The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 27, 1903, Image 6

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    WISEST OF MOKKHYS. I Among the other ..rloit. (Mat we a,
1 'V a nation are burning U ayglelatera.
Jk MU1 nr. Henry
A CMtPMnr pf Rsrt'InUlttjence liopaina in hU bae-
- na Via Iaua;r.. -
T Mark
r ra.liiureft.ta.
Williams folVpv "The
ata l.te a Prlftt Aatarara ap
Ur. llfc All M..:-m Nirn.
. ,-, a bw.. an
Ti.iTf vvr l'.'. n ftthw nonfce tie.
kave v ;r. ss Fulls. ;.ietl at liWi
with Vr.'.fo -.! fork. M-il.
Vpt in N .'s sn.i all that sort tl inj:.
VkI th h;M .::. ttre tinr UMis'.'.y
at thf nc. .; Mi ih. Put ith
OohmiI ft is vfry .i.fVivi.t. CVr.i-v.l U
cl in,;a ,! -f rare Intel'lpcncc He
eTvyiyv Mn.;i vr he is (toin. H i
tiali;rs! N -i l.ii-rtoriM, an.1. mot pre
-oons .'.. oi fcnY year. At pn j-' i.t
V Melons apartment In
r,. v :. a tKe tr boarder
anc. :. :. ::.;autciii ol rrank 0. lt.
t.l r" t-s ori!ini'. h'w. to
K-r . . - nv, pari the pxl
''-'Ti him
."".! v. ..- m te port of SVw
v - 'i-r R pVnnt vni':o
' -v NMii the KafscrW
-v-.-. On r-'s arrival '-r
. v ' v v,. Hrr. sti!: casov fratV
1 -. H .-nr tc Ms tmlfc at
. bVi;; threr fct 1 IcY
-. s,-, ..,--; tl-Rt .f hav to
- "r.crj. nn; H'k or. his
n . ht crop to all four.
- 'Vti. bur u(; cxfcrs'vr
- -ph.M. f-or- r-w'o
vocna. he 'PRfs
. ,, -pik.v hich tweet
-. rflfh M ctiin c-ut the
ts ft!r'. smoi-ith ts
v -nliif ii thr-r- is ft
i.:.'. i'i Ht PUTS fiTl fiT-
vi n.'. tit forhw'. 1s 50
o; hts , tv
o-hp- over tbp tor
V. t rxpr n!t?vp
' 'iT- PR"v. T.:. OOPfPftls thp
v:..-- fi uTMtPioit? o.Vpy (j,
v. rv -ti- of rh!,.,r..
Tf pi:''. "-h!"'. bo" o 1p
t Wirtum ftMUf. "Th wonrn
tM-tpnttftf hbtt y pr. HortktM, "I,
in criln dlrtrtMi. .nfaorll to
mhit In th DiattrT of hrlth
we ar bH)niln h t-;at-r. h
1I ourPl. Sirp oc 4m I1
hv opumd to fpr Hot nd hv
Ion mod to fpr rBtorMo." Hut w do
not U foar n-.lcrobon only talk
bout thorn. ThP (rorm th-r ta algan
tio pormoatlng txr. It t a nulnano
to know no much. Willingly would we
o baok to primitive tisTvoranoe. at leaM
as far bark as 1S42, hen a poulttoe of
bunl.vk toavon was kov1 for a rusty
nail hole in the fool and we didnt know
ovaotiv what totmiswa. Inthosedaya
th wator tr. the w-oil In the baok yard
s pood or.oush for anboly and if a
fumi'.y was swopl away by typhoid fever
;i wss a dispensation of proxt.Nr.oe.
WKV.y was afraid of a oonsumptiv e and
poip: who "went into a deoline' dii'.n't
Vno why th.ry dM ard took their afPtc
tlon in a Christian spirit. Now. they
kt- w a'', about it. but oar.'t stop it any
m.-r. they could then. Ad(;itional
hygienic kncw-lcdpe only suvo.'.s In
,?":tik; to human rilsooTr.fort. It takes
r. iv to i(sinfo.'t and medicate, to
frustrate perms and microbes, and the
da'ps of birth and death on the tomb
s'ores are no farther apart than ever
TV, 's: 'us so lone wi;V. our know-ledpe
as v ; hou: !; T; msy br that wr are bo
comlnp hyclelaters The word !vks
I 'm sone of those twertieth century
thinps thai cn to eoniltvf yoti b.ow far
th. '-;f: is fiwjix from the natural.
4 IfilM f Orekar4 ulili atUn TM
la Mlahlr Hmniiriilrd ljr
aonte Aalkarlllrs.
Mr. Samuel U. Wood, president of
the Vlrglnta HortlcuUxtral aorlety,
writinR loth Rural New-Yorktr, aaya:
I nave th matter of planting orchard
In new ground much atudy acme year
alnce. Th reault waa that we planted
34 AH tree, and wlU -t 30.000 w ' ."joah hJ. i.urUble b..l"
inia rpnnK. araona in nunum. ii
To Curo o'Cciaio GnTDiSy
Tcie Laxative Dromo SuinlsoTrir. Je mzA aevi,'
la l!i.
"You Kald Farmer Corn'oaael,
a phrenologist once told ua that uui
r.- vu
Tikey living '
j!c?efi, '
'York ti.i
'. and at the hotel tr. New
: fif-lich: was to outdo th-
r tim t it tcrslce aomemeti; over :h
or .
-it, t: fet o: : : hb,. very t
;-ki.'er f Viau) was : fc
(t. '-: me: : oi
r:- -,l ef:-- h
If Rt.v'VinK were reeded to prove that
mnrkir.ii are like sheep, the doubter
. . oupht to po to one
of thr elevated sta-Th-.eep.
f,ons vhorp th
cmtiar.x a'i-ortnc to the Vow York
p-ii s i'a"ed fwr ticket ael'ers. '
r t tbf people would pr to one wlr.- j
. v ar ba'f to tbe other robody would ',
hi delayer. n,; a); would work aplendld- :
1 Pn; roboi'.y ever jt thi happen j
ti;rpsf thr p!w is empty at aome par
t'.i:!ar nnrrii: an; tba; SC mer. ther.
fit i: a; recula: Intervals of four feeL
Tbi frs: r'ar. sees the reares; window
r. make for k Eicht men fo'iiow him
withou: lroinc to riph; or left, and
ibft i conpestioi. ther and jomt
ci;t.1lj r.f thr company. Al'. of a sud
dei. th- rir-r man pts to thr tor of thr
palr a- the rarant window. It
t ar irs- " 'or., apr. he mshes over to
It Ni;r : s 1'" to If follow him. and
thev p:i- r: there and fidre: while the
fv: wi- Lideaerted The last three
mat. fit junip for It and almost flpht
to fee y .z pets hh ticket tm. It ts
of" en.poi led out as an example r"---!ne
urrlorfty tbat men know how
.o form in line and wait for turns, while
women Soul; but to form tn two lines
,.r i t thicp the human race doesn't seem 'ti' hav leatDeL.
rut the tree dow n, aw up a bat w ilt
do for lumber and burn the rest on tha !
ground. Then w-a plant the trera In I
row- -ery regularly laid off. and ho '
and bush them thoroughly, gvdng over
tha grvwind about four ttmea a aoason. 1 '
We are planting rough mountain land j
from 1.V0 to l.SOO feet above the aoa
level. We bush alth blades and mat- '
tovka, and we are very antion to learn
what cheap chemical will Vlll a stump
and the beet way and time to apply it,
as the cost of work would be nwoh re
duced if we did not have to take off so
many sprouts from the big stumps. As
we kill out the growth w-e use a colter,
putting the land Into com or peas. and
will thus eventually give all the or
chard cultivation -itb a plow. 1 am sat
ifcfW that It 1a a positive advantage
to leave the stumps, they carry the ,
moisture deep into the ground, help the
drainape and enrich the mMl by decay
Yon may have noticed that a yotinu
tree planted hy an old oak, hickory or
chestnut stump Is the heet tree 1n the
orchard. I have. At the same time I
believe that the more rultlvation given
to the new- ground the better for the
trees Some people fear that the worms
always found In decayed w-ood will at
tack the growing trees, but there is no
danrer from that source, as the worm
whfeh lives on decayed w-ood Is of a
HrTerei kind entirely from the worm
which attacks trowing trees. Yoti
might as well evpect a dove to eat a
hawkV food
We have In Albemarle some j
orchards now in fine bearing raised on !
above plan. I have been told of a
peach orchard, the returns from which (
hsve in recent years run lip to $?5.0v I
per annum, which was grown among ;
the etumpa. 1 was talking last year !
to a man who has one of the largest '
orchards In the state, and who had I
spent a pood deal of monev in pulHnc '
' tip stumps and petting the land abso
' tutely cleared, and he stated to me j
tbat If be had to do It over again he !
would leave the stump, as he regarded ,
their advantapes as ourvelphinp their ,
disadvantages, and In addition the cost i
of the work, was tremendous. He told
me that It cost as much to till up the :
hole as It did to pull the Mump, which
I had not thought of. !
"So you ernt htm to college?"
"Yea. Now we're wait In' to are
whether Ma hrel Is goln' to turn out to
be a eonttnll residence fur brains oi
Jea" a garden fur football hair." Wash
ington Star.
Cecil (sentimentally) lon't you fel
flnomy when the sky Is overcast with
gray, when the rhythmic rain aoundaa
dirfcv upon the roof, and the landscape'!
benuttes are hid by the weeping mist?
llaol (sweetly)-Yes; It s dreadfully
annoy lug. It does make one's hair win
out of curl so' N. Y. Times.
snnnt t On1. '
T1s thai Mnod will tell.
An, I v b tr It m:iv bo ttne.
P .' r.-'k it-rn.l m-mi thi-r tentruo'
T.i t.-li the r blOiiit ts blue,
1 iiiiti'lphta bulletin.
Ills i,ims mow :n t IMtX.
QftRtion !
vf top !
Levvistown Furniture
Co.'s Store..
We hne our 5tore l ull from Cdlnr' to Attic with New and i p.l0t
, Date I'l'KMTtlRE.
Latent Patterns. Lowest Prices.
I Jitmt Pnl ett, A latsi aihutinettl nf Iteitt-nnm Hutln snd sllilt tl,ni,(.
trnlvnl. t)r rm-hets are tli talk id the ttiwn. In lieniilr, tfnutli aicl ln
rntliif Slt I'uHiit Titlil' n, t-te striving dnllr. Ilttr t'itticl i.-mit.n,
Fet-onO to none. "
We have n taie Saanilntrntnt Itainlaottte n" patterns tn srln-l (inm.
We lise lite best rarirl msiiiltir, and the best ittnn tut Hwlti un,
eat-t In t n.
Leuistown Furniture Co,,
No. 1214 Vnlley St. Vcllx Uiock
Low Vacation Tiips tia IViiiimI
tnnia Kailtoml.
The IVnmvlvnnU lallnatl t'om-
pany lias scKvtcd the follow Inn thilcs
ftir its popular lon-tUy rxotiiwlona to
1 MagiM-a 1'alU from W ashington miuI
, Kaltimoiv: July 21
S.plemlH'r 4 ami
-i," said the individual with the bul
ging brow , "have sat at the feet of Gamaliel."
a .- ii m w . i. incat . ""P". s , , ... . W...I. I it I fc.
girl, with sarcastic smile, -well. I have . ' ., .
no use for a ehironodist at nresenL"- HarrishuiK 11.40 a. lit., MlllordnnK
Spring Opening
Al mo IN I'i W HKHM'.S,,,,!,,,
linijft't- pltK'k nml piio
tlmiirvtr. Oiir.Nl.uv is
. . i .1. ... '
witii new iniiMa lnr fpi uif in Wa
(TimmIh, (itTliiitlincH, V1M rw
1, August 7 ami 21, Uomln, Silk NViiIkN, Pn
IS, ainl thiohel' 2 ntul ; IWiilitif'nl lino t.f ii; i,.'
num. imtoa ,ne s,-m. ti-niu ,(m,k,,N ,,,,.,,., M,lvl; (-V
Oiicapo C'.ironicle.
a 1
t t Will him ii! ,!, -
Care far laaomala.
The poots burn the midnight ell
Anil liri-!v viplls Voep.
And pro.lucts of their wnfcoful toll
rut othor f.ilVs to sleep.
Cincinnati Tvnqulrer.
A Waadr Tl bfek bars thr Work
t erl wj mm tf It
etl. To. j
ft -ts wnmatjrias rstraMa to sut
vineyard ana sse in lana tot other
purpose. I send a sketch of a simple
tool which is effect! re Is taaxicp out
ol- .crt
.on; i:
V uo
-r '
. f,
f'i' '
L V ,
tre touching h. 'W'MtlBfnnt.
- r-tiul tr.a; aentr of on of
fepertmext.1 wbLtsistrrei: re recti ,
: ::'j.i.-.a: arr.tiassi.r;cr r eojic
cobctSiiu.. y. &pte&rt. wiiii tc
.:r v- l: aafter .- ctrr.- k4(tziz u roau
ws. t:.E 1c- siS' TftSfcai wa. nar-
T,i: :t;- fc-rL'T-- refuse.-' u ic ta caT-r.t--
ta eokcraifj. rfr.osrtratet
" . crv. fi. Siij- "2- KtlSiUI nniis-
r " car.'-, cti;-:: " rttrriie: tieei
r" 'Lt a t r'.iuc " prrEisit . tri-
-rir'r- - "ilv jaaf.e' I, re Cou- Laj-
v.z. 7- airuh.!iEi4ur eitrarrcx-i": ant. i
c;ns-." ii:tz.:voezuzr: c' u c: cZ
ti)'..:" : je' vo.: tcroiuu. vei.
.. t sju;:? - w as i;re--ui-r:. AiLtr;cii-
. 'jut
A 'c -
1 'S'l.'
. . -..u-...
v r ' r-t
T.V T-
ac ;ik
wr v -.; :t-rru--:ar uir: tu t ..-a': .
: .-t. ii Jvnr '. i- tin- jv V.
T'.fci.! :." i.-.:tt V' !! pl'-jI.'.:.
fct . Ii.'.'-" .':.rUU.. '.i- 1-H1U- V' .i,- ' .i,-
bti.- jjv..iur ' t- h-.,mt Luty: .. . lvr
;ut,. Vlt.' !. '-litLJit'J I', ' peyvl.-
itt'.U! i.. le-Uti'.; .ruett fcCKla ti.r
.it-' ' ' -It'.: 'J ii.l..' '1L,' fciUi
' - - t "ritrlli- lv '.U
i. Iii i: .!.. '.i. '.'u.wiM.'r i
I Bui...t
tl roou . wir (t).. lne: otig.
it laten;- eii'ju- mri let Iron, the
aic cf t nm-loot pot (b a; . ar hurd
wool .ii'.:ag ant u a aiiifut- y Tii
itrEe eu' o' tue po EUiiuit le ti- r
. tiiECi: hoc: a-, ttn- io.ioa. w. i: wii; I
, ewop unuer t run i: -ruMrytre rt'WF i,
; tr ionc UtKii. irtru4 out rsii a" W i
tnier. cue:; j: t a: t'JL out eiic
! ourfc i &':lnutut. 1l fu-ti nut
"ii v Ci, yi.L i.i.f xi-uj p N(.brat.f
j T w-e i- 1;H Wife." Jm.T.
Doe W araias.
"7 ,-. -i-. --u:t s-t;: T' CCW
T: kjt ai l. u .!'. .
T:.- rri-k.; "K'-j'.r . t -rtck:
I . v : r---i ; .? a to.J '
: in.. .. .N.-wi
L i.ti(.iU 11. 1.1 j
12.20 iv m Sunliin v 12.'S i. in. WW-
lianiap,rt 2 30 p. ni., Lock Jlnvvii 3.08
i p. nt., Henovo ;..v . in. Kiiiporluin
.1 unction .YtVS n. anivlnn MnjtHiu
; Kalis at 5.4- y m.
j Kxcttrslon tickets, paM for reluni , Siinluiiy.
passage on any regular train, exclusive
( of limited express traina, within ton
; tlaj-a, w ill be aold at $2tl.(W front Wash
I ington and la)Mniore; $0 115 fivni Yolk;
' f 10.00 from l.ittlostown; $10,00 from
1 Oxford, IV; $85 from 'Oilmtilila;
JfS.50 from Kaf asbu(; i$10.00 i. (h)u.
WlnoheatcT,-V.; $7vP0 from AHoona;
$7.40 from Tyrone; $?.4A from IMle
j fonte; f-YlO from Hidgway; frt.lX) from
; Sunlniry and WilkeaUaire; $-.5 from
(Willianisixirt; and at proHrtiounte
i ratea from princijial iointa. A stop
over will 1 allowe,! at Butlalo within
limit of ticket n-turninp.
ItThesiwial trainn of Pullman tuirlor
I jl i ? aim wis. i-.miu.-a win ire luii niiii
each excursion runninc through to .'
Xiiur&ra Falls. An extra charge will'
le made for jiarlor-rors scats. 1
An experienced touriat ugvul and '
chajieron will accompany each excur-'
sion. ,
For dtscriptive pamphlet, time of,
1 oouuectiiig trains, and further iDfor- j
mation apply to nearest ticket agent.
ur adJra. Geo. W. IVjyd, fieneral y
t. 4 ....... Ti - 1 L.-.... C....!,... I f
. rWKUVl .AgflJl, XIUOU ITLICTTl i7U.klUU,
Lndies Musclin L'nder
w ear, May 1st to the It
We will lmvo (lie most
IitK' tf iiiiiltTwciir ever !Mtk
20 yds. muslin SI .(Hi.
.13 yd, muslin $1.00.
Gingham 5c and 7c.
Calico 5c and 7c.
$1.00 White Spread 8-L.
1. 00 Table Linen 2(k to 2t
.. Comq in nml pee, no tmuUf i
H. F. Clemmer,
441? Market St., SUNT.m.L
Three doom enst of the M:irk' B
i I.' M'l.
'Ill" 1,
t !
1-.'- J
I Taw. b, tirTuv
"riLu'xi.. ij' iT-tiy iroi.T pmu' . will
: 1,1- oU- V' 11- HUXXtlJt lttlUft IL nutu-
, lu-' tttuut
U Ollil ttufcU-. I'JKi-lJiet- Wl'.l. T.ui fty
J trti: cti v. ii.r iiatfei tuo a i'.li
' lurijpea:. fiA;r
Klu. ku (!ivr aut uij)n b.-is
, if fipiijUr' ii'. aij! ti aAJh-' '.uy
ur, a'. jrr it-iu yt'.UHtm lw u:-
1 1'n-i.i.r'rir .Uto. ut
iln-e. ' J fciuv it's
A tr'-f c--u- oJ utieitwm'.tea is our j
Burrji;:.(i:i4; u cue If ltt;bit::LS
wuUit f U''r uf eiiwwliert
. ' I.V
.1- Je.'
t' e
yJ.hi 4:n.i' 1 f e.
.i JL.W'. t . Ui. lu l.lUU.le
.i a: ,,ult fa iexci toi o.l
m t ill's trv t?r);jir,i- ,f
t iu, 11. t IwljliiUf 1U1 if 'u.-i t-
,i uw-ii'i'. ' 'u' 4r.,iuKi t.oei-rr.
WUlCt. tU t,IK!c AlltliOU Wtou-!il Will
.'ai ';.! '.iu' !ki wwol i' ioe
u.u kuii'.'lii nuo o I... or.u.
v.. W. t i' e 2' Wii:i. up
.:ii. 1. tti..-Jiuui;C jJuili' 'I :,i ,.:iAt Xu.ll.C t fei.r- i.ii ii.
.liji Jtet-
. lUJJll Mtl .Vdviill'f Mlilu.
' . uc t-'yjti: J .- v
!.,a I j.1 ' i ii . .lit.:. li.'
ksi..- iv'.vi,. , wii. hu..i.ij lii-
rfv (.j,.-. '.J.I' Luai.lf
' f.tsj' : '... w.i uf e!l.''svi
';,'.. , S3-.. V. J V' , t 11 r. ti; v4
,i('ji-, V' i
, e r V
SHORE. Aoousl Lew -Kate Excurhiuns to At'
lantk tin, ttt., ia J'enna. Kail'
'J'Le heutjnylvauia Jiailroad Onii
puu. bur arraiiwl fur four low-rale
UiU'iiay -jLi:uraioua f'jr tlie preafiit aea
aou ffMUi ,'wrtb iiud, 'J'roy, JJellfonl,
V'illmmjKrt, M'-4iiitt'jUu, Hunhury,
eilietiuieluuh, Jaujbiu, ud ;rilii ijul
i iuleruiediuU nUUne ( including ulat-
f-ts'..w'- - V' 11 i jntuliy worrVid j Wii vu 0rnu:h tuwlti, U AUaiitic 'ity,
a.b'ju l; iucipiOt lnouil'jcU- , t Vj Mtt.V, -ttll Ity, hn Jale .'ily,
Vair.. H uMju't wurry luoiifc- ! A vulou, Augl.., Wildwooij, or Jiol
t.'u. it i: t tswx; It impohni-; , JM(; ou -j'u,.,. July u,i zi,
to r.Wp it cvwu --yuirr bUitM. , AuKlwt fcuJ Jwj8i
J-.Ai.umi'iii ticivttlK, KMfl to loluiu hy
f.;uud miiU. (t-ulur liniiic williiu U-ii duyn, will Ihi
y-niili -i you tii.u'u'a mM ul Vufy Jtw uU.B j i(.koU At.
3r. ac KC I t lu fW- tilu,l,,v ,( . ... ,
buti:ii-tt vim B.iwtM (.ie;iuM IB
Siii. U. ,ot 6- 4v '.linu.
)r.iif uin 1' skte iMj,0. -.'iL.UwU
UK. I tNfiLF.'S
CUBE Vrl. a t m frtt.1,M
. !v f.h.enn-av'iir Hn.r,
iche.Jir it,D'rt.''r.irvtl.l
vviwr Jtivur iiriilue JCjuU-, lite only ail J
iuil Iiuc, or vu Mulkul liticul VVJiuif,
hloiiovur uin l;c hail t.1 I'liiluilnl
iWi.u, L-iilkU g'fiuK or luLuiniui, vviLhlu
' of li:Kct.
, V'll ii.t'jjiouUoii ill l.'gUl Ul Bl i:llll'
UUr UlllJ UoC- of Ollil.d l lllloull lllllllj
Ijiil, oi' uydy to ui nip, or V- f . JIui'
iui, Olvimoii Tkku Anii.l, Willluoia
loll,J'u. 1.
I.I-! I
sJKl.!r' M.:lt at tL.-t..
. .uf. fc.f '1 y:Mb I-.'.v: t-L.y
i.;t,r.ji. i.. it C'wv' f
.. i-'-t lvi; '.v If a
!vr It
ik.r try neli
wf ).
n f.CW l.v.t
of wi'-tr ni.i
r.U. If i r-Alf l.
via'. u l1'' I'1"1 f-'."''' a li'o yuis: tt it Ju.e audi
. w.rf ii j A It .........I :.i in., rru.
tUo I ' -
, -,., .,,,,,1 , n .,l,.,rJ' 1,1, 111 Llllf
AJ i'.ii j'iU. ttliJ ril ini. i.' p .lu. My wife r M flnmly
" '!!. i I L H.., u ... ,1 I' !. ... 1... . ..... ., Ik.iIi
WViAW: j(KW, tt tU 0Uxn I y MWlll-Ki.KW, Kon.iiit.u.
Do you nml any i'itni:'.i:R'
If so, don't fail to miut-uiic
store and get our price-.
We can suit you In:
style and prices,
from the cheap
est to the better
Bed-room Si
Hard wood, goldvn oui
Only $12.50
I)d8prlnj;b - Si.JJ
aood AJaivc
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