The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 06, 1903, Image 3

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e Eminent fUkfnex
and Bladder Specialist
V. s-iwva-cr tt Suxjcs-Koyt at Work la
11 tacwra.ojj'.
rw is a disease prvaillr? In thii
. ,'nry mozt dan'irous because sa decep
it. Many sudden deaths are caused by
-hsart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
, jpopiexy are often the result of kidney
jtZt. If kidney trouble U allowed to id-
l-rr the kidney-poisoned blood win attacR
U vital organs, or the kidneys themselves
Ljk down and waste away cell by celU ,
ten the richness of the blood the albumen i
LlMks out and the sufferer has Brighfs
L,.. the worst form of kidney trouble.
itv. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dls-
Ivery is the true specific for kidney, bladder
i urinary troubles. It has cured thousands
i-marently hopeless cases, after all other
iV . ...J A.J . I- fill.. .
(forts nave lauea. ii aruggisia in un-ciii
M dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free
Email, also a book telling about Swamp
ot and Its wonderful cures. Address
jr. Kilmer & Co., Bingbamton, n. I. aaa
Itntioa this paper. ..
S i. CROTJ8E,,
il biiNluort rntriisted to his er
:; irofive oroiuttt attention.
Lewistown Division.
In effect May 24, 1903.
10 lu
r m
4 3
4 13
8 44
- Bunbory -SalliUKTove
, IlidUlaburg
Reaver .Spring
KAiibs Mill
. McClure ,
- - Rlaitland
8 4T
10 n.
,iu so,
8 IS
1 10 M'
11 Jl
7 541 124
7 4
II tt
S ' 11 Lswlttown (Main Mr.
i H14Si Lnlrtown JanctUn. ,
lift I0g
rain leaves Su'ubury 5 JO p m, ar
rive" at Selintsgrove 0 45 p m
eaves Selinsgrove 0:00 p. m., arrives
aim leave LewUtowo Juuotlon :
I a in, 10 14 ra, 1 10 p m,130p m 4 4p 1 08B
8 1 2 a m, 1 S a m lor Aliooaa, Flttabarg and
iot HalMmbre an WMhlntrton 808 ! HI,
S. I s.l. 4 18. 8 10 p m For Philadelphia and Nw
a n iwnnllilll nA nil
m roi Uarrtaburg 1 10 p m .1'
Phiiadeipnia ft trie k h uivisim
- AND ,
rrniln lrav fleltuurrove' Junotlon dally tor
nam, 12 88 p m, 8 02 p m. Sunaay 28 a m,
Kiim Ivave Sunbury dally except Sonday:
. .... m . . FV 1 , . I III . m .. tfpl an., f.AM.
II n Ol. 1 ' - '
Ijl B IlllUIOUilUUtl IU LUI 11 IV UU UU'
10 a in for Bellefnnte Erie and Canandalinia
r . . .. .. T ,.-li ,j.un Tvmntt nri f ha Waal .
,J k IU l"l U I 1 . J 1 VMV VUIi '.Di.
lis p m lor Hultulo. 1 13 p m lor Uollefont
tnc Tyrone ana i;anar.uniifa
hum for kenovn and Glmira
Lh p m lor WUllauiBport
fit a in for Brie, 5 10 a m lor Krle and Uauan-
hiauH SMpm lor Wil
li'; a in for Look Haven and '
tmijinrt , .
Utao, 9 5 ( BiTtJO and 8 25pm lor Wtlke
arre and Hataiton -
in a in. 10 10 a in, . os u m, 5 as F m lor snamo-
intou mounivarinei - - . -
Sunday IKtBliir wuie-oarra
t ralnV Iwh rAellnnirove Janetlon
10 00 a in, 'tally amvinir at fblladelphta
11 p in New York S M p ui
Aaltlmora 3 11 p m
iHsninKton 4 ' pin
MUnmiliuh .-rlitna at Philadelphia
tai p iu New Y rkS 63 a m, BalUmare 1 48 p m
ftiuihlnKtou 10 i a u.
Hf i m, nally arrlTlnif aPMlad l nhla
I tin in. New York 713 a.m. tfallliBOrej 2 20 a m
paaninKtons sua rc
i raiaa aim leave suddoit .
IWim dallv arrtvlnir at Phlladetdhla I AS a m
Wtlinore 7 20 a m WuhTnrton 890 am New
fork v 33 a m Weekde vt. 10 ! a m Sundavt.
ui aaiiy arriving i rouaaeipaia T
ai. New Yfirk 9 .' a m. 10 38 Hundiivn HhIii-
hcro i M ft rh, Washington 830 a m. Haltlmore
b !0 p n . Washlnirton 1 16 D m.
1ST a in week dava frirlncr at Philadftlnhi
pi in, new torn w p m, Baiumore is 10 p
li, WasliliiKlon 1 15 D m
f-l W p la week 4laye arrlflua al Fhlladvlpllll
133 i in, R w York 30 p m. BaiUuiflre I Ml p lu
Mlilntoi"T Up ta T-
1 4 p m daUv. arriving at Ptilladalpbla tt p m
p- iiirx iu jj p in, uaiuinorsT au p in, watm
kpou 8 ss p m
irains alao leave Kanbapf at 4V0 tvaraad (-10
mu g ai p m, lor narriaoarx. rauadelunie ud
Ultlniore .
I J. H. vTOOU, Gen'l Paaa Ajenl
j". . ai i nHuum uio'i inaaatrar. ...
Made a
Well Man
.. of Me.
roue xuinsktijjjLJ v
podneri the Bhov-redn'.tHln'30 days. It acta
PowerfullT (nd nuirklv. Cure when mil oihera tall
ouog men will renin thntr imtt Biaiihaad. aad aid
In PTl Will Mmm,.. . V. .1 I. ,
pitvivo. It ( iilrklvm l eurely rentorm Mervon
' Vltai.iy, liuiotcuvr. Nightly Eralailooa,
VMPwrtji y ,WOj. rliTB PleoaM.kDtt
Pt .'tme rr encna and ladlaereMea,
t.n!,flu 'JOfrBx,iK kiulBeaior (aarrtafe. It
"wlynureabyiitmttaMhetat of dleeaae. but
E" nerve tonic .ud blood bnUder, brlnf.
ill ..,h" P,nk to Pl chaekaandra-
poo UniumpUoo. on bavlw RE VIVO, n
mi nk " be earn, a In vert pocket. By malt
1k? rt,t1 BoarantM t car or tWaW
r""y. , Cirealarlcoa. Addnea
or nale in Mlddleburqh, Pa., by
alntSl IT
t ! L" lm"- B"1'1 V anunrltte.
Ime. Bold by dnunrlte.
I ,n6 " V avlws
id Co'Uvlioi Mi rVy-vna iillllts llary-
for tVie "MMkhurtj W."
Union Township,
Keisi:u' LrraES-vx and He- .
f)!:mei) Cemeteut. ....
Id-ported he J. C. PchanVr ani M. I. Arnold.
lWkcv, Santli, w of Jacob, d June
28. 1 879, aK'ed CO y o tn 23
il. '
liitncr, liw.rp', b Aug. 24, 18-10, d
March lt, 1883.
llitner. Uum-ire O.. s of (iconic, b
M:ty 1
1878, d Aug. 2,
.in yy;;;.ml II., s of George, b
' , n " '
Jan. -'', I8l(. d Pec. 1,
liitncr, Kdward, s of Cleorg, b
May 13, 1 87 d Jan. 0,
liitncr, John Morris s of George,
b.Tnn. 20, 1S0U, d March 24,
Bitner, Elmer, s ot Christ, and M
J., d Jan. 5, 1S90, aged 3 y 4
6 d m.
liitncr. John, b Dec. 3. 1812. d
March 13, 1872.
Bitner, Anna, w of John, b May 9,
1800, d March 13, 1878.
C'ri-sinwr. Hiram. 8 ot J no. ami
ChrW., b May 1, 1835, d Feb.
1, 18"0.
Deihl. Mary E., dan of A. J. and
K to, b May 5, 1878, d Mar.
21, I SSI.
Gilbert, I V, d, b Aug. 0, 1799, d
May 21, 1884.
Garman, E ' ile h, w of Peter,
Oct. . 1, 1M)S, d July 25,
Garman, John, b Job 10, 1780, d
June lo, lSo2,
Garman, Muiia, w of John, b Apr,
14, 1784, d lec. 25, 184G
Garman, Abruhum, b July 22,
1828, d Dec. 7, 1847, aged 19
y 3 ra 14 d.
Heimbach, William, b May 17,
1797, d July 15,1877.
Heimbach, Catherine,- w of ; Wil-
liam, b Apr. 18, 1799, d June
!:' 22,1883." -
Heimbach, Lucy A., b Jan. 3, 1838,
d March 21, 1889.
Iloff, Sarah J , dau of Geo. and
Eliz., d Jan. 5, 1875, aged 7
Uofl, Caroliue, dan of Chas. and
M.,d Apr. 9, 1848, aged 5 y
.10 m 9 d.
Krcbs, Leah S., w of John, b Oct
28, 1S3U. d June 2, 1S94.
Krcbs, Lizzie, w of A. li. d Sept
15, 1802, aged 30 y.
Ijcnig, Louisiana, dau of J. II. and
B.j d Apr. 2, 1850, aged 1
5 m 13 d.
Lcnig, Alary 1'., dau ot u. u. anu
II., d Aug. 19, 1859, uged 8y
1 ni 9 d.
Lcnig, Martha, dau of G. G. and
II., d May 16, 1858, aged 1 y
6 m.
Longacre, Jacob S., b Dec. 10,
1839, d Sept. 10, 1S94.
Longacre, Cyrus, s of Jacob S, and
Anna, b Juue 25, 1876, d Dec,
21, 1894.
Longaore, Franklin A., -of-4a-J
nob O. aud Anna, b June 28
1879, d May 13, 1882
Longacre, Isaac, s of Jacob JS.
and Anna, d Apr. 6, 1873
aged 1 yJ5 m 8 d.
Noll, Kebecea, w of John b Marcl;
27, 1 822,-d Oct. 12, 1889.
Reigel, (icotgc, ,h Juno 20, 1805, d
July 10, 1888.
Ucigcl, Sarah, w of George, b July
2L .180S, .1 reb..l4,1897
'Koigel, Susanna, 1 Jan.' 11, 1823, d
June 19, 1821.
Beigel, l'vicival, ft of J. S. "and, 1.
d Apr. 19, 1885, aged 21 y
m 12 d.
Keigel, Susannah, dau of Jacob,".
Aug. 25, 1811, d Sept. 13
' 1831. -V ' ' :
lleigel, Jacob. 1 - - (:
lleige', Mar'garet, w of Jacob;
June 5, 1S79,. d Nqv.,,17;
, ,1859
Ucigcl, John, Co. B. Gth, Tu. Res.
b Apr. W; 1781, d Jan. 16
Reigcl, Joliauucs, ' of Jacob and
. Margaret, b 1803, d 1804.
Reigcl, Jacob, s of Jacob and Mar
garet, b 1821, d 1821.
Reigel, John Jacob, s of Jacob and
Margaret, b 1823, d 1823.
Reigel, Auiia, dati of Jacob andfAnioKIJ Walter; s of 'Henry 'Si'
". Margaret, VI 825, d'1825 " 'R, 1 Jan. 5, I897,ged ? i
RameJose!i,KNov: 25, 1793, d lO d.-r v '-
"Nov. 20, 1881." -OjyTiMM,-EII:i. w .of 1'l.ilip -W-., 1
Kainer,' Amta, v i.f ftm-pli. li ' 4 m V r -Xov 27 1 , : d A pr. 1 1,
24, 1 S 1 0, d W 10, 1 884 . 1 si.
3rangIer,"S.iruli;'v of ,1.: Adam, b
. . July . 4, 1797, d Nov. 1?,
.,.1877. ,
paugler, Adam L., d .Sept. 10,
'1894 aiHl 09 y 28 d.
Shaffer Alice W., d Feb. IS, 1SG1,
aged 5 y.
Shaffer, Emanuel, s of Samuel im.l
Catherine, d Sept. 15, 1808,
aged 3 y 5 in 9 d. .
Slialler, George 11, d Feb. 21, 1SG4,
aged 1 y 9 m 2l d.
Sliafier, Hannah Y., d March 29,
1S04, aged 10 y 7 m U d. '
Shafler, Amos, l March 5, 1824,
1 Nov. 3, 18GU.
Shotzberger, Jonathan d reb. 4,'. . . . ...
,o-,i i.- t o .(.liarlcs, l-raiik in, h ot II. r. an
1 8 j9, aged hi) y 4 in S (I. . ' 0
' . Alice, d Apr. 12, 18S0, age
onoizoergcr, uiui'i iiiv, w ui uwim-
than, b Apr. 3, 194, d Aug.
29, 1S74
Shotzberger, Wilson, 8 of Jonathan
and Sarah, b Feb. 25, 1859, (I
Dec. 22, 1SG1.
Shotzberger, Calvin, s of Jonathan,
and Sarah, b Juue IS, lou2,
d Apr. 27,1803.
Shotzlierger, Catheiine, w of Jaeob
G., b July 30, 1805, d Feh.
14, 1887.
Strawscr, Wm. W., s of Jac ib and
Lydia, b Apr. 3, 18o3, d Aug.
Sholly, Simon, Jan. 19, 1S32, d
July 5, 1800.
Stahl, Lottie 11., dau of Jacob G.
andSallie, b Aug. 20, 1SSG,
d Oct. 1, 18S8.
Stahl, Mertie M., dau of Jacob G.,
and Sallie, b Nov. 9, 1894, d
Apr. 1, 1890.
Stahl, Adam, b June 30, 1778, d
Oct. 10, 1803.
StaTiTrWni. Oliver s of E. S. and
J. A. d July 25, 1887, aged
19 y 11 m 27 d.
Stahl, Susannah, w of Adam, b May
10, 1782, d Apr. 3, 1803.
Stahl, David, s of Adam, d Nov.
19, 1854. aged 3 y 1 ra 22 d.
Stahl, John, b Oct. 20, 1818, d
Jan. 12, 1879.
Stahl, Mary, w of John, b Oct 28,
1818, d July 12, 1808. :,
Stahl, Catherine, w of Levi, b Sept,
12, 1843, d May 2, 1885.
Stahl. Henry, 8 of Levi, d Pec.
29, 1870, aged 2 y 3 m 9 d.
Stahl, Hi'-am, 8 of Levi, d Dec.
1870, aged 3 y 10 m 5 d.
Stahl, James, 8 of Levi, d Nov. 8,
1878, aged 1 in 28 d.
Stahl, Harry II., s of A. S. and S.,
d March 10, 18S8, aged 2y 0
m 10 d.
Thursby, Thomas, d Aug. 20,
1867, nged 70 y 7 m 24 d.
Thursby, Barbara, w of Thomas, d
June 9, 1847, aged 51 y 10 in
Thursby, Catherine, duti of Thomas,
d July 15. 1852. aired 19 v 1
Tlmrp, Willard E., s of J. and W.,
bJune 13, 1881, d Dec. 9,
Wolf, Louisa, w of Jacob II., t
Dec. 28, 1841. d Oct 19,
Wolf, Sarah, dau of Jacob II., d
&iutjQ.18a3.aeetL2.y 4 m
15 L. - -
Winkleman, Isaac, s of Jacob,
Feb. 23, 1829, d Aug. 1,
Walborn, Elizabeth, w of Jacob,
Jan. 26, 1829, d Sept.
Walborn Charles, s of Jacob
and Eliz.;. d Oct. II,1 1870,
aged 7 m 22 d.
Walborn, Amelia E., dau of Jacob
and Eliz., d Oct. 18, 1872
aged G y 1 1 d.
Wentzel, Ilebeecii, dau of Elias and
R.,bApr. 11855, d Feb. 21
ltmer, Samuel, b Apr. 4, 1771,
..dOct 4, 1829.
Zcigler, Abraham, b Nov. 27, 1779
.,. -d.Apr. 7, 1800..
Zion's United Brethben
Reported hy I. C. Rbitffar and M. P, Arnold
Arnold, Philip, b Feb. 3, 1814, d
July 17, 1863.
Arnold, Elizabeth,' to of Philip, b
Oct 17, 1821, d Nov. 20,
Arnold, Infant, s of Henry and E.,
d Feb. 1, 1887, aged 3 d.
litirtui'tt, Annuel, il Aug. law,
, . ngwl 74 y 3 m 22 d.
liiu tiH-tt, Susana, w of & nun 1, d
Feb. 28, 1894, imtil 72 v 10
' in 0 d. ' '"-
Charles, Henrietta, vr of Israel V.,
d June 27, lt9l, aged 07 y"4
in 19 d.
Charles, Franklin, Co. C. fllal
Pa. Cav., b Jan. 10, IS 10, d
May 17, 1S05.
Charles, Calvin F., s of I. F. and
II., d Nov. 11, 1803, aged 7 V
1 in 7 d.
Charli s, Maria F., dau of I. F. and
II., 1 S'pt. 10, 1800, aged 1 y
11 m 10 d.
0 v 9 in 1 d.
Du'.try, Irvin A., s ot J. and A.
II , d Feb. 15, 1897, aged 10
y 10 ni 0 d.
Flanders, Isaac, b Sept. 27, 18,50,
d March 20, 1880.
Flanders, Ixittie, dau of Geo. aud
Salome, b May 29, 18S5 d
Feb. 10, 18S9.
Flanders, Henry, s of Isaac, d
Jan. 4, 1894, nged 39 y 3 ni
21 d.
Flanders, Infant, dau oi Henry and
Laura, d Alr, '--, 1894.
Glace, Fred, b June 14, 1S38, d
Aug. 25, 1884.
Glace, Elizabeth, vv ot Fred b
Sept. 30, 1840, d July 3,
Glace. Ulvseis, dau of Fred, b
June 25, 1808, d Aug. 12,
1S68. .
Gauglcr, George, d Apr. 27, 1895,
aged 1 3 y 4 in 2 d.
Gauglcr, William, s of George and
Polly, d Nov. 22, 1SG3, aged
7 y 8 m 20 d.
Gauglcr, Sallie, dau of II. S. aud
M.. d Dec. 20, 1870.
Gauglcr, : w of George b
May 23, 1793, d March 8,
Gauglcr, Delia M., dau of II. -S.
and M., d Sept. 30, 1892, aged
, . 1 y 10 ni 23 d.r
f looser, Jennie C, dau of Anthony,
d Aug. 22, 1800, aged 2 y 1 1
m 22 d.
Hoover, Andrew, d Jan. 20, 1873,
aged 50 y 10 in 10 d.
Hoover, Elizabeth, v of Andrew,
tl May 12, 1S98, aged 7S y.
Hoover, Andrew Jackson, s of
Andrew, b March 25, IS 19,
d June 29, 1SGG.
Hoover, . Lizzie, w , of. James, d
Oc-t 18, 1S88, nged 41 y 5 in
. 13 d.
Iloiitz, Jacob C, Co. A. 208 P. V.,
b Apr. 8, 1831, d March S,
Hotitz, Charles A., s of Jacob C,
d Oct. 15, 1S72, au'ed 3 m
- -20 d. "
Hotitz, William R., s of Jacob C,
bDec. 14, 1SGS, d Oct. 25,
Hotitz, John, s of Jacob C, d
March 15, 1801, aged 14 d.
Kelly, William, Dec. 28, 18S2,
. aged S3 y 1 ni 29 d.
Kelly, Elizabeth, w of William,
b Apr. 21, 1803, d Apr. 0,
1808, aged 04 y 11 in 15 d.
Kelly, Mark wood , Vincent Otter
liein, s of J. J. and S.
Kelly, Mary C. G., dau of H. S.,
1 r . . ( I 1 o-r l l
. way zh, iis,o, aged i y o
t 22 d.
Klock, ICve C, d.lll of Edw. B.,
bOot. 4, 18S4, d Aug. 28
Lngictc, John", s of I. S. and M, b
Aug.' 14, 18G1, d July 13,
' ' 1802.'
Millet, Christain, w-of Fred, b
Detv 23, 1793, d Feb. 1,
1872. - '
Mulliner, Ludwig, Co. 1.51 I
; b Aug.'28i 1818, d Feb.
1890. ' 1
' , EaamlnatlOa ! Pork.
. 1 The' quantity of pork examined mi
croscopically which was exported last
year amounted to 33,681,229 pounds.
The Aost of this work per pound was
one-third of a cent.
He Veal la Transvaal.
- -Tor two years the slaughter of cow a,
heifers and calves for sale as meat is
prohibited in the Transvaal, under pen
alty of SO fine or six months' imprisonment.
' Disasters from Voleaaoe.
The five volcanotja active last year
destroyed 00,000 lives.
, t' sly isataay. Usw
i One of tbe aost rmarkablt ihlng
lput railroads, is tbe atralfhtneaarof
their line as shown
in advertising as J
timetable niaps. So
Slapa ! Rail- -.roast
Una, '
ctur.piuy likes to admit that Uier is
to uiucli a a bend or deflection ir
5: entire tVKtom. Slii-itcnprioct,
vibTo (ietrrmiuod to gojCriuii liiM'spital
to a lie ijjli boring city by a mathemati
cally atraight lino, cou!d.'gi"e lila'pat.
ronage almost iiupnrtinlly to any of
the roads which print illustrated time
tables. It has even Wen Uiu'uht le
gitimate to juggle witlimch j:eot;i'H4i-
ioal facts as state bouudary liutsuud
rivers in order to demoiiMrate umre
krly tlie mpt-rior merits of tl;e line
from Ayville to lieeville. Everynn
understands how the tiling is dour, and
there is no particular harnv in the
practice. But there ure limits. A cer
tain wet tern railroad, the New
York Pckt, lias is&uvd u fHcial niu)
of its lines' from Chicago to the Pa
cific, and has left out entirely ote of
the cities after which it is r.amccL Noi
only did it omit to print its own line
running through this place, hut it even
kkipped the linnie, ami left n lilatik
space for the site- of the i-ecoml city
of it whole FyMein. The familiar ex
planation, "a mil-take," is offered, but
the Indignation litis not nib.-iiled. Pocs
not a rsilroiu bear certain obliga
tion toward the citii k from which
it is nnmed? After taking th honor
able title of Exton, U'yeton and Zee-
ton, it should not be allowed to forsake
iwy one of thee and deviite its ener
gies) to exploiting the rival town of
Cueton. It is a common thing in this
city to find tho tirm nnme of Smith,
Brow n dc Jone on nn oll'tce door ufter
all three of these eminent melt are
dead. Jfo firm would have- the face
to keep th old name, however, if it
had deliberately ruined Mr. llrown's
professional career, and wan putting
the best of its casa into the hands ot
VI r. Hobin.ou, across theFtreet,
A Chicago ordinance forbids barbers
Miking while at work. There are not
enough soldiers In Illinois to enforce
this law.
Parts has a breathing cure fad. Yes,
breathing is good for a great many
things and uvefuL
In married life is generally
made on an equal footing
ot neaun in man and wits.
But how soon, in nttny
cases, tbe wife loses. the.
tart and fades iu face and
fail in flesh, while her
husband grows even more
rugged and robust.
There is one chief cause
for this wifely failure and
thut is, the failure of the
womanly health. When
there is irregularity or an
unhealthy drain, inflam
mation, ulceration or
female weakness, the gen
eral health is soon im
paired. I)r. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription cures woman
ly diseases. It establishes
regularity, dries unhealthy drnius, heals
inflammation and ulceration and cure
female weakness. It makes weak women
strong and sick women well.
K little over a veer ago I wrote to you for
Iricc." uri Mrs. Rliitbelh I. PUher, uf Diana.
adrice," uyi Mr. Rliiabeih I. Plaher. uf I
W. Ve. "Vim adviicd mt to uit Dr. Pierce
Favorite l'rwcrmti'm and 'Golden Medics! I He-
coverv.' which I did. and with the aioat haon
reanll. I u Ironhlrd with ftuiate weoknna
Sod bearing-down palna. Had a verv bad pain
learly all the time in my leit eme, nervoueorae
and headache
Waa to weak I could hardly
walk acrnea tuv room. Cou
ild out eit up ear
jutt a little while at a time. My aueband got
me eome oi it. new . lurumui . uaa
its uae. Before I had taken two bnttlee 1 waa
able to help do my work. I uard three bottles
in all and It cured me. Now I do all ray houae
work. It la the best medldne 1 ever ueed.
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
in paper covers, is sent fret on receipt of
21 one-cent stumps to pay expense of
malliiiK oulv. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
V. ft. BrTI.EB, Proprietor
418 Mar.kat SI., Harrlsburg Pa.,
(Oinionlle P. R. R. Hepnt Kntranue) , ,
Sv4'nllrl lor All TrilnSv
Rooms, 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c
Good accomn-olatlone. tt
,Ctn Silver Plate enn ouly tie
ili'teriniiicil nftcr lonir yenra
of ncttinl arrvice unlcH you
Iiurchaso'wnrelcariiiK A well
;nowq tradc-umrk. l;orover
etey ataiuprd . , ; -. ,
llnve cen In use ahd (riven
perfect iitifnction. Thry
are- sold hy lending, dralcra
everywhere. For catalogue
' No, i,tf new designs ecuuto
the makera ' -
Mcrldcn, Conn, .
.. : . -. ... Mii ..'
- Fear is not always a lack of courage.
One may bo absolutely fearless when
facing real danger, bats perfect coward
about triilinj mutters. Many people
fiutr to bu iu a crowded h.JL nnd fre
quentlr, and nnnecessarily. leave some
vnjoyablo affair and return ' home.
Thouaauds fear lightning to such an
IrfMiiiuj? extent, that luring a thunder
storm they become ill. Fear of this
character id caused by a uei voiiBuebs
bnught on chiefly by diseases of tJie
kidneys and bladilor.
A further proof that these organs nn
discasud. is ascertained by d'osttina; a
Miiall tpiantity of nrine iu a giius tum
bler and if after htandiujt tw.-utv four
hours you find it ropy or milkv m ap-
Cruuoe; if it has ,i "hcdimein ;' if your
k pains yon. and you oft . n have a
dotiirrt to urinate during the niwht. with
burning, scal liu paiiu;; it s tin- troIl
est kind of evi icti v. that your kid
neys nrid bladdi'r ntv li..--il and
tlio very r.'iig...t iciimiii whv von
trhimM in"; iM.iv i i irvim; ''
KEN::nvs famUitk kkmkdy.
the jmtlifindiT iii luoili.-in.'. f, r iHsinsi-s
of tho ki'lueyx iti..l Ll.i'M.T. iiv. i . rho'i
utatiMii, dyjHm nnd cn.-tii at;.j.
Wo nre bo abs. 'Int. !y c rt..;i. ,.f tlve
curative lMnvf.-rJt.f Ir K, ntx'dy s
Favorite HemtMly, that w. wt'.l nd yon
a trial bnule. ulMilutcly free, by mail,
if you will writ. i to tho Dr. Da Li Ken
nedy Corporation, lln'.idout, N. Y.
Dmcristn sell it in rVmv SO Cent Siwm
and tlw regnlar ft (H) m.o bottl, .
Pr. Dertit Krnnf'di. CuliUn I'U.iiirc .i,..Uw.
en laerle., remove pain anywhere. i; tjh.
Examiner (reading from list of
printed que stions) What w-re the.
o-called blue laws?
Applicant (for civil office) - I guess
they wcro the laws that was passed
for ma km the milk pure.
Examiner There isn't anv answer
here, but I think Unit's right. Chi
cago Tribune.
talortnnate Jaitapoeltloa.
"Wittt's the matter?" asked
advertising solicitor.
"Matter!" demanded the manufac
turer of the great hair restorer; "ifn
you had any anise you d know whnt s
the mntter. In that display ad. of.
mine yesterday I said thnt our won
derful hair medicine had been on tho
market for U0 years and on the same
Inge your people published portrait
of four bald-headed men!" Chicago
tette $ ropral
J. R.' Klickiinser,
all fern 0pci,8
Sept. 1, 1903.
KHKK tuition to pn.;prf ti ve tt :ii-liT.
TIiIj hlh Klin It tr.titiintc Nthoo) fur t'acliri
wi)i nnvrr ill 'w'tter rmiilitiitn thitn now. 1 hn
enrnlliiK'iit lint yir i-xc-'i-tlt ti ix lmn.lMti.
ItioloKttiil aiitl ( lii'initul !iittr:i'or iri hitvi
rpcently born nililfl. Kint uvtiniiiniuiu mul
ntliletic flilil Siuiit.'iiv inii'litHiit" in:t vi . IfO.
A hirne futility of tntim-it p"r i,tiiti. Tlit
Hchntil ataiit fuii'itin- it v viz' t ' . i uf ry tlt
pertinent, hiiiiirm m tnicnt ini-l l patt-
UlriilH of t'lodltinh till 1 imi-it .
Tlio cxin'iit'1! arc Iowit tiiuti tl.t' of nny
other liiHf itntiofi of (I'ti. I ruitk. A Urtfi for
catalogue t):c tri m iiit.
ons In cuch utile to trawl for lum-e .'ahli-h-rj
elevrn your him! witli ft uri t:jia!. to cnll
upon inert hnntn hii) u(tiit4 lur nUrr.--ltil unl
prorttttole line. Hrnnitnent onifiincnujat. VV't-k-ly
ihnIi mlAry of IIh utnl alt tntx elim e (u n-'i
ntltl mU-. bills mlvitncfd in ut-h pji- h week.
Kxperlcnrct not fn-4ntial. Mention rt'ferfncn
and Mii'loflt' nt'lf ii'!lrt4H4'H ftiveloMi. THH
NATIONAL, 334 ,tcarbornSt. Chkaiio. VT-Hit
Take Laxative HroTno-iiuininp'rHMets
All drurgibUs rfutid the money it" it
oil a to t-ure. E. W. OroveV nigtiature
an each lox. r)0
to advertise in a live and uj-to-date
newspaper. For resulta
Tlie POST.
Guaranteed Under
$20,000 BOND
PATENT CO., 107 I'.etz Build
ing, Philadelphia, which is-the
ouly liotiik-d Patent Agency in
the world, oiler to pmUe a liusr
anteed 5carch of the Patent Of
fice Records not merely ;l:ir S
opinion Free of eharue to read- T
ers of this JoritNAii who will
send a Hketch, model or ckNorip
tiou of their Invention.
They will also give a i-ertifiVate
of patentability which will lie of
great nssiHtanee to mi inventor iu
raising capital.
Valid i'atcnts with the broad
est claims secured on easy week
ly payments. Write to-day.
No. 3 Run T.JF. President.
' i - .