MlDbJLLiiL Uoi POST. The Reformer p anno n skidon. AntNv- ef "In till ttr vRWt KM)HKn lVy." Vte. (, H St. fAst1 A N' P.:ithed apeakln, th bar t.i!or .- v .- hs.-k with the vii-srs and a T-to ' v ded w'th beer srd wh'ky. The I l';.v - oNfribnted around, on little ' t-!'.- M IVli the bovs and men tn I 1N IN v wox- rtwfly eeateil. An t f to t'lo Tnnte of :-n "ere ve.v rljoiit 1.V1 In ". s s!wn of erwoomer IV'o tN "rv-t one b: '. WW to mtf- ,'M be x-,' v ol'l One utsM. veo In the Uinta), beer poisoned air that floated out of the Mkwn, all Itiw or th mm breathed easier. Officer Rolwt looked bward Gordon with an air ef resignation,- "Doe jwur friend w-teh to continue! t may I aliftwvM to aay the how I the same owe place another am onca, swi dances "No mar 'or me Me. Marsh Inter, rnpred qw Idly. '"Gordon, l"wt simply sick of tt uli. l et ut g back to Hop UnM. I ahov.M i:Ve to meet Mlsa An drews before going hem. Yon thenght he would he hack lifter supper'' "Yen, bnt 1 want yen to ere Hewen ertwt by right; Jnt two or throe block, unit I'll not aV any more." "Very well." Mr. Marsh reluctantly contorted He wa evidently laboring rndor great srrvsa of fooling. Hta sen sir w mitnre bad suffered 1n xny thM "It ivont voiV5Ty fir vn to v"0 r.lvic. K.rtx," ?oion !M the ttirotiitn ttery yiiiiMe. A nloe ef bottle, tt'i no pnHlonliir twxt, only' It Tv.' -.V. !!-.yV e!r." lioNTti ln- v VmV hi rM'-f "I'm r.t ,v r.'.v ti. i f. lv if n l: -V-M 1 on" " U t-.'i N v.ssry. Kolv-t v tvrr.M ... tenieret eloiitieiiOe rould tkut have teen more dennltely emiiliatlo l "1 ehnlt hat ht eonalder It," the mtn murmured nueaiiily, The events' of th trMnm'.day h.til ttnxluced a eurtout reault In him. He not vertaln that he could Intut bit lnnilve. At th Mm timer be filt toto-ed to action of om kind. Xt1 Andrew quietly begati to talk ot eomethtnf else. John tiordov wh) dad leaned orer th table, Inteneely In t greeted In what he auppoaed ro ln to f an appeal on Ml Andre w part, rradnally relaxel hla attltnde Into ore of dtnaprMntvd enn" Andrews xraa eNll talktnK eaally, amt Mr. Marh vaa UMentnit Intently, when one of the tttent!i rtrao In and called John Oorrton otit t anawr a tuuimoua at the tehhono. Oovdon nie bs'k eoon and ra'd h' frtond Pfirton had eent f.r him, and that he mljrht not retwn that nlnht Mr. Mrn and eald. "I'll iro alons w.ih yen. .tJoion, a far wi j m wny." Ho en!.! .vM illicit t.i M' .mVvw and the two pn-M oit fiMin (niilov the r'?iWy, nvy lion he and Coition parted upn vn Mr. Mnivh eaid w ith a .!:o:1 Vui'.'.: Mis AtuUvws o'u'o no-r n :' i-e a eot.v.vt. l;nt U vM Vi'tl me I t t!:o,- ard v ti..o ili?c oiy I;. iii'h v ; ; : ( It; t" 'i 1.0 i:nnI. in' TV- r-' - t . T,, -'.. ' : th( T r, -, Or- . '. (v, '; i: t i.-. f!?. .V, It Ttr ITT" r4"; ;-,WT" T:' ?! ti? trf r tir'-" ho'c In this -t'T- ri:i An.i th- otp enrtH i Iwr'nir'v: iht: vin f.-warv! to mte Vvr ttu- notui mrinr!' i the -lnnt.: It ! m th tJ vortlnnnan wlu. bn Tin flnoo nrtli" to tie rafted a itnrrn . -Potts, esy aoHhl raiw T . br.Ti1"om: e".: Ilrhrc. rliei Tnl twotj." Jt to tttf nip.i -whnne T,Tw tiif a- ht(" ariKtts: wit;, iu riretMrxJ TrxK. rvmi- r IrT j, Trt-luix l.' On'y iT enr-. T.r.- b-i:' vkt.: Nir- hW.J f tthj-V inrri. - AT.. xrlthocT apyln tb;s 1 t: nz'- t" Itw.. thf too: t :; dfviiiK; tn-f;rL: TectoT! c:. r-":;:..' !...t; t" eu;::- r tt- nr . V- t.-- car t : Tt.- ri."Tn' . Mi or cr..ik- i'iT1"- i;-t- - t r:rL: ; - v . ft tiu- 111! t" yr-ociiOj v.. tm ro -j- c::e-r- vl: if uk- : l. Tuui.. roar: wm :.Tnuetiits : r.r :iiti.. tit: i rvuiun en: : TtTTLii. Tlli' Ul :v.D'- rnurioii- ccstiui.t joi. 'jvruu nei:TEtfe r.- ui ix.. rurerutitu ra:. .nr v. rr" t.: i- iin iaert umr.r uiv f ! i r pnwit fciu: t-i u ir.- j.twi':aii emu.- --.ui---r4. r" taxK tr. tuning Ltini Mi tbur-"U-' t-uiV" mr. ; 1 iur x- vnn".ut uiiiu-ai mu er. k. j-.-r-u.j' M1 llif wwi. - U-' Jliw - - X-". f ' to- ; imf X-r-i ' ' ... '. ' llail" -V- ' - ' - . m. 1.M- .- v' -'fc' i i .. ... . sjjt ' - ' ' ... .....,,..,, jr-. -' . . . . . 'I I . i,v.,inlXX c-,: --ot Snl1V''."'?; 1: Vs TOt ' v-f. h,---r,-r(M. no; . .-. ...(-,'. .u ,;. Or. the. f. i-.v --.-v T-"T T'. T."v--i. trv'nc t-, T-',-.: of nTiTitii--t!i. - sf. i. I t'. rot. On the 1 t,-,-,. r- f.--.,; oTfi r: tt t""oot J".' ' nrtOi T--.", v4t- n,r--ip f- ; n-t- -fif- f V- -.-rr-- A -.-ft--- t-. "k up to1i.T'. f"t. e" yri no po-ci-!nc trwr thc!r 'Ntr HMhlnt etxi the fu. n'e; Tw-ir te hRti to Mop en.i yi'S. to!r Ter. the flpnr- ; th: U; ti. tv r-nrtnp for a i vt.. or air hn: '-lt1. the! lndiro--npf t: yeprs of a r-wtowed j Trmifnrt pnnrrtBC the time -bi te J flart ertlBp wmwi Iwrtde ahonlc be come e lirtlo If? rmbearabHt-, Tortp the enttr ruli; -neither Oor Wm wr MaT!; atJ cythti: bnt onrt, rtec It. Varab aaked a tineatlmi: "Snmf or rtitkfneu tt" far tter (5.1 1 -2 and rWner. more t trartre thar other. Are thae oo "Nl " r-r.t-: Jnhi. Vord.-T. Cryly-Th-" ar a)nft; Jrwewr'e ehilftrer. It: Vcrsi, did no; aal any mow ' tmxrfonf tmli; they -tv rolnc Into Iiot- Hoiiao ei.trano Thl bt- Ttni-' T ii:- e.-s;tiin)o:. hnJ ani-I l.rr- nee: tr.iur- todr- : r"v--rtrcl.' tifl!T- !' t: told : .'. tf t.O KUi TO- tKTT-itih Z cniil. Crear. c' :: ton.rti i:: tw. ym: -puuiw-- l tuaxnes. citucr tu "V ex- "r-:' Jtr Mtr-Ty. Txt: errrr taca ex: h liat err rouk' a1 T1XT TOV. t.r Ti-a!. CU? !: TOL llfl-F a-fv. J- w:i; ra:rw:T. tii' iitr- w to-.- T-il; i"-e (c cetc ttKim ' jmrcw rrrrjii.-:; hul joiu. Optoo: eoui- ix-. t- in- nxiif at vat uttous:; tCecie. t" tm cu:i crw-- nKlV- l-trir- i- -TDUl- as" r-Tt.Tif "I tuiu3-JtA. tov hrev te-. jootxr tij w ttwr' i. ' gvi--. run: vv oet-cttu auunxr ju iiivivu-; fc.-. Juesio iivi' u--L- ruti' . i-r.M!t;' retnui'. tu n,urj iiribnui r oT rriiTriiKt .' t Vmutl.' tt' nt-m: .met iut rr:u.- i tiu.. T ii-!- vtb nnut.litin' jtuJaiuuCc' ! u-nw-n ., m a--B -r.uc iutuuM- i- j Uw1 -e xtv' bin- lyce: vmex ; Ml'. r- tw' to; .IU1V.U iv Urfl ! Su -it UMjy.1 r.u' u--4 -urfr - to.- ' iUuotv. T-tt; -KT' Uithf' . ;!a,-jj'. tut- trr -r"luir.i - t.uvf tititunlt-t.i' U Ituf. vu- . 1 (llilitlwvt hu' Ma-twer v t 4U tJ-. ymmi ttnt .fi" :: l-tv "' JbV . U.1 rxt- tr'.iMU' -41 .' -et:Uj4Lf wT" --! u-f 4-1 i--t1' "iimuiii-r . "T to- till- iMlr irl' n.wu--fU-K Wl IIIC iiw ! -'rt.; - tHtwvet " A &--1l. . , -:. ' . t-tijtt-iM'' . iv u-.v -v ' - "Wtt v-'x- l!'IV I I'Ot.'t 11 1'rV" Jonlon i'M not ropiv '- "c!i -i il r!! t weicht of ;!; :!:o ! "--.v o"v of t , vcrfU'iAi" voxlt'ix i"vv !- !vil 't fn h to rivVt tVe wroti-.-v t!:.t v;v 01 ' i ed vith h!v o ?i jss!o'-'lir. ;i-i'.o! foil a rv-M-'-oor, t V:-1 he foruvd wov.U bro-'.t. os-t t Ti Tx-o.l or nmnror "oi Vt Vt Mt:-r-. do any:h!ntt Vi-t!; t-e n-- bnfW the tonotront? WtinM ho imttivH ri of t'-i :'vos'. M'hv ilid Vi" A ts ttn-iTi ivi. so soit(loi-l to tfilk ; Nri ' 'r.. t'.'d vVo '"' ph'ad V She -.oo'"ie: ot. the po't:t of iV'iv so. It. a t".vooi-t of tnpn-e ho ti;vVo i Tr firV n'ox-tnc away. j Mr. ffh. yon iare tt tn yonr , po-iver to r.vo the lix-os of thoee oh'l dron. If l.on'f d'o? tn thst holo. he fore "5."iV 1 Nee yon xv)l N hold part prr-lfy In the ahrht of Oo1. Are, yoti fo'nc to do aiyth'nc?" i "II. d.i Tr-eth!ne." Mr. Msrh nv pl'ed feoM. j "Ther. In Ood" rame do It cnloV. or't youT' "IT. consider It; ye. ITi NTtder It " I "krdot: let Torn pottt that, arn; with the w(vrln-a of th day bearlnc down , or. ht spirit he bnatened to "Ro-tor.'e ' rootnt. ferine bed new, fer Barton ba! TephoTtei b'melf. nek 'tie hi f-tTV. to eone at onoe. He found Karfoti lying n the eoneh ! In the twond room. Comc tn. oM man"- be aW feebly, bm eheprfntiy. "Eiewae me Tnr ernd tnp for 'yoo. bot tny tort pot o wild th! eenlac a Soot 7 o'rtoci that tbowpbt yec "wenld Tlte to ee tb bfw. It " rattling pooderform- keep the coutili from thlnklnif of me til the time, tb attifTa o atrotig and bad tnathm." 1 . Gordon t htm the tnedlctne, and Itnrton Iny iwek exhnuated. After moment It whlapored: v "Head th atot y if ymi want to. Rnt. tf you tire roIiik to swear or anything (tt th cloa nd Want help, aak XVII llama to fo out Into the hall, tilt him dollar, and he'll pltok Into Hurt I nd the New a lom aa ymi want." John itonlon plrked tip lb paper anil eitt oxw by the table. He aolditm nw the Nrwa, and he never read It. Hla whole refined nn'ttre relelled In dt(tnt at tin- monatiMnlty of yellow Jonrnnllam. bm h'a eni'lolty xvna ttir.u eiutnuh ti mne him rend whnt Warton aiin'-il ao penntnely aorww fo?. The hi-iiilimea weie bold ntdl obtru. aive; "OMttf-N !th lil IXlior! .lelin tbmlivi, Son of Hitw tJovdon. the 1 Ktn'x. i n ill Sioik Mnnlptilaior. Ceea j to I le tt Hope I ! or i.e. li'.h S'ivm I Wit. UiiiiV W ith II r'mii'i'i', M; ! I. i. 'Il:( 'l;-i -! A Siounj lmerx le'. i Mln M-trli l. foi s to lin Witii IlltH. .Ml the IVrtli I'll l:.inettt In ltiis!ii.-s-i t.'.d , ,.ii r'r.'tv. Mr tjovden It.' pitil.atev U s son ;' Xl.-Hi'ti Kofniea to 1:i K , IVon lV'W InteiA liW W li'l 11. T INw-mvi loi.-r ,'oho :otilon to MiVe n S'm i t'll Stviiy ef Tr'H UM'tit ti.i:-i' I'otviii o- 1 1 l'..i':i Stf.'it." 'l':ie 1 .N "'H.i" in 1 ipi il ti.' t'ol ' vw-i. atld d'.ti'x't'.V nndi-t t!e headline. iwli.Vli ,-i-M'in! tvo ooiiu'iri H wlittli, woiv two out, ivie of ,iohn Joiion and t'.e t ' or o: 1 ,'o'''i t'M"-' 1 lie title 1 -l-'oi '- -'.' ."!! tVUt. 'I I'pill U'liKa fit .i! n ii'Hi'.l. ti rea.l tVe and vImnM st tlie pietntv Then lie o'-i;-.'..'! the p:.por letween hi hand hi'.i rtu; 't on tl.e ttis-r. "HiiiV the bell f.r Wllltan John. 1 th'i-V he'a tn tl:i- pf'tvy. Yii nooil ht 1-olp to ilo ti tiiviioo Sorr) I don't feel kMo to in with yon." Tor a tv.ouet 1 John i!ot?on sti'M F1'.!i I'J the tnl'h-; then li. oft'no over 11 rd fit down by hi friend. "1 dor.'t eaiv for tnywlf. hut l.nella! PavM. 4k' a borrthle lnvalon of all on. "s s'to;-'l private afTalva. I have rover tmdi'rvtinxi how yon oould believe In th-tt iiirt of Jonrnaliatn." Pfivld Tnrton l.-oVivl lo l:,rly at John Oiirdon. HIv cvntoal. whln.sloal. reck- i lers tntinror dlsappeanid for a moment, i "T don't believe In It. Never did. 1 John Tt purv'.y bnfnets with m. i I'm awfully sorry fv you. Yhat do 1 believe m.yway ? My hole life has oontrodiofed my orv-ed. Ttit maybe : there hope for me yet. What do yon thlvV? Am I too bad to repent and be wired?" John 0rdon etarod at his friend, and In a moment his own deep, abldinc. re ligions evperlenoe reminded hfm that bere was a ecul pplnj: after lljrht "Ivid, be exelatmed aoftly, no nne ts too bad to repent and be aaved. Oh v " I "?n-t make all lif worth John Ootilon made no natter, am) Harton aaked drowallyt "How about Mi1. Mnraht Yon drtipped me a line about lb probability of It 1 having an Interest III helping Mia An lre (Inatu Inlly.' "Mr. Marb ti th landlord of No. 01." . !"Bhn; tou tWt MfV Th" Vitlee win awake agalu. "Then the amntmt of hla CAtttrlbuttiMt to Ktal avttlementa I not yet mad public V , "Mr. Marsh htta been tVlth the lhnnili th distrlit today, tt snw hia unit tenement for th Hrt tim." "Tltitt't a umiil slotyi tell me nlmt It." The vole waa aaaln drowsy. "It's too lute. Pitvld," tlordon iviuon etmtd. "No; It lun't. I'm Ri'l'ltt lt sleep wt I orten. do. tt stitfts the fimiill If I tel up niptln. I'm eomrmttilile. You'll atay nti nluhtT Yn know ymtr tonni. Ho, tlirtl'a ii unod fellow. I mity vntit yon t' In-lp me linvnem tip the tnnt:h In the ntornlnij." "Ye; I'll stiiy If yntl wiint me ti. Are toil eotnl'i'i bible Ihiie?" "ety nun Ii so, old mint. !o rhettd with Mr. M;'iih." t'erilim hud not bilhed the mlnnle brfoi" H:iton ww :!"hep, il'l nlil"it I "A b-w vent n-('i I n,, ,.,.vu imtl slmuber. mote llUn ilonlh thtui -"'! "rV "':' r'xnn V V "1' " i hivlihx le'.ri'iiihit! if Mini I'd pmii't-'i. HI whole nttltuile Win tll:it nf lnttl )'li to eh:il'--l lull. 'I lie Si'tll of deiltll iw tipo'l h ill John to'l'ioil sli ppul tsllMnit. II"1' III'' tear lolh il ileu 11 hi ehi rl l':M hi liltoi Wi' the ib'iil'ost fi lend ho I11I1I. The two Wei., ten e:ii ttpni't In I'lto, bvt from 1'ie time when they Hr-d t t thoy had be. 11 Itv-tnttt 1y ilt-uvn b cether and had boti'ii b !"V" - - -. -1 1 other. It wa after 11 oYloih. find jit Hot don h. sit-iteil to uo bi bed. Mo ahno'it I'eai-i d that P nton would neer n lie up. the pallor of hla faoe, the nttltmlo ef the bod), wore no simne1te of the lre(it elianiie. He wa tn lil slttlnii there, hi rheeUa still wet w Itli the leal- that ho did not try to ivpivs. when W lllhmi eame In softly on tiptiMv "Thoiv's a iptii-r old hidj inithle, Mr. tioitlon, sa.ts she wnnts to see ilr. Harton, If It ain't ton late. Plies it miKhty ijueei- lookimr speelin'en. Phe wvn't (n away, and I tltouuht ina.the yon'd px and see her " "Harton i aleep now-. Me ean't be wakened. Ask the lady to eonm Into the hall." tjonlon went out, draw Iur the eur tains beiwivn the Hist room mid the wide hallway, and met In the hull the visitor, who wa promptly ushered lit by William. She was dressed In a romnrkahly old fashioned style that atrnek John Gor don as eiiMtinirly Interesting Irtther j TrUd but Coulrjt ivelleve Me Of Headache, Dr ness. Twitching nM uit. v 1 . J RelleYe and Curt, "Tht doctor ttlnl hut cnuldn t if in nr!r coninii.niT inri Willi tnjL Wi! t?rrlr Itnnt ptstfhll tfoii l plain, The ilmtni inr. dtmptntn atnl nrHlr', Hie Wi' ert'M nl lltliililn ln-nilmli. h... piikiie, crnrtat ilrhlllt !vj I I npi" T'll nmni 11 v 111 'e-rf, In I ,( io i l Im k nl 1 .. ' I i...t.i.. it.. .11. .' r iinirr iinn ffiim mrnns itni.t , nifiietni-n anit iMMti. ttip i.,v I 1 111. I--' II.. 1 Kl I'l. Iiliirs i-'i iiiiiiTC nrii'iu lII,-lJ in n r'n i-tcit nnf mi'i ii e. (in tlvmiitid of ntliri. It. n j,., 11 ttiieit ut me ti'tiow hk im. 1 ..1 t u f ' 1 . . 1 mnii'i nr iMfi'rii iio'-oipnii ii, .( i t'lilhly bum lfilrlir mil a in timikrit tin in rmi- iwin iiiup in tnr iini'i'iri. lint cmiM net trlirve ti'v 1 : ths use el I 'r. Milt' lt e.m J nmt rnnMimii until 1 tinv w.M! -lil 1. 1 1 ... 1 I.- 1 ' "Tl iii!ik!imi 1 iinv 11' 'i im'i 'i , 'i ( ihkiii(i inc nrr n"i". 1 nm i. . . ".'t y"iir tiifini'ini imi .1.., 1.. .'i ei tuna I'lcaiiite in n. wliinrtrt I run." Iram- I , illi'lmiri Vt. All ni'liMOJiJ rn nti't i"ir-ivJ tie I'l. TM il" lmrlii- S Kt - I It . I. 011 nt'iv'n'! sin iii-nM .1 'iv.'ii L'r. nn irs nirnirni 1 n , 1 n. '! irt 11 t : ! I I k ! than groteipK Me was very old, nt j least ninety, but straight and vigor j 00a. Her keen blue eyes bwkeil aenrch I Inirly at John Oonton, and she oke In a sharp but remarkably clear Voice. 1 'I I "I UIHKl iu ITT T v VII 1 jp ----- iiT jvu. uiu imi ivn t 2L-T?i5? reply fatne.tti ,. I m M"d, Mr. whisper. rvTCTer!d mnoh, John, ?ordon. Mr. Ttartob Is hsleep and but Ire tried to" lKt "nt n . 1 d,J '"f The mmallv omteal roloe arttially 1 eatcar broke wm. r. sob that cnt John Oordon ; In moment, slr.w She placed tip deep ulthoiipt. to that tense moment tn fl,or fa1 carpetbag, whii bad come on so swiftly there ' a bandketvhlof out of her pocket. t3er.-( toy t Jbe coofeVn hia ! "-iujvy unen oue oi me nun soar ana men 8,1 1 aown. as sue took out the bandkerx'hief a delicate aroma was wafted to John Gordon, It reminded fcim of the frajrranee be remembered once while visiting the Ert India Marine mnseum at Salem, Miss, whoa the attendant opened an old eos chest, lined with cedar and packed with silk shawls. Jota Gordon was now thoroughly awfcke. The sharp eyes looked at him kiadly. 1 am exceedingly sorry to hear that Mr. Barton Is ill I very much wished to see Mix First I must be pardoned far calling at this unheuRoixble Lour. But I txd tbfc iiddre nud saw the Lpbt bud knew tbut liewiipuiief luoD ke;it quevr jimn. I buvt called ut tbe offi'-e of tbt jiuiw uud was told Mr. Burton wus at bis sparUueuU. 1 CiUKt go ob my journey touiUt" Juix Ciurdou bud liot Ute reiuolext was a bpt.-h friend had made. Tit bear over i)Ti put a band on F.r tot.'s nd thoy sut tfcus silent for a prarions moment. I: was significant thu: neither of xbeffi bad Mid a word I'bout Rart'ii " j.l.ysiotl cond.':ia and bi bcrx lo. ftjnr-. jk fur as iibya'ctl life wus eoTwemeft. The PTlilD in lb nv.n. t h soddeny ltiTerropteJ by a, rlnu;- out J- The street. V.-a'i weui tiver ix ihe wXaow tvi Wt.c out. Tii- d"jicrrsient J rrxkicg a ie rcr." be stii lirK-?y tj luirixx Zz wa iutt- taC tiu- tvenoe was aV rifxt xity uf tn.fLc- A tnj of pure tiirv or. ti eirfnir T'hich pre- i p:mr"i t T-werd wrtt t desTert but ' fiic tiitTjcar tlx: rro"k fire from tie win. i txa .jtutm: jrjy tluit Xixat r -"it VmuC rui. linw ami kept csot ti0k rias zmC tov c -iuxtsu cue vrt-mnC tr.oxoLii Cvu I town; l ' Vftur. Urvre.t; jovwr: ttnnrrr?uliv e? vir ivrrrc" V. tuu. las f,irt v. U' !- vxtm'. ty Otrru e: tx Tiue Wti-x- wfti. sympathy. Tbe buixxs as to tbe old laOy's errand, bhe enrer tut U askirisKt fcaujC for- I wa evid'--utiy a proou uf Kixut reflu wrc txw txr ik-Om twssaig tulr oJt aud culture In- iaur tt wtwi -ei- "How tuu :U of a frb-xd are you to t'.HStrfu; tn n. i.u imfat Jl n bM ton. Mr. Bartou'?" ly nnd even ilniihlfnlU i,j "I Ittinw him will klmler, purer, tt iter sen than I'nvhl Ihirbm " "I believe you," the ,, vlH'tituisly. "Hut I i.i "v s him tliiin ymi tin. I .Nt. i six iti'milm nun it )on"t inn hmni'h'ss, nlmie In lhisk-tvt; walking IN alrecl in i, Ing rain. An runt ii-,: , Winer, i lie yuiina mm. h?.,. would not wrlle hi iv-:t He wn nfriihl to let h.. grnudninlher know tha: u I'tY the sen, Into one kin'.; life nfler mini her, unit, verge of starvation nn great, merciless city "Out In the night, t: lad Stumbled ngnlns! yns Iinnott. II gare him r Then b sent him out to fore It wa tun lute. Tin was rrylng. The oM m thing lu her sharp oyt- brighter thnn the eyes. "Then this Ind iIIki Th Rinnglmma nlwan II fouiirt out that ho tru on."' Mr. "tlofdon- do ?'i this friend ot yours hmtef five years sent a little eta sumptlv people bi (' all their expanses therr rf a dor.en lives? This ess ton has discovered, lift one of them to liml oLt ul name nnd addre. I: tt him through an friend is and you xi want to thank bin. ! d bow much my Ii": said he was 11L I zt-?-' crious?" John Gordon let tt - twi hla face. His frict; 5 4 ed secret wus ou: i: Er-I knew why he hnJ. v ( Cni'rai.a fused to go to 3 rrWl txv&txwrVt Th- juetWu wus tut diri;ft and trunk tiutt vrdoo rm I "I aui bis deaiKt frbfud." "iAuu vr MuiuauV" tx-old lady askud, With tuflukie uf tlj ei tUul Umdo i.. wx -wus i u, e6 U0e txe pt jri- es. , Jouu jmi iiiuk aguiu. i.- p' ? r u at-tirrliiijr rfvwp ewpt rvwd Xhx ' "V tri4 b bud any lov w '. tu- of tn" rt hs, na- w w vniiinxo iiiulo ." AL, Ml QtHAlUt: uUlt!il, OUIIg , oc: v" t Xjkmi. curot r of tu i tt vvf. Trsiurfvr0 by eiw to ' toe iivjOtu uiwtke.'ipijtty. tKinnetr. (Irnj j rr- w-'x airy-My, toA tui kiw er3 iuet -uouifjli Vt 'SJ i tuwr. kV- f'" i VX , .j i,, iU. u I aowVf. 4v OUi 'vt'jvl. ii Xt i-xv. in W WeV" jie'; h0te rf.)-uur r uo i wHap xk txr Motlx t et m- vo uwi uv.f Agttba ' J-n t. 'u i'. ; Vti'. (.vii 1j U.1. vtU ' iiiin, )vu teittf tuouri" wlxt wowW tuv-tUui, ifi'. xwo trail X 4xec ju, jiouo, it a hit t not fcyrfd X tfll- ' W tn.t ue na.r iUil MU - 4.1WUO0 ivur ' ;? iui (..' ! .' lo 'i.frtu- IV J ii,u. v' it fck l-.ii 1 i o '4 WS . lHii. Ui "-t e' 4tv iX U.t Xuu.. iL U' . U.k V.v uai uv If a tit i-k eUiUl Jii T ...... 1 . ... 1 1..-. . . 1 t. .. ..1 4. ......I 1.. . W n'. ujd i1'- v"t ' -vu' Ae1'f( auuG if x'iViAi jit vr- aUire." ; s- " ' - '- vw- '' wi. ' ivw uoowt lo; lowtti l x ; -.j.Xi - -i xux..' ivd : uvu tnssi xx-s-Mxt1 . ('Hi.i ji'. .tv v.i iixrx L.cixf. j "iivvu Jivixc is a ti uJ xi! Uf - titf" x-.- lJ--- - y '. .(.'I 1 4u '. ' ,x 1. ..i yult v lVt tuX. t Jtti'. i.XJ ' .t i,J l" X'i t.'. ' X j,. .. lu.. ii. i' .rV'.V t Vi Xiril ' ilvu UxXi . ,'( e'yi-V- J'x pyi'i - ' ix- .(.) I -' llj.- 1 ' i i.-,u- t.. .1 ,iv i 1 y ey... i' ,'.K t'. W.r .i. t n Vt:.' ..xd 1 -..o'l' ! tl.i U'V a 1 . t:.t 1, ;,; tii l...-.',l..i i! i'l... i",.. -Lots w (j; .'!-. td ,v '.:''t XV'-' .' 'p a 'f . n j. i'r ;.:'' ' ; y j j,:..vt 'V I J ') ',.; t j'in f'.o i!'!'.-c at ..-r '';': e t'.e ,.y i' o.4' iiiif e'ntf (n ij '"11.-. A yi ).:Vt-t ;)f hi .uiiA) ll.iili : )'. t.r ; . '..; v.O'.'.yri't ();'; ..'f ; I i. -r t.'. y.J ,;.! if.) VK..,jij l,o b; l.vy t-tr V' vJ b) ixu. I ax old ttxuKu to bo four ix3xof X-r, ux (jiuut M'auduiollx aJuMiat, iixi 1 1.J1H.- acco u nxt ilcul of tiA' tyfiii. JX', paid'.n ux; J uiuel Lull ivo wlxt I i-nuA! ('tr." hit pot bu' baud XU S llLlki bay txl LttuK doui a silk ix d tlx! about U-i wi U'. x six yiUiui Uui bag tlx iMiix titiXuX ugiua pLiicUaUd liiu Xiil fcjiii, ue l.uiivJ U ciinl 0 jylil'li. lip Wtk il axl ii.ud. "ii IXytaX 'ji;ylgil i'.dliialiUX, ' Wxi'ijyl.l'yll natil. "J Uili '.Mpluiil i,lIlj.Mll"x' VVilloyV irl il(.4l it)..JjI I'li y.Ua holll I'll thu iX ' upUlu J.lJi!.)J)iXi dli il llliiiiixi' n't, C.Utlt llfi'ihulum. UuHti, Bun)' lii J V l.l-ll )L' IUJ Olil'.'il till! I 11 llllll l,nn ). '.I .i J.yll.b. i(f lillil lililll il y.i.k i-o f l-iul a liluf mil) ,Hm liljjl ryl.'liul.; J-rl.fc'd. J J CI V,iX lllll f i.;; yi; ,i'., I,.,t U j,. It!,:,.; J (ill i,J r. j VXJ ly fi ' 1,1)11,'' J'!:i.' builii .1 i,,l Jyl.n Xiiluli, ltl J)i jl.. )fll iij b) !;.' yl Jo. t ii( Jo-t ciijl ttu V:irh,u. en.J; "Ton b i',i v.. in Mf, JliUbiH'S i'flro!i f;!i'n.' I f vy iinuli uf rtu) J!fi. hi J'ylj b u.-, ,v y" riyld,)) V illi l..i.,l,bl.l . In. .J y',f ' the ' tit limit tu ih,Ii.J )ti)ijifi iiliii knew it was too In: been. But knowit. own life aslUf ulJ otbra. And it w:.i now. The cyn!'' hearted friend suJ: linage that wouln 'v- throne of his iuiJ'y of honor. "He is very ill' T-i rliiusr' Tin- old I;:' " J bol raved uiieiiMlin- "He 1 very Hi lis run not 11 vi"' "11, J I.Ukh Iur" '.9 etaluu-d. auU br p awhile she said V "hi you tblnif I IWould like to lout oa t Vor uiiBMk-r Jotif' ('tr' the 4.uliiiiiri am: ladv f.illoM ed itui at the Wasted f:' ' . . . . .i ..rf puis aiooo ii ui'iw-i thai) She put out a a-aS dou bad lioUel oi lvrt H WblUi and hsMiilif ! psisoiJ, awl so"." Jxad. Aa sue dbippwl buck, trf- Muit nim-li uKiiut--- gaaUluntu to uif Wj blx i;i;iij,lil '' 01 u;iuxllaiM",l ,J' ""i. pJlXliMl IllX il''." J W'iliil lUv :C ,j "Mil 0H leii t1! hlwJ'' J liyiihx u laiiitJ bii)-1 nil i-uju to ).lr j "s, I will nil r-'J "I It will wr1 1 IT know. Its, ii Judy pii il eii1' "' , win mil i- '"-- i .. i .... , i i . nin.'ii tuu LU'i "i'l , Xildxi (lltil J'l) IX IX' " "1 Im pllailxu' (,'i'flt," g1U kad erJ fliilt wim fui' t,',ufl V jni)' fU.iel trZ f am ai.el 1 u" 'iib!0iet TI.S lI-ii 'ie ' vr1 hfi ae.T) ,)'woli,J - '