The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 10, 1903, Image 1

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    . ......... ... ' I jy 7,A'.A
5otc Wcabs
7bae a Job lot of not
i ta mnt ao
Vj oft nana- -
..OV.T 1 0l
The price will a
pies and prices for the ask
We furnish them printed
. than you can buy them
Ut printing.
L iiftnuttttr. Mlur aa4 Praartaur.
A Faally Jmi-mI, DTtt4 la Sews, Sdeacs. Art, Palltkal tcaaatay au4 Carrtat Llteratare.
Rate Oat Dollar Per Aanntn, ia Adrian
DUMBER 35. ;
Jvely Little Liners.
Lty Seat. Told In Brief
I More or Lesa Prominent.
Itlnf Population and Evtnta ol Hi
nt that Satisfy Carloalty and
Appease the Thirt lor
Lr of Mm. Rv- Diehl is visiting
lUtliern Parsonage.
Lilian Amlch ia entertaining
bcr friends.
Matthews of Sunbury, visited
Lpd and wife over Sunday.
T ED AT OXJr;. a rew
hsms. Apply at this office.
Ltt Eyster of Akron, Ohio, i
Mr. Daniel Bolenner and
bss begun on the foundation
few hank building in Swine
ncle Turn's Cabin in town Sat-
Lbtww not a howling aur
IS. I. Hartman, who hold a lucra
tive (Minimi in a, bakery at Itetdsville,
.nd'the Bustle of the l",t ""'U '" thl P-
uni, uieiiH'K ieii, lor niiHourir
Tuesday, tie eft the price of a year's
sufwcriptiou to the Post liefore leav
ing. Francis StelTe n of Freeburg wan at
the County Heat, .Saturday. He ha a
kind word and a dollar for the Pout
every year.
Ak your Doeotor for a prescription
and go to the Middleburg Drug Store
to get your Winea and Whiskies for
Medical use, tf.
D. A. Kern received a car load of
flag stones for the walks of O. A. A S.
H. Mchoch, United Brethren Church,
H. K. Walter and the Fditor.
In get pure Winea and Whla-
fciedical use at the Middleburg
(re. tf.
Rnyer of Lochiel waa at Mid-
jMonday aud an usual dropped
the Post.
your eye on the "Coming
Column. It will keep you
h the future.
Jchoeh of Hummela Wharf,
d business at the County
Xliaa Noil, pastor of the Re-
hurch, made a fraternal call
Bee Mouday.
'urkins and family of Sunbury
ed to town to attend the fun-
mother. """ " ""
lessors of the county last week
ir returns cf the registration
oveniber election,
aur family plenty of reading
ad take a little for yourself,
be Post is on the list,
hipe and 'Squire T. A. Stet-
amokin Dam dropped in to
pterual call Monday.
111. Diemer and wife left on
lfor a week's trip to Philadel-
Jautic City, and New York
l'lsli sold the property East
ought of Peicival Hare, to
Ver of Meiserville for $700.
1 Metzgerand wife of Altooua
fug t he hospitalty of Uabrial
d family on Market Street.
puyui-r, one of the progressive
If Fliuistoue Valley, was at
y seat Wednesday of the last
pile Wouieldorf, a daughUy of
kvueldorf of this place, left
I morning for Bloomsburg,
rvhool this winter.
Vllie Roush of Freeburg, who
Iniakiug her home m Sunbury
fiuie, paid a visit to her sister,
If k Kelgel.
Walter, the two-year old
Mot H.,Walter, broke his arm
the second time Just two
vt the former fracture,
lay, the young daughter of W.
M', shoe dealer and wife, has
e sick list for the past week.
Jilted with stomach trouble.
W. Yoder, the euergetie chair-
Republican Staudiug Com-
N euUtrprisiug lumber dealer
Jkiv, was a visitor to Kreamer
the guuiol Insurance
srtiiiiis'i of Mlllersburg,
I'uid a visit to Mm. Howe's ar-
Nnin!i Krwuer and wife of
kaiiul MillhoUKois viHiLiuir te'
Mu. StaM at Uetuling, Pa.
k..i.. ... .
kuut dhh beeu vurv seri-
but laUwt rejiorts iu.Weate a
P'itid Brethren Church will
hi of inUuu The paiut and
I U uu purchased and suln-
'"'.v suWribcd and )ald In
litis material,
liowerso, oue of the most
"pi-uUira of this section, who
K u the ui w school building
itowu for Architect 8tetler,
y lu town with bis fain-
W. H. Ripka of Mapleton spent Hun-
duv at home with his family. He drop-
p ii in Monday morning to make the
primers happy with a renewal to the-'
The Ite-Uu Ion of the I3lst Regiment
P. V. ill be held at Lew is burg, on
Thurwl..y, rtept. I7th. All the mem
bers of Co. F. are to be present if possi
ble. A party of gyies camping in the
neighborho-xl of' Isaac Bteimling's
broke into hi grsnery, stole some oats
last Wed new I ay nixlit and departed
for other fields of op.-intlons.
George Dietrich of Pittsburg, a con
ductor of the Puiaourg, Virginia and
Charleston R. R., isiul his parents in
Swineford. Ueorite has iten making
a success of life aud lias a big paying
Thomas and Jesse Hha-nbach of
Bloomsburg have been vmiiiog friends
la this place for the pMt few days.
The three sons of Rev. Shambai h will
enter Bloomsburg Normal 8chol vhis
fall as students.
Mrs. Edwin Charles and family are
leaving thia week for their new home
in L Parke, Lancaster Co., wbere ilr.
Charles te employed on Park's Floral
Magazine. Their household goods was
shipped last week.
A dollar a year spent for a good
newsy paper like the Post will not
make you a dollar poorer at the end of
the year. It will broaden your oppor
tunities and give you many chances to
oiaki a dollor and to save a dollar.
David and J. H. Laudenslager of
Salem are doing considerable thresh
ing in their neighborhood, through
Penus and Middlecreek Townships.
They are reliable gentlemen and de
serve the patronage of the public.
C. E. Corkins and family of Sunbury
and the other children of Mrs. Charles
Corkins requested us to extend their
heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and
friends who ho kindly assisted them
during the illness and burial of their
Merchant J. Wilson Swartz has
been housed up with kidney and liver
trouble being unable to do any work.
His brother-in-law, Beuneville Smith,
has been attending to the business for
Mr. Swartz during the late illness of
the latter.
George Moatz, the son of Milton
Moatz, has provided himself with a
"sporting" turnout iucludiug a baud
some driving horse and a pneumatic
tire driving wagon. George is a clever
young fellow aud knows how to have
a good time
John Heiubacu of Sunbury, who is
well know throughout SuyderConuty
as the man who drives A. W. Pontius1
oouiecUouery wagou through here, is
undergoing a siege of typhoid fever,
His many friends of this county hope
for a peedy recovery.
Mrs. Dr. J. U. Sallade, who has been
siieiidinu a few mouths with her
mother, Mrs. C. H. Duukelberger, has
returned to her home at New itiugold.
She is accompanied by her sister, Lil-
lie DunkeHierger, and her daughter,
Mary, who luu- been in this place for
more than a year.
The anneal picnic of the Union Suu
I day Schools of Troselville was held
Saturday A large number of people
from Middleburg and the surrounding
country were iu attendance. Mauy of
them were pietty thoroughly drenched
with raiu aud wilt have cousiderable
reason to remember the eveut.
Frank. S. Itelgle, w ho sells organs,
pianos and sewing machines all over
Suyder County lu large quantities
last week oue morning hud the abund
ant supply of eleven rats iu'a trap, lie
has been catchiug so many rats around
Official Program of Snyder Counn
Teachers' Institute.
The -With aniiual session of tbeT.a-h-ers'
Institute of Stiyder county will
convene in Middleburg, Pa., Monday,
Nov. :50, m?, and the fourth annual
publication of the "Teachers' Institute
Magazine" will be issued as the official
authority of the convention under the
direction of the County Superinten
dent, Prof, f Jeo. W. Walborn, Freeburg
The book will contain all the official
announcements of the program, the
instructors, entertainments, names and
addresses of teachers and directors.
A few pages will he reserved for ad
vertisements of a clean and respectable
nature, at the following rates : Full
page $.1.00 ; half page SI. 00 ; quartet
The size of the psge will lie the same
as last year ; rt inches by the type
page 4Jx7J.
In order to get the book to the teach
ers and directors in ample time, it
will be issued earlier than usual and
copy for ads should be sent at once in
order to facilitate neat displays.
This is a splendid means of advertis
ing for schools, colleges, book publish
era and school supply houses.
Send in your copy at once to
tiKO. W. Waoenheller, Publisher,
tf. Middleburgh, Pa.
DtJs Ptcarded.
Admlnistrato's of Reuben F.isen
liatier to Adam B. Walter, 12H A., l.W
P , i.t Franklin towimhip fnrUH0.
Adam R. Walrand wife to Leah
Moyer tract aiiove for $17iW.
.ieir. oi jonn rvMirr io i ainenne till one n. m. Some one ramr the court
Stepp, 2 acres in Chapman twp., for ' hoiiHe bell, shortly alter 1 1 a. in. The
$-''' dtlfITAtl ntHuinOjuil m1iu.u1 Iiav
Executors ,f Michael Wieand to Weiaer, temporary cha'rmiin and they
Jacob O. Drtese, X A., in W. Beaver' received the returns. Meanwhile f,eth-
The Democrats of Snyder county
held their primary election Saturday
and their convention in this ulsce
Monday. ,
Chairman filler advert ined the
convention for 1 1 a. m., but -mid he
would not cull the meeting to order (
Executor of John
Weiand, the aliovn
Reduced Rates to Centre Hall, Pa.
To accommodate visitor to the en
ctmpment and exhibition of th.3 Pat
ron of Husbandry, to he held at
Centre Hall, Pa., September 12 to IS,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell round-trip tickets from all
stations In Pennsylvania to Centre
Hall, Pa., at special reduced rates.
These tickets will be on sale and good
from September 11 to 18, Inclusive, and
good for return passage uulSe$tem
oer ia.
E. S. Stroup, Stmuptown is hand
ling a high, grade of Fertilizers, manu
factured by the Baltimore Pulverizing
Company. Prices range fiom $13 to
$.12 a ton. Persons needit g a reliable
article Bhould jail on him tf
For Sale. A house aud lot situated
in Paxtonville is offered at private sale.
The buildings are in good condition.
The home is supplied with tlrstrclass
water, fruits, etc. Write or call on
Paxtonville, Pa.
Lo-T. Early this spring a deed was
lost between Theodore Fisher's mill
near Pawling station and Middleburg.
Deed was given by (ieo. C. K uster and
wife to Lydia Verger and (.'has. Hin
kle. If it was found, the Under will
kindly return to ('. F. Hlnkle, at K rea
mer, Pa.
Many a man is influenced to buy
something becau.e he saw it advertised.
He may now have prior thereto, im
agined ne wanteit the article. But the
advertisement aroused desire for its
ownership and he purchased. This is
oneof Jie waysin which advertisements
make business that escapes the non
The :ird Quarterly Conference of
Middleburg Circuit of the United Ev.
Church will be held Sept. 14, at 2 P.
M. in the Middleburg church. Com
munion services will be held Oct. :t
and 4. Rev. E. Crumbling, P. E., will
preside at Quarterly Conference and
Rev. A. D. Giamley will assist in the
'.ouimuuion sen-ices.
Miss Lillian Stetler is enjoying the
hospitality of her friend Mrs. Dr.
Sweigert at Lewistown. Mrs. Swel
gert was formerly Miss Mame Bill
meyer, who frequently visited in this
place aud is well known here. She is
the daughter of congressman Andrew
BUImeyer of Montour County a sis
ter of Mrs. Gilbert Kulp of Shamokin
and who is very seriously illiu the hos
pital in Philadelphia.
W. Philip Shelly, formerly the fore
man of the Suubury "Evening Item",
spent several days in this place. He
left Monday morning to accept a simi
lar positiou in connection with the
Daily Publication of the "Democrat A
Sentiuel" in Lewistown. One of his
duties in connection with that office
will be to learn to operate a linotype
machine. Mr. Shelly waa formerly
connected with this office and a very
faithful and energetic fellow he was.
He is entitled and thoroughly deserves
this promotion aud the Post extends
his bam which accouts for the eleva- to him its best wishes for a very large
twu of the laud around the stable. success.
twp., for $20.10.
John H. L'Ish,
Ulsh to Michael S
tract $2800.
Henry Snssaman and wife to Henry
Wolfe, 29 acres in Adams township for
Luc A. Aigler, administratrix of
J. F. Aigler to Ammon Dreese, 4H acres
in Beaver twp., for $37V.
Executors of Jacob D. Schroder to
Abraham L. Schrader, ao acre in
Adams township for $.1000.
Jacob D. Schrader to A. L. Schrader
8 acr In Adams twp., for $-12.
Executors of Jacob O. Schrader to
Ellas H. Schrader, IriO acres in Adams
twp., for $.V08.
E. H. Schroder ami wife, to Jacoti
Schrader, 100 acres in Adams twp., for
Simon Kline and wife to Jacob D.
Sehrader, 191 acres in Beaver twp., for
Letters Granted.
In estate of O. W. Row to Arlington
Wills Probated.
The last will and testament of Cath
erine Oensamere, late of Port Trever-
ton, was probated Sept. .lib. The chil
dren are the heirs.
er appeared upon the scene aud made
an etTort to secure the pnpers. He
finally yielded to the will of the con
vention and the following nomination
were made :
Associate Judge, John Field.
Prot honorary, J. G. Homlerger.
Register and Recorder, it. Lloyd
Sell rnyer.
District Attorney, Jny (i Weixer.
Jury Commissioner, Jacob Jarrett.
After tile nominations were nmde
Paul Billliardt and (ieorge Holsapple
made speeches paying their rejects to
Chairman Lesher. Rillhardt objected
to Lesber carrying at the head of his
paper, "The only Democratic Paper in
Snyder county," while lie -.upported
Republican candidate.
Washington Township Inscriptions.
The Post has published all the
tomlwtone inscriptions of Snyder Co.,
except those of Washington Township.
This district lias six cemeteries, which
were reported by Myron A. Moyer.
There have lieen 73S epitaphs reported
as follows :
United Brethren. :V4
Old Lutheran, 21, i.S
F.nirv!ew, no
Evergreen, '.q
St Peter's, 4S7
Charles fTortrln.
Of Oriental, died Wednesday, Sept.
2, ltKKi, aged 7!) years and ten months.
Her husband died at this place, Sept.
3, 1!T0. She was burled in the Mid
dleburg cemetery Saturday. Revs. E.
E. Gilbert and N. A. KiramtV officiat
ed. Servtcps in the I. Ii. I 'hurch.
They were the parents of ix .-hildren
oneof whom died in infancy. The
living are Anna, ('. Edward. Sarah
and Jane. The family resided in Mid
dleburg several rears ao and all are
well known here.
501 k tmmmt Mmtfrnt at Wnnk Prit.
- Lewlaburf. to be Big Event.
The Fiftieth Annual Fair of the
Union County Agricultural Swiety will
be held at Brook Park, Lewisburg,
September 20th and :t0th, and Oct. 1st
and 2nd, and promises to be the lest
exhibition ever given by this, one of
the oldest fair asmiciatam in the State.
The grounds and buildings have been
improved, the premium list revised
and increased, aud no expenne will be
spared in make this semi-centennial
meeting a star event. The managers
have arranged for some very fine at
tractions for the daily exhibitions in
front of the graiidntaml. The rare
track is considered one of the I vest half
mile tracks in the state, and you can
expt-ct some tine trotting this season,
a a numlier of tine stepers huve al
ready been entered. A large and
spacious grandstand, with private
Imxes for those desiring comfortable
seats during the track events. Excur
sion rates, on all railroads. By -ending
your name and address to ( '. Dale
Wulf, corresponding secretary, lluck
nell, Pa., you will receive pamphlet
containing premium list, purses and ' Hummel of Lewisburgh. in the after
all information in reard to Utiioir """1 V'T interesting family history
County's tJreat Fair. 1-t. I intersersed by amusing ane.'dotes and
. . . . i reiiiiui.scenses, was delivensi by W. E.
Two Colored flen Captured. j ""lowed y very appropriate
...... i aildresm's by Rbv. Womelsiiorf and W.
Charged with statuu.ry rape, ' J(. Ullmfl
Fislier'st )rchi straof Sunbury
Lewistown, they esc .pe to nyder t ( furnj9hw, re,ient mu. U(1 wlth the
aim are capiureu.
Coming Events Tlicir Shadows
Th r'nder of the p. ii ,r,. ifvt.
ed to -lend i :nnniiii',it ,,f A
events. .Vo clmr'e w : 1 1 l.. tnnde to
pilblinll the Jine r!.n 'In .-veiit l nf
public imtxTtsii. e
Trwuv, Sept. sio M. ...ri.yvnnia
State ':iir'io'i it t.te
hem. Wkhviuv. Sepr .. ;i .inii!fa
County Kiir it I rt Itoynl. I'i.
SvrruiMV, Sijit. I -J. Jtifidav Vcliool
picnic nt P.-niHcrcek.
Satvmhay, Sept. !.', The : It Sun
day School will hold i iiic in l(e1
Bridge irove. K..tivr, .vMlbe held
in the evening.
SvrrKHW, September !-.' be Kant
S. S. will hold :heir -iii'iU'il lie-nie
Mu-lc by the Kant I'.iriiet Band.
SATfKKW. Sept. i-J to Is. i',trons of
Husbandry Exhibition it iVntre
Hall. I'i.
MosiV, Sept. 14. The pnbli -lioils
of Middleburg will nen.
Tut'KSiiAV, Sept. 17. Re-nnion of the
1.11st Resfimenl I. V. :ir I,ewishiirg.
This is the anniversary of the Battle
of Anrietani.
Satvuiiav, Sept. If Tliea'.eni Union
S. S. of Oriental wi:; hoit ;i festival.
SATfHliAV, Sept. ;:. The iteforme.1
churches of the Vit ,-nd of the
County will hold ?i re-onion and
picnic in Dr. Smith's ,-rove at Beav
er Sprlnars.
Srjrti.w, Sept. t), Communion in the
Lutheran Church at Benvertown.
SATrrwAV. Sept. lt. Last day upon
which you nn pay yrur taxei in
Snyder County and 'make five jer
cent discount.
TrEKDAY, Sept. J to Oct. 2, Union
County Fair at Lewisburg, Pa.
WiTxnTAV, Hept .10 to Oct. 5, Luth
eran Synod will meet at Beaver
town. Sati rdV. i ct. .:. is the last day you
inn pay vour taxes in order to l e en
titled to ;i vote this fall.
-.vr. v . 1 ct. ". niisr
'niirt i ifiw.
Hummer He-union.
I'he tlint Iiummei's reunion, which
was held at Clcmeul's )iark on Aug. 7.
proved a great success ; representatives
of the faultily and their friends having
gathered to the Dumber of nearly three
hundred. In the forenoon ' jierma
nent organization was effected by the
election of the following officers :
Pres. Wm. E. Hiisnmei of New Col
umbia ; Vi-Presideiit, Benj. Hum
mel of Shamokin Dam ; Secretary, S.
H.Reichley of Milton ; Treasurer Jacob
Last Friday morning Theodore Red-
other entertainments aud amusement
nil eniftvmt n vnrv iiImiubiiI uii.lrvittmr.
mond waa arrested on the train ati... . ...
1 miir I it j .
kS. II. RKtl lll.KV.
Beavertown and Bird Jackson in this
place in the afternoon. It is alleged :
the two colored men enticed two girls !
by the uumee of Morrison and Mc-
Ulauglin, are 15 and hi years to ao-'
company them to McClure, where the I F'le Iiailnwl Com-
girls were recovered. The men were ' wl" P-I l-nite ten-
taken to Lewistown where they are ursi.m trom Lm;k Haven. Troy,
awaiting trial on a serious charge prP ! IMIefonte. W dl.amsport, M.s-anariua.
ferreil by the girls. Sunbury, Shenandoah. Dauphin, and
j principal intermediate stations in-
Cuta Gras at 4i. ! eluding stations on branch mads), to
T , r .... , , i Atlantic City, Caiie Mav, Ocean City
Jacob Lauver ot hr?mer, aged al- , " J
. ,., . ... ' Sea Isle t ity, Avalon. Arglesea. W Id-
most il yeara cut grass with a scythe, J. ,,
pp. , -, . . u ... .. ... wood' or Holly Beach on Thursday,
Thursday of last week. He did it with w
the same even steady movement that ' ,
. . , i,l Excursion tickets, goo.l to return by
actuates much younger arms aud legs. I ... ... . . ,,,
0 ... , . .. ... I regular trains within ten days, will be
borne time ago he cut quite a quantity I . . ,. '
of wood for domestic uL. He is a well ! f"."' lo,7,
preeervetl man and one of the oldest
men in Snyder county.
Any young woman who aspires to
Red Cross membership or to nursing
service In any capacity can get full In
formation by addressing The Philadel
phia School for Nurses, Witherspoou
Building, Philadelphia, Pa. The
movement is designed especially to
benefit young woman in small towns
and rural communities.
lautic City will be sold via the Dela
ware River Bridge Route, the ouly all
rail line, or via Market Street W'baif,
Stop over cau lehad at Philadelphia,
either going or returning, within limit
of ticket.
For information in regard to specific
rates and time of trains consult hand
bills, or apply to gents, or E. S. Harrar,
Division Ticket Agent, Williamsport,
Pa.' 2t.
lerrti "t
I)r ! X Hnuscr. ' I i , i.-t r. .11 . ':a.. ,
the 1'' ist' oiii ner -ui wniii-r. :.av,-.nj
sent l i tied; -o .; i; ! v : I'i htr hats
are utr 'o the ibn-tor
Slarruge Liten
i William !'. 'iufTV, Miiion. i'a..
i Katie .Veil-, ; fotfer.
i Henry umiller. i i tdieer.'eK : wr.
t Katie Iitmer. A'.-iMtu ii:t.iii ;t
Victor BmiMe. hreiner.
Beatrtiv yCimiiierman. hreiner
! ('has. (J. Smith. ! leaver Srnnas.
i Bessie R. Bitter. McClure.
i Milo.1. Stetler. iJIoIh- Mi. Is.
i Diiiu H. Huiiiiiiei. Middlburz.
i Herbert K. Fisher. Wvominir, Del.,
i KlTle Shetnorv, l'nxtouvi:le.
Sept. -i. by S. ". (iub-lnis. J. I'..
Henrv Aumiller of Middcreek 't..
ti lvutie ilamer of Wsustuugton twp.
Setit. i. bv Rev. W. V. Haas. Victot
Brouse :md Beatrice imiuerman isith
of Slirttiier.
I. FJ. Kintiev .it' '.ewi'town was
at Mid(i!i'l)iirj Tuesiiav.
Fall Ht ami t ri mi mjs. Cordu
roy velvets and Silks vr wni.-t.
jackets, isd shawls, etc. tc. at
Mi:s. V.. ('. A f
Call on A. E. Soles in his new -having
and hair cutting arlor t":a youi
heail cleaned with a rcfreshin - !-liam-poo
and a clean towel bunch rnn
on the north -ide of Market -m ;ue iv
posite Central Hotel. Sati:V.ciion uar
anteed. rf.
J. P. Yoder of New Berlin is havimr
the buildings on Ins farm east of town
treated to :i iimt of paint. A. J. ( 'mss
grove has the contnict and has a force
of men at work. Harry Duukleburger.
who is married to a daughter nf Henry
Miller is the tenant and careful
energetic farmer.
Josep h I.. Marks will move his dis
tillery and warehouse t i Swiueford 1.
low Custer'-store. This will make it
more convenient for him to look after
the plant. He traded his water riitht
at the present site to the Water Co..
and fhe Water Co., in turn gives him
perpetual water for his distillery.