The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 13, 1903, Image 1

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-TV V 1. .v
Will 21
W Jo w of note
Md o Thaf.inu go
rjclt. Th "prtca wlfl
Sample and price for ak
,n? Ws fumfth 'lhwn prtntd
f&f is than r n W them
without printing.
r.,- j-wmr Tiy ls.
t. W. Wit-M. tito PrssiW.
A fswUy !,
t -tf T- -X 1
vou xxxx.
Uvcly Little Liner.
VlM Hestla an th
f otinty TM N
Peop'e Mora ftr U fftmliwnt.
Ap(M-M tfc Thlr fee
fr F.nterllne of Rlvemlde to
toting her many frtond at thto place,
if . Hmipt of aharonkln to paying
Vst ia Mim Blanche Swerta in Swlne-
Rv. W. FT. Diehl and family are
Wiegl" new paraMtage ui
Yon ran get pure Wine and Whto-
;W f..r medical aw at the Middlebnrg
M i Ullton AUUOTpnie tout
Ilth hr ttw-J B. Fninll Hamo in
VmUy w th of Alms. W.
lnviwant uut fluatly.
Mr. RJImi 3mfth of IT, l pymt
vixitU her ntotrt Mm. Jmjim f.
irntiM in this p !!.
(oTfr auhlneckerof CTeveUart, O.,
frying a vMt ti bto parenu utl
tmU at tbia place.
Th Mid.lleburi Dru tor baa
M t fuU Him of pura Wines and
f hikij for mwllRai am. tf.
Jmi Ayr and wifa wtm wijoylnif
1 hwpiulity of their ami, WiUlam
Jyers rd wife of PaxMnvlIIes.
Will torn Haioea, one of tbe eoaeh-
Vken of SelltMcxove. aav at the
Vinty seat on bualneM Saturday.
hrK Frank 8, BtefJ and daavUer,
men atafeivDk M
The biwinesa men of Xew Berlin nave
n'naHed we ouege- nuuuiog anu
Wpwe to open a acbool at tbat plane.
Sheriff ti. E. gampaell, Attorney
i;brt, Weiaer, Potter and Crouae
L pawengers Eaat Monday morn
Ask your Dootor fbr a prescription
o to the MitMleburg Cnur Store
Live your Win and Wbiakiee for
ItHiicai um. a.
SMim Race Btilender and her mer.
Lizzie Eysta of AJiirjn. Ohio, are
htlnir their parenm, Daniei Balender
!i wift oppowte the jaxL
The iroutI toneoriai srtiat, Mr. Elmer
!!brt, in tbe employ f A. E. !ul
this pirn-, viititea hia bt girl it
.)ur)mery, over Sunday.
Wi.'Ilma H Smith, who hae been tw-
a.tini in the wnxjtiun of ie new Dut
n boui tuilUluif ac Mifflintown. wa
Ii home over Sunday with boa Aunily.
M w Cweie Sampeell. who had been
Wvmi ii extended vteit tu her ouuuu
in ti. C. Smith, at Johneunburg, !at
rwi Kturuud tu her parental home ;u
" WTld Mau rom Borneo" w
t th ovuusy t Friday and itw
lvl'.iug uu a oud sued 'Skate''', made
wo bwl for while till he a in
t- leayethe pUmw.
V v ictuuii tMiupwr ruws woree by ill-
l j wwno, WtM tiNtu and wumeit will
''ndt uhevk the itupulM tu rum
v ttverythilig that oileuda their
k w Uw eternal tltum. d thinjv
NAlrSSMrW WATSB: tu look
tw ur iutMeet Ut Suvdw aud
v. AJdrwi. the
Vlvtuii Oil Con
CtevttiJurd, O.
t O, iuti. SteitiittKert our outing
V v"'" aud.wift !wi lat. TTturodaty
Wf Jty trp tw Atlauiio O.ty ud
V0u.iSV iu txiu e dem
W C Mlth of jit)uevuhurx i
u b-'hv ovutiiy twtd hi- ttuy
.'Uviit bu ai Kl 'u ! it.
N V.i 1
WWt vtottiit lU.WouteH.iu huwstWi wtthwur bwng-re-
t n iin iv. 1km. fhwtWv
Wi H, NVxMlKf;vuisMUd. tht
Ik l thus ij HiUvstflsisk.itt
'.i;v. Hiviuk. i( hsuuvsVU s-. i
P 'v if hk lavhot. n ttH ov.
s'Uy. V,vhs rMH hijtw iiitivtd. CautKH-tiwii nwms-J
aMmkuUiu Uu Uiwwv- hx, twKi ill beiMvcvd foMh fail ttrmi
'';lniHvfc, n.lmv4 null. h: h.u-i
Wm. Hr. J. ft. ant;! of X -W Rinir-
nM to wiylnr Wt u her mm hrr sni
in P!m. !
Andrew C!h of (UWt1vk epmf
laitt Wedneartny nht In tnwrt. ff.
CTh la entirHy daf, hiu bto eoral
powr r Ttmnrifnerlly xtmnu. H
ia a man of Inreexperlfntv and la one
of the land mark of Snydereoiinty.
Rev. FJlaa Xoll of New Rr!ln, the
new naatar of the Reformed (hnmhe
of thto vicinity, wm inotalled Iiut
Thunelay evening toj the Reformed
chureh of thto olaee. Reve. Haaa of
Selln-wrove and ?peard of Mifflln
horjr officiated.
Mm. Rv. A. E. Cooper and family
amanendinit their summer vacation
with her p renin, A. FT. T71h and wife
In flwlnefnrd. The partem in enjoying
a eann of Rihle tudy at the Xrth
lleld Conferwee 1 a MweHumiliief t, hto
jharje having unntrtbnted a ftind for
thto onerial purpoee.
Tra f. r'ehorh, Treamirer ni Ret
trar of Juiiehanna UnlvTsltyt Am
mon Kefn,jfer, of Phllllptne fkme. Mm.
Adda Kwtipfer ond Mm. Jem Crniwe.
II of :eilnrrov, drov tu the old
.ehoeb home tent, weet ol town, Ann
day and stopped a while with J. Caivln
Sohneh and family in thto phre.
John Dnrk, the haker, and Mlm
Remle MoyT peTit Saturday and Sun
day at Thompeooroa n with the Iattem
ancle. Chanlee A. Meixer and wife.
John haa a new mhiier-tlre buvgy and
a high-orwt trotter .vtn tbte enm-
pleteontflt, including hie beet girt.
John certainly ihoold enjoy travel-
There are about seventy-five name
on the lint of applicant for work at
the proposed Water Worka Plant. Tbia
la enooorMrlnir fur the iraenn that It
waa feaied t&at there won Id not bei
flcient banda to batten t&etnh t
, ptotloji., . Ia that event, It would have
Fredertelt had to use some tl fty Italians
to bntld the water worka at MlllvUle. I
If the appllcanta fbr work here all turn
ap fbr work, there will not be any
Itallarui imported as there will be suffi
cient to complete the Job in the pmoer
time. It is rather surprising to most
of us that so many workmen can be
mustered for a temporary job and it
proves one thinif that a reat many
more men an tie found who wnnld be
williuir tu work at a permanent manu
lu'tunntj pluut, if 4Ui-h. an one wera
"Quo Vtuiltis" is not a novi, nor is
it like any work which ha appeared
in recent ..enturies. The speaiier
throughout its JCXt imifea is a Psraonatfe
hii;her than ztio author ; but this Per
majje i not "the Henvenly Father,
with Oouck White frirsnedai imrtasna
dor.' as some rewiewen are unjustly
ihanjiuir. ZUther, be ia represented
n these pajfw as "he Voice of die
Ais,'' who ijver-tcan this ijold-raied
p i yum-lrankea Axnerica and jptwica,
ti-udwiy yet rothiweiy, of the hungers.
The piay wiuuii oouuiiumi ihxounout
the t between, the word .itUie au
thor -Mid the wordaof lhi lughsr One
W'ju -mka, ives dnunatie puwer.
juid iit Hiuu Vndithy' into the realm
i Uterarare. It was a perilous plan
die writer ' if the book pnrBued ; but
read thtew further words is to his io "A oiarwiu vnk-V 'Tiiiedot
UtaUe.'' "A. atrainfe and uupuar vol
ume.' "Portiaud Me.) Preea.'' Sent
m rewipt in.Uttby rheClviePreaa. '
Ulbie House, X. Y.
The Firm Pauuayivauia State 5or
maiSviioui ar. Milleravill uiTif free
tuitiuu to pupils- uwer sevautHm woo
are pretiannif to teach in the public
houl of the State. It ia wrilknown
'act that any tutBiliipMit, man making;
Ut uf die tmart l- rmniueuU 5"irmai
-duowi tu the TTiiltod StaMfr would iu-j
uiuuw JUilmraviii auui$ the Int. hart
doc.. The !o.sou 3 LbpA suhovL to
idtsu. PMeuis- may Taml whBT uhiM
dreu to MillemriUe wittihehowierge
Ulat drey w -sue a yney onn be
Studt4i( whu ooureto 5Ulltirvill re
iwiw full otrdlt for what they ainasuv
iiiw, :uid nviUaio :i sumu as- thtiy
-nii sitU ' trilt tu dnsuWvre and tbe
x iKioi. i rty are ovt tncsutj rnrougn
iUird tWNiudy, but 4rcpveted to do
ftuthitll, uuvrnsrd wt.nt,
Hv ym evH tbw latter, uataiognei'
Vo'y will Im -wut ufuM aopilcatiuM
'u tiv ltivima. -Mid t'uil. iuKmuatiou
'lw-'''rtJU i'V-PM to ad .who,
HhivU tsiuiw ruWav-, snembwr
B" 3ny wr, 5nt nl 3Iry
Myr too in Um b
ua wtuntay rratnjt.
Mr. C A. Rathfim, who kad been
ependtn aeeerai weeae in Mrtli Cw,
returaed honw
Witoon rwl and Ralph Werner
were entertained Sunday at Kraiaea
vllle with tlie former panmte.
Wilwn R. Wlney shipped several
cur loiada of erne, ties laet Week.
Unite a uumlier of our hoy attended
the ftwtlval .-Uuirday evenlnij at "iem
Kilgar Ciuiter, operator in tha
.ipertntendent,offlleeinhiry, spent
Friday at home.
Mm. L. F Wetzel i vlnitlmr frtende
at Midum.
Alter I'toh, after eridinq several
weeks with bto nuid psrents. mrum
ed to bto home a Millentfmnr.
li-Vnef.i Row Dead.
Monday rooming the mA nwwe as
nonnelnir the dmth f Geonpe Wd
imrton Rw, F.xherltr of Snyder
County, at bis home near talem, in
Penn towoahip, name a a surprise.
He bad been sirk for two r :hree
weeks and the IaUsU rppnrta wre that
he wm rmnm1ns He died snddenly
-iinlay evening at nine iVnloek.
FTe Is descended from a sturdy 'urn
ily, who before the Rewilntionary '.Vsr
settled In the vtrtnlty of ?aien.
Anuinir the ptoneeni wsa one Genres
Row, horn 1T3. He wsa killed hy ;Jjwi
Tndlane in ITRX while wrnin; home
from the irrtst mill located at T.wtle
Creek almve W'.nfleld. whii-b then waa
their nearest mill.
x-e)hetur Row wm the son of Jon
athan Raw, who 'lied Oct. IS, at
tha ageofTH years, 9 month and 2
dsya and bto wtffc, aarah. Ranae, wtm
lied 3Tov. 2Z, IS at the aaa-offtO ycni
family of nine children; MarTjaret, the
widow of Jaeob K. flroltb, btwn July
lta and died Jan. 9th, IM, aoedr Si i
yeaim Geo. WV thw deceased: Taaaw '
LWIT Hnswvthw wile of Sylvester
Wagner died in 5asA; Is1af
whose whereaboat) I unknawn. ''
heard from in Los AnH. California: ;
it. i
Monroe two.: Hownrd .if Pa
rnn town-'
3tup. '
Deceased served a Treasurer if nvv
ler County frnm IffTS tu 1873 ami s i
dhenH from Jan. L liklO to Jan. !.
He wns a man 'if pnattlvw .maracter.
iionest and irra !n his "nnrtctiorw.
He matte friends whene'er he went.
91s three years ;n Mlddlermnt won
aim many friend, rt It thonght us
.sudden ialh wns ine to a stmke of'
amnplexy. He wna seed years.
' Tbe funerai tooat place '.Vinesiv
morning at Saiem. Interment in lie
Union Cemetery west .if Seiius
rove. Vrw 3ne at Peso iJreck. ,
The new 3nrtge which now sum i
Quinu'a Run on tbw mad leading roi
Waies Dai i Innfied muI 'iivtmrniw-
dd a aire suiistnnttai structure which i
Mpeaits much irredlt to the Y.irR j
Bridge Cow who built the bridge and j
to their menial Bossl DavtoT P .miine.
.-i... tf..l... ... :
ttrmion. He is spoken 'if by the- men i
under hiainnpWiy a a mild: and .liewn
Bote and rrta the food, wtlk nd
well wrahtsiuf thentizn4alw' rhwi
Mh Semetter, the mason. Tilw t'om
miaMonen ai mainfKd greac in-
tenet in the structure jb to its location t
and oonveniene to the uttlzenav woo
highly uraisethevresiwaud those whoi
aided and avn u the Bridge a thej
iki hrttjw had xm Claire trwpw, hun-i
.hJ.V nltrs. m Vo II- in - i
pwuatly sb through freeheU which
now atved to tha people. x
Seduced Sous via Pwrnsviranix laii.
mad iw Mt. Gmnx. Fair.
On atsjount of' tbw Sathwai LiMi
Stosx Breeders and Exhibitor Aisafi
uiaiion Fair, to b held at ML 'iretu. ;
Pa. AuguM IT to the Peonsvirruiiai
Eadrnad. Cjmnanv will il munurrn
ticket to ML Umn aud return, from
pnntspal ,adoii Iwtwwa Attxmaund
BrraMnwn on the Zftwthern Ctrni1
adwjr becwemStuibury aud- LuirtSaCavton.. Pwaoaw uilrg renahle
entll, luriuMm aud on tbw Phitodet arrtetrtduroMttaiLoa. him. tC
run, aoa Jirre uaiirrsta IDrriton ( ;
id auU including- W 111 lanmxur. Ties-
et writ besokt Augnsr lto- td. inetu-i
itirenud to return until Aiuruat '5, ini
For information in regard to tram
mrrii nut irnitlii mini siplliiiiliui
I Jnydar Ceaary TomrMtona iMrrlprlsna.
f a. i imi. ... ..... ;
nine uw e uav nn puniuntnit,
In tkw eolnmns of the Pmrf the tnmli'i
scone rnMrtpticruw of the vwton bury '
inf jjmuoda of Snyder Ovinty. Wei
still bsw slsjht nuin weekly intIU
mnmtm when the Itot will he complete.
Wstrn now piihllehlnit the tiwntietone
insert eXuuui of Culon township nd
we will then mmplet the mnntf w'th
Wishlnirfon township. As we nt
tlshed these ilirfjf in the ?wr, e pet
the Sinn in honk form (lefties i-flstrtlrflt.
nt the. rype.
Ttmay lie intemif inj( reaitln .'or mr
snhsertliem. we fvi m, 'Jie num
ber nf inaertptlona taken from Uu m
e!er1esof:he varlnna .Harriets, Ss fnl
tows :
R-aver. U2
lvT "V sit. rut
Ontre, "4
rmnktla, MO
Jarksmn, "Ki
Monroe, V.
pTwry W-aa. SI
Penn. Ml
.tirln, iTH
T.wal., iU
T!iehoek Will ie? irTefert Ihr Ue is I
jrawi as mmDietert wileh w mwj
tWnk wH he !.n renU montli. I
TJlere wilt '.e ess than W trpieB irrer-
ert for eUe. T!iose whnito :int vti o
mtsaa-vinv hat lietter end n tlietr'!
orrtera at once to the SUltor if he
. LmMtm L. HoweK, adin'r.,. oTWna, a
Xtmmm Qrn imut wt 'a ilfirer a
in West ilsawev iwk.
QweT A. IHker-nwt wiflern :4rs J.
atfntr arm in '.Vt lv'r
- I, . -n and lit -mmim nl
wrries nl
Union "i. tow -mrrter. i
suR.rr. I
Snrtn linies muI ife to ''ulMlsni
iri' IJU S P.. ;n 3eaver twn . j
rrniBt!. jowirnsr. sanw.
wiUs- Pmsste.
Tbs sec will nut resfament f 3. 3.
'iTsnrisrir at iTfTTng nnTniritn itec.
an ntwaaran and .sttera- tiaiuuzientuy
lnHUMt !JVtf. . IWUUfUlU iu i
Th wutaw
nam iijnkmn- -m the
f X fi-rttt.
; Sett!- isi.
Wltoa I. .L that- TllUW tfaw aVwfl
sra ifinrr psant. lit rl in Tkass j. ,1r mm vmit
fc.fma-iiiA w-Uv.
C wlBssstsviSMai mT ST-ST shoe fbrt.
"11 M ajU-ifaOSW- o
Btaa. f 0x3rr SJX Ueav t "S
isiiw azer a .i. . Iff jemst
for averyr ? wear!
ar.M. samiaian iyy. jomr;
v; Ej-aiiii
Eagtn PnrrSaie
A: tserw aonwtmwet witaido Ifrtrk
i -iatn4V 'reim
bwasen aa .-Hnipuiwn. Ihwnirt?- if!
. -t. yiJBurtp:
ail win own. Si.
. Poh Akiar A aood navtuar Hotel.
UaudlJtturM, Pry Hon at
. r .
3- dtawn. Strotmtowa ; hand-
i a-44 flf7 wtllta. maim.
-'"ureit hy the IlaiLimon? Piirmiina
ampaarjj. Price, range 9mn 511 to
Qfcil iwi Ju 2. .'4oJe ia 91- tiew -dunv-t
iBgaat har- ttUHtr partor-fTu yrsu
n iiliniiid Ulti a refltsdniiic etiainH
! nawwnds. rfeau towel mch- gatrrm
. m thAnonh.1 iiT!JiirtuHai-Jsr rr-
' jmmIii C biiii ni TTnTnl luilifni iimi i)nln
1 1.003.
Omln Sventa Ct Their shvlsw
tarn IWutetsnf the ?-wf r -PO(-
ed t end its iinwiiwwmnl l jIav". ' yr ir.-..
evil. .Vn -hrve v'll fI ' ,f 4ny,r
pnhtinti cite auiMt ! ten "he -enl s V ' r . iW v ,rJ. , ,
PiMm- ;iuorrsiee f .,,h.fc,.
.-aliln1sy, Amf. ;.r, "Tie .ill-rf tin.; t""'
tv eiMnl 'll t1 4 Ii-h1 irl',wv j. ...
VII 'ortiiati -lie iiiMte.
Ui r4etMn- 'iluiU,- ?.cl 'II wM (
their niti(Sl .iii:ile U ,Muor
i ')ienle iwf Vvtlttil n l rwln4f
j tnc-tte heneflt f IumU
, -'rriiV. All. .' frU ur.nU:
t i-eefjtr,
Tr)iiiN'. kitsrwr .i,fl, i
ft"Mi -tnejety'ji.rtlrn ,ixUwkt
-trullliTTt Tl-Mfti rill tVtl
.heir iUi mil i il mhImi a 'Jkttt!
Iiullsii. 1 te kuni:jo aj, etvi
,'nrTiuisli n -etmrlntf lie le. i. ,
tT-ftlitt .lnuley o nsMv Ue axuiejt
wlilrMS f lie oe-.ef y. ".m sriwtrt'-;:l
n .ie 'tne he vet netUhta '
lie -ne;etv n narir
if nvter.
.lea-.r -t1ii
it Awiif(. .'tfien ou ItfAf!
iUb U1 k eature .f J- ia
.aTTI.W. U; 'i. lie- ieMiel
.1-if ?:tiu ...arkn M-.i Cdl
Hrwtsav. -Wiflrt;. .le-woiae; fltfcratawcrn .etrr mu.r4
TVlrtry it. ,1 tliuwtv a tflffa v,rn -roA r
htair-Mtfi -TruU WTWSV rv-
. rttswar ssnt ilsssiasr-si a utiiiii ttMtWtoas n-;t ..twr .f -tiv
MLilretiMk. ftiwtftiim :M fuiiieM-wi' u,
".MtiKnw: 1 1 in i 7. "ntlinrt S' I HMenuirMnriiiu-' mi 1 :...u,n;i i
I ..t
?-wtiieo.vf .TWlimaesiOi et.
- T - t:riJv iirratt im" 'jm.ui
; V '
j .
lnU rftie T. A. "Tiutrt sill w-i (
iei1 n tie 'reniti4W. .rr)ieet ; ft ' )
'.It-Hsn.'.- Ai:owt J). U liitiMh e -
inten vU ie ietd a.
rtnuMav, .ug. a. r-tmty ujttonai
-t r Hetinseyovf sili. sol 'hetrt
iiiiiusi ume a ''jsmoi'v LVafe.
nnsiniir Till it illusion mm .
..mifcOAY. lug; J3. drrt AuuaUj tonaca n-vc . iivuuiie mi., wnc
Hear .i-inion vtO letsto Jitjiaaaw-'ajtuii is nm . ef : l . prur- v
.Ti srn vf tacM'rr!j"'t: tn
- -nxnoar Tcaan sin toMMuctr iu -
l :iui 'Benic.
'rLk3Tt3tD.i-..-ME:S:' s. PhBi'!Timi
4 U 1.-her TiimiJ-n a:
t 2mlvw 'nca. JRanw tr Uei
. Joimw. Jtusv j itajjwwmi.
?. id.MAw MMateva. tsaeM .t vurf.
MiumvA. viiMt ' A, rangfari: -46was3rjfriix-tujir ott jiautj
amis w Ulsms inrriT oo Hitrjr-xv zjjcti. arjio. hk
'"irrnoivr viiv T Ihiml'ft -W srjh IXKCI arrxilDlU 0'
! iazUNirr.-
Isii i 1 in fi iiigin 11 tbw tTiTtxer-rUel
; axnmaiiio-ii wtU sM o .Lat--, SfaK 'KswetJ-B .U- .c.
' arTillt-"farnrt!-mvf Pti. (tSarrm. be-es. fTxrux?A.'Inu)iia
HaTTOIdaX. Auism J9. -he paabwi,'?1l,;Ki;a "riirna rn tan.
. towrenowj will aokt' it aumzali-na;"w''tl ' rrv.rvr -jfciiieuAJr
mexietn tfS!iror( tMawixmetl liir-an Lc-Lj.-x orr "
Aug. A
I Srtwoiarflsd 311 wiU hold :nr'
f . . . ., . :
, L t, .
dATTTBOstr, AugnstJX A wuion - un -
daw noat
lueme wm. .ie lua a i
puuwrrsH. !
"VomnAV, -TTJI. nd.. DernoenuU"
dtate OnvMtion at S jurtMnirq,
fcLcOTUJAY, Sent. , ZLa .iav riling:
a sjnMniaand"vV!dowW jnnrnuememsi
fbr.swirirrnatlon ;tt Oetoher Ira .tf
tiAlCBUAV, erit- X Democratic P-i- t -ittr. -e.
mary 2!ctlon furtsnvtert! ; ri wtll io e iwmwi.-.. rtu.:
urrtay. Si-nt. i The 9Uj 2iid St. . to-ttt: 4ip uitm 'tieuusgti.
w?U hold their annual mrnir in Hi Wien m'Sh iiiKnnu. Ui uou;a
inxn's rom A nkwhitt wiE l behl. whiIh
' in theenlg"flrTtlbeIletlt thei Aud uifc ne-mln -
, 4. 4. The nwrrrrwV.wnKt Oand'1
i,HT"KIHV 4rmAr t,. -J:-,iy
&Krl V rrfitiIU
f lilknt Ke--,ie
! .
rmmif '. I. rr (
t .
i imm r
1 .
lrl v
. If: ..-!
1 "t tf (.1
4 .
4 J
Liw '..urn ,
lt;3lT. ,jrt T i.r.,,1,,,, f Vtf
ix r. ; ' f Masut,
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