MlDDLEBTOa PpOT. Pktik4 Irtty Tkanatai Maraiat 0 W 4015SIIX1K A. u Bono aas Oim araaciurnoN um I.M fT rr r4 l Araiw. S1.S par a It faM 4 MltM. NniO miilaai lr VMM. iTW ntt M mil r Km, MaaaraU waat mt. fnr SrM Inwrttnr. knt I0a tt Um for we ba . (npnw. f"OVKH K. Nrkr n wiri Hdim, Mwm Hn Flaw National Hank m4 Mm Omnlr Jail. VOX, XXIX. AVrt. TwS. NnUBKRSO - . T - i. XJ T- Republican Standing Committee. . !- TV Ft". .1. T. ShnTr. IWnr H. H. Ft. A. It. Mimrr, lvvr v-t - w P. Orv. rvr11 Krnnlnvr. Vntrr T. K .in, .1. . !lniwll. 'hrnn ). V. Hi-ltrrt. 1. H.'ivlirf. Vmnkhn -llrv FVitv. .tohi O. Knntnffr. -I. . YnrSlk m. KrhnM. M-rl1'rMirr Mm W . HtvT, Hank W. YortkT. Vj.tri'iswW -I'nBl Vnllir. H. K Snvrfer. V, r.poo it. O. Urmtrt.Vv R. F. KtpbT. It U said life U one grand sweet toog. Prr hups, ty.U, if Moga have .many diaoordau Life would have Icei of. turmoil and disappointment, if every pcrsooj had sufficient stamina to .stand upon honest principles or had the lraiikneBs- to disclowunreliaUlily.' Political harmony , at the expense, of honest government is predjudicial to the welfare of all. Harmony is desirable ami every thing should le done to promote harmony when the public good is not menaced. When dishonesty reigns in public lite, fighting factions are a Mewing. .1 It. l-fim. X Kow ;v i lliu'trrnl'iiri;. .1. W. Arhor"- -v 1 k.-ix-i W Vwrl, .. s I .I'kv. .1 B. K in. t- Urt.r. WVmi't. i v-.-iiw.., v.,vr. .1 . K. Vtmoiirr. proposed amendment provided that a discharge Qf a jury of failure to agree or other necessary cause atiould a -1 work acquittal. Such a change in our Constitution would mesn that a defen dant oould not be acquitted merely by a dis agreement of a jury, but that he could be held in custody for a future trial : The . constitution on thin subject now readn: MXo person shall for the name offense he twice put in jeopardy of life, or limb." The amendment read: "No person shall for the Mine oik use he twice put in 'jeop ardy of life or limb, hut a discharge ot the jury for fnilure to agree, or other necessary cairns, shall not work an acquittal." The other proposed amendment provided tlmt all Kh-bI laws liefore being introduced in tl e legislature must lirst In? submitted to a vote i f the people in localities effected. llith of th"c were very important amend- -I. II M'ATK TTOKKT. S 1 v "I'lvasikkk 1.. M :ti l:iv.. IVIaware (V l I : T' 'I. (iVXKKAl. P. Si.v.lci. t"'l)pst'r vnntv. .IN S: !' K1K tYn KT.'i-tt, tVntird tVnntv. MoKHn nniv. Bad OvcrsichL The voters ot Pennsylvania will not hae an opjvrtumtv to vote again this yeai on the two I amendments to the constitution for which a 1 majority mst the ballots in 1SV2. This is ov-l I . , ... r,-. . ments ami the Stale ivu.l a l.irgc amount it thpriwnt livihlstiin. 1 ho siMons nt . . , ... . , 1 monev to have tnom advertised in at lcat two 1:H1 ivissol tth amoiiiimoiits almost unnn-! , , , ,, . . , , , . . , . iiews; in each count v 1 the Mate. Ilv imouslv, aid the rxvph- nl the general oWvtion; , 1 . , , ' . . ... , , . , . , i t lie oversight on the part of the lat legislature ! lat tall votetf in the atiinnative bv a large ma-; , ... , , . !. . , . . " x . the work ot the two vimrs lum lxvn lor nniiht tontv. 1 hen the anionomcnts lai1 over tor the ..... , . , . , , . , -m i i and will nave to lie itone over again. llal the sessions ot r.'Oo. The logitlatniv this vear , . , i legislature aouM uion inem, ns 11 snoniti nave m I . . . . COIATY TICK KT. done, they would have gone lvtore the people this fall ir their final action and would have, no doult, Ixvn adopted. They would (hen have -t to,.. M. Shindel. Jtriler ,1. Is. ArKitT",i'. Tro' t'i:-' lieifit:-:- J! Pi: Av :tt' .'r.lgo -.1. Wank Keller. lii!:-'.: Attorney M. 1. Potter. .1 nrv i 'inT.tio.i(ner Irvin Orevbill pnsacl them on tirt and svnl nading and placed them on tlieoalender tor thirl reading and final passage, but thrv were never calhvl up and wt..i iirniitt.vt til u-ith llio ill 1 h . . ' , .... Utvmc part of the Constitution, session. Now irtoy will have to go over on ac- 1 count ot' this tiogligonoo. j The last bvislatuw was made up, principally The two amendments were ev.vodinglv impor- J of new men, which aciMiint-s t.i n large extent tflt-t, and tltr people showed verv conclusively '" 'his oversight. The next Uly will likely bv their ballots tlmt thov wanio.1 them. ("W ! know better. an SELiNSGROVE. 'ilstMi Rnssler of Willisnisport Misv- llel.r, anri IWie Bentr.! s,,n'i.v w5,h - 'v. Hcn i: Mt- Alien t: Ptiiln.. who spent Jdncks an.l wife. The Misses Burkhart have gone to Pittsburg to visit their brother. sAim -fs-K-v with triepds. returnel t thri: i.-trrs Tneduy of Inst wpt'L. Ue snelti i ents. V. K. Cooper o'. Maple Hill i short turn with his par-! M-1onP,,rc I Dr. longacre at F Rosa PiinUehorger, who had Next Sunday throe weeks Rev. boon visiting in the West the past J P. 1. Sheaftcr, the Reformed Minis tew months, retunrod to her homelier will preach his farewell sermon Fridav. (in St. .John's church in tlie after- A nroercssivc euchre nartv was i nc"! I 2 o'cloi-k an.l leave f.r r-U-on nt the hnmo r.t'Th,.msArKv Armstrong County where he is 11. Foilmer and family home ol an welciinn guests at thi V. o. -llOOji KItU wilt-. Mrs. eliiagton Honseworth and dauirhter of Chicago, an vwiting tht ttirmer.- mother. (Mrs Emma Itevisi rikI lister. Ttu Summer S-iiool closed on Wednesday and the students have left for Uifir home. ' Prof. Allison entertained Mr. -A-'s-TiaTcnft;- and e brother, also -! -ibrothcr of the Proteswr, Ir. Alli- lievrs. II. P. Miller of Brooklyn and L. 1). VAnah of I)anvilk re Fpendi- tiieir vacations witb irienu.-v. I'rf.:". oncrof! made a firing trip t : Mi'vuii, Fridav on business of past and wife Monday evening, I . C.L .Jessie M att of Williamsport is "A-n.1 1 i ata iiik. xiv her aunt, Mrs. .Jerry OUNOORE. and wite visited ongacre at rremont. Ksther Fver of Niamokin is vis-1 visiting iting her ntint, Sarah C. Ever at j Charles. Selinsgrovr and put in a tew days, Susie Miller of this place was fishing at this plane. j rnn over bv a buggv at Treese'a picnic Saturday. She was bruised considerably about the body. Mrs. John Hoiitr visiMvl her mother, Mrs.Stroh, at Sefinsgrove Sunday. Jolm Hilbish and family of Northumberland visited 1trS rela tives at this place SundayLT- Bessie Keiti and Edna Botorf made a pleasure trip to Shamokin DamSundav. " elected pastor of the Sugar Crook charge. nee transacel business ridav. Uie i.niversir. AIT-. .XOt:UlIL- i- visum aaughic:. Mr.-. Lev. L. L i A..OB1 are plentitul at tr.c Misque tianna and om families tre filling their coal bins for the coming vin ttr. Henry Witmer is taking a hand in politics and is confident that vic tory is on the side of the Repobli can. , : . . Our tax collector .hatfMil np' bis notice, and he will sit on Sept 1 S, at Pnndore's store to recieve all the taxes and it is hoped that all the tax payers will pay then or xmer and make the the five per cent. The river road received some!" patching up which it needed very ) ! mucL ; Harry Neitz of &unhury spent & J tweet ic town calling oe hit- many -w-iineuars, anu list' outer vounr men i ronu j favontet. Juiii, ALeiiia:i o"Vi aoLicrioL. 1. j cali and his fancy poultrv and I Food, at different from faH otliers 3- viiUiL'- hi- motue:. lirui. bunnes- and iarminp ojer-! that it pieaseE everybody. Get a Lr, . Siatte;. Laiauai ana tauoiir Jteej. mn. uusy. ax- ut- cntBis t.f his narenu. j LOST. iady ailk umbrella x' j aa:: wii'- uuvt waen a trr- i- Mtrviaua an.. Jtiuwar'j to reauiij k'vjil weeKt. near tne iowl or il tut borougij of package to-day at your grocers. h Tmat CcM La koi, S. X. BCHMEC beiinsrrovc. Tut ender v- reauesi- ed xv it at Uewirickp' Hard-1 Weudt uf MeirerviIle . r01.1"1- ""J la businesb culler il town Mduubv, UEUZM-'-" L.I V an ei none 'JLurwuny. Mj- 1iik.-. wu eot, w 1UIJU0P,v Lirtiidav CHAPMAN. Wesley Ilanders is building a new house along side his store which makes a great improve ment. Our miners have as vet not been on a strike in the Susquehanna Coal Krealrer. Miss Maude Shaffer is visiting friends and relatives at Indepen dence, : ; One of our progressive farmers fell asleep while raking hay and as the result of it got a free ride from the hay rake to the gronnd. Quite a number of our young people expect to attend the picnic to tie held in I'aige s trove, Satur day, Aug. S. H. L. Shollv of Tvrone, Pa., was se3n in our ticinitv one dav last week. Some of our people do not seem to know the necessity of pure air or they would certainly be more careful in some respeat especially along the public high vway where there is no place for half decom jKisecl animals and vegetalss. John I. Snyder, an employee of the P. li. II. Co., was home Sunday. Mil Minnie SuSel, who had wut reuirv- jtntr X fr vj HiMWOKtu faaralt j buttiiiutnu, auu Mrfc. I-eA beark of I J'j'i i';re' auc uttujriiifT t4 jFort 'Jrevertoi- lo tirr rebkieuoe o Luiorivi.e 5. J wet truHf. tflo..v a btrUtuny omoer aud fcjieud 1" i 1 V, Buneii- evral oytj,li oav wiU: iter. 1 ie i-.' i' tii unuo of Mrb. j Wiiuier is wwrkinj' in tie !'ar. Ifchir. fcury at tvn Trwerum. i Ji rt:i aiKl iuiut.'v hii i I aiuuv lirowit v' Verdi'ia iu or-1:-. .if iomo v' parvuv atjvowL. Mil'"1" "', ' IV NViuuw buuiiay iseiioo! imd 1.- lkary i'Ui'n' "jaiuniay ju Uiwb. twuwstifu! .Uval host S jor Vi"'3zj iri: ti. will ifiti fMruay trvcuiu a', tut WifctDer wtwol nsu i:i v i: -j itr' btsyf iiiouw: awd will iiy tier juiuua! Cuiu. a number of people attend-. .u vinitiug in our locality, return ed tht picnic at hi. Peter t Saturday, wSuubury, Sunday, aud wt ieurtj it iiad been iarwiv at- Tl , , Izufai 'it take an excelieut barb- who, , . , . - ' - an .tsktve br uiyonliglit, byt we Mouday. i ' EiiiMfl- Troup and family -visited Irieud- at r-vnj buirt buuday. - bwfward (j?wt. vWiVtd ii'ut tucle Joiiu Ttu: at Palia buuuay. Mu Cr2- Villi of Middkburjr ha bwti jj?udiu a Xw tiks iu uuf iwtaitiy. Tiitmday tie yuui g "nti& of i , j. Albert lUrrold.-'indl F. H.l ait! l 't.JLi- i t jviuugrr, twu m Yll"K " nwu- ahip'a progressive teachers . jare tak ing ooa out ' of the SusqUehauua River. They don't want to freeae whia home during the cold tV inter mornings and erenings,' ', ... ' " . ' Dr. Ned Vvilliamft who has )unt sUirfd in his Profession, has , many cqlta. lie is a Rue young gentle man und no doubt will be an excel lent doctor. . ' ' ( A few of our young folks expect toaltcnd the Slireiner picnic Aug. Much damage was done to oats and (Mini by the lain nml hail storms Wednesday and Thursday ol last week. Miss Maggie llrown was visiting W. S. Herrohl and fuinilv Sun day. Suicide Prevented. The startling niinniineeiiieiit f tint a preventive of suicide hail Im-oii dis covers! will interest niiiny. A tun down system, or ilesHtndeiiey in variably pr-ede suicide and some thing has been found that will pre vent, that condition which makes suicide likely. At the fir-f thought of sell destruction take Klccti io Hit ters. It luring ti great tonic mid nervine will strengthen the nerves and builds up the system. It's also a great Stomach, l.iver and Kidney regulator. Only TitV. Satisfaction guaranteed bv Middlcburg Prog Co. (iravbill A. Carman, Iviehfieltl, Ir. .1. W. Sinipsell, lYnustCroek. WEST BEAVER. There was almost n frost at this end Friday morning. W. A. Met i laugh tin of Hum ham spent a few days here last week with his panMit and friends. Jos. 1). rish says if it hud not boon tor the hone and sinew (mean ing the ladies of MeClure) Ix-wis Aiamxvk s house would have burnt to the grouud last week. James Steely entertained some cl his friends at his home last week with all the ice cream, cakes, bana nas and cigars they wished. They all tender many thanks and hope it may occur ofteu. v Isaac Henry's hoy had one of his legs mashed at Burnham last week and had to be taken ofl. Burnham will sooa have the nam of causing as many cripples w the .SpamshT American war. " ' ' After two years- suflering with that dreaded disease consumption Mrs. Henry Kline (nee Wagner) departed this life Saturday night and bnried Tuesday at. St. Julius church. A. A. Ilomig is doing the carpen ter work at the Lowell roller mill. landlord lloush at MeClure would appreciate a visit from Carrie and her little hatchet. He would treat her to the best he had in the shop as he is a very obliging man and weighs almost 200 lbs. The festival at Crossgrove Satur day evening was almost a failure oa account ot pcor attendence. They failed to have it announced in the Port's future events column. David Kuepp, son of II. W, Kiepp was home from JuniaU County Sunday. F. C. -S Peter of Crossgrove ac oodipa'uji Jevi Nerbood U) J;wi Uwn tittturday for the purixjM of die latter purchasing hw wedding (jux ut,m reporud. iKStfass II Chtrrv,fector.V il rtcora itiiiti Pjactor!1 cure! Aik your 4J he doesn't use ItforS colds, bronchiti. (? throa) and luog troubu lh fMtn4 lh rvJ I It (ft hal mMlrlno .JjTV Me., INKi., f I M. -7) it Correct any tenrtrnrytoil tlon with tmall doacic(Ai! TEACHERS INSTITlTEJiv, Ofliclnl rrogrnin nl Sn4B Teachers' Institute. The 4nih snittml i.i,i,ln(ty ers' tnstltute of Hnvil.r convene in niniiiit'iniru, pv j Nov. 30, limn, ami tlu 1.... ii... I'liiilicniuui in llli' " 1 1'Di'lirn tj MaKiif.lue" will lie Nm,l auiiinruy ot uie einivcnti (iirpouon 01 me i muity jj dent, I'nif. tteo. W. Waiu 1 a. The IsNik will contain H ta uiiiKiilitiimilnnf a .if nniiwiiiii riiiniin in 1 ((( flnPw instructors, eutertnln atliiresses pi leaeiipm nndd A few pages will tic rfruc ....i- ..I .ritinriiirnin ifi n 'H'nii anfl M uaiiire, at iiih rniiuwitii. paKe5.00 half wge $r..0d:J fl.O). The sl of the jMipo will befe, as lost year j 6 Inelies dy t page4j7. In order to Rot the KikutWi era and uireeUii-H in ampk WIU be Issued earlier thu Copy for ads should lr mt order to facilitate neat dif Thla la a pleuillil ntmmt! ing torsoUQuis, voilegw, boa ers.atd school supply hom Bend In your cony ttoosi 1 Qfxs W.t Waoenseus.! i ,i fWer Makin(.f -I illtcpfrate'tny Skf Pranllin thW year and IaU patrons fb brjng their appltii1 mill. I will begin to ni&tedel day July 23. ' After that, that1 be Tuesday, and Thundi;(( week until otherwise nntlW. pALVIX G.ffTHd I 1 WANTED- YOCNG MD i pare for Ooyarnment Pacta Onenlnn in all Denartmai Salarfea, Rfpid Protnotioai inaqonasoon. rarticuiannti ' Inter-State Cor 1st I fi-16-Sm. Cdi:U CRUTTER.Mi Physician and Su Port Jrevorton, Offers his professional me kudiic. aii ans tended. f O0U brtirul picture ! M lor oar MUo ngnUig luc - 'indaMndWaaa" or Hit TounfW I of lb l). S. Im icrjo lu. Tut la J Inirln II fluMUra. orlce 5oM I Id tlictr boum. lloM, lMtaUBfpMa hue of Mill fr4 upua aaUoatioti " Comtrr SaMrVfUW to., LkuKUA I waacad. 1 3 : euouejii- opt-rauvr v:. K. 'J. J eSiaoliy ' part w'uew umc, pik-j Jhm Kiiir nd, UuiiiyiftiUsd Itw i iui;. jri ifjuuwu Mill abouud. (hi. latW, Heory Kibhw of KhW, JLjj'' i-.uuuour'4 aii-.: wii iefl loliy Kwvw aud it juter, buoday. hsMV iw: a irj lo 6a; 1 iabti- i vr, (iay wltii j . f'tjuik llAlutii aud liuflily. viart-' . if i af i .'. i. i i i ..... i aj.-: i' i joii lv v fcx( Ueurv ltmij: vM ji Utu 1 Lwit '!Wiav iuwiy .fihiug ., amUM fuliy giijt hi Wit . ,iab4JouHiu vf'tmu ww Mtlv Vi oi'i m lcivv'iiMMeijtuiwauitfi Our lieuuit i' tuvuif tii-Uxi i aumii of buubui v took Liii.uf at the . , , r r i ' 0 - - - - - ivru", lMlucr ,yt.w fr gr bti-jf hit 0hUa.ttO j hvl! lnuC totiwd the day, Very I fcUWUii. , Uooi'- '1 tu y... Jt- , iaaJ iiima V htttsild. cLe. i- uif Jloiiu. . OaW Uivt. iiJ pogiw, ivuti t tir', ol lut ij&tki 1JloimK j ti kii ih av(uwhat Itg'ut. ll U fv.i ' U4U I 'jvw.t of vu jwpie urn iuakiug j pi:piuat.oLi lo aituJd . tU 'Jiauw j pUtO'. ' K:uiy fccuuw. put a UH0 JjUiti.! too? on h Uf Ul 1 )( . 4 . yLutAilUa-i, Ik a s t; Two? of J.uuit-f, oujjt ; wJ"- k...,. . . .'.yi.ucuuuay. K J. Kuttcr i' rcali hi Ca!. tlAiUUir ttutoiL.(tjve WI avL.-U iyily a rtt iuipv ij.iylilyiv 1 t. k the Lvub. , ' Walt, vjjjitoi trli.iid aHuflu .1 - . i f mgr- .VI... v The Tuscarora Oil and Qa'J New Jersey. Capital $ 1 ,ooo,poo. - - Share? $ 1 .0 TliU Coajpajjy Offers Stock at 35c, pff 6Ure. t r TUe CJoiiipavu La under loago tLo OLoiccut Lund in JquiMa) (Jouaty, ij fully wlwiad by a veil kuown fJeolotmf, aud fur duvoloDluent offoiH a 1S amuut of Block at 25 cent icr aljirt ' ,,, 1 XUe oiliocjra re J.; or Ti K. UKAVJCU, Vl4virid)u, A. I. FCJi0lfi. HccretaryJ r ijilculara Mldrsa tho Qomiwiy 4J7-4.i) Muikut Struof, CauiM MifliiuiowiJ, Vfy ' ( '