1 RONT BE FOOLED INTO DOINd "METHINO ELSE. ) ' vve taken ami done aotg3 lol sfi tr9 have job lot of note C on hand. They mint go it The price will flo a. Lpies and price for the ask- We furnish tnem primeu s then you can buy them lout printing. L w.,taIUr, M,wr Oritur. A Faally Jsarsal, Atvu4 U Itws, Scltscs, Art, fslltlcjl Ecsssar Csrrtst Lruratara, KatMt Om Dollar Pr Asiaa, la )L. XXXX. MIDDLEBUBGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., AUGUST 27, 1903. NUMBER 33. vely Little Liners. stle! the Bustle of the unty Seat, Told In Brief ParatrapM. e More or Ute Prominent. .111 PpaMe ta4 EtU mi -,t tkat SsiMy CmiJ mm AppaM Talrat lor News. Sechrist U the efficient and t.msnrlal artist at rnn Creek. Ik la proving highly satisfactory kauy patrons. Stuck end Mr . aunora si tu Herndon Campmeetlng bi E- Yergerof Perry township ding some time In Mt Carmel. ie Carman has the contract for ling theabe residence of H. A. V d Washington township. Me able assistant Howarra Garmau 1V. Roushall ofMt Pleasant le making a handsome home for kigler. They are ell competen Martha Elsenhart of Snamokln lug her slater, Mrs. O. M loch of Schnee was a bualnesa this place last week. Jan'get pure Wines and Whis- niedical use at the Middleburg lore, tf. Laura Walter of Akron, Ohio, lied home on account of the illness of her father, Daniel lertha and Lottie Crouse and lowersox spent Sunday with rcla App at Mohan ton go. Vutzy and Dr. Endere of Sus- la University left Monday to meeting of s Comgilftas- ssp- ' a mmmr nr T.utWtn They met in Pittsburg to le plana to raise ooe million w the benefit of the shoots rep- Ligar manufactures of York nave organized and are mak- krations to have an exhibition Ibt Louis Exposition. They have all the manufactures of luternal Revenue district join vement The clar makers k County are requsted to write tley Wlnget, Y'ork, Pa., for .rticulars. H. Mengle, who resides on i farm near town, purchased Kepler farm in Hester Valley ami will move over there iu nj.imlue Bachman returned from a visit to her daughter, A. Lutz at Shippenaburg. id tou Is getting along nicely. alenbeck and wife, Foster d wife Mrs. Mary M. Wagner, n. Pawliugand MlssVerna ft Mouday moruiug to spend at Uliaiusgrove. Meiaer, south of town sold to lleury Deitrick for $1000. Jmtt proposes to buy a larger A Peusterbush offer their ser- tttretiitberH. Tbey have an outfit, it thntsbe clean and VlUnt work. For lufornatlou luent Feusterlush or H. A. auhoru the geuial proprietor Imiult House has beeu very hv laat 15 weeks affected ey trouble. iU'Uuluger of Xaoe's Narrows k t'ouuty Seat last Friday. lutclluii Is spending the week io City aud Pbllfl., taking a pun seeing tne sights. Tobiitaaud wife of Beaver- IU Suuday with the former's JttllteS O TholllIISOII H)fUt Jut i.f town. ward Folk's sister and fam- w Herliu sbeiit Sunday lu Viuliw ... I .. . . t 1 mimijf uuieriaiueu il frluud laMt week. They iioiue aud sieut Suuday at SC. Muguo aud sister, KdiiH, r Hut Tuesday lu towu. Anted Hcboch left oa buil. 'uoaday uwruiug. key nr. Wuua Vulver-ity, Bollus- V ikl lll l.l. 1 m wiuuivuurg lutttjay. Jivgers an I chicken lice ca i not ex ist In any benneiy where the Brooks method is used. Absolutely iufallable. The secret for 10 oetit. (K4MK9 Co., L. Box M, 1-f. Perkio, 1L The Flntt Peuusylvaiila BtaUf Nor mal School at Millers villa offers free tuition to pupils over seventeen who are preparing to teach In the public schools of the State. It isa wellknown fact that any intelligent man making a list of the moat i rominent Normal Schools a the United States would in clude Mlllersvllle among the first half dozes. ' The location of the school is ideal. Parents may send tbair chil dren to Milleraville with ibe knowledge that they are as safe as Ihey can be anywhere. Studeuts who come to Mlllersvllle re ceive full credit for what they already know, and graduate as aoon as they Cttu with credit to themaelves and the schiMil. They are not pushed through the sciiool, however, without being re qulreu to study, but are expected to do falthfui, eoergetie work. Haveu se-u the latest catalogue? A copy w ill be nt upon application to the Priucipal, and full information of the school will i given to all who are interested. Comfortable rooms may still beeiiani for the fall term which begins .hi Tuesday, September 8th, 1903. Mrs. Thendorr Miller of Tiffin. Ohio, is visiting at the liouie of Barber, A. E. Soles. Mr. Miller will be here in a few days. He Is n insurance nin and before long will local at Berwick, Pa. Hon. L. N. Myers of Akron, Ohio, la paying a visit to friends and rela Uvea at thia place bla fanner home Mr. Myers at ooe time represented Sny der County In the Stat Legislature. Theodore Walter of Akrun, O , for mer MMdleburg.poy : ltWijlng , a atoort vJaHamsmf hs raaoy arteadaaad relatlvn In this place. The Buckeye Bute teem to agree with him. Middleburg was well represented at Orubb's picnic Saturday. In fact the entire County was well represented. It is said there were over 1000 convey' Ex-Sheriff Daniel Bolender. Lived thi AMvrTF.n Thrkk Soork a.vd Ten. Monday, Acocst 24, l'J03. Dl KD Hewaa married Feb. 22, 1S55 by ances on the ground at noon and those116- John P 8hindel to hina Shu in attendance had to elbow through the immense throng. El-ner E. Walter, theefflelent farmer for G. M. Moatt la digging a toll in the tield North of town. Ex-Sheriff David Reichley of Penna creek la Just as young as be used to be. Though older in years and his hair are silvered with the snows of many winters, he walked to Middle, burg Saturday to attend the Soldiers' meeting and walked home again mak ing a total of ten miles. He was wounded in the heel, while in the service. Dr. A. J. Herman and Banks W. Yoder were to Pennscreek Saturday to try their hand at fishing. mum Carrie Haas and her guests Misses Buggy and Hauck of Shamo- kiu were in town Sunday evening. Miss Mary Shambaca of Blooms- burg is visiting Mias Mable Moyer at Three Points. Miss Gertrude Dunkleberger return ed Mouday from a visit to friends at Suubury aud Shamokin. SWINEFORO. Florence Kamer is speudiug several days at Shaaiokin. Miss Dora Libby of Suubury speut several days at home recently Mrs. Foster Smith aud Mrs. L. E. Wetzel, who bad been visiting friends at Jamisou City returned home. Joini Miamoacu ana wile spent a few d:ijs at Crotwgrovs Hall recent- Wiuey Cucter aud wife aud Thomas .Spechi aud wife aud Maud Custer re turned Mouday from a trip to Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Norristown aud other points. Mr. Milbery, wife and children and Harry Laudeimlager of Lewistown are severs! days with Merchant Swartz. Miles liurber of Danville is spending several days in town. W. B. Wiuey, wife aud childreu spvut lat Sunday at lUubfleld. Chas. Stetler aud V. E. Wetzel spent a day at Suubury receutly. Steiuiuger Bros., shipjwd a car load of trolley ties lat week. Harry Walter of Beaver Springs speut Sunday uuder the parental roof. Samuel Bruimer aud J as. Biugaman of near CeutreviUe transacted business iu town Friday. EX-SHERIFF BOLUDER OEAO. Oolwly Pu Away Mssday Muraiag at ! tht A(t Strut Yir. Daniel Bolender, Ex-Sheriff of Sny der County, died Monday morning at 10:30, Aug. 24, 1903. He had been in feeble health since last Summer when he had such a severe sick spell, but he moved about our streets regularly un til last Thursday evening when he had a stroke of apoplexy. He recovered sufficiently to speak at times with his friends, but it was evident that life was only a matter of a few hours. His fa miliar figure, that for 70 yea is, moved over every part of Snyder County will no longer be een here. He probably knew more men and was known by more men than any other man in the County. The Ex-Sheriff was bora Ang. 16, 1833, ft twin, son of George Bolender, bora Marsh , 1789 and died Nor. 22, THE FUTURE REVEALED. Comlnr. Erenu Cast Their Shadows Before. The readers of the Port are request ed to send us announcements of all events. No charge will be made to publish the same when the event is of public Importance. Moxdat, Aug, 24 to 2, Grangers' pisnl at Williams Grove, Pa. Thursday, August 27, Luther Re union at Kdgewood Park, Shanio kin. Thcmdat, Aug. 27, Hummel's re union 'at Clement's- Park, Opposite Sunbury. SamiDaT, August 20, the Kratzerville an u list plo-nic- will be held in Krat zerville, Snyder County, Pa. Satckday, Ang. 29, The Centreville Cornet Band will hold a festival and Cake Walk la CentrerUle. Tctkrdav, Sept H to II, Pennsylvania Bute Fair Aiwociation at Bethlehem. Wednesday, Sept to 11, Juniata! County Fair at Port Royal, Pa. Sati rday, Sept. 12, The 1". K. Sun day H.;hool will hold a picnic in Red Bridge Grove. FeRtivsl will lie held in the evening. Satukday, Heptentlier 12, the Kant H. H. will hold their annual pic-nic. Music by the Kant Cornet Rand. Sati rday, Sept 12 to U, Ptmn of Hiwl.nmlry Kxhihition at (Vntre Hall, Pa. Monday, K.pt. 14, The public schools of Middlehurg wHI open, Tr ksda Y, Sept. 1" to IX, Union County Fair at LewlHtiunr, Pa. Thckhday, Sept. 17, Re-union of the Mint Regiment P. V. at I-wiHl)nrg. This is the anniversary of the Battle of Antletam. Sati-rday, Sept. The Reformed chu rcln of the Went end of the County will hold a re-uuion and picnic in Dr. Smith' grove at Reav er Springs. SaTTRDa Y, Sept. 2B, iMtt day upon which you can pay your taxes in Snyder County and make live per 'cent discount. Satprda Y, Oct. :l, is the lant day jou csn pay vour taxes in onler to lie en titled to a vote this fall. MONDAY, Oct. Court opens. ", Regular Term of died in 1882 at the age of 82 years. He was born In Franklin Township, (then Center twp., Union County,) now Snyder County, and made his home In and around Middleburg ever since, man, with whom be had 11 children. four sons and one daughter being dead. The living are six daughters as fol lows: .Laura, married Theodore Walter, a clerk residing in Akron, Ohio. No children. Ellen, married Q. E. Hassinger, of this place. Two sons. XJzzia, married emmet h-yster, a clerk In a grocery store In Akron, Ohio. No children. Kate Anna, of Akron, Mollle and Margaret of this place the last three being single. He was the fifth sheriff of Snyder County after its organization in 1855 He was the only sheriff of Snyder County who was re-elected and he served tour terms: first from 1867 to 1870; second from 1873 to 1878; third from 1879 to 1882; fourth from 1891 to 1894. He was nominated by the Re publicans of Snyder County for the po sition of State Senator and declined the district nomination because be could not make a public si eech. Dur ing his term of sheriff he saved men from being sold out whenever he could save them. He was always known for his generosity, and his liberality ex tended so far that his own finances of ten suffered. He was baptised Nov. 17, 1833 by Rev. William German; Sponsers, Christian Walter ttnd wife. He leaves an only sister, Mrs. Ellas Hummel, of this place. He was one of the oldest Masons in Snyder County and the next to the oldest surviving Member of Middleburg Lodge, the oldst being Peter Hartman of Pennsoreek. He was entered in La- Fayette Lodge No. 1U4 Dec. 27, 1867, passed Feb. 6, 1H08 and raised March 7, 1868. He was admitted a member of Lodge No. 1611, Apr. 21, 1809 as a Warrant member, the day the lodge was constituted. The funeral will be held from his residence to the Court House Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. According to his oft expressed wish he will be buried with the masonic rites by the members of Middleburg Lodge and further ac-1 cording to his wishes h,is body will be taken to tbe court bouse, so that his Sunday School of KanU will hold theirannuml picnic Saturday, Aug. 29, The Sunday School at Red Bank will hold a plr nic and a festival in the evening. Jtev. E. E. Gilbert of Mt Pleai-aut Mills, Prof. Chaa. Miller of Freeburg and others will speak. The Free burg Cornet Band will furnish the music. Saturday, Aug. 2!), Visitor's Day ami Re-union at Orphans' Home, Hynvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Band concert and addresses. Saturday, August 20, the Paradise Sunday School will hold its annual picnic in Page's Grove. Saturday, August 2, A L'uion Sun uay scnooi picnic will be held at Pennscrevk. Saturday, Aug. 2, The Salem S. S of Oriental will hold a festival at the church in the eveuing, Tuesday, Sept 1 to 4, Huntingdon fair at Huntingdon, Pa. WEDnksday, Sept 2, is the last day for registration for a vote this Call Wednesday, Sept 2nd, Democratio State Couveution at Harriaburg, Pa Saturday, Sept 5, A festival will la held at Erdley's church for tbe bene- nt of the church Saturday, Sept 5, The Summit Sun. day Schoal will hold their annual picnic In Summit Grove. Music by the Freeburg Band. Speakers: Rev. Gilbert and George Dunkieburger. Festival in the evening. Saturday, Sept 5, Laxt day for filing accounts and Widows' appraisements for confirmation at October Term of Court. Saturday, Sept, 5, Democratic Pri mary Election for Snyder Co. Saturday, September 5, the Sunday schools of Troxelville will hold their annual pic-uio. Satubday, Sept 5, Tbe Lutheran Sunday School of Kratzerville will hold their annual picnic. The Se linsgrove Cornet Baud will furnish tbe music Everybody cordially invited. Monday, Sept, 7, Democratic Conveu- of Snyder Co. Monday, Sept 7, Public Schools of Selinsgrove open. Saturday, Sept 12, The Fill End S. S. will hold their annual picnie in Her man's grove. A festival will be heldH in the evening for the benefit of the S. 3. The Sellnsgrove Cornet Band will furnish the music The Hummel Family. oi thenenetlt of the Hummels of the present genemtion, the Post has compiled a list of ancestors, who resid ed in the South Eastern Counties dur ing and after the Revolutionary War as gathered from assessment and tax lists: 1780 Hummel, Adam , Assessed in 1784 Hummel, Adam, Single Free , niaa, Brunswick Twp., Berks Coun ty. 1785 Hummel, Adam, Federal Tar, 2 horses, 2 cows, iu Bethlehem twp., Northampton County. 1786- Hame. 1786 Hummel, Adam Geonye, .15 acres surveyed in B-rkH County Dec 14. !.!) Hummel, Andrew, Laborer, Greenwich Twp., Berks County, cattle. 1780 Same. 17.80 Same. in,- nunwnei, lienneviiie, z acres surveyed, Schuyltill Co., Mar. :!). 1785-1786 Hummel, Christlau, Fed eral Tax, Whitehall Townxhip, North, ampuiu Co., 2 horses and 2 cattle. iuo nummei, I nnstlan, a) acres surveyed iu Northampton County Feb, 3. 1778-178.1 Hummel. Christian. Ran ger on the Frontiers of Northampton County. iinn nummei, uurisuan, iuu acres surveyed iu Dauphin County, June 5. 1785 Hummel, Christopher, Feder al Tax, Bethlehem Twp., 2 horses, : cows. 1786 Same. ir- Tr w t a ... into nummei, ua via, si acres sur veyed in Juniata Co., Sept. 15. 1870 Hummel, David, 2 acres sur veyed in Schuykill County, November 28. 1772 Humuijl, Elias, Farmer, Beth lehem Twp., Northampton Co., Pro prietary Tax. 1785 Hummel, Ellas, Bethlehem Twp., Northampton Co., Federal Tax, 180 acres, I cow. 1786200 acres. 1875 Hummel, Elias, Jlo.TH acres in Northampton County, surveyed May 1781-1 hrw, 1 cow. 17S2 Hummel, ierrimd, Newlicrry Twp.. York Co., lor. seres, 2 lmr-e, 2 cow. J-lummel, Henry, Peiins. Pensioner, Sept. lsil); .. 177! Hummel, Henry, Hrinwlek Twp., Berks Co., 5i) acr.s, 2 horse, I cow. 1780 -Sfune, 100 ikmho, J cows. 1"S Ssine, 1 1 0 htc, 2 liorw, I ivw. Hummel, Henry, U :crc surveyed in Schuylkill Coui.ly. Feb. 15, 1X15. Hunmiel, Henry, 2-5 acr.-s surveyed July 2(i, 17!rt, Franklin Co. Hummel. J. H., IS screw surveyed in Schuylkill Co., Sept. 19, 1HK2. 1785 Hummel, Jiicoh, Charleston Twp , Chester Co., 10 sheep. 1769 Hummel, Jtwoli, Limerick T.vp., Philadelphia Co., 1 cow. 177!)--Hummel, Jiicor., Single Free man, Windsor I'wp., Berk Co. 17m 170 ticrcH, J liorsew, .; ,-owv 17hi) i ord weaver. 17hl- tKith Jiu-ohs the snme am 17-0. 17x4 Same. 17.H5 Hummel, Jacob. Hummel, Jiu-nh, J iicres siirveynl in Berks Co., Dec. 1754. Hummel, Jivoh, 1(k) itcre in Berks Co., Apr. 5, 17H5. 1779 Hummel, John, lalsirer, Green wich Twp., Berks Co. 17S1 Hrunnwig Twp., Berks Co., Jt ac res. 171 Same. 17n single Freeman, WindsorTwp. Iterks t o., UK) surveyed, Berks Co., Aug. 19, 17h.S. 'SO acres surveymi Berks Co., Sept. 12, 17H5. 21)U acres surveyed Berks (ii., Sept 14, 1785. 40 ai-res surveyed Berks Co., Sept. 14, 1785. 100 acres surveyed Berks Co., Sept. 17, 178W. l.W acres surveyed Berks Co- Mar. J.9I ' TTWji s'i sim c l&Ourastrrveyed Berks Co Not. 21,1786. 13 acres surveyed Schuylkill Co., Dec. ls;i5. Hummel, John George, Drjmmer. P. M., Pensioner, Feb. 1, l.SXt-72. Hummel, Levi. 4 ucres surveveii Perry Co., Mar. 12. l.Miti. 14 mti surveyed 1'i-rry ( '.., Mar. 1 1, 1.S6H. 4 .'utisi surveyed l'crrv i ' lhtit!. 17SI Hummel, Martin. 100 aiTi-i in Grwuwick Twp., IWfcs County. I.s) !'ri surveyed in Berks Ct. 28, 17S4. l.,i mt ai-res surveyed wich iwp., jJerks Co. 17.SO Sanie. Hummel, Matthias. 17S5 Federal Tax, 250 m'res. Alleu Twp., Northampton ( . Hummel, Miehat-1. 1779 mt acres surveyed Brunswig twp., Berks Co. 1780 Same. 1781 IW) acres BninswigTwp., Berks C. 175425 acres surveyed Berks Co., Dec. 24, 1754. Hummel, Philip. 1781 First ( o., 4th Battailion. I 'um berlaud Co., Militia. Commanded by Col. Samuel Culleron. Aug. 29. l7S2,till in same Com pany. 2 acres .sun-eyed Schuylkill Co., Mar. 31, 187.-,. Hummel, Samuel. 7 acres surveyed in Westmoreland Co., Mar. 13, 1820. earthly career will end In the taber-l nacle of Just ice where twelve of the Tuesday, Sept 8, Fall Term of Sue best years of his life were spent in the I quehanna University opens at performance of public duty. llnsgrove.. V 1771 Hummel, trederiek, Freder- icktown, Lancaster Co., assessed .50 acres, 2 horses, 2 cows, 100 acres sur veyed iu Cumberland Co., Juue H, 1774. 1772 Same. 1773 Same, 50 acres, Hunimellstown, Berks Co. 1779 Hummel, Frederick, New berry Twp., Taxed 5 pounds. 1782- Same, Taxed 3 pounds. 1783 Hummel, Frederick, Manches ter Twp., York Co., Single Freeman. Hummel, Frederick, Rev. Soldier, ap pointed in charge of manufacture of guns at Humelstown, to rank as Cap tain, Sept 13, 1777. Hummel, Frederick, pr. P. M. Northumberland Co., May 24, 1833 1874. 1781 Hummel, George Adam, tan ner, Plnegrove, Twp., Berks Co. Mar. 14, Sept. in iireeu- Public Sale. HOTEL at Public Sale at I o'clock on Thursday, September 17th, 1903. Hie Cuion Hotel. New Berlin, Ciiiou 'ouuty; Pa. Threw Story Brick, 10 Rooms, Store Room aud Dwelling, large barn and other necessary out buildings, with large grouuds and gardens, situated on the N. E. corner of Market and Vine Sts. This is an old established stand and is well patronized by summer Ixwrdei. iu addition to the regular trade. Fine boating, tishiug, gunning, etc. Sold by the heirs of Michael Kleckner, deo'd. S-27-3t. MARRIED. Aug. 23, by Hev. N. J. Dubs, John Brouse of Kratzerville to Jennie E. Loss of Pennscreek, Aug. 23, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Elmer E. Mliler aud Eva Laudenslager, both of Selinsgrove.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers