The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 24, 1903, Image 1

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    - . ; ... .'?...''
' " ' ,
Ilotc Wea8
vvThave a Job lot of note
U on hand. - They must go
a The orlce will do It.
Uples and prices for the asV-
i ye furnlsn inem printed
m i i .
less than you can ouy mem
Lut printing.
oi. xxxx.
Lively Little Liners.
. u.. Itucfl. of flu
Hustle" onu -v
Unty Seat. Told In Brief
More or Less Prominent.
'. watitoseller, M,ur " PrPrI'r.
A Family Jonrnl, Dcroted U News, Scleoce. Art, Political Ecanomr ind Correal Literature.
lolling I'opjli'tion and rven:.s l In-
Lt that tlty Curlolt and
Aprae the lor
i:M.i of was at Mid-
rj. -JO II I '
ISn lcr of ltichflold has nn ex-
It cow fur sale.
liani Folt.and wife are the happy
sofa new boy.
L Jtnwersnx of Globe Mills wit
County seat Saturday.
i. Verger of Kresmer was at tin
IV will hist week one day.
A. Swincford and wife of Hiester
are tin- parents of a new heir.
y to wear hate and outing liat1
IK variety. L. DunKeliierger.
Alice Mertz and Miss Dessie
Ll visited friend at Pennscreek
F. S. Liegel and mother, Mrs.
Uburg, are visituig friends at
iiu mill W. H. Itottclgerof Hies-
lllcy liave raiHed and are shipping
Jliict' jieaebes.
U. Bowersox and Geo. S. Smith
tRiihfleld last Wednesday for
ds of shingles.
till tfhellenburger of Kvetidttle
town for a load of phosphate
krmlay of last week.
tin Trewltz of Mt. PleasniAMills
If Geo. Trewitz of Franklin town-
haiilliicr lumber to town.
frank Fcese and lady and C. W.
ami Miss Stella , Cromley ol
burg were lu town Sunday. .
keen t ' heavy iiall Storfu 'dld
k damage to the buckwheat and
iro,i in Buckwheat Valley.
tin me snow oaiui'.iay aim urop aier wonts, rirrtlrj
prsttire, the new goeds will fcer- Monday morning, Sep
please you. u. amuKeiuerger.
vrt Sliamhach, who bad been
fwl fur several months In the
ru part of the State, returned
I. (iarman has been over to Mt.
bit Mil!.-
country hams. Apply at tins oftlee.
Mrs. liiinli Walter paid a visit to
Hev. J. M. U...uii k and family at Cen
tre Mall.
K. K. 1'irvniiiii purchased h bouse
ami lot in lieavertown from Ibe estate
ot .liibn S. Smith.
FOU SA LK: A bay mare, u first
class, good k iiI gentle family horse.
impure ai this office
Ve understand Unit Mr. A. Kivegt
has tendered bis resignation as director
of the First National Hank of Middle
burg, ami that it has been accepted
The alarm of lire was Hounded Fri
day owing to a conllagration at tb
lesiilcnceof William F'oltz. The lire
was extinguished before much damagi
whs il.ine
1'.. h. Siroiip, Strmiptown is band
ling a high gui le of Fertilizers, inauu
factored hy iho Laltiniore Pulverizing
tompuny. Fin es range fiom (13 to
$.12 a tun. Persons need ii g a reliable
article should outl o.i him tf
Lloyd Walter. f Susquehanna I'ni
verslty spent Kumlay with bin parents
above town. Mr. Walter lias been
elected JSusiness Manager of the "Suh
iuehaiiua", a niunihly publication ia-
Biied by the slude ils ,.f the sebool
Foil Kai.k. A house and lot situated
Ratea: One Dollar Per Annom, in Advance
xumijp:h 37.
Attorney fieneral ('arson has given
Forestry Coinniisslouer Itothroek an
opinion to the effect that be cannot
lease State forestry laud to a water Co.
for water purposes, nor can be build
cottages nor permit others to build cot
tages or leas'- land for grazing purpiw. s
on State land.
Tl I,-pii it incut of FUbciicH is now
remiy to rcciive applications for
blanl.s for trout fry for spring delivery.
All applications must be filled out and
returned to the llarrisburg olllce before
January 1st. No applications will 1.
received exceptingfor llsh to be planted
in free streams.
If you want a tropical plant to grace
your window collection, cut ol! the top
of a pineapple ami put it into a jr of
water una place it in n Minny window
in aiMiui lour weeks a niiiM4 of roots
will start, then pot in rich, s.-unly soil
and give It an abundance of sunshine
and water and it will grow light along
anil Torm a pretty plant.
The Pennsylvania railroad has in
augurated a tl.;ht auaiust walpers and
others who by the means of forgeries
ami erasures, have altered tickets ismi.
ed over the company lines. The com
pany claims it has Buffered greatly dur
ing the preasent excursion season.
(Jeimral Passenger AgenLIloyd him
? 1 ax onville is o. leprivate sale. UK tll,.lr alltM,lio u, , for)eriet( BmJ
lueou.jui.igs are yrfm coudiiiour: i,,,,,,,,..., ,,.,. ,L ,, .,. ... .
.. . " "HCICTl
nil COl
... m m m
ilieliomeis supplied itL tirst-iM tickets when (iriwiited
water, iruiw, ete. Write oyiill on
Sak.wi ltoift;iwox,
Paxluiivllle, Pa
A free scholarship in the hcIio iI o
ln.l....ta!.l A At
xuuuninui rkn oi me rtrnisy i i,i 1U
Museum is due to Hnyder county. Any
one wishing the same must in .ke at
plicatiou to the Governor at once or it
will be rilled from some other locality
The sample tells the story, Uniii ie
and useful novelty for house keepti.
Hirnlsh free plan for ageuU. Sami
teu cents. No canvassing. M. WiUirn.
Houreland statlt.n.'-Boston, Alass. It
vrvi'rr'c . ti , . .
""'"-li. .hi persons nun nau m-
plied or want workn the Middleurv
II. i. Fkhkuick, Contractor,
Washington House.
Willi nut!. Walter.iind wife of Mar-
ceMtn, Michigan, are Visiting bis bro
ther Jacob Walter""in Franklin town
ship. It is .Hi years since Mr. Walter
the past week or two. h'ft Sll.v,'fr county mid they are great
l-osr to leave here and move
L his till home by Spring.
Htvki'i t and wife and J. W.
liiower and wife of Millersbtirg,
ruiuliiy with H. (i. Frederick
life ut tin- Washington House-'
areim ted to attend ourfirst
K-of I'ii. I and Winter hutbAvbich
Friday and Saturday of this
rqt. - und 2t5tli, L. Duukel-
r Hiiiii li of Shadel and his son-
t'ims. U. Sallade of Philadel
'iv County seat visitofc Satur-
kriiiHin. Mr. Kauch became a
lribi-r to the Post.
fngspeiit all of last week In he
lilies attending uiUliery
p, we are ready for biWiiiess.
wing. Sept. 25 and 20th. Come
F -you are welcome. L. Dun-
UKNT.-A faiut of 110 acre
hie l.oaiu. one mile from Jtl-
I ami railroad station, in a ftid
fiiity adjacent to churches and
"ii public road. Address, Win.
i'bvll, Allenwood, Pa.
'l A Clements have moved
M' mill on David Winner's tract
ini'iit and are sawing lumber
tmun'ry. C, s. ltcnuinger of
M. II. ininicitnau, John
UHI Al.-ololll Krili.r nf Ml
Mill-, aie assisting in the
ly enjoying their visit here among the
lannliar scenes
Fall MillinervOpeuing ivt jrs. K-
L.,yt. 21, 23 and , Fall
tiais. Dre iliiings,rSilk for
Waists. NotionsWJl Shawls, Cor-
ituroy elvets tor Wsts, etc. Under
wear, Wrappers, aliyrt bargain prices.
Dr. D. F. Swengel of Aberdeen, S. D
bus favored us with a booklet entitled
."Modem Science." He is a dentist
and formerly resided in Snyder county.
He is making a specialty of curing
rheumatism by the "Faith" cure plan
ami judging by the testimonials be
inusi be successful.
FOR SALi:. In MiddleburgPa., a
good frame liouse!J,roonis, airu lot of
laud. Also a gUA ery sllefjle on the
same lot. For teJul and particulars
apply to F. F. WalterJf mile west of
MUldleuurg on road lending to Jteaver
town. tf.
Lost. Early this spring a deed was
lost between Theodore F'isher's mill
near Pawling station and Middleburg.
Deed was given by (ieo. C. Ktister and
wife to I.ydia Verger and Chas. Hin
kle. If it was found, the tinder will
kindly return to C. F. Hinkle, at Krea
iner, i'a.
V1X-TK-NA fur Depressed Feeling,
F.xhaiMed Vitality, Nervous Debility
and Di-.-ases reipiiriug a Tonic Streng
thening Medicine. 1 1 cures iiuickl v bv
making Pure Ked liloud and replen
ishing the I'.IihkI Supply. l'.eticllt
liilalaiitctd or money refunded. All
;-, (yrli'ilu
lly waist,
IN 'r.:-N. und the gimd cf
I'l inmicliate. Y.m will get
" will 'e,. ,r r,,
....... nun ' it... i
lll u'iii t . i , . .. . i -i'i 1 1. us ami uiiiiiiii'-
r new, ricu niiNsi , jr.
l'rm...i your wins. V1N- ru.v v'Kv,V-fi NLs 1
'!lct like magic, mSu put 'X"'w '" Jy"is, etc. iic, at
hi you. If not benetlted money yi l;s f" r- At K.M.
All drugniHiH. I full on A. F. Soles in his new shav-
pt I'U'iiic of the sea.ii was held j lug and hair cutting parlor f.u yout
head eleaueil with a relrenhiu r llalu
poo and a clean towel to each patrou
on the north side of Market iwii are o
posito Central Hotel. Satisfaction gtiai
an teed. tf.
Foil MU.K. Au axlO Vlewiug Outfit
lucludtug Cuiuera, three leuses with
portrait attachment, tripod, carrying, piintlnj; frames, etc. Will W
told cheap. Write or lmiulre at this
ki . . . .
r-wu -unuay tsclio il on Satur-
1 l lie exercises were held in
Tl1', singing by the school. ().
P'vr, 11. W. Smith, Mipts. Delia
'.'vnnie GembMllng.organlsts
II. (J. Hniil,!., . ..l.uu
I in- Moyer.G. F. Dunkeiber
'v.V, A. Haas. Ilouedlo-v-
Haas. After the dlnues hour
wv the Siillnsirrove Cdruut
r tt"e entertttluinent.
The Walter L. Main big three ring
circus, excellent menagerie and excit
ing roman hipodrome is coming. It
will be at Middleburg this Saturday
sepl. lli, '.m, in all its magnitude and
glory. The Main shown are well and
most favorably known, but w hen the
Main shows we knew but a few years
ago are compared to the present aggre
gation, It becomes evident that we
knw the show only in its hifnncy.
l car by year the show has been added
to and strengthened In every depart
ment until now It U the largest and
best that visits this section of the coun
try. This year Mr. Main has under
contract a company of performers that
it i-. utterly iniMssible to duplicate for
meritorious acting. In fact any act
given under the spacious tent with any
other show would lie a feature. All
acts with the Main show are features.
fur were they imt they would nut be
willi it. The riders, joekiys, acrobats,
tumblers, gymnasts, jugglers, wire
walker clowns and sH-cialty people
are all. head liners in the ranks from
which they were chosen. So numerous
are they that three rings, elevated
stage, spectacular amphitheatre, aerial
enclave, ssirting pia.a, athletic field,
racetrack, hippodrome and college of
fact-it are required to display their
many accomplishments. Mr, Main
has always enjoyed the reputation of
exhibiting only the very best, but this
season he has far outdone any of his
previous ellbi ts. The menagerie is the
largest and most comp ete ever h-sem-bledaud
student of natural history
have pronounced it the finest. Not
ouly are the fully matured representa
tives of the forests, mountains and
plains in evidence ; but t he infantile
specimens of ferocity, some of them
with their eyes not yet opened, are at
their mother's side. No better oppor
tunity to study natural history was
ever afforded than at this menagerie.
The cute little nursing baby camel and
ponderous infant water buffalo are
among the births in the menagerie .this
season. Attendants are always in at
tendance and willing to answer polite
ly any ijuestioii asked them. Tickets
on sale at Middleourg Drug Co. 'a store
Middleburg, Pa. Admission 00 ceuts.
'hildren 2-" cents.
Official Program of Snyder County
t Teachers' Institute.
The 4llth annual session of theT.aeh
ers' Institute of Siiyder county will
convene in Middleburg, Pa., Monday,
Nov. 30. l!H):i, and the fourth annual
publication of the "Teachers' Institute
Magazine" will 1n Issued as the official
authority of the convention under the
direction of (he County Superinten
dent, Prof. Geo. W. WallxM ii, I'reelmrg
The Ixsik will contain all the official
announcements of the program, the
instructors, entertainments, names and
addresses ol teachers and directors.
A few page will lie reserved for ad
vertisements of a clean and respectable
nature, at the following rates : l-'uil
page l i.Ou ; half page $:S.00; ipmrtei
The size of the page will be. the same
as last year ; inches by !i, the ty pi
page 4ix7J.
In order to get the iHiok to the teach
ers and directors in ample time, it
will lie Issued earlier than usual and
copy for ads should be sent at once in
order to facilitate neat displays.
This Is a splendid means of ad vertis
ing for schools, colleges, hook publish
ers and school supply houses.
Send In your copy at once to
Gko. W. Wamknskm.kk, Publisher,
tf. Middleburgh, Pa.
Geo. W. Walter, Jr. spent Saturday
out of town.
W. E. Graybill intends to paint his
house this fall.
John Kohlaud of Centreville did busi
ness in town Friday.
Koyd Kaufman, who is confined to
his ted is coins descent.
Our schools commenced Sept. 11th.
with a lurge attendance.
W. II. Winey shipped several car
loads of cross ties last week.
M n. James Dietrich, is visiting rela
tives at Paxtonville Saturday.
iuitea number of our young people
are working at tin: water works.
John Hains, who is winking ut Ad
unsburir, spent Sunday at home.
The billing cars of Walter L. Main's
sfi'eat show was in town lal week.
The Carpenters have commenced to
work at W. I!. Wiin-vs m-w house.
I.'. J. ( . Ainigof Lew was no
ticed in our town a few day 's la-t week.
Win. Kellerof I.ewistown spent Wed.
n..lay at the home of Win. A. Smith.
Henry Dietrich and Klias Minium
transacted business at Lichfield one
day recently.
Snyder Co. man dies at Elkhart. Ind,
I'.lkhart "Truth". Francis H. Sliaf
er, whose .-ritical illness was mention
ed in last evening's Truth, died at 7:..i
o'clock this morning aged "I year, "
mhiiihs and !" days. Mr. Shafer was
burn at Mckees Ha'f Falls, Suyer Coun
ty. Pa., March 2s, lsH'.i. 11 - came to
F.lkhnrt in August, Vs2. After leaving
sch'.o lie took it clerkship with J. L.
Wolf and remained there 17 years. He
went Into the shoe busini-s at 21 1 Main
street four years u;ii,
Mr. Shafer inuni.,1 Myr.-t Ii. Wear
January 2, Two children were
burn, Dorothy and Carolyn. The lat
ter preceding him in death in March
'lis, aged 7 years.
The deceased leaves a wife and dau
ghter, 7 years old, three brothers, John
M. of Three Livers, Midi., J. Clinton
f F.lkhnrt, and Austin 11. of Sunbiiry,
l'a.;au aunt, Catherine, ,,f Klklmrt,
who has been a mother in the family
for :!0years, Mr. Shafcr's mother hav
ing died when he was four years old.
The father, step-mother, four half-sisters
ami a half-brother reside in Phila
delphia. The funeral will le held at the house
on Monday afternoon at 2::;o o'clock.
Friends may yiew the remains Monday
morning from tt to 11. The il.-cea.sed
was a member of the Klks.
A post mortem examination is being
held on the body of Mr. Shaf.-r this afternoon.
Fear Hydrophobia.
Dr. Steans, of Northumberland, left
on Wednesday, accompanied by An
drew Marks, who resides above North
umberland and his tun Selin, for the
iisteur Institute at New York City.
who fear having contracted hydropho
bia from another son of Mr. Marks
who died several weeks ago near Seven
Points. The doctors who attended the
deceased son claimed be did not suffer
from hydrophobia, but lu order tonllay
all their fears the hospital olllclals ad
mitted them for treatment.
Interest Notice to Investors.
On and after Oct. 1, Pm:;. We the
undersigned agree to pay .'! per cent,
per annum for any and all money left
with us, giving as security our joint
note. It is also understood that all
money can tie had at any time on de
We expect to be in our' new ban
building in Sw ineforiLaliout Jan
when we will be atfe. tA offer to the
public the same fivlei4am accom
modious as trie Mildh'lJargh bank.
WIJ. Winey,
A. Kreeger,
A. 1 1. l lsh,
G. h Shiudle,
li. V. Yisler.
" Show ! Show ! ! Show ! ! !
Walter I. Nfaiu's great big show and
menagerie i coming to Middleburg on
Saturday, S. pt. 2(itU, and while here
you will feel betf before going horfie
to get a quarjXr 'Mark's All Lyivliis
key. Tlye eoaffj Jtre goJ1or tnis
damp and folgy tvithor. There are
no aches, no rdiiir that you have but
that these gooAwill do some good.
Prices, 75, SorJl.OO, $1.2"), $l.$o per
quart. J. L. Marks, Middleburg, Pa.
Cider Making.
I will operate my cider press lu
Franklin this year and I Invite all my
patrons to briug their apples lu to my
mill. I will begin to make'eider Thurs
day July 23. After that, the days will
be Tuesday aud Thursday of every
week until otherwise notified.
Calvin O. Strovp. tf.
Sept 20, Km, by Win. Moyer, J. P.,
Peter D. llaley of Shaniokin Dam and
Susie S. Lamar of Freeburg, Pa
Sept. 20, by Lev. H. T. Searle, J. O.
Louacre of Dundore to Annie L. El
senhart of Chapman.
Sept. 15, by Rev. A. D. Gramley,
Lester E. Ierr of Paxtonville to Hat
tie F. Shambach of Beaver Springs.
Engine For Sale
A twelve horse power portable Frlck
Engine Is otlered at private sale. It
can be seen at Stroptown. Inquire of
E. S. Stkovp,
t-f Btrouptown, Pa.
Mrs. olin Haas.
Anna Maria Winey was bom Dec.
17, married John Haas and died
in West Purry township, Sept. 15, putt,
of paralysis aged M years, h months
and 2S days. Her husband died 22
years ago. They were the parents of
live children : Daniel W., of Mt
Pleasant Mills ; John W., of Harris
burg; PUizabeth, wile of Geo. S. Shaf
fer, of ML Pleasant Mills ; a son and a
daughter died in lnluucy.
.Tbari Id i' ' in..
(freatgraud children. "
Deceased was lsrn, raised, lived all
her life in West Perry township and
died there. She never rode on a train
of cars and never saw any.
She was a nicinU-r of the Meniionite
Church and was buried in t. John's
Cemetery. Lev. S. . (Ir.iyi.ill. officiat
ing. Potatoes are Knttin-j.
The wet weathernf;!,,. j n.-t few weeks
has played havoc with potatoes in many
I'S'iiiities and ther-is danger that the
tubers will be exceedingly high -luring
the winter. Farmers who took up i -
i;iunuuung nn- pa.-i wih-ks oiloil tlieni
exceedingly rotten and then every rain
will make conditions worse.
Legardless of the- prospective big!
pm-cwes, ptsipie generaiiv ri-tuse to lav
in thei winter stores, fearing tuat tin
potatoe will rot later. Sonic farmer:
are covering their potatoes in the- bin-
wun a sprinkling of lime to prevent
them from rottiug befor the winter,
long the country mads laage numbers
of half-rotten potatoes are to lie seen
throw n fut by the fanners as he rinds
DeeJs Recorded.
Jonathan Markley and wife to Irvin
Heiiitzelinan H.K) a. 4il p. in Chapman
twp. $1,5111.00.
Amelia I-'rymir.- and husband to A.
J. Fryniire lot in Shaiuokiu Dam 1.
Preachers aid society to Mary Alice
Hurting lot and house in Sei-nsgrove,
C. L Saiupsel ct. al. to J. W. Satnp-
sel mill property, containing i! a. .il p.
in Center twp.. J5.uii.uii.
Kcuben S. Auckerand wife t John
.-s. .vucKer, nan interest m .u a. m
I'tiiou twp., fl.5HI.
Marriage Liccnsti.
J. O. Louacre, Dun-lore,
i Annie I.. Kiseulia:;, ( hapmau.
( Jacob Ward, M illcrstown.
. Katliryn Herr ild, McKees I Frl.s.
I Oscar D. Lotnig, Sdinsgrove.
Anna Lolig, elinsgrove.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Has worM-w'iilo tame for mar
vellous cures. It fcfurpasscs any
other salve, lotion, ointment or balm
for Cuts, Corns, Hums, Uoils, Sores,
Fdous, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt lllieum,
Fever Sors, Chapiei Hands, Skin
Eruptions; infallible tor Piles. Cure
Guaranteed. Only 25c at Middle
burg Drug Co. Graybill tt Garnian
Richfield, Dr. J. W. Sampstll Fenns
Coming Events Cast Tinii Shadows
The renders ,,f the p..-i
' leitest-
nts of all
i.i.ide to
vent is of
I'. tTV C
r L
ligl. ' o.,
ay upon
t.'lNes in
live er
ed to send us fuinoune.
events. No charge u ill
publish the -Mine hei, -
public importance.
TlTs,. t Sept. I'-J t.i 'S,
Fair at Neveport, p.,
Tl-Ks..v, S,.,t ,,,
tiiral Fair at i . rat.
i ' sIl. , .-s,.,
i -in .-ii .tiicntou n.
Tt , Sept. L'll, W;
mammoth Ciri-u- ai;.
will exhibit in Mi.,:,., .j-;,.
S 1 1 itti.t v, Sept. ju, !. ,.( ,
which you can ,ay ..iir
Snyder County and make
cent disi'ount.
Si'Mi tv. Sept. .7, Tl m.-r Stone
"f tb.- St. Paul's Lv.-n.g. ieal Luth
eran Churdi, three South of
Sdinsgrove, will be laid by Lev. I i.
W. Geiisler, with appropriate ser
vices. Among the spe.,Uer- will be
tb- Lev. U. W. Ue-.w ,- of .-.,.,,.
burg. Nova Scotia.
Tl -K-HAV, S,.pt. t(, (lioI1
County Fairat r.cvi i-b, ng. Pa.
Wki.nksimv, Sept. ;:u t,, o.-t. Luth
eran Synod will ii, e, i at Leaver
town. SiTt iti.Av, Oct. :t. The Annual Lean
Soup of the old soldiers will he held
atMcl lure.
SArriu.Av, Oct. ::, Om-h iif Mile from
Ceiiterville, William Loss, attorney-in-fact
for Kiiabetli, Lo-s. will s:-ll
house and barn and 2 acres, and a
tract of 1 acres.
S.UTKDAV, Oct. .1 ;s the List day you
can pay vour tuxes in order to be en
titled to a vote this fall.
a-oxi)AVT Oct. , St 'itoratar Term f
?l:.llll!.-.. w, .. . 7
Tt'KsDA v, Oct. , the R. L. C. F. of
Middleburg, will give a Chicken and
Wsftb ditim r in Lui ,;lc's Hall,
over bis -tore.
1 ri:.-:- .y. o,.t.
It p.
. II.
. I let.
' Hi. o.,
ill c,
ifonn. at :'-,i,:ie
ii 'Piur-iav. s,.,i,.i
I'!,- I Mull Hotel
.-w I'.eriin. I ii
-!oiv r.n.-k. ;o i;,
an. I
n. i-:
ng, .argi-
ut i -.
and ':i;d"U-, -it:;,
nier of Market an.
I'liis a:t "id -sial.ii-iied
Well i .at roliied by -illiiMi
in addition t.. the regular
boating, ti.-nmg, gunning.
by the heirs of Michac
l a:
ii the
'in; St.-.
I and is
e. Fine
. Sold
. .e.
lielletiie I'nlice'ii.n
We w.-rc shown :l letter '!''
I. Lilger. a native of Middle.
of Wm. I. l?ieger. ( Iiarl.-s
I I. ' i 1 1 n :i in Meilcvie drau
:iry ssi I a mouth and i-
ing laudat'U- courage
He had .jiiite an . xj'- r en
miiti who serve. i . wars
tetitiary. The victim '..
kill Mr. l'.ilg-r. i-ut t'n- w
man grainie-1 tit ;:u ;'
tli . w him to the gr-:;--i ;;
tlir.-o times, .-sin. e liicu t
tiicy bird r. ci : be -n v
ek, son
now a
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v:lh a
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Ml I ;
', Sat
in. A
T ie L.'publicun :
tee ill meet III tb.
ur.i-iv. i.-t. pi, pm::, at
fill' t : t 1 1 lance is requested,
liy order of
H. W. V.'i'Ki:,
11. c. ! I .'ii li'icks. Chairman
She.p Kancl'.'
WANTED: Lady of ie incnu-ut ai d
means, under ;!") to join gentleman in
Sheep Lancu, Eaest Tenu. Mmty
double yearly. Address,
WlI.UA! AftlfSTl S Gtl'.ONLY
f-17-5t. Chattauooga, Teua.
; i i -
' :