1 Uie i; Reformer i; j ; ; n, owars . wins. ; AwUwr of "In Kta W "Rtrt ' i eVn OriVt M h' V o over the -te-'or of tvru pr'mvly retiVnv. Tl tW ot. ffT lnvirdW appPin.V of Tr'odern o! il'Tit'on within the reaoh of Tr,v,tr, wea't w cvWi'i't on (vm Ve'vei carpet po'don il.vvs trtn tv" r-'! oi"f' p'ooon of -. WO.V. or..--'"i. 1 t-ar'a, 0vO'ta a4 H fealty dolnt Cod a-artie t tba city t edwoattnt a a-rowp of wen who intirM be. danirwna Into irood. vMtlaena.' "Pleaa ynn, profe"orr Jonn Gordon nM to fclmwlf. "Yon are ft fa-mal, vpedaatro, k can. tea, rnrfeifcnal kovf ototiit, wttk o more ra knowVdr of ttie Tinmanity yon are w-rftlnt abemt than a wwmmy, Nit ttl faritfve atl thfct for what yo ha wt M. Vo of Ivv, F-,y O" -. tr; fll ' M,P, Y nv ,-..Or to ( try-1 ! ..- tr: .-i rfc ,v' " v-- 1;:, , f. f.1 K, A' 1 . ."', p,WV" "v V'U . V-e Of 0' L-... v, or-. f v.wr . ). VC- CA f' ,. . ..J . v - t' -- 1' , v . n; A "' ' r.,r-'- ro a-i-""-.'"; ' Tin -!tb t "I huA no Mott o niM tulk m I did not IntwM"' f rurHe not. All th Wttor. r- !aiihHl t tlttlt cynlinlly. "It d. n itivhI. P(J I not t'U yd nl tvfrtrtnlntYirw tn th lnwy 1 t?ori1on' prt lvlli Mfy ram p nd mM ho frtt ny her rtn. nod ImtkvA Kim. !Ynww to mw hor. "Yon lrt hom lth Wis 3bh, vnt yoT I cm with th iYnn. J'Kthor nHH m. ll flM not too wH hon ho osmo tiotne this rTnlnir." "tt mwi v wrtoxm If Msry In rrnAy to losxi tM orlr." h thonjrht. Ttit o vl.i.1 to ovoih. th fwmnllty of j rtr,,r WMn ,lf nr o,,i.-n imrl tor t Ko o I, li. Imnl h v hit t tl) t t. tiut-mi MiU-h iUrl'nmiii. If U " in II thi lioi mi l tuts out of whnt t rt, hn will it wi lt." "II not"- "Th olit aww wn ulili tly honm-rttit tn hl MlnMU to all trttm. All lis t.vt hm own, bo rf a thnt wn. Itt I am mni't hiimnKon If ti illd not m Just alnnit mw) tUUiit. thirlnt tin' wvok thnt Mlovxpit ttM OiMMon'a nffrti- ti-nitimlly tm rommon mntiiltit Tor inMip on tln mnvt. Ion iltiy aftpr tlip tily nf th "w-onlihy Ivm!'!"' hrtA Iwn fut In th piMinil tlie tmlnpa VvotM knew thnt. Wtth the eXii'V'h1" "f hla home tin a uninll annuity helonitinit ti In the rert of the i-wnlnK. A he wvnt otit wfih h'. rc(r he hsil a lew- of t.nelln Uthly M the tnl'te w-hinv Vrttinu tYnfw W)i. in the v tuinie VtnrV Woinoit tin eny. S'-e w:i iii!(T.rtnp fint f herntn.ho ni:.l flinnV iin:'M her hrother of r'L':nv his tvfonn tiiIni, Info tin' miii;V' m tnlK. .Tihn i lonlon n s tr'Vi.t Vi'f. Mvnnl he hnuil that ttentlon to l.w-lb n ;nfivl the f:im!!''r s1t rtnivlj o;i:vc.'l, Sv if f"ivv r. i.'t.si tr. i:Mi wn nliiit it.i li: l:f- The e- :teiueiit t.i h! !i'"eti' of M :-. Vn Tivlt' .M ,'!. iV r Lae hri.t iiiI!mI. itiipnteil In thnt f.liiil of tei-tit:ittoit whti'h hmili't-a oit irrini Mn so el."-i IV thrt the inot inni l it tlotio timiin"" men i-nnnot nlvny ile Ohio ulu'iv li'uittni.'He lntlnta etnla unit the i-ii'ii lm-k lies'n. V-n m U "pe 11one I'nnl f:ihi"ui(h. Who ii'in,' In io ioilult t1h AnliiM nl in some work h' pi ipte hn.1 xiilnntee'i'.l for her. 1 t-ilMna im r .t.ii.'i :.-vhr nfi'nli w !.' he o:inn t; io t'.i ?itie:iry. ' ! Vnill-Wx w n o;ii:. A uhi, :i'.t the two men Win tort tointl.i r. Sil'n' H.ivton ite-it h iJoriV-i hrvt .lv;in townvil I'-il itioiu'i Tin 'i Mrii HiitlU'thlntt er tit rrlttral romtltlntt amt tntithl tit bror niot-nlnr I Wfttt at onea imt tayiHl tttttll tnhlnlaht. wheit'th tt tlenfi condition grw hrHrf, Httil I left for hom, When t rwteheit ItotttP, t found nty lf alttlnn tip with th boy, who had loom ntilt atrk. t aent hrr to tied and ntnynl tin with the rhlld ttntll h4 wa hrtt. Rnt-ly ttlla ttmrtt ln I w aent for hy tha family at whooc ttflc th funeral waa held. aak. In w to fall thla tnomlna, a a one of the htemliet or the family wan in a ae rlotia fotuliiion. I i-nlled. and when I rot to my atndy It waa afler M o'elm fe. It la Wednesday, and only a pnrt or my next pundny motn!n aernnm W rotnph'ted. 1 hate not even aelertnl n tet for the pvetttnu aertitntt. 1 lie tnili Jret of my prayer timet In l'11est Meth od of MitilimtHlileStinly.' t hnte 'iitt ly pi-i'pmed the (ten Ire. I httve tln-ee roninitttee mi'illoc tumotTiiw after noon and an nddt-eii In the eveiilMff ml the -liitty or t;oil t'ltWein In the Nom ina Nlntiletpnl fiimptilcn.' 1'hl l he- fote the mnin tneetlllK nifillipeil I'V the i-ommittee of nrty. There me the or u rtimilie In my pmil In pt-ent tiei d of my perontml vlRtlntlutt, nnd Inn il 'rlthn oeeinieil J-esteVdriy, Willi ll meatm funernl fi'rlei' tuiiioitiiw. Mr nsjilttrim tin teeu oil the slett llt fof iie-iiiv it month, nnd the elintili. of i'Otir-e, I'lliiivl lull Nttpply Ills plnee. although elnnteen lire doltlc Miee nf mil Had Turned t ' Llmbi Dlo,, Lay InaQiuport Heart Dl taH Curetl Mt, S Tit halt Intuitu rliif i. ,,,.. I pltcllllltlnn M ll til Plenum T l-q. tili':rrottimottjni,,i,1n,";( fm ttte lto(tnr ol tiTMihh ntlnli. t'ltlrt In Ot (Ifnr (...TTt MtIIs. t'alt ltitlpn er fl.m ' H will liunBr .f IK itmiflr tjtnln. Moittai'h, hif, ih"l Irtfil IH In t1itlm.likl .,J. H the ealutf el tlm ilin. n ,. ", nut er nil nl tlif tnri l illrifi"l and tfntmVm ,. u rH I'ntii-il a f inule dav. I s i If I'lirllUllrf i m llrl lli"U?:iinU nf otlii-K. Ml, "! r. ttl llff ! fl i, I lii lil"i'l nhont the io: Mr Or ! Ill t !.m I- n the l.ol t. 1 eV'iV i ne w 1 en o'ie eai. e to Kin the i-nl man l enorvh tl-.o i ! oirivly, ii-flneil, deeply v.''ivl'l o l-'ll-ll-e Then . ei ;;nt'-r ile.n li wi'lrei'h rrnVe Pute l;fferemi with jonr fn til iv'" n ! hl wotk. I am not i omilnhilim, t'or don. 1 hate eome of the het loeil nnd women In the elty In my ihuieli mein heihlp. They hit nrll and tine, nnd any man m'uht Well he pinnd nf tln lr ft-lendhlp. "I am not nnnpla'nlnc either nlmnt cn. Pirlt tri'iut m .. r.,,w Inmt li-iit i1lmi o I...,,, ii .... llnlllit'lt tif Ml ttllit I . 1 ' limiln-r aal-l. 'Whil. it,.. 'r)l Iv l r. w wllltt l r M '., V f o nrn i nrfTin inHi; it tv, 'Hjr . o" t:- . - I' V - t. fV?r I i rii : -o rw f "--" ' fTTrli,N' rL'Vr I: lr f "tp ' Tver; P' V, lev. ("Tr'l.'iT. O'l r.: the t!,do-"ri - .v'-ir,.; , rerrf r.y r .1. ii' l Iv rt(ifl, irfip;. ti.iv t..in-v.i .; yoniw r""i tl., p.ntt,.r Tl lljlv VfWvT tplc. 1 -. -oti.' orif-." f ?.-e a; tbi ta.tf terM jv-i. i'.-ii'M etvVT; l.eillr.V tnrp.Nl .TflVn ar t firy went liifothe r.wp;!e:i rAom. Tl;i library wj Ttovt. ITiey en fepiv! tde . s'de. T"Ti-n vsv ta; form ly!iv' half on the o;- of th l'Vith.-r oir'', it f,i n rnrsl a rr-iM o;-!iV, r.--. l:n. and 1aM h'rti on V f-Mchforr.vj wsm up- jvxiroi: r.t tbi- t.vr 1ot .loh.r. .rdot Vitt r he 'iA-ert 1ro the crorn oM v that tht in; of Rnfi; (ViptVn cin to OM. iho enve It to k!v t Ti-hothnr ther T"e"e prwl tbrv W btld. if any." (7"ivVn anw enM -,- vy "'a- f. i-!it .I'leool fee n year w 'lh Am t HeMer. Teor tiri ;i o )k fXv ntitnit hroVen down with nil that ha VapiKM'Oil " 'Then yen w lil kivp en here 7" "Ye There n nothfni: eK-e for n'e to A. l'nlVei'v Pnslnos pase i io he rotV:vei'i han.l I'nitiealh all he had, or ail we supposed he had. I tone. A net Tlo'ter will taVo Marx Info lor horre v ? er. tVe is-tnrn. " iVIrr-oirth wns silent a moment. Then he leaned ei-er arid pnt a hand on John Cordon's arm. tf , ...v.. I 1 V. .-rt l,n4 anvt,t deed d.-me in the Nr, ' " J . . , , . ., I. v,l..v- Tenipintion OI l.-,te, olt-ei; ,ij vmn-int- Or wl t-HATrTTK - n-rtr..1f., Tv"ttfi Tt- -v r-r.; f r '. j.r- t.f I .-. a ! r,i'. t"1 v v-v.-vev:... j; ciy1 lHrr7. ' ' i"t fiV,; t-fii: Ii. 'r- "".v.. t.i r-1;. f'TTr1'!-t 1 j sorfr. fnn"o i'nrn'r Io I t i ift(' may at'.'. o"-i, ' ft r-ineh Tr-""-- tr the ' 'oTrrifiny a? eai. "V. tie . ty, fq.U 1; Tt- t-v fltl, f ,-- r..f.tnit.." y iv. fie Viol k. (' -w;r r ml. .If' V-il ' i' d'scr-esiT. ll.ifdn. d',i rr: V""V ii-;; i-tOT-el-rti--w:.v, It v-a eponcti thht the enli-e ni'ti.lt-!; of hi e-inal fif, irfltj wfit tiiv tr: orrt tbi nl.tr-rt n jpvtvt : pi; the jwopV . 1; wat the la: a'mattii ii. th rrn-h fif -fnl: hf rhoer. for Mwl'. tnt It had hen thmt upon Vln; tlirotieh tn .trric of tits (iwi.. In the htrah tbt vIted hia innrtr to tVe profpaa- ti(T ra Tfr(ir1ur finely, eaon-c -!tti tw-T ttiat richt detTeof eor-vfrj-tlotit! itier-r whirl, ct times inelndt-vl rrer' nr:- c Vs." Tab1" nnfl Thpn b-ok-CT- tn; J'Ttri- p-onTi' cf ta'.L- berww:. jist'-d trite a bad Vm:r nnd e tia'.;. TTitl! Mr Perrroae a hnte effRfra -went on wttb mot hrilltaney. It ia one I or fJorrlin mw bine ryed woromi fllR thlLp to tlt Tfnrrpeir, nd another to pin with W-edtaf: hanrta lit a mln not pet otbt,- iwiile to talk. The tetter J f wbieh pliartly fareleTecl, and It '".TTlrV-ttJa liTPr mitti Vision t a" wjT"eTTe tkat f TSnt Tetieno -powmj. and the flln- I f fteen mrt tiad flnt? ttwlf down tnt : the trspedy nf hnmanlty to it're i parflWg of anrTertB to Itawlf Hnw Andrew. " he aiiT-rfnletty. tnit nl" Wli; irit wnnuri vnu t;iv- i'-t-i.-m t? hip Itrur rerrr-Mi.! fettn? "lt to . : ct mlnJ the m.t piftK; tnot rwfsl j rnot Chrtstla: womar. 1: this whole rir. Ph" t" vnisy ",a,p-ir, more. ftv. tr.r mcr- anJ rt'.ii..- tnor( t" r.?l.r the v '-onr c or- ti-t ' riTlPration than ar- ofhe-wrna:' ' m seonntnrar'H-. Tlj" mar wti.i fc;iys tn- 1 aiiuperoiiv to one dot- n..- lii.iv whs- h- r- 'T lb- Mls .ti-w- 1 The --tw-V- r.r r traov her- at till- tabl- If nl tir- rif! fltiJ rraoft. .' t!i" h!iit fS-veloiK-.' wotaun.'Mxtv. j.. ttn. i re fcav- Bali': triii' In-T a:: a- h. rie-tii.i-y J.i: t: -'t.it,.. fifa-t !.-. -l.tt.v- v. .'..' lit" T-? Hj- iTo!ifc iti tii..: t Areuit -TT-"-t Twi cr fou: Jo:.:-! ";nrd.i:' Talke.-? wltti Mla Otic tov r : tcm-1 . " toTitt f. in." dul not lrroair c: mer.tio: ' hr- w: Trm,. M- i' . wl: a..- f. t:-.- r.e i.'. or ' " - tliii-i" ' t enr a ..! i - Hm- Ho'.ii- h-.. t- - a:, !. (" t"T?i. ' a.x:: : 3 viaet.f i - a.. I..- . w: n" l: ' C r." ---::.. i 1: wr:.. l. . - v, . pv. f Hi! i ' ' - ai.::.. j...- i - I1 ' t.-- t. ... - . r- . : : ' : . :. i - . - - tent--ti 1 I 1 i-J i VsViV I Him II it I ' ' u B ve--, ' OU I m tTun' -tti' hrmrfm. V i I tii . iv l j re!tii tvit-i- : ,t--lx: 'io.: or : t fcuvlitic: T I." iV.Ti.i"it;: 'i'i- 10. "i L.i.-i. (J. 1 I.,. : h.t (i.t - i r II '- - I - AV.TT. t" enrtl. 8-i- t" bhIi" dn: to flua-v" Tic; Paul ralmmiU. at- he wtiHiL ! tnt rrc'. ii' ia'ni- Gnrdm.. "! ti rv-hi: tii FTioi-' -"ni""tiiir li' tti t!,f I'.ioi'i'-in;" of - ii" i-o"' .him i.orooi. witi tticr aim:. Vr tie ' tnnnii, i ou" hikig: O".!0" HRi 1,,,-vp- u,"ei'--i v- mouruuir iiuu ciuiiu v. .Io!;: ,'.--ain:t i:ru miimait mmr.: uP"t:L i uric' jir: yc- 1'"- fl re" bo waa tooVtni: ent of the win dow "to pive np m pai-Sh and oomo towri here with yon 7" iv..l.v. fa.v. U.-l l,vl ..-V "TT,t I .i'.mi'ii r inn umi'ii .ij- m.. ', wotiVl be ti rroat thlny for ti: Put" ")nl a vowardty tlilnv for yon to d.i" Von aai rtcht." ralmonth aald Cti'etty. "t"hy ahonld I mn away from tbe hard work where 1 am? And yet. tVirdnn, re man know, nnleixs he haa been In the ministry, the enormous de mand on the profeaton. I am not speaklnc In Tvatfttlpea or eomplsltit when I aay that no prefeen reiti!n- aneh eonatant and rtitied axerM!e of all the power of manhood. TVi yoc wnfi (Irr. Oordon, that the ministry twrnie tlmes prow dhvonraced aa It faoea a labor that tn the natore of the aa oan iterer h eompleted In any laenac and rbas fSe hfrm vf n Weal XtttK Ith rtiweh or Ttaf-ah rf Tt realloin And then f late I am bannted Iit a d'mht as to the rain of a preat deal that I am doine. It ts not the hard wort 1 am Tteptnnlnp to dread; It la the fear that It ta wtd newer and that the orranlred ebnr.th of today otjf h: To be ehandnc mnfh of ft jyrae Tii. It; order io do what Cnrtat want ' dnnt." j "TTonld ym; mine teP.inp me anme 'tliinf 1l detal. what yor. mear:7 .:Te rr t ttwifi- on: of yinr dcy' wori." i-fird'iT niiiet". wpt penuirif Ir.tereat. 'raitTiontf. v-nf po'nc tlironp-h rrSIs 1 1: i.h etiu,l, liffc. nd Gorootj wa ft. ; p:t;j.;ui ii- licvt mart Ttsar fi very ' KT'itip "-K'in:i. f-:'.uc for bin., j "It wii: I taliiiii nti'l." Fal-anti. 'm.:J : ?. t.i'C l-;uiel- hut'f jiueo'tnarti- r-rw iTi-iaa. the lu ll Hilerlnit linniber of i riili mi tut time and -i mpnthv from v-trtinerti iiild peipe elllin l nut -Jide of m pnlh. ll t a eomj Hmeiit to the minwuy thnt the nn i 'hi 'llin pin t of the eommimliy tnrna to the ehnreh nnd Ihe pleiieher for i-omfoi t nnd help. All theae thlna 1 neeeptnl When 1 entered the plofex alon. 1 would he n fool to net thelmiiy now- that heavy hnnlena of tmnlile In other pitiple'a Uvea aiv i-nlled upon tne. It 1a all a pail of the protvo.lini whieii I delllierately elmae. A doetor niluht a well romplaln that hla work htlnita him fae to faee all the time with phyatoal pain aa the nln1ter entnplnln lhat hie WiivX brtnpa htm eonatantly tntn the Vi,'r,", ,," aln alehnen and aplrimal ntin. Thla la what every true ministry nmana and nlwaya will mean, and the man who wnnta to ahlrli nil that had bettor never enter the bnil Tiea of pi-eaeher and pnto-. lint the donht that lately haa hoenn to torment tne la the donbt that all thla that t am dotnjf In and thromrh the rhtni'h la worth while dotnit thronirh tVnt oi-cnn- fyatlon. My ldeala are eonatantly dlaap tolnTel. With the exception of the mlnorfty that ean be fonnd In almoat everv- ohnn-h I am obliged to eonfeaa that my views of the real work a chutvh otifrht to do are not aceer-ted by my people, and I am iroInK n with thn preaanne on me of all thla mlaeellnne on machinery of aervtce,. tortnenled vith the jneatton, la the chntrh, after nil, the bewt otvanattoi. for folng wort for hnaaamty, or ta the chnreh even approximately dolnir the thlnjra that moat need to be done? U la not the aervlee that I shrink from. I am only filled with a preat lonKlng to eerre In the plaee where It will amount to aomertilns." "Yon are tired ont." John Oonlon laid his hand affeotlonatoly on Tanl Falmooth'a arm. Fie did not know Jnat what ?lae to aay. His thoiiftht of the church had coincided too closely Vl'ie tiiel mt aim an I ,..., ,") twlee lliri nattttal mf. -v- i iw."H tie . I nl lh tlmr An, , .i.. . 'I Illl" Tl'7111fS Jtrill UK 11 tK(l .tv- 1 i.. i .i.t. .. .. ... "H ,! . ,.v pi.., , r f -, .,. ',.p y 1. , 111 t- tt.ilk. Ilnlh m. I IMnV I w.nil.l ImtP I.., .. i le i Iirrll I'll- 111 Mil,-.' II.... .f Hi'Hi'r.t Mnamn, n,r i.-v,v1 A'l dtnpnu in. I k-. 1-t 11 . 1 .1 h. v 1 v . ... I.K IVoltMHI Ktl II. v.. II... III Mllp Mcftlrnl I'.. 1 H tlrn-a aa thy i- i fn iixi'P ennnn .i.nn t, and aiintltia an ai e -iv,.-vt liiinmn trmiUlf t-.. M,i tt-l.v. ... ..t . .. ll... . 1 tW'-iV! l unnil ii; : f-: man nav ani in . -v t.rvij iririmrt in in mp p'-'-'u rwt,. iimii inp i"-v i-i "i.rtj. ( . j nntn wnri nin teir p-mw rlilMti-n mnv nnv j niHKit ip 1 1, mi n. .i tiv lam your irifnn, Mits. CAI'T. nr-om;i: r.rra .toliii riorilon lin.l ivvv vf almtd an lhat Kalnmnt'MiiJ Mlaa Andrewa aald t.atl know the rood neev rjel finlahed, r'alniontt; MrUL-x If mat lan t a topi.- t yrmi faith In itnmaniiy rwitiHSB aand dollar.; Vmd yott ean work mirs.-ifv money I" "I cottld nae a millla.i t&cm Inn much more than ttJ thla mlaery." ahe aaij qu&;x added With a pelf aoniari forgtre me! What a I arrer! prreat itlft from this U kail hnndreda yea, thoniwiv!!iH(iM' rati work miracles witbi W wonder, Mr. Gordon." Bh "H fjtDhUamagr tlon. It la nothing to t about, rood men a&2 Mtlea. Thla jrreat aoui k ace pome pleam ef tra hear? Mackneaa o'. tiiScm. eonl la ttralnlog at t leaaenlntt of pro aots ai pain and anpulaU. a tvr her theae many, mary "Ifa like a atory " hla eye pleamed and in with the excltemet: o! tar. with the minister's to enable him to i first tlmo j M m- o.irll I r, n.l i, -;,,."!,: ntL-vC will 4. that .II-H11F l..liT-H. ,;. KH-,U... f ! !!..:.!' I. ..vil li" l"lK" LUdi .- ...... t-. .... ..... ... wi-'.e i-i- v... .i'i-i- j....v.. i-J8TT uyuiuu. ii l 4v,.' .rrr. Itt-.'- i i ( e',f ".ip TW v. - -v.;-.-. furtiier uiid'.-riviiiic l1: r.!.' tio v.-r it u bew !ie.u:i" imnn.'' a;i'-::::' a:' ' Hi " U':in ..-'- Ii " f U';- - ti" lie!i'tli"ttcm i-tiJ ttiei. er'.io- in tti' tnr-' iue. iriuMJi uum Jn- 'tow.! V ii'-.iurau'.r.ii,-'-i' ; .-.ijev ! :. tnn'.:uriJiie;;; Uuvx- :ie miHiiMfM in, ii-";'. i'.' . or Tii" i;;.'-r: ' ie vn'-ue. .1: JjeuU' ::ie. v - Mil": ftrrreFJtfJli'5- vtr.C . TT xi;tt;ts'.s u- buuua; liiori.-:::-uw A' '.so- :wi ft ttir" i-; -' tie "-.U'!- t'- uUv." . He.!-1 mi', in- I ti'if- if. ; t; U''.:v. talid 1- ie..i.iu: o tie ": t: X i o wb Ftrnr.-r v nwui nt tie- m- i j:i .ut twry iu xtuu v' v. irt-1 n n-centr.e '.iitwt t ii.uj iitiu .. ..... ,.,. .., ,, uifi ' tjuruvu ,. .. l-'.'.'e-- e'lVi. t -,!. i .1" .!.' I : ' ' .. . --.' I.. . .r.-e ...e at''.;.--' 1 .Wr'JjI!- llll'JIt' : i Uil'.' U" 11' 1"' :; '.-'.rii" V i ;:-;.-i'Ui'-i:l.- "iii-' - t- irrine.i. e' ii---- r I'-riei'jii.- came to the defense of the church aa it taeerned to need defense in the face of Falmouth's doubts. Tbe njlniatcr smiled at Gordon rather aadly. "I may be tired at present, hnt that drf. not account for icy present posi tion. Ior.'t M it vex you." be ndded nui'-tly "I out-tit not to have d'-l:v-'r-ti my little woe beri;. TUin hotiae Is tii wincr of It- ov;jj jiwuliur hottowb. 't! forbid t-tiat I auoulti iiitrtKiu'- Into riy or.-. Kflt.a.ii eotittiij or evu my iw.i.u;i! rtrifi- f'.r liht In my own (it' ri: " 'Alw.ivK rwri for ;iie more I em FMr' " 'jlir'i'U p!'1eKt-ll lltlt I'llllllOOtll i-iHioi in ifu hi.'! n ! '!'() t oiitinue tie lie-uetyij. U'- iJi'i fiwn to to v li'-l ; ix? ,1'i'iiwi elrleu ll vt l'll II . oi. l.'-i ! tii i" e'rij' i. botl. im-ii dim Idea that sh- wtsKH aort of lncarnanor c! pjoi In a novel that wa v t pie fiction. After rraav-jratt cm sure my tbecry .? in'. "Then muvb" t- ca3al as belnc In tn t -: - : Kl Falmouth suiri:e"'r "AiJ thin? you know tr - 8t"J lull and Ton wi;'. :it-"KK- In the nnires of casst to wUit-b slie na i.'Htl- l::'---l !..,-' lu- .u io-:. . ltp.,)j- f.'ioe. ttlHl'I't'' tiuut' r ti t- I.. ::': -i' evli'l 1... Ml. 1 1 IM' U- IU' !.. fl t Oi....J It. f i'i. V. vkb -r lt ' 4. llJ in .!(- to t..wt tw bp utl.M i Ltt. : li lit.. , r 1.--. . . . Or 1 ln- loo!' "i:.-;... t.i.-'".M.e IT nri'i 'j''!' ).. 'I le if L'-' K 1 1 till 11.11! ,- . .'...- 4.U i..i- ...!.:.i3 . J wtJ v t,e .i fr-rui u I ... .... I... - Hi, JelM :uy ' v. i ..i U'.i i(..i- e.t - : n. c .y .' i "II en ven fcrb: ' gravely, a i uilirbt In.- true MImu Antirw- JJiitik of '.oTm.v" waa Inforiiii-'i " Wlii'lli'-i Mr.-. ' In. m In li'l' "' lu-l tit- Km..: i ' ' ,.(. : i:iixi'l nl 'I"' lllll I iill 'i'.li r- ! ' I f "I I Mt-IM. I' I'm rii. Hi lei'" VI i-t e fin it r I ii liidy Inl" e. ij.' litit-i. i hi 1 1."' iii.. 1,4 1 nil. i'Ii lie In 1 llv.-ii I.U'i I'l'!'' I lift o.l"' j Jljl,. I- l.e ' ' 1 0ij ! I '..' r-Hi ,: i,f i i.i-..i. in . i- '- !.. .; I .. I-..II- ' irts tj - -4