throojfh L ul M TOW Ixxty ascs sveyy three tnlmrtes. "7 TV Iridiums SM WW i " J - , blood purifiers, they ilk nr out ih or Irn purities in the blood. If they araslck or out of order, (hey fail to do their work. Pains, achessnd rheu matism coma from cets of uHe seld in the Mood, due to neglected twbte. t. trouble causes quick: or unsteady L's, and manes one ieei as inougn van trouble, because tns Heart is r'ir in pumping thick, kidney E blwd through veins, and arteries. G to te considered that only urinary r to be traced to tne Kidneys, rArrn science proves that nearly utional diseases have their begin- L.rfney trouble, I " 4 ffhrfstlsn. tt Adrianopta Massacred byWonamnietai.. , i T2E SUTOAT SCHOOL I r -a. ,u.nn,., . , . ,' JUeM Ciw a of yours. ' olxwrv-d Naiui "7o ; 3jnr7,M'rT '" - kills off the alronarat and mo Inter. Corl -rohi. refnn,. laMUsMlkAsi it i fMll IV..I W a I itfaitkla U & main . r. t l i nL-w hst: asset , - ... . . , . IMtfAv MuU tt. A. tri bttt WO'T lt III iwti '.i iroitiiiiK rr J i -j. nT iwnniy eaiitnr iT-rfn . -n i-nn . Attrllf T ntlteT rtenrt' -- t k-iyn .? re,- .I. wltst s) s I Ma JUlb, "IV you rallr think he TUftKr MORRtBLff ATROCITIES Women and Children of Kruaisvo Cut to RIeces and Thrown Into Street. Ninety Dead found IrrOs tulldlnfl. Only rsrt of Horrors Known. Holla, Aug. 25. Travelers who ar rived hem from Adrlanople stats that a massacre of Christians occurred, there Sunday mnnlnt One version says the Ktins in one of the forts opened Are on an Insurgent hand which had attacked a military outpost. A panic followed Inside the town and the M oh am m elan population fell upon the Christians. According to another version, a Turk ish officer tr!erio force an entrance ii-i sick you can make no mistake Into a Bulgarian house In order to v-sjo'wt your moneys, i ne mua protest the inmates. The latter re- UtTJOT'ilnary et'ect 01 DT. Kilmer S l...,,,t hrDinyn Mohnnntint lu. Lftoot, the treat kidney remedy , ,..,... . . . . ,.ra (,ed. it stands the highe for Its; Ilu. , . , Li ; jw of the most distreMlng cases ; """f - It, merits K-- i 'i'"" 1 ,Zl.,s in fifty- er.teV''" ' 11 r :m"n nH' ,' n" '"r""'n rnn" rte-dollar Stx-1 'rrmwr ZZ'JZt I c-ir-ssen .nf'ri;ct:c pmrwn to to L may have a -uvis V;ll. o d"clar-t bis inability -n w',"e by mail AMrfmalll hor'rf tiif. '"iiti.itii i.-rn of thp Miianul- kpimphlet telling you how to find if,n i navs kidney or oiaoorr irouoic. ... ... - . hi oatyr when writing Kilmer , ' . . n v i tl.c :v!!r.!r of nrisoncrs in Nfonastir inenamion, n. i . , :t ill iiii I irni LHP .'llTftl Hi I tin - - : , i r'.Tilipr'd hcr xn fait vecom- .vk .i.iolpraljlp. Official and diplomatic i :ri'le :ii(k ar ivmcprnpd. havlni? ( -ry p neon to r ar that only a part of imrror-, pnactt-d in the intprtor of :!m'i''!.!,i havo rome to Ilsflit a rer THK f RSSO TKX"" ' r!,arr,rr ln h story?" asked B. WlU (I. 3eni. a.l-ii) t c"r"' the ruf!!ns; author. 1 Now the PbHlsitups fouh sgalnut ts- i "IWnd all coroparlenn. rael: and th mt-n or Irp flpl trom t- ' "Well, then I didn't kill him. I only Mwnh7im!e',in' n,t j4,wo the vllllaa to throw him over rrnthTthlll.tlne. followed h-rd upen Pr-'P"-- I nT nert Story III 8tii and upon his on: and the Phllirln erplaln how he escaped, and use hire irw Jonathan, and AbinJb. and Mrl- . aala." f.hlrao Tribune, ihlchua. Saul's tons. 3 And thp baltl w-nt nr alnt Saul. I V.mmtt 19 It. inMnUlt"".' hl' h,m: " r I Maaer-That yonna; woman whom 4 Thpn said itaul unto hl arnortprpr. 1 I ftia MMn I ' - T' ' Th mht It feli- t'i U' V-TV pPTt"Tl' t NWrO) t. f ROUSE, UTTORSHT AT LAW, .VlTTrtS''3",. Pk j Liu-." ertfmxte.1 to hi-" ear L;? nromot attention. Lewmtown Biviwon. h.ietr.ict Mny T' " rcvo-!tiri-arj' I'rirnmfttpcs ar nine ' !r ttr.oit ro force rhp hanila a-- n -ovprnrrient. and Mi :t ' o'k ig .'xrppdlnely sp- C 4 r Jiinhur J I'" Mlnnrrm'w Jimrttin 'i I i" ' .nt'nrror '"'I t f. 'itln ' 1 -J.- r Krwn ( I ' I. Mnwr IT I l tli..ll.hir H' I H ,Unf-T U I I Wi-fViwn - .1 itrfr pMU - .c .. v$ 1 llHiil.a Mill - ' I itM'liirn ' -C" 1 .V'mtr-T T 7 ;l I Shniatl 7 :i - I P.HiiM-rvtlln ' : ' I VUitUnri 'A lit t w'AnH MH -tr!. 7 -I 3 ' 't I Uw!iloi?a Jiinrtif.n. 7 -i ' l.t :it .SiinHrovf) .j -Wi p m ,.f -vp .ti mpft: . :'.t- .f. It an'- -tallied Mniia'Jtir nin' to .-' r : iv :ty . ,..- aiva arp .i1r'.ano.;p icfi-at ."volufiotiarv ', rlr. rb news o 'or.' iiat'iifi; ,y i '.V'.,i;p ,1.,-it.v -.: Turks have .h - '.-! n M.p '.''.lavi-r if 1 - -uirpms arp r:an n.'ip of -hpir w .. -artan frontiers. ..:t i,P !itlir!Hri -loorriT. tv'om vs if a T ii U . niion of -'ae from Mnr.n- , '.'Irtorlpa ii -. ..-ra rcn'.a'.n '.:.i i.. ; '". . ,r .vi '.en- 'iCC '" ' vr-t ar,xlr"v Draw thy sword and thrust m thmusrlt therewith: lest th-e unctrcumrts-d com and thrust m throuch. and tniwm. But his armortwarpr would not. for h was sore aft-ald. Thretore Saul took a sword, and fpll upon It And hr hi armorTarpr w thai Saul was dead, he f-ll .iktwlu upon ols sworl. and died with him 3o Saul lld, and n. thr mm. nd his armorbearrr, and a.l hi men, th sm day tos;eth-r. 7 Audi wh-n th mn nt Iral that r on th other 1.1e of th VHliey. and h-v that wre on ;li nl.r i.t- of Jor.Un. aw tl th m-n of irl t11. in.1 'tiat .-aul an.i ht sons w. r- .a.f :hv f.irBook :h cities and fled: n.i :l.e Hhttutln came tind lw-:t in them S And it rame -o am ,-n the m-rrow. when the l'r.tln ram !n utrtp tl, sialrt that ;hev :nund .-taul i..l nl :l,ree 'k fallen :n Mount it;iMi t And they cm (T hl had in.1 trtr,rd off hl armor, and ent into th- and ,r the thliiUne roun.1 .ilKii.t. , ..t-. t In -h house of their ;doi Atift m.-.n ;t. -".pie. . And they put his arm.' r ,n -he nnix nf Ahtsroih: ,n.1 -liev fetnd lo nil -if Hrt.i.AU A And hn 'he r.rl.t'anij f l.,i.h "iilead neurd it iht jrhich i"M;,et:ji had lone to rtmtt ; A., :he vti.iAi.' rr.n .,ri-K. md . nt All mtht ar.,1 took 'he ;,! v ,r ,j ,,,.1 i tM-.'.ies if his -rn 'mm h ,f !trh- 1 t . . ame ;.j jt.iir, ,(,.: ..;!,? i.. n-. thr. And hr :c.-Ic -h-lr it..? -...r'ed :l.rr. .nlr a r. e u j.,i,s;r, ti..; ;rttit vt-r. Usi ;!. hKV TF! VP. Titer Is ,nv tvhlrli tr-rmfl Ii rtitht unto ikmii. tint til eml ttierenf r t lio irnya .,f .rm It. -I'rnv, Hil'i I plaoed at 'his counter a yar ao al ready knows more about the business than yon do, and I find that I shall have to put her at Mi head of he depart menf thouafh I fear St will h rather unpleas ant for you "o l under hr orders Cleric- Oh. no: I am nettlna: ied r that. W re maroid iaal pr1n4i ' Tit-Bits frntf unst 41Im. Mother '.Vhat ar Mies nKtce trlnketa for" frlty U'liitrfitpr TIipv arn for M. gralp-liatt at -he .turch fuir "?.fTc7 Thpro ; not nne hlna: hat any human iieintt could -.sunt ' "Yes. isn'' it fortunate" cVerv'icidt who draw i jr.e UI ,iif if 'wit n t H."-S ' 'AWiiv. sjsrt-r rcwwiMtev. tmyt S V.edr r?ei,M v'-Mse- Zealatvd rtn rtes a.1 e jt-m' my ,rw trr e'iV . "-.shim I'"1 e-d ,-uf br nei -f jwl). :t oe yi-jvted cvlrlr 'S-ne s- o ' V.-c,-.... MY senses -J. set nn., . -1r.M,,v fvsretjila. yv.mtt ; . '"e'1t'S ;..rsle . ..h w,. t'es ,tt ; tyi , .t,.,ji- . mt.U lit ,f .1 "tee f ... J f if I ' ! - ,1. i fpev. "-r .11 .'-.v , .il.,....J f ( I . r. ,.Td. )n w.t .,.,I,.r I.- .'r- :. rt. ul.i'i ..,.. : ji vlin..iu 1 tk'.M I V ' I I r . . . i In llnnlif "Tioesn'' .vnir tn iah dll of -ilant??" "I'm if raid ie Pirtner r ir iti-i dasn't I'Or-.'cr -.tin itire W' orne ie a rpat toes ' answered i Tint ne m' atidv ti t,"" e of Miem jin. f'le-ifc ti - v ..' t fhi-1 ,d ,.etir tlana: or 'tiiresslnns ip jot out classics " 'V ifchlnirton -i'ar M'.' Veetr e'- .-.Ivrt i.i .'-r:. it,. D.i v. : ii. Hai.. .Kin Ai !.;sh' t i .f. Si 'it i i'" ,1 Samuel t n . i-i v 1 i it;: si:i S i rr. At 1-. U. -r tli: dffiiils iif loft; tl.p ti;t!.ir!ties the to rl.,- S.-.r'..i Dn'-tik. r, Turk commuted mpenKai..i itroc.- r"i-linroceri:iHrp. rn, arnwa , ,,,, ' '4 ,',. ' liibury t!5 p. m. , l-ava Lewistown j'anetloD : - m on uuuaing; piectt. ot tue i)., ties '4 1 nn. l is o ts.ison n I isr. tn. rm 1 oa turown into tne street. : !f- t. uia uiror Aitua.i, Pttutuimetui j teen of the principal merrhatiu of ;..e more a Wh,nrtf.n am ta . I rovm wer ani their henda e:.- i a 10 o ta P.irl'hilseii,hio4 Ntt , Ulblted on poles. ,.f..-. sii.l ve ..I.U1 .0.4 M b H. ajTam. liitnai Hi ; 11U kmsbsrs; p-a - Jefphia & Erie R Ft Division A70 hlSUJt I'ENTHAI. BAIL WAY WSSTWABU, . At MonasOr in cnurches wer do molishsd, tbs bouses sacked and th town is now In a heap ot ashes. The I population fled to the hills, where they N'MTf's A.vii '. i'.iMi::r'? Aftt-r iJavi.l i.ari-il .-iai.ii as ipscrtl.pil ,ii our At .c-.iHiii. 'art therel-.y rra:ained his favor -i.otita iiave PxiiPfTfii :i,rt i...w .von 1.1 :,ave rrd urr.xit Hut r.o; ilavM knew .-Jaul well. He laxr-d nut -nut .,im. ir. le pair he tip M.e :.ip if ,ivli. .;. peaca i& u.s native .atl ai.4 y-r.t :a live amon-: the PhUUttnes until Saul l.Mild die. II .seems a very unpatriotic .nurse; hut h was yrotaLly forced to it. All went well until th Philistines w!S) war upon Israel. Than -VchUo rff Where tti Cfnird vV'inld It "Vt i tin tiir.rf o !.- r my club V:. . ws i v.ii.1 (,:r.fv f onm : Mi ;il.;p 'on " "' if ettU.ii o i. .t.iit"" T.-a 'Then .on y.n:. ..t.-r ,av ,:er.f nf ,-nom :t..!er -I.'c :wr Dallv NV-v "'nt v' t !. in.1 !,.' ir)r,i'..4li)r t. oner. in' ( .,, (., ar l;at 'l'.p !t-"f( n. t. : v-s .t,...'-r ! . I.;t::e.c., of iriiif.r !.p lir.e"" 'N'o. lever '. ' .?,', ,ed M.e "ft.'i.efts ''.:i: ;" n vi' n . Jlo o $.". .a -.x .i..-.i.i.a:i ijirpr. V Dl.f rurtlnni "TaClP t.--.'t ifr,-..a fi ' ,c 'l-1''. abend of on n your !.us ' cmart ed the "Hh, VPS." renlied Mi iaua-hter nrr lesHljr. nhe'H o homely 'here .itn'f ' anvtlilnir 'or :;er n -lo pcent -tmiy." Chlcac-o 'out ,.. .M, ,40 O s no'Aii.i VHO .UVMOr if MJUKXL . i I flint's Vnf r.ailSKlAns. Mrs. Prniiilman. Mur '.Vtliie fiOt "lacked in '.e v-r t litr f n-rt-trr of -emarksbte md iinifumi .-tires ., . rcrtl nch ,s no jthrr remedy ..r h :iMiet ..niucm. rummenoaiioa at srnotU attained, th prnnnet.jrs ,nd nakers f last Ws;. , Ztr t'ieTS' fssnrtte r.ns'Ml . . Mrs. O Hnll Well, wHl!.J.In'tLef awiuH 'nr t yos ta ntj,. .swtir ' UIW v,-S.wMf- twtw . ir ' f . 1 . t Pll 1 ttia n m V.v . U . rroirec usvia s netp, and lie wnnld hsv j . " " " .. -r of rworrtiew. FemM.- Vea. tes HelllugroTO Juictloa datiy 'or ! are in a starring condltlon, i w-su Tha Dnemlk also asserts that a gen- Lj is p m. joapm. andayt-js . m, j pnil massacre, has taken place In the Usonhse, dstlr -sesttSssrfar. ' Wtl0- 01 MOUMtlr. NeSTlr all fcr BuHio.i a iai ror Srts and t.ia-' the villicc-s have been destroyed. Th V'JMI.ttintsErt.and.-an.fUa.s ! frwuiherous murder of SO insimBS y ltK Ksren. T-rrme tnatiie '-,-si. pnsonera by rtetr suarQs near Monaa tur Buffalo, i.i p ta tor Hsii.ionts ; tlr maiie aa ,,pec:aUy bad iiapres titm .uid tsiis.:siicr.A 1 k aunurnanii Kluura : sion here. F "-UUnsport M-l-t rrtmors .ins enrrpnt of must. i a tor Buffalo its BUsornn. ' crea .n th r'.rv nt Aiinanonl hut con. i&iia ior ii I tlrmatlon is .aclclri;. The situation L Usren and , there, howevpr. isdoubtedlr ii lerlous. I The population is afraid to '.ear- Ths Ion.' ui 5 .; tor wtitas-i houses. The- prisons are fnll and ths nuvnuu . , , . . , u u. t us it ta. 5 JS : ta ior Sliaino- : viul laa (a.en pnrtua aousea id Ja As is Hntiatltnte T.mtomer Mn hook .-ailed "The rlffeen Derisive Ilaf- tlon Ulll i.'jtusi kut ;s-s ssiinsKmve nnytioo i I " Krnv.un ,i I'tiiUueuala . feu : ',i il.uiy tfro his 4 rtittts.elnn!a in.y vrtvtn- :t ITiilnleiiMiia .1 i a . l siu uu .ssvs Sttcx. urr - Ik.iv tinrins st ftiu.lsi.lhis t'l a. .a . o s wassiDrtP.'i 0 us New .ti 'at'Mitisjis, :t . 5 ,i umisji9, m ta, :;' iiin'i-! MSAtedonia will b 'tt foil reyoit. and t a, -.9UlliuivU -n" m. ilUitttllnre I 'hen th Htliunrt-in Llinmmt stilt S H 'kllhKvu 1 It . ti. , isjs MrttiBst ts prtilauRiPtua 'weu u UKviwa. Vmdiioiiiii, "j'tniu.s : to p tiaed is jails. TVIiea rhe Hossian consul v.rmeeted it Mie situation, the vail .1 ,-i'ported 'o have answered that ho tos powerltiHa gainst ite fanaUcal popu iailon. The rdacetionian leaders adnut that ts .luturrectton in the vilayet of Man aatir is rrratt'.cailr at n nd. and they appear to pm thetr hopes on the trans fer of aittve operations to M terrt torr war 'he Duucanan frontier. "Vlth :n 'hree weeks, they turners, estem ties" .'rnprtetor -Mo- utr ; have tome.' thlnsr -imilar .ntitled. 'The Autohlcu rsr,lr if a Married ..Ian. ' '".m'tnr.atl Preeltvsts lirt. rierri Vt. ; i.w hp r.itr.t s err alnccrc !n hl4 attention to tne. .low an ynu ar ht'ia rlSer" iltvl f know -bat c.e 'ovrs -nit. .t,ini nnd hat is why !ia pays nnmie tttten Jwa o trifles. Baltimore MinU.t. I'sibt ist it. w tited ro win tt "toes :n." ilir i -fluid -,nt tacetve T!te taaler vf.n .uiX en :.n .lit "i-.nae sees nl deeve. s'hiistsvamhts press. i !! urttios i Knii:tiiijis i i 'us. .a) p ;u, .'uiurs o uu p m ' 'it mlviiuf .it I'iiiU ;-.!iiu 7 " ;m " j : ia, TWiUiuvtr ? iipiu, iViuu- u . .Muiiu s l4aiasuU 5 ') w itxtMuiusi I'tiuaus.puis a ' li. WtJUU, ' Pbsssm, 'I'll tt isu I .Hksaw. 'ssv.sss4 l- ssSsjas v. .m r vs Yes. Mr-l "Mrre s ac ivfount of a irpri whosa ? iicu :uiii left hr ilO.UOO, WW.' "WeiL :uy 'mvie who would (io t bat if grrai." Oetrt'it Frre frrss. t Us- II as si lr OssmsVssS. Wouid ytu ail her hair auburn or reti '"ITlat would ilepend !srrly ob hw tntii ii tu-outrr ln;r fftlher has."' CbicK" ilccortl-iie-mid. Wtiil Mart o( Me P'u.iysrs.ul.4. iiUss Itssa! If ! .JlUUi. 0wi4 -.- .UH-UlS4S4.SU. -'1 -iMisla tlKU lui.; ii-lA.a, mh tvl ) .ii t.s,U. witL4.b4.. et' t uua 1 liv'yvJiuisilj tsuiH.'ishms, i'-','.''' "'"tistU-i.., vji'rt'o i Uiisawus, 1 ..Ju, at,, hmu; ;it-,s.....yj.i K.C.. . .g v.;' vw..,avJ .UUiM.iM4M.lt4 W. li. tv.u.UvM, hl 1.44 44SS U j ' 'W At. ',U4 ; i .14. .M 4.1 tilSSSSS. Olli IV Wlu 41)1: :wvl4 tnUltiSii U44IS- ill., lv ...ti 1 sa t . l.s cif s..,i,'- f. .. - .,!. ... i-'J'W 'Uu4.'itm,.,Rs.V.VUU4i1 ' 1 'S 1fi4 val Tks 4MS4. it 'I fitl.l, a.'iw t-. ..r v-. l . .V Ptstmskstss "ln it otid." maurked the vtirrl Ihi!otuplitr, "Imt ilien airnan j pur stuns; his iiitilee ; coiteK tbs faattr ht i tin liai'iier it it for him to keep up?" Iliifo-rtl T.aujpouii. been forced to Hunt on ths aids-of his ! xa" cnea ny srnoo! ctuidren: country's enemies had not th Phllis- rT 'or''"' tics leaders feared his treachery and ; nent him away before the batU. Re- I turning to Ziklaa;, lis found ths city la rains and 'he woman and children cap tured br the Amatekltf-s. whom he-pursued and conquered, returning iaaen with spoil. Weakened by constant desertions from hu army, Saul :s in :io onuitlon to meet ;h arnna: Phllistlns 'lost that Invades ths .and from ths northwest. He Is panle-atrlckstn at their approach. In 'iesperatlon he nauits "h witch f Endor' 'o iUvtns ths probabls result of ths coming connlot, md If posstbls obtain a meesags from ths ilesd .Samuel. Ths narrative is one of ths itransest 1 in ths 3! Me. Dr. AKtea, ona of he best- let wpreters if Mis i )ld Testament, asys: "Tt is hopeless to t uissnLana lLU incident. Masia . st hssas is ths ast, mid ventrtloquJim. write h h lsnsrcss;s ' implies to havs heen ths practice t tttst' woman, may havs had.iu iiast. All that we know is, ijssa isawicrkt as saw ' and hearrt 3amuel. and : he ttamre hs saw ' sad heard told him ths worst." Therefore iaul went into bat Us that ' day expecting: defeat. "Ths men of Is rael aed:" The battle was probably ' fought in ths P!aia of Jecreei. te !s rasiltM being forced hack oa their camp on ths trtope of ML Gilboa. Mak ing their Snal ntand. hers, like- wild usaats at bar. they were slain in igrat numbers. "The bat Us went sore inainst Saul: " .V pitlabls scene .Saul's three valiant sons siala defena-1-g him: himself wounded and hard pressed by the Phllistlns iirrhers. .seek tcg death its a favor at ths hand of fus armorbearer rather than fail into i he haxtua Ids hssxhsa foes, ana ilnal- , ly committing suicide a, :nueraLT3 t-ndlnx of a most disappointing career. Alter the barbarpus custom of ths-J fincienti. Saul's dettapitated. boay wast PmlansM -I'alttns of '.Vetnb rti ihes cannot -ttrs AlJ hew isk :s sir nd : rsssnnshts -rtal .f -hetr tesns f f I l;r .iae-! -nnst -tnurl.h; er.rd ,ool.fore)Mav -mi pr ... .. ' . ' stirctaK-r trsttfcert .ir h -r I j. iv. iIic.U.nt-er, I9 i j 1 YKiauKn hi mi. rWfflflB'i .4rul,r it.itisrr.tei irnrntna-fit ssnnjiiW ha . i.-,re h ) !(tsew-is rrs-r:r - ni rr,ntv s.c- ff.,Uv4 s r.nssjt nrriu-insi :r .ntfvntt m - I I ad t :n r,unlrt .unl .m ms- r it t-vTMisitlv "-if h-n . s-s.m r ti -n tw 'ur'.nbf nv -m ..r sst t - '-rhsiittsi ,nrt k -r mty m .mi t effflrt - ,.! ,'tl.1V lre-vt:i it .issr "i.iiw s-xifh rt-a -i .n.: ( sr t'nvr'Tis T-r! iHir ..1 .:- -vral c( h lhr mwiir trh rs iticti . v4stfT,srt. . nil I Mitlit i;o rt;s-f ) art n in ilvf ftialirinf t H :m n1 swki unit .irk hmt . K xmrrAiravt'. t .hiti t -lt .ftT . r.tfininrf1 . trT ' r. wmntftin' ,k . .-.irri-nsf:! -. inn n mil lit fTrt4M ' mint' 'h th srv. t rwvtmi c. iinti! ,a a tw . wt) -n ti hmlth tad s -iinpy. rsjrTv -w-mnn f v rs U t.OeTiwn i tar eld Mnl , hnk t our , ntn t'.ui rtt-ttnn ; .m -r.ovii (-r"-t ; t-ltK nt ibv:mm irrfl . r i trt . t A , rnw !w :! r.ur rmiti n rtinmiM :i t nrw ,(, rtdrM a ,n j janMrrtt .jwt .nmh . Jr rtstM '7iLLUkl. To I)r i. .(wrrsj , -offs-lo Aecerr 10 nhntitut "rwtiti frt. ;v nTfxi " 'or .llsWKswt f Le ttiisirb. lood Ana lunvt. n. iimrann r .Ieoio&. kCTritr. :onrt stfTfe ; c 3 :Dr Rrt. Mt r n i-rrtpt jf 'tii-rrr.t tamr "Trecsv ? umiirnf fv. .uiritti Jr. i. V. Aertr. Jlurtklo. .X . t Jr. iMtrre'n ilnmnt . rtt tr astivr. "t.s 31iotnr tuoU thtCl :or svctleceu -na ssortuirtneM, X , ssJe- . - n . i .- - t s, IV n.s -s-li 'rV 11 . "'I KK $XJ .'.I V J--Y- "jL ttll-H IT PaS Oil ft -it' .-, . ., -ir- I'V'vt :ir'f. I. drriB. lrftrftr 418 'tlsrkstt Si.. Harrtshurr iri., OniMHrtts . t. ,t . .t ;:r,irsnil -"Wisllefttav VII Trtsttssves. Hooms. ZS Jid 5fc. i lood . 1 eaU. .ZSe Z ' lood Mvnmnin I iti.itis. Hie POiT. s-s- 4 I Stl.i, LiHikl tu I. Lir.-.CiJTiu. 4 sc.. ., .Ullcsl tisstrs. Th --use ni -uir.ti n must utrarry ssiH'u to ti.uv -u tasit. ileiuiu-uoisi itti.ij,' .cituu ui-uii nci've itts(.ouica t sbiiuoi.A n titv tut iu the . iluer. In (Mucr tit thoitt suojevt it lias to b wildly orttlli4j ueasulTrdl :0 ol'ur H muu.1 ;i .-uvMauut) it mual vittfounitr tliu , .iij'itiiti us 4 fin iwutUou. a. cloud. 01 jmrticioa axiaic irv.ii uticiitieiuua isaitcr. 4.msV silsV t:ysMursa lxisikiUa. i;4j.iUj, crestnxea Inhulaunat hv cuvuiines ur mors wun tlisA thy cuid.uc. ttiuvars. 4V.S, HUUellrtSSSH, Ths Jsiii.vthwcauiirawigtjod lectures iwwsvfjs can draw guud cintttJss aa svi; II. Mutt iwuiinstm illuatraior-, fc Issisixt:, i (..iii.rtl toOiuishi. ISK $liA),0UU it) IVUX Vttsis, 1UU ItattdwlM. twi-oiiu of tbv tw ic tsiudlv. hs4 tsvsjttisi'lj. sirs.. exposed, wttn 'hose of bis sons, on ths city waii as a humiliating disgrace, i (doubtless. aUo. .is a warning o other ' foes of hs conquerors. A remarttable instance of 'he per .Tianttnce of true inratltude : tnls ac- ' tount of he tints of the mennf Jabesa- ' tJUead. In the very bediming .if bis:' reign Saul had but nenaed t hem and liad ' rescued their cttn aow, after his death. ' :hey, out of ,ul larael. are the ones wtio : iaxe beinend liim. Hthei VIiy .to you rrat .Mr. Utite us rnu do?- He is a-rouefe .tlamond. ,ind. ia a little ijms. will come around ;iil rtittt. Maua Thax'a just ths rrason I ua continually cutting aim. MUwaukes obnUneL Uasw oat is Tre. I'm ,.-tS Vm not (sat coor .Id 11.1 ."taoauis ui -r.o :me UHt ee. .suu men it rests. ;t tins t.i iinlt Ulon a, hard .id -.noum trunk. siaj llseord. reej TIW- l isissi FWs-rr. ItiT But you promised to cut corns wood. Vesxyv-Ma'ivia. I told you I wua s union man. an' I ;&Bt noticed tlat .lat ax Terstr srtsusa He whu wills our being wills ourweii ' sol ng. iTtnciples mark, ths steps of man's 'a mads br a factory wot employ progress. Ood has wedded real happiness to sin cere huiinasa, Uod' promlstja are weightr becauss Ihey ar Koid. Old assda must b broasnhefors new lite can. begins Ther. la no opporrnnitr to read ths' proofs of lift. Blsssas. ac thsr wtn hare aod at thst ', nonunion labor Chicago American. Krttt Ills- Worst. She Yotu promised to stop smoklns wtien we- were marrlid. H VYeU. they won't allow you to. smoks in chnrrn. Brooklyn. Ifs. Hetsrt (tosirrsnsist . BlxgsMy, but yon hare larca rsrsti IlIlCS Vee. All I lack 1s vrmr hrt. whsss. bstorst tts hvrrtcans ot Utststs- to bs- av Dsrftet donker. Chieaan ruiivr Uo rshss ttstt.. j News. 0rer iah" v r.tttn.- . :t is .in nf' -hi -rtwo.-. vl;r 1847 Rogers Bros1 tb product nt ,li:s '.onjj Tpri4e7T ikst. T!;er are sold by ;aiiin,; .teal crs. rnr vataloi-tte- N'o. :oi explaining poi:.: . . ;tsi to ::iyvr-, .. the :nai:cr?' lssrNtSM4.l ' . .'JrfU-to . 4ss. i a .. X v-s .-Jf iii-irrimtoo !.i.jtr iZ.l.tlilil icrvt: THH x'i:YSTnfi .'..i-.M- i.r n?;, ".il.j.MrMj. " hi -itnt l.e ,-i ..rf. r lfi itkl- . '.. I f t- . i-ar. intt-ctJ .farrti..rtj -ttnl.i. s tirrs t ct ...inlv i,, s ts etc. 1 i r. . ; ir;,-?-. ;. r .c ..... ..v,,. ., -er.t .1 -ket, h. ... ;v.n,-. i-7 ,.t 1 t'.tic.,'. . 1 . v- j,.t f ttr.J.;t;:v f i-itt.j: . 1:1 ;:,). . 'ol. r ;w.j.c,; nth r vmi. Z s "t lairr.t mtrnt .n .-tur vtysfci. Z !" .siyrrfctnts, W't It. teav. i.i. viu:iA;.sSr,N. s- NV imT.'.F. l-ceiWi1. ur Z Sl.Msl S 'r '' rWss litT .'tie - .i iti 1 .VttT 1. ..'(-, (. " -i :. vv r.v. ' u