The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 27, 1903, Image 2

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arcaTl TX VH(M Named a tavectfr '
lXlri K 'rt.
wt i
MID. ,h!U
-n, A'a., Aj
lilt-ir. ." V
I Reformer i
a otuars snMi
AatVxr "t Bk loas Raaart 1
hlrti Hxt ixajx,- HTW.
2 tVtpvrieM. 101. b t"ea . VMn
Si irif
ft, hsVxj
-. ...
nCl,foK.m I ,m? M"T Mm U Vuiwd uti
rm aiina noni an -rar." Aetxta r"nr na way couo na ecrnnu. monetae ewer all anniller ohhi t,
mi l m I cara Mt M a n a.
only I nt M know
(oil xttH a amxMna; real xeall I UM
h Wea f pttMfnr It leu anmathmtt that
will h-p ValMt-M. i XVhy-on rx iif
( llx-a In rUf R h ran hxxi
ixxxrHeca -la ta a point ta tax, hat arte
taejr one let there I anyipi a we nt
eat oe enaay ,atona etaxit At
reert aetftXa th ixotT Will ne teltvt
! enuattn Ihai M atveeey trw mt
I am aara ih tapietn W'H ba pleixinM
wiChtaa. n xxta4t of t nor. tf a
V Vt ex axixjn about K, htm
1 hv twx-M noit,h ti fcnrv my rflf aW
Kvy tiy an4 tf xh hwiw an4 tr
inlt h Vant Ir'a Mann a
aa. Ha aa4 not w i y atxMit in)
Tt -o ara not at to awr thta im
th hM matter o-t ta your ft-tan 1
!t a trttT him or from
I V? Tii!rM Vb liird Mw
j tw Wtth rnHt-t and affwtlon, vrw
lie was lint
wiimH w. wmiii in attRimHW ma W ivAl!K Hi, -jh.v nt-m with
roe IU r!lt, Mtat AJtr ttcrirt v,leh ti b iumi at Air WimU linva l
a Wtwr ly wpt. tb retiil It and V.. tsvxnl ' Ana ' Urriilttl nnl prtxt
UtV-J It.lh John H.Hilou" ih-wen tovirti.l a lUtlo ; ptiitnuthrttpy.
hand Th ltt at rrttin LMIa. John tUnMon ttna lHliiiiim In ba-
Mr iwr Antira-t irUa a ' th ie alwiwf of hi'linn f liullf-
Ivr ti. whM tnajr b of m ta ftivnc towml kmlal iimln iliat a
r-C'MTwiVJanj irW"? "
Karn aiTMt. t hopa o abi wHnml liUi r hJrtV
M ta M kln.ll Mam klr. thoHi. . The ImriC of lll alUHUhm
ItaHoA ttol y fathrr ttutH Ihlt iMHHj n.. iiiUlinl ... ... i,i.l,.
,Vin ?1(ir( rrwid l?i! lHtr "nth
cl'ton!nK oyo. The hand of
Hsirton w(i i t.i rt-'n.-h ct:t of th
hrli -. si1 v'rsop H! tn h!
")V. bVw n. , iT.ip.Jon twl 1'tit w.mM a I or vn n (nilll'n
r'vprvtiy lro pm the ffir In h! i t'mi' n t?iovssn ilollstr rxvt tr!nR
IsvW.'t K!"i lirv'tot-.'s! A'Wti to Hrt(i' ! hH.-V to l:fo t'o fiiMtuv tliat fTt
! ' t.' ! .':n to 5r:,vV An- ' otvt to i'wi!; xvfiti Vr towmont?
7Tn th Mht thmnah with
nt KwKInc tp 11 Vna that Mia
An1rvw had hinnl of ht fomr irla
tlon to thtvtuth th aonnaiWMinl
aoiYnmta fMntM hy th N'rwa.
Ho hmhl the h'ttr bm-k. almfily
"The monoy xvlM ho nifnl Jt now."
1i roality hi rofrnrlvl tho Kit
aotvn.v monoy. T ttotla Va tttilnvNil
ovfr h.T f.nthor' ivjvnihiMty for tho
xx IhVo tinmfia c hoiiMr. Slio kt1 a
tlioiiSTi(1 !o!!:irv to onvo hiT fooline.
aw; -
If i
r c - a
A-via BT a
v;.v t. :v. o 1. I;.
i oi o tv
Mvf o-o. r 'v
T.i iio.-iith ri'it-l Joy
n .vi and l-ivkon ,
on fn tor;tnr
! I
T5- -
.v- v-.. ior'. i. ir.
m v-..'"1 ; i- - fin, x.- ti..
.i2t' ..! it ! '- h.;T". 'lO'tiilj? .
,.T, : . Vf-.: ir.';', Jr- j
o tv t t-.;rol
Vv "!;" s :'
y. ; w; to Vrs-n
tf yonorinc. ro-t; jnrovfin."
v:.v.n, fo:-,J ji.r.1 il-i
, -V r t'o
ir'i'N; ovor x.-jiv nNoi't
tv v.'r oi Ho' llonv.
!N- :hot. Oom
k -wv f"-. thr .-'(
.t, --s.-. x-o?v bt)r'i
- irtr tnt, f0 AT
."-..("' i -tis of oror
t'v t;! "n-orr irvio
ir i -, p. i N yonf. or
.-. N r "o'.-vpv
-,; thf !r,r.-r'h(iM-.
th. X'nS, rfwn-
lar ."-.v .thf h, B.rron M-rot.
tn( .nfvcns vrih tilotv . OnrtT XrrTo
r;n t r!)v. witi. niMitsh. llorv
Hot.- its-"!.' rttn'?'. it'finj vt.-
f.TT '-)i'l f-OTVt't-rM, ri? ti'ii-tn!H
Sm Tvr" m'.. Tf: tv Tfmorl
1. i- T'"i7-ii t: t- Th roii"' of the
MvM'n..- Vau !--oi. tr.xfvi tn its p-spf-tre
1'iTiii. Pt't tho ov?'V ', "fl f hat
VJa Asfllir? f"n Ttir "-ttl. tnf
phHj . nnMn:u' hnc ont of those
of i-:i
t Vrv-.
:.i-o-i. !...
i. . M to' -il tVi x otn
Is-n .loariT than ftM
V Th. ,'!-. !n
' ..-. PI.
'.i. o,
ettJv Croun ehiidres. putbered
J ' . ' , : for trifle tba: woro eaprlr tTeaitrexi ; c I"-
. ir- ontta. ttnte a- , js rrnTr fr rrfv. Tho a-ho1e t Tbe oMer mtin wakJup aatttT,
o.roer: the TrtntrntKe. rtftree and , t ny of j dw .Bntfa 1o y "V(ni lkr'bot lo-
atTJ ne; Tfi n-T. Ary tsimBrvr
tuilt.T hS'T" x" vrr A tOs1od
thf coi.1 fiTrir.' ,rm'.t h" -rak! to
hlTr.f xs- y t-ot.-- T.AT arr
m.. - v t '." r:r-' ! '. ":. Tvri tc
tfcir.?- Cx-tr..- tinnrer"
thotitht out fx John tionlon a nthtd
that ahy Mo, catttlotia, hosHmlti
iloH tvtxvtilxt a vitrltiituil aevuted tika
cld bhtotlcil hulitim.
"Ml th Hom.ihUiir. of iS'Mie! i th
.xwethtnt,,, Mr. Mumh Mid anolo-ri'th-allT.
"WWn! What?'
vl mh)vxo"
ttoixhtn Intxm Mpted, not x(h exrlte
ment hnt calinlx ;
,kTht( n .xm- IliV ixixporinnliy, Mr.
Marsh. 1YU nio VranMx, tf xon xxon
(toxtonnto to Mov Uonvo onttluht tho
rvuvny Vh.irt .o. ! utood fov mik
xiii'iti Sxottll n ai'i'iotily if('di
vttr hvtKlm"!'."
"V 1 thin't tnii'U It xxouM oi-limlo
"Thoi, x 11 x-.v.t l-.x,. s Hint vomrh':"
tJoiMon as.o., lix n-xd ulivovt tilnnt
lv. lint ho xxn t'.ot In atix mood to
wait or aV.
"IVo yon Kroxv ho xv rtin.-h that ro)x
orty 1 xYt!
vt tV. nni'i !nioj
!t of licrtmn' ','ul' "It '""'"t $-,'.?ivv t, tmy tho ot
' the M fivl'ti'. and pnt tifi tlio 101,0111. nt." Mr. M;!vh
Tr. MnrsV" f o at l"1'1 imporhxtlatj-.
- :t ho f.Xt the nilotitvl To'ln 'lorrtVrtl -h ltott.
.hTTSs!ttr. "fo that x prnotionlix n--K mo to
--.'. to v- vo tVvnto f.ti.VVX t, ll,.,.,. u. 'ii-'
i-'.'o .'.N-k.M-for n ;1 "M'oii t!.o itivnrir.v n No tM."
iv.k'." MN Ati.h.N w 'iM .'hn t.'.xivlon .i!-tly.
' "It xx-n ItiMii-od for FiM.'." Mr.
It,, n soto.', th" f1Ph mM. xxhll.' h' t'a.v iut. x a ",
tlo wi.
O.xivlon nin.lo no romnvV. nn.l .'r.
M:':-h tn hh ohntr ard
tv.vt xx ith h'R tininf on tho o.1l' of tho
"Why would It not ho hoi (or t o pit
tip a n!.x!ol on 1Y10 l.ifs?"
"A parV w.nihl do mooa cood.-"
"Pnt the ponile who wore htirnoJ
"Thoy must Iv x-arxxl for. that 1
true. Tho lntorxM ovoit.Nl h the on
laniMy nmy load to tho t.wtni; down
af other aronn and tho hniMi"tc nf vixd
fr fah r-eetd h'Tti wth. extVnt trnept- PtTt a parV the t-'rv of he
errhami'svroont. whole hnrrM area would N of more
01n: to txv ron. Gordon," be mv! ' l'rtPe ITonae thn ox on tnoh a
ahnkin herds oo-il'nllx mo.Vl tenement a yon micht pnt op
-Art- yonr Oor.1ntl thonpht. Pitt V ln T t N.
(vr "fn- There was apaln. fr. ManH
"! dnjT tei retell fo what my er- P P nd I"'0 'C rV. Tie
Turx.'. h. xf r ihrv, was pone i.'x'ontl mlnnten. tlonon
"Thai onformnnte fre; l-yes-of rerer moved. Won Mnrsh .me Knk.
BtTsine lnterer r-nftit eome papor.
toxrt, that momlns hTT 'be prpeety miide wet to
Hope Hoirse." he isttld hrtef.v.
Worta i .-X-,
the s-.vrov
xx .xt,'' os I1,
.-T-,:. 1 'o'.vik
It's o-i ;
rn who hvi
-o wo-V, f
h. V". xx
frt.v xx-i-i:1,! :
"i px1-h-!
-'.'. b-'
S'., . y,-V
t'e i:'o of iv
o' o'lr ri.x.x
-1 oi."( k
oowanl In mnnlne nit, I h"trt know
hoxx d,v; his foolincs have twn
to'iood x.-ho-Ko; tfv hvx-e wo-Kod
dowt, f.. h's jvx, K-e!h.vv, or not, h',:(
o e"l iv ti
'. oi: xi :1 .v.; i xo vohr tonTsor' '
Thr ;os:'ot. er'-esi Wfl, n on'o
of eotiMe OHiition thnt Uordoi
fcviri''ni tr. his ears as he ente.-.vt !r.
tr.rshV ofh.-v. I; him w(:h iin
tisnn; JnfinoixvN- to oheok, tho lniinnnt
Imriniio thet otherxx !o mlph;
nifidf hin, nx or d. the mrxeooTOiry
to 00
fo't ,
"Thank yon," Gordon, answered aim
ply. and -a c In there waa a ailenoe.
"I want to make aome atonement,'"
-m a . Thl xtr-iii FWi -MmrVlW1 ' -
Ten; ft xrfll be pre-nt kelp to
haTaaomethrocti There ire ?won l',s' bwd kta
iay In the Two letter In ber Ian. And, "TYry -aorry ynu "bad to po away,
exfeu xjrltu flint wbt roold be -done i . i Txxr manv tmi "1 whsfynu mJcht
Tf that dw. n ahef eotild he
Tran!formfI tnto a pirk
i-Xf " Gord'.:. njir'r'tl
"For G!"t antt, Gerdan, dout ot-
hare the hvainena attended t
" r
tr otrv r
' Tt:" Cr x
T.t1-.. ,.
' i' -"
; Hi.
... ebu
hot: Twioh t
Th" nam-' t:mt
"l'arks 4bU pLrTrr-outiti the
fxr: "T--" KIT I f' " all" aai.;
tij:- ".:: !: w..-il, -
"fi"T rcnr. c vm e;:ptwx.
C-ttite:: Oeorr- rrr.r.rrifir. s-
' tn" DfitiK. Urix-. to::"'
"Vr: tt- fesR. Tf- vf xrnt- an
rrt tir- h triuk. a-fui'.t of tir- frjets '
tar- t " tii- oi l i: wn t ao; osn" '.
i- tiif ftt.-;. jmzraEf c: ill- t cz.zv..
cere is tier optkttuljt;. Xe: oru oai-ce-
tiupiorrawib c! tiTmHfi. diir:c:
' 4 IXlOf" Or" lJ2"T. im- ftU ! if Us lei -
v' c t: r" war- fl- wU"
"ar: : rw Wi: x-r x-tt- Ibp
' tire me by ennmoratlnc them will
' you" .Ins as If I haT not tseoi then. In
try fr-osrrs" r'i nlrh: !ti"i' rrdluc
fh aToiii.-'" th- Tmif lHi-n1atx(l ( ;
1 roimu- 1 XvA ( tmi 1r;: now 7 had
tx hnitiw t" e: i no iiu: ir town, I
fcmii.'y rai. fwur frxin. tin- vorrar T
XxtK that a a.. '
Joji: tr-orio! roat ui- anil Lit eys
?)etinifu hu" t: xrut wltt tiuTH..
"li: iiami. th wt"1- runnnt lie
banrx. lie- It cat, t &tonrU for.
Waa: ri: tol du nowT'
"I go:.-: ttinr;vtu;t em 1 dcT'
"vi:T- tlr IU" fcitv Of til' Ui
teneniCE" io- : lili'rrrounc
at onee. and nnd-5T be down toTfop
UntW' ome time tlit xxnt"
"Thank yon. We ahull be jrlnd to
ee m" Gordon -apok irravely, d
after ntnkiuc handt- he webt mil. At
Xu weni4iwb iht- amir be bad a mo
mentary tin?e if rem'iTtv- lit tbe thouph:
f hj:Tiiif doii VurvL tuanc- Ju.'TifSf Ji
1 or tir.rtnr aented the f iff of
' TW"?? rhurlifUd;. ffiid In unpra- 7iril
1 Kut at iit rasie hart to the sr-ea-e of
tiie f.r- Ik- taiC tc LiritrlT. "1 i; t case
Jor t-rukiv- tiuinfcf tlmt H rirh mati
CuinbtKil! tat- t trr.rrim- of thf -wealth that it
er Itener )onr te -f--d nd t-ili'TaEt)y Wt ta-
tiL Tr;:nrfrm tli wnol- cz
:. uifr.r:c" iiit. vert "
eii.'Uh':v- Air.
sill: h"i
tii- ticm
"l: wi! w x
"i: hJt uireua;
1:1 tn- tw c' !"!!
Ooruu; wu neciauinr
Cu xx 'oi' tuuui:!:: t.' Jtiia jvjr
tirewf ri.i;ii; tin. ijf. ! HUU lL
.. --
lutxiT; s'". finn- jiioarune tic -' ttt
rtiUitu; to teuv-iita i.o.ui.t- tonFtruc-
j tiui xvjjoi ii- cir-jr--; ?vc ti L'jTlt I7e
t-'i very erjenF"x- X'u: c;- 1 ueuUit.-ri Eiii re"?TT tuoiiy
W af lAuie uu".i. ' for 1t tiH H ewurtjry ait-wtneil
t! tnoe- uertti"' I iuinwlf from owntze of tua til-
f, jr-ow ! tusi; n:e--y turn in toiudiij:
, Kbit' 1'. lufc frui.:uDi rr!0 lr ria wir
, Jruu Ut iiwr-ur !u- xx 'iuvi, own
, iitiiJ vn r'jiomi..j. V.'. H. ti-t
luf ' V xiri." TUut JU . Jyi't; jr'iin.
mi'.' 'JI.h rnO ru jmWlr UvjJ3
' li. !! Uifx : et tl- .' vf ihl" Uucii Wrti
i ?nuox- .j: -iH-iixi Kb.ut TMia fvr
! biuitiur 11 a kumX itt- tvr xj
Jill U' I'UlJ'ii. Citi V Ui i Vxw
iuUto-'.! Hi- '1 U.xm!
i:'.utr.iun uiit. tfri.t ....- " ' f eiifiidif!
. t-iutnj)i- j xi'Iukii." "li u g'1 uir.(fli
iivx ilutu oi' Piiu If. rfi
yixjjrt-ri, .' ,0" Mwtiiu'e iui.M
'..uunij t- .l1 Ijvu. tUw ia;(i,' u'-
Vlf x..uJiiol, tXJ UiH tU. U0Ul Uy
u' r'i. 11.1-1, U .n tulor vl li. tm
li.-'.tAiaioAOpo iL'jrt;r. Afcl it!' 4ii-f
l.u. . Jvil. 4 ti jtvUi. -VV' i.'Lt
li 4niiv.'- kil.w'.i tJ v.l.'Ai j'!
l..ji ;'l4...wviUi t'i.i.ii uUvUxel
li 1.1,1 i,o.-i;..ij' tv e.u li..'
U.'i tJ .U.(rl .wAf '. U' I. '!'
o! m? I - i' .yt I-. I-.4J ll.A j,!;. 1
t .
. Tr fT!'. f-i- iuw yoj Xir.
pr reiratauo. 1 aui liO.-ocx- tc ne- "
If. Li. ii: 1 - 1H- UilLUx- ,,nrwrrr
xi.tu-':. t2 i "t: xx-:- nrr tuf rf'
r'J'i'. u.' . f !"xx;.m" ui- r: mmm .
t.- t-U" f' til- H.' I1 tvu' f 'I j
uT" t'- rrvu!' xi.h uou u;- nuC w- t tt 1 i i
t . j.,,.- or k "..-. mm : jj , j " B-J
-"' itw , ; -t,, , - 1 i
, v i.suUAv X" ',ai j4rXi ' iPWraajaJ"
i i. I' et el. t ,V f JF M
----' '-i- Y i yi..i.U:... J.. ..! ...i,.l'..,j. ,r
....... - .... v.., , ;. ( '. U ! v-.i.-.' . ..; v...,,
-. -- - ''. j ' I-.''-.- '.I I...' I I.......
-- ' ... .''' j,'--';- S v-i ,-'.' v, ' ..( f , ,
.., ' y . , . " " !; ,.! rV:-'v : ' 1 .:: j
'... ; :.:.., : : v Vi J -' 1 ' '';.' ' 'l ..!:- l.,' '-.:.: v.!.-, !....;.. I,
; . : 1 ' .jC'.-j!.-i J J. (.....'; '.. 11 J..'.!" '!;.!(. 1 J I, .
:..- , v Kr"y ;. v; ' -;"' .' J'- " " ,'-,U . , ., I..:tl..iu'.'. i,:.i 4
- ';' : , . '-' '-v-.-v-...'- ,! i t
- - - - r ..11 ie. v. ''' fj!;.- J'i.- l.i- U'i;Vm.!y .t.v.
. ! v v ;v v.' 4 o.4,5.; f 7; -''f1' ;?' ljtl .,.,, ,,wi,)3 n,. W4(,(,
r - '' v i.'Mx.. , ;, ). fv:.d tx!.rt!d .r )..i fr".i ,
, vU4 v' ! 'ii iv-.- :. l. U ' i-v-f - y'yu--
- ' " i L-i wi f!,'i. c l-ui'i: J .' ' ! '- v'-- u vi U, ''
man who d no vtittilo meana of au(v
Hirt MaJdc from lit mone hla father,
recent I jr dei-eaaed, bad left Urn. Afehle
renrva bad ' mad a rent of
money br tnk hf labor r any
kind, but thai waa ntthln airalnat
Mm In tba eyea of foud motbera lti
mniriaeahla dttithterc Tber war
tuotiaattdt ot women In tt eltjr who
would hav counted themtelrea or their
dauahtera aa - iinutalla favored If
Art hie Inroe had com Into the
bmiat la a knltnr. 11 mail no differ
enta tliat Ida Kiutatlon bad attffered
In ailoua waya, ii bad money, be
waa of a dlatliimilnhed family, Ma man.
hr were Ivaabled i ehant. ami lie
lind an annt who anve the moat acleet
rexeitlona and entertainment In the
city, lu the alsht of any mnn or worn
hn of Heht detlultlnna of nianlimul thu
ynunt ttRntrheflil of an arhtoi-mtlc
rnmlly xvna altnply one of the cipher
of t'lvlttanthm. lie mnde nmhlna t'mt
! addnl to hmnnnlty' comfort r kunwl
1 cdsx. lie cnntHhnlcd nhaulutely not
, one train or lutpi'ulnc or comfort cf
I bte to n aiirl. ilnit. alruccllni.'. m i ily
xx 01 Id. He Ihrd to tot nil the poni't ..
he ronld hlmn'ir. much If not n'l ot It
rrtlnod xxlih n toinl ilisiounul tor nny
j one I'Ne'a , tr'incix. nod yet ho tiioio.l
thnnixrh xxlmt I niHod the hot imotelt-.
' couttcd. ndmltx-il. fiixxned en, culm t lx
nxltiil oct to nn emtlea imniil of io
I cliil function xxhh h n certain Hik nf
j jirh people In Amcilcn tmil.o (lie
: lintmiiant hnlncH or their Ihc.
! Mr, fonst'ino,. ronioo a n pii'int
1 of more nine than hi t illMlnnnMii i
! hophexx . She xn rich, hut not phen
i vVif aliot-eihir to m.oty and It hii
I loxv cnthUsl!tm 1'hote xvrro other
thlnu in xxhh '.i he xxn connlnelv In
totx'(ii, and atnotm thorn :i the m
, tx'cr of .lohll Gordon. P'e li:td t; rn xv M
: him n n hoy, xxau hid him throcsh
I 111 ci lloue l oui sn mid tvlp nhiottd,
holnc a Xx Oninn or Xet X dm lilmi
and In.hxidual opinion, ho had more
than once cpvecd her lnterct In the
experiment GiMilon xx n tnnhliur Mote
than once alio bad compared him to
her nophoxxr, to that jonim ninn" event
The mile whh h Gordon found at
; llop'o Uomx waa an Invltntlon to nn
' exenltiK at the Penroee mnualon In
1 Turk sventm.
Wh hx X"0U ent -enrpf off rrom nil
ft Xrotir formrr fl-lon.W )x,, von
iwtWrnt to xi vli-h ulnn.'i. a xnl a to
th poor en' I'orno an.1 rcmrm the
henVxant tt -ox av x-oalty In the reform
hnlne for xx i n. r.t tt n murh aa Ilia
ainnx. Why urn ihrtv no rnelal eo1ll
tnmt amor It irttir m that p.x.
r' ltt Xoar Mi An.tiexx or llvln- at
th wren end of tho problem. It xv
, isiM only h i-e, xxe hax ihe meaiH
and Mt(i!ir ta ax- the ixihi'r fmt; hut I
want you to isxme and me and tell ra
atwnit Mf An.trexx. ttave yon fntlen m
te-e lth her An.1 hoxv ai.out l.uePat
Vounji man. cix-ie and Blxe an nrrmmt of
, x-eiTiN-lf. t.xiMia xx 111 W here, an.t Mary
i and th l.ox-ell an.1 thr Oanslon and
! that rmooleaa nephew of tntne. who, by
j m way. "now that yxxn are cot nf th
I ra. I paxHnt- xvnirX to l.ntlta. Ten bar
j noeletd u all ehamefuUy. Va wilt for.
j rrx-e -eii (f 5-00 appoar ahxona Vi -aln.
j It win not he a larre eonxpanjr about
twenty-ffve. . Purely jyxnhava not cot US
J U nt of your arqaaintanca toraxrer. if
yo nn't ear for the rest, coma to aatiao
fy my irloertxr tnt your future. Toil
Vnew t waa ft of rouf hat frtad When
you were a hoy t he nlvratty. I haa
a ral- Interest tn yoxir future, and I am
not all rrteeiom or f-vxtti up to tha whirl
of the world, aa t hope you know. Mop
tnr to aee you T am x-our friend and well
Oordoa tboxiphtfxiiJy xxonsldcretl th
Inx isaiion and finally accepted It. When
the ereninp named by Mr, l'euroso
came, he went np on the boulevard.
There wits nothrns particularly nn
nfsoal In the ai'matton. and yet lu eomo
oriexil.Ded ro-nner a a ha entered the
renrose t-an-ion be wat concku of
a arrange exatecuerit, as if tiefore the
ereninf waa over eveta would occur
ihtt wo-ld cake perious history for
more than one of the guests.
Mr. I'rt.rrm m'l hla with a genuine
"A. witVme. Mr. Iieformer: I ap-fe-iaT
your ex.E.iii out of your i"x-ial
-uiiceon to -if vk ltn ''iiXiiiot always
1 LTilip oil b'TOj'-h. There IDlUit l
uie tuujtvj to r'bfv; the tragedy,
"fs'JKie kitiC cf tt r-y cutitiol be r'
h'MKi by ti.-y kind Jf oumeXiy," G'itdijn
rihifd rriiuly. "but I'll inuji iiut
to itdk eui-v ut:i 1 uj Uiuxxu lu'.y It
lull (JlCilJ 1 U4 IhK IO V'J114 ljr tliUt.
r xoii'f"
Jidu't 1 ': "you erf tl lloo jf the !
'n-ivti. V,r-r?iiSx 1 tulfcitig nbout
xvv. "
"it u 4'l4iiy t- euUe-t I.Uhm."
" it-- l !fc K A ufhvxxt?"
"Z',u " tjvi&rti aud .wl'.l.v.
Im Ut yi-Oi'ldiii ground Y'
hut- urioui. ' i tiui net uu Ily
. tuWtKBri ill tw 4,l.. ill tl U VU ilivl
Ov.ii fowutc tiiiiC )uu iiiuel tx'll 4iiv
W ill yju'f
"fu," 14 lVXi:t:d Dliiiltl.II', tl lit.
t -.lailiM.-'i ilt ilia 4UiUw.. ")(
i.-iui- i U'Jjc in li ell, oiil t tlliin I
Wiitli Lv frt- iu u late U Ui U tiiia V tl
"i l,i4Lol.!," Mill. i'4.ilitIO.' Illi
etL4i l'.f.iii . 4.41 ee Guiitiiii untu ii
vii ei.c liiUiyi..':! J ii.iii ht i'i 1 ennui'
vf U liUiVUrfil.
ti'jujjii iu j-i-iii itf ytiticiHHf i.ti
4,4 t J..14J J. ,:! lOH 1,1 limillt
Ta ii.. .11 W- U fc' liil.if Uiid I'lid ii'iid
i.xti iliiii. in i.n 11M1 illiii ut ni.i.!i)ii
' .''.JU' ll.4Uii.i I,' ill li ijljlillll aiidi
f'.n'A f,'.u,',v'J tii'V iii n iliin ii.'eloii
..lii 11V' l'f : 0t ili: jilijihi' liS
4- . ; ii ! hiji hlinii, slili.)l iil tit llii!
Jj yf K.si4 V l iyl H l.niJ liiii'.lii'd tili "TUu
i'. . J!!, (.:. I ill i.-ep.iixitiliil Ti-f
J.'.' , f .," ILjli-it IH.I.J fl,,ltlil4jlll,"
G..m'.,i, J' . . ii (.(lull Villi illll
i;,,;, ...,4'' 1 iil.'.l, i.,iiiiin ili.ii I'ulll.ljf
r ;, i.'.i.t tn. 'i'l-o f.rn' 4. Iil uii-'l.)
; d ti,d .M jJ'yvvi) ii.ii,,lifr Jin-jin-l
ii,:i t y,l;!i.!i O'Tifi.n .niml Mir.n-i;
tf-i; )i,j;o!d.' 'yi'n frnfi'M"'!' iifc'niii
(i;;!Vd In frrj.;li till t'jrili.priilllrf li.i'tli'1
).at iior!oii fJiiK.'f f.,r.l Ida .-i)ij'i.
e f!j!!'i1 up Jii.'-t in Din", Il-i iv . fj-fj-j
Ti'ii:i nn hi'uf it I hill l fihl.i'd 11 i.iiivi
I'i, 11 l!.j it!iiHihi; hn v.iiiilij hid liiiii;
cM I'd. ' ' '''"
''VVh'l tiu in if"J llicory. pru
fi.', I. el lav ou ovii Jived uioii
My v J
ous .System.
a . . a exa
oiomacn uriin
t 1 - r
-iter -rrria
Dr, Miles' NertnrJ
Me Comfitelet
A lll(hteoH In the winter I
ache, hai-karhet ke ta Bnv JJ
ee iet and a nrnu eemtt '
the innirow o( the honei; iiu, ,,'Jxt
nine nl I m In dearfle .W
" Inlloxxj In Hie fhatteteit nMw,
Hie iletaneetafBt l tha kert.ik.
..I.. il 1.. 11 1 "!.
I lie la week In Imi'm,
1. hi ppr ! mi l."VUIf h. .
ie nefkx. M nelxnut mxil!
pl.-telr fluttered, tntntca h.,11, 1
1 1 . . . . ... . u . 1 . , "1 aw
i-.-i im nn vitii.'ii nut,
ie nerlix
n",i i'irr in nn aeneii il,i,m..,
I r...k lirnimet.l rtnllf Imm m,
m Inn, hut tiiitl'l gr nn relief (t J
i'i"lttie, lo riniv .,., fM
lientdnl tt. Mile' mrdinne, I JIT"
l thrill. I .., lnif, , T
Hi-Moinltve Netvlne nn.t N,..
I .M.- XX It... I h.i..H i.n-i
11 " p.'IT'i.ri ITDIIIiini tlp
I-lt' Iv 11! ir to lil t nli. .....I i I
lllit tone one I ... .
1. a. .1. i ... '
I" , ti:-, ;n inc run in v.. i., v
1. . 1........ ,1
t I llltni. tlx 1- .li-lll Xtt lf...... . T
teneweil liol III aeiul.1 ..'
mill loltv t m 11 l.i.nnilt I t
inc ille Hotti I 1I.1 111 1'.,.
. t ... i . ':xt
-.-n. pTrn..iiTi: in I'l'.ill1lii,,,.. J
1,.,0,., ,, lite Tltllit tt-.l. ll "3
1'ie nl.'.xe it-tti-niptil 1 n. .V
I t iil"'ie rtxtinient I ni 1
it " IVC X A I KM, V. S 112
U :isliiiiti tt, 1 1, t . l
AH ihin'i'i'lt Fell an, I L.,.,.,.,.J
IU I V Mi K ,1... s ... . 1
on Nrrvmix and llemt liivx 'Tj
111 M.le Me.ll.l I Mil..? H
111, I tlortl.l.l mill l.i.l.,.l ,1
. . . . . 1,
iinnn io aio 11 your (insi;v
Tim roleaaor climnrod (v.-u,
hla bliind 11 ml in
"No. I tin not onnsVj
neci'!Hy Itl I he proiir
Hie fuel. I tniilert:iMil p-
xvhnt )oti mean. Nosrh a;
tlemeitt rewhlonta make Uk
tnlie. They think p':-s.xi iij
necemaiy to 11 clear xvh.ti-i.s.J
aunntiim. I do not forofirc-
thrtt t deprecate the errif J
lenderliUT," he added hnU!r 0
eXflRfrcrnte. the lmvortn rl
ciminiiuiinn 10 tne o:us t
Gordon waa apared the v
freply by Voh-e near fcTiJ
laid mi bl ahoulder.
"John, lutiat 1 lnrroJat
Why have you neirleotpr: ki
It wn bl alater Marx-xt:
com In, ' Oonlon was n
"Jvhn, mutt I iii!rw.ii-a
l) Lt. TL sxrL': -
U'Jl Jlotlite hild '---luu
ciliioimlT ilia' L'- 'l
r..!uf.ii kIMi li m iu"
1.. ..1... .j ..ii ,.... i:u : :t el
I VOV 'I III' I." '
l4itu 41 nlfl reci-J.:'-' 1'-
11,. 1 iiv tin- alreaff" l'
a 11. efxf)1
..V 1111 llt .1 1 '",' r .
II. IIU). VI ftl.,. " ' "
Uu U'U'i...
1.1 .. u.., n. .1,11.,. rsfl
.... .
1. ... ii..i.ii ..icata.'
wutt Ueii. -ii'l ''X,'ZJ
itiu fut iiui" uivit-
I n. mum imj
4iW4.ii t-liitu Lu xxe-" I
tUt-Ma" el t.uiii')' -.
tiivii i.'li4jlii f id1'
1 tg 11 '4---.
. . . . uv4
1,1411,1.' I i'llll till ' ' '
ftl ( I, Im ifiiiii I""' '
l lllljlll! lliul "
' ill! Ull illiae
V., II
1 .W
(I I'llilllllt. I.J' '
"I lllllll ll..'
UIIMil In I,,' ..e- fif
"Jlnm llili. B'.H"
l.ltf hi,, .
, 1 I . . I .. I , , ... . ... M
'"7 : :: v4
f. 111111 11 411 i-iv-i"
ciu.i. nil., "ji in4 ',
lilit: ( Will' " "IJt',"
'In iii 1 .,om' 'J
i 1 ' V,!y
. y-..,l
l it llhuite lyl f e