MJMJLEBUKG POST. ; niMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMl I Reformer ty OURUS M. SlflMN. Anlhor cf "In His Steps," "Robert T J (.'i.pirwAi, 1J, by CTtori! U. SbMom "Over agalnst'every prominent t kwance for a personal luxury the celestial record book ought to show some entry In furor of the cauM of goodness and suffering humanity. Tor ewry guinea that goes Into a theater or muKoum there ought to be poim twin guinea plcdired for a truth or fly ing on some errand of mercy In a city so crowded with misery as this. Then wo have n rV.it to our amusement. tMherw'.e we have no richt to thorn. l.::hle every moment to 1m t In the court of righteous . rlty for our treachery to : .'. .;;r race.' r strong, eh? Hut not too '::; y.m consider that the ! I..TI s; the poia. the silver. ; r: nil his. And when I Irak V't . ; church r.iemlers and the s eiety or business col-li.-h ti 11 of ttioir uses of inon- but are poach-.;i ness ; : . heaver, : "I.;.:1 . strong earth is tlx tir over : then re.. imi:is. v. ey for l;:i wonil. r ' t'an ;. pro; '''' . 1-nr.sl and v . hni;r,: : "t--.V. t r-" amusement. Is It any t I n-k. "Where Is the Chrts ' that (rives so out of li i!s n-n gratification oom '. .luty to pre.it causes ii-.dj?' Iowoll's verse I i-m r;r.- Our. 1 A-).! 'i from out ti rtoop an.1 kivs: Th- of my f.mM to pow; vs! th.-ii m my hiin.IrislfoldT tvik up with face Afrlow Mifwer, "Father, hi re Is coldT " "I am nfrr. M the celestial record book will fo", show a very heavy do;xstt on thc irt of the luxury lovlnp Chris tians (if this day and perioral ton," "Then jnu consider Hint one of the Inflletniei.; against the church of to day '" Gordon naked as Falmouth rained his head nnd sorrowfully pa zed ut a picture of the crucifixion that bunp over his dsk. "Yes. that and a lack of willingness to lear personal burdens, to carry crosses, to walk tiumhly, to apply Jesus" teaching to huslncsa, politics and amusements. There Is a striking in consistency ttotwoon the church mom Iter' vows and their dally lives., espe cially in the business and money mak ing world. The Christiana in our churches are not making their mooey a they ought, many of them, and they are not trlvinc a tenth part as much a they oupht to help God's kingdom." That Is a sweeping charge. Mr. Fal mouth. Tet you remain In the chant and continue to preach and act these conditions." "I. love the church," Falmouth -atowly, a pake aluKing' auto reverte 1 father and his were ministers. My mother is a saint If there ever was one, and her heart would almost break If ahe heard what I have said today, for she believes the church ts God's leaven in a sinful world. Bo do I. but I see Ms seed of regenerative cleansing so clear ly that 1 am torn between remaining where I am to preach the truth from th inside and g.ng out to do my work apart from the church as an Institution, let whre shall 1 go? There are a other institutions that are more Cbrtat Hke thai, the church. The labor orders are as sel:ish as the church. The or ganizations that do not profess any re Jjlou!: ereed ure no more uojieful plana tor a i....:, to aland than the place wtier- 1 quiet. '. to go so ... ;.sy lite intellectual of U' munus of my congregation 'roiilentt; of humanity T o--. Gordon' he turned ha now. 1 could lead a very ! ' tier- if I were content ::. u:.d out. preach sermons that vv athe;i' itld let face to tlx- visitor, and the Intense pss sioti of tii'.' mun sliotte through tb habitual gravity aud culture tbut ortv rwis- disiiiiKuiBlil hiut "l am, up hciijiily. sj;,i: 1 say' uo, provideutuurr caul:-. uj u, t:ie social whlrlwlud uf Vm- tp'.. i.nC I coutjot I cannot let thes qu-.j'j:.i rest. Wot- Is me If I preacb not a whoit gos;ell And In order v prutich It I muBt go the entire length of proclaiming Citrrat's Goiun llMte aijd self lienying discipleship. knowljjf ! fully that my jeopie will grow rvstleas ( under it. knowing that they nre not wllUiip ti lake up the cross dally la ' orCer to follow their Master, iajd yet i there Is a futthful handfuL Then arc suom- who havt irot bowed the knee to Umuiiuoi. erhaps luore thaii I buw kuuwL GuC lir-ulve me If I neve been unjut?: or erreC 1l my Juusujeirt of the cburci it tint ugt " Oeoroat CtC not wtitvrre to break the ajijee that followed. When Fulmouth glir rnieC Lu beud, he said. With a rat siulie. "I en,v yov. Gordon. I wotihJ sj moFt l.ke to chuuge places with yuo. Vwj (M-ui to U- Oolnp work that nxls Ui .L t)ju . Vou are douip tiiiHK-. I ttur writing about thtn. botue day He stopped abruptly aud Umu asked : "If you e ui my pii . what vutim hooW yo(i take with the tuou ! busiueas met hi Udb church to toocb them with a wuw- of their rv jojS"iillity atKl prirliue ae siewurds f Gv"l uselth''" Gurvlot auHwerud lijuUuitiy : "Get as tuMijy of th-u.' u jfwt-slliii' to KO iimii !'' Jinuei! slrevt HiKi how tin ofher hal' lives" Kttl..it'l:V --s g iea met!. "! '.;...;.." tiiey "1! go. FJ! U.i Jt I Ibim ni .ir !e-'i titeie myself i'.uf I t-t .luui pitnt. Xccj think tin- Uim fci. v. i.:;.f :. tu.s ;Jly do Jto' Uiiow tiii f:o Vu" til.iil: kuowiitie of Ukj iu . vtii ti.ucii Ueuj to Uu wyiue ta,u' .' ".Nut U--.". . ai-.j.-. liut tle cui'.uied, ,wuii:,,. ;. ur ciiurcLiet ut a rule 1 ..- ; ..w i'Jl'-ly IttftijtL fjvw per- feoital t: . 'nil ,t;i u: t-e Lvirwra of city IS: 'J - - itcvt-i" i.-ojutidUc the lifje arete or tn respectable, comfortable ! ad la many cases luxurious conditions . Into which they were born, I am con- Tlnced that If 500 of the beet business : men la the churches of this city couU M the thing I hare seen within the ' tat -two weeks, and know the (acta ' that every , resident -In Hop House ' know 'like the alphabet the present ' awful wrongs would not be permitted I la the city. The Christ method was' personal familiarity with alnful con ditions. He was a Saviour because he himself knew the sinner. The weak aesa of the church lies In the fact that it has dropped out so largely the per sonal factor and exists too much for Ita own religious life la Its elaborate church services, which In so many cases have no other meaning than pride and vainglory of the partici pants. Hut I forget myself." Gordon smiled sadly. "1 am not At to criti cise the church I who for so many years dishonored her with Up service and formal worship." "You have as much right to criticise her as any Christian If you do it In the right sptrtt," Falmouth said gently. Then he added: "Iet us have a prayer' together before you go. Wo need to' ask forgiveness for many things and J wisdom for everything." So the two men kneeled while the ' minister prayed. It was a good, strong, j sturdy prayer that did John (Jordon ; good. There was no whining, no cant, ' no complaiulng. An honest heart plea for more strength, rooro toleration, more faith, more lore, more patience, and Gordon, after a hearty handshake, went out and back to Hope House, whore he had agreed to moot Falmouth and the singers a little before 3 o'cUvk. At 3 o'clock Kowen street w as fully aw-atv that something unusual wns taking place. A "funeral" in Bowen j street w as aa a rule an informal affair j In which the immediate neighbors were ' apathetically Interested. But this af j fair of the deformed Ixiule Caylor promised unusual developments. Word had pone around that Tommy Randal) had been temporarily "downed" In a ' "set to" with one of the gents from nope House, but that before the funer-1 al was over he would le on top of the pile, so to speak, and everybody satis fied. So Bowen street poured Into the court of No. OX and choked the narrow stairways and back yards commanding i a possible view of the funeral party. hen John tJoroon, Falmouth and the quartei turned Into the court off the street, the amasement of the dif ferent members of the choir had given way to an expression of disgust min gled with actual fear. Tor pity's sake. Mr. Falmouth, where are you taking us?" exclaimed the tenor, a distinguished looking man, well known In musical circle as a growing singer at fashionable recep tion. , The soprano, young woman of am beauty, and the alto, a llttl older, i bat a woman of real strength of ex pression, drew closer together a the ueeetbuMwua rowu fevwen pressed nearer and the real horror of the place began to make Itself felt The gentleman who sang baas was with John Gordon and was looking at hint with a look of Intense Indignation, as If he were the real cause of bringing the party Into the place. "Do you wish to go bark? Ton ca If you wish," Falmouth said quietly. "No, no; but this Is horrible. It is past all belief. Is It safe for the ladle Win they be able"- "Perfectly safe, ladies," John Gordon poke with a touch of grimnesa. "Peo ple are born and live and die here. Safe enough, I assure you." He led the way promptly, asking the people to give them room. How the quartet ever lived to get up that stair case where Mr. Marsh nearly fainted no one can tell except tbenmelves. The soprano said afterward" that It was a miracle that any of tluns ever came out of it alive. Aid her hidlgnatkm at the tier. Tsui Falmouth woe so dep that nothing but financial consider: tions could Induce her to, gljitr in the f."T. Falmouth's church agnlL The corridor in front of, Jrs. Caykr was pecked almost solid with w wnsbed humanity, although everybody was dressed in the best garments be pusBiBnufl. Tommy Randall waf on hand as putterul manaavr. He wus ob egutuos and even eetntngty fnwnitig o the Rer. Paul FRhnouth. He spoke good naturedly to Gordon and ga e everybody the impression that the. Wliote arranermeut was of bis owe paanulug. And in fact that night when Gornoc ran ovr aS the incident ef that lentarkebie day he aasaaat amUed to think that Tommy Bnilnf bad cored a triumph with Ldsb funeral a the background. The quartet sat out In the eerrtdot. and the uiluhfier stood In the doorway wnere be could be heard by the crowd In the rvutue and outside. The three runt were JamuMed with a pcvuiiveo vfl uol that wac packed krto every waueetvable corner and krft the under aaker and Tommy BandaQ merely room ; enough to quees themaelves lc dose Bp by the cottln. Gordon was aaelgned a pines by airs. Gaylwr. Gut ou the touts that cuuanauded a view of the , oriotstvr and the singers a motley crowd of cblldfvu, buys, young men and okl women and babies was ctasv ' tered in various degrees of more or ka ' boiy lulu-Mart, which quWtud down to u ioteuate sMllitees when the norWt roee to sing the first aeXevtiwu. The singers Uud evidently mode op their minds to make the beet of a 1 very bud situation. They were tweh- 1 alcatly skillful and Irvm a variety 1 vf reasous they huijH with a power j that probably astonished theinserve. I The unwonted surrouudJuKS, the vmr axiuaiur and iuhuman aspuet of every r.p'j.sivf phynk-al tiling, tle scaring Mtjii.e fux-s that grvw up In tnimtent I fetxiotplit-re uudl tlmy bwuiue type ' (hat can be littod ou to any other tea-, ' uieut bouie rowu person,. aU this act-' ' vd veith a definite aic-ure of exclte lucut upou the jui:rtel and as a mat-' ter sit fact litK, Paul FslKjpyyi said to himself be bad never heart thoni iln -f3at aathlng! What's a day or two with more expression or real feeling mora or leas! -Comer' aa say occasion. - v '. When tb song ceased, a sigh went ap through the rooms, and out on tb roof a movement could be beard that, was Uk applause. Falmouth stood up and began to talk. He wss not at all ' afraid or seemingly consdons of hit unusual situation. He talked of eter nal life, bow It began, what It was worth, how It could be distinguished from physical lire.' The people understood him. Caylor, who had sobbed all through Gordon put on bis hat. Burton threw aa a light overcoat, tliouyli the evening was not cold, and they- went down aa fast a possible. As they passed out Into tb' Boulevard ami ran over to the next corner to get the tirst car a fine mist swept Into their face. " Ba-' for tb cur came the mist hml changed to a drlixllng rain and a brecse bad, ; sprung up. I t "Ton ottght notto have coiue," Gor Mr. Jon said aaln. I the singing, wss perfectly quiet whll "Don't give me swny to my cough. Let's fool It a long a nostible." Bar- Falmouth talked and afterward, when ton said, with a grin, he prayed for her and for all mothers j They left the car where It crossed who had lost children. Bowen street and ran down toward Then the quartet sang again. When ; the place. People were running In they ended, there was unmistakable . from n thc side streets, applause from the roofs. The soprano ! -jf, n0. 01. " Mr Marsh's double turned red. the alto looked confused, deokerr Gordon punted as they drew the tenor scowled and the bos seemed j nearer. uncertain whether to smile or frown, j iarton ,,,,, llot ,llmw,.r. ne wns Gordon come to the rescue by rising orwithlng painfully, but did not stuck and helping Mrs. Caylor as ah took a ; . ht!l nilM. , he ,ln(1 ,,,, last look at the poor figure tn the coffin, j tne pHEe Wnuer for the half nillo ! She shrieked and flung up her arms Th(, ,.-pnrtment had strotclvd a cor-! until the undertaker somewhat rough- j ,jon noroS8 tlu B,m,t lmt tll0 lnol, diH. , ly. but "I Gordon knew afterward, reKurdtd It. Flumes were pouring out : with no real Intention of being so, wf ,,, i,,,,,,,,,, wlmlows of No. l1. i thrust the sliding cover of the coffin , wi.r,, tll ,,uk,.rv W1IH. Thc w,,, Wllll up In Jts groove, covcrlug the bony i rH,1)? from sight .Tommy Randall took cm J tnprp,.. crl(H, ,,.,,., BUlUon,Vi etui of the coffln the undertaker took , ,,, ,0 th(? , of the other end. and the brief procession .,,,.. ,.,. A ,.,,., ,. mill f made its way unceremoniously out of the room and down to the wagon which was in waiting on Bowen stret Falmouth went In and spoke a few words of comfort to the mother, who seemed, now that it wus all over, to have resigned herself to her usual apa thy. When the mtnlsvr came out Gor don and the singers were grouped to gether watching the crowd, disperse from the roofs and back staircases, so as to get out on the street and see tho coffin loaded into th wagon. "This is horrible horrible! Let us get out ss soon aa possible"" thc soprano murmured. She was holding s fin scented handkerchief to her face. Tho smoke from the chimneys of thc bouso below was drifting In heavy masses up through the corridor and Into the rooms of all the apartments that open ed on 1t as the only outlet "First time I ever beard applause at a funeral," the tenor muttered, speak ing partly to Gordon. Gordon looked at the window. She held out n younger child In her arms. For a second she total there In plain view of the crowd lu the street, and then she disappeared. In another moment she came to the window again. "Look! Look!" a hundred voices called out. I'p through the central air shaft sixty feet abovo tho ) court a tongue of tla inu leaped. The next In stant out of every window except the row fronting on the street with it rush and a roar the Are broke, lattllnjr the glass to the ground and licking the whole structure arouud with hungry, greedy, long anticipated delight The child with her burden of the younger child again appeared at one of the top windows. Ths crowd roared. A wagon tore around tho corner. Lad ders rattled as they were pulled out. "They will be too late. They can't save ber!" Barton groaned. The whole street was now bright as noon. The child did not cry. She stood there, her the etnger quietly and almply said: palo fae, inking down, her arms clasp ing the little figure tighter to her body. CHAPTER VII "How many of the people ever heard first class music? Dtd you ever think there la more than on kind of hun ter r . . They all went down the stairway to gether, a they had com up, Gordon as before leading the way. Going down the aMo said: "But this Is simply awful. How can homan being live In such places?" "They dent tire," Oordon said, ex actly as he had said to Mr. Marsh. "Be careful of that step. The stairs are uu aanatty clean todajr. I think Mr. Ran CUurtwpon?lA1w 1&bVl WW MI -the corridor so dean as.lt wat today.' " "Cleanrthe soprano gasped. "Iaaall sterer be able to wear this dress again. ThU 1 the most fearfully awful place I was cret in." . J, Cordon did not aay anything .until they Were all down and out of the court Into Bowen street again. Then he turned to the soprano. "ould you and the vest of the quar tet be willing to come down to Hope House some time this fall and take part in a free conctrt in the new hall?" "I I don't know," the soprano look ed doubtfully at the other singers. "I think I couM coma," the alto said a little hesitatingly. "iKia't believe I eould managa. Ha vest Cms," the tenor answered shortly. r' . .ul .... V. . UL. 1 a UWU.U BUUl up LEW 1M-W SOU did not say another word until the; party was back at Hope House. When they went out to get the cur that went by at the wxt block, Falmouth said to Gordon: "iKiu't set disoouraaed. Butt oh. mi God. wiiu LuSan niiserrTGoSi turned white don, you social settlement people al! Pk)W of fire It seeined aa If the eoin ways JvvJoJkK'k jt! jLpeemsjto me, P,LT VRB unusually glow. Before the tie" sight would drive yvu mad afu ! la1Jw'8 uad reached a perpendicular, awhile. The utter lKpteBtsB of it is they had trembled, swaying eirogL to kill tbejienrt of s giant" . Tr twJ tbe building, a dosen faces God LTnot deaa," Gordon "iW3d. 1 Ppewl t the upper windows beside He shook Lands all arbmd Vnd tluuiked ' e child altb her charge, beckoning Falntonth and the st&fers, feeling a Et- 1 I Vr lyHE ladder went up. den, and then a scene occurred that will never leav John Gordon ss long as he toll on bearing human woes on his brave and bleeding heart . The child suddenly disappeared, and , la ber place could be seen two men and ' woman nghtjng Ilk wild beasts 'for,' tho first chance at the ladder which tested on tb sllL A fireman was climb ; Ing up and had almost reached tho Saddened fighters. At the othar win-1 iw wild,- Imploring face begged la agony for life. Two more forms were seen to jump from the windows at tb corner farthest from the ladder. Th fire was now bursting through th roof, and one group from the window next the lighters above the ladder fell back as If a. floor, bad given way all this In tin few seconds It took to be burned luto Gordon with awful detail when he ' saw the ludder rise to a perpendicular ts If some giant hand had pushed It back. It rose until It stood straight, tho solitary figure of thc fireman silhouet ted against the blur.lng wall, nnd then the entire front of the house, with a roar that gntliered volume in a sicken ing rush of death, fell over Into the street, burying In one mingled mass the Uretuan who had been standing ou tho holder, his companion at the foot and the crowd tu the street that, caught in a trap, could not escape even If there , had boon time to gie warning of the du uger. ' For one awful second Gordon and Barton, who had been standing Just outside the reach of the f n 111 lit; wall,, looked luto tin.' bla.lng Interior of the tenement. Figures within that roaring furnace leaped dowu Into It from tloorn mid window ledges, others Jumped In to the street They looked like great insects leaping Into Jets tif tla me. Then with a deafening crash the remaining side walls fell Inward. The rear wall rem. lined standing for-a minute, then swayed and crashed backward upon I the lower buildings behind, where nt i unco lire broke out lu a d07.cn places. To the friends It seemed as If thc n!r , suddenly tilled with groans, with ap peals, with cries that were like curses, I like walls of spirits thnt had been do- j tiled nil earthly happiness and by tho greed of sol Huh mini had now boon eon-' signed to endless torments in thej other world, there to bo subject to the rut'lcs rage, to the ceaseless suticrlng that earth had begun and hell existed to perpetuate. And oh, for you, little child of tho tenements! Nameless heroine, crushed Into shapeless form of horror, still faithful to your charge, both going down together into that grave of lire, who shall deliver your eulogy, who shall roar your monument? For ouo among those who leaped Into the street lived long enough ,to tell your story nnd to say that you ran back luto th burning building to warn sleeping In mates and tlieu was snatched away from th window, from the only place of possible rescue, by the very men and women wakened out of suffocating death, If there I reward .or .compen ' satlon In the world beyouu, the gooi God. has; sorely folded- you Into the vale of pleasure. Into the paradise of childhood's playground, that eterulty will . provide, For you never knew what play meant here. As the rear wall fell, crushing lu the roofs of the smaller bouses near and spreading the fire into the adjoining blocks David Barton gripped John Gor don's arm tight and exclaimed: "The Hope House will go and Anti-Pain pi Cured GripDid tJ Day's WorH, - AnH-FaJn FlUa, the nJ "I wish Tills aid it out aaaa I IftO ate - - u-i sin I'lji. timet denng the salt mr lur sad always with Mori grstuW, consider ta the ke.l ediei. I h.v alio aud vow N J Cure in ay family with ttcZS fulli. Actual eiptruracc with theWSLf rmr remedies kave ptovctl to brnrL cheerfully recommtsd them Mksrit M. Dayton, htuinrss Ml Ful.hi.hing Co, Puuli.heri ltl,.ltl r?N weekly newi, Cornell I)iv s,,7' In itt.rH LnGrippe ii very al in u ucr ciiccii li ll one ol th Kctmrcn that nlfirli mi4,.i llis nervous, tvnttm. mttu t i-UUIl, IIIIU IUYS Hie IOUIHUlli'll f.,r ItiS Ita hea p.. ... ....,.,. ,ntb the vitality and tenders it,r ' c!'l tihle to pneumonia, bmni lnt:s jh.i 3 1 he liefct Irealmriil v i " " aei brain, rettom .rnnih n.l etitire sytemi Dr. Mile' Nme rills, a nerve tonic stting ihrertiTJ rirn'et or the diueitive iirgiiiurauMj-l t" net in naltiral tnd healthy ma: tier .,1 Rlilc Aciti l ain fills which n tp-iJ ness, the mtmt commtm vtniti,mn .1 i! ,?cirV! ""nl K""mte tie I r. MiW Kemnluri. S.-n, j, on Nervmm ami Heart I Ir. Mile. Medical Co., Elkhart, Ui" u unuuiai countries the mJ of the best sleeping place, ti, J Hoof-ftwellln lno b.tU( the best !iri..J la Seamier. ' 18 not Eetrj is Strang that In northern and especially In ours, the cr has not been seized. liwaU months at Ipaat infiri..i 1 - . ' ua . . : i, f corned, most of the United JaJ cldedly oriental, says AmeriaiJ Iclne. Is It the energetic fc fcj l'hiiadeiphla, to whom we tt a for the Inauguration of the pa; top of th building of tbe P, hospital Is to be used u t rot' for the uberculoui patlena. a pital roof, W by 150 feet, it cent a canvas roof, to which side flaps for use when pnxtea un or rsln Is necessary, ted up with beds, so that tk may be kept In th open of th day. It la xpected ticfe 'and shrubbery will be tastti root and that it will resjkV with wallis fad snaa,iii patients. .- In planning the eat of hospitals hereafter win ttta have to allow for this eictW of treating patients? Atini th tubsreulouB? And vtjSnV alone? ir tat quickly, but to tb breathless crowd '.bat now blackened every housetop and cbvked Bowen street with a mass of c faces touched with the tie ashamed o.1e curt silence attl tenor's refusal to accept his Invitation. Falmouth prumlsed to come down aooo and take tea at Hope Boose and parted with Gar under the itapresalon that the aftoueacra igpsrlsm had brought them aatu eloaer togethe. Bow Btrte any one af a raefean on the chanire that com Into al aw plan by tbe-aerWeirts of Hfe, and yet how many great eaeuts owe their greataeas to apparent trlfiea that are called acci dents far want of a better name. Gordo had gone up to see Dsvtd Barton that saute evening. Barton bad frantically for help. "See! See there!" Barton cried again with the same nervous tension which he had show u since leaving hi rooms. A figure leaped out of tbe upper win dow, whirled aver twice, striking the tipper extension of the Udders, and fell Into the street Th crowd groaned. A second figure stood out on s window til end, throwing up ita arms, with a shrill cry more beastly than human, flung Itself out toward the Udder now leaning over toward the building. It was woman. Bbe actually touched one of the Udder rounds with her fin gers sad for a second the crowd greeted him cheerfully and again aa- j thought ah hud grasped It. but for toniahed him by his apptsManoe. Tbey I a)Jr second. The body shot down- warn, ano parcou anu Moray n ciosea their eyes and involuntarily put their bauds up over their ear to shut out tbe horrible sound. Again the crowd bad lingered Kiug ver their evening talk, and Gordon bad Interested Barton trenMidonsly In bis account of the meeting with Tommy baodall Ton aoored ou ulttV Barton chuo kted. -I flout kuuw. Jtte U deep In certain dlreetloua. But I will know the socrvt of his bold. In fact, I think I bow It already. Ue will never best me," Cor don anawared firmly, but modestly. They aat ou, postpouliig budtluw until the clocks struck 12. Time to pot the coogb on th shelf," Barton aald. He bad not had a spell all the evening, to Oordou's relief. Oordon went luto his room, which tad windows coumaaXUng a vlaw of the lower part of tbe city. Be came back liislantly and culled to earton: XAime Lere: Jyyok! Isn't that a fire over bear the end vf Bowen street, Waterside district V '"Ilight you tre!" Barton exclaimed quickly. "The Moss street cars will take us within a block. go." "David, rou ought not to rUlt" t td, and It was only after th wool thing was history that Bowttu street laarnod that owing to tbe, narrow courts and the broken pavements the department wss fatally hindered la all Its movements and the wagon carrying the life blanket had overturned at a corner, killing th driver aud maiming ou of the horses so that It had to be shot Make out another liidlcUnvut for murder against a municipality which delibuaWly robs tha people of Us rights In order to keep tho wheeU of the political tuuchiiiu juovliig. What are human lives compared with ths spoils of ollke uud the plunder that U a part of poliilcul service to the powwi luut U? ( The Udder fell over and touc'Ucd the window sill where the child of the U-neu.eiiU was stiiudljig with her Lur- wind U changing nextr They were on the corner next to Hope House, and the horror of the whole sit uation was suddenly Intensified if pos- atlTtlA riv Vi n t u rt ine K 1 n on liv,o r fjlViC JJ IUC UUIIVl V1I11.U 1 - V IU11IIV ened the one building in the whole ward that represented humanity at Its best The wind bad changed to the east The rain was Increasing, ff $amo down In a steady cold that bad no et- j. feet on tbe fire except apparently to . increase Its fury. The awful con f union ' was Increasing every moment. The alarm Lad been sent in tor the entire . department. In almost a second's tjme the mass of low wooden tenements that stotxl crowded together on both sides of Hope House was buratlng with Ore. ! The maddened, punlc smitten people were carrying their goods out luto the streets. Under tbe aliapeleHH muss of j hot bricks and twisted Iron brains lu Bowen street buuiau forms could be seenhere a fuce staring up, hero a hand, a foot a trunk of formica hor ror. Tbe whole pile seemed a writhing, tangled heap c? human agony. Groans and cries burst from it that were ap palling. The mass had fallen so near to the two men that some of tho bricks Uy at tbetr feet Before either realized What he was doing they wero both dig ging at the ghastly mound, Hopa Houue forgotten for the time being. Their hands were burned and torn by tho hot bricks snd splintered beams. Barton especially seemed Inspired with uuusu si strength. He wss drenched to th skin. His light overcout was soon mass of Uttered rags. He was lifting a beam that lay scroti a figure that had moved a hand thrust out of th debris. Gordon wss helping hlin. It's My. Cuylorl" Gordon exclaimed A north Missouri editor of his subscribers was ini tJ. that his paper be dlscoa'J: days later the editor met tlx subscriber on th street, about th not. "I wrote self," returned the tubtcra for?" asked th editor. "V to stop yer paper." Hid candidly, "an knovrla' need th money, I dlin to com right out an' it t wrot you the note alou-.ta Id ties: I'thtit Unreneetlve mlnda pes only as a Jug does water. ing them. In a diKl?J knowledge exists like na the physical frame, rei? t cd to tongue, or haLd, or H thither, anywhere, ul dsird. -- groaued. and a wild beast yell arose, f tn, foce 0 ,u- flKUf appcarod -us aw umuaeir some one turn- Tu W4)IU(IU WM crUH,lwj ,uto B ipk. enliig physical muss, but she was allv svd cousciou. "It's Mr. Gordon, Mr. Cuylorl" said Joh)i, with a sob, us he tenderly wiped the face uud with Burton's help lifted off the beam that had crushed Iter. The woman gunned uud spoko feeLl, but clem ly: "Do you think I'll ice Louie? II wai a guod boy a good boy." '"Ves, yes, Mrs. t.'uylor, and bin body's straight uuj uuiv out uf ,,)," ToumuMIM Ml M T W I Hi. Slaw in Yiiijv iilduiya t tn fiufius nminunk I'M), cui t.-an Kl'lML't' llt. tinny fUilnm itii biuiln. liciuviirl.'u . Clilcuu wr tf V , Wf.l.'UAliJA ruri rt l y I'M.- "lUlUV-Ilt, lilmf " Vr MII'm' i'a A Hill (l-ii.Aii.i Ths plague of 'i I a Grippe. n acwf itfojoli.Oiuii-Wilt'Ni;rvlf Ther were four bUH passengers In 1902 and thousand of them hurt. mortality among c&ault greater. But thers li tin In favor of automobllW A don't llv long you bl It lasts. A royal commiwloB " A from London to i'niT U road svstams la America: 4 Eniliuhmsn want to lea ths largest number of "J th amalUat powlbl na no further than New T A Texas man in a it"' foot high was arreivei fa m n(lfn a lixndful' tVI P.WIUl , dimes among a mob of can't understand tbst Uk they can In Tu The public men b H cartoons of themtKl'1 Ider the awful aiterus-j ing Ihulr picture i. tiiSt I1 Dixit who dUdfrouitin Ing 'J oo ,00 to "t oPy M years sUoJjug Aud now there U uJJjj bureau scandal, U " J anything more vWJ wtaihur bureau iwvj Tbe man who 9'MJ tho girl who sUcki nlture. Jle vr j