MIDDLEBUtiG POST. Eminent liitzzy i Bladder Specialist TKi COLCCST llrl LTfrtr of Sw-i at War la Els UDornsry. ;s a disease' prevailing In thi - atit dmrerous because so decep- I'm jjiiJen dtaths ars caused by i a-ease. pneumonia, nsan tauure 1 are often the result of kidney If kidney trouble Is allowed to d- kiiney-poisoned blood vil! attack er i.-.s, or tne kidneys themselves ,n and waste away cell by cell. ; r;:hress of the blood the albumen ' and the sufferer has Eriijht's 'tr.e w;rst form of kidney trouble, j .'.rr.ir's Swamp-Root the new di , the true specific for kidney, bladder iy troubles. It has cured thousands j -.-.:! hopeless cases, af'er all other j live failed. At druggists in fifty-cent r s :es. A sample bottle sent free j al;3 a boc telling about Svarr.p- j i its wonderful cures. Address i - tt it Co.. Eingtumtcn, N. Y. and j Ai paper. j .-.CHOUSE, i UTTORKKT AT LA-", lu'-iiioo entroafeJ tohliear leiv uromot attention. Atl Vctthcr Eurt.T. R;eo-d Broken By Last Tnre Month. Philadelphia. 3:t- !. Thre months of the rcldm tumiz-r wathr within the memory of livlns men httj ended. All weather bureau rei-ords are broka. and the piece are Mattered. Bui the weather bureau dates back only to 1S71 and there are many people living who can remember the severe weather of 1S57. It will be necessary to take up the books, however, and go back to 1816 to find anything to beat this sum mer for weather. In the year 18H snow fell every month In the year except one, and there was frost In every month of the twelve. Wheat Si3 not ripen, and people thought the end of the world was comins?. Of course, we have had nothing like that this sum mer, but It has been a cold, wet season. Half crops were the rule for small fruits, anil no crop at all for peaches and many veeetsblr-a to which we are arrn-tr.mf'd B'r:r.n;r. wi,h June, when wirrr. wthr may reasonably b epe:te.-i, th warmest day was the a.u of t'r. nior.t.-., an.! the men ;;ry only r-'-aefce.; fc in the r.otVif part of the day. There wer rainy days and 10 more wh:.-'.; r cloudy. TV.-? coidst day wa.H tho first- of th-a month, when the mer iry wer.r -Iowa to .. J:'y was not so bad, hut the r'.f .ir. average ten". pf-rat:;r was THE SUHDAY SCHOOL. exactly tr.e norma. stan linr tl rsir. i tNSYLVANU KAILR0A3. Lewistown Division, n effect May 21. 1903. in. rrTin. Airrwao- 1 a r a I, inhur? ' 41 'i .lellnearore Junction 009 4 4.1 j SMlinwoTa iM 4 ft B Pawling l 4 17 7 Kmnei SI 41 (i Meieer 9 47 4 30 K Midiileburg 9 4i 4 1: 2 Benfer 4 Or 1 ReaTerlnwn 3 Vr I Reaver P'ini(a S S B Kaulx Milla all 4 Mriiura a 37 3M : Watrrir T ST I 2a. I Pbina'le 74 3 24 1 Palnler-fllle '4 3 2,) ! Mailland 1 a S I3 Lewltown j 71 li I IMovn (Main Straat. MS 3 )j I Lcwtatowa Junction. 7) 3 0g fcaves Sunbury 5 30 s m, ar ts at Sehns?rove 5 15 p m hehnsstroveh.oop. tn., arrives unbury 6:15 p. m. leave Lewiatowo Janctloa : (14 m, 1 14 p m.l.lup m 4 tip m, T (Wo , 11 S a m tor Aluona, Pituburg ami j imorein4 Wadiina-ton 8tW m S7, UlUia SarPMlik.tltihi. mnti Nw I t06.I7a m. tS 110 U54 iaaU 1115 j.rrl!banr, H 14 p m lelphia & tne R R Division. AND THERM OEMTHAI. BAILWAY WESTWARD, hi Klinfirrove Junotlon atUy fir 1.' W p m, J 02 p m. Sunday 9 is i m. v Sunbarv dally x.'uf S.niliir- lur BiSilo.l 24 a m tor Er aaa hu It Uiileioata Krta n.l ('unanildiif'i.i br Loo HTn. Tyrune la i ru Ww, . mt Buffalo, 1 13 p lu :;r Bellatun . Ii.n and t-'nD.Iin'i: w kca.nu and Uiutra kr WiUUuispun a for BoiT'tio "'a En pirtuii ' tele. JU in lur tra auU uu- 4 i i) iu lur w .. i! Lock Havaa aa.l W a Bi S IX) and J m mr WiIUb-- ilazeltun M a ui, 1 ins p m, 3 J3 p iu tur SUam .- KLiiit v'uruil h a in lor Wtlkwbarrt) K.VSTWAtti). r..l t'ii- not-v;-:-,- ' en scve.-a! i!.iv 'he nv"- r.t ".p to O'i There wer IT ;); in th r-.c.ntn and 7 that our!y. 's A't-ntst the i:icr. r.-y nnu'.'il ror- " to fl In a few d.iva iaf-t v--k. ' ! 'n ?.n rensperat'tr ..f r.'.nr.th on.y T" or fi.ir .1 eree.i .;'v.v .rrx.i'. Wren it ims to rain. A i .u r:--s th hnr.-r i'h 21 rainy lu- 'o i n c-r-.'.'.t. an.l 10 c'.on.ly. Ha torm In Virginia. P.:- . . a-., v'a., Sept. I. A destrif tive h.- torn Is repirted from Am herst. I'on. ' -ipomartox anil Char lotte co !es. !r swept from Alhe marle 3"! 'ast ' ToiiTh the state, anl levelled rrr -is eve rywhere within Its pathway. In Appomattox it destroyed I.OOO.dOO tai-srro ulinta. The hail stones at su.iir: p i.i'i were aj lars?!1 as hen e?s. nl r;',hel everything grow Ins to the rvin '.. Rer lew l It. 'Tshaw!" she xcia.u;ed, dtsgnsted y, 2L3 she came to -he most Interesting part only to read, '"o .r.tlnued," "I don't see why tkey ''a.l fhesa thinfs 'continued stories.' " "No?" queried her husband, pollt'y. "N'o; they should b- oalieil 'dlaoi a tlnued stories. "Philadelphia Pre3. Motive lat Ilia Politeaeaa. Little Theodore Shall I take you hat, Mlsa Peake? Misa Peake No, thank you; btit you're a polite little man. all the sam. little Theodore No; tain t that. I just wanted to get the hatpin to itfclc lnto Tommy. Me an." blnv's goin' to have a fight la the hall. Tlt-Blta. Rcvtaad Taraloa. rtiers was aa old laJy named Hupboarf, Who ona day tn ths cupboard Ta look tar a bona. But aha found none. And tt nia ie her so mad a blupboard. Chicaja Daily Newa. KITCHEM LITERATI RE. k:iu lf.nu siallanruva Jau.'tiuo d . Iv amvian at H'Jil.wlHliihiu him V j' i S3 p ui BuUitU'.r i 11 p n i 4 t . u kitiiv anivlna at Ptiltiululiihm i M a iu, Bail:ui..T j 46 p b Iiu 10 $ p Ul. uauy arnvinic at f'uiaooiphia t 7U a iu, Buittuiurtt j tin V-i J iu a n; C ra'us aliH) laa Sunriurr : IUi:y arnviiiH at f hilaJiuhia 1 VI t ru i Al a Ul WuniBKtuU Al am Now k iu Wda, 10.4 a m !SuiMy, da ly arrivuiK at KUilmleipula 7 it a Ui. 10 JSS L'iJ;,'. s Mulll- l tn, Wa.Hliliit(Wa t lu ui, Uaitluiur inaMUiinluu 1 14 p til. h-v J;o arnvliix at PMIadi'lriUta XuikSiMyiu, Bu;t'.!nor in IU p ,' .' I 14 p ui w dav. arriving c fhlladalphia jf X) p ui. Baitiiuura 4 Ju u ui fi T u p m u. tnniiiwt al HiltlH.l i:j,ilii7 K p in i 1 p ui, UiillluiJi-j T J p ui, Wau 1' m u io.iv Suuhurv at a m and i 10 u., lur HarnaUurH, PlluaduipUm ..d K. WOUK, Ueii l Pw .aul "Tou look !!lte a wreck to-day, Aana! Have yuu been sitting up all night agala rt.'uit:ut$ a novel?" "Yu, rnudaui. It was such a beauti ful stury, but they didn't get married till nearly Ave o'clock this morning!" Flii.'geuiie Ulaetwr. liMaUak mm aaaIaW REV1VO restokes vrrauii Made a Well Mar ,v cf Me. ioitlu,urtuulUlii ;) Wry, It vt iu"ai. v ui, iUo: i, jthvrctlul. 'lirimam tl t.r kwt a.i.,:ioJ. uid u.il .vrf ,a,a uUui(ut v.r by twin H uui ' ly ; C. urly rr...Hu NltUt "ality, '..upoitucy, Nmnl.v KuiiMiiOa, ' "'Jj". 'll:U' 1 ' 'at:w Ui.a.i. ud "K H' U0O f r "ct3Uvl IUdlMiUUU( 1 "f '"r. :.!, uuik or o.airi. It by hUrtiu,. . 'bo iut c( uia. but tUul a: , SM butltlviv brin ', IM1 vtiai-iu -.d r ui.. ut youirt, n arj oj )i.t..t U.'U. lUMlkt .1. Kawh.j UhAUiLM K Hm . c au UK SbaVOvS witfi yuai- 14 f'.at.uit a., iuim u muuJ C.nuuutt a, tdiitm " ') MiJUetuiv Va.t 'by KHVMH DRIG CV. I'll Politician. N N. ly tr'iiy uiniHi'suiiHis Jum how li.s fiimH x'. ends, ijunit- rtifit !iiio.! by iitiHitiH hunds An 1 oomu by Alutkir.g ; rieniia. Uhiaimuf tun Star. 4ttlnic .lui4uniuitd. ilr. Stavoui Say, old boy they tell ma yiju !uv given up all of your clubs and that yuu uuver go out at night any more. M" - Ws: t;Htti::g so well ac- .u home thai my wife Is begin all :m? by my first auum. N. Y. . l (lunar aing Thiicst. W ny tt W ua. Mim. ; i-''it.- What an you have an .tlartn .:oct in your chamber for if you doti t h.i-H th" niitnii wmitul Mrs. 'nty- If yuu ciuid !mvr huunl t,-.. i!':l t hi n.f,s my h'lhaml said whoa .: ,i!'i;-!'i '.vcir "if. ymi '.voilldU't asi; :.! . u-isfiii A.j ri" -.M't'. truiib. Or mau'H .- ll.iu.Hell.iltl Jiiii, mi' 'hey ha1. e i.'ii'ciriial tlat- - M i.ul; Y' s; I siipisi when a .Mi.' thrtiws tun) ot lhi'in at hitu he ftulj it be d bi. u struck hy llghl-UlitR.- -V julv.irs .Siaii'smnn. Mlts"Hlall f , uni)tuu Tiu osi, ja I Kallive Aiuliiiitioua. SofteaJ--Wasn't that aw a beastly ahurl rumor about me aw losing uio tulud? MiK Slasher Tes; that certainly wa tho limit. Chicago Daily News. Kr ou tn .Vlrrt, lr. S;iuUy Do you care for outdoor spurts? Mt Stcdy WUi, I nver thought you are ou, areml you, Mr. Sgeedj? Thia la so sudden.' N, Y. Sua. tm the IateraatUnal Sarlaa lt pteaalM'r 13, ISsia Davl4 Brromra Klas. THE LE3SON TEXT. (3 Sam. 2:X-!.) 2 And It came to wiaa alter this, that Da vid enquired of th Lord, laying. Shall I go cp Into any of the citiri of Judah? And tfce Lord aald unto him. Go up. And David ta.d. Whither it. I 1 go? And ha aaui, I'nto Hebron. I So Lavid went op th:thr. n4 his two wlvea also, Akinoam the Jnreeiitea. and Abigail, Naba. i wit the Carmeiit. i And hia men that mere with him did David bring up, every man with hla hou hold: and they dtteit in th c.tlea of He bron. 4 And the mn of Ju lah ram, and there they anointed Dav! 1 king over the houar of Ju lah. Ar.d they toid David, a!n. That the mrn of Jabeh-gi;ead were they tr.at buried Saul. i And David lent nieisencm unto the men of Jabesh-gllcai. and airl unto them, ti.ea.ied be y of the Lord, that ye hav hevJ this Itindnem unto your ,ord, vr. unto Sau!. ar. 1 have burled him. . AnJ r.ow the Lord hmv kir..!ri an.; truth unto you: an.l I a:.o w.li r-iii.re .; "hi kir.dnea, b cauj-1 ve have d..ne :r... ir.r.. 'lnrefor r.ntr l-t your har.f i i:r-r.rhn- i. -.ir.i h- e v.i.ian;: tor yo,.; master Sau, ia iiad. an 1 a.ao tne hius o. J.;..'af. have anintrd me klnr ovr tnem. I'.ut Abncr th... A..n of Nr, capiam o' Sau. a host, took lahbuaheth th cn of ri.iui, and broi.Kht him over t ) Mahanaim. Ant madw him k:rg over is.ea.1, ar.d over the Aar.uritra, and over J.-xr-e., an.i over Kphraim, ar.d over tcnjam.n,' ar.d ovr a.i laril. Iahbur.eth flaui'a i.-.n wai lu yar oid w:.-n he. bnin tu un ov-r 1t-ii., an: r- :nnd ;o eari. Lut ias r.ouae of J .aa ;..ued David. NuTfcd AN'D COMMENTS. OI.DKV TK VT. RenoM. koer (nod and Low pleasant It la for brethren t dwell tnaether In nnlty! liWil. ut.Tl.l.NE OK S.-R1KIVRB; SKi.TluN A har rewar.M 2 Sam David a mourn. v.g ; s.m i:.T--T D:ivul an.r.te.l kirn i sum i .-ka U..mmendjiii thj Jatt.nh-glieaii- . ''- i Ham. 2 4h-T I-.i.vneth anointed k.n.. . ..s.i.ii TIME About ;! B i'. 1'LAi E-Zik.. Hbron and Malianaim We have ia how David, though he had come to know why Samuel ha.l anointe.1 him, would do nothing against Saul. After Saul'a death he acted Juat ai nobly a he. had done while his enemy waa living. He would not remember the evil that Saul had done, but only the good. Ha mourned Saul aa he was at his hear the affable kin, th brave warrior, the generoua friend. From the fateful battlefield at Gil boa a messenger hastened southward to Zlklag, to announce to David the defeat and death of his rival, Kin Saul. If David had been less mag nanimous he would have welcomed tho newj with lejololng and reward ed the messenger. This waj what th.i a.aa expected, but he was doomed to disappointment He misjudged Davld'j character. Instead of rejoicing;, David mourned for Saul and Jonathan. His lamentation, called "The Song of the Bow," la one of the most beautiful per sonal tributes In all literature. The Amaleklte who brought tha news pre sented David with Saul'a crown and bracelet, claiming; to hari slain -tha king with his own hand, though at Saul's request. This waa undoubted ly a lie. Invented for anticipated re ward. Wa learned in our last lesson that Saul committed suicide. David believed the He, but rewarded the liar very unexpectedly by ordering him to be executed for slaying "Jnhovah'i anointed." David, at the aire of 30 yeara, after many bitter experiences and hardships, tinaily attains the kingship, promised him years beforj, when Samuel anotnt- j ed him. He has proved hia powers of j leadership and his great military ! prowess; also his ability to win ar.d i keep friends. "David enquired irf Jo 'hovah:" Probably through his hu:a priest. Ablathar. with the historic ephod and the 'Trim and Thummm" (sea Ex. 23:30). "Unto Hebron: " Tha natural capital of southern Judaa, the home of hia ancestors Abraham and Isaac. The surrounding country was thoroughly familiar to David, and the inhabitants had become much attached to him. He had Just Increased his personal hold upon their leading men by giving them valuable presents (see 1 Sam. 30:2ti-:!l). "Abigail, the wrfe ofNabal:" Rather, his widow. "And his men:" Probably most of David's renowned BOO came from this district. so that now they merely returned to thair former homes, hoping to dwoil in peace. "The men of Judah . . anointed David king:" Thia was kia public inaugurauun. making him th people's choice as well as Samuel's. David shows himself at this crisis to be a wise conciliator. He had heard of the sallant act of the men of Jabesti in crossing the Jordan to rescue Saul's body, and it touched his own generous heart. I3ut his message of thanks to them was not devoid of shrewd puiitic. The only surviving son of Smii was a weak 1'iiaracter. entirely unlit for rh kingship. Yet to retain his own posi tion as head of the army Abncr aiaiie Ishbosheth king and succeeded for some time in holding together the nor.h ra tribes umler bis leadership. Isb uosheta was, however, a mere puppet. Abuer was viruaily king. 'To .Ma hanaim:" Abiier was forced to move his capital from ijibeah to a piaif of safety across -he Junian. The Philis tine victory at Cllboa was overwhelm- ' ing and they probably kept that dis trict under subjection. They left David I unmolested at Hebron, fur he was still nominally a vassal of Achish of Gath. "Iiear Points. Innocence Is negative; perfection positive. Fatherhood is an essential factor in ! fraternity. COPN SYRUP Better than fconev for lesa ' money. Nutritious as well ce.cious. At otaum 10c, 25c. and 50c tin. CO" PtOOOCTJ CO.. M Tart and Ckaa. CaaiBleani. Tou have been conspicuous In the tails ot legislation, have you not?" said tha youn woman who askaai! aor's of questions. "Yea, rr.is." answered Senator Si.r rhum. blandly: ' I thin- I have parti.'j pafed in some of the rirh.-s bau.s 'hat '.escalation er a.a.le. ' Washir.iur, Star. lie W nn. Early Arrival-- You ar !ik.-ly o h.v." tremer.o-ij . -r,,-.) her on conver.t.on lay. I siipp.-.se yo are all r !: for It? Hotel r;ri fin ronventinn .'ity Ready? v;i. I ahouid a.-r.rn to di. semble' V'v raised r.e.r price ,-, t-1 a cot.-Chi.-ai-, Tribune. Unneeeldent. H a.ake- her f.vr ,-.,r :ev:nir r,ir, .hi. h.;f ' ir i rr.'-n-.r; Thr. ..! ! m ,-, ;-it .. V-v.-. -...n . ,'i ,.r .n t " Jini 1 Kn. r THR HI H TO THK ( Of TR V. Farmer Well, what's the matter now? Agriculturist from the City It's like this. The cow rfue to sit on the stool. Chicago Chronicle. The Jordan Ron.l. Jorlan :.t le muith r.-m.t to -ravsl. But tn wln il J.ir.ian wiy. We arlnd lown l. :r inliie w.d le irrav!. 'Twel w :nn' whar U good tlmea atayt PhUadeiphla Pros. for Ladles 0ly. Old ' Gentleman Thera la some thing wrong with that slot machtna in there. It claims to tell your correct aire. I am over 70, and it made me out ?,r,. Hotel Clerk Thar machine !s Tor 1 la.l.es only. You w'.U And i better -me : n -he billiard mnni. .V. Y. Weekly. Tun Wni'li n.iluit. A. 'tor Say, I cin'r. play .ill hr-'e if he .vir'i you hav-i assigned aie :u -his ai.-i.i'inma. Manager Wliv nut "Uecausa in the irst i.-r vn if -hem i .'r.giui' in a flirht ind 'lie li:rl :.shes ;:i ir.d separates hem. See '" - '"li;cago Da.ly N'ews. SHEARING THE COATS. 4 TaKIe Thai Will Hold the lalmaU la at pAitlA W aere Tker ( f.et Krtmf. The shearing table shown in the il lustration we have found indispensnuM at shearing, branding and at o'her timew when it becomes ne'eswry to ln.ld tiie goat In a position whew if eanno away or ho' her c.r.e. In shearing .. place it npr,r ir hack in the trough nd c.lwse the stanch;. .tus ar.,und ita necic. Commencing ai the l.r'..sk.t, shear hn.'lc r,n 'he un'ieriile nf 'he belly; 'heti take oppw'.:e f.-.r !.-g and .h.ar n.'-ir j Ail' .til uam. sH..;.t.N., r the sliouider and neck ax pmwlble, then fr.itn 'he hrlnket on neck to stanchion, then near fiir-1 leg, and shear same is other side Tills "leans all "he :ilr from underside of animal. .Wt Mmi'v left leu across animal's io.lv, rel.-ae stanchion tnd hen.l 'he aerk acros . ocr knee, .liear all -he neck and reolare n stanchion. Then take the animal ' the hind leg and ttretch -lie :Unk mns ''le smooth and shear up .eg mil alonu' 1drt to Where .fill left off on Tore Drop one side of 'able, which v'U allow 'he back and sides ru he shi.nre,t v,..n 'hrnrttrTi .imnsr -he mi'.r ;leece -,ho.,;,i he on Mie 'able n-,t this .,PP(.P itself and keep clean, and ee ;f -be -nan-lfacturem dr nnr pay . y,,,, fnr ,.,lr Hair -2. D. Lodlow in llreede-v "la-zette. ladirmiiiinn Wmim.l. "ay. Mr. Caller, my big brother said rha; sister's sternly was a aaj rira i an '.t,' and me and l'lllla tun ta know if you'r sister's itendy nd what ta i sapheail and what ia n it".'" P"nn.syivania Punch Bowl. Nut Much to Tell. "Hello!" said the busy man, "it Jowa and tell me what you !rnow " "I'm going out of town," wid Borera; "I've just got tive minutes to ipar. " '"V-dl. that's loads of Ime. " Phila delphia Ledger. He Hii.t V. I "Oh. John! You nev.sy gtiage In my presence marrted." "Of course not. I thtart IBIV n your lressmalier's hills the. C&lr o American. tio.l.l r'villBBte 3'uham I know a .vccEaa "SOESS iSft stor:-'. Mrs. Benham How '3t BB BSCS S? Beniiam The -utthur tr.i'rew a mas have he b.;;t word. N". Y. Sum. ntiimll v. Kidder 'ie. weal In-r her" ly agrees with my cousin. ICatz How's that'.' Kidder H'3 the state weathi caster Toledo Bla.ie. HEJ HOGS A a 2 SICX. Rellnbl. WeMlenl Tre,im,nt t . tamb-r at tll,n,nl. Tb(M Itultf Ceniuiea. It ! better to trlve mertiHr,. , .,. '." In food. But if one virnnfa m 1 fairten a piece of rubber h.,s In a bottle cnnUinlr.g -he me,;,;r. Throw fJB pig. ;uf a .stick -n , and allow the :Imd -iw!v -m the throat. Inflammation of nrrt'f. , he head, ;s aiifd n- ..,-;,.: , ,-,r. ' ifinil; a oi. -vr :)ar..r.. vint shelter at night, ici.ti h;ii.i;!- :n-rr. , varm nest -o out..!,:.. ..... v .," , ' -vaiTii :nali. w:;ii r.nci-r ti . rtj in inch mbcs. 'vth -mi,: -ar,.. ;f .till, give i loe ..f ..jwom 'i.::,.!.-. WiUl 1& IB t itTiUU OltA.:. ,,t Olt.... If your pig's Vet -ct or. gj-.-e i of epsom sa.ts. ami 'iiw -nrh -er. graina tt altrte ot ixitiu-smm ".vn ,r rhr rjes d;uly. ,u rit,, vhich v:; Pf s4 afford reli.-f ro !i. 4 biwiTi -he (v.s honld b touched once wtth thlnrlde at antimony ising i rmth.r If necessary, -.-peat iie third .lav To lie?Rl 'he aor.'. .me hlnrtde of run', i:. 1mm to one pint of v.itr Xevp I... M wa a4 dry If olgs are sertously -'on.itinat.-l :rtvo cmstor oil direct ami not -o -he sotr But continue o 'he sows )il-.n..'! lm thrtT fO4. Taed o prnvnet -ot .-' dOJie. Mlniai ---223 Tw- CATTL2. "ry rrtrw- :"or"- Nh vuu't niiirr.'ii. 'T liave never met," Ue said, "more than two really lev.-!;,- women." "Aa!" sIib said, looking up :nnop!:tIy Into his face, "who was the .ithcr?" Chicago Journal. Hla lleineilr, Johnny Ma. aren't they using kerosene- oil to get rid of the mosquitoes? Mamma Yes; I believe so. Johnny I wonder why they don't give them castor oil? Puck. Harvard Lampoon. Oil on a Dfntler. AM... T - wiui i suppose yon gtv ar - a u.u.u un can ieaa a, ; pleasure bent.. little life. Tne Gents Not exactly; mx i no more noise a lamp mnKes the less j have a hie leaning iiK'it ii Biveu. Humanity's debts to ua make our credit with God. To be In tune witn the good we muatii oe at one witn uoa. i The home without religion, will mean. ' tne inmiiy without righteouueeav Anaworea "Why can't a man after marriage as he "Because it's foolish thlna vmi'va tmt ry . " qus Brooklyn Eagle. OOP t snow earfJa ara m cnndiJaa! wtta warta growin .a VWf aecjiaaaeaaB yaaaasi on their prte ateal" ea ?rat. L. A. Cotti eil. ftrr rerly of tb Agrtcnlturai .'xpenn.. :i: teuoa la Ijium "U'e jaa mut: i-iuu, in 'tmra jiorxi ;iri. nr.c several sticcessiul aiethodx v.-re -:r.-;iluyed in their extermination, lu r ., -to "xper.ini'tit .n ruKing of war.-, iled Poll heifi-r .'..'is seii., -,-i ,m -V':;, . the warts w.tw so tlm l-c tliui .1 -.va :.. iio.stiible to ;ii;n e one's haiM un ..er ... out coming In .-ontact -v.rh .several growths. YV" trt-d '-.vo lirr.Tr-r.t w ivf on difteront ;iars of 'he animal's '.: On her .head and ihouldero v in: ...... castor oil well nibbed in twice milv for a week, rfhorly after ach appii. a 'lon a porMou of the wart would :;c:;.T off, and in two weeks the wans were en tirely cured without any pain ft 'lie animal in any respect. On th bac and hips of the same heifer mb nse-i concentrated acetic acid, a)plrtBc it with a fountain pen tiller, and sal.::::g the wart up thoroughly after rsjoiy.ng grease aronntl the root to keep 2s acid from eating the (lesh. Abnur; tslve hrmrs after the operation tho war's could he polled out easily. ThitvJMthe gaeckar im?. tm tt canswl mnifH?retili pa oaa aMtntlea. ad it is eaom yasteal fey some danger of the a3l Msg dropped apom tke akin and thtir1 i I Im fwtr wor&.f2Lir ' to accomplished. JSUJI1,WJ.D HECOMMEXOS r;R. rAVi: KEN NEDY'S rAVORrra remedy. Tn a reent io the ew York Magazin of Sni'H'i..r and Hyrne, the recoirni7ed authr.rlfy .n all nm"er p.'r;Hir.in t. health, Janiea JT. font (toiuery, jr. D , says e.lit.,rlni)y : "Af'er a rarefal Inves' ie.it icn of Tt r:ivi. Keinidy's F.c .rM K'-te.'dv 4 s;,e.-lric f.,r kidnev ,n-r and hU.I.Ut tr ,'ihles. rlieilltiH' i-lii .Ive-'i:i jnd ri.tis'ipaticti with .t r .-m. ' -i . ills vr.y are free o eenfes 'oat t tiio-.. in"-.-ri ons medicine has p.".-"- ,. .... -mder 'in examinat e.n ;f rii.'.o,,.. exerts ..f -he , Samtatc n and 11 " the nioee soar I'M' .1 and 'MP-licl M i'.'.i?.ne hi '' i'"-.t rpir iti'o ti.- Ticdy's piv-.ri,. jf. do' v .i r.'.-. .oi'i'.Mi.l cal 'eriii :.. v ,- -.. .roi. .-O'lJano ' of nou.."is .vl-'.-h .ud '. , nre V . rr vli.'liiino'i , .r- 'r)ls siteclic !,Hv.. 1,.iil.,T. r 1 1 ... r . r'nr .117I1 1 :C- II 111'.-. ,. !l UH j- .'.11, it lld 1,. ; fV lie. M 1 5' ..t:-s M' . S. 'V i v.. "IMr,'' 0 J'iV. V,..r..' r- ttn' "-etna 1 AT THE TOP. :r .-ii-r i 'Tisii Tt 1 viaK ifn-:- f 'lie fto-r .i;rri-s w'ki -esrlies ,e '. ' i .n ' - I -11 r tinf1 -n -Jifi.-.n a "'r'n.iif ntrt if . T'urr.'.h He ia .r. . f,,-e.-.lealMi i....-,-,-,- A rnATi --n ,-.r. i t. .r.y f ;f 'leeis ft 1 1 ; n i .UK- '.VieTlMiere n'tii?..-ti..r) lim if .neTlte nr.tnii?' n 'lie t. ti7ine 1 ) ' -.r ; jir.i-,. i. in f he ;rt anr .r ill . t 'he inn. .,n.t ,..s j iut.-r...' .')' :v --' r,.-;.'.en '.f.-. cal l)iscr.ve-T ; tLe. -neci.'in' f:irn t.. ia,.ior r-twrF.iT v',', i e pant iv 'he .V. rtd's jm. ,.T.srr .fi-riicsl Aw. -'ati.in. Prnnn,-lors iitit'- 1I0 J V ,fthe rjnn.it .how the ontnnal ntirns. :-.v of li? .a.iividuiii .-nlnn. teertnrlh tevnmnnml liLiw nrl Minn of the wetter nfrverr leit-mnnul ,rruing- the hnn. .incs -ehtch l-ii'T in ..-r.ntr.int: mhliaji "g. 'hua .rc.vtng hetr ti:f,iiiiii-ne. J7 7. 3 II xu u (tinat. UTtV- . il. -irt 1,:.:;. . - IS MaiUwt ).. ' in .-.'-e . . - . -a,4':illel nr ill 1 -. oorn.s. -5-.nj.Mv. 1. . .1 IT PAYS ri 0 ii" . I i..ti- it-A-u: .' i-t;.'.- The POST. C. RLTTcR. D.. Physician am: arv.m. Port rri'irtt;n. P-i. lifers lu I'-i'U.-i.-.--! ..cs to .iie t'ubliw. Vtl Jaili,"--.r;rtl ,t. ftlileU. 1 i n j a r -i i "' (X ;v 4 1 When You 3uv 5uoons -iTSI, U'.. UT ' . ... ri-w. ard '.'f.n!i ' h iijrvni.-' M4T" tLajrvr .ru-au.rr, -m -rva-. i,Xj& tnakSixiJarik, "V1U br 'mUtst tealJrj. 1. Sj rawnnBaj sawct, Werdan. Com "1847