Jijii;.;inji:u foot. wvvvwwmwi-,'''k' aa" 4ia w. W40IRSIIXIR. a. il lotto Attowra. In tdnm. Mmlt capWa. H Oaa. M for ftp ltirrtot. an nta p Mr to Mvtlnwrtion. tr-Fri E.-NMiiViiy OmH Bona, Mwwa tht nr.- National Bank and b Orny JnU. EsUMUk ladiutrUI E terprlM. w.ukl nmv here with 4 their 'families. Thev One hundred and twenty-five nun have ap wuuld need lioutx. This will make a sale ft plied for work at the water works. ' These - ap j building lot and create work Jbr carpenters, plioants come from all parts of Suyder county. I miaous, painters, etc What has been said here This is only a temporary job, but il gives us . a behalf of Middlcluirg is true of every town of some idea how many men couUf be ocu,rvu tor Snyder county. The town that acts on this eng. permanent employmcut if mum iudubtrial plant employing men were established iu Middlvbuiy. Tocre an none po blind as thone who can ni t Republican Standing Committee. Arlam.-O. P. Ft. 3. T. Shawr. H-av.r H. H. Vain. .H.Mmt. Hravrr TVt . V. Oro. Pwlil Knnlnrt. ntro - T. K Vorin. .1. SmwM. Chapman 1. V. Hrvkxni, 1. H . YprlacrrH-. VrnKlin -lli'nrv Krllv, .'orin ii. hrnninrr. .In. kn -I S. Vfnrirk, V m. HrlwM. MMilVhurtr hv W . rWvrf, Hank W. 1M, XI :M lis-rwk Frank Waller. M. k . "nyrter. Monroe 11. '. HrmJn. k, H. K.Viarwr. i'riin .1 . II. hover. V. . Kl. iv i A. I'a. rnl'iiri;, 3. W. ArHosa". V, ri 'H -Amnion Sni.-(rlr. V. A. hllflv, v,. ..v-, vr - . 1- r.tMfr, ' W.i'ovorV. .;,r , ..'o. V l.'Vl.v, .1 Iv V'winir I K. Toll?. Iint Wi'mi'r. V Kf..r M'.-l-ar-l Mow. .1. F. "tnllowr. lll-.iTIU.UWN STATK TIOKKT. Stvtv Tkk.am'KKK nn M:it!in. lV!:iw aro ( '. w ;; A I I'lTi'K dVWKAl. inn: P. Siiv.lcr. ( 'liestor mitv. ,1 I iv J-v Si I -YKU Yl t'ol KT. .li.lii; .1. UiMi.i.T.n. On v ton! (untv. Th"ri: A. Morrison, MfKftMi lunty. i'iH'NTY TIOKKT. lVKtln'i.l.ii'v (too. M. Sliimh'l. K'iri-!iT Ko.-onicr .). Iv ArKynsl. Avwi:,!; .lii.ljri l"r:iii'k Kcllor. PiMri.'i Attorney M. 1. IVtUT. ,lnrv i'i minivsi.MiiT Iru ii, lirnybill. see Theie is a half million dollars of idle money in Snyder county. Ivoai the Iwnk statements ami make a little allowance for the contents of 'old stockings, etc., and you can readily pee that j there is easily a half million dollars idle. Hun j driMs of men, boys and girls can Ive stvurtnt who j will be only too glad to get employment. I Why not invwt this capital iniinbistri.il cn ; tcrpriws and aftoni employment? It will not hurt tie hanks nor the owners of the money. TIhso enterprises will give the hunks and every other jvrson more money. The moment we bevino a producing factor, we import money. W e produce from the soil, but we should produce along inamitiieturing lines. c should aim to pivdmv more than we nsiinio. It we iMiwinu' more than we pinxhicv we s'iid mre money out ot" the county than comes in. If wc privluce more than we iin-siinM-, we w ill bring in more money than gos out. A largo plant employing men will U the lnciin tor attaining this end. Men can Iv sc oured from all parts ot' the county 'and outside ot the (untv to (Mim' here to work. These men gestion is the one that will resp the rewan'. Why not get your capital to prodece by estab lishing industrial enterprise ? A receipt for subscription to the I'iwt is re ally a certiticatc of good character. It is always well to have one right up to date. ACCIDENT AT MOTOR CYCLE RACE Pour Men Plunged Over Embankment and Art Seriouely Injured. New York, Sept. 8. Four mpn wpr Injured seriously during the runnttiR of a flve-mlle motor cycle handicap at Manhattan Moaoh. Thpy plunged over th track embankment opposite th urand itand while Rolnn at s terrific pare. They were Alexander Pufrane, of Eltraheth. N. J., who wns badly bmlned and Is believed to have sus tained Internal Injuries: N. T. Har nard, of Hartford, Conn., cut and bruised and shoulder hurt ; F. V. Rog ers, of rtroofclyn. badly bruised and hip laid open; r. .tohnson. of Newark, head cut anil thought to have been Inter nally Injured. Pnrnard was the first to full, ijolnn over the track. l ater he claimed that the rider ahed, whoso nime cannot be ascertained, forced him off the track. T'nnervo.l by Barnard's plunge nd by the shout of horror which urop from the crowded grand stands, the three other riders followed within a few sounds They were picked up. bleeding and unconscious. Av ers Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral quleta ttckllnf throatt, hack ing cougha, pain In the lungi. It relieve! congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain thisto you. He knows all about this cough medicine. "W riT navl Im'i rhrr Ptrlml tn eur fMrnllf fnr n mn fur thrmil aimI Inna trouble., .nil . think nn inpillrln. rtiti.l. It. Mm. A. I'umaul, Ayiilrmu, Mlua. J.r. iTiaen., Wo.,..,! M, All rtrnpiM.t. Weak Throats Ayer's Pills greatly aid recovery. Purely vegetable, gently laxative. I cttor to A. fl. Bashoar. A. (5. Rjohoiir retired from tin-! want NEW CANAL TREATY milling hnstnrw Sitimlny, Sept. ft. Celenibl sen.te" Appoint, Commit and will move awnv alxuit SpU 0 ; tr?e to Prepare Bill, and he will ho chn to see his erodi- J Tiopota. Oolombia. Sept. ". Th aen- IVar i: . hi- :!! verv well fntors a th mill oftioe and save him ate has appoint a eommisslon to pro- i . n Li . il p ' 0 ,.,., : pare a bill authorlring the povernment ' 11:11 " ti,k U'"-,,r PIU,Sihf ,r,,Me of Finc t0 W ,,,0m- i o neeo.i.te a canal treMV without j violating the constitution, but the povernment has not presented to con- .f Dcvoi l,r:u! an.! Zinc to pint a; t";ric lnut,, one ot M'atson housi thai! i: I(k o'.' niie: paint.- ;' town's mo-t progressive business hut vou want t.. know whx. as at Middl.-h.irg, Tnes.lay. . , ,,,,;, t i 'and at Keuvprtown londav to buy Vor tin sHin roa-xiii that it tat-o , . . nenoho lor hi- trade. t. ... o mi v ' los.- c(HI'! cio tliai. i; 0'c- M.--i mix" -Kimnicii iniiK. iiint an t'ttcei: to press a messape. which Is necessary, asking for reforms in the constitution to meet the wishes of the Vnited States repsrdlng tribunals, the sov ereign control of the csnal strip and your lease. The general fed- t-tghtv : c-nt. adultt mtmn (n et Market st. coiH-eiv:ii.i. . mi, trin . Water isi.'t Martin Iiassincer of "VVarron 0;. paint, i iitry i e- iu i paint. nil- ti:: Ix-eii here t lie pnst week. inr isn't iviin;. Renzine isn't jiaint. Newton S. Kaohman jviint. Fish-oil Mr. Honrv Solo and dauchtcr ' th w Mr. liyd Blymyer of ljowitown, nc iP fnvorable to a ne treaty, art visitine A. 1".. Sdos and family Senor Maearo. president of the sen- lVtroleun: is:it isn't paiiu. None of those are a right par of a good paint. None "of thiso 1" tit" wurk tliat Ix-lonrs to paint. AH Hie- iJv i I" I'll the iiuiiitrt-: i wt-;.'-tn.; Mix-. . .... liltit::. 1 . ' tliai. J ' i. .!; V.v- ai'viisii!.- . ).: ii. icr snrva...:'.- ' 2'iioL- i.:i .:in- b- i..o- lit. id Zinc ir vaii.i. Ti icii;t- ar- Ollr- :m- ,:i.iv ate. expressed his admiration for the noble and sincere policy pursued by the Vnited States and hopes that the canal will be opened by them. Ho says be regrets that he was obliped to oppose the Hay-Herran treaty a be ing a violation of the laws of the con stitution, but be will work strongly for a canal treaty satisfactory to both countries. Intense eteltement na tieen pro duced here by a cablegram reporting the probability of the t'nited SUtes dealing directly with Panama In the canal matter. Senator Ohaldia. whi has been appointed envernnr of Fan hnotmi: stUirrel- out Ol ama. left for his post. He will tai;e witti bin: a r;mnl plan, which It if said wii: satisfy all. a i.i.'ir. ; i" troni In' 'Vi.'- fI.e.IH?r n . an Zm u : : ': : t- wat- v. i-- ' ni'r T-if ;;.; ;;Lii.;t'r titr;. I. 'jh;:h" u: Di.iniiii t t::re J'rv. S. Hachman shot a irrourid hup on Tuesday along the mountain east of town. Ed. M. Greene and family of Lewistown arc visiting V. AV. Yh tenmvoT and family. George Rickhart and Ed. flum mtl of Ktavcrtowu. wore brought t tiie Conntv .h.il Vednsday af- trriKwiii 1 -(Ul-OU. Tu-iav t" tram;- wcr arrest ed 1 ': stoaiinr o '''k?t which tie oftiorr- i'iiuih' it. tiicir nr-s(-i.ii! am; wen tirotcii: iiort and lacked in to- Micrit: :'samjeL. Tn- annua! inii'' by tin fnur iv -inn.'- at Troxtdvilif war- i;i iiiev; lieid in Mover V Grovt otli lusiant. Ajiires-e- tv I.-v;. it. Kautmati L :iti. A. I '. Graiiii"v. M. 1. iJot t"i. Esu.. and 3Jroi. i'm. Moyer. Musk iv tut KiMi'jui- and Truxet viliv ( oriiet Land. iuemerb. J. L J otiero!:. ieador. Ner Middle warn. d:roctor ' jirogran.. Tiiv tVieiu-ii'... 'j.'iCet'.ied uY. it-4 fortuvr atiierint out to reaiMij of hiow-er- tio lt'ivi wa- vuvavet! tiy II y. i u.. Mr-. Vli:iuu'. Matter of bwiio-- Tcarful Odds Against IHm. IWriddcn, alone and destitute. Such, in hi icfwna the condition of an old soldier by the name of .I..1. Havens, Versaille, (). Toryeaix he was troubled with kidney diseases and neither doctors nr nudicines gave him relief. At length he triinl Klwtrio Hitters. It put him on his toot in short order and now he tes tifies. "I'm on the nvul to com plete recovery." lVst on earth tor Ivcr and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Itowel iVm p'aints. t)nly otV. (iuarantmlhy Middleburp Ping Co. (iraybili A Ciannan KiohBeld, IV. .1. V. Siimp- i soli I'onns v.Yook. i Court Prationoclam. Tt'HERKAS the Hon. Humid N. MrOurt " l'wdrnt Jurtir ol the .luillri.l KiMnot. femivwd M the nrnp'lw M SrTdrr, nj I n i Ion and Priw F. RIr1 .nd 1.. T. Oom berlitig. VImjft., ArwiolRte JinV io nd tarsny dr rounty. hvr iMurd thir I'lfrept. brnriiiii dKlc Hie 1th day ot Jllnr A. 1., 1WVI. " nit ilirertrd lir itie bniiltng (iin rHnf!, loiirt, a ismrt ni (nnn Pii-hh, ronn ol Oyer and Tei mtper and pnfrl Varl ol yuart'pr Swlonn ff tlir I'ear, at Muldlrl u-Kli. t"T the rouniy i n EvrlPT, on tl f VomUy Inne .Vh, lsns. Sitirt' the-rrlt.re hffrt-y iri-,n to lie Corri p. J iitic tr Oil- I'dirf nod I Vi.stnMnfi in flii1 ii -rlit- rnniiiy o' Si y.lr. to sppnit in t ii. . ;.' .er rn'rwii :;)i ll r'ir r.'tl'. iwMs. ttnii"". t xaum titicf iitm .:(i'- rc niemtin.inH-. EYES! Indifrostion vcrll ltoadaolio, cotisti l:ttioti, i l h, itisoin ni:t, litiiib.itro tttid ttll female (linnrtlorN are only a few t the sytnp Itints of I'unctional dorattgeinonta rausotl by defective eyes and ag?ravaled by improp er diet, habits occu pation, etc. We are able to care for your eyes and give von advice. FISHER THU LEADING JEWELER. (Iraduate Optician SUNBVRY, PA. DIAMONDS A SPECIALTY. I t Fiisl'IIafii -t " of Alddlabtiri; 1 Capital, . 8nrplas, . Q. Alfred Sciioch, p, 4 W. WlTTENliYER, y Jab. 0. TiioMtwiK r..i. vlrJ, DIUECTOI (J. Allred School.. V r J. i. 1111)111118(111, l in. M TI h Acinint of Individ Corjairationa Suli' MiddleburqTmaP Ihittor IC. WM , I'K" Kyr...t Onionn TiO cVirn. Lard 12 thu,,,' Tiillo I'ctju, t'hiikens.... 10 Hntt, terli' Si,,"---1 12 Mi.Mli; -'litJ.ilth-r 12 Chop,,1 11" lr Flmir; wer nils ii (i. !lw tb'ir wt. irl; of ttu-J' ((!.- and in , . , :i e r -. l.kl' l arsir to !. rtont- aud w.tnow. I fiat S Wn3t VOU IICCU J SOme- bini tiT-Mif i.riM-ci::.i. ; l Tit.:..: ( I tlie l'..ii. . r n- ining io cure your DUiousncss, nd dr I j I t r ' ana reguiaic your dowcis. iou need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable; ii i ru!:i, Hirti i lis- i-t,1 r-i t . ' i ii i.t--ti Tr I . tlterj htm! Oierf pit-i..i:iij and ...r.,xit: wi-.ln.ui iclm hi tl:: i-tr.;. .luMirx- WON'T DECLARE WAR Bulgaria Will Maintain Neutral Posi tion In Macedonian Question. Sofia. Jiulpariu. Sept. : According ;-". 1-t.t.cnai ti.,ratteiibo f.uua. u.c" ' " at tl. aifin'Ml tin- trw in untire. ic T'i:uu!t- rt'Hir irtui. v ii. ua, i vri i;iki n:" m-mi m"' -a. ii Kit ?nerin 9 i . . . ici; o'. jninistcrr presidfd ! '" XKiuw-urpi. tii ttt of m... a. u, gsmiy laAailve. (7 1:..- I" JUAL1 IVjfJKL ltr : v.i'. : J uwJitv vvfiuuj: Ui!-'- a.iKu'. 01 vearc. tpcii! cnunc over iy priuc- Fcrumuiici at the J)fc.l a"t of Eusmopruci. it vaf resolved that r.uica-it Btiould cfmf.tue to niaia- taiti at a.::nuut of the strictest neu- tralirv it tin- MaceuoniuL (juefstion, 1 ,, , ... . ., , . anc lurtucr tliut the moFi Btrinpeiit ( Hivasurei shuuid le nuojcu to pre-, ("elki;!.- and Corrcsjiondtnct Schools, , vent uEythiiiF libelv to cauae a die-! LantasttT, Fa. ' turuiiii'., in p.ulrarii. r reianouE vith , . .... . , , I TurKcy Tiie war nmaster ii- reportec ( . UI, ,.uri, ,., K m.r umn ir,f ln.m all iv Lave FiK.ket ftrtmciv :i. the coun-: vw t " -' . irfin aiiixMii i uiort tl.au any other x bnul ul act:iir.t try ttiought v. Bulgaria tl), , t-enwyivBiiM KmUuttt. muiieiit Uecilir ur var m TuKt- i rrt Ot n. ; iuul; um y turuucliuul tin entire year and ' ' " ' 1 lm- aiiwiiuir w.unii of iiiployiuonl wlieii count v'. tiie eiiorraout expnaiture , turv iiuiti w t:it avuuui k over iieiiuwi witu tun'. bu'-I b war wjuid involve, and ' "i;i'i"""" ' '''!li 1 l.onrtl ifwiftd 111 K'i I" e u from fl to hwindly. Ue'-aurie tue rra' power j t lwp, tmiI, ,,, ututr piuow uRwniuii' OUi' llri-r JU TIVl' BU.KU' lli t'J W jl ' uniwiiiw ' ' J. C. ArerCo.. Lowell, JUasa. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE We Want You to know t14:j, you want Niw fresh riveries. 4 roufw'tiimrry (.r gj llUlil IIUVl'lllo, fi hIkiuM visit THE RACKET STORE We want to Wi tcr itoijiiainttil aaiw you to learn that iJ you inoncv. Geo. V. Burns Watch our aH-erti-i)ait RudiiCvMl Rates via lVnnv',iE.i road to Altoona, Pa- A;."k: i ing of American W a: ax From Septenibei '' v -&l the Pennsylvania Juiiir:. ...Ill atA frM)l ull T!l'lu!i!l.'a vnntn. siiecial redu eJ rait ti ttckeU to Altoona. c Beptember 13, on a meeting of the Ni.:y ! 4 Veterans of the l'liilip!'- Ware, to de held ut .Wwu. 10 to 12. Uuk ueviriijc ut-cua li.e st.li.- iimtM. totijpii n'll , v. witii i L'ii'"i't luiiwiiu'ji iru iriii:ipaiiy '1 nw.iav - .pniu. v'iew nayr ; Uei; Vm. i-usBeoK" in. ii.r ir.Li. of Muv. iiMit lb- ai.-liool uuriMiaaHS lli uuvtti'.ni; it tti -r vn-toriouis. uunaiiu; wuku U- tiuuulitiK w.wmu- ' Ktiuutd Turr.. v a.Ui-i. fci Karta, tie- P"' '." f-n I iiureti tu- miniH'.er, tue pf-b-ut army -Wl" ! etmld hold the 1 urr.e it ''ii'-'-i. lor tiie Jr. tre York. tirut Jev CBj t, ulie ti.e utne bul fmtij u W mi ' enriaL artuy '.tmid ue mou. lined with- uruuKb 1 it tuitt Vj I. oa). bUiKaria oul(l and luteal UMI. .-':lualvi!iy. fix kuailieiM col- luij. in 'tic t flllrd MuW:e. Il U tlic oil Ubaiiicar coliK J l.liaylvaltia bWIHUKa bul.Un.K of any great valur 'or or ikiiiuI ltlaiogiM atd .olil; Journal ;iviite uullKl iilluiluatiou lt-fUilf our Uk I. tUM-rpu. o never he J ZTulTZ nUli.Wllh t! il r. 11 'Tl- uac VU' riutrKhov liueni- ! Wn0 Threaten H Intane. u i ...la w.i- 'tirHf!. mid Mr. uu l-Uf 1 k . ... v..-: v u r u- -" " ' ' ' .Nrf J U! f. or-jj I I i nil' r br vat ti:f itt!C bKUlUh' U?r tiut- - .1,, Mav lUtili lUt urtvr ui iuiviud, awm W't0hl' !j.M.VAW..H..l., fnooH". ti iw wl Xti".: aU Xewrf ' (jkjo .Mi.j-. (jiu. Wiunt-r ii'l IMer llauj-r ! .-Kuril Iwt: eut jjf a I tie isitjreuaiilp liyle iit(ver r-priuj:-. fcuitUaV eveiiilt. i UtiliC i4t.. roI;La- I'uui'. ra' a Tie Liiivu liuei- Ja-uwU ci'i.'iKi.'k at Vaiim.Klol. With ielteir ha U.-:li be:ihiec iuuane by ir. Oitftory in the pa:hoiatni ward ai fcelievue lioapi la' He will U- toiitiuiiu-'l U an ic utiltKtoi. lor the luaiiLe loi ruanent care lr Cin:(4ur tai(i that bouuen UOvUtU i that he it! LrUlUf H;IkCl.UUJ. ieu4ue, evti. lodav. taio'.e avvtal lul Uitt lie buf hiitibuif that he wrote to Kit K:Ktinty, auon other. at Cf&r,cd at Atiant.c Cit. AtlaiiUe Cil. N. J , Sept. . The 1 1 s l I.- , (. i.iv V 'li.it lArtiy : J f c.pp.t-, v ir.ijiuauvwu, . . , , , i t J-. w louttd 'at.i. alowj alle U ,.. u. vlxr. ,ew.v ;tJ. cie jui f fc ru Oe: t itoUC A'i. ..i.h.nii n.ie Urok .Coru to re- - v., rnj(.ur ucwa-aiv ui our, a.vu fcUV;iuUi hiic, hut without any aniar- " J ' .,, vi.i1 i:.rrit.!.- .iLuaLul Oil ll.e tr. itut fcu'Xts. 7 he u.iiX wan fettL to Y.. ujtuvi u'. iurhvt utt'i 'iie pu-. L jMU.e vju.en who Were on the XLis ic an oii tUoiiL.xi iaii aud ' , p&r, and their at.rcauji atli acted Uus itl , ! eJi uaUyjioJ Uv e-uni;r lwUe, MUnUou of the life Kuaf:)!. Jte wan . 1 ,M. ! in vXLtvu Uj the rUr Wie. ihe j Yf, " w'i;u'-'-,Ufo'fc fU 7 i , f ; , .j' , ,. ! i - Ko'l vLarls reached him. HU wife and tve ...... itjhvaUi.jj.Uu, i-nn. fcod j jjrtD rctirinod Lome Saturday and ,i : . . .;.i. , hy tLe Ur il.'.'L,ueJ K.wJu.tr, w4 t0 jyi;ow todny. ' ... ... vt.:-.! I OL V I O I Ht: fACIIIC COAS I. Via f ciiiiblvauui Railroad, Account Meeting National liajikcrt' Atno elation. i'i. acuouul of Ihe atcteti.K vf llta ftulloiial Juu.cia AafAialioii U he ItauJ a' fcait fran utu.Ui , O.WMl ii, IU; fciiiwylvaiiia nliruaii utau oin.it a pisoi.ally tA.ailu.-l-4 Uiui io the 1 atlrit (.'oaal al itiuiukably 'uw ulw. 'lltia luui UiUt will leave W Vork, j'liila. dti.hltt'.a, liliuore, W aauii.a'U'U, aiuJ ollie. wiuta yn ll.e hciiiiiiylvaula (lioud caat til j lltabuiK. M wlueatlay. Oc'jlier U, b (;.. lialu il Hw Lial.UjI a'ifl i'ulllitau aiuiUiri,l, . iulck run ealajiJ ttj tan I'raitciMUi, aiil 1. uatle, via Chieittfo, Ooialu( ItceLne, aitj Oat-U. le i vc tliA wii! It dctctuJ to tan rraiic.at.0 ai lowii.K aiile oi.oi ' unlt to vlail Ilie inui-by .jjaal ii iu t'cluiiiuK i.. a. II le niutli ai t ae eily, ' oliiiiulti'iiiia. lA-u'.t-r. autl hi. jtui 'Jliefarly will fiacli e Vork 01: t'.ia t sti.H.g ijl )AAiki 1. Jtouiii! -ti.'ji uU, Li iiug all i iia I'll c!tfhlu;u 'L), im il live j cjU In fau Kiuiinauj, 1VV lUtta (f;li i'ltlaltuia' Kill le t-' 4) Itaa. for u!l lu'triuatiuuaktily lu Ti le' Aiim.)' or 'jiju. W Ornicral raaw-ryt C tf -i.l, liioud r.liLel Mutlvr, J'LtilaJa'i'lila, t'a. M Sunbury's New Dry Goods Store Visitor will always jind the Lakh Striu?q W want you all to ionie and !'" ; l)l2usc, without flu thought of buying un'1 feci ho inclined. Make our btoro your htdjuarten us: Sunbury, Uho our ollico uud the many "?r vcnicncca here for you. Dry Goocl, Cloal, Sua U. MILLtlEU 3fi3 IVIARKET STRER Bunbury, Pb. i