sad Psar " oW L w'at ar common glass with your fvl let tl Stn4 twenty-four hour . ssdlrsent or aal- tlinr indicales an dnhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your Hnen It to evidence of kid ney trouble: too frequent desire t pass It or pain In the back la aim M . . it. Li J... Hn,4 L. 1 .J lo jiof crder. Wkat te So. L n ,.n-.fort In the knowleds M L-wesvtd. that Uf. Kilrrer i i-vamp- ureal kidney remedy fulfills ewy k eur.r; rheumatism, pain in mo i,'.n,''. liver, bisdder and rery part -'nary ,asaf It correc's inability ra'T and scalding pain in passing ) eff'Cts following use of liquor, and overcomes that unpleasant of !etnr; compelled to i3 often r lay, and to got np many times -. tvht. The mild and 'be extra- l e'f'ct of Swamp-Root Is soon It jtanos tns nignes. lor its won-r-i -f the most distressing cases. Lid a medicine you should have :his i Sy irjggists in 50c. and 1 . sizes. k-ay hive a sample bote's of this I 4itcovry f' -hat ir3siiiS fcut is. coin lent i ' w , llrfr by mall. fr. is timer w Smw f w. Iriiamton. N. Y. When writing men- Eng '.his generous effer In :hi paper. a arroRSHT at law. iiio-ia entrneted toiisean- k-iv r.r'xtiot attention- 3INSYLVANIA KIIL.10A3. L ritown Division. Jin effect May 24. 13f'3. Jreat Fleet raspectetf PresMent Oav Lang IaUt.f Squad. . . .T ; bs I TWO Of 7MSr VESSEL COLLIDC a 7 s 5 cav jx?Wt The new tatde ttrfirsry rhaf I irrannw. I Stmhnry iWln'aw Junrtlon 9 0 4 a HnaTor 9 nil i m Pawlin 1 W 4 17 R mmn 4 i t at Mnmrr IT 4 2ft Mu.l-hnr 4 4 4 .a Hmln 47 Rmmrtnwa V Rnnr t1fa ; J 31 (Unix Mill I1 4 M4:liir ' 1 4hin4l 7 14 J1 .Haitland 7 t I ij I Lw'ntnwn ()4an rt. 7 Iw.l4wn Junraon. In 3 uq lava) onburr 3 d m, ar- k at SnUnHrove 5 t p m ftehnsitro'e rt:t)i-fj. nx. arrirefl anbury 8:15 p. m. rave Lewiatowo Junction : 1 14 m. 1 10 0 B.iaop m t Wr r. T -3 1, 13 22 a aitar Ailoaaft, riuabwa; jiU more ami Waahlnataa ill aim IT. iH 4 10 D a FnrPtiiltlHuhtaB4 Xtm IA 37a m. I 110 1 1 aad III trrutoura 4 10 p 4 ' . iipnia tn n n mviuan JHBU 'KTUAL HAILWAT WSSTWAKU, Lto Ubasros junerka K41r tar ka Wrt. E V p tn. J (H p m. uaaT ilia, : unhnrr dllr axwf oadarr . tr Boil 110.1 u a m tor Brta ao4 co- Hnlrttrnu Brta sad iTioandairtta Uet Hyn. Tyroaaaiittte V.m. Kir Buffalo. 1 IS p ai tor HUion:t kn uiU t:anotaiam w.illuiupon jr 1 n tor Buffalo a Kn.ponam. '. tY. Sill 11 lor br uxl j H ( ir i. 1 Lock Uaran aad . Mn;J8nl 23 -a for WUIM- i hi 1 n, 1 p tsw 'or liaao- ' urn Caruul t a tir w'ltwbmm i s4ticnT J airctioa t - J 53 p a Haititaur i Jja 4 Uiiv .-Minc M fuliitipai I a : I v Htmti n Kiitai4pfiis 4rriirtii M KlMli.ihta M ra 1 1 WaiaitiKtva tia Jt w W Mviv Id-til xin-iAj". a a. rt .! Hutwavn nun- i vi. minjj it Ftiial(puia " t'gu, Kaittaturw i .1) o W'u.i 1 ua N 1 '(. ... urltiiur U liliJ-ltwjla T " u, IWttluut; r w p u, uu- C. SuutMU? Si " L UMi 5 .1) , i Hiwowura. fttuauovnjLa u It. WWII, PSM.VttMtt MJiUVihalSinw We,! M& Wit sU4WWl hp Ma 'ms,vi., Siai4 ii -aim it iu- an4 lliM4H t . . ' II . r o t is.. -. .. .. K..t 1 1 UiMlxiwilaUl 1 cm y iaiaa . l B IT 1 W aV idxua Xry -uaa Saw Trpeto-Soat C8tryerg Com , Tcv flether With Terrlfto Crash, Ooln J Litttaj Damajc Prsaldent Enturtaln j Guests at Luncheon. I 6ytr Bay. N. Y.. An?. IS Por t first time In the hintory of tb nonn ! try the presiitont of th? United Statr 1 rvlwil and Innprfpd. In time i part. a (CTAUt flwt of t:nttr fltatt j warships. Th rrmony was a maa nlflrent and Impresstvff naral aprt.t cl. It wan ilnmarrei by tho : pf mlhap until Jimf at. its ronrltj. alnn wlipn thp torpedo im.'at dtstroy-r Pnrry rimmi"! tho dptroyor Tt&r&tnr, fnr;inatlyl horvvor, d'ini Iltt'p dnra- T!ifl flrftf. squadron of dostroyrs, ponaiatina; of th IXwalur, BaJobrtdaP, Rarr'. nl and Channrfy, all undt-r rommnnd of I.ipnfnant I IT. Cliand 1 1T. w-a appirmrhln? th Mayflower ! at full spM. The resaela wro In ' Plnt formation. Or lTj wt.t si-.nallod from thn I rat,ir U fh otbfr vpsspU tn form a, wodeo. In px.viitinif tho orders (hj IWatur swunar 4rros the bow of the Rarry. An Instant latpr the Barry ramrnod hr an the starboard aid Aa tho qhlpsj -"re running at a soeM of 20 knot a the blow was trmndoti. Tho DTatnr llafid Rhi'Sly to port, and spomnd to he in s)ua dlntn ss. Fr tm tho Mayowpr she appard to be lnkin. Tl- Maylowor's boats wore manned IriRtr ;t'y, lint wore not lowered, a the IVeravr wan een to rttjht hervif. In a fotr nlnuf -s she hoisted a signal ot "no ,v; 'mis d-imaxp." The i'-.-Iew oocurrod on Lnn Inland Sound, tv , ml If and a half off the tmnre to 'ystor Bay. Preidot ilivwe Toit. In cot ianr wits 3ecrofa.r7 of tha Admiral Tj' or. R ar Admiral Rnarors, Captain, fleapfal Chaffoe and Gonoral . rry stood, on th bridge of the auxiliary .: r UaySower, as she sreamed sio v:y .j.iwa one rolnmn of the warship? -nd :p "he othor. The two iTiliirnaa xv ..-.z yards, the ships betnsf anrhr--") ;nterrals of A yards. As the M.'Vow-t paaud r ship in the fsro T)lui..ns. 'he yarrls rails of earh were mann"! by ;ai ki in white ducka. rba aarliwa were pa raded and presented irai. the prp?l-df-nt'a salute of 21 ana was Irod, tba buglers sonnderl a (lonr'-h. the dmnv mera ?are four raffle, tba band playM "Hail Columbia." and the nUre crew stood at ealuta. as the Mayt!ower swept majestically past earn 4b i p. tb crew of the saiutlnc; ressei ave the president thra:liera a the- mm mart-, der-ln-f iuef oav 'S array aad Buur n the United State. , At the- eonclnalOB of th rtwtew. President Rooaerelt reeeiTed on boarrj the Haylower Rear Admiral Albert 3. Barter, crjrama.nder-1n-rMrf at the North Atlantic fleet; Rear AUmlrai , Jamea A. San da, comrrander at the Carrthean squadron; Rear Admiral Jo- se-ph 3. Caghlan. Tmn:and3nj; the rrast , squaiiron. and Rr Admiral Tilllaa O. Wise, iTicrnanrilr.g th training .sqidron. He also recclvod ha cap-i fains and cQcmandli" oficera of the ZZ ressels :n .he 2eet. i President Ropisereit enr-aiaed hia. ?rrtests and all he coicttandinx' off;e?s ' of the 2eet at deilghtful Inneheoi, an board the Mardower. 1 The 2remd?nt sited the varta tassels and asked the name and birth- p'ace of -aca at the -nn pointers. Tier m-.-iuded men Son ail the states .n the 'lnion. as well as from 'Imacy, ' Ireland. Norway and Sweden. Aa the president and his party sx nred and as they departed. In turn frota aca of the four dagstnps. the Sji arse. Olyrnrtx Tankee and Texas, every one of the saiutlnx ships :n the 1wt 3red a salute of Zl ans. Dnniuc the -mire .-pr-n:otiiea if the lay. 04 shots were lri. ail t'mm six-oounders. Express Wrecnetl by Qcen 3vitcn. CTewland. Au. 17. Shortly after . leavmjc hvr 'A C.ereiand and New YorK Iyer" express oa thei!ne Hail- rtiad was- wrtked at the I terary nrwc lss;nii :a tht eastera part oi th city, rtumiu; into in j4n nwiti Ji. No ou was iilled. uithettjth msuiv- 'fn :njttred. six sfnou3iy. Whvti thv ;uena;tr 'nun run into th jjw n; switch it ?trucs switch i;in. til. tbouKii the tram was not ntumas orrr ! allies au hour. th lmpavt was rerntic. The bavaaacw -ar wss atrnuled aud b&uly spiit. and thrttwrt ou to th ue jI tw-p em nutkirnui. -Noa 01 ttx othtrs (.ars ! riuled. 1 T. amp M4d Up a Tainw Urf", L"a. Viiii. :s. tnua? earned ',ta '.id ;m;a on tht Lake SSok- u-ar :"tuarv:i. After towcis n i-'sitivvr stnvieHs he wasovvr ;-civ:".i -tuirrad teitnuve and thv '-'-tudai md lixwi tp at 1'iantw vj;!?. ' tti Twiuir raivit wad a heavy ;uv t'ti. rii'.'ii ie buried throusa th "1' irttiow. It 'I'm ujcnwr u tit- ati, .iji'jcivinjt hiut o the .'iour. Ttv tisiu u -4..iiii. by the dreama. Uyart akteittitnat to ton- hi way thrxtvij'l tt th eit'reas nr tilU Me oniviiavred by a rmi- rvid iitxine aud th tireiimit He pu( u 4 deieriaie li&tit. enaxra a new appet;t n mat ft you rat. 1'", i. Sftr, at all firwwriL cn paonucu tn , (W TsHV atsaaal CteasaJaJ, Oi wet :r.its. and fbe Scrsn ras truck, throwiaa; ilonut out. The ear . then ran about feet, with th hnrs ' belnir rolled Id front and under is ' ear, and- then. th-;motorTnitt. Jpcnfci ttlDe, reversed the rurrnt to Ret oj Us horae, all wfihin an In.i'anr. nnd ' In nanina; hark-hlt t!ut rnejslrl. wrv' bad fallen c.n the inch and dragged her m feer,' te-rfhly lerrrat'n? the body, wblrh rvss round fa m Kjiffi " W,VeFRIEa WIN9 riGMT Corbeft K .-rocked Out In Middle of ' Tenth Round. 1 San Francisco, Aua 15. James J. Jeffries, champion hegry wela;hr' of ' the world, played with Jim Corbett for nine rounds and a half, and then Cor'.iott'a aerond motioned to Refrrea Oraney to atop the fight in order to , AtteMlon a hlrg railed n. the little ; save their man from needless punish- Islands Iurn in our o'.d triifhr j nient. The end came shortly after tt.i beginning of the In'h round, Wierj Jeffrlrs planted one of bis terrific left swings on Corbetfs stomach. Tho man who conquered John I- Snullvan. dropped to the floor in agony, and memorable srpne at Car.vm City, whf n IV.h Fitzsltnmona landed his solnr plerus blow, was almont dupllcat.-d This time. howevr, CorTioft trigg!c to bis feet and again faced his glgan- an aufomoMie " . . j afOMfiTmNOr FJM.. "Bk a ..m,i a ' 1 . . . . . . , aa ... -- - . j . twnttj tarie.wmeT4 W ,-nf4 her" e rr vMi Jitilr,rf "-,1- - '(. )Uf Wvy ?vn fiwr- ray fiewU I f)rfT5 In4 S. flvw .a - . "What do von lni, ,,, yrrw J -Wf,'- sakeri tre br,u"4 man. a'Mr'wtrrc; -K-'.i iwpi, . fhe vonthft S-.-.-rn. I wed -..t'v ,1 -t, . ., Wi- itllo ' no rK- 'or ;f .tv, young tth- .r.:;lJis.ia)r "Y'ni ar h -rVxt oje a',.n!n 'i m 'f t T:'-ftit "Aodr "And b trv Tb'i rauvj be- r. ; .t Rrool 'yn r.t'o " ,r.,- Tbe ll.nlUil je 4 Won r.wlN iooked ilke teptn, : r,rmer .:, ,.,., 'oriffs a-ri- rom , dlng in he Kamrhatka 'n A .aa- rnPT !tar -,,- ,a.n - .ot ka. U i.-iulr.-d ;l,ee islands from Tiifh i-t in Rticsla in '...T. iiit no ntfurf r.a .eon t- -vf f .' l.r anaiie to colon! them hecacae ' ' truier 's)a' f. it..-,-. was a :."t:..r eon n try ai;lle r.d it 1 ' .1 . ia leii-. ed the -Utiiate -a -oo , "rt'r ' ' ' cold exi ., f(r Kukitno 11, ! he A.-t ,, tlan Inoiar.s An a miipr nf ,Vt, 'h "T-f -"-'' ' r,)lwf i, tic alversary. With hardly a mo- lalanda ar.- rtty well rmed ry -be nriatr'rr, i.r.-v t .-.' re v, v ments hesitation Jeffries swing his Japan curret.r and rtneof :bem prodie , '''" cv: .r. ' j ,t n.,-w-oT. r right and again landed en Corbetfs (rood ara T .aianda are ,T.onntair- ""' . ,T-n-o. v. stomach. Jim dropped to the floor, n. h,, i: ,...ti -.-ai !-.- KTn grows wild n hlrh ia eii;iar' v de- i .rhtflll 'n '3ft'.i r.i.r' 'Iia i iy. rr. .T , to Referee Gamey to stop the pun- . lru., ... ' , . of lOol a Aauhtcgton h-et ',!ariy landed'i -n rine f "V.e ,e-i- tlan laiai.'i a an oxrjer'ment it a found tV.i -vring that vaa ,iot lr.rriaseii iwing :o the ieprottaiiona if 1eT, J tht, r).e , , ; a 1,.'. ;f-,....-, , 'f,,- .Ml.-. e-'.f ,s..,i... ,'t ...... v, ... ; .'rfl.-f.t ...rvty -..4. ,. '. 1 tr i'-.t . .4" . :l.i,4,. cut ! and then it was that Tommy Ryan, seeing that it was all ore- motioned iabment. "Hie flctit demnnBtrated bevon.1 all doubt that Jeffries stands alone in his class. He showed ifmarfcahle im provement in both sreed and skill. f 1 1 . J -ma, t 'f.rtt . 1 e ,t- r, . ' ri CorV-ft, during the first part of tha w-4ves, rmf 'hat'e .f i-.aa light, was almost outpointed, and the thriven. T,e npnnany AtiatIl wttn fow hlows that he landed on ;rTr!r tii(. xpr'rr.r.t, pro-a -o ,ar.d '..slit wore apparently wlthonf tf!ng. ief. ar,rf r, M JhM,p ,-m rch!pi- frtes was never ia letter oondltlon. M1 ,nU ,IIlrltlM ,Brt -;ike ,p errr.a- and the way he moved aix-mt in his fee and the frequency w!th which he counterofi Corbetfs leads aJitoniMlied nent paiit .ire ai.4. Aa he eortrt arart- 1 OAily 2ied up, we . fourul 'or the rearior. M-h 'Jid jocigrairi,-s .-ro ?!the! T"jfrt .' .Virrr" Hft" -are!e orge- ".-t 4ton'M jkv ,n -naare. jitf n:r,.r 2tTie!- -,m-. -Up ' ".hU-aaen erord-MeTM .nay- :nn ,ri .-. - rvar, Jnst -r,n;.tri"' X'Jef-tr H-iv- A -uv ?Sv- t 'r '-e ooeac ilai.iftjnr .:.-.a -.'. t 1 . en everrtodv Jeffries was not ocly stmngpr. faster and ojereror lian evo- wont tn -nriemn a afer'.ie rron u; before, bnt be uaed his head to hotter worhla. Making 'he A. eiitlar. Hands nalrc vr.rr- ir.4 -n..!.'- purpose, aad, aithonga Cortiett bit rilm a pasture . i ae.n xtnt Iranian hard enongli to aurt an ordinary aan. Jeffries bored right in without notlr. rVirir.g '..e it cr.tur; xen iav f .' . - .l- t rtvitttli lob imuu ua m ngoi Tit ha w-.:,'h TH U. . . enCAMPKE,N7 Ciarr Urnia. . r u a II ' tr ,esl.-. 1 If -onrve rr r lf hi make -he wnr:.i !-al jerooiv. Vom -pfr San Francisco Trr data attlrw In Konsr nations r.earoy netrhhor 'n "srh -wrier 1 her jeooi -t..h of Veterans. tLan cy jt beitatmaow or.iHitu;;.-.,; -Iiwi u!mr San 7incpcT, Art?. IS fie tnem- -r.ese ir.l.-ir.j .-n-vr.n'r.i!r rr.!f:.-at:oa bers of the Grand Aray of iU Ratoub- Ali .heforres. .mvs Haw Davs, , ic wno nar a-a arr.vnn tly every -h,!t, .hi,!,, eratet to ir.;:e 'he American tai durisg the aal .er.tury ire icierrttinaj '.nolanaii ..! T-l. r. THE rARTAEX FAJU 7a i-ieal.-h -tiar im roea 'h -ttw.-tan. jsd .Tisu .i farsniMsw. , r.w w . .rain for 'he last week to attend rhetr JJth annual national encampment, were, weicomea beartllr to that city. k,v, . v, . 1 . ...1 now 'o 3Sg and bnntlns; fluttering every- iu a-a- pnwerr.:i , tioleaomar Tlare , -har rarrnef: Where. Last night the- elaborate jcheroe forces have jeen aalded. a&4. rh- wnta iii a . haaithy .ife : ait no -wtrr. u4- oT electric Illumination prepared for system of Torres riaa betBrer.s1ed ja! "aae t-saa. wan ta. -tfocta o a the delectation of the city suasts won that electric laan, AcaSbattcx tTsu and j ,iij"r"rI nrnaca. 1-4to i isniiwcb , .. - ' and ,ta alueal aiMuy expreaaionai 01 anmiraiion. . (Katance, xak.oj; men's interest as I ,0, -4 jiqefc. SOthie arches, apanning tba prtoartpal ' wide as -he-world and their comaanlca-i rVm and rmtrr- - faaWft-nriaftam aaJ Kmwti f aa. Itm f VSaBr itsmiri 1 1 1 n as i , I - .;an. as qoartr as llgttnitav. IUmtonof'. are- n- v aa crownen wim nags, oiasea wtira, afM( . t- tbar foo.1 v nraitl-erilared eiectrte lights, and nothi . , . 1 tmtmtt mwr- js, . inr of ennal beauty baserer been en VBAtt "urY wutttlor- , ;rtlr in this city v ( bo .-an untoaof QaxloabareaUtdkaV-' aaui iaarmitrt. T?rtr enetrrsr of thw day were- of thei Ur L'-s conultioiu? routine order, aothics ipedal belns oa . - the prorara, Arrrrtns; delegations ; Or.e rery dealrable -hHig about ideals were received and e-orted o the mar- ' '- "t"r -boul.i ie precise, sys ters prepared for them, old friends x- Rhari Watsi-.a lil.-.r, t:::c,r .f -.tu changed sreetlngs and many excarsions CrO!t;r-. We is fornicate vtio nrlrln were maae to aesxsy points of Interest, life utilns a definite jeai is o ::s fn- A iUtinnisned vtsttrtr "O 'te1 a- turn, 't is 4 inwrft.i iemri: f ;nc campmeni :s uaiiea stales .suioa .PS- f yo -Pa,, Commiiauoner 3. ?. Tare, la-uai utoi-tv.-riil -nn ir.ii " r- man. he r- 1 u txui .Le- crntaaa. rjent -rarti a ahtv 1en jiicovtv xrn tiaenaes t he itivaai'i a-jt irher in;aoa it tigenft.irt in.t ir.rrrtion. nd nahiea 'lie -ler. Jiifesiuia 5r3 ( ;t rsa f you -pad l.e r,r,:rfsi.-,r..( of :- :nn .ir.i: efrsarnn wt::. -lot aawas. but very itn. Jnd .tar heir .tvirffl ftamr.ThTr . e1to i te of wtat they wuhMi to lecoane. This inintinq ons aim tnsy stmgiad ownrrt .U. hslr' Jt :iot. '-er. .a dae ourse .if u-ccmiLah- niis 10 ic? -te real resuit. ile ir -tt sisd- 'erm:iMl o je .;i.e Us r wrrter. datesmac. oiiiier ph::act!.ron st iui aaprnaa:tied. 'aua.rti ,r r passeti he:capirts7onslaai. Tit oa -it r 1 '? i-i. "i Thvtical lev ViWSW IT .'irrrf i'-i.Vj i .ia? ei -10 f. anly ith anund Vh jid io:ui -sacie. 4rfs id: on rrnbl .lilieioTi Trr- 1 1 ar V " "r"Ml jnaiwiipr ', Mnuu. ait j . i in hanani . tn ir v. t:rf 1 art "ti e .orts .nil r .it.; si utfnn lead uo no qx3. : rHMwm. 'i. Mwat-l mniliYtf ir.a t:r--': oanits. ,ad lot hla o wit. u ill.' 'Vw : hii mm oa rtnadra -au bmtt aa cm u sv unit m li arra. wriamtiKIrl -ur -11--.- 'ine nl. isrt iaai: imn -wt . ,oa rrt ia aar 'iar 3r. i'Wrca ina .ua i3nim.T, St. Ztm'.i and Salt Lake are Chief mpetitor3 of Dearer in contest fox the meetlaa; plaa of national" enrnnnwotit n 'ijia Samuel ?Hc-rson. of 7ir-noat. "V. Ta was shot and 'Allied fmra acatwa by an 'inkaowTi man. Elizabeth M. Roaerrs. wife of 3. Roberrs. treasurer of the Tim en Statm. died' tr Twain gran. U. r. X temnc hail storm ion xtpaiir damage 'o "he frtut .-mp ji New Tori Some of "he hail stones were xtro than ra inch In diameter A. O. 'dathes. former -reasurer of the atr&Cjrd. uN. IL) Ssns 3ack. charged wttn -he -mbzzleraent if OO.vMM). iurrendered iiraseif -o the to lice. Th tate ieparrmect as issued a warrant for the -lurrenuer 'o the Irt ish authorities of '.Vhitaker ' the Ltidoa Trrtmotc-r. ..-harrjed with flnanciti ;rnrtiiantles. 3moxe Cigarettes: Win a CofrTrt. Wiwusocset. R. L, July il. A .igar ette :namifactunci5 -ornrjarry that of fered areraiuma 'o iraokers baa awnrrl- d a Tnie for lO.OOO .-on pons to a IE- tM -erjus began, o -nitmrat the Hooms, IS: Ma 5lc iooa dealt, 15c year-da joy. The (tomracy withheld aiaiuer -f perrons "tat uui utendsd I i,k..OT oi,,m th aame of the joy, .uid wnva -send- aoo; '. prevtotts i-rar. "he otai ing aim tni award tne tressnrer rr- aaouit : ichooiu? for -acti .nhabu-. martriMt "ff n .1 m , n ,uia . . . , . , . ... -u.u. t ' ati a a lays, ata .u.corc.ns -o tftei - -.-.'.tt.i-r mi tnr. .. t iltitlin t - - rum tlM'riir'. 1, i"n -iionx -ounty. NVo.. a san xlds -he iffli of school lirector ieu Ike wiae a -rcateesnip of -ha 'liatrti-t -rhool in a .-iuath Daatota . cnrity ;ust the 4tiie .Izm. H .'laims .o ie -ntitirti to both .ticps. md anaor e ilirosaessed of either. His liotise :a .jiul: on he tale iine. and wtea he ces o ieu iu lend '.I ia ir.e state and hta .et ,n :te .rhr, to -hai j ;s .egaily a resident of 'xith. II .-ores at the jc hool ulisctlona ieid in ; T T""T AP rr r both -.iitnets and iaims -hat ie i en- i X L'UIl. ZL. J L tltiea -o ilo so. ana -hua far -.o aw has a. ijrrun. been found -hat -an -raca oia. aae. 418 Martvtrt Si.. Mairtshnr: iH.. . . -. . . j Ornoatta f. i. .vmi iCncrsnc. l.rt : .-j, 1., it, ,,vl .o ' n . . - 7 - . . 1 . - 1 , , ,,1 i,. --,n ' n : . T3a- .J; , .... -,.. Vt; - J- Mr-ornM Micaa. , -x w.inu .:;ia.: i,.' .."tuui- u. ai-.iu ..:e m;e nosivy or nrjantcxaaa sto Trrmit the- iasiar -o -sake -he .inieraore pmSt -id lrv-be ale- it m -sent. ma -accicrses. lie 31a1 -t t harerore nrcret no antcrctr: or" ' aaidsa 'Jmicai Jiscowatr. ' S IT P.WS a:;.rr.e ; . i-'"-t an( r-i f f H . The POST. -rS : i Paients-fS cigarettes yrn wtH w:a a '-otfta. ' Suraay Excursions Senourteed. Scranton. Fx. Juiy 7". abtop Ho bnt vigorouaiy teaciunced Sunday carsioas. and . omraazuad ul Cathoilc onraniiattons to desiat from i-ondact-in them in the fntnre. The lentin ct&Uon baat .-ausetl t'ica 'Tincertt 'o number of Catholic orcaniiatloaa wnica 'iave ixnuieu or iunuax -xxux-110ns this snmmer. census if :i50 the average uaouat of 3ciaOii;jf had incrraaeu "o O ;avs. , for hia decade was a ,;ertod .,f .isttatioa : on -he rt of Horace 'Jaaa ltd 1:3 tla-. c:pte. :n IS10 the nttratrer iiau -racaed ' ftT- .iaj'8. and ;a 1500 .22 ,ajs. MMI'apaaaaaa Thtre are almost is aaEr tat verstir teaicaers in the Caitfd states ia -here: are amrersitr staceats .a -he Ca:ti. Siasnoat. The aumaer of .Trofeesorsi and as tractors at -t uaiversKles vnd I , aiiicges .nciaaed in 'he iUt ,J -he :Tn;:-; i (tU4allt-lt 15? Qr rUIl4 by Telley Ycniv, Ausi IT. "White oa tfteir t ,i to chuatitk m Dajftvifc. Msury Iwhk a. tvilted ,'Ukd iaaiHrs. Hoi nu -rtovtiy-isjuawi by bwan sinuk by a trwitey tar. Moitu. )t OrtTinj. aUrnyt od, tw crti tiiv tracts i fruut s iiavwa hi, ahtcit. uuviid uwl. bi 44,oy jkU. a '.h, biiUiv rttlui tv Ttvric ) Disastrous F-ei jrrt Wreck w P-nrrsy. PMIiipsuurt N. J.. July a. ilne .rt the roost Usastmus 'reisht wrecks 3tAtt commusiocer of -uticaiioa :st th PnasylTaiLia Railrosid has per-- The-aumberof stndenu .a 3n:-. ienc-d in this vtciaity 'n years occar- tirrMtlee and lairersity -oilitwa ; red at Harmony, tve tniles raorrh ot : ' ;-"J" jioai i3.SG0. here. . hery ice- train, drawn ir. t tw '.Ocomotivee. ran !ct th rear of Joeera Paiitier. the pTtpnetorof the 1 x treijnt train that had been stopped ! New York World for ) yaxs. has for 3 oa avcount u a hof box. Two en-- IS years been uxaxu to read tha paper' Sittes and. 16 ars were wrecked aad I or 50 to the- orace. batta snSered tha ' '- tho Tack torn uy for a hundred yams. . loss of sight, of heeith. of sieea sA-1 Uaw 'oTtawAlTtt and atae- cars wft.T! thaazH. ,HtBtilnr'htaTri .rf ; c i.Ttt tssmiiirv t M at .-wai-nsjr iirzTi kf4H.-i ac; atar - .ii.'.J at a n Man ... ::-r ; a:, tusxu -Trwx '-.. ::-rr in -utn ih.i -:-::r:.v-iA :-... -oa t :v::.: t intra .iarm W -i ria.ia .v m ;;T4irxissi.-'.. put "it-Nao ' i;?.snc 1 :; :;ax avrr Jusi embwikmeat into the- D.i- ftr- eaaraeter. J awara rtvee- TTi. m,. ... i-nanw - -... . tt o. ia- caawd injury- by juaptax. of the- paper, 'to which.'' h reeeszlr -4 1 wrc&av. "T atreeryrr tacmactof air-waiu- isc tlms.'' ' - v.. JJ jSau7 rsms9i uiarrifTT'-i ! .uarr . -iNT I'7 l-ir IiiJ. " nc. 'bilacrtrnu. 7i.. :- t -tirrt vxVi- J 2 l.e- i. . -.- .-. - r.. .. -ir. J intt-tu icarcS tfc Kit-m . 1..4 ..- -rf tf t .( 71 jf.-tr . I--.-..-: Iw:r :.v.r.:i.. -.. .... " i.,, ."rv.--,i crt 1.": -.'as- a'r.taj-.i,:v ar.i.-'.i ai.j m- .rrai .i.ssntit- t, tivr.i v.' a a TI4tn tU. tal. '. IVH-.: ai:h "t:- i.tuu. " 't .vliXM.H'-inl.m aiir uv4. y uvT;.rti;. -Vrti. --a r. a . 5.5..VIIXJ.a7ll5sN.; m r.;P. iijwtn.