The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 06, 1903, Image 2

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Reformer I
Author of "ia IiU Ste;," "Robert
llarda bevea -Da-," Etc
C.j-urm'it, W. ! Churlu if. STu&lon
Gnrilnti ottered to 8ee her to the.
train, but islio tirtuly refused to be of j
any trouble to nny one. "I nm able
to go :ilne. A ciirrliipe Is waiting for
me. U"od nixUt. Kir, and tlod be with
'(JnoO li'jrflt. tli:ul:iltl," replied Gor
:on. Willliims appeared nnd opened
ttie C.xor. Cordon Insisted ou seeing
her riown the Hteps nnd Into the onr
ria'e. lie litid shut tin? !oor mid the
driver Irid Just started hi Imrse when
the ol I l;ii!y nti-ppid the driver with ll
were., 1 r lino (-li:T cut face looking
u;t et' l lie window.
"Ti 'I ymv frii i d I will write. It
wi'I in i lie l.'tii,' in I'.-re we shall meet."
The .iirliiLi' vu:it on. nnd Cordon
! iij' Ine sis rtid into the hull
with n ti I '.iiii: that he h::d been dream-
;,-..,,!vV: -m jS5t ;
"H'ho arc ynut"
iag. P'lt the perfume of a cedar chest
Junt opened utter a lonjr sea voyage
lingered In the hull and followed him
Into the rooms ns he thoughtfully went
la aenhi nnd took a look at Barton
before resting.
Id the morning when Gordon came
out of his room he found Burton up
nnd whistling.
nf,,pe, noMcysl.hla friend's apparently
improved condition.
1 "You bnd a caller last night after
you fell asleep."
"That so? Some one from the of
fice ?' Unrton asked carelessly.
"An old lady off an East Indiaman
dated 17S.V
"I'm too tired to guess. Explain."
"Here is her curd." Gordon banded
it to lhirtnn
"Mr. Luptain ueorge fcmngnsm,
Salem," Barton read. Then his cheeks
showed a color In udditiou to the uu
uaturiil glow there.
Gordon vifi.t up uud put a hand on
bis arm.
"IuviJ, I know now why why"
"Say, you ureu't going to cry, are
youV" '
"Cry: I've been crying all night
To think thut you"
"Weil, why shouldn't I enjoy trips
to Colorado, even if I can't personally
conduct them? Tell tne about the old
l.nlv. i;:ti:ighnm said his grandmother
was g' on u hundred. Sorry I
missed neinj her. 1 expect she is a
"A picture: She is a romance. Yon
would have fallen In love with her at
once. She brought into the room the
fragrance of cinnamon and cloves and
spice frmn the Islands of the sea.
Lon't j'nu detect it now?"
"Smells to me like Williams' coffee,"
replied liurton, sniffing critically. "But
tell me about her." ,
Gordon descrllx-d the visit as vivid
ly as possible. When he had finished,
there was a suspicion of moisture In
Barton's eyes.
"She wanted me to tell you she would
"First love letter I'll ever get," sighed
Barton whimsically. "I expect she's
"No doubt. I con imagine the square
old fashioned house she owns In Sa
lem colonial front, fan window ar
rangement over the doors and a stair
rase big enough to drive up a doable
team. But. oh, David, why did you
tot go out there yourself before"
"Before it was too late? No good.
Case Is chronic. Let's change the sub
ject. Tell me about Mr. Marsh."
"But how many persons are you sup
porting in Colorado?"
"Don't remember. Quit It or yon
will bring on my cough. It always
pets Lie when inconsiderate friends In
sist on talking about It."
8o Gordon took up the day's experi
ence with Mr. Marsh while Williams
brought i:i the coffee and rolls, und Bar
ton seemed unusually cheerful and fun
ny. W; en Cordon rose to go, Barton
"I think maybe I'll get down to the
o3'.i' :k t week. But come up as often
as you ehu, old man, won't you?"
Gordon promised, with a choking In
tils throat us he shook bands, and went
off, carrying with him a memory that
aras boih ud and Inspiring. After be
Lad gone out David Barton went over
to the c u n and, kneeling down, sobbed
like a child. lie was a gifted man,
only forty years old, and life was very
sweet U
' The first thing John Gordon did on
reaching Hope House was to confer i
with Miss Andrews.
MTt. ...... .1.I..I. r- f..t !ll i
juu I ll I ll . 1 . .vi u i 3 u .niu uu
anything?" she asked.
"I think so yea." Bat Gordon's re
ply was not very strong.
"You are In doubt. He was deeply
Impressed. But. If I mistake not, be Is j
the kind of man to delay any move
that means n real financial loss. His i
horror of the tenement conditions Is not j
equal to bis dread of ultimate money
loss If he tears the double decker down
or remodels It."
"I'm afraid yes," Gordon answered
with a sigh.
"But of course," he said after awhile,
"you have used your Influence with
the board of health nnd the city offi
cials and all otlnr departments."
"Yea," Miss Andrews answered quiet
ly. "But conditions are getting worse.
"Ask Tommy Randall."
"The political"
"Of course you know he Is the rock
on which most of our reforms split."
"I have never met him. Of course
you have been to him personally?"
"Often. lie's the most dangerous
man In the city, lie Is utterly devoid
of conscience. I have never found a
t-inglo iiinlity Id him to which I could
nppeal. But, If he would, he could
move the powers that be to right near
ly every wrong in the ward."
Gordon was on the point of going on
with the inquiries, for what ho had
heard of Tommy Itandall, the boss,
surrounded that potent force with n
certain human fascination, but Miss
Andrews was called away, nnd the
talk was not renewed until they met
again at dinner.
For a week John Cordon continued
his special Investigation with Ford, the
university student. The work took
him into another block. Coming back
one evening from the district, he passed
by No. HI, and the sight of nn unusual
commotion there caused him to stop
and go In.. He thought of his little
friend, Louie, and reproached himself
for in 't having gone to see him or make
imiuiriis. But the child was only one
of hundreds for whom his heart was
beginning to bleed as the unending ag
uliy iif childhood's tragedy In the tene
ments was beginning to be unfolded to
IIo went Into the court nnd up the
staircase and out upon the corridor.
Several women there seemed agitated
ly some recent occurrences.
"What is it?" he asked of one of the
women, who was crying Into a dirty
"Louie's dead," she replied and re
sumed her crying. ,
John Gordon stepped to the door
leading Into Mrs. Cnylor's. The moth
er met him there. Her face was bard
and tearless.
"May I go In?" Gordon asked gently.
The woman made no reply, and Gor
don went on. The rooms were lighted
with candles. SeTeral women were in
the roomr'A mah-vfas'sVatimng 'toy a
table on which was a rough pine coffin,
at Which he was looking with disgust
or contempt
He looked up as Gordon came In.
"Who are you?" was the man's rough
"My name is Jonu uordon or Hope
The man turned suddenly to one of
the womeu who stood looking on sub
missively. "Take the thing out," point
ing to the coffin, "and tell Abrnms to
send up something better or he'll hear
from me."
And this was John Gordon's Introduc
tion to Tommy Randall, the political
boss of Hope House district, Ward IS.
I am
I r
Falmouth (food up and
btQan to tab.
ORDON went back
to the doorway,
where Mrs. Cayiot
was standing. Sb
was tearless and
apparently stolid.
"What arrange
ments have been made for a service,
Mrs. Caylor?" Gordon asked, and his
heart was sore at the sight of the
wretched mother, whose tearless atti
tude touched him more than if she had
shown a passion of grief.
"Mr. Randall Is seeing to it" she said
"But don't you want a minister?"
Gordon was bewildered. He had never
faced exactly the same situation.
"I don't core. Mr. Randall"
"Yon are not a Catholic? I remem
ber you said to me your people In JS'ew
England belonged to the Baptist
church. There ought to be a service of
some kind, with a minister. Do you
know one you would like to have?"
"A minister!" The woman turned on
him almost . fiercely--. "A. minister!
Mighty little nse they bare for such a
one as me! TMtlsDotnaa'snartahr' .
"But for the sake of Louie!
ret Mr. Falmouth to come down,
so sorry for you, Mrs. Caylor.
help you! Louie was a good boy.'
The woman, suddenly tlirew
apron over her bead and burst Into a
torrent of Weeping so violent that at
first Gordon was alarmed. He brought
her a chair and made her sit down.
The other women in the corridor came
nn, and one of them said: "She'll be all
right now. - When you can't cry, that's
the time your heart bleeds Inside."
"What's ll this racket?" cried a
voice- from the room. Gordon wheeled
about and faced the man. Tommy Ran
dall. With the Instinctive forcwarntns
of a peculiarly sensitive and delicate
moral consciousness Gordon knew that
between this, man and himself there
could be nothing but war from .the
start. - But what form it would take,
what forces the man had to draw on,
how much t f a hold he had on the
wretched lives that furnished his field
of action, John Gordon did not know.
Perhaps it was ns well that be did not
know much nbout It. A full knowledge
of even one aspect of Tommy Randall's
political Intluence might have appalled j
a "more courageous and hopeful man
than John Gordon.
The boss was a man of about forty
five. Outwardly he was u short, thick
set man, with n florid face and a reso
lute maimer. He did not show any
signs of Intemperate living, and indeed
It was his boast that he bad no vices.
The most noticeable characteristic of
the man wns his absolute confidence In
bis own inlluence. It was not egotism
so much ns it thorough faith In the po- J
litical security of his position. j
There was one quality that John
Gordon possessed, however, that made
him formidable. He was fifteen years
younger than this man, and he had
practically no experience fix that world
which was the only world In existence
for Tommy Randall. But he had h
faith in God that wns ns profound ns
the other man's io!lt!cnl creed, and In
his love for the people he was pre
pared in acting on that creed to go any
lengths that were within human possi- j
blllty. If Gordon was lguorant of Tum
my Randall's strength, the boss was no
less Ignorant of this young man's Inner
sources of persistent nnd tireless
strength that would Inevitably come to
his assistance In the struggle that was
beginning in that wretched tenement,
with a child's deuth as witness to the
grim contest.
"I have been asking Mrs. Caylor
what arrangements have been made
for a funeral service." Gordon spoke
quietly. "If no other minister has
been engaged, I think I can get Mr.
Falmouth of Naznrctb church to come
down." -
Tommy Randall walked up to John
Gordon and deliberately looked him
ever. Gordon stood perfectly still and
never moved a muscle as bis eyes
looked straight Into the older man's.
"The service has all been arranged,
young man," Randall said finally. A
sound of shuffling steps was heard on
the broken., stairs and along the cor
ridor, and two men appeared with a
coffla. . . : .
"41 Thw tftn am Ahrnmn' That'
more like It Don't try to palm off
another one of your rotten boxes on
me or you'll bear from me, eh? Put
It on the table," Then, as two chil
dren came Into the room at the heels
of the two men who brought the cof
fin, Gordon was astonished to see Ran
dall pat them on the head kindly and
say: "Now, then, lads, out of the road.
I can't stop now."
The children went out of the room,
and Randall bustled In and out order
ing chairs and helping place the body
of Louie in the coffin. Gordon enme
up to the table to look at the little
face, for Louie bad been partly de
formed, and his face was like a baby's.
He looked down at the figure and
noticed that one band was clinched
tight Stooping a little lower, by the
dim light Gordon recognised his own
little gift when be had gone In with
Mr. Marsh. It was a sample bottle of
perfumery, and the child bad clung to
It In the darkness, dying In the horrible
filth of his surroundings, and, ns Gor
don learned some time afterward, lit
erally covered with vermin.
John Gordon's tears fell on the face
as be felt that hero was one of God's
little ones against whom somebody
bad sinned. "Better for a millstone to
be banged around bis neck" be seemed
to bear the words of the Bon of Man
"than that one of these little ones
should perish." Who was to blame?
Was It the social system? Was It the
selfish wealth? Was It political dis
honesty? Was ft a definite- Individual?
This child weak, deformed, helpless
did It not need the strength and beauty
of a whole universe thrown about It In
loving protection? Instead of that
flung like some vile thing among the
rotting, loathsome, crawling things of
the lowest physical world, It had gone
out of a world of black horrors, cling
ing childishly to a bit of artificial
fragrance that was practically all the
touch It ever knew of the abounding
perfume of a flower bedecked earth.
Poor little soul! Will not God take
rdm and hold him long; In his bosom of
Infinite pity? And will It be unjust If
an Impassable gulf yawns between
him and the Dive who on earth tasted
all the physical delights, but let the
dogs lick the sores of the beggar at his
gate, proud of his charity in flinging to
him the crumbs of tbe feast? For Is
cot that about all that wealthy Chris
tendom has so far flung at tbe dying
beggar of the slum, after 2,000 years of
luxurious civilization?
"Now then, young man, Is there any
thing more?"
His profound reverie' was suddenly
Interrupted by Randall.
"The service?"
The service! I will see to that"
"Is there any minister?" Oordon
asked firmly, for be knew enough from
what be bad beard from tbe residents
to know that In many cases there were
no religious services of any kind and a
WrihU tat and tumult that DartooK
or cm savagery or onus aature. - -I
cant TfimmT Randall caused before he
answered, weighing somewhat careful
ly Just bow far he could go.' .
- "What business is It of yours, young
fellowr- ,.'
Gordon silently showed bJm bis In
spector's badge.
"Umph! . Board of health! Does the
honorable body authorize you to man
age funerals T'
"It does." replied Gordon boldly.
"How's that?" Randall asked sharp
ly. , ,
"The duties of tenement Inspectors,"
Cordon went on calmly, "are clearly
defined In. scctlou 12. article 4. of. the
regulations of the state board of health.
That article distinctly says It shall be
the duty of tbe Inspectors, In case of
death occurring In districts under In
spection, to notify the proper authori
ties and. If lib "other authorized body is
In charge, to arrange Whatever is nec
essary for the welfare of tbe family
In the matter of burlah etc. I consid
er, therefore, that I nm acting fully
within the limits of my rfuthorlty when
I say I have a right to call In a minis
ter for the decent observance of the
rites attending this death."
Tommy Randall was silent n mo
ment. He wns preparing n speech
that would show this young man what
a mistake, ho had made when Gordon
suddenly asked, with the simplicity
that came from part Ignorance of the
power the boss really had:
"By what authority are you here In
charge of this funeral?"
Tommy Randall gasped. For the
first time In years he grew pale with
rage, nnd nt first Gordon thought the
man was going to strike blm.
"By what nntluirlfy, you Insolent
puppy? I'll tench you by what au
thority! This is my ward, I'll have
you understand my ward, do you
. "I bear you quite well, sir. You do
dot need to talk to make tbe dead
John Gordon spoke with a heart on
fire ns he realized with a gleam of In
stinctive loathing of tbe man his din
txiltcal hold on the people. "Come out
'here aud say wboj you have to say.
It Is not decent for us to be having all
this In the room."
He turned In a great heat of nnger
that instantly cooled ns he went out
In tbe corridor, and Randall followed
him. In spite of himself (is It seemed,
and the curious, gaping crowd, mostly
women, thronged around to see the
row between TomauLRandallthe au
tocrat of Ward 18, and the slim, pale
faced, well dressed "gent" who had
suddenly stepped Into tbe arena alone
against the whole political machine.
, "HCs- up against It!" chuckled nn
Id woman. - -
"Tommy will do him up brown,"
said a young man who loafed against
tbe broken railing of tbe corridor and
spit tobacc" Juice down on the beads
of the children In the court belowr
. Gordon aea!n was the first to speak;
He was ncc aggressive,, but perfectly
-Have, vou any went autnomy ror
"... r-r-s au.airs here 7" be asked, 'and '
Randall again made a movement '
which looked like a threat of physical
violence. - .
"It Is none of your business!" . The
sentence came out with an explosion
of profanity that delighted the crowd.
"I am regularly appointed by tbe
board of health as a legal officer. Do I
understand that you are an officer of
the city? Do you have a legal official
authority in these premises?". Gordon
asked calmly. The question was so
simply put that Its very simplicity
staggered Tommy Randall. He stared
and then broke Into a coarse laugh
that was echoed by the women.
"Official duty be . I run this ward.
I'm in charge here, and I warn you to
get out and leave this business to me,"
"Do I understand you to threaten an
officer with violence?" Gordon asked,
looking him In the eye coldly. . At the
samo time be took out a. notebook,
while Randall eyed, him in a rage that
be was trying evidently to choke down.
For the first time also a trace of un
easiness mingled with his . astonish
ment at the unexpected boldness of
the young man who had thrown down
tho gauntlet before tbe boss of Ward
18. He was beginning to be in doubt
concerning tbe young man's political
pall Nothing short .of . secret Influ
ence at the city hall could account for
bis astounding attitude.
.1 warn yon," Gordon talked as he
jotted down something In tbe book and
put it back Into his pocket "that I am
acting fully within my authority as an
officer specially detailed for this duty.
I understand you make no claim to
being an officer of the city. I shall
proceed to .secure a minister and hare
the services properly conducted. Mrs.
Caylor Is willing to have It done.
Aren't you, Mrs. Caylor?"
"I don't care! Louie was a good boy;
be was a good boy!" she cried, throw
ing her apron over her head and rock
ing back and forth with great sobs.
During tbe talk she had been sitting
by the door, apparently oblivious to
everything. She now suddenly rose up
and staggered into the room, throwing
ber arms over the coffln and shrieking
aloud: "He was a good boy I Oh, God!
Ob, Qod!"
' Tommy Randall turned toward John
Gordon with a look that was simply
Satanic. ,
"If you attempt to interfere or make
any unusual disturbance, Mr. Rnu
dalL" Oordon said again as he bad
twice before, taking tho initiative, "I
shall report you to tbe authorities."
The statement was so simply made,
It covered so much absolute authority,
tbat for a moment Tommy. Randall
stared in silence, too much astonished
to say a word. Then, to Gordon's stir
prise and to the bewilderment 'of the
crowd, the older man put out his band
and said, with a laugh:
"You're a good one! Report Tommy
Randall! Give mo your hand on It,
"ouug fellow! But vou have the Snv
wouldn't lie make a" team with i another-
one like blm?"
Again tbe crowd laughed coarsely,
and Gordon, without seeming to notice
the outstretched band,' turned his back
on all of them and went Into the room.
Randall watched him, with a snarl on
bis face tbat prophesied any number
of accounts for tbe future. Then be
grew thoughtful and before any one
could guess his next movement he fol
lowed Gordon Into the room. 1 v "
Gordon bad even In tbat brief time
begun to soothe the distracted, mother.
"I'll get my friend Mr. Falmouth to
come down. He will, ha ve a .beautiful 1
service. He will"
"Does Mr. Randall"
The words were spoken with a fright
ened air that Gordon saw at once had
some" good reason. But before he could
answer Randall said good naturedly: "
"I think we bad better have the min
ister come down, Mrs. Caylor. That's
all right."
"I'll arrange It" Gordon snld briefly,
as If Randnll were not present He did
not core to puzzle himself at present
over tho njau's change of manner.
That It was a part of his regular policy
to pain an cud be knew well enough,
but he wns Indifferent to It Ills very
Indifference was so complete that the
boss felt again that uneasiness that had
come to him already as a new exig
ence, and again that same diabolical
hate Included John Gordon In Its sweep
of future reckoning, for Tommy Randall
was beginning to f"cl dimly, but really,
that for the first tli.:e In his political
career he was In thu presence of a new
factor. The newness of It puzzled ami
enraged him. it was so unknown that
he could not figure on It. That made It
doubly hateful to him.
John Gordon stayed a little longer
nnd then went away. The hour fixed
for the service was 3 o'clock. As he
went out into tho corridor and groped
his way down tho stairs nnd out into
the court he was plainly nwuro that
curious faces Btared at him, und a little
added respect was paid him.
. "The old man fell down!" muttered
the woman who had foretold Gordon's
humiliation at the hands of the boss.
' "Now he didn't!" the tobacco. user
ejaculated, with an oath. "Walt till
the old man gets In his upper cut . He
ain't downed by no 'gent" "
Gordon at once took a car for Naza
reth avenue, and within nn hour he
was In the Rev. Paul Falmouth's study,
which - was In the rear of Nazareth
Avenue church.
"Glad to see ., you, Gordon," Fal
mouth snld as be rose and greeted bis
visitor cordially. The minister was n
grave faced man of thirty-five.' The
books, papers, pictures aud articles of
Interest In his study proclaimed a stu
dent If not a scholar. Tle man himself
bad a reserve power. How much more
than that was not apparent at first
sight1-."' ;
-"I'm sorry to disturb your morning.
Mr. Falmouth. I know your rule, but
thl. la a case of death.. J knew, you
would listen". . 3,:.-., i b.,.,: ..
' '"CertitaJlyvsa cap i .1 mi thtoWng.of
: you Just a minute ago and planning to
i come down Jo. Hope- House' and see
you. : Of course I know what yon have
done. The papers" . . ,
"Thank you, Mr. Falmouth, for your
kind letter. It did me good. I'll be glad
to see you at Hope House. But I know
how busy you are!" Gordon glanced at
the minister's desk, which was covered
with open books, manuscripts in vari
ous degrees of preparation and a mis
cellaneous heap of correspondence
which told the particular story of a
laborious Hfe. '
"I'm always busy, Gordon." The
words were spoken with a sigh that
was Instantly repressed. . ."But for more
reasons than one I want to see you and
have a good long talk with you."
' "FlI be very glad. But this Is my er
rand this morning. I want you for a
funeral service this afternoon."
He went on rapidly to relate tbe brief
story of . Louie, without reference to
Randall or any of the occurrences thut
had brought him Into tho tragedy, ,
"I'll go, of course," Falmouth said In
stantly when Gordon paused. "Shall
we have any singing? Have you any
one In Hope House IT
' "I had nn Idea as I came along up,"
Gordon spoke with a little hesitation.
"If this wns a funeral on Park boule
vard for a rich man's eon and you were
called on to officiate, who would prob
ably sing?"
"Why, . tbe .Nazareth Avenue quar
tet, I suppose. That Is the arrange
ment made with them by the church
music committee tbat I am to have
their services whenever I conduct a
funeral. But"
Tbe Rev. Paul Falmouth paused. He
saw at once the bearing of Gordon's
question. Gordon watched him closely.
. "Why not?" the minister said.
He rose and went Into an adjoining
room and rang a telephone belt Gor
don could hear htm talking. When he
came out he said simply:
"Tbe quartet will Join me here at
2, and we will go down together. I
don't think any of them have been
down on poweu street But for that
matter, neither have L It won't hurt
ns any to see it"
"I don't know about that sir. I'm
of tbe opinion that It will hurt you.
Sut Isn't It about time that somebody
besides the people around Hope House
was hurt by what Is going on there?"
The minister was silent, no under
stood fully all that Gordon implied by
his remark. When he lifted bis bead,
Gordon had risen to go.
"Don't gov Gordon that Is, unless
you have to. Why can't wo have that
talk now as well as any time?"
"We can unless you rre too".
"Busy? But It can wait There's an
article for the" Tlomlletlc Review;
there's another for. tho North Amerl-
NcrTOua Trouii'
a - t K
ana - uyspepsl.
No Sleep for Wet!
Because of Pain,
Dr MileFsjNfyrrine G
BacK My HesdthT
Dypepiia nearly always ri., .1 nf K n.n-,, . JL 1 .1 I
....... .. .... .... ., iirnu'rj
it n..t well th entire ysttni i-afi-
1 tipation. bad breath, suur Mum, ," i '
lirndarhrK. Mr -,ll 1 'r?
.. . ' .V i0bJ
vil.l'., 1 , nr.. . -
T. M.I... K'. "... L. . . ' '
,. ".lira BIMTUIIC tor
uyspcp.ia uu mi ncrvuus ulH'uses,
r ,.l 1 1 .
iiiy ncaim was miserable Inr v... I
revere nervous trouble anil dysr-wt
had not been able to sleep Lr
lime wmiout Deing awakened with u!
my chest and stomach. My lunUfcT
1 was unable to do my huuyc wrfc ta
feeling completely worn cm. l(,t in riif.vf. itir mm ar.n. -i. -
" " ' -iivl LiQTm
less amount of their medicines 1 tZ
ing Dr. Miles' Restorative ;;tttJ
mrve and Liver 1 ills. I n!
from the first bottle ol Ncrvini-
kleen better than I hail in v..... u '
ach hefan to gain strtiiKth IiU ( 'j
11 1,1. r "1 1-llM U IWi't.i,
of Nervine and Nerve nnd In,.,
past three years but have r. it tun J
late as I have not felt the ncnl oi 1
anout my worn an entiniv ciiCcrcnJ
and have recommended tLm to J
many people, i im a (.'rent I elirrs ,
Miles' N'erve and Liver I'ui-, 1 iuft
hand all the time. I fed v rynu,,
the Dr. Miles Remedies." MRiJu, j
man. Mechanic Kails, Me.
All clrugifts sell and cu ".unti
tle Or. Mile.' Remedies. Send lutu
rn Nervous nnd llcatt Pi-cas, u
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Klkhart, Iti
NETJBAMHA cured by Dr. MItar Pais
ftUA "Hum cent dose." Atsildusalu
Hew Are Tmi KUmi t
. TToubf' Rparavut Pills enre all kidney Ills. Ram.
is free. AM. sierUas lny Oo- Vfeiaase er M. T.
;' "Glad to se you, ft'
can; there are two sermociti,
. m . njj
oeiore we convention w una
lzensblp and a list of cbfd
that Is never cacght op tn
questlon If any or all of
tant as some of the things I
discuss with you."
He paused, and bis granta
ed np with a' gleam of l-1
transformed his scholarlj
Into something quite differat
sat down again.
MTI'K. A tl.lnlr li III
Gordon? How much ti It
The Question surprised Gab
I'm not a ludize and Wt
be. I neglected my duttetoM
and I am the last man latn
criticise It". :
. Falmouth sat silent awtilfc
The church In this clt; Hi
lts duty," he snld nt last "I
question how much It is raS1
Cbriafa commands. WDmi1!
the wealth and businw
talent and culture in my l
ual church alone, I cannot MC
myself bow much of It Is
crated to the uses of the klan
not know six men hi tnj m
gatkm who accept tlie duett"
nvnnrahln of nropertr,
tnmrht In the Bible and H
When I preach on the sobJeM
pie listen In a half unused J
u i wm n luvijiM-. r j
that will not work In the H
ummrlil There are not 1
pie In my whole parish SM
t until nf their income to Wl
How large to your chortl
naked. He was gwwinf
i.a iA a. 1iTktlbf n
for Uw mlQlster bud talk
roJL There are seventy-
Over 900 resident mem be
In iiihJI- man In tbt
over 150000, if their rctm
A tS Itf
MfMnr mrm inic
mKh aut MtaoiwarV find
VUUtVUi mnsmuw J
pose including my fwj
ttflOO. the sum of
We pay a quartet cholrv
We pay an organist
commute paid "
flowers and decoratioM j
At least a aoaon v-v
spent 1500 apiece on WT
rations in the chorea.
dosen women In the cwr
apiece on flowers
their homes for IPtwJy
and gave less than
missions. This
and gossipy string of
But I am reminded of w i
one of Btorr Kins'" J