoid citizen, w r poranndod,
,.n reard the. lynching of CrnrK"
Whit" in any fitter light than irn trn-
tal trime. ad m flixitrant violation .
of la. Th Immediate ffv t r.f ih
l'vnr.iri: w depiorabl. It involved '
Br,t f.n'.y fh death of Whit, but aNo
( f)( rho litf ffulian hoy. hr victim of tr.e lnwls an. For ;
, ,iir, the authority of th la v was
drfird. and at on tim if Ino'iicd an if
,,vro tvcild h a -ar of races. mi
i.tla "T" r.lico-1 under arms
f,' n'i'-tii'n. in tnU (onntry w mi-'
v .-, 'hey ar Mir will formally
,v.?rf.,..cri tt s the rt'ity of v--ry uwl
nan f- ol.'-y 'he '''V M'"'"'" "
(', I' : o !. hv rrtheri v ,'m a"
n.:,y. i.ynrhini; i'a crimn .twainst
J-,.- iii of both Old and rr,nn. Every
v. f ,! .,irt n' in six'a an t to i
r n-.i-rr. No man a riM to mm
rr.if that crime because h relives or
fr-ir; that ."mo r.ther prion who is
.Titrated vh the execution of the iti'v
will fail, or ha failed In the perform
ance of hi d.ity. I ran connive of no
rr,or danserrms sorlal or rlv'r ronll
;ion than mob r;il Tho mob ia Ita mal
fs makes no diHtinrfion in the nh
n of It wrath. Its xmis may 1
a brital crimo. or It may b a li(T.r"n-
in r!i?i'm or politiral ntimn. or
any othr fanry or whim that tho
oapri'C, humor or paRRton of ihf. mo- j
mnf may siiKpst. RocklcBttiy human is falcon, pronnrty Is dstroyd and
;aw and ordr overthrown. In anrh ,
(u-niH th lnnornt atiffTS alike with (
t!i iC.ty; rMn and dvantat.ion mark
fh trai-Sc of th mob. Thor la no rule (
or raon in th onswepp of the mail- ,
dnod manses. There la no prance, by
which the ravages of a mob may be
measured. !
'Once admit that th law may be de
fied -'.th impunity, there Is an end of
civ'.l government. There is no room for
both mob law and tribunals of Justice
In self governing communities. The
domination of one involves the extinc
tion of the other. Eithar the mob must
lubmit to the law or the law must sub
mit to the will of the mob. I
"There mu3t be government or no
government. The line of cleavage is
clear. On tha one hand w hare lib-,;
erty regulated by law, with fixed nilea
and established tribunals for the prs
erviUiin of lir. liberty and property:
on the other hand we have anan-ay and
social chaos with no rule or guide, iav.
the tii k'e will of enraged men, -vlio In
la-vVss wrath rok!ess!y and iniliscr.m
:na:'iy -iweep away eypry barrter 'f
sa: :n .ivto, social and political :if-.
Cn rh one hand is law, order and -.e-.-tr.ty:
on the other is lawlessness,
disorder Mid rain, in which no .ntcrest
is sai'' md in wlwh no one can pr -diet
wiiat i lay may brlmj forth.
"Gentlemen, you aro every one of
you ..'onservntors of the peace. It is ant
uniy your duty to act feariossly and
honestly upon ail such matters as may
be laid before you on the part oi -.he
state, but it is your duty to impart to
fie attorney pnernl and to your t"ei- .
(w-menibers ail such knowledge as
Tay have come to you touching the '
oiaiiou of the law within your juris- :
anuon. 1
"In obedience to your oath and "o '
your duty to your state, we ask, you to
so act that the crime of lynching may
be Huppretwed in this state, su far as
by vuur action that end may be at
taitmd, and that the perpetrators of
thi crime and the authors of the dis- j
tutu that has come upon us tnroua j
'iieir ornuu will be deait with accord- J
; it; :o 'heir just nifrits." :
No indiciueuts in th lyuvhins oaa
ivb yet boon nsturned. j
I ' ! I '
Viiner Shot at Wife and Son. !
Sirantoij, Ta, Sc-pt. 22. When John
0 Hnm, of North Scrautou. returned
trut the mine and learned tin hts
!-ii'-oid son had lost his job, he be
aiHitutti; tho lad auU also his wite
10 ' 'altiUH tho lad'a part. The buy se
cured revolver aad tired at his father,
'mi uiied. hvu the latter struck, his
'uvkIu'i. I'hereuiKju the father :au tip
Mti.u for sliolsuu, aud, letuiiuu,
t;a.'.cd away ui his ue aud vu ai Uuy
io I'uuultid oat oi the yard. The wie
rcnvvU H bm.ksh.ot la tfey bttvk aud
!d'. aud the Ixjy had ban .trui aud !e with !,uy khoL I'bo Mfe is
u . lulical vuUitiuu. O'Haia ut ar
vj,!rj ,u he aa ruuulu4 away. He suid
u .-.wry hv had nvl killed tvtb of
thvru. iahot Dy and F-loJ.
Viiiuiutuu, Ihjl., St-jt. 21. Aa tui--isiu
vumwr fo' iced tuiUs lu SouiU
WUtu.mLua shot Claiuuto lau.!ci',
s,.tJ Ut lu iuo law-. Uo vklll li.c ;h.
t'klU t: lv,h i Vc.-i tmJ ia lu i . i ; i. : .Hhou,.a ta. li'ulti. u, tiu- i.i;t..n.'i IK J t;v.u .1
iKUwuio itvvi. etkav:J 'a t.t. s
'vvU. ,u! h,;,. net ImjcU nJ. I
t--i tnv;ie Cliai'uod V'it!i loutt. j
vllllauu, IViiV'U SI, l'iU,lijcJ a.!
vyi-yi' by tbV Maiiuo Natiuiml brtiiU, bowu ai'vcatwj, i'uartc4 maud
JUyuv fMf tbo Uilcjied tltt of iaJ
'' rit v4it uiudy uu voiujiUIuV
.. sutug tvmiHkuy, U1lU la
A.' u.-u.'i'n, sd to tho IVifA.
Tb 44 ta aamal tmAom of tft Tn
tylvaala Sut Coaaell of tho it. O. V.
A. M. waj ! at Bethlehm.
BeTlamf 8tom. anbaasadof Ut Aa
trla-RoBftiT. n4 Mrs. Stortr, wtr
fuMtj of President and Mrs. Rooawvert.
Rear Admiral O'Neill, rhfef of ord
naore, wilt ask for l 1,000,000 for ord
Dnr la the ivy for tae next ftVa!
la a rolllsloa between a street rar
and a freight train at Manitowoc. Wis.,
nine persona were Injured and the
street car demolished.
The national council of the W. (V
T. TT. has adopted resolutions favorlna;
the expulsion of Reed Smoot. f Ctah,
from the Tnlted States aenafe. I
Thursday, Sentsmber 17.
The national enomapment of Mexi
can wsr veterans was held at Indian
apolN. Ind.
Cardinal Clbborm alle(l from Cher
hoiiru for New Vor'. on the, nnifr
Kai'jr tViihlm dr Crosse
Villi;im Vil!la'n'. a colored Inbor
l'":i'lcr. w.m lviu'h"d at (Vritrevin.
Miss., for shorttina; a vrhito m.iM durinsf
a O 'rrl.
Tile nr'tiih tr:mp"rt 'ei'!-n. whirl)
ws r'';"r-.'d ( h;ive r m ! I. !,a'i
arrived at Vl'"-i. Maltn. with jooii
roo'i a'w?rd
A disu:n-h fro:n Manila st.- F.'l
;. .vil! p"t,ti !i coTnr" -.n
r r, n, r.'pr-x'nla'ir.n uici th' rlv',1
j,...;, roromlualon
Friday, Seoteer !R.
C l!;ir:.' H Wrlcii'. of :rN-... Pa .
v:m line. and coat rr :lh:n
wltn a not in the iHnw-ire -'.v-r
Svn member of Willifn Orov
er'i f-.i roily, a' I k fro VN . wt
;'.lr.rie. hv nrjfim; canned meat
The Itonirl-o-'S S'a'e i'.nnlf r,( )oor
ri"'. O. T, wa" roblie.l of over JriodO
The noff. vran hlnwn open with dvna
m it .
I! iMip'on Rond". 'a , ;m fliie, with
aillns veqqoN whlrh pot ,n for re.
pairs. They were raiieht in the atorrn
while mmini; down tlie cnnt
Tiie ita'l'.Pav Mail Servire Milt'lnl
Renefit ABfoelation has electeri John
R. .Vf. r.oy. of Trenton. N'. .1 . presltlenf
and V 3. OirnitiK, of Chiraijo. see.
ret a ry treasurer.
Saturday, September 19.
The Pnlted States transport .-fierman
has arrived at flan Rranetaro from Ma
nila with the Tenth infantry
' N'e4 year's convention of the Na
tional Association of Ratlwqy Mail
Clerks will be held In Boston,
Rear Admiral Barker has recom
mended the equipment of all the hattle
ahlpa and !ar?e cruisers with wireless
telegraph apparatua.
Sixty lives were endangered i,y an
incendiary Are in a New York tene
ment. The buildini? was destrot-ert and
the inmates were rescued by firemen.
William Moore, a letter carrleffor 24
years, was arrested In New York on
the t-harge of robbing the malls. De
coy letters were found on his person.
. While driving . homet Thomas Eld- ;
iidi?e and MUs Minnie Roland, of !
North Springfield, Pa., were struck by '
a r.nk-' flhore. train and Instantly killed.
Monday, September 21.
Three Italians held up and roi-hed
the paymaster of the American W'.oien
C.impany at Wonnsocket, R. ..,?
.n i rcnr-nil -nlll.-ion -n Ii.' . : a
"i".ard .r Line near Iferul.-rson. N
o:..- .....n vas k.ii.-ii and cf
r.rton liurned.
S.i'.vnrd of Tamaqua. i
'rak. :r...n. Jumpeii from his Ta...
M"r.- r-v.Ile. into the path of anther
:re:.-;.t. and waa fatally hurt.
r'.i' coal '.and contest hetweer. 'he
"mt.-d States government anil :ne .:,!
oiaU o r'f.el and Iron '''orapany iias ieen
-e't'cd ey rhe company paving S20 per
ure .us'ead of $2.30. the price ot ?tm
ueriand. ""uesaay, Septsmber 22.
.ie. retary of rhe Navy Moody in
spected the naval home at Philadel
phia. !
The Pennsylvania Stare aiie of '
Republican Clubs met at TCilkesoarr i
Joseph 3. UunneiL a first ousm of '
the late President McKiniey, died ut ,
Mankato. Miaa aged 'it!. I
Frederick 3. dlbbs. member of the
Natioual Republican committee for
New York, lied at Asuury Park, N. J
oi heart affection.
A special election was heid
throtiKftOut New Jersey today for ;h-'
purrose of permitting voters to pass
ipou 'he proposed amendments to ia .
state constitution. :
Philadelphia, Pa., Spi. :. Klour
whs Hieauy, winter --uyei line, IS n
3..'u: lVuulvaui,i rollvr, dour, i
ulJ.Tv1: city luiils. lauiy. J4.Tiiia.ri.
Uve ilour wd ijuiot, U JJ.1ju3--" per
bai'tel. Wheal wa firm, No. '.' I'euu- !
sjivaiii.i iwU, now, 41hC. Corn -linn,
No. - ycilow, local, tile. Oais .
iiuiol; No. " white, cilppud.
ij-c.: lOrtvl' s;radi'. lie. lll . j
sictu'.v; No. ' timothy. tVttu l. ai) lor
VM'i" ndli's.. lii-ii' .is, ')Ml;
hnuiii. 1'oik Maa linu; 'am- '
il. Ji'o.eO. I.Ivo jioiiUiy, htu. I...-,.
olll I'OOalUls, !'V-jii 1"C. '1'i.advd 1'v-u!-
li, i;hoo foI.i, ll'-.jc; old iiiosici.
he. Ituilgr'iU: crcanuio.,
MjUi Htrj Icidy; Nyv York i..-i
IVua iva.ila, "lc. pel ,!oi. tVl.i.ovi
Nkl'U- Ktt.'.lU i tie. ".l'. I'l l' bUelo t.
'..:.. Mote. Md, Sci'S. - Whci;
VkS fll'ui; Sp.'t CulKliU't, 8i.tit.olte .
huot No. - red si;.:c;u, si-ti jiie.;
hteatnc -o. - ic.l, .'i ' 'I i'i j.'.; in;,
ti u.
fa ";
. ; snui.Kni,
ti a.; tlriii ;
r t:::.!.
;iV' h
' It : r t. Ibl.iiul. i'li
hti-iidv. iholce. .".:(' ira.S
J5.10'j5..'o; fair. iJTijl-'o
: 1 tu",
liiulur: tiiitno heavy, lu.
ii ii, nu- I
.11. .e.j ki! If.. 17,.. ' . .V..rV..,-u
$ti 55 (i ti. Gi ; Itsht Yoi Ucm. liiJ SS;
I'Irh. $tiO'SSo, roughs, -ilti'i fio. Sheep
weak; it-t wothot's. 3.'.Kl4.15: citlla
utvl coiiiMion, II. SO tholes lftiuba,
Priiw PeTdiBand Gave Dinner Part
to Our Pint Rrwmtativa.
Sofia. Bulirarla. St 21. Prince
Ferdinand (tave a dinner party at thrt
palace in honor of J. B. Jackson, who
presented his credentials as the first
Americsn diplomatic aatent to Bul
garia. The tie.ts included V. K. H.
KUiot. the British diplomatic aent.
and the Bulgarian nli!liHfer and nlh
offlclals. Prince f r'l'ran I ;iro;irsed
the heiith of Pr-'Sident itoriseyrdt,
sneaWin in Kn-.'lwh. a ud :h court
hand played a . iec'io.i of American
(",!"! -t:i in: irt -1 ,i e;ir ""tel. not
onlv in o'tvjrtt i"' a' 'i ,:'re.'r.
Cirel"" It !ei--' :r'!i"l :T1 -tlll-
lithlnr dlp-'i'C" reHt (i'iu v.'h I'.ol
p:ir!n Ta" Sep..' .r--vat 'nt i srfit
op'ior'unlfy i'v "'i :'nr ile- tup ni a
pf,r.i-t,A ev ' ' 'rad
w'"h :tte I'nl'e.'
fii'ifi-1'. - " 'e mrtir-
eei:.,- ''i f :li'! ' " -r ;7)t'in-,'er-'Hn'!ie
re -i ? tlie r.'.
'eiTiTvii-j i! t ':'', r r ' i !rof ;ici ti the
.yvri"'.: e tp', p T f I, i nr-e 'ifi.-ri rtvPTl
-torne (I .,t( ,(!,, i n's ii.-r.. 'hat
tje n.en,,r:)r)e-n I'H ;)' ,tlter,de. .IS
:in i;l' ! "i-itiim. 1m' I'her in "he nature
of an appeal Ur th" mter ut inn of
the nvl''; iieO r-- h'it iTO'r'''n-
ttf-n -h'.itl'l '.o 'ml 'it" T ie tot Tar! an
ministry, it aae.' 'vn eter.
min . n nti'ti' t t. i':'-'e 'le'i-
Ttl''t '' 'O "lie 'l-i iriie.- Mt ' : f if
fer lq the , ?n pi 1 i ! i ' v of .t.n-'in ,y
indefinitely chile -lie 7-irlis 'i1'"'
mlnd 'he :i',k',irl'n element .n Ma-'eilnni-i
T'te orernmert i ;inct;i n is -nn-
!ere. inerenufni'lv lifeulf 'v 'he at
tihiitn of 'he Macedonian :oiii!alon
n Bulirarla. vlikh vloroeoiisiy Marked
op i . v 'he revnlrtionarv immittees.
is persistently endeavortne :o t'nrce
the jovernment's ii anil lrnl ;jrfivoke
!iosttps with TurUey.
A special disTiatch Trom 'he .fon
asterv of R!!a Bulirarla. -a" 'he .nn-
1 i r Ion of 'lie Ti:rf.i-h ar'-t-en of Mel
nIV. 'I" :nlles northeast of ,-taleniea. n -helleverl
'n he extremely critical. If :
hesleHo" Sy hand of insnriff-nf s under '
'he !eacterUio of Vankoff Sfoynnoff. .
Oarv'nforT and ZorafnfT. nit of wnom
were 'nrmerly Holcartan ofUcers Ti'.e
insurgents number l.'oo -vv.lle -he gar
rison is be!eve rn consist ,if ,inlv one
battalion. Melnik is a ven- important
strafeclc point in 'he mountains, -om-mandlni?
the road iwtwwn Demlrhls-'
sar and Razlo?. The Turks have '.vlth-'
drawn nearly all their forces from thei
districts of Danaoumaia and Razloq I
3 Dress Fabrics.
Uii! J'.' Ot.T -
: :v
-ii.liie-; :' : i!;o. . i i -
-! o i.
;lii'i;ifl '.i ''hiiiirt'c- c t'.r.
17 -rut Tricot i ; - il!
droits oi'iit-i i:;.t !rc?e-.
it'tit- .i rc'.v '.c.i'C!
rrtiiar "n ' vut vuitie-.
'flit oiat'it - a ::. ':ii!.'h io-ircJ :v. :-!
itirrs :ir taiiomi -u it. -ioe. --arriinai. xi'inl ,'nv.
'rnt Fi't-rji'li F!.ui:;i-is. lino : iiaiirv '"iptftai'v .r v:i;.-t.-inii
.irti-finir -aoviu. '!::, arnt't. black .tmi -viiiti'.
0 -rnt thi'.int' ' nchtu wiKi ti r"v tint r'"vi -v:th
wiuie ;i.rtaii ,k-au:::: :; -onlce.
IDi'' 5 vMs tol.'t' Mohairs .icci Silicians 'or y. 'tr.
muliiars ccaj-t; to !to a -unimcr tahric niv,
7o crr.t.s, 11 '. i.J." Vn1 t. iiia tire ;re--v ;'ir -'ill .i :
winter several greens, brown and 'nlacK.
rnfs.L.". 'rercTitia :i tut' ir '- votive t rv
Iressy t'aliric in ail color-:.
fl.uo, 1.10, 1.30 K'iouonnes. cream. ::avy ; rovvti. :.ia. Li.-s.
v;ray art' tarticiiiariv nice ibr rice itress.
ial Interest
Childrens Wear.
t 'nr line id' I euiic.-i ami ( 'hililretis Tailiu'eil lartneiits nct ii
j .0.- ;t lbruin'.-l nitioii in tiio 'ouiar I'liblic aijiriivai, 1 1 r !! :tt t.
t.ut ioii. I'niicy niakt- i;i-w 'rieinJ.s every ilay. W'v !n nut .
to s-cil nttv uit suit! in Milton lnt t fit? fact id ntautiv inon-ti.
.siiimmiv .-CII.--110 . '
'.he ciiii ne lit'Mi'c.
t' i-' p lot . . .u i
i itv o;t.
Wc hc ltnii;i.t i-lm iiy ami mean to will a larai-r atri'iia-t
( lift: L'Vti' !r'-alifvi,: ; lie icuiaiitl of tin- iuL'iii' can io it.
3 .:i
3 ci, IVEXLTOHST, Penua ei. si
- -
fo lent iwni m or memm.
As a ronseTicnce iinusnsl tranojnlllty
prevails hrccuhout 0 dlstrlcf of
Rador where th atithorltlea, lacking
the support of the troops', have ceased
their policy' of persemtlfin. and the
beys are even furnfsblnf lsnda with
foodr The TurVlfh population Is de
scribed at bein in a state of irreat
Macedonian Icturgertt Defeat 3-jf
tan's Trocpa at Perin.
.Vfla. Bnlrsrls. Sept. 22 According
to fugitives who have arrived at Rlla
from O;oimaln." a serious enzaifement
hrts ,-rf-r-urr--d at Perln. near Melnik. Sfi
miles fron Salonika, in which the
Tur'rfs are 33W tr. have inot lonO men
kiP il. Inrtii('!n t wo co'one's
'"-o of f'i" vllltisres te Hri't of
M-lnik are in the hands 'he m"ir-.riui'-'
M:nv of the vi!-i"-'s are in
-;e. lal ii:tptch f" -rt ;?! s
the foj'ore-in' detal's of 'he n"!'" i
P -r'.n- Cm the '.it'll ,f .Jeptember '
T '''' '-' 'ro'IS n"i-y..-.jl,( (: 7 e
v.' t -he iin'N .'! : - "
;. ' J,..-.- r,-r. f y,f, , . , - 1.-- - ) J)
.-. V -l.e ' nd ' "..q".'e,l
i , t yvr".rf 'fit-.f "irtl .,r
'-, ,,..1 ., .,,.,! ,
one 'I' i r'-: ;h ...,.,, ,- ,
' .s .y.n.-.l r . '. .'
I'.'' ' r :l'a'tl"t ( ie.l. ,1
"7'ie Tfeier-d re'i-"'rn
c r ! -ije :lti r, f i
' . e : ., r. - I a r ..,..: r
, ,f .)f,.f v
"T-'e M-,tif-'l j-'t M
' l''t
'. t ;
'on ' "i
' c-' : i
;,r !- V it ' -t fl
' ' n i a nuTi -ti
') i v n 'h tiOi e ' u
he ' ie',.Tiil,e' , r f. v'iej ,n,l
''"ite total .i'"-''i' "to- . ' .r
"f'v f ' N'atfcn ei-r,...( , ,,-,yi .-ij
' i -.endsonie '.e'id'-ii un-l il-e-o vo
it' f land n Kansas v K.m
,he ' urned -,t ,w , he js-f,itel
Char';.-, 'if ".V; nnd'itte nuntv
o ,e jsaft as i home ;(ir 'h i,f'i-!t.
t-i. oq -nnthers ind fil'dreti f
ards to the vr-luulon f ill 'her--
ritally lelui-r 3y P'fcH.rf 3sll
St f'aul Sept Jl 'n i ami1 f
1 flao .all l;ere t pt-yeen 'he A'lpnlue
'earn thsmnlors if 'h .V.i-h-rn
!.eas(ne .ind "he .lona a im f
olored ..layers '.V "iV iselh-v .-econd
aseman of 'he '.Vinntpezs via '.if ta
he h.ead hy i pitched all md ,,reh
ihiv fatally .njured. He . it St ,'o
eph's hospital and cannot iive. Kelley
s a hrother of Manager Mike KeMev.
of rhe t. Paul American Association
team, and his home is at Gardiner.
'A'.-: ..:
'.il'.. ::t' :..ui will
yi ui :!i!-r: ' :'ir !.i.lii- -.:
'tU'dilllt. illil 'dark
- Xi i-tielir .' iiili- ','1
in Lais Gam
i t to ;u'a.H ; ineeiiii"; ;
rmais. are 'initio alnin-t i
Assartmeiits E
Ex-Prc8idTit of Stwl Tmrt Says He
Will Emnlat Carn
Weflther'y. Pa , ejt 21 Tn pre
senting; the Mrs Charles .vf ,-trhwsh
school hulldni; to this town. Charles
M. fehwah, who up to a hor ,;me atrn
was the president of the Cn'tei) t'ates
fltert Corporation said that he :n-
tended to emulate 'he example et :)y
' Andrew Cnrne'-le and will .rive his
i n-t!-n fortune variously ,.s"mat. -o
lie -,-r; eei, tr, , i.o for
he-. I'lti' p'lrpriceji
I 'r crirnei'te nn-v iVn ''ef io,r-,ff-
' I'ue i iiMflde- J 1 ;li 'rt'in
,1; ,. ' .h '- I -i...
, f 'U.,.-o
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Mr -rd Mrs .' ..-. c',- o.rk.
N" ; '.hn v -f Irv'Vi .'-t-- - h wah.
Altoona: Mr and Mrs. . . ,; . ,,nker.
Iiraddock. ?a.: . rdnkev. r':tt.
h'tre: T. il. Xasmer Hrndd-v k. :
the Misses Horn. Wi!k!nshiirir. ''a . and
Mw. M. E. Klnser, of i;raddock. Pa.
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