The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 03, 1903, Image 1

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a lob lot- of note
n hand.' They must o
"The ortce win do It.
V and prices for the sV-
r9 fumla mem pnmcu
than you can buy them
printing. - '
LgtaMllfr, Hilar and Presrlttar.
A Family Jraal, Dtru4 to Sttra, Sclaxa, Art, Political Etaaoar aaa Carrtat Lhcratara.
Bte 0s toller Per Asnrnn, ia AMrtxa
V Little Liners.
I and the But1e of the
Seat, told l Brief
or Lew Prominent.
p.platlo and Evtnts ol In.
L Satisfy Cariosity
VM lha Thlrt lor
inhere. The oysters are
Wersox spen( Sunday In
loper of Sellnsgrove spent
Walter & Son's adver-
g Issue.
In town.
Spangler and son spent
ir was a passenger east
John Zechman died of
day last week.
iturday spoiled quite a
nice and festivals.
;. Dtehl and wife are vis-
Vnd Ariama CountV.
Cbas. N. Broslus of Mt.
i wan In town over 8un-
jll end family of Wln-
llatlu. In (awti Mlin-
nwu'n "
irdsley of Lewlstown
CneyH.H. Grimm's
Wines andWhla
1 nae at the Middleburg
I' -Her
of Elfzabetaville
jwb laat weel? A"Ylatt
"i -
k the guest of hia sons,
I a meeting of the W.
piety Friday evening in
Kb of Salem, daughter of
of this place, Is reported
h cancer.
jeye on the "Coming
mn. It will keep you
lily plenty of reading
a little for yourself.
1 ia on the list.
lorf attended the Hum-
it Clement's Park last
made an address,
and wife of Akron, O.,
nls i lace to attend the
Iheriff Boletider.
ller and family, Theo
)d other Akron people
lir western homes.
ling ot Kratzerville was
Xoudav loukimr for au
V woik at the water
KrebsaudMable Uub
JVUllaiusport are being
F Mr. I. H. Uower-
Xelter and sou of Pitt-
ral days last week with
nd family. They will
to Llvetpool, Perry
I Ex-Sheriff Boleudtr
aa a v.'ry large one,
kid very threatening
Idlug that the crowd
usual ou such occa-
of Krankllu towuship
Orgeat bog ou record.
I & iu. frin I he none, to
)lnml la noi, only long
ad will luuke oUe of
lers of the .tuou.
State Highway Com
VrUburg was at the
Tbursduy aud went
h' to look up matters
th the making of uew
. tflwuhhlp uuder the
nuder the new law
must be as good as
lililmiliv that the
Uiuat be dug down
fllllug iu bUow is
rial like cinder and
5th porous liiucstoue.
1 to last a thousand
Mra. Lizzie (Jroes and son, Philip, of
New lterllu, visited O. A. Henoch and
Wife, TuPMtlS.V.
Mis Annn Ranch, after spending
everal days at. Kaleiu returned home
Wednesday of last week.
Mimes Verna Nfelntyre and I.ou
Miller of Clarion, Pa., are being enter
tained by Miss Clair Orayblll.
Mr. Shelly, a genial typo of Sunhury
Is visiting friends here. He has accept
ed foremanship of an office In Lewis
town. Rev. D. I. Shater of Mt. Pleasant
Mills was a County Seat visitor Thurs.
day of last week. He will leave in a
few days for his charge In the western
part of the State.
If you have any friends now residing
luewhere, who formerly resided in
Snyder County, send us their names
and addresses. We will send them a
sample copy of the P08T free.
Cyril H. Haas, of Selinsgrove, a Med
ical Smdeui of the University of Michi
gan at Ann Arbor, spent Friday at the
Editor's home. Mr. Haaa will com
plete his course nest year and will go
as a Mixttiiinary to China.
A dollar a year speut for a good
newsy paper II Ue the Post will not
make you a doiia- rer at the end of
the year. It will broaden your oppor
tunities and give ou many chances to
maka a dollor ai d to ave a dollar.
II. O. Frederick tin located here for
the purpose of conniruriingthe Water
Works Plant Mr. Fredrick will re
main here during his stay. Tue rain
has retarded the work of beginning,
but we trust it will pmgress rapidly.
Will Kreegerand family, after spend
ing a month with hia parenia, Azariah
Kreeger and wife, left for their home
in Kalamazoo, Mich., Tuesday. H. B.
Rows and wife hare also risited at the
Kreeger home during the paaC week.
. The reservoir for the water worts
Th extreme length ia &t feet aud ex-
treme width ia 69 feet. - Inside meas
urement at top of stone wall 55 feet by
SO feet and at bottom 52x77 and 10 feet
A special meeting of West Susque
hanna Classis was held at Fremont
last Thursday to dissolve the pastoral
relations of Rev. 8haffer from the
Liverpool charge and dismissed him to
the Allegheny Classis of Pittsburg
Synod of the Reformed church.
The Librarian of Congress has issued
to the Editor of the PosTacopyrighton
"The Tombstone Inscpriptions of Sny
der County." The book when com
pleted will contain almost 9000 inscrip
tions and will be the first of its kind
issued in the state of Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Hattie Smith and daughter,
Alice, of New Kensington, stopped off
for a few days' visit at Middleburg on
their way home from Pottsville and
Philadelphia. Burns Smith, a mem
ber of the same family, is enjoying a
vacatiou iu the intellectual city of
Many a man is influenced to buy
something because heaw it advertised.
He may now have prior thereto, im
agined ne wanted the article. But the
advertisement aroused desire for its
ownership aud he purchased. This is
one of die waysiu which advertisements
make business that escapes the nou
Any youug woman who aspires to
Red Cross membership or to nursing
service iu auy capacity cau get full in
formation by addressing The Philadel
phia School tor Nurses, Wltherspoou
Building, Philadelphia, Pa. The
movement is designed especially to
benefit young woman iu small towns
and rural coumiuuitieit.
Rev. Kiracofe will preach his last
sermon this coming Suuday evening
iu the l B. church of this place pre
vious to his vacatiou. The subject of
the sermou being. "Jesus In The
Home.' A cordial iuvitatiou ia ex
tended to every body. They will' start
for their vacatiou ou Monday aud ex
pect to visit frieuds Iu Cumberland
Valley, and other jsnuts. The Klra
coi'e family consists of nine childreu,
eight sanis aud oue daughter. The
secoud birth were twine, the third
birth, triplets. Out of the eight sens,
nix ore ministers.
Whither we are drifting'? Somewise
cue discovered that it was unhealthy
for two people to occupy the same bed;
thcu another fouud out that it was un
safe to ride iu a car with other people
or at teud church where other people
alleud. Next au aosociatiou of physi-
cans decided that t' klsa was to tempt
death In all manner of bidemifl diseases.
The very latest Is the discovery of a
French scientist that the practise, of
hand shaking is a very proline source
of spread of dim-sue. If thliiK" keep up
this way it w.ll lie unhealthy to lie
burled In the graveyard with other
people, and the only place where a
person can feel aafe from disease ia at a
mid-week prayermeetlng or at a store
that dosen't advertise.
J. F. Shannon of Milroy )etit Sun
day at home.
The P. R. R. Co., is having a new
side track placed west of town.
Charles K reamer and Ramond Hplt-
ler drove to Sunbury, Saturday.
The Middleburg Water Co., haaeoro-
mened to dig out the resevir this
The Middleburg Leather Mfg. Co.,
are adding the flnUhit g Mills t their
C. E. Corklns aud family ot Sun
bury spent Sunday with S. R Spitler
and family.
Mrs. W. A. Smith and A nut Libby
are spending some limn with retail?
near Lewlstown.
Charles Felker and Clinton MaVhell
spent Sunday at Beavertown at their
respective homes.
Detda Becarded.
Sophia Treaater to Lewis Jenkins, .t
acres 122 P., in West Beavee twp.,
The Penna. Telephone Co., to the
Juniata and Susquehanna Telephone
Co., for all its franchises and property,
real, personal and mixed in Sayder Co.
The Tuscarora Telephone Cix, to the
Juniata & Susquehanna Telephone Caw,
franchisee and property in Sajder Co-,
Isabella Roush to A. K. fiift bouse
and lot In Middleburg, fSOO.
John S. Beaver assignee, etc., to
Gabriel Beaver lota 57, 58, 59, Wand 61
in Swlneford, $3.'5.
Wills Probated.
The last will acd testament of Daniel
Bolender late of Middleburg, dee'd.,
was probated and letters testament
ary thereto were granted to Sabina Bo
lender, who Is named in the will
executrix, l ne wire ana children are
the heirs.
Uturs Granted.
Letters of Administration in the i
tate of Calvin L. Derr late of Franklin
twp., dee'd., were granted to Chas. A
and Lester E. Derr.
MarrUgt Liccosea.
f David Mohr, Kreamer,
I ernie it. ti rouse, Kratzerville,
Aug. 18, by Rev. D. I. Shatter, Wil
son A. Lawver to Sarah Neimond, both
of Evendale.
Aug. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haaa, Sam
uel Benfer to Sarah J. Kline both of
Aug. 27, by Rer. W. A. Haaa, David
Mohr of Kreamer to Vernie Brouse
of Kratzerville.
In Mcmoriam.
In sad but loving remembrance of
our dearly beloved son, Alvin Maurer,
who died Aug. 31, 11X12.
Oue year has passed, and how we miss
Friends may think, the wound is
heal 2d;
But they little know the sorrow;
i That lies withiu our hearts conceal
ed. That blow was hard, the loss severe;
To part with one we loved so dear;
The uight was bitter, we'll not com
plain; But ho,H In Heaven to meet again.
A precious oue from us has gone;
'A voice we loved is still;
A place is vacant in our hearts.
Which never can be rilled.
We miss thy gentle kindness here,
In our silent home;
And iu this grief we feel for thee,
We are not alone.
Thy parents and sisters mourn for,
Thee dear one with a grief untold.
Thou were a kind and loving son,
In the days of old for in our hearts,
Thou were entwined with a lore- moat
Just one year ago to-day, our dear son.
Passed away through death he entered
Sweet rest to abide forever with the
Official Prei(ram of Snyder Conntv
Teachers' Institntc.
The 4th a n nual -ssion of the T. amb
ers' Institute of S.iylr connty will
convene In Middleburg, Pa., Monday,
Nov. 20. V.xa, and the fourth annual
publication of Hie "Teachers' Institute
Magaalne" will be issued as the official
authority of the convention under the
direction of the County Superinten
dent, Prof. (ieo. W. WalWn, Freehurg
The book will contain all the official
announcements of the program, the
nstruetors, entertainment, names and
add rue ca ol teachers and directors.
A few pages will be reserved for a1-
vertiswDtSMtM of a clean and respectable
nature, at the following rates : Full
page $3.00; half page $3.00; quarter
The SM of the page will be the -tame
as last year ; a inches by the type
page 4ix"l.
In order to get the book to the teach
ers and directors in antpie time, it
will be leaned earlier thai aual and
copy for ed should be sent at once in
order to facilitate neat diwplay.
This la a splendid means of advertis
ing for schools, college, book publish
ers and school supply houses.
Send in your eopy at once to
GtMk W. WjLf.K.vsKl.r.Kii, Publisher,
tt Miditlenurgh, Pa
Uethcff af Sixty-Two CkUareo.
I inclose this clipping of the "Labor
Tribune," judging it would be a good
article for publication.
I think that President Roosevelt
ought ta have a eopy,- for possibly he
would wast to lecreaae the pension.
Mtdrflaaaw Pa. : ;
3000praona baa been presented to- the
Italian government asking for a pen
sion of $3ft0 per annum t be conferred
on a woman named Maddalin Gra-
netta, who has given birth to sixty-two
children fifty-nine Imys and three
girls during her married life. In
nine years she presented her husband
with eleven sets of triplets, three grous
of quadruplets, one group of six, aud
and the other eleven children came
singly. She ia now 57 years old and
iiicajtalile of work.
moo Deer to be Liberated.
A thousand deer are to be liberated
in a few days by C. C. Worthon, the
New York millionaire, who owns
BuckwHHl Park, opposite Shawnee,
Monroe county. The animals multi
plied so rapidly that they will starvi
unless given their liberty. There are
now over 2000 deer in the Park, and
they have cleaned up nearly all the
food to be had. Farmers residing near
the Park do not favor the liberation,
feariug the deer will do damage to their
property. Eleven years ago niueteen
deer were placed in the Park, which
covers thousauds of acres. One hun
dred have been killd by hunting par
Nut a oke.
A western editor writes at follows:
The editor sat in his chair, lighting hia
pipe on his auburn hair A halo shone
over his face so fare, but his knees were
out and his feet were bare. And he sang
a .song both sad aud sweet, while the
Mies died nd around his feet, for he had
no grub in the shop to eat. and the
ground w covered with sleet. Now
what In the world was the cuss to do?
He hail eaten the paste and swallowed
the glue; he hadn't a drink and he
hadn't achew, and while he stared
his whiskers grew aud the baud play
ed on.
New Counterfeit.
A new counterfeit ten-dollar silver
certificate, series of 1895 is just out.
Check is lithographed D, place No. 21.
Signed in the number is 7019547. The
green of the bill i darker than ordi
nary bill, but it Is said to be a clever
You can get Wines and Wuiikies
anywhere, BUT when you want the
best, tor Medical use, get a, peraeription
from your Doctor and go to the Mid
dleburg Drug Store ioi it . tf.
Ask your Docotor for a prescription
and go to the Middleburg1 Drag Store
to get your Wines and Whiskies for
Medical usev . tC
Coming Events Cast Their Shadow
Trphv Cup Won !v i i'.Jcr
notify tyn
Wear. in receipt o' :t ,-opy ,,f t.e
"World' pnl.lwhed sr rv'r. rMn
The readers of the Post are request- !""1'r ' h "f A'"-""" ' i" irh-
ed U Nend n announcements of all ,w"" ,-,. ,V
events. No eharure will I made to
pnhllith the 4sme when the event i af
public importance.
TVkxkav, Sept. I to , Hunt'ioirdon
Fair at Huntingdon, Pa.
SATfRDA V, Sept. 5, A fetiv:d will 1
held at Krdley's church for tlw iene
flt of the church.
Saturday, Sept. ", The Summit Sun.
day School will hold their annual
picntc In Summit firov. Muie by
the Fn-eburg Band. Sjiealcers: Rev.
Otlber and f;erge liunkletstrtrer.
Festival iu the evening.
A. I. MonrA- :i .t,( t, ,,)n,,iIPr
ryton. C(K r!ii.-, , .Vr.., ,
all the rt)io sn.l M n-b'-.tin i'iioroffn.
pliers A.urwintion it )... - ,t ,.,.n.
ventlon hed nt .,.,j,,,,.v .ti,-!,!..,
The prize - -n fir hnvi., ,r,,),,0j
the tbre wx,r isrisi-,if ' r'-tn
tilio ,-lif)) inpKj ,,r 'nfrrr , ihd
from n-wiv.a risd .rlMn
Tlie riimer ,.f )rf,w ; , n ,,f
TmSHC Untfrt-uo ;, ,,f c,.,,, tf,w,,.
ship, Snjd.-T County t,d ;,p ;. ., .,,,,
ew of Joaeh Itowf-rMix .f !)cm
j The prize winner ft J-,),r r".,Titv
oa ri; k i a v, .vpr. i, dsy rrr lUWg lv,,'n'" r cirn.n v,.,,, .,ni
accountM and Widows' spprsUententH I The P.wr -nt it ienfj ..x-
for conrtrmstion at Oftoher Term of I '""d to Mr. it.iver.oT ,e -..nrtni;,.
Court. ton line to !iin :'.r -tiij n.rff.ii
SATt Bl.AY. Sent...",. liemoeratu. i.t. lr"OiW-Tlon.
inary Election fiir Snyder ( o.
SattrhaV, September j, the Sunday
schools of Troxvlvllle will hold their
annual pic-nic.
SATHRUAV, Sept. ., The OntrevUle
Cornet Hand will hold a fentlval aud
Cuke Wslk at Penns Creek. The
Selinsirrove, MUWIehurg and Mifflin
burg liands will fnrninh the muic.
Sattbdav, feD. . The Lutheran
Sunday School of Kratzerville will
hold their annual picnic. The Se.
linsgrove Comet Band will mrnUh
the music. i?verybwiy cordially in
Hted. Movday, Sept., 7. Democratic C'nvei
of Snyder O.
Movday, Sept, 7, Puhlle Schools, of
rtellnagrove open.
Saturday, Sept. 12, The Hill End S. S.
will hold their annual picnie in Her
uaan's grove. A festival will be held
8. 8. The Settmarrove Cornet Rad
will furnish the moafcv
TCKRDAY, SeDt. 3, Fall Term of Sus
quehanna University opens at Selinsgrove.
TTWI.AY, Sept. Hto 11, Pennsyhania I
State Fuir Ansociatlon :it Hethle-J
A I'.reat ScWI With l ue niiiien
We have jnr receivMl , roeent
catalogue .f he f.iiersrv I i.tltnt mid
Stste Normal -cho.i ,,f itlom-hnrir.
Pa. We 'me tltst i.lii vohotil. ,o
prominent !rniie ,t ;t ,.x,.vnee.
catalogued rt different -nidenu lasr
year, and i;raiimted ibe rtr i-ine
intlieSfMfe. The hotel ;,!!, ,,f ,n.
ducting it- -tlninif-rrmm -errtce, the
psswnirer clerstor 'o nil !. Ht1 the
exivltent iiurM. tnsintsinert naee thl
s'hoo in the front rank.
The.'oiirw i)rerMrl or leaclnnn
i ln which tuition is freei :ir college,
for :w or inedWne. h well as in music
iUid physical training are aftrsetie.
TliecatskMroe it-e(f U n work of art.
ad can be pmdtahly read by th ose
setectlng a school, even If they do not
select this one. The fall term wWopen
Monday, September 7th.
. iTri nm II i r -i -1 ii r . , -w
Jeenh Artmgast.
f Vit IVrrv Tiiwnhii n-n I orn Ta-.
IS. l-4. vfm married Oct. '.:. :TA ro
E!talth Stimeline. II -vas the
of IVii'in .rleast irni vi:'.. Mim len
Wkovksoav, Sept. to 11, Juniata i '
County Fair at Port ltoyal.
SaTI'HDA Y, Sept. li Slllldav School
picnic at Pennst-reek.
Satitbday, Sept. li The I". It. Sun
day School will hold a picnic in lted
1111 11 - I i -lit i .ml
nnuge ntnve. reauvai win is nein him to the ririt f,rl t .i
in the evening. j The au ,f lus tentl.
SATt'BDAY, Septemlier 12, the Kanfx I Ilev
S. S. will hold their annual pic-nic.
Munin1)y the ivautx t ornet IUnd.
Hathrday, Sept. 12 to IS. Patrons of
Husbandry Exhibition at Centre
Hall, Pa.
Moxhav, Sept. 14, The public ichools
of Middleburg will often,
Tnt'BsnAY, Sept. 17, lie-union of the
lSlet Regiment P. V. at Lewistmrg.
This is the anniversary of the Hattie
of Autletam.
Satthday, Sept. 19, The Reformed
churches of the West end of the
County will hold a re-union and
picnic in Dr. Smith's grove at Beav
er Springs.
Saturday, Sept. 28, Last day upon
which you can pay your taxes in
Snyder County ami make rive per
cent discount.
TnsDAY, Sept. 29 to Oct. 2. Uuicn
County Fair at Lewishurir, Pa.
Satcbday, Oct. 3, is the last .lay you
can pay vour taxes iu order to lie en-1
titled to a vote this fall.
Monday, Oct. 3, Regular Term of
Court opens.
c-setili Art'Oimxf :") t;iust i
I!':!, ile was Hired - - .nr4 - uonth
and davs. The funerai :.sii i tue ut
Uichtleld. Alltruwt -Cth. fl.ive jns
survive. 'iiarleo M.. t' lltct-iield.
Frank, of Mt. -'Vnxsnr 'filNnd
lel of IjewUrown. ills vk'. ix-Mimj
-mm tiv.nsv.
Engine For Sale
A twelve horse power portable Frick
Engine is ottered at private sale. It
can be seen ut Stroptown. uiguire of
1! S. 3TBOI p,
t-f Strouptown, Pa.
hatfer orftciateii i,t lie ; inertl.
P-of. W. H. Detweiler Met Oeata At
temotlng to Kill a Cjt
HatlH4in. Pa.. ,nr. :. - :.vhj; at
temtitlnK ;o shoot d.-k nr. Prnfesaor
W. H. Detwrfler ircidenrallv hot him
self and 'ilerl a few hour atr. rro-ff-ssor
Detweiinr iu 'ear her ia tie
manual 'rnlnln school at I'-.tUdelphU
and wns snendlaa; -he summer here
with bis family, a uembbor utked hta
to make away with tb at. md :a
i-rawlinK ".nder a ;M-rrh o 'hoot -t
animal his toot slipped, in.1 a fiKinn
che revolver eipltujed. aendlns a iwlto
crashtnic thrmta;ti his ijraia.
It wns some time after 'h accident
occurred iLat !t wa !iicoviret -bat
the professor had een shot. ' was
found lnconsclous m.ier te ;orrft.
Word was -.mmedlatRlr sent -o -he I'.il.
versity of Pennsylvania it ":,'.!:idel
phia. Professor '.Vood. of -ha nstitu
:lon. responded nuloliiy uc.i ;-rfornied
an operation :a ;he :iope f stic
Professor Dftweller'3 Ufe. bet 'he '.af
ter nerer mcalned i-or.5c'.i);'.ns. HeU
survived by a widow and 'wo h;:.irm.
country hams. Apply at this office.
E. S. St roup, Strouptown is hand
ling a high grade of Fertilizers, manu
factured by the Baltimore Pulverizing
Company. Prices ranee from $13 to
$32 a ton. Persons need ii g a reliable
article should nll on him tf
Call on A. E. Poles la his new shav
ing and hair cutting parlor foi youi
heart cleaned with a refreehin t sham
poo and a clean towel to each patron
on the north side of Market square op
posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction goal
an teed. tr
Middies Home P-om C.-.iise.
Annapolis. Md.. Sent. I. The ' attl
ship Indiana, ,-ommanded '. ''.iptaln
W. ii. Emory; the .n;lier Hartford.
Captain W. ii. Heeder, acd Mie prac
tice shin (.'hesapeake, :n 'nmnand ot
Commander '.Villiam T. Ha!.;ey. the
three ships which conveyed he mli
shlpmen on their summer crr.ise, haT
arrived here. The midshipmen ex
pressed themselves as ?;avtn !:ad a
very pleasant time in the ..Tr.ise. All
the midshipmen will V :ciren, one
month's leave to visit thf ir homes.
Blank Cartridge May Cost Soya Sight.
Lancaster, Pa... Au. :9. Waiter
Tappany, 14 years of ase. shot his
brother, William Tappany, T years ot
ace, in the fate wtth a wad from a
blank cartridge and it is belUred de
stroyed the siht of both his eyes. Wal
ter is a member of the Boys' Brfad.
and was preparing to go to the bar
racks (or drill when he pointed the nn
at his brother and. thinking it was un
loaded, pulled th trine;