The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 17, 1903, Image 5

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'oatf t For liking Bogm Coll Found
1b PenniynranU rnuwnuary.
Philadelphia. Sept. 14. Following
rfrilorl'" In th c,f,r d"Ps,mnt of
the Eastern State Penitentiary, cam
tri, public announcement thai the l'i-
roln i minor uuvrv pi". .
-, her. carried on by convicts In th
j'iU institution. No details of the
mlirterfeitir,ir nctn can b learned
(mm ny "f ,h officials connoted
th the prison f,r 'rr,nl lno Kovern
f.r,f ofTccrs that hive been ssslined
... Th tor t that such a dar-
.r.r, '
f.rme r.a'l Pern rarrien nil in me
nt.iry a made public by Geo
lr . one of the prison Inspector.
.-..rn'.r' il newspaper men to h'-
v'tia'arily man? the nisoi.i-
Bf out h"t t:itoncnt.
fd! !.-.-:
TJ ' In son snd flooriso
.i n i .( .11 present tile ' -i -i-
. ,1 ':ity at the Ktern
. r.'!:rv. make t'.i slute
tlTrrf l,a-s come to t'neir ofiV
i. .;i;i tl', ,t within a shor
. i ;j)t h- twfn mndc by cr
. ; r ... .v ri.vfir.oil in th" ;i"i;i
,... a lure counterfeit ,'
. I'.'-.t a fW pICCCI Wore
n r.iiTiliT of these h:i'o
the possessing of the itt
,. ther with iho metal and
I, tho attempt thus he-
nii.J.-l in the Ivid,
n th- -is
r.;;fi t'
.1 .
Thi evidence
is not yet, complete, nut ni
l,c, n sec ured has been suit
the ('. S. authorities."
V.i iv ref used absolutely to give
my more d' tads than contained In his
I'atcmc-r.t. From other aonrrrs, how
vr. ir w-as larnil that dimes, rjnar
vn and half dollars weri thi coins
manuu' tured. Th discovery was
ma.lo several days ano, and Hnited
Statu .'rret. service offlcors wera Im-T.HU'-My
railed In. Their investiga
tion, it is learned, is still In progress,
their principal ohjert beln? to learn
whether there was collusion between
th cnnvict.a and the employes of the
Later further details of the conntfr
fettin? seheme leaked out These
ere to the effect that Ave men were
encased In the work, the head of the
counterfeiters being a Philadelphlan
low completing his second term for
tiia offense. The others were profes
sional criminals, who secured through
tie plumbing department of the prison,
iBe necessary "metal, made of solder,
tin and ground glass. The moulds. It
ii believed, were made of plaster of
pirts, scraped from the walls of the
evils. Some of the coins got Into cir
dilation, hut Vn what manner has not
'jet'-n lull? determined. There is a
belief tliat certain employes who di.i
favors for the prisoners, such as mail
:n letters in violation of the rules of
':ie instirition, weri given the bogus
soncy is tips, and that they innocent
ly jasse '. it Into cir-ulation.
Tie counterfeiting was discovered
about the middle of July and stopped,
iiit for some reason it was not made
known to the prison inspectors until
seme time in August.
It :s believed the discovery of coun
tr?elters in the prison was the reult
f the neral investigation now being
carried on in the place as a result of
tas Irregularities In the cigar depart
ment These irregularities became
public last week, and pending an in
wugatlon Warden Daniel W. Bus
ainger and the overseer of the cigar
partmeat were temporarily relieved
torn duty, and the penitentiary placed
tn charge of the Rev. Joseph Welch.
Ui ctiaplaln. It Is alleged that thou
Ha4s of cigars made by convicts are
untccounted for, that thousands of
! did not contain the internal reve
nue Mumps, and that In many In-
tocs the law requiring prison-made
;lr to be stamped "convict made"
wu litord. How long this has been
crriea oa Is yet to be learned. The
ornoint of the penitentiary la
sted In a board of nve inspectors
VWinted by the governor, who serve
IUut salary. This board Is now
'WiUg au lUKlHiCtiOD Of each branch
the institution, and has employed
M M)i't accouutant to in ovnr th.
wolia. in addition to this the lnteruat
ime utlti-ers are carrying on a sep
vU luetiiatiou.
'lovra on McKlnley'a Tomb.
C"tua, 0M Sept. 16. The secoud o( the death of the lu
truluL McKinley waa Uot obMivwd
j my formal progiauiute iu Cautou.
xr lowered ou public build
'". Uu ru s0uia Hj,ort rtiXemu;!
"Ju lli the Vtu iouM dui'Liuuntn nf ihu
aol to the life and death of McKiu-
lut Utbute by numerous clliaeua, Mr.
"u-aiaisy luaJe a special trip to the
v"lt lu Went Lawn lamuUu w u.l
;A-t'd dotal tiibutuu ou the iulict.
moioua ttorttl pievua rocelvoU from
liUiU cjg ttu0 ulaccd lu the tomU
fc VlKiuley 1m lu Kood houltU.
, Amricr MschartU ClbrU.
'iladfli.hia, Seit. 15. The ecle
rtivu uf the r0tu uunlveraiy o the
"rMlittUon In IIWu ,.t n... I..
Wt of United American Mevkauica
"AU m thia city last uiaht aud will
'"St tilf. A dlVJ A ir. ....I i...u,l.. v. j
X'H'U OU HloAil alio,, I. In uhi.h iu.
Hrds of 10.000 poreoua pavUcivatcd.
",Ut w1"-wu dltfeivut pai U ul this
3(e New Jarav kji.l fWilnwarH.
C' Awou tha iiniaktM's. a( today'
etlug waa Ueuteuaut Qeueral Nel-
Wednesday, teptember t.
In a eolllilew on the Frisco Railroad,
Bear Baxter Sprrmw. Mo., 1ZV people j
were injured, two fatally. i
Edward Murphy, of Philadelphia, .
while swimming in the Delaware river, !
was seised with cramps and drowned.
Over SOO delegates attended the j
eighth biennial seslon of the Brother- j
hood of Railway Carmen of America
la St Louis.
The annual convention of the t'nited
f)rder of Red Men waa held In Brook
lyn. N. Y., delegates from atl over the .
United States being present.
Charles Clayton, of Berlin, Md.. '
dropped dead while at work at the
plant of the American Car and Foun
dry company, In Wllminfrn. Pel.
Thursday, September 10.
The annual convention of the Penn
sylvania Millers" Association h dd
at Wilkebarre.
James K. Sharp, of Pnn FY;tnf l-o.
edmmltted suicide in a N'ew York hotel
by drinking carbolie neid.
The fnd anniversary nf the admis
sion c.f CaHf'.-pin Into tbe n :i i n '.vas
o!rvd at ?!an Frane!ro.
.I.'n f't'iess, town P'arhal of .ean-f.-M
K. sbot and killed R.tiene Piii).
Iii, i farmer, who resisted arrest
"A" i .' re man. of New V. i",t . eele
l 'ie I '!! anti'ver j-i'v c' ii ;
I r'ti I' ;s t!ie father of J '.t ' ,
WlioI'Vtl" groeer .n f !!'.. iiave
foraie-1 a . ..)limti.n ;: b ". ecii
C-t ;,'fl. A Xe.v Jersey . 'rtr'. x ) b"
Friday, Septe-he- 11.
Covernor Xnsh. of f i1, ' rn ,-.!
eonii. y heat wl'i'e a"iti. !!!.; il.e fall
festival at Clnelnna'i.
V.- 'ir dei1-al r..-:..v r ; nfly
in cotnt'iand of t!ie n 1 1 r- .qiin.'.ot).
!ias !een retired frotu aetiv" nrvr.
on a re
Secretary of the Navy Moody has re
turned to Washington from in N'"r
Kntnd states, where 4)ent his
The funeral of the Rf ?ev Thomas
yi. Ciarlc. presldtnu Ti'stmjj of ihe An
glican Church of the t'ni'ei) States,
was hehl at Newport, ft .
Crasshoppers have destroyed ;he
crops of the Indians in Taos -oiintv
Texas, anil the government will have
to help them over the winter.
Saturday, September 12.
Rural letter carriers of the Untied
States met In Chicago tn form a na
tional association.
A carload of powder exploded at
Re.anmonr, Kan., klllltie two trainmen
and Injuring several others.
Two earthquake shocks were felt at
Portland, Ore., but no damage was
done, although buildings were shaken
Orders granting thre years leave
of absence to Commander Peary, of
the navy, beginning April 1 next, have
been issued.
The comptroller of currency has is
sued" a- calf for the condition of na-'
tlonal banks at the close of business, :
Wednesday, September 9.
Coventor Smith, of Man-land, and
20t) prominent citizens of that state,
attended the launching of the hattle
shi t) .Maryland at Newport News, Va.
Monday, September 14.
Sir Inches of snow on the level has
fallen in Tollowsfone National Par!;.
The second biennial convention of
the German-Amoriean Alliance was
held in Baitlmore, Mil.
On his second attempt Herman F.
Denham, a letter carrier of Washing
ton. D. C, succeeded in killing him
self and his wife.
Carl Beers, of Scranton, Pa., was
drowned in the Oswego nver, at Phot '
nix, N. Y., while swimming. He was
seized with cramps.
An express train on the Pennsyl
vania railroad ran down a gang of for-1
etgn laborers near Newport, Pa., kill-1
ing three and injuring two. '
Tuesday, September 19.
The fall army manoeuvres at Fort
Riley, Kan, will be held from October
15 to IT.
The 22d national encampment of the
Sons of Veterans is In session at At
lantic City. N. J.
Secretary Hitchcock left Washington
for his summer home at Dublin. N. H.,
to spend several weeks.
Jose Dlmarto, convicted of murder In
the second degree at WilllamiDort. Pa,,
was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Allentown, Ps, boilermakera are on
strike for a nine-hour day at 35 cents
an hour, instead of 23 cents, as now
Efforts ef the Tu?s te Free the Partly
Launched Cruiser Fail.
Newport News, Va.. Sept. ir The
armored cruiser Maryland Is still stuck '
at the bottom of the ways from which
she was launched here on Saturday. All
efforts made to float her proved unsuc
cessful. The ship's stern wss noticed
to rls with the tide and later -vhen th
tide fell, the stern fell with it. Several
tugs were pulling at the cruiser hut
were not able to move her.
About 70 feet of the ship rm ains on
th ways and she Is resting with com
paratively little strain upon, one of
the plans now b"lnn entertained :o nortt
the Maryland Is to sf.-am up '"e bat
tleship Missouri, now Iwdng commoted
here, and to hav her try to tow t'-e
Maryland oft. 1' is tNvi'V m-h the
Missouri' heavy - ; ,n i
A m's-Ve - . w.' ! v.
builders in aiiownu il.e M;ir 'a i. i
hei-or e ; far :el- si .' ., ..
Intr h0" i
.sid'-s r.'p'1 : TO 'I'1 1.' ( 1.
the j , , . . . , iv i
la al-Mr.-l '!'. . 1 ; ".
water under :
S'I.EVT ON -'lJT:?r riATH
Praise Pe-ru-nn as a Cure anr 4
Preventative of Catarrhal
Disorrlf rs.
VIM FllTtrfth rt-rr, V. a Bs
street, Alrny, y. Y., vrrlf:
have afrvay dreaded th faff
and winter hecatine of my extreme
llahtllty in catch cold, when catarrhaf
trovhle would quickly develop
through my entire sysfrrr which it
would take week to drlv wny.
am thankful to Hay that n'nc I .':.vve
taken P-runa, I do nrt hn- - ci"-f-sOf
to dread thlt any rr. -.'- I.arf
fall whrn I suffered u-"r n:' nfn
trouhle I took Peruna a-' .
dayi ms comptetrtv cur' 1 I
that tl'ne. If I haxe Nr- . r.
noiert it fhe dfv?t, - r.r-ftf
weathrr 1 1 nke a il"'-e r . '
runa X"d It thrr,u 't S
slckrf.i frr,m my ' ad'v
indorse i " ' -
Philadelphia, Pa- Sept 14. Flour
was aleady: winter superfine, 12.96
3.1; 1'eansylvauta roller, clear. $3.40
U3.60: city mills, fancy, I4.7505.-6.
Rye tlour nulet. at $3.i5 per barrel.
Wheal ttriu; No. 2 Peunsylvania, red.
new, S2i4:$HWc Corn tirm; No, 2 yel
low, lixtJ, 62c. mats iuit; No. 2
white, clipped. UaCc; lower
HiaJo, 3c. Ha waa steady; No. 1
timothy, $ltflo,50 for large bales,
lttMif. wail btendy; bum' hatuti, IJUiul.
Poik. was nriu, fauuly, $20. 5u. Livw
IMultry, tiuue, 14tI14Vc.; old rouHiere,
i'vic. Drsied pobltiy, choice (owls,
13Wc; old ruolt', 9c, nutter was
ttWady; craaiuvry, c. lHr uouud.
KB(; wete Htvady; New York and
Ptunylvauia, 2iv. ter doteu. Poiatoe
,vi NUady; now, Jut'c. w baskft
lialliiuor. Md., Sept 14. Whual
H Htrady. spot coulract, SgitftKVtc;
K(Kt Na. 2 vud wttBlvrii, S4$i.'.,
hUamer No. a rud, 7tV4. 76Vc., ttoutli
tuu, by sauwile, TOiS'.ic; southoin,
ou giaJe, 7iiS2c. Coin flrm., eO;Hiy)7i'.; steamot mixed, 54
mRec; southern white oru, Mm titH ;
soulhcm yvliow i ii. tortile. Oai.s
wcitt (Inn. No. 2 wMic. Ii-42ji.-.;
o. '.' mixed. SSHj Uv' u
flt iuci; No. 3, i'Snj ;d'v.; N. - el
vl u, ,MtO.itu,
Live Stuck MaiiKitt.,
llvU latnUd, l'a..Srt. U.- '"ihio , vUoilc, ln.."tl ,Vtii.i. in in. o,
i.l0ia.2&; rilr. $4.2iiH.:.d. lloK.
wcid attlfc; i'l)iio htAy, Jtj.2;ii'
ti.60; luiidluiui, $tl.3u0,;.j; hvavy
Yurkem, H.4ifi.h0, light Yoikuia,
IJ, pig.4. Ju.lOu.'.'i: rvuau.
IllfiSO, Ultocu Miio suady; lot
auj vomiuou.
11502: aLibig UuiK U-eOUi Vtal
- r -.'-t
, Vaei' - ti.
' ' :- ' .i i : -i.-,-i
i .. ... .
Pajril Or"1T3 '
M- , 1,1,,,..,.,
pre.-it ion : ' -1
1 . ,v-.r - v '
fipi:''"ji ad -'.-. t "iiilini.. ) ,t ii
t-,, -,-..- t ... ,. ,, ,,,i ,,,,(
f 1 . . . ' ;, I '" . . . , , T ,1) I f ,1 1 'f l .
the - M.-'len,r .' ,', , i 1,
;,.) ..t. O, , I, I. .,. I 'lil. .1.1 -J
r.'f'tm v'.et'iiT i'.it'.r , .'.
tli'l wtw :'' ' v - ti : 'i - '' ' i
irraM ' ! n 1 1 ..w. i.i-n ..
In'er '' .ti.. .! ' net
;.(. ct-j n :.,i , n ' ..
oath n '.e ''e ipcTv.e ,t" ),,. .,.
ter"lt;ieiril " iflTajlh i' a I ''t!'''l .
not luean 'bat 'heir re'k'!ou "id po
lltlca! ,t'.t,i.s .ir" Huli-ervlent 'o their
duties to the iniun it is a ,o- : ;natt..r
entii'.-ly. they nv. aud only a 'erlvidn
from Home .ir from all the bishops nf
AtnT'ca en-t'd make all 'be I'aiboiie
pr!evt 'Tt i ii ,-r'. a -efiise ;ib.ii.:i i,in ;i
the iu Ion men
3ank Cf-.erq Convicted.
New York. er)t 15 - The jury ,n the'
ease of the .iffirlals of ;be Mercantile'
To-operative itntik of i(e ilank. .V. J..
on trial at Freehold. X .1 . n i harire
of causing the failure if the isnk.
broitL'lif :n a e,.r,ij,.t ,f uj;iv. :)Bainst
John W N'eu'hurv. president ,.f "lie
hank, and Itmloiph Newman. !t ash
ler AuguKtiis ,. Patterson, an employe
In the bank, was arqultted.
Kicked to Death In a Flrjht.
Norwich, N. Y .Sept. 14. !n a fluht'
nt McOonouh. T:acy H. Unrrows was1
kicked to death by Frank Cole, whom 1
Borrows had jut shot in the neck'
with a revolver. Borrows had acrnsed
Cole of escorting his wife to the
Green county fair.
07 ' ' .;
! A- ml
: Vy w'ltsz - ;--a ::- '
J (' x AIJZAW yr. '' . -""" o .:-iv.. .
I "if,Sr-aF,. 'nV " "t ."
iktrf 113- mS!l -MP 5 -T.T; ...
'11 C 1 I JV t i V n . t
; J A U Mk a .1
-tnrf f 1' t rat - .rl
frtprjrft: -wf ;f,: -
frtrnqntf n ft" ,inrf , ?
w fthmtf -Y'mrr,tfnn thmt :r
wn uiff. " if. V'.w
William Dewey.
'ietr-- rwilt. - .. t
a f . i ' : ii . i - ,
he r.i4i ' . '-.ii ' :'. i.iri
irtvic gratt.
Ad'drMs i'r irtrt.Aii. i'ridi.!t, ef
The Hrtmn siDitunmn. i'.,in.nhti
lie of t
gar - 7 , -, ji.
lie lew Season.
Prices on Cottt)ns.
n -iiitc ol' -liarp ;uivtift n
all cotton e(,xJs hero tire I ar''ni us
tmiTt; it ln'i'orc the raise in price.
Lot of' Comt'jrt CaiittH-'. r
tiitt tor I'liildrpu's lirrj-.-es Ht . .
nts. je-"
L"nl)rachel Muslim, varti .viiie
nice itialitr tor all cueral nso 7
oohts tisullav this week 10 vards
for 55 cents.
Lancaster (ungharus 7 i-outs
why pay 7 .andS it-nts -Ise-where.
Iloavy Outing Flannels check,
stripes, and plain folor?, dark
and light, 10 ccntt a vd.
Cotton Blankets, propare tor
the chilly nights, Ijouuil tiiges,
colored border stripes, ten-iuarter
size 59 cents though Tore we to
buy them now the price would Ite
75 cents, eleven-quarters stze our
price 70 cetits, worth trxlay's
price $1.00.
New Rocking Chairs
Much under what you general
ly pay lor such qualities, golden
oak, large aud roomy, curved
srats of veneered oak, strong,
well braceil arms, lagli hack,
fancy carvings $15.00, 3.50, 3.'J3
worth a tourlh more.
New Materials For
Autumn Dresses.
Jars and Crocks.
i i ;. -it. minor t :..' 'uncs - "nrr.fiiar
Micro ..t fai.rios tiat -,r. m:-e :,, .ave rt : :i i irt - : ; j t
! fall.
j "v.uuue. even : ha:i a.t -wu. :id ::' .invbitig
j more lurry .-vt-r. ;.tn :i -tiiit roior .iii.i !:i t w r..i-.e.i t
fect, :'or taiiorrii -tut and -erornto skirt.
i)u cent ZibiUne in green and gr-v oiont:.r r'.tulv .ro '.
J" tnt .iuuiuo. garnet .-r '.lack- ,t:mh!i ur.ii ::u vr.ito :.a;r
showing aiso browns ami t.le white gloaming thrraas.
' cent Zibiiine. heavier ;u fahric. "lack. 'pwn. garnet,
grccu, in plain colors.
$1.10, 1.25, 1. 50' the weights for long .ttaaxi -nits. :no
tjualities in lilacks, brrwr. -rwns. md .tlu-r lts prominent
Fashion makers everywhere declare them to one .t .he
foremost fabricf. for atreet wear, walking suits, traveiling smtj;.
The Boucle-raised knot ir thread-the odect in colors comes
peeping tiirough, -oattered here and there in appearance is what
lenba much attractiveness and nearly ail how a little white iu
them lxside- the -olors.
50 unp (10 cent navy !lne grouu.i and a white oacs. ligtit
grey with a black aud white combination : new blue aud a touch
ing of white and black ; herritiir Inuie effects, with green or !lack
nnd white mixing.
$1.50 Tweeds, 54 inch imported one of them has Mack red
anb white over a black irrouud of blue.
$3.00 Tweeds, extra tine Imticle or knub etlect in colors ot
kurnt orange and green intorwinod it: groiiug work of green and j
oxford grey. i
1,1 ' i i -
2'iarr- J
:;r- a :. ..
.ix.X I r- ' V.i
' otlts t .-.
"tone ' ; .:- .. :., - '
etits t-er -a..o:i.
tig are i ,-uts " i i h i ii.
For Children Wear,
( mivT iavs mtng , .
'ect the tsiioron.
rCmt aciiiios ! rlannoi'
and cidertiewn Jo
Short a:ui l.vnc -Jts ;a .:!.
mere, iiioni t'ni. tut-nt'
S1.00 to t..t'.
Ivsefers 'u i 'J vcar" -..'
Silk tape plain, t.ruot n.'i
stitched, fir trimmed fi cents i
to $3.50.
Stylish Trimmings.
The trimming are the ortiaiu.
tal touches to every .ires,
have made preparation to pit
every taste and there is a ox;
supply here now for you.
luitHings arc -how a a a. ,!
moug the loading thing.
1 -ace rtill ho ul well.
Silk For Dresses and Waists.
Silk to worn largely this Kali. t)ir Slink has beeu replen
isheii w'.'.b an abundant supply of the kinds that are iu the vogue.
i !:y i!k a two color elleot or weave we moan and these
wii! !-e nt ,m -..unht f0r S;i cents, $1.00, to $1.50 for whole dresses
II " a i e in give v, ti u little idew ot the many we have to
'., ii-ti Mi;: i . tttul in the bti.-kct weave daiutly inter-
spercod with while.
Another (bin metal ground wotk, and a -.uncioii - i ;.i i
and large polka dots, in Mack and white. V vy Mae i
white dot aiul a white thread appearing like a i.'.-ii a'l ovm
lilai-k Silk, a low -tati" showing mo-; cxa
7 .w.i.Kiw t'.rtSl "?7 inch I'oau Pe tVgm.
tnc'n 1
ii poplins tbr i.'J5. .7
Van IV, for $1.5'1
ihnt :.i ai
chreyer Store Co
iIHe.XtJJ- M