The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 10, 1903, Image 2

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    I Reformer f
: ; e, cuMoi s & saooon
' ' Author of "la Hit Stpe." "Raker
', liaruj" bstrsa Day." Ew.
Oorvvv'U, I'M Clarif M. Siakkx
"We nil think yon have renewed your J
vooth. Mis Andrews," Gordon sHiko. I
and Font led off a pleasant ripple of
applause ry saying "Hear. Hear!"
"Thank ou all." Tho head of the
house seemed genuinely omKirrassed
ami looked more Interesting than ever
ou' account "1 It. "At this rate an
other $ i x gut would put me laek
In n.y to. . s "
She !.. k(. 1 i :. . and her lino ryes
f.'.l.N t w .. :.. ii's.l hght. so lM imt.l'iil
in its ,...;! "I lov "M r the new
; to ' i Y -sf er.i.g '.. u : ;ia Ii it v I
oppo: '
Vt 'i '
ing t.
ask : . i
l.a.i .
i i v :i i.iY.-'tiM
,-.: t i.'o v iu' evil.
llo.ise .1.
I;. I
vox: r 'i
JTO.'.s I"
:.r i
V Ml.W .
i . Mid tl:r
!! f.ik
t t! c t:,Me
- till' Wilt!
i captain's
lis til
i; ii i.
M h.
car. ,-
con . !
W l!
w 1'. n
parks mii'. pin-.--A
i'llri w s' sum
.1 n" had tbe'r
...:;. i.f :J money,
n.-l-oii long enough lit
..iho.'.'. misery. Wr
- i vor. if we enn
no; e:t' ... c: n 1 know some of
yr. poor, i '. .. i ii.y,1. tenements
t. tK '.r .'.ii ""' ''s all rirhf and goid
enough, hut !f no: thr em! nml aim o
c.ur -irk i ti:,r : . l't p'vf tnnl
j.afur- f. iliiin.i .'it !i:i;iirr its.Mf. The
rs; t.i;iiii--.: thmifirnl h-enrhlr.s
ri."s f'.Terv. v:itir. cm trev the
mi: l iiiWrijrs p.lilitionfi t Hope
Houe what yx: wiii .' i
St. !!m tii vi 'ii'ilnr. nmi Torrt.
Witt. M: Ar.ilr.-trs am'. Miss llntr
ronu. whf.. next to N!i Arilrews. biiri
tKi. thf i.'.nres: a: H.-rv- IInn. ant
wrr. tf. n'.iike f. i1efiti!te dm! misirfre f,.r :tt- Tmnsfnnnnfior. of the
tiurtiti; ou: ii;ri ; inti. :r navis far
ttk- leiT: i'.: Kowei. stree; that still
firaniic.. v,::. vri't.-hf: an.; liesperate j
The erpirir that irjs marked It
I3oie Hni;n. a ii turtiin? tri Its affair i
Inrpc encupL t. (k- ealirvi n rnns Mr. Pf-nro' t-ac harlnp a sharp
Inwrriew witl. Iter nephew, Archie
on ar ynnr owii master of eourae."
llrK Penrose was aarlnff to her
; nepbew.jjrjiolounped carelessly In one
ef the bow windows of the drawing
room, "hm at the rate tou are frolng
ya: will ri exhsnst your rtonrees.
5'ctu art i. pperiuLhrift not only of your
money, hut ut your heaML. whicL la
wortr nior tliti aioney."
Cu. tht b). ritl. Aunt CVm
Ptaoet .' Archiv answered, yawninf "I
kaiw wti('L t- Kfn; -
"Ercr; fUiinr: ha;- aaw ilK- aaae
T::. U' cr.iiier Ens:"
"lo trt Ve. stac yon-repctitoD
tai .!.- c.kk. :.:.uj- of in- facJiy every
tarn- y; ;.'.:' ueali:. an;', money
c; us;..: '- -i- '.u- he:, ind tae
u-.. : :i n-5j"r: tor your
:.: l i uav aomr- for
" .. : o'.ui" r. cetct. tl. tt"
-iTCi.- i ..:.:i"ye. ttiu hiw i lit-
ii u- oie jwrnoi u.
.i l.iu tu- (Kiwer ic syr
.: i-ii. iuL". pereo: tu- iu
li'-ve: ouii tnytiunj:
nr. eve- tioiK, ArrUi. Vei--i;:..:;
tr euiiohi- iu u&uit
" i'it luine- credii. If
uj-iii'-; frulir ii- b: eua:
ti t:r:.
tai v
Id:- ::
J. til.', i
; o: t-f
liar. . pus:;. Ii' urtutln dKi uii
Unu; itMsiu- lul: lir piritHur fcX lue
t;an Jin. Hi'. IB" 111- lUBUIt
loi (!' ew-; eiiTy Out. pvt ym,
Si MfiiMa-Bi iieuil;'.ur of iim nut!
JiHKJih ,i-ii'- i: uufitijo: U tl in
W yir. nr. iuo. eutfUCL vt- thine M':
il fciurb: rll. i tu wll- cf uiuet
unewni- lueu lu- ety "
"V '. i luoi'it Uimt It. k.u. : t
luc u wib: ?d' lV'
Jtin- Jrurmv P'.ar
"1 tn. uor ui-ui u any yv- nuuli.i
ir' liuelni '"
"'. x '. wiu al mi' mju "
TukT no" nyuc uiucl luor kU
iiot imi ri.iu-n- i'. tie aiuaUetr. urn.
Uiuc beituuiiuniw '
aiui'- tuuBUiuce- Tin- iMiur xum.
ciuk vti'. liuti U Ujv Wiuuuw ttuti
tow.: ii lfuii h iMut
cluViie fain, i.-.' niigriiy buiznt
Y ut' rt;ti' iiave vc lo laic m U
fev wu UK u'. lur touyiAioy iti. imiT
elf V r. uum lu KiuH.iiK Mr
r; , (Tiio Kut Uiuii- Iuhl. ifti U M'Uat
ixamsk. ui'- r!. tan, iiu' 1 Cue i LutiOy
U t vs. v' Ait lix iutuu. tike tu1
CHliwlir juet lo tul.j WkOUUVU
'Uf'.n 1-"' .. uiltk let . t.k
ii ; kii nf ii u-
aaV ii u K'-ii- u:. ii- t-.cti. Mud
rft I tc I,...: iLlH i riWOI Ld
' fV.' . cut
I.j.w itC.j-.' i,.. i Wit- i!'.
.- . v ji,'. ...i t-- J'wur-
nt-jr -i ; ' j' u'.-i-r l.-iJli' wLn.-u
tl. kf '- - .. OviOwi wff
t....; ''' l -i Jjut iiU
t-cit if . -V-..I'. lO i- l'ui. iiUlf
ii, Lu.- . . . ' .'.u-:'..-!' it; liit if-
t WUi Lsella. I but.- my own
t . a. If I ci ii''C Vr unaent, I
i KOi.ijf to marry h-1."
"It la kind of you f Ret her coosent
Archie." bia aunt Kaid, with quiet
"You bavt no rltht to Interfere." be
aid anUcnly. "I dont mind aaylng I
love her. and I a in going to have her -
for my wife If It la ponaltle."
"Sbe will never have you. She lore
far better man than you ever car be.
Archie renroBe."
"Who? John Gordon? Ue'aa crank.
Luella hit broken with him."
"'ea. her eyea looked It the other
nlcht. lid yxi e how her cyee fol
lotvetl Gordon all the evening?"
Penrose was In a torture of Jealouay.
He alniiwt cried:
"No. she didn't: I tell yon ahea
broken with Win."
"If she has. she will never marry
you. l.iiella Marsh has too much sense
to put her life Into the hands of a man
who never lifted Ws finder to help
make a bettor world."
"on hav set me the example by
your own eon.lurt." the young man
stiti'ivsl feebly, lie walketl laok Into
the how window and sullenly turned
his U.i k on his aunt.
.i;';-e i..hl, Arehir." s!.e repl!in1
e:.l,..; "li s prrietioitUy a ca of vt
n .'. i.rtile. One is as blaek as the
The cuilt of nearly p II unjust anil
;. hod ooml't ions In this city can
. i:t .'.ml I 1-e la-i! til tiie d.ntr of u .
pisipio, who have the power thai
!:!, eiui use. and use it for our am
u s It -s prohahly true that the
day will riuhlly oondonin us
iiv i.f most .'f the misery
i?ra.v e.!n ns and John toivlon ar
livii-c to ivbero. We have it abs.Mr.te
ly ; our pew or to ohance political and
s.v :.l it'ii;tii.ns that create nearly all
the 1 nmr.ti niMii.t that elt In siiel
e; . and instead of exorcising that
.-rei.t privilege we po our ways w:th ;
iNil.tss-i: ego: -str and tnonstrinis seltish ;
ni-sv. s'.'rl.t' g all duties and burdens
i.f .'i; 7.Mis!'ip ati.l f.itiglng our money
("t.. :. r'ot.'Mv an.! demoral;7ing luxury
of l;fi that it-flames the passkms of ths
jvvir anil keens constantly In s.ght tle
vast fne.nal'ty of human existence.
"I: is n fact. Archie, that xve rich :
peo.i'i- with a few noble exceptions so
rare ts te excite constant newspaper
cot- iii-.i t. are as a class the catISl, of
practice r.y rll the misery of the city, j
W"i hfive no place for service in our ;
prixgrjinnne of life W'e neither knew I
rnr care for the brotherh.vul. We exist ;
for o;:r owr. pleasure. And 1 suppose ft
wi:i rw- no more than fair that In the
other world we shall long for a drop of '
wafer to cool mr tongues while the
1,8 7.8 rut. we despised here shall recline
!r. Abraham's bosoir.. ro you erer think. '
Archie, of the time coming when things
arc- going to be evened up, when the
first slud. be last and the last Crs.? j
Of course God will never permit all t
this human tnlnetice tn ftanfinne for- !
ever, and he will see to It that onr
earthly selfishness shall some time or
other face some kind of a Judgment."
Archie turned around and laughed. It
was a laugh that made bia aunt shud
der. It wm the laugh of aociety at Its
worst, the pagan Indifference that for
an the renrtrrles has fared humanity's
woes with dance and Jest, and flung to
the beggar the cram be of the feast.
TVet, sent, you're a good one: Xliaa
Andrew couldn't do better. Wliy don't
yon offer her your service as lecturer?
II too got or ali that stuff In the drew
lag monk, it would create a sensation.,
and of course It would tV. the contribu
tion bcx wiiet. they were pushed for
the cause "
Mrs. Penrose did not answer Rue
lay ba;k fa. her chair, her eye elo-Ki.
tiid to Archie'i- great surprme wlier.
sue 0tnfC her eye tears were on tae
iaaaet lo ha added surprise tue aunt
arobt and went out of tae roon.. Blie
-fif gone ae-rerai minut. 'Whet sue
came back, she trioke as If nothing had
lieexj salt: of an unusual nature.
"Alim- kLartn and I are going down to
Hov House tomorrow afteruooi. to se
him- Anorewt and tut piaet VlK yov
fx wltx HhT'
Tt Hov House"
said sc. Miss Andrews has in
rtted nj- to eotue sverai times. J coti
triDme e lrrtie at the time of the hrt
bo the Lroeliu. Slise Anarews wuni
uii ti' see wuttt Uut be-ii uuue I have.
iiev- uea. ihwl tuert, iMdtuer tuie
IahjIm. Of cvune.' jot uevr liuvt. If
jot '--iin U kj !'l. for Luelib
timt aw wll. utf iX)rt U' your evrt "
"Why. !'l. kj all rigut. lotuorruw
af iTuwr
Y We'll star trust, uwe prompt
ly at
"All ftgut" lie siarhMd Ic ko a Ltd
tLten uel)ilu
"1 rvuiu- u . auui. ywti will no'
vCj lAteht, bKaujr lue"
"fi ueeC Vwti uu al) tuat u It-tt-awry
wititou' any help " tile hud
bentiy W. lurgvnex Cue ludreuiwrut tf
iter awcial aaijss.
"lutr'i: t. Liuetk aiartij will u
swy wtlt- ituK titM ttaya."
"bue ua utf yiuLNithy sun. tu jiy
f "Istot;
vo.t aUuus'. lruually, viMOiue Uc
luvo tie- ivwui. "If uu f4 that way.
muy iiu vu lue Vu u "tLi Ur aud
vu WiMinvir V
I "1 waut uu Uj am uiur uiiiian tiua
m' . -.
Hi' KitniiJi liotriil.
least those who thought they knew her
lo.'t would have Kvn astonished if
they V.a.l s,vn it.
S',,.' went into her im-in and kiuvlid
at a l.;t:edesk r.-on which lax an on'.i
pi iyi r 'imk. It w as opened at the
i.nj. .1'.! with whisiiing lips she re
pea, ed the familiar prayers beginning
t i'i. ti e
I'-i.m b',1 evil an.! mls.hl.f ; from i"'.n;
from thi crafts ami assau.ts of II..' .levil;
from thy wrath, ami evorln-tinR ilamnn
tlon. iroo.1 lr.l. deliver lis
I'lvn Rll Mtn.lnivts cf henrt, fr.Mii pride.
t-sin-K'ioiA . and hypoeriRv; friim envy,
hMrM. and milW, and all unotmrttable
rrss. Lord, deliver us.
Krom all (nordinsto and sinful sfTec
tienf r. i.l fr.Mn nil the de.-eits of ths
world. ih- fi-h. and the devil,
Oood Lord, deliver us
Vrom hchtnlns and tempest: from
plmrie. posttlem-e and famine; from bat
tle isnd murder and from sudden death,
Vod lxrd. deliver us
Pmrn all sedition, prtvy consplrscy. and
rebellion' from sll fslne doctrine, heresy,
and sohtam: from hardness of heart and
contempt of thy Word and Command
ment. iTood 1ord. deliver us
Ky the mystery of thy hoiy Tncsrna
tlon; by thy holy Vstlrlty and dnctim
elslon: by thy Baptism, FssUnc, and
Oood Lord, deliver us.
By thine Afony and Bloody Fweat; bT
thy Cros and Passion, by thy precious
rteath and Vturtal: by thy glorious Resur
rection and Ascension; and by the coming
Of the Holy Ghost.
Oood Lor4. deliver ml
In all time of our tribulation: In all
tJme of our prosperity ; In ths hour of
death, and In the day of judgment.
Good Lord, deliver us
Then turning the page she went on
with the words:
W toseech the te hear us, rood Lord.
That It may pleas thee to succor, help,
and comfort all whs. arc In danror. necca
attr and trituration;
We tK's-erti the to hear as, rood Lord.
That It may plesute thee to preserve all
who travel by land or by water, all wom
en la the peril of childbirth, all sick per-
videj In her relation to J6hn Gordon.
Mui waa apparently no nearer the nac
i - Hoe of her social position than when
.in had made that the test of her love.
Hut non the. less certain waa It that
she resented, aa the bad a right to do,
the suggestion that John Gordon might
glre bia lore to some other woman,
possibly to this one whom sbe bad
never seen, whom she waa going to see
now, why she did not know, aside from
t certain curiosity that longed to be
At the carriage entered Bowen street
all three of them looked with different
degrees of luterest at the sight of the
double decker. Heaps of rubbish still
covered the entire burned area, and the
same melancholy groups of children
were scattered about playing over the
ruins. At the farther end of the nren
some men were inking iiienNurcmeiita
and talked earnestly. Among the
men I.uellu thought she saw John Gor
don. Going lu through the nreliwny which
had bent over so much human trouble
and snerllh-e, they were greeted in the
broad hull by .Miss Andrews herself,
who was Just passing through to the
library nnd stopped to greet the vis
itors ns she saw (hem coming In.
"I am very glud to siv you," she suld
simply as she shook hands w ith III. 'in
all. "Will you come Into the library?
Our little front parlor has boon turned
Into a hospital w aid since the lire."
They nil went lu and sat down, w hile
Miss Andrews thanked l.uclln for her
gift, saying. "I ought perhaps to have
enlltM Instead of aeknow leilulng jour
kindness by letter, but my excuse for
not doing so has been the work here."
"Oh. I did not oxpvt nut Ihlug more "
l.uelhi tnurmiiivil. What was tho se
cret of Ibaee Andrews' power? She
felt something more than common In
this woman at once. While she was
silently trying to analyze the matter
Mrs. Penrose was asking uitlons.
"Rut yoji have not been here much
longer than twelve years? ja
i moon years nexi spring.
'Tardon mo. Miss Andrews, are you !
related to the Olay-Amhvw a family of ;
lbiltimoiv?" I
"Mrs. Hamilton Andrews of Haiti
more was my father's own cousin."
"Then yon Itelong to the Claytons of
West Virginia V
"One branch of the Claytons married
Into the family."
Mrs. Penrose pushed her Inquiries
one question further.
"Wasn't your mother known all
through the south as the beautiful
Miss Rodney of BaHtmoro?"
"Yes," Misa Andrews answered quiet
ly. "If yon know my family history.
"That icoanarei. Tommy Randan.
Mlsa Andrews! Do 70a know what be
baa succeeded In doing
He bad said that much when be real
ised who tbe vlaltora were. hrt eren
then tbe paaaiou of tbe Hiformatlaa be
had some to give Mlsa A a drew t was a
strong that be almply bowed to Mrs.
Penrose and Luella as If be were in tbe
habit of meeting them every day In
Rowen atreet, and nodded to Penrose,
aa If Penrose waa a familiar sight In
the neighborhood of Hope House.
"What has Tommy Itnndul! done
now?" Miss Andrews questioned, with
a faint smile. "Tommy Kaniliill dots
the heavy tragedy In Ward IS." she
said to Mrs. Penrose.
"ltnndnll has bought up lots nil over j
this burnt district Ilo has closed con
tracts for half n dor.en double deckers
like the one Mr. Marsh had put up."
John Gordon continued, entirely tin
mindful of Luelhi. or. nt lenst. cureless
of the effect of what ho said upon her.
"He has worked nil this time tve have
been discussing the park plan. Hut
how could we do anything?" Gordon
spoke in despair, niliheHsIng Miss An
drew us If no one else were present.
"We only hud the money to jmrelmse
anything lust night. W e never ilreniueil
that anything would get In I ho w ay of 1
our purchase of ut least half tho nren. 1
1 Kami. ill has s.H'iired his lots nil over '
I the district. If ho puts up those don '
' bio deckers, he ought to be 11 created for i
iniinhr. Tlmt Is what the buildings
I result In."
I.uellu Mushed and then ibllanlly
i looKisI nt Gocdon us be unciuiselously
' said the Inst words looking nt her. The
1 expression on bee fmv smote John l.'oc-
don into 11 sudden realization of nil liis
I surroundings. Miss Andrew s Mood
I ipiietly gazing over the dreary pile of
' rubbish. A man left the Lrmip at tho
! jxilnt w here (Jorihin hud Is-en standing
. nnd enmo walking deliberately townrd
'It's Tommy Unnilnll. If ho nttiMiipti
to Insult you. Miss Andrews"
As he spoke Gordon laid bis linger
for n second on Miss Andrews nrtn.
lie was standing close by her. nnd the
movement was perfectly natural.
el 1 11 tiotleeil It and wus itlso quick to
note tlie odor In Miss Andrews' fnce ns
she moved 11 little nwny fnuii tinrilon
and saht:
"He will not Insult mo."
"I almost wish hp vctuild Insult some
one so that I could have some excuse
for knocking Win down," Gordon nn
rwervd. Neither Misa Andrews nor
Luella had ever seen liltn mj nngry.
Mrs. Penrose watched aM this with
gleaming eyes. It had become exceed
ingly Interesting to her. Archie was
Headache. J
DiZEJ apafl
Wo ah. NerJ
Wretched, ?Q
Until Dr. Miles' N J
Are you In a por enditio,. J
almo.t ready to cit up hrjj
nrrvouanei.. headachtt, 1,1 K
dirrynell., No Sf.d , c,k,0
tails el a run doV,r -,""'"
lhue who are (uflerine. H,tH
-l Nervine. l,, rrme.Ty '
to help you. ami restore v..ut H
nerv-ei I., III. .I......I. , . I hj
"1 .vkin mil hfj ii
"Dr. MiWIi .,...:.- .
a Kteiit (leal or me. , ." W
liraltli was in a vtr ....,r '''o( f
tr.ine nrrvou!nes ,it;v
hra iai'lira made me m..t miwA,,
hren iimler Hie rare i. ut . .''. !
i .r umitliiiH', I.11I Kt n.i Uiuj P
Hie tfige of iirivmu .i...tlJi , '.1
nl I" lite, ntl.l l-nlil.l i,..l .1. .. '. rji
nt the dirfv spells cn(nur'i ."
and UteniMll. Uhl ih.,
I n!y litendwho had l.a,,, k-,t"'H
vine r.IvipiI me In in. i ' 'd
nt the lot id drug Here u,i ''S
ha I time I nolirrd tli.,t 1:.,.
hcliiiiig me. I I'ltilimi. (
to until I I.. I .. -1
lltll I li lt ) IIIUlll h.11, , I '.. ""I
II. I te.'l llml mv p"-'nt
liraltli is nil ihie to i ',. '
Nervine. nm gn-li lul 1 , Iv,:
t en-.-i nml in eiiiinrii.l i ,. ,:'"
f. ila ......11. nltl
.... ... .... im, i,n ii iifiii. 1 ,h
I'm-." -Mks. I'. M,
n!ty?" Miss Andrews smiled her rare
smile. And then In answer to Mrs.
mona and youne ctaUdran; and to show tky ! Penrose sbe recited softly George Mac-
Mrs. Penrose, why do you ask me all divided between his disgust at the hor-t-"iR?"
rthle surroundings and his wonder at
The woman of the slums and the xvhat would be the result of the en
woman of tbe boulevard faced each : counter between Rnudull nnd Mlsa
other, and it waa the society woman , Andrews. Luella had no thought for
who felt abashed in the presence cf : aching except that movement which
bcr sister, who had given up so much jonn 0orvWn hj mad(, a8 f to protect
to gain apparently so tittle. nsa Andrews. And nil of ttiem faced:
"Pardon me. Miss Andrews, now that tne man as he came up, entirely iguo
I have placed you. I cannot help won-' rant ot ni8 purlKwe jn soliu an Inter
dering how you came to leave such a view, but two of thetn at least fully
eplendid social position forfor"- aware that, whatever It waa. It con-
Tor such -splendid social opportu- ij aruroneof them pray-
lng In her great. 'strong heart for some
All iltiiggil sell rin.l giLiM-'ft.
,1'r. Miles' Kemeibrv s -...'?
en Nt-rvoiia nml lli au i,.,., '!
lit. Milm Medical Co., I UhuU'H
1 pity upon all prisoners and captives
1 xv beseech thee to hear ut. pood Lord.
I That It may please thee to defend au4
, provide for the fatherleaa children, and
j widow, and all who a.rt desolate and op
1 preiwed:
xt'e bsseech thee to hear us. pood Lord.
That It may ptease thee to have mercy
I upon all men:
V e beseech thee tc hear us pooi Lord. ,
That 1: may please the to Jorfrve cur
enemies persecutors, and slanderers, and 1
Ui turn their haarts; I
K i bes;cb thee tc hear ui pood Lord, j
That tt may please thee tc ptve and
I preserve to our use the klnd.y fruits of
trie earth, so that ic due time we may
ertoy thn:: j
V bese-cfi thee to hear us. pood Lord, j
That t: may pieaae thee ic give us true
, repentance to torpive us al: our sins. !
1 neplujencee. and Ipntmineec. and to endue
ua witt tltr praor of thy Eu.y Bplrlt to .
amend our livw aocordxiuj u. tiiy hoiy
V ore
V ueaeech ttiee to hear ua. (rood Lord,
but. of Ciud. we beneocL ttive xv hear us
feor of Oud. we heaevci: thot to hear us
V Lamb of God. who takes', sway tbe
; Bin nt tlie world.
Gran! ua tby pe"
I O Lamt of Gud. who takest swsy ths
1 sin of Uw wond.
liawc mercy upon ue.
Bhe whispered the word over In fc
sort of sobbtug cnutrt tlmt fuund her at
the due seytiig. "Hove luerey uputi
me." lustvdd of "ut " And with the
word sue flung her anus over the Ovak
and laid iter bid down vu the buuk.
crying ctnivuiaiveiy.
The uutgulh:etit Murruuudiiigs of that
gurgeouaiy furuiahvd rwoui geaumrd nil
around her a aue kueled there, fur the
Uitie Ufitig as wmcUifd a auul ua that
mtvw auilruni city huuad, auuk In
Um- Lvrrthf opth of a aeif unrum&Kt
Umt wus airtaaOy a ynaetit diy Judg
lueut waruiiig Uer of future and
Mattluir Iter tv the eunb with terror mK
' tiff thought of a whole ltfftiiue of
I Jtuwsr uiasllrweted, wf a Hkukh a lid
' Surut! lufiUKUv autiawd fur aeltisli ecHle.
j Wkku Luelia utiid levxt (ut-f, sua-
' fuuud Mrs IVuiuae lu Uue L)lrtW
Donald's Terse with a power that
went deep home to Luella and made
even Archie Penrose stop his nervous
fidgeting, although be did not compre
hend tbe meaning of the verses to tbe
three women.
I said. I will walk tn the fMda. God said.
Nay. waik tn the town.
way of deliverance, thnt her love for
the children of her desolate parish
might find expression before God'a
sunlight and flowers closed to some of
them on this earth forever.
said. There are no flowers there,
No Scwars but s crtrwn.
I said. Tut the fopi are thick and cloudi
are veiling the run.
Ee ansaered. But hearts ere alrk and
sou.f tn tbe dark undone.
I said. But the skies are black; there la ,
nnthlnp but noise and din. :
And he wept aa be ied me back. There li
He said. There Is sin.
1 sulci. 1 shall miss the light, and frlenda
will mwa me. they say
Be aneweroa. Choose ye tonight tf I must
misa juu or Uiey.
3 pleaded lur time tn be given. He said. ;
la It bard to decide? i
It will nut ae-era bard In heaven to fotkw
tut stop of your ruida.
There w a a luoiuent of UiU-uiej still- j
neat, when she had Cnisbwd. There ,
was a hint of teurv In Mrs. Penrose'! j
eyes. Luella sut with lur Lauds In her j
kp gating at Miss Andrews Intently.!
If John (.rtirdou should love this other
woman, would It but be the simple aA
tmi"luu of one soul that has oU-yed
the vote that says "follow me," at ths
cost of physical things, drawing an
other soul that is also living lu oUdl-etK.t-
to ue suuev void;?
Moss Andrews auddaiul rose- and
weut to otM- of the window a that loolwud
out ovtsr the burtitid district.
"Excuse ue. I am, of course, spe
cially lulttrmwd lu our plans at pres
eut Mr. GoKioo, with aon.e of the
(mWiiU, has Uu ktukii.g over tun
grouud with rcturni: to our u-D
parte. Xou have Iw.urd of our rw.vjit
lie stepped in fronl of M'.iJ
uireeuy noiweeii ner nixt Kw.1
"W hen we want any doaafrf
you, wo win let ymi kuo J,
take your gifts where tfjs,
The inn ti gave Gordon 0 .
"Am I talking to you? jirjj
mnil'j to tlie bend of the boaa
are authorised"
"MIhs Andrews Is not f,i;(
into any cniiveranihin witty1
don simke with n rising tick J
lu him that was nearer to led
lence that he hnd ever ties.
man in ironi or mm wntirv
rosolitntlvo of the m.M J
clous, dnmmible pxtttical rut
waa directly responsihle forpj
every dwarfed chllik evtrjan
every debauched soul tn t
There was no room left ij Jcl
don's heart for anytl aJ
whelming lmllgnutloD tovg(W
who stood for nil tag aar
wrong. He wanted to eSti
thing. His soul was bctM
coiupnaslon for tbe bights 1
less lives in that bell of ur
with supreme linger ag&xfti
who got bis living out eft
"Oh, Mr. GordoD!" 10a af
spoke almost timidly. latHi
lng every toue and gestatat
apparent wllllngne to ktki
don have his way. Anifaiat
the exception of those tt a
dressed to him; Miss Antral
speak again daring the sis I
strange encounter.
"By your leave. Mm skt
will do the talking, and tan
otherwise I will take t vsi
slblllty of refusing be; fak
dall may, for his owi rasa
the settlement We Lao
well how lots 17, 19 sail
hands. We do not ourctoa
of stolen goods."
He said . the words weeg
into Tommy Handel! tut
Randall knew as be two 10
look that here was out at
not afraid of him, coo:
Nevertheless tbe boss af
been ruler so long, he haim
customed to regard ti
iwhlch be extorted retrwH
subjects as a legltJraat
luting political symetu
almost beutuDy fraat so
caused him only a fsetesrf
"Just as you say." re- aw1!
iv onniurii Miiti lu Hj;
ure not glvep awny ever; oe,
nlenl v of men who wll. It:
nu vini ar- s si
Ifassa aasBjl Jfus Aniirtw pUirrt Kf
junjtn un im urst.
IATEVKU else Tom
my lisudall lacked,
he did not Isck the
must absolute cinifi
diiice.lil hut position
aa boss of Ward 1. AaJ came op
to the little group of wbtcfi ms An
drews was the central flgura not svsu
hes- thorough kuowusdge of the man's
peculiarly build hi us hold ou (he altua-
tlou was sufficient Ut give imr a real lu
....... . . 1 il. tA
. . .. . .. ; Atea Lad .kaaulv arrlt-1 aT waa ! Vod fortuue? We are living in high "T . V
AUUl lVUUlU.-e' iil ' . . al-l .Jt a,U.ilUi.r rfi.wli A
iiwuii.r m m 1 m . 1 . iif. r,ufii , i - . -
Gra wlif loom.
"Then- i no 4UMtiwu about your lwe
fur LrutHuf?" Mre. I'emua aslkud as tie
UHi rang and Liuelia'a sUvp was haaud
lu Ue hail.
AjcIuV ekt- bui auxit a vuk that
ry ieefwie uu HJe. 1 waut wtl to '
beaver lu wur avOi"
'liuw auout ouisr
Lv. us eat and dslu. (ur Ummmtjw
1 er m vu ssifcitau swa.
I u.. ... a. 41. e aj- aiiAil t -ii-i-.t-ii: v an ale
tUVr HIMJU' iOLUK' " ' ,
Aui aiuii i- inuguud tU Wli tu i luf1'0,1. Ul rwrt J-i-k
C-ul.uru.-r w' d iet' Uus lA buuri
alue lo avtUtfi ur oviliie.
"Aii iutie-, luu." sue aiiBrtetwX WJ
a Uu-, auiiVi'o Utat ituus- hur U-ulevw
SUi ii: ueUuuiuen'.
fr,nd has giveu us 'AMJ,XI, and "
lue Uyittg to soe how aiunb fun we can
have lu spending it. If ou will cumu
her, I utii polut out our proposed pU.ii,
ur would you ilk to go out Ikel We
uui look over lu houM.- when we come
W e shall he LnUestbd Uj go OitUlile
and jV ijiu- ltu plan Ujetv," Mm.
i'vnoae luMS-lilid, Ulid U.i all
Lut-iii Hh In a at-aU- ut Luminal m. ' UUl tUjO kValwU slowly UyWIi UW af U
cilciiiwu 'Ju- pi'w.-t of bceiiig John , l" fctvup b.'.h who vw.rt al tl.e ei.d
Oviion i.i.! Hope Houo tultaiid into ', of aUtet. oppWu- the IjIim k IJ.ul
te a.tal.oi, '1 U' pisPA.1 of fcwli-g I lU' l.t buih A U ' J
Hum A.etrt kiiia nurbaua a Urifur ' -'-r r oi.e of Git isii hit li.o
41A ii: aaPVVlasnuaU'CU' . w . i , 1 i i
'MeJ' I'll U- Ue at -A" 1 aald ... l'" M l W fusWou - Kfoup ami euii.i- down OWard Ua i.i.
taru-i u L 1 tZ j I V ? " , VI' IT
ua uur reL,. Ir. put IX o w- urf tide giftod wo-1 1-UW it u. twy be
u-n. I Z.'L 7Z" h,an who hud giwn Lc-r life to the Lto- unusually rouaed about a,meUiii.g.
Lure Liueiia k
V uei. he hud guu
Mrs. Constance
b-j. fw tl.ioe two reasons, jAiella I
Ue was so ub&orl.ul lu Uiulii.r
him to face bur and John (Jordan at a
moment when he kuear their Indlgua
Uuu agulust him waa at Its highast.
U took off his Lat as be bowtd.
"IUw Miss Andrsws? I've got
Miino good iieyis fur you, and Ihuughl
uiaybu you wouulu't ihjcti to my
hdiidng It Jii 17, W and 'Jl back
of Gmi aotiWmsiit have changed buud
stiiioe the lite. Maybe you didn't kiiuw
II, but I've had liy i" " thosu l"l
fur ixi;itt tlixu. Now, I inm't miid UII
lug you Umt I admire your pirn d
Voivu Ux-n duli.g in 4 liL-iu, ami I
want to U lp In a sruull wuy bo I ' v l-
dexlijvd b give the aettU.riii.lil llluou
bits. I uudd'atalii) you've been wunt
ll.M loM'e 1'iXflll Id build oil Ii uuw bull
Thia V.1U give lull a ebuueu."
J..- ri.ippid ury ' aiiibJeiily and Ws
el,i;y fe'ray ejes, Slill fuak-iifj mi Mls
I i-iv dd a xmurtbie. tiling, or at ,
' was uuubiiul! ixcitcd, hut lu add. lion
Was the whole situation, which she
rvauyAid wus not jyt b uuy munis de
... .r- . ...i .. i. i .., i ll,,,
iuvi Mb MArt xvilh bur tblb,,. that Juhu Gur4u
or t!.e firat moment Le nolo l Ur as u" "J ,L w ' 't')'
SUpiMise, seel
about Hie lots, yr.i.
lur uboat w ho geth tiivi..
He an lit 11 wltL a il::1
tlveness so full uf pm1"
Gordun was Uktuin ieuB:
him down. Nothing t'H'-jj
edus of Hit Aiidirsr H
vanled htm. Toliiliiy
own power and west wlj
"I'l.rliaiia von wutliU I
look at my plans " i"'
was so profouudiy to
said a word. Towiuy
the blue print and W ?
them. With the saifc W
Dliitttlou that they w";
lueklug at a Utt "
alaughlsr John Gofdot u
draws followed the grimji
buss as be de nu-J "
I'snruso, Arclde aud
gS IlltBMSltd spe. Ut"' r'
tspuclslly lo l.ueh. tuf
,f the ULiaatuu
blue piiiil, bul In rt
altlluiloof the stlla"ll
& I'll lis! I'UhilM
"I fiev'tf haad a good
pis Wlui burrow uuua..J
luy wile will aut a V'
Ibat llim." M
"Why, I Umught
thouiuJ aud CUIiUatad
"Sha Was UuUl our at
Flg wuulis ago. Nu
jUL'8ine lis may luarrf "
ws al.uU lint Jlke."-!
- .
Mow ra r"
ms. 4if lli-riii.B,w