The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 17, 1903, Image 1
Lis on hand. ' They must g .ck. The price it,.. .aA nrl?e fof the a-1 nr. fnffiiah them printed l. v o -- ' L ies than you cn .buy them , .. ...Inline. . , linoui " - A faadly Jaaraal, Pt4 la !. 4M, rVuitltal Rcmkmut anil Carrot Litr-ntnr. MIDDLKIJUKOU, NNYOKIJ COUNTY, f'KNN'A., SKITKVTFlKf: IT, tfiOfi. UL. XXXX. I 'nTit. 'r"' '"' ' r 7 - ' ' ' : t -am -, - - -- - - - i . . L - r- ined;. jvcly I-Ittlc Liners. . ... I'.iialln (if thfl County Seat. Told lit Hrlef j Paragraphs. 1?Ie Um Prnmlient. Appfll. lh llri W. V. jt!i iim r K"' In-' ' SiiilmrV. ,,. :r..tliT have a new wlv. ill i.f the T'r. I.;,,'.! cruet Band i-iyt f Fair w". i i.f t.iV' tn townhi, Lt ilM-dmiity Heat Haturdsy. (i. 117 P. V. I., bad tneirammai . t Mclingrove Haturday. t f,tli-r .f Ji''K McClur 'li"l wk nml wi burled in l-ew!- j honM deal at the J-vket and l,e benefit of our Handsome Prern- iidrup plated ailverware given lth nur premium cheem at me Ljcan K"i pure Winea and Whia- fr medical ne t the Mi'lrllotoiig a k rt'iri-. UHallie Mfft of Hwntmry jnt Uj with h-r t.rotlifr, II. rt. MrU fiinily. - piitjlif: whwU of Hnylff county ihout allien onel thia wwk I, we-lt. tFatmieB'nreri''Xff Hharnokln yinga vlait to her father, Jfwph twi and family. Is Myra Koml of Beiver Hrlnirs vLiit to her uncle, Jaa. O. Crouae 'iniily fcaturday. k William C. Snyder and chlld- kuited frienda in Jierka county g the paat week. juLiooer, wm at the County Seat May of taster eek.. ' L Middleburg Drag fcitore baa ad- i full Iiue of pare Wine and rkies for medical u?e. tf. , i F. P.ra Jenliaugh of inilersburz', ( (lent uf the Middleburg Water wa ia town Satuniay. S:ir Bill Eoard has beea erected i FrtD'-a FlaU for the purpose ( E'.winz Walter Main's C'ir-jw. Wiilet Arbga.t and daughter iiuokiu Dam spent iuuday at ictn.1 Hotel with W. Kuhn velvLt- ami Silks tr wnist. kLs v i JhawLs, etc. tto. at Mk. K. C. Al r.v d. at is ii'ii' to be done with the niwtiou iu Dddlebun; ? The : -iry wuditiou of the towu reimiret . i jour lVvtir for a prv-riptiou jw to the Middleburg Drg -Store yvur Vin and Whiiie for 'al ur. tt knit Sunday S;hool I'iouie was u HiikIW Cirvve, Itli instant. . K:l !, 5Upt., ningitiic bv the I, Kli'iviK Ktiue, orxuiit ami '. tVruvt Baud. Address-es iik Mojer, W. Walburu aud t.5 iuiotvixer. I ' " V b:. jioles iu hi n shav nl hair 'UtUit( parlor tn youi cilwavxl nith a reftewhm sham- k iJ i!on towel toench patrvn U'-in sidy of M:uket stit. :t re oi ; KWuiiitl Uotvl. ttiiJ'iivUuu miar- if. MutV uui, Jr., ami family , tb '" txk.H at the Va.-UiU;i)ii U-.l t'huiHila.v tot I'lHimlviU, they vull ma!t tlioii Mi-Maim hf4 h i-im. I oiritv wV.Mluaiii N. . City. tl! - - - tllllil, , JJvllllvitlOll, ' iv iiUvi.Ul m the luw bitulv uiU i UlvHt' town, vltvliuin u I.UkiUM wiilt Hon. ivluvh NfctuidMy . t hy Nt i "lstuiil J. Umu, 4 llo V 1 - V ttto UivL Nwav BuiMw, HUkhI rHiildw. A l" A" Netvvua VVuditiut t( i H 'I'wtlvStrvuntheulun MtlU, U UiitW l'u HUsst ; ulvv; Hl Hiut Vl. Ut tvUt llto t)f j pW.iit;y rvt'MHda, il sU. WANT F.I i ooiint'.v harm. f Ol! HAM cliif, 6'il a lii'iitr at toi- W. W. l:i.',: t'i' FiiiK'rnl ' i tl. T'ttiin. r ONCF. A fw A !(! at thH iViff. I'fiy rriar. a fir't ! i'iiflf fnriilly i't-p. :: e. i-t. .vn Fir r 1 tf. n?tiii Hint lir-i ii-In , Mr. Mi li i k!-!.urifcr i in J'lii a. Ilii wpek Mtteii-; Millin. ry arnl puri ba-'iri.' j'A. A'lrtrn Oordf.f- f Mf. floanf MWU, w f.f Hi nff"j.. furrnorj of frry tnwnMp, 'Irnr,), J in fc pny t,i miU wriptloTi If, Fr, l iy. II. f). HtAl.IriH, an.l fwlfr .tahl riwkfr of f.'lAyUnd, Ohic, wr rKllerl lioirif ,af.iir'Uy owin t" th "r!fnn i I n. f,f ti,:r mother, Mn. J. A. rttahlnwker. ,wl K. f'awlinat and wife of H1 liiici'v wr erifrfainod Matnrday hy Hon f. A. rtfhftrh and wifn. Xff. I'awli" lro)iriei in to pay himuhcrip fu.n t.. IVfl. For ,.f.K.- An x 10 Viewing Outfit Irirlmlii l' ''aoi. ra, threw lene with pr rtrait MiiHhiiK'iit, trlpvt, carrying ca, prlntinar frnmea, etA. Will ra vtld cheap. Writ-or lno'tira a( thla offloe. Mii Millrl HtveMSck of T.ykena and Mr. Proi.r, jp. fisf, Mra. In. Tjef.kard and .n O r-y of ftichfteld and M it !Anne Hiifew. ,f Millerahurg. were vial tora at fii- hum of W. H. ftipka over Humli . An Immenms ion In circula tion In Lew intowri ukinir the I'., ft Oimpany to run a pwnir.-r train ovr thia diviaion Hundayi. Trin ti Lewlatnwn in the inornin and at Hunbury ahoilt 510 In the evt-iiinflj. VrNT-TE-NA the trreatext of ail ronU rentorea a weakened nervoim rim, exhauatod vitality, brain-ftitf, nerv..n neaa and aieeplemnean, by purtf yi'iwr and replenkhinff tha blood ripply. Makea pare red blood. Guaranteed. All drngglaU. , Mm Robert Pach niche and daughter XmcUtM .WMhfaigiMr townahty, paaaed through) thia place Saturday on their way to Beavertown where the latter will teaeh tc.hool the cominir winter. E. rf. StPiup, tro iptown is hanil iin a.hig!i grade of Frtiliera, nianu fai:tareil by the Baltimore, Pulveruiun t.'ompany. Pru-w ranae from tVl to Si-aton. Per-i'.n.s iifwlii a n rnliiiiilf article should nil 'i h::ii tf Fun r.v i.e. A Iioitf .tad '. it.wtwl ia Pastonvii:.. :!-n-l at private .-aie. The huildiuifi in 'io.I rnmlition. The home Lt -lippilnl with in-ti-iu.i!' vaier. r"niit.i. -n-. Write or . all on uruf Biiveh.s)x. Paxtonville. P:i. Lo.-T. K.i,-: v .rlnu a .let-d wa lost br.WHfii rhi'oiiore Fl.-her's fniil uear Pawlimr -rarion aail Middlebur. Deed was i;ivii by ( nn i'. Kiiwter ami wife to Lydht Y'Ttt and 'ha.i. Hin ile. ' ;t w-i- foiin.l. the tinder will kindly return to (.'. F Hiukle, at Krea uier, Fa. , F.V-pliariU thuf eni(e active'y in rnirni warfare U a if)it that cn only t een with the Walter f.. Un en oririniia t,oM wliich will rxbil i' "' Mii'I tiirjr, '., rn f . . r. I v , -Vj.r i'itti. Tln iIiIimt, and it i- the .nly one tbat hit tcrmnVd in e'lm-at inif herd i.f h ii. t to ri.f.nri gun with f',ilierv pref ixion Ncrf oiily d' they ((ii through the artillery fHCtif but wbi'ti ernf.Tijed In a htrri little airairit a riim of infantry in which they nr defeated, they fin up their fluut of truce and carry ctT t h-i r d-ad from the field ( aptain h-W Jf.nea. their trainer, put thm throusth all the tacti. ard U-ad them !n thfir charati with the rtpld Mr" a;iin. p tain mvlfr the invurlnHry enerrli' rtre and 'Vithouf a odr, tiiey rcalie that tliey have i(Trcd dfat. f C i then thsf one of them nn up the vvhite Mas;. To other actina; aa F'er ( r Nnr-ea hiirry t hit lde. hut mt h i dad. fir the time relna;, they tenderly pick him ip and carry him nut.. One of the elephant who ha heen wounded in th fray fol low c.Ioae behind carryinur hia -er,rd while the others ee the iratling; iriina and retire. rurlnsf the battle the ale. phant run out iurht and fire a dozen rounda from the rapid fire aina and do It witTt aa much ener and intereat v would a (ratlins; jnn mrd. Tho who regard elephant a ciumay, 'inirainly b'AHU will have their niinda chamrcd after aeelna; theae elephanta battle. Tt. ia the moet perfeet exhibition of the InVlliijenoe of the elephant ever m. cnmpjlahed, and ia only een with the Walter .. Nfitin enoi moua hnw. Re-,-rved eat Tickets nn ile at Middle bnrj; Dn .'o.' .""fore, Adult. .pnt Children inder 1 .5 ytr i" cent. fiK IdSF.PH FkiF.srw little 1 k'"ii n.W of th- ftis.-.v 0 r .side I i; Vvrihimiiicrl.tivl f!iro'ih 'ijK'rliitpii.icm r ,. rKnTill" h-i revivi'd ini.'r.-t "PrieHtiy" l.y t ., 'init'.erliind and n intervi r rl Of fr Printly'deaeonilanij Pro!eor ( rdy' viit h-i the Ihind. of rh eltienn that 'n-v u--living vry m-ar to on nf th m-.- !'i moua relic of hy-yone ."entiiy A) i know to every fhor.l :,, Ti Prlently the discoverer of - ,ven Although a IHiiariaii eler .virtn lie wan alo devoted to c.-nee. Hi li-. o" ery W t one . imporane.., ---lntioizini the cience of eheriii'r and makinu; hia name fiimou f.,r l the fjme. The discovery of oYy cn ri mit in Furland in lTT'i. fir. Prietiv .li.i not, ;Miie to America until IT'il He waa a f 'nitarlHn, a holief which r i ' r t .': il.pi l '.y . iim ! he nr1 j. ,1 n ii . ,.i 1 1. I' -0.,lr-t ,. -.i.l, wiid'M iiv ' ... ... liri'-el -iv i.-' V ' r i, ,...1 ........ rllii'h ! :i !:.- l' !.'! t . ' Uiaila',l.t 'i ' oeiaMon n.-o-o.-r- ,o .. Ml'' ' e,TKi le ih I . i r.. '. ft ,.,irilr!lmte -i. I..- !,.,. ' h ui.rii. i.. tl ...)..., t ii f'.rdeil ill .il-'llliev, .r 'ani' . V . r, irW.ll I , 'i I , ri Jit hertfi.r. il'ni. . herfiy ,r. "l(..'i ! I .etr nelital he MAaaieo. rtejt. 11. by Rev. W. W. Rot.hmek, Jtmea 3, Wehh of Twintown to F.mnia Kemberting of Sellnairrnve. Sept. 4, hy Rev. S. Duba, nio' J. ritetler ofGlntie Milla to Dtlla K. Hum ruel of Midilleimnr. ep. V lf Rev Womeidorf;.. Her bert K. F Tiber and P.rtle A. Hhe mtvirTy. .ept- il, Uy Rev. J. Womeldnrf, Tien. W. 3hemorry and Ffannah B Kuiitr nutn. epr. 111. liy Rev J. W imelilnrr at ."(hreiner. WU!:ir.t ) r.M-hrin md !ia Nf. K.immi'! diicttimr niu" ' el eiTl It tot : ' lot 'i owiro nt,.i- 4 -ill'' .i. j . he fer.ertl ' S'rtlNSFORD. Thomas Spe-hc spent Satunlay out of town. JMe ?heily i li.tmz -ipeut Ifnnday iu town. S. B. Sjpitier and wife peuc ?uuday at 5uniuiry. H. K. Walter of Beavertowa pent Suuduy at home. Ueulah Katai'"U sie;ii ftw days, at Sollliwrov l wwk. Mrn. Altlf i! if Sjiiusnive pfut a lew dayn iu tmv'i rei'eutiy. iHtme Kutiior is it that there will bv aiioihi r WMi.:ti; ?re loug. J. W. Sarc, -vim h d ben oil the li-i, - a '! ' N about Ajrtin. Joim Uuuiiu. ol Harry Kntuce n vt l'a.i(.vi;k' .vui SttiurUa- in tu l. Miihilchiiix I ilhvr Manufacturing iii ' a '-i load .if hiden las-l vii XIih. W. V. nilll, a)U H'lldillg vim! vli, ii ? i vilunn, ivlurnni hiiit lt, ,1. t'. A'uu;, tife alul .'U uf l.vt iuw ii vj'cii. "viuvlay Aith J. L. Miu iiv Vtltiu ktu.Ul, ai;o hikI iiatuj;bir of Uvuwiuwn duivd at llw Mtiiie llolvl tuitlavs . J.O, Hfiltalv and H of Itrvw Uvt N-ntSMntv Koi.iw Sii,;h fHunu4 Hvv-twj; Uitdvitiot Shiaudvt Vl(tMf NlvM v Umct it4 Salri4AM ulUt U Utv Haliiic Sate. HOTEL at Pjliiie ale at ! on Tliurxlay, -epte!uier ITUi. i:k'.. I'lie ("oiiiU Hotel. r.iivu.-!" :U New Berlin, Cnimi .hiiu . r'aree -tory Brick. ! 1!..iiu. -"tuie Puioni and Dwelling, lnr oarn and other aei-essan out building, with larse iruuiids and aniens, -ituatiii on 'he X. K. .lorner of Market and V.iie -lh. This is au oid estaioi.-hetl -taml iuu -well pairniiieil 'oy -.umnier H.arueni. in addition to the reirtdar trauV. F::it hiiatinir, tlsnimr, srunniuir. efi. Sil.t by the heirs of Michael Kleckner. dt-M. -:t-:l 'inder the tian in Flni!and at that "iine and .ner.-a-nr ,i,r.ii,i i-i and he wax !anihed foniimr 'hi wintry iie elected the Ji,arey u-t. tied pot loni the North Branch f ferwarda named Northumlrtand fter Dr. Priestly received from -he P.rifiah Virrimient an .tulenmity .if 10.1)00 poiind" He then !. nil t for inm elf a lieauufiil nian1on. on he .tifir of the Jnfiiiehaniia. ft a it t Ime wheni the Red nien ti; .-nainerl o-er thehllln and iliooninm. nf hi c;inn. The maniinn built ry Dr. P.-etiy , fill Ktaii.ttn?. ft . near he :anl faetma; the U. f.. V railroad it , exceilftitly preserved. 'irnanienui land well .,ijt tit .''acf. . .ndi.'ate.! that no exiieii r ia ipanl In t -on-stnieflnn. The recoriia how list f 'WtP a n-nf .um 'or -hat tay The ielcrn v.-re ri ai,.i ut with .jiieiT :'nrna'ps :'..f c-r!;ii.-Ti-tal puriioeea. while ; he arrain.f-n.ent andaplendid fiiuab of :he :i.anu.n j ,.jf y clearly ni.1i.-nte the aristocrat ie aste ..f r(lH,u. , the Inn decetweit Imilder. riie nnn- j ,,y pr-nr vvmniet trr Kotiert I ,-i i Hcott, who vnrehaaed It atnit :lftei t year airo. ! lir. Prteatly r:ir.ded t I'nl:. church in Nnrfhuniiieriaiul. wl,,. ; ei.-t.. There are 'hieo lirect ,,a .r '1 e ,-;,:iiiiii jcinf i-it Jti'l ' i Nir'hiiriiir!aiu!. -r-nr ..!aiuhi..-s. Ml. .ni.e .' .1 .. .i-iiiif i':!ei:v ii, .1 '.;, i i&irt. i'"i.rV-.r i n.rii' a. - ii iiese i.-ulim uul -4' u ;-r:i,. ;, v.. iKniic a .iiiiiitr if .nrt-rni n.' .in which -.-b .r.. e -he . i .. ,'-t.-t!v l ',.r tMr,. . i e nii-ro. piie. i -er..f" --.i,.-. t '! '1,1 lW, 1 T.i,C .f fil.( ... ."awii. and a ;ij;irf:c iai.trn; ill'' I' i ti.nly il-o aw l.r- ;-. lir. I'-le-tly in,) visual If in lie enieterv. i )n "he :,fju.. lie '.llownii: ::.-crii 'i'.M ' T i "he .Iit-'norr '.t 'he p.rV. P-l.-stlj'. w!. h-tarti-d !..-N4. OaleT'l 1 fall i.t-' X n .1 I . iifi. :n .e .-ti' ,ii heir itfe. ( It norbnie n h ;rirerity .r ,N i-.Mt.i.o ers of ,mportniiee einli der'dnrment. ind 1teii :ntpim'ii. at :n eenrlns l.e ,tal lihmeni r n .InatHev 'hat five added M,ilst ici i veil a 'AVHi.'e ,r. rirtv ),eret.v i.. tireor y if. I n tr r" 'ivijccr ' n ' nw, V it onfrti nte '.. he reneral n teliljrpnce ..f 'he iiiiui.itant .v r Mient .JjjU'llasioM '' lie. linn ..f i ,liw ic aatlir. lint 'V he t.leritilltf m-e .f it her "ter 'tiental .tevftnr.nient 'cnt .",tienhi:.. v'. ''. .rce .it .my ...v,. i. it nntr;'..iite. 'are .y iIkkii.hi I . ' ..etkfi.i .rt:iui iiar-' :"(!. :.y , r.-iU :ntf in ,oin;-t.aiMlini ' :'Hint .-auswl i.v tiiir -h. ehMl. .r roui.e. , romotiinf etrj letter -choi. I- and l.erer 'arm-- tunuhitini nor nterer of "l.etter Tllen to ' 'ttlee -xnil ler .-n ' ai'tion of the , .ii I t ii ' i iiinneM of ,.iu,n- irian i counties, and -tat.-. din t .1.01 ic ial ' 'lie if I ,,.., . r -e'.r .1 iir ,t ' Ml -et HHnmiotli ' , Ti i.r. -. tO.ic'l ,-."1 I, .f'.t.!'. -t an If r-, IV-. .rvir'.te i ier,rlee r'th ja. "nntiTt'."iei!c- ; 'T ic !v V 'V V.nv. f -nn. IT'T. V.".C' rolt,. I -till ' t.rY I-.-l . . - at tiimr . n "he-e vva ai -.:v. :-,.;i;,'v -li'ii..- iacc . ate .-inije .-. . ' .1 I n. tic. Kodiiccd Hates tu Centre Hail. Pi. To accommodate visitor to the en-, campuient aud exhibition of th.1 Pat rons of Husbandry, to lie held at Centre Hall, Pa., September t ui !. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company wtll sell round-trip tickets from stations in Pennsylvania to Centre Hall. Px, at special ralueed rates. TUie tickets will be on sale and .xxi from s..pteuibcr 11 to IS, inclusive, and iPanl for return passage until Septem ber I P.eturn unto ihy :-et. 1 1 : or the Lont hath l-ait . with thee T ivill in v ine.lown and -lep till 1 awake :i t:.e "f "lie Itwurrectiou.'" ;)r. i'-i ii.rn iu 17io. ; .;arr;e.t U.-Ui.e! CI. t.ei 'ti.'!. er ;avti'-' c ii.zate'h -;.1ve: Mr. -' r.c .v. . -w trr!iu. i ' 'ii:'..-cr.-ei. ir" .i-aii. : .niiiireu . t -II. a.i r - V. ten, rZACHEKS IXSriTUT nrticial a : . : Pmurain Teachers it In- Mllik! t::ut.'. Uarriate Licenses. i Willanl O. Co'brau, . Ida it. Hummel, i Jamea S. Webu, 'i. kluiuut KemU-runit, I. enter K. Derr. Shreiner. Shreiuer. The Vfith ers' nti fuivene i Nov. 10. 1 pubiicaliui Mairaziue" allt'lial ite of - ii viler .t v. ii:ill i. 11-a-i!l t-urv ""'i rr. Middlenurs;, Pa.. M. iiiiav. 1. 1 i and "he t.-urtti" initial ! fu :af of the iwners ir.'.lte . will in? Issue 1 as '.he ci".. sai I authority of the cmivciitiou ..atu r 'he directiou of the t'ouuty ."Uiienutcn- dent. Prof, tiro, W. Waioorn. Frwonriri Pa. The luM.k xtiII .-mttain ail the mV. -lal 1 U'uu "' tie ' Lewistown. Sa?iUi!Hrovtf. Paxtnnvitle 1 Hatie b Slmuiuavu. Beaver Spnuirs. aiinoimcements ot the proumin. I Peter f. Balev. ' shamnkin Tain sli!M4n. s. ifcuuVr, WashiOKton twp. adiireeees m teavhere and directors. , ... 1 .V tew pajjT wiU 1e reserveii ;'or aii- vertisemeuls of a cieau and respwtaolu 1 nature, at the toilowiuir. rales : Fiiil, pageJij.tW: half pane $11.1)0; quarter Main 'a "tori. :tiiuin: - tr-.: Moai. - horses, .-veii lustructors, entertain menu, names and 1 ' addresses ol teachers aud director.. - -ertoiiMlv hurt. 1 en i : cere cr 1 nl :ia 1 uoiHiiiv ol an :c inc Cider Makiun. I will operate way cider prvse in Kmnkllu this year aud I invite ail my ptttrvus tt bring their apples in to my null, t will begin tu make cialer Thurs day July '."j. After that, tlie days will In rurday aud Thursday of every tm-k. unul otherwise notllieiL C-V1.V1M U. Stkoi p. tl t-Qiciuc For Sale .V twelve tHrs powwr portable Frick Ku&iu U ottered at private sale, It cU la wu at StrvitvwUv luuire of 1 S. Sl Ki-n, t'f 5?trvutown, Pjl $1.75. The sue of the page will be the -au:e aalaotyear; i iuches by ', -the type page-six:. Iu onler to get the book to the teach ers aud directors iu ample time, it will be ieeued earlier than usual and oopy for ads should be sent at once in order to faulitale uettt dxsplajT. Thia ia a spieuUid meaua of advertis ing forsAthouls, uolleges, book publish era auid school supply houses. Smd lu yur copy at ouce to Gw. W. W.uiosELLER. Publisher, 1 tt illddleburxh, IV WAN'l'Ki I: I.-wi r of reliuciueiu aud ! tieaus. under -a to ioiti geutletnau .n j She. n llauch. Eael Tenn. Mom-v duuuie yearly. Address. William Aix.rsrrs lium.M.v iM7-l. Chattauootta. Fcuu. kllEU-HA riSM. Do you suiter with inriamatory rheumatism'.' If so send aO e. in stamps for a prescription that will quickly cure you. (t. tt. MAI'LE, Box. 104, 1-t pringrlekL Mo. (Jruiin, da vs. ,ii;.1 s . ."ii-. He w -urvi vc Job n auti idow. one -on and ! .iaagutcr1. -i-u: .1. K. -taiillid-ker : .1 Sunday at Beaver Spnuis. S. P. Warner nud wife oilweuvnle. returning from KtathesterX. Y. stopi ed otT over Sunday with T. I. -Spjcht and wife. Mr. AYaruer formerly wa the operator at this place.